Arbor Vitae - Sixth Edition

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Diamond Deposits in Antartica

Top 5 Medical Technology Innovation

What people demand from science 6th Edition | January 2014


EDITORIAL In 2013, a new report in the Journal of Patient Safety estimated American hospital deaths following adverse events at 210,000 to 440,000 per year. Most of the attention of the responsive "patient safety" movement has focused on errors of treatment, such as common medication errors and infections. Recent attention has been aimed at problems in diagnosis stemming from recognition that approximately 25% of all malpractice cases allege errors of diagnosis. In Indonesia, one case have managed to attract the attention of one nation; The Case of dr.Ayu For the last few months, the case of dr.Ayu has been highlighted by media in our televisions, newspapers, and social medias. The issue of medical ethics and laws also rise as the media highlight the case. Some say that the case was caused by the violation of medical ethics and some also say it was just criminalization conducted by the prosecutor. The question that remains now is: What is the function of medical laws and ethics? to protect the patient or to prosecute the doctor? I really hope you can find the answer of this question inside this edition of Arbor Vitae

! Cheers,

Ahmad Aulia Rizaly Editor-in-Chief

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ahmad Aulia Rizaly

ILLUSTRATOR Abelina Dini Fitria

PUBLICATION & PROMOTION Publication & Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia ’13/’14


Liswindio Apendicaesar


Adhitya S.R.

Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret


Universitas Indonesia

Rizal Haryanto


Jevonda Edria Bamitha

Universitas Tadulako

Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Kamajaya Mulyana


Reza Satria Halim

Maranatha Christian University

Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret

Mutia Aprilia Ningsih


Irwan Munandar San

Universitas Syiah Kuala

Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Laily Anna Diah A.S


Siti Harisah

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Universitas Syiah Kuala





Maria Wigati


Preciella Chandra

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Universitas Padjajaran

Wismoyo Indra


Rezky Fahnisa Amri

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Murwani Emarissa L.


Dilanny Puspita Sari

Universitas Sriwijaya

Maranatha Christian University

Muhammad Rizky


Risma Kurniasih

Universitas Syiah Kuala

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Claresta Nareswari


Regina Eda Tanjuan

Universitas Trisakti

Universitas Tarumanaga

Fadjriansyah Wahid


Libna Sabrina

Universitas Tadulako

Universitas Sriwijaya
































o many of us Indonesians lately have been sensitive enough regarding to issue of criminalisation towards Medical Doctors. Not enough being faced to many NGOs and some lawyers run around in hospitals to find medical cases they can aggravate by provoking the patients' family to sue the doctors for what God or Karma or Science does, now the Indonesian Criminal Court also goes unjust.


The story began when an obstetric patient died due to air embolism in the heart that then disrupted the flow of oxygen within the blood circulation of the patient. When patient came to the hospital, she was already pale and weak because she's pregnant and was about to give delivery already, the doctor then decided it's an emergency case and C-section was to be done ASAP. The air embolism was unknown (and is indeed impossible to be detected by anyhow). The possible mechanism of the air embolism itself also varied, but as a medical student we know it certainly that doctors are less likely to make mistakes when they placed fluid infusion to any patient. One of was probably it was due to the complication of condition of the patient itself that somehow might cause the air embolism. Surprisingly, even after the expert witness explained this to the court, The Indonesian Supreme Court still decided to prosecute the defendants, the doctors who tried their best and of course based on standard of operational procedure.

I've read the official document issued by the Supreme Court regarding to the sentences, and many of the statements there were rather irrational medically speaking, especially when it accused many of already right operational procedure performed in the case.

In the document, it was mentioned several possible reasons of why the defendants are guilty. The only appropriate and possible one for me to prosecute the Medical Doctors in the case is the Spurious Signature. However, it was clarified by some parties that the signature looked different because the patient had signed it as she was having contraction. THE MINIMUM WAG Nonetheless, be it ALREADY LOWER TH fake, I firmly believe EVERYONE DOESN'T then the case is not Malpractice, but merely legality of document. Not to mention that if the patient did not die, no matter wrong procedure would have been done would not get sued.


I don't have to say that it baffles me of how come in law procedure, the basis of prosecution uses "Or" indicating that the judges aren't certain of which really can criminalise the defendants. Well, I'm not a law student, and you can download & read the document yourself. But one thing for sure, in medicine, we cannot treat anyone when we still have assorted "maybe".

We must first rule out other differential diagnosis before we make decision because in science, everything must be certain. All are based on evidence, based on systematic observation, must be logically explainable.And that's how medical professional works. Many of our medical acquaintances express their sorry upon this case. They believe that it is unjust to “demand doctors to be God”.

In Indonesia, the minimum wage of doctors is already lower than labours and everyone doesn't seem to bother themselves with that. Not few of doctors live as GE OF DOCTORS IS middle-low class HAN LABOURS AND society. Doctors, T SEEM TO BOTHER even so, don't have much bargaining power to protest it, and striking isn't the culture of them, not to mention it's better to read textbooks when they have leisure time. But society doesn’t seem to care and now is pushing doctors even further.

However, on last November 27th was the first time ever in Indonesia that Medical Professionals came out of their comfort zone. Many strikes occurred in different cities throughout the country were done by Medical Doctors. It was not because of the money like labours had done, but because of unfairness of law that keeps criminalising the Medical Doctors.

I personally think that this is exactly what will always happen when it comes to battle between the humankind demand v.s. Science. Humankind tends to act irrationally when it comes to demand. They ask what they think right for them although it means against the logic. Meanwhile, science, although it is dynamics through new findings and discoveries, it tends to be attributively absolute. Certainty in science can only be changed when two different fields of science emphasise a certain scientific case through different approach, or changed when new ways or technologies are served to observe further. However once systemically discovered and proved, the logic cannot be refuted. But the thing is, that's what distinguishes common civilians and the doctors. Just like how Astrophysicists cannot be understood by other people when they speak scientific cosmology and hence may be accused as blasphemers. Doctors speak doctor. Doctors speak science. Doctors speak law of biologic nature that God or Universe creates. But people always wish for different things, wish to be against the law of nature, wish to defy e v e r y s c i e n t i fi c e x p l a n a t i o n i n accordance with their own expectations. And there are also times when even Medical Doctors, despite knowing the science, become the same as common civilians because when science speaks the truth, we all just know that it hurts. And we just don't like it, and thus we deny it.

After all, this case shows that indeed the existence of God is very important. People need God every time. People need God to grant their wish although it means against nature. However, it turns out people's faith is in fact very shallow. People hope for other humans to be God, and then demand these other humans to always give what they ask. And when they are disappointed to find out that these other humans are not God at all, they sue them. Perhaps human being is the only creature who foolishly tends to act opposing the way of how Universe works. Perhaps the opposite of Nature is human.




Rizal Ha





“ urikulum yang disajikan dalam pendidikan kedokteran telah mengalami beberapa perubahan. Setiap universitas yang menyediakan Fakultas Kedokteran di dalamnya telah turut serta berpartisipasi dalam mengatur kurikulum tersebut sedemikan rupa sehingga menghasilkan sebuah kurikulum yang dianggap sesuai untuk kondisi mahasiswa di universitas yang bersangkutan. Berbagai sub bidang ditawarkan dalam kurikulum tersebut sehingga diharapkan mampu menghasilkan dokter yang profesional. Puluhan ribu dokter telah dicetak di Indonesia, namun apakah kaum pendidik dan pemerintah melihat sebenarnya masalah apakah yang sering terlewatkan dalam pendidikan mereka yang luar biasa hebat dan padatnya itu? Yah, ada berbagai macam fenomena yang sering nampak dalam kehidupan rumah sakit


khususnya bagi seorang dokter misalnya seorang pasien datang dengan riwayat infeksi saluran pernapasan dengan riwayat faktor resiko pasien tersebut adalah seorang perokok berat lalu dokter tersebut meminta pada pasien tersebut untuk berusaha berhenti merokok, namun pada kenyataanya dokter tersebut juga adalah seorang perokok aktif. Kasus lain adalah seorang dokter umum ataupun seorang dokter ahli yang mengajarkan tentang bagaimana membuat komunikasi yang baik dengan pasien, tetapi di saat yang bersamaan saat dokter tersebut berkomunikasi dengan pasien, dia menunjukkan mimik wajah yang kurang menyenangkan ataupun menggunakan guyonan yang dapat menyinggung pasien. Apakah kurikulum dalam dunia pendidikan kedokteran sudah terlalu penuh untuk memasukkan

mata kuliah mengenai etika dan moralitas kedokteran? Apakah seseorang yang sudah belajar di Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter sudah mengetahui apa yang benar, apa yang salah, apa yang sesuai dan tidak sesuai? Kemudian apakah mereka juga mengetahui apa yang pantas untuk dilakukan dan tidak pantas untuk dilakukan? Ketika kita berbicara tentang etika dan moralitas maka kita akan berbicara tentang apa yang sesuai untuk dilakukan, tanggung jawab, hak, dan keputusan yang terbaik untuk dilakukan. Sejak awal hubungan manusia terbentuk, sudah dikenal yang namanya kepercayaan antara dua insan, antara pria dan wanita, antara orangtua dan anak, dan antara dokter dan pasien. Namun dalam membentuk kepercayaan diperlukan komunikasi dan sikap yang baik antara penyampai dan penerima pesan sehingga kepercayaan akan terbangun dengan kuat dan dapat bertahan. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana membentuk sikap yang sesuai? Makna kata sesuai terlalu luas untuk dipahami tetapi pada intinya sesuai adalah kecocokan. Perasaan sesuai atau cocok akan lahir ketika ada tanggung jawab, kebaikan, nilai-nilai kemanusiaan terkandung dalam komunikasi tersebut. Di dalam dunia praktek kedokteran, kita tidak akan memperhatikan keterampilan maupun keahlian khusus seseorang sebab beberapa pertanyaan lain mudah untuk dijawab. Melakukan reposisi fraktur simpel dan melakukan penjahitan pada luka robek hanya memberi tantangan

kecil bagi dokter yang sudah berpengalaman dalam melakukan hal tersebut. Namun disisi lain selalu ada pertentangan dalam beberapa prosedur penanganan penyakit walaupun penyakit yang ditangani bersifat umum. Beberapa kondisi etis mudah dijawab oleh beberapa dokter disebabkan banyaknya contoh dalam menghadapi situasi tersebut. Namun pertanyaan sederhana akan jauh menjadi lebih sulit ketika selalu ada keraguan dalam pengambilan suatu keputusan. Sebagai contohnya seorang wanita berusia 16 tahun telah hamil di luar nikah kemudian dalam waktu yang bersamaan ia mengidap penyakit HIV. Saat hendak melakukan terminasi kehamilan tentunya akan selalu banyak pertimbangan yang dipikirkan oleh seorang dokter kemudian apakah tindakan yang akan dilakukan dianggap etis dalam wilayah kerja setempat? Belajar mengenai etika & moralitas dalam profesi kedokteran merupakan salah satu cara untuk menyiapkan mahasiswa kedokteran dalam menjawab berbagai pertanyaan dan situasi sulit, kemudian mereka akan melaluinya dengan cara yang benar sesuai dengan prinsip yang rasional. Belajar mengenai hal ini juga akan mengajarkan seorang dokter untuk mengenali hak dan kewajiban mereka serta hak dan kewajiban pasien, tentunya dengan berbagi pertimbangan yang rasional dan sesuai dengan perundangundangan yang berlaku dalam wilayah/ negara bersangkutan. Berbagai sumpah dalam deklarasi yang dicetuskan dalam dunia medis merupakan sebuah cerminan tentang tingginya singgungan

Kedokteran merupakan bagian daripada ilmu dan seni. Basis inilah yang menunjukkan jalan seseorang masingmasing bagaimana ia akan menjadi seorang dokter yang profesional dan ideal. Tentunya antara seorang dokter dengan dokter yang lain memiliki cara penanganan yang berbeda namun tetap mengikuti protap yang ada sebagai bagian dari ketaatan seorang dokter sebagai warga dari negara hukum. Meninjau etika kedokteran sendiri, sebenarnya tidak ada perubahan pada prinsip dasar dari etika kedokteran itu sendiri tentang bagaimana seorang dokter memutuskan terapi terbaik yang akan diberikan pada pasiennya dengan atau tanpa izin dari pasiennya dalam kondisi tertentu. Namun begitu meskipun dokter memiliki hak untuk menentukan apa yang terbaik bagi pasiennya namun seorang dokter juga memiliki kewajiban untuk menjaga hak otonomi pasiennya saat pasiennya hendak menentukan terapi untuk dirinya sendiri. Hingga pada akhirnya dokter memiliki tanggung jawab yang begitu luas terhadap Tuhan, teman sejawat, pasien, keluarga pasien, instansi yang terkait dan terhadap dirinya sendiri. Oleh sebab itu sangat dibutuhkan adanya proses pendidikan terhadap etika

kedokteran sendiri sedini mungkin sehingga pada akhirnya mahasiswa kedokteran dapat memutuskan ia hendak menjadi dokter seperti apa nantinya. Yah, mungkin kita tidak bisa menempatkannya sebagai salah satu mata kuliah dalam kurikulum yang seabrek ini tetapi bukan berarti kita tidak bisa mengajarkannya kepada mahasiswa kedokteran ataupun mengajarkan kepada teman sejawat kita tentang etika kedokteran, sebuah nilai abstrak namun merupakan poin awal yang penting dalam membangun kepercayaan khususnya kepercayaan pasien terhadap dokter. Etika akan selalu menjadi komponen yang penting dalam praktek pengobatan. Prinsip-prinsip dalam etika seperti menghargai orang, tujuan yang jelas, dan confidentiality akan selalu menjadi dasar dalam hubungan dokterpasien, meskipun pada kenyataan di lapangan bahwa prinsip tersebut akan selalu menjadi problematis karena dokter, pasien, dan keluarga pasien serta profesi kesehatan lain mungkin tidak setuju terhadap tindakan yang sebenarnya benar dilakukan pada situasi tertentu.



nilai-nilai moral dan etika dalam kehidupan seorang dokter. Profesi inilah yang akan selalu melihat pentingnya nilainilai kehidupan kemasyarakatan kemudian dekatnya profesi ini terhadap berharganya kehidupan seseorang tentunya akan semakin memperbesar resiko profesi ini terhadap nilai etik dan hukum dalam sebuah komunitas.





P U B L I C H E A LT H by Kamajaya Mulyana

NAME Indira Kalyana Makes NICK NAME Indi PLACE & DATE OF BIRTH Jakarta, February 11 1994 EDUCATION Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Batch of 2012


ACHIEVEMENTS - Sekolah Pelita Harapan International Soccer Team – Most Valuable Player (2009) - Sekolah Pelita Harapan International – Piano Student of the Year (2010) - Sekolah Pelita Harapan International Academic Awards – INDONESIAN LITERATURE AWARD (2011) - Sekolah Pelita Harapan International Academic Awards – BIOLOGY AWARD (2011 and 2012) - Sekolah Pelita Harapan International Academic Awards – CHEMISTRY AWARD (2012)

Q: How did you prepare for the election? And what have you learned from the election? A: I have to say that the biggest preparation for the election was finding my motivation and making sure that running for the APH is something that I really want. I realised that APH is more than just a title, but it is a commitment. Upon this realisation, I told myself that I have to be completely sure that this is something I want to do. After I have made my final decision, I guess everything else just fell into place. The most important thing I have learned from the election is that increasing awareness of public health requires an approach that is target-based; in this case, I simplified the concepts and facts about my health campaign topic, leukaemia, into media forms that the public can easily access and understand.

Q: Why would you like to be an APH? How will the APH experiences help you in your future? A: I wanted to be an APH because I want to be able to lead others in making a difference in Indonesian Public Health. The Indonesian Public Health is a big target to reach out to, thus, it is important that there are movements encouraging both medical students and the general public to take action. I believe that being an APH will enrich me with experiences in leading others, in being a representative in public health events, as well as simply being involved and reaching out the public.

Q: Having just endorsed as an APH AMSA-Indonesia, what’s your opinion about public health itself and what’s your opinion and assessment of the Indonesian Public Health? A: I think public health is something that people generally know about, including its importance and the problems associated it, but it is often overlooked. People only know the surface of things but they do not necessarily have the desire to take action, especially if they themselves do not have any personal attachment to the problems related to the public health. The Indonesian Public Health, in relation to the WHO goals and MDG, is progressing, but there are still prevalent health concerns, for example HIV/AIDS, Hypertension and Maternal Health – and this is where we all could step in and create a change.

Q: Do you think there are things that must be fixed on the Indonesian public health? A: My previous explanation also applies to condition the Indonesian Public Health, as many of Indonesians are aware of the issues of public health, but unfortunately not all of them apply the knowledge they have into action. This calls for the role of the younger generations, such as the medical students, to help transform the knowledge into action, step by step, and in the end improving the general Indonesian Public Health.

Q: What do you think you can bring to AMSA-Indonesia and Indonesian society? A: I believe that with the help of my fellow APHs, we could together bring enthusiasm within AMSA-Indonesia, and with this enthusiasm, together we all can take action and reach out to the general public in regards to improving the Indonesian Public Health. Start from within, building the enthusiasm among AMSA-Indonesia members and surely this will radiate.

Q: Why did you choose to be active in medical student organisation? And why did you choose AMSA? A: I chose to be active in medical student organisation because I believe that the profession of a medical doctor requires good relationships with other doctors. I specifically chose AMSA because it is an organisation with a philosophy that is very well upheld; knowledge, action and friendship. I believe that three things together form a very well coverage of what medical students should be experiencing, as well as what is needed as a contribution to the public health.

Q: How do you manage your time in between studying and doing organisation work? A: I keep an agenda that keeps track of my upcoming activities, such as events and exams. This way, I can plan how I spend my time weeks in advance, completing tasks when I am not occupied, so that not everything is clumped at a certain period of time. This seems ideal, but in reality, I sometime suffer from procrastination and end up being very busy at a certain period of time and when this happens – oh well, I just have to deal with it.

Q: Tell us about your activities outside of school. What have you gained from these activities? A: Honestly, ever since I started going to medical school, my life is pretty much occupied with academics, medical students organisations events, and social work (Baksos and such) – so I am not going to talk about that. One of the other activities that I have been focusing lately is exercising, I go to the gym pretty often to exercise and this plays a significant role in balancing my other activities. Exercising makes me happy and motivated, sometimes I just need to go the gym before I start studying for my exam just because it makes me feel better. Plus, it keeps me healthy and allows me to make new friends in the gym.

Q: What have you done that you are most proud of? A: I have to say that running for APH is by far what I am most proud of. I was able to learn so much from the election, and I look forward to learning more and more with my fellow APHs. But I know for sure, this is just the beginning – the upcoming months will be full of challenges and hopefully, success, too. I hope that at end, I will also be able to say that being an APH is the thing I am most proud of.

Q: Who is the person who has had the greatest influence on your life? A: My dad. He is the person who has always been the motivating figure in my life. His principle is that, the talents you are blessed with should be used maximally in the hopes of gaining more, both for the benefits of self-contentment but more importantly to be an influence in the lives of others. This is a principle I live by – always giving everything my absolute best.

Q: What's your life motto and what does it mean? A: My life motto would be: “Learn from Yesterday; Live for Today, Hope for Tomorrow.” I love how this covers everything, the past, the present and the future – indicating how precious each second is, and that no time should be wasted, and you can always do something, no matter how small. This combined, is in line with my principle of giving my absolute best, because when I decide to use each second I am blessed with, then that’s a good start in giving my absolute best, and the rest, accompanied by hard work and motivation, will follow.


Shiny Serambi Mekkah from





m Northern Tip of Sumatera


mad Rizky




anda Aceh, the capital city of Aceh Province, located in northernmost of Indonesia. This city was devastated in Indian Ocean Earthquake & Tsunami, on December, 26th 2004, which more than 140.000 people was killed and many infrastructures was destructed. Now, 9 years after the disaster, Banda Aceh is moving forward by becoming tourism destination, for who want to feel the true power of nature.


PLTD Apung 1

Grand Mosque of Baiturrahman is located in the centre of Banda Aceh. It is of a great significance for the people of Aceh as the symbol of strong Islamic faith and culture. This mosque has survived the devastating tsunami in 2004.

A 2.600 tons electric generator, was the proof of might power of tsunami wave. This vessel-like shape was brought almost 3 km from the sea by the wave and landed above people houses. Because of difficulties to bring it back to where it was located before, government has decided to turn it into as tourism spot. A park and many souvenirs shop have built around this place.

Aceh tsunami museum This 2.500 m2 four stories building, has tidal wave-shaped like, representing the tsunami wave. Visitors can enter the building from a narrow-dark path between 2 wall of falling water to feel the noise and panic when disaster happened. In the building, watch the video simulation, photos taken during the reconstruction, and also historical things which left by the earthquake and tsunami waves.

laMPUUK BEACH Natural panoramic beauty of the beach becomes the magnet for the tourist. White sand that lies on the beach makes it more gorgeous. Besides that, tourists who come there can also swimming, sunbathing, fishing, sailing, surfing, and even diving while enjoying the beauty of its underwater.




lampuuk beach



Jevonda Edr



dria Bamitha




owadays, not many people visit Jakarta for its malls. People say that going for a walk in malls is mainstream, too boring, or for people who are from other big cities, I quote “It’s such an unnecessary thing because we also have malls in our city”. I’m feeling so artsy today, and I’m sure not all of us have really travelled around Jakarta fully. That is why I’m going to introduce Jakarta’s precious colonial treasure: Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. ‘Twas for the sake of entertainment! Gedung Kesenian Jakarta was built in 1814 by the suggestion of the British Batavia (now Jakarta) Governor, Sir Stamford Raffles. He figured that the British troops that time would need a source of entertainment. Gedung Kesenian Jakarta at Raffles’ time was poor in structure. It can only hold up to 250 people. It served well for his main reason, though. Well it is entertainment in the time of wars; a little fun means a lot. Why not, right? Going through the centuries Gedung Kesenian Jakarta was deemed not up to par with other opera or art buildings. The Dutch came and demolished it just to rebuild it again. In the Dutch’s time, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta was redesigned into the popular Neo-Greek and Rococo architecture. The name was changed into Schouwburg, which means ‘Theatre Building’ in Dutch. It was opened in December 1821, and since then has been a theatre building for many shows for approximately one century.

After 1945, the building was still used for shows, but sadly its condition was not really good. That’s why on 1968 when the Pusat Kesenian Jakarta Taman Ismail Marzuki was built and opened, all the programs shown on GKJ were moved there. After a period of time when the building was rented out for Indian movies and Chinese movies, Governor R Suprapto suggested that the government renovates the building. However, they didn’t really change the exterior architectural design. Until now, the interior of Gedung Kesenian Jakarta is constantly renovated to adapt with the current style of theatre buildings. What’s on? Gedung Kesenian Jakarta has a lot (I mean it, a lot) going on these days. Usually people use the building for recitals, theatre plays, and concerts, even circus! I remember watching Compagnie L’Immédiat, an indoor circus from France. It was amazing how a theatre building can hold this sort of thing, and I don’t need to mention now that this building has hold so many other international shows. Now you know that the next time you visit Jakarta, there is a place for art lovers, even from the past!



K I D S T H E S E D AY S Reflecting on PISA 2012

by Adhitya S Ramadianto

ere you a happy student back in high school? If ‘yes’, you are not going to run out of company anytime soon. According to PISA 2012, the result of which was just released in December 2013, Indonesia has the highest percentage of happy students: an overwhelming 96% of Indonesian students surveyed agreed with the statement ‘I feel happy at school’, in contrast to Korea with only 60% (I guess the 40% prefer to spend their time under the plastic surgeon’s knife).


can ace. Turned out I cannot be more wrong. PISA tests for basic concepts and their applications in real life problems. The questions and results are then classified into 6 levels, Level 1 being the easiest questions with obvious answers while Level 6 requires abstract thinking and extrapolations. These questions reflect the skills needed to attain further education as well as to participate fully in the modern society. Still not buying it? Try the sample test here: http://

I do not have access to the full results, so I will not be reading into the PISA results too much; although we still have to remember that happiness is reality minus expectation. Maybe our students simply stopped expecting anything out of the education system. Sad, but since happiness is subjective anyway, we’ll let them be for now. What comes next is not so fun.

More bad news: three-quarters of Indonesian students does not even attain L e v e l 2 m a t h p r o fi c i e n c y , w h i c h according to the PISA websites only requires “no more than direct inference”, and practically none achieved Level 6. That means our students are struggling to decide which one of the following number is the smallest: 1.79, 1.796, 1.82, 1.783; or calculating average speed and converting metric units.

Apparently, our happy all-smiles Indonesian students rank 64th out of 65 countries in the math portion of the triennial Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey. Our score of 375 is way below the average 494, putting us in the same level with Colombia, Qatar, and Peru. If this were a school cafeteria, we are definitely not sitting with the cool kids.

This should be a loud wake-up call for all Indonesians. We sing praises to our homeland for providing us with everlasting prosperity - tempat berlindung di hari tua, sampai akhir menutup mata but this survey paints a much darker future of a generation that may not be able to support itself, let alone to support the older and younger generations.

At first, I wanted to brush this result off, thinking it was just probably another useless math test with no direct real world applicability, the kind that only overachievers with overly-Asian parents

Our destiny is not carved into stone yet. Students may catch up to become top achievers later, or even the average performers may grow into successful adults. Nevertheless, when the top-

ranking countries cannot afford to be complacent, we are forbidden from not feeling insecure. We have to acknowledge the challenge of improving, if not overhauling, our education system – which will take quite some time.

that to the (lack of) appreciation for those who are performing well academically. We are glorifying child stars who put up a shameless act of cuteness, forgetting that cuteness will not get anyone anywhere that actually matters.

In the meantime, we can help by starting small: changing our mindsets. First of all, the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is unbelievably cool. Why? Because they basically permeate our modern life. There is not a single person on this Blue Planet who has never felt the ‘magical’ work of advances in STEM. In fact, mankind itself has been changed by STEM. If you have never seen a smallpox patient, you can thank medical scientists for that. If you are lounging in bed, watching cat videos on YouTube through wi-fi connection, you are enjoying the accumulation of countless scientific advances decades in the making. If you think businesses make money, remember that it is STEM that actually creates and promotes businesses. STEM is what got USA and Japan, among other countries, at the front of the pack.

Last, I’ll adapt Mark Twain for this one: never let your schooling interfere with your education. In the ideal world, the school is a place for quality education. Sadly, Indonesian education is doing a sprint away from such ideal, instead of towards it. Therefore, we have to remember that school is not the only source of education. Kids are curious, their inquisitive minds are always hungry for more; we need to direct them appropriately. Get in touch with nature, do simple experiments, explore the Great Library of the Internet, whatever pleases them. Schoolteachers are not the only teachers a child can have. Who knows, we may be nurturing the next Max Planck, Richard Dawkins, EO Wilson, or Francis Crick.

Second, set our eyes on the future and get our priorities straight: being educated and gaining knowledge is important. It may seem obvious to you, but you just need to tune in to Indonesian television channels to see where that statement comes from. I’ll be straightforward here: we are encouraging our children to be stupid and we give no incentive for them to become smarter. Look at the cheers people give to young kids participating in the tonic-clonic Goyang Cesar; contrast

The modern world is changing fast everyday with STEM as its locomotive. Indonesia should get its act together so that we are ready to benefit from it and, better yet, contribute towards this worldwide trend. We, as medical students in AMSA, are already in a great place to start, so I am definitely looking forward to our own achievements and masterpieces. The next decades are the time for us to shine.


Diamond Depos


Irwan Mun


sit in Antartica


nandar San


he researchers have identified a type of rock in the permanently frozen region that is known to contain the precious stones. However recovering any Antarctic mineral resources for commercial purposes is currently forbidden. The research is published in the journal Nature Communications. Diamonds are formed from pure carbon under extreme heat and pressure at depths of about 150km in the Earth's crust. Volcanic eruptions bring the valuable crystals to the surface, usually preserved in another type of bluish rock called kimberlite. The presence of kimberlite has been a clue to significant deposits of diamonds in several parts of the world, including Africa, Siberia and Australia. Now researchers have, for the first time, found evidence of kimberlite in Antarctica. A type of rock called kimberlite, which often contains diamonds has been found in Antarctica, hinting at mineral riches in the icy continent where mining is banned. No diamonds have been found yet, but if they are, they might look a little like diamond crystal, found in South Africa The team found three samples on the slopes of Mount Meredith in the northern Prince Charles Mountains. "The fact they are reporting Group One kimberlites is an important one as diamonds are more likely to be found in this style of kimberlite eruption," said Dr Teal Riley, a survey geologist with the British Antarctic

Survey. "However even amongst the Group One kimberlites, only 10% or so are economically viable, so it's still a big step to extrapolate this latest finding to any diamond mining activity in Antarctica." Even if diamonds were plentiful in this inhospitable region, there are still some significant legal barriers to their extraction. Even if diamonds were plentiful in this inhospitable region, there are still some significant legal barriers to their extraction. The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, added in 1991, explicitly bans any extraction activity relating to mineral resources, except for scientific purposes. However it is up for review in 2041 and could be subject to change. "We do not know what the Treaty Parties' views will be on mining after 2041 or what technologies might exist that could make extraction of Antarctic minerals economically viable," said Dr Kevin Hughes from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. "An additional issue is that nations outside the Protocol are not bound by its provisions, including the ban on mineral resource activities."

People will flocking to Antarctica to mine diamonds any time soon as the continent is protected by a treaty that preserves it for scientific research and wildlife.



After The C


Wismoyo Ind




dra Zoelman

TYPHOON HAIYAN // ACEH TSUNAMI yphoon Haiyan braved some countries such as the Philippines, Vietnam and China. However, the most severe in the Philippines. The United Nations estimates that about 10.000 people have been killed after a typhoon hit the water and waves more than five meters on Friday (08/11/13). Official data refer to the Philippine government has now been found 5.250 deaths (24/11/13).


As additional knowledge, Typhoon Haiyan known as Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, was an exceptionally powerful tropical cyclone. Haiyan is also the strongest storm recorded at landfall and unofficially the strongest typhoon ever recorded in terms of wind speed. Philippines Typhoon Haiyan rumoured to have the power like the tsunami in Aceh

in 2004. Haiyan is the most devastating typhoon that hit the Philippines. There are thousands of buildings destroyed by the brunt of the high winds. Meanwhile, 600.000 people homeless. Why these two disasters proper to comparison ? The first cause is the loss caused. Philippines typhoon killed at least 10,000 people. Sights in Tacloban City which is very similar to cyclone affected in view of Aceh after the tsunami slammed. Flattened homes and uprooted trees. Aceh tsunami triggered by a magnitude 9,1 earthquake that occurred in the subduction zone off the coast of west Sumatra. The earthquake triggered a tsunami that reportedly reach 30 meters On the other hand, the disaster in the Philippines triggered by Typhoon Haiyan that the drift velocity reaches 310 km/h.

The storm triggered unusual ocean waves with a height of 2 meters. In some places, the wave height can be up to 6 meters. Typhoon Haiyan and tsunami synchronised because of its magnitude. The earthquake that triggered the tsunami is one of the largest in the last century. Typhoon Haiyan was recorded as the strongest and most deadly hurricanes this year. Water hit neighbourhoods around the coast and uproot trees. Typhoon Haiyan triggers " tsunami " that harms the same as December 26, 2004 earthquake that triggered a deadly tsunami. Relief agencies estimate the total cost of damage is 35 billion Philippine pesos, roughly $810 million. There is some positive news one month after the tragedy : Many students have returned to schools, though most of them are at temporary buildings because schools are being used as shelters to house storm victims. On Friday, the World Bank approved $500 million to help the Philippine government in short-term recovery and reconstruction. It is also providing help in designing houses and buildings that can withstand super typhoons and earthquakes. The U.N.'s progress report shows how far the region has to go to recover from Typhoon Haiyan. Experts estimate that it will take years to restore infrastructure and rebuild the community in Tacloban.



Rezky Fah



hnisa Amri

ajid al-Majid, al-Qaeda's commander in Lebanon, has died in custody in a Beirut hospital�, Lebanon's army says.


The Saudi, who led the Abdullah Azzam Brigades and was on Saudi Arabia's mostwanted-terrorists list, was arrested in Lebanon recently.An army general told Associated Press the militant died of kidney failure.The group has carried out attacks across the Middle East and claimed a bomb attack on Iran's Beirut embassy in November that killed 23 people.The Iranian cultural attache was among the dead. A Lebanese army statement said Majid al-Majid died in a military hospital in Beirut on Saturday, as he was receiving m e d i c a l treatment.Security sources said he had gone into a coma suffering from kidney failure.He was believed to have required dialysis for the condition.It was only on Friday that the Lebanese authorities said that DNA tests had confirmed his identity. Defence Minister Fayez Ghosn earlier confirmed the commander was being held by army intelligence in Beirut and was "being interrogated in secret". He refused to say when and how the arrest took place.However, a Lebanese security source told the Reuters news agency that

he had been captured with another Saudi militant and had been living in the southern city of Sidon. Based in both Lebanon and the Arabian Peninsula, the group is named after a Palestinian jihadist ideologue who recruited mujahideen for the fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The group has attracted hardline Islamist militants who fought in the Iraqi insurgency and has based itself in the Ein el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp, near Sidon.The US designated the group a terrorist organisation in 2012, freezing its assets.November's Iranian embassy bombing was believed to be its first major attack.Iran and the Hezbollah militant group are allied with the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Media reports said Majid al-Majid had pledged allegiance to the leader of the alNusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate seeking to overthrow President Assad. After the Iran embassy bombing, a Salafist cleric close to the Brigades warned attacks would continue in Lebanon until Iranian and Hezbollah forces stopped fighting alongside government forces in Syria, and the Sunni group's prisoners were released in Lebanon.




Mutia Apri



ilia Ningsih


egitu banyak isu-isu dunia yang banyak dibahas dan diperbincangkan dalam berbagai sektor. Dalam bidang kesehatan sendiri itu ada beberpa seperti MDGs, kriminalisasi dokter, Universal Health Coverage, dan isu umum tapi cukup member dampak yang begitu besar bagi sektor kesehatan itu ada AFTA. Nah, yang saya akan bahas di artikel ini adalah AFTA. Apa itu AFTA? AFTA atau kepanjangan dari ASEAN Free Trade Agreement. ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) merupakan wujud dari kesepakatan dari negara-negara ASEAN untuk membentuk suatu kawasan bebas perdagangan dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi kawasan regional ASEAN dengan menjadikan ASEAN sebagai basis produksi dunia serta menciptakan pasar regional bagi 500 juta penduduknya. AFTA dibentuk pada waktu Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) ASEAN ke IV di Singapura tahun 1992. ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) merupakan wujud dari kesepakatan dari negara-negara ASEAN untuk membentuk suatu kawasan bebas perdagangan dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi kawasan regional ASEAN dengan menjadikan ASEAN sebagai basis produksi dunia. AFTA memang lebih berfokus pada aspek perekonomian dan perdagangan namun aspek lain seperti pendidikan, pertanian, perikanan, penerbangan, tenaga kerja, bahkan aspek kesehatan sendiripun akan melibatkan bidang perekonomian pasar

bebas dalam persaingan kualitas dan kuantitas. Jadi dengan adanya implementasi dari AFTA ini akan membuat suatu negara di Asia Tenggara bebas memperdagangkan produk bebas bea dan memasukkan tenaga kerja mereka atau mengambil tenaga kerja dari negara lain yang masih dalam kawasan Asia Tenggara itu sendiri. Bagi sektor kesehatan, khususnya tenaga dokter, dan kita semua mahasiswa kedokteran yang nantinya akan menjadi seorang praktisi kesehatan harus waspada dengan adanya isu ini. Bagaimana tidak, terkadang bersaing di dalam negeri dengan sesama penduduk pribumi pun kita masih kesulitan apalagi harus dipaparkan terhadap persaingan dengan negara lain. Dan sebenarnya begitu banyak tenaga dokter yang ada di Indonesia hanya saja pendistribusiannya yang tidak merata, terutama di daerahdaerah pedalaman dan terpencil yang sebenarnya banyak yang membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan. Pun kualitas rumah sakit, fasilitas dan pelayanan tidak sesuai dengan kepuasan masyarakat, ditambah lagi dengan biaya-biaya rumah sakit, rawat inap, konsultasi dan obat yang mahal membuat mereka semakin malas untuk datang berobat. Yang lebih menyedihkan adalah berkunjung ke negara tetangga untuk mendapatkan pelayanan pengobatan yang menurut mereka lebih memuaskan dan kalaupun mahal sesuai dengan apa yang didapat. Menurut sumber yang saya baca, jumlah fakultas kedokteran di Indonesia itu lebih kurang 72. Dengan dominasi oleh fakultas

kedokteran swasta dan tidak menutup kemungkinan menjadi lahan bisnis bagi universitas/fakultas itu sendiri. Dan apakah kuantitas lulusan dari fakultas kedokteran seluruh Indonesia sama dengan kualitasnya, itu patut dipertanyakan, ditinjau, dikaji dan ditindaklanjuti. Apabila terjadi peningkatan kuantitas sementara kualitas para dokter terus menurun, serta sedikitnya dokter yang mengabdi ke daerah-daerah terpencil, maka yang akan terjadi adalah tenaga asing akan dengan mudahnya bebas masuk ke Indonesia, mengisi rumah sakit-rumah sakit besar hingga ke area puskesmas daerah terpencil dengan membawa fasilitas yang lebih canggih dan member tarif pelayan yang murah. Atau malah dokter-dokter yang berkualitas dengan penawaran pendapatan yang lebih tinggi oleh negara tetangga dan menerima tawaran itu, menetap di sana. Jika itu terjadi, maka kuantitas dokter yang berkualitas di Indonesia pun semakin menurun. Tidak menutup kemungkinan dokter-dokter yang tidak mampu bersaing dan kurang terpakai akan menambah jumlah pengangguran. Dan yang lebih buruk, kedatangan dokter asing ke Indonesia ini terkadang bukan orang yang nomer satu di negaranya atau kualitasnya sama atau bahkan tidak lebih baik dengan dokter di negara kita bisa dengan bebas masuk tanpa ada internship dan PTT seperti untuk dokter di dalam negeri dan langsung bekerja di rumah sakit besar mengalahkan dan mengambil jatah dokter kita. Mungkin mereka tidak bisa mengubah sistem dan peraturan terselenggarakannya AFTA di Indonesia tapi mereka dapat dengan bebas member

fasilitas canggih dan pelayanan yang lebih memuaskan yang akan lebih menarik minat masyarakat Indonesia. Tapi, selain dampak negatif dari AFTA tentu ada banyak dampak positif juga. Misalnya dokter-dokter Indonesia bisa ke negara tetangga untuk belajar lagi, pun sebalikanya. Menerapkan beberapa hal dari negara tetangga untuk pelayanan medis, bisa berbagi fasilitas lagi dan banyak lagi. Dan ini perlu diantisipasi dan ditinjau ulang untuk proses implementasi AFTA itu sendiri agar tidak merugikan pihak bangsa Indonesia yang bisa terancam akan terusir dari tanah sendiri. Untuk itu sangat perlu untuk mempersiapkan strategi mulai dari kurikulum, standar kompetensi dan fasilitas pendidikan dan tenaga pengajar agar negara Indonesia mampu menghasilkan lulusan dokter yang berkualitas yang tidak berorientasi pada gelar tapi pada pengabdian yang tulus yang tidak kalah saing dengan negara ASEAN dan dunia.



LORDE by Reza Satria Halim


hat teenager, now 17, is Ella YelichO’Connor, from the suburbs of Auckland, New Zealand, who records as Lorde. In her hit “Royals,” she sings about middle-class kids bombarded by music-video fantasies of bling and luxury but responding, “That kind of luxe just ain’t for us.” It’s palatial-sounding pop that doesn’t condescend to listeners of any age. The song and her debut album brought Lorde four Grammy nominations, including song of the year, although she was inexplicably denied a fifth, for best new artist.


She said. “Teenagers are more complex than people think,”. She released “Royals” in November 2012 as part of a free EP that could be downloaded from music and social-media sites, it spread worldwide, as Lorde and her producer, Joel Little, worked on her debut album, “Pure Heroine,” which was released in September. The music is a collaboration, the words are all hers, and, she said, “I think that half of the album, he has no idea to this day what I’m talking about.”

Lorde’s lyrics touch on suburban boredom, peer pressure, drinking, getting snubbed and how “maybe the Internet raised us.” It has no simple love songs, a deliberate choice: “Some people love writing about that, and that’s fine. But I personally haven’t found a way to do it yet which is innovative and feels new to me.”She doesn’t disdain pop, she has praised the Miley Cyrus hit “Wrecking Ball.” “I’m a pop princess at heart,” she said. Yet her own pop raises the stakes. “Pop is about distilling what you want to say and making it easy. And the way I write isn’t about making things easy,” she said. “It’s a weird juxtaposition.” Lorde maintains tight control over the ways she is packaged and presented. The week before Christmas, she was directing the production for her next tour, in March, and planning her next video clip. “I would like to think that my public persona comes naturally to me and isn’t that dissimilar to my real way of doing things,” she said. “I’ve turned down easily tens of millions of dollars doing what I do

and saying no to things that I think are corny.” Although her Medusa cascade of wavy hair has become a trademark, Lorde doesn’t flirt in songs or videos; she often stares straight at the camera, calmly confrontational. She is mightily aware of stereotypes she is setting aside. “The phrase ‘teen hottie’ literally makes me want to throw up,” she said. The video for her current single, “Team,” is based on “the idea of an outsider experiencing this world that is inhabited by teens, and seeing it like someone on the outside would see it and then getting more and more involved,” she said. “I’m trying to make something people my age will care about, trying to keep my peers feeling like I’m doing something for them or representing them in some way.” Her message is “about strength and about power,” she said. “I would like them to think that the sky’s the limit, that there’s really not anything you can’t do. After all, I’m from New Zealand. This shouldn’t happen to people like me.”

D J E A RWO R M by Dilanny Puspita Sari

or like four years, I've been keeping my eyes on DJ Earworm's mash up of 25 US chart-toppers songs. His series of 25 chart-toppers mash ups is titled United States of Pop


awesome! What lights up the fantasy theme is my personal favourite of this year, welcoming to the new age with the boom of his bass drum, Imagine Dragon's Radioactive, and Lorde's Royal.

What i love most bout DJ Earworm aka Jordan Rockman mash ups is that he awesomely brings up together certain parts of those songs, and come up with awesomely new meaningful song, with really fun beat. Isn’t that wonderful? I mean like, how the hell you put lyrics from different artists, different genres, different feelings of those song, into one whole new song and that's really great! He's one kind of talent.

Okay, I give too much spoiler here. Maybe I’m just overexcited, but this San Franciscan DJ is one of a kind. I’m not a really great fan of house-music and techno kinda stuff, but this guy awed me so hard I cannot resist for years!

2013 mash up is entitled United States of Pop and yeah this is a really suitable title. Well, I’m not a really 'spoiler' kind of person. I prefer you to watch it by yourself and then fly awed away. But, I’m here to give a little enlighten. Started with music from Safe and Sound of Capital Cities, then followed by Taylor Swifts's keep saying "Trouble!" from (I know you know) her hit single I Knew You Were Trouble, then Katy Perry comes Roar'ing the dance-floor. What I realised after watching the video is that, you can not make mash up of 25 chart-toppers without her, breaking bad, Time Magazine’s Person of The Year, Miley Cyrus, with both of her hit-single of 2013 We Can't Stop and Wrecking Ball. And nobody can brings up the breeze better than deep country style voice of Aloe Blacc's Wake Me Up, and Justin Timberlake's dance in Suit and Tie is just

You know what to do then. Search for this video on youtube, awed hard, then watch again, then while buffering you can buffer another mash ups of him. 2008 is the also one of the best, with the title VIVA LA POP, since it popped on Billboard's Pop 100 Airplay chart at number 70. When you are done, anxiously wait for the end of 2014 and do it from the start again.




TOP 5 MEDICAL T E C H N O L O G Y I N N OVAT I O N by Murwani Emarissa Latifah

gainst the backdrop of health care reform and a controversial medical device tax, medical technology companies are focusing more than ever on products that deliver cheaper, faster, more efficient patient care. They are also making inroads with U.S. Food & Drug Administration regulators to re-engineer the complex review and approval process for new medical devices.


Every year, industry observers like the Cleveland Clinic and the medical device trade press single out their favourite technology trends. These thought leaders agree that today's best technologies strike a balance between reducing the overall cost of medical care and increasing safety and survival rates—and isn't that what health care reform is all about? Here are five emerging technologies to watch in the year ahead.

#1 Cutting Back on Melanoma Biopsies


ith the most deadly form of skin cancer, melanoma, a huge number of dangerous-looking moles are actually harmless, but has always been impossible to know for sure without an invasive surgical biopsy. Today dermatologists have new help in making the right call — a handheld tool approved by the FDA for multispectral analysis of tissue morphology. The MelaFind optical scanner is not for definitive diagnosis but rather to provide additional information a doctor can use in determining whether or not to order a biopsy. The goal is to reduce the number of patients left with unnecessary biopsy scars, with the added benefit of eliminating the cost of unnecessary procedures. TheMelaFind technology (MELA Sciences, Irvington, NY) uses missile navigation technologies originally paid for the Department of Defence to optically scan the surface of a suspicious lesion at 10 electromagnetic wavelengths. The collected signals are processed using heavy-duty algorithms and matched against a registry of 10,000 digital images of melanoma and skin disease.

#2 Electronic Aspirin or people who suffer from migraines, cluster headaches, and other causes of chronic, excruciating head or facial pain, the "take two aspirins and call me in the morning" method is useless. Doctors have long associated the most severe, chronic forms of headache with the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG), a facial nerve bundle, but haven't yet found a treatment that works on the SPG long-term. A technology under clinical investigation at Autonomic Technologies, Inc., (Redwood City, CA) is a patientpowered tool for blocking SPG signals at the first sign of a headache. The system involves the permanent implant of a small nerve stimulating device in the upper gum on the side of the head normally affected by headache. The lead tip of the implant connects with the SPG bundle, and when a patient senses the onset of a headache, he or she places a handheld remote controller on the cheek nearest the implant. The resulting signals stimulate the SPG nerves and block the pain-causing neurotransmitters.


#3 Needle-Free Diabetes Care iabetes self-care is a pain—literally. It brings the constant need to draw blood for glucose testing, the need for daily insulin shots and the heightened risk of infection from all that poking. Continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps are today's best options for automating most of the complicated daily process of blood sugar management – but they don't completely remove the need for skin pricks and shots. But there's new skin in this game. Echo Therapeutics (Philadelphia, PA) is developing technologies that would replace the poke with a patch. The company is working on a transdermal biosensor that reads blood analyses through the skin without drawing blood. The technology involves a handheld electric-toothbrush-like device that removes just enough top-layer skin cells to put the patient's blood chemistry within signal range of a patch-borne biosensor. The sensor collects one reading per minute and sends the data wirelessly to a remote monitor, triggering audible alarms when levels go out of the patient's optimal range and tracking glucose levels over time.


#4 Robotic Check-Ups pillar of health reform is improving access to the best health care for more people. Technology is a cost-effective and increasingly potent means to connect clinics in the vast and medically underserved rural regions of the United States with big city medical centers and their specialists. Telemedicine is well established as a tool for triage and assessment in emergencies, but new medical robotsgo one step further—they can now patrol hospital hallways on more routine rounds, checking on patients in different rooms and managing their individual charts and vital signs without direct human intervention. The RP-VITA Remote Presence Robot produced jointly by iRobot Corp. and InTouch Health is the first such autonomous navigation remote-presence robot to receive FDA clearance for hospital use. The device is a mobile cart with a two-way video screen and medical monitoring equipment, programmed to maneuver through the busy halls of a hospital.


#5 A Valve Job with Heart he Sapien transcatheter aortic valve is a life-saving alternative to open-heart surgery for patients who need new a new valve but can't endure the rigors of the operation. Manufactured by Edwards Life Sciences (Irvine, CA), theSapien has been available in Europe for some time but is only now finding its first use in U.S. heart centres—where it is limited only to the frailest patients thus far. The Sapien valve is guided through the femoral artery by catheter from a small incision near the grown or rib cage. The valve material is made of bovine tissue attached to a stainless-steel stent, which is expanded by inflating a small balloon when correctly placed in the valve space. A simpler procedure that promises dramatically shorter hospitalisations is bound to have a positive effect on the cost of care.












F L A S H BAC K o f A M S A - U N S R I

“It was the last event from AMSA UNSRI’s leadership” AMSA-UNSRI - Libna Sabrina

It was the last event from AMSA UNSRI’s leadership before which was still lead by Dimas Swarahanura. It was including gathering with the generations earlier, from 2007 until 2012. Flashback was held in Redberry Concepts on November 21th, 2013. There was a dress-code that already been announced, although it was just a common dress-code, but all members wore their best costume and yeah, they made it! They looked so classy and adorable in black. Flashback started at 7.30 p.m. This event was opened with our pray then we had a game which is called sambung kata. There were 10 participants that divided into 2 groups who stood up in a line, they had to say the word that connected with the tail of word before. After the game, we had our dinner. The participants’ desire was fulfilled well with the menu, even for the dessert. While others were having the dinner, our new representative candidates campaigned and tried to make us as the voters to elect them. At the end of the event, there was an award perusal for the 2011 generation, for example brother / sister which is the most romantic, etc. 2012 generation had given their vote the day before. The results was the most shocking thing ! Our secretary of external, Imam Arief Winarta won 3 awards that night ! The event went very well until the time remembered us to go home. I hope this kind of event will be held again for us :)


“Activity Little Doctor aims to provide a new knowledge especially in the areas of health� AMSA-UNTAD - Fadjiansyah Wahid AMSA UNTAD field of Community Outreach ( Cot ) hosted an activity LITDOC ( Little Doctor ) which was held in the building Pogombo, Palu City, Central Sulawesi. Ahmad Syaiful, chairman of the committee of this activity took a theme of this event is " Start a Little Thing to Make a Big Result For Our Health". Activity Little Doctor aims to provide a new knowledge especially in the areas of health , so that they can apply it when they are out there. This activity is aimed at elementary school children as the city of Palu, and followed about 20 elementary schools in the Palu City, this event was held on 9th November 2013, which is where the event was opened by the Dean FKIK UNTAD dr. Fajar Waskito, Sp.KK (K), M.Kes he says " the hygienic behaviour began to be taught as a child, not when the person is already a great start, and I strongly support the activities of AMSA These activities are some of the material provided that where the material is about PHBS , Nutrition, Dental and Oral Health, and P3K tool box. Aside from the matter of children who participate in the event at the end of the matter will be given a simulation where they will immediately exercise them to their own friends , and not less exciting at the threshold of this activity, the committee did a game rank 1 , which is where the question provided based on the material they already get, and that 's win rank 1 is of SDN Talise Palu. Little doctor is a flagship activity of AMSA UNTAD, every year these activities are often carried out. At the end of the event, the organisers of these events will usually follow up back to their respective schools that have participated in the activities of the Little Doctor.

Te n d a Te n s i o f A M S A - U M P "To see people healthy and happy is the main point why we held this event”


AMSA-UMP Risma Kurniasih

AMSA UMP has a weekly event called ‘Tenda Tensi’ or ‘TenTen’ in short. Every Sunday, in the early morning we came to KIF Park and make a ‘tent’ for people who want to get their blood pressure checked for free. We arranged a weekly schedule to divided the members who will be on duty for every Sunday. Beside from checking blood pressure, we offered another blood check too, such as the glucose test, uric acid test, and cholesterol test. We used the digital device which is easy to used. But for these checks, people have to pay around 10K IDR – 18K IDR. People who have high blood pressure usually complain about feeling dizzy and numbness on the back of their head. We told them to go to have their routine blood pressure check and go to the doctor to help them maintain the blood pressure. We also gave some educations for those who have a high level of glucose, uric acid, and cholesterol to control their lifestyle and do more exercise. We told them to go to the doctor and hospital for more accurate checks on laboratories. This way, we will get used to communicate with people, or the patient in the future. We got a lot of experiences by doing this event. We can practice our skills in checking blood pressure, glucose, uric acid, and cholesterol. The skills will be very useful when we already become a doctor. And the most important thing is we can help people by doing this event. We can help them to find the risk factors of some diseases so they can prevent theirself beforehand. To see people healthy and happy is the main point why we held this event.

Solidarity Running “To saw those people running along with each other was a breathtaking experience, really”

On Sunday morning, 22nd of December 2014, Rumah Cemara (a local NGO which activities are mainly concerning on HIV/AIDS) conducted an event that was called Solidarity Running. Solidarity Running took place at Plaza Balai Kota Bandung (Jl. Wastukencana No. 2, Bandung). This event was held to commemorate World AIDS Day that is celebrated every 1 December. AMSA members from District 3 was given the opportunity to participate in this event either by helping the medical team equipped in the event or to run medical examinations for the runners, the committees or for general public who came to the venue.

AMSA-UNPAD Preciella Chandra

For the running activity, participants may choose the running distance of 5km, 10km, or 21km. The concept of this event is Fun Run, not Race. While the concept of this event seems just like the other common mainstream running events, Solidarity Running was cooler that what you think. Solidarity Running was aiming to increase public awareness about HIV/AIDS and to put an end on public stigma about people with HIV/AIDS, while promoting people to live a better lifestyle by doing exercises. What’s even more exceptional about this event is what they did to attain the goals. Here, the runners were wearing t-shirts printed “I LIVE WITH HIV+ PEOPLE. Never been more proud”. As for people with HIV/AIDS who joined this event, they’re wearing t-shirts printed “I’M HIV POSITIVE. Nevermind, let’s run along with me”. To saw those people running along with each other was a breathtaking experience, really.


The event Solidarity Running itself comprises of several activities, ranging from physical exercises to medical examinations. Aside from running, this event was cheered up rugby and boxing clinic that brought the coach directly from abroad, futsal, and many other interesting activities. The medical examinations offered in this event are blood pressure examination (done by participating AMSA member) and HIV testing (done by Klinik Mawar). This event was attended by Ridwan Kamil, The Mayor of Bandung.


“This disaster is not something that we should have mourned continuously but this is a moment for us to learn to accept this life� AMSA-UNSYIAH - Siti Harisah Nine years ago Aceh has through a very terrible disaster, has many wounds felt by the people of Aceh, when that temptation may not be imagined by the mind. When Seconds gathered into minutes, minutes gathered into hours , hours merge into days, days merge into weeks, and then became years. Nine years has passed the incident. Slowly but surely, Aceh started to waking up now. This disaster is not something that we should have mourned continuously but this is a moment for us to learn to be patient, learn to accept this life. Tsunami is a great lesson for the nation. But unfortunately by looking at the behaviour of young people today, religious values ??and norms of life was beginning to erode. This generation seemed to have forgotten the historic events that not even one decade passed. December, 26th 2013, AMSA-FK Unsyiah held Tsunami tour. It is an activity to commemorate the tsunami disaster back in 2004 that had many casualties. At this Tsunami Tour we are expected that members of AMSA Unsyiah not forget the great historic events ever experienced by our beloved city. By using the black dress code, AMSA members gathered at Masjid Raya Baitturahman for midday prayers in congregation. AMSA-Unsyiah members then move to the Tsunami Museum is located at Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh. Tsunami alert at Tsunami Museum are felt different this time, quite a lot of visitors. Many people conduct dhikr together, the reading of prayers, and also commemorate the tsunami with traditional dances show. In this museum, AMSA members took time to get around the museum. Looking back at the video and pictures before and after the tsunami. Here is a chance for members to reflect the events nine years ago. After touring from Tsunami Museum, we went on trip to the PLTD Apung which is located in the Gampong Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh. PLTD (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel) Apung was originally located at the port of Ulee Lhee. PLTD has a weight of about 200 ton. Because of the rigors of the surf as it flows, PLTD Apung dragged up in the Village, located about 4 km from the initial location. At this location, AMSA-Unsyiah members have the opportunity to look around until the time of Asar.

After completing the Asar prayers together, we went on a trip to Kuburan Masal Siron for pilgrimage. This cemetery is located at Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport, Gampong Siron, Kecamatan Ingin Jata, Aceh Besar. AMSA-Unsyiah members this time read the sura yasin and prayer together for the people who have gone before, along with a tsunami. Tsunami Tour event ended with AMSA members eat together at a restaurant located on Ulee Lhee seaside accompanied by looking at the sunset. Khairussani as the participants of the event says that, this show is very beneficial because of events to commemorate the Tsunami and also strengthen friendship of AMSA Unsyiah members.

Be Strong with Amstrong AMSA-UGM "Amstrong diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana efektif untuk mempererat keluarga AMSA UGM �


Sabtu pagi, 4 Januari 2014, keluarga AMSA UGM telah siap di Lapangan Grha Sabha Pramana Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pagi itu tampak meriah dengan dressscode warna-warni yang dikenakan anggota divisi masing-masing. Mereka siap berolah raga pagi bersama. Amstrong(AMSA Strong) adalah kegiatan baru yang diselenggarakan AMSA UGM untuk memfasilitasi anggotanya berolahraga bersama, berbagi cerita dan informasi seputar AMSA, melepas penat dari kegiatan akademik maupun organisasi, dan juga mempererat keluarga AMSA UGM. Amstrong diselenggarakan dua kali dalam satu semester. Kepanitiannya bergilir dari gabungan beberapa divisi dan dibawah koordinasi MnD AMSA UGM. Amstrong pertama ini diselenggarakan oleh Fundraise, Social and Environment, dan Delegasi. Kegiatan pagi itu diawali dengan senam bersama yang dipimpin oleh EB AMSA UGM. Peserta tampak antusias dan semangat apalagi terik matahari belum begitu tinggi. Terasa meriah juga dengan gerakan senam yang fun dan unik ala masing-masing EB yang menentukan gerakan berbeda-beda secara bergantian.

AMSA-UGM - Laily Anna Diah A.S.

Selesai pemanasan dan senam, masing-masing divisi mulai sibuk mempersiapkan tim estafet dan yel-yel. Setelah ini, mereka akan diadu dalam perlombaan estafet yang terdiri dari beberapa pos berisi berbagai macam tantangan. Peserta terbagi menjadi 3 kloter yang mempertemukan beberapa divisi untuk battle dalam satu pos. Divisi yang berhasil menyelesaikan tantangan pada suatu pos berhak untuk lari estafet menuju pos berikutnya. Pemenangnya adalah divisi dengan catatan waktu estafet tercepat. Pos pertama adalah Pesan Kacang. Dibutuhkan 4 orang dari masing-masing divisi untuk bermain. Mereka harus berbaris berbanjar dan siap memegang sumpit. Orang paling depan harus memindahkan kacang menggunakan sumpit sambil menyampaikan pesan panjang yang diberikan oleh panitia kepada anggota tim di belakangnya. Orang yang paling belakang akan menerima kacang dan harus menyebutkan isi pesan tersebut. Dalam permainan ini dibutuhkan konsentrasi tinggi serta ketelitian mengingat memindahkan kacang menggunakan sumpit tidaklah mudah. Suporter dengan yel-yel mereka memeriahkan battle dalam pos ini. Setelah berhasil menyelesaikan tantangan pada pos pertama, peserta berlari ke pos berikutnya, yaitu Makan Kerupuk. Lain dari biasanya, kerupuk yang harus dihabiskan peserta digantung dengan ketinggian serendah mungkin sehingga peserta harus berjuang lebih keras menjangkau kerupuk. Ada yang jongkok, telungkup, dan juga telentang di bawah kerupuk. Pertandingan semakin meriah dalam pos ini, tim yang dapat menghabiskan kerupuk pertama kali langsung berlari menuju pos berikutnya, yaitu Melahap Kripik Setan. Mereka yang mengaku tak takut pedas harus membuktikannya di pos ini. Masing-masing divisi diberi jatah satu mangkuk keripik super pedas dan harus dihabiskan oleh seorang perwakilan divisi untuk dapat menuju ke pos berikutnya. Pertandingan berlangsung sangat seru. Suporter setiap divisi riuh mendukung perwakilan timnya yang sudah bercucur keringat melahap kripik setan dan hanya dibekali satu gelas air mineral. Tergambar jelas wajah-wajah memerah, mata ber air dan keringat bercucuran yang dialami peserta, namun mereka tak mau kalah dan terus melahap hingga habis. Tantangan pada pos berikutnya adalah menyanyikan potongan lirik yang diberikan panitia. Peserta harus melengkapi blank lyrics dengan nada yang benar dan kompak. Lagu yang diuji adalah lagu AMSA. Setelah berhasil menyanyikan dengan benar, peserta mengambil undian untuk melaksanakan tantangan menuju garis finis. Tantangan yang diberikan beragam, misalnya menggendong anggota divisi ter ringan sampai ke garis finis, atau mengikat bersama kaki teman yang dianggap paling kocak, sehingga mereka harus berjalan dengan tiga kaki. Semua tantangan yang diberikan ini harus dipresentasikan kepada semua peserta apa maknanya ketika sampai di finis. Matahari mulai meninggi dan suasana semakin meriah meskipun peserta mulai terlihat letih. Semua berkumpul membentuk lingkaran untuk bersama-sama memaknai games yang telah dilalui sambil menikmati snack yang telah disiapkan. Setelah itu, MC mengumumkan pemenang estafet serta suporter terheboh. Pemenang estafet dengan catatan waktu paling sedikit adalah Delegasi, sedangkan pemenang suporter terheboh adalah Science and Environment. Kedua divisi ini mendapat paket hadiah dari panitia.

Selesai games, saatnya sesi ke AMSA-an. Dalam sesi ini, semua anggota AMSA berbagi pengalaman, kesan dan pesan dari semua kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan keanggotaan keluarga AMSA. Sesi ini dipandu oleh PH. Beberapa anggota aktif menyampaikan saran dan juga kesannya terhadap berbagai kegiatan yang dapat dijadikan catatan dan bahan evaluasi bersama untuk tahun berikutnya. Selain itu, sesi ini menjadi sarana penyampaian informasi dan update terbaru tentang AMSA UGM maupun AMSA Ina. Melalui sesi ini juga semakin memper erat keluarga AMSA UGM karena dapat saling lebih mengenal anggota divisi lainnya. Sesi ke AMSA-an ditutup dengan post test. Setiap divisi akan didampingi panitia untuk menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan sambil skipping bergantian. Dalam waktu 5 menit, peserta berlomba menjawab pertanyaan sebanyak-banyaknya. Hingga akhirnya Science dan Delegasi masuk final. Dalam final ini, hanya 1 orang yang bermain dari tiap divisi. Science keluar sebagai juara dengan melibas habis pertanyaan yang diberikan. Science pun memperoleh piala bergilir Divisi ter AMSA dari Amstrong. Amstrong hari itu diakhiri dengan berdoa dan foto bersama. Amstrong diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana efektif untuk mempererat keluarga AMSA UGM dengan kegiatan yang menyehatkan serta menyenangkan. Dengan terwujudnya tujuan di atas semoga internal AMSA UGM semakin kokoh dan kuat sehingga siap berkarya dan mengabdi lebih baik lagi untuk dunia kesehatan dan social. Demikian cerita kami tentang AMSA Events, Amstrong. Semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi kawan-kawan AMSA di Indonesia. Kami menanti kisah menarik dari kalian. Salam hangat dari kami, AMSA UGM.


Laily Anna Diah Ardi Shinta Vice Representative of AMSA-UGM 2013/2014 Faculty of Medicine 2012 Gadjah Mada University

Sebuah Petualangan di Panti Asuhan AMSA-UGM “Harapan dari acara ini, walaupun sederhana setidaknya mampu berbagi senyum dengan anak-anak penghuni Sabilul Huda? AMSA-UGM - Maria Wigati

AAF (Adopt a Friend) merupakan salah satu program gabungan dari beberapa divisi AMSA-UGM, antara lain divisi Social Environment (SE), Art and Culture (AC), dan Science. Di kepengurusan AMSA-UGM periode ini, AAF dilaksanakan empat kali dengan penanggung jawab bergilir dari setiap divisi. Pada AAF pertama ini yang bertanggung jawab adalah divisi SE dan Science. AAF pertama yang bernama Gema Fusion ini diadakan di Pondok Pesantren dan Panti Asuhan Sabilul Huda di daerah Pakem Yogyakarta. Acara ini sukses menghibur sekaligus memberikan pengetahuan kepada ± 26 anak-anak Pondok Pesantren dan Panti Asuhan Sabilul Huda. Acara dimulai dengan sambutan dari Kak Aldo sebagai Project Officer dan Kak Amgah sebagai Representative AMSA-UGM. Uniknya, mereka memberi sambutan lewat “TV” yang dibuat untuk dongeng. Lucu kaaan? Kemudian, anak-anak disuguhi oleh dongeng boneka. Dongeng ini dibawakan oleh teman-teman AMSA yaitu Dayu (Science), Thomas (SE), Novan (PnP), dan Uli (SE). Mereka berkisah mengenai lingkungan agar anak-anak lebih mencintai alam sekitar dengan cara tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Kemudian, setelah dongeng selesai, acara

dilanjutkan dengan games. Ada 4 games yang telah disiapkan. Nah, setelah anak-anak dibagi dalam 4 kelompok kecil (nama kelompoknya Mari, Kita, Bercocok, dan Tanam :D) mereka pun mulai bermain. Game pertama di Pos 1, ada lomba estafet karet menggunakan sedotan. Di Pos 2 ada lomba mengambil karet dari dalam air di baskom. Lalu di Pos 3 mereka bermain estafet gambar. Setiap kelompok yang berhasil menyelesaikan tantangan akan mendapat hadiah berupa pot, tanah, dan kuas. Hadiahnya buat apa sih? Nah, hadiah-hadiah itu akan digunakan di Pos 4. Di Pos 4 alias Pos terakhir ini, tiap kelompok diminta untuk menemukan bibit tanaman yang telah “disembunyikan” oleh teman-teman AMSA. Oh ya, sebelum mereka mencari bibit, anak-anak itu diminta berkreatif untuk mengecat dan menghias pot tanaman mereka. Lalu sambil menunggu kering, anak-anak itu mencari bibit. Anak-anak tampak senang ketika beramai-ramai menanam bibit pohon. Suasana games sangat menyenangkan walaupun ada insiden kecil ketika salah seorang anak menangis. Ia menangis karena bibitnya layu, di lain sisi itu menunjukkan betapa ia mengikuti acara itu dengan sungguh-sungguh. Selesai menanam bibit, anak-anak diminta untuk merawat bibit yang telah mereka tanam. Mereka dihimbau untuk menyiram

secukupnya dan menjaga agar bibit yang mereka tanam tetap hidup. Sebagai follow-up nya, panitia akan datang lagi untuk AAF kedua sekitar bulan Maret 2014. Bagi yang bibitnya tetap hidup dan tumbuh, akan diberikan reward yang menarik Harapan dari acara ini, walaupun sederhana setidaknya mampu berbagi senyum dengan anakanak penghuni Sabilul Huda. Sesuai dengan nama acaranya, Adopt a Friend, teman-teman AMSA menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak sendiri. Mereka bersama-sama dapat menjadi teman yang beriringan melakukan suatu hal yang berguna bagi lingkungan juga sesama. AMSA… FRIENDSHIP, ACTION, SCIENCE! (Motonya AMSA-UGM) Oiya dalam membuat artikel ini aku dibantu oleh Yuliana (SE), Novandika (PnP), dan kak Amgah (Representative). Semoga dapat meninggalkan jejak manis di dalam hati mereka :D


“It was only 3 days, but the bond of the friendship already built.” AMSA-UNTAR - Regina Eda Tanjuan LOSER (Leadership and Organization Skills toward Educated Resources) is our second work program for this tenure and it already become our annual event. We named it LOSER III and took “Unleash Your potential and Grow in Unity” as the theme for this event. LOSER III had been held on November 15th - 17th 2013. It's the third times we held this event to welcome our observers to the big family of AMSA. November 15th. After finished all class, we gathered at hall to have a briefing. On 5 PM we started our journey to Pondok Kepenrey. After had some traffic jam, on 8 PM we finally arrived. The first thing that we did were, had dinner! Yeay! Faced the traffic jam made us so hungry :p After all the stomach full, all of us went to the hall to heard welcome speech from our representative and head committee. Participants divided into 4 families: cow, elephant, hippo and rhino. After dividing them, we had some ice breaking games to made all family member knew each other. Before sleep, we briefed them about tomorrow dress code and their final project that would be presented on the last day. The final project was: made a creative work program that feasible to do. The second day, we did aerobic exercises before we started our activity. After ate a plate of fried rice with scrambled egg for breakfast, we ready for some session from our speakers. Rio Alexsandro (Representative of AMSA-Untar 2012-2013) and Wichita Febrynice (General Secretary AMSA-Untar 2013-2014) were the featured speaker. Rio shared about Leadership. He shared about the point that he used when he lead AMSA-Untar at his tenure and also his experiences. Basic Event Organizing shared by Wichita to gave our observers highlight about steps to made an event. At 9 AM we started the Academic Games. There were 4 posts: proposal making, CV & motivation letter training, character test and tension tent. All lessons that given would help them to did their project. After lunch, we played friendship games. In this game, there were 5 posts. In every post they would get money as the reward. All money would be accumulated and could be used to bought the utilities they need for their project presentation. They so enthusiast and had fun during the games. It reflected from their spirit and sacrifice to be the winner. After cleaned the body and had dinner, we continued to talent show! Every family already prepared one talent show according to the lottery that they got. Every family gave their best and made all of us can’t stop laughing during the show. We ended this day with sharing session at bon fire field. Old members shared about their experiences, joy and sorrow with AMSA and the observers shared about their experiences with AMSA. From interview until this event. That was the last night we did our togetherness.

The last day, there was an inauguration for AMSA-Untar’s observers. As a sign, we gave them a rubber bracelet that written 'I'm part of Asian Medical Students' Association'. It means, from that day they officially being the part of AMSA family. After took a bath and had breakfast, all of family presented their project to the judges one by one. Although not all fulfilled the expectation, but we believe this project could be used as a learning to improve their skills. Next, we had AMSA class! We had special guest that ready to give our new member some highlight about AMSA Indonesia and International. Big thanks to Fabianto Santoso, Ferdy Iskandar, Maria Satya Paramitha and William Cheng for made it there :) After heard about AMSA from the biggest to the smallest, we announced the best and the favorite family for this LOSER and also returned their gadget. The best family goes to Elephant family and favorite family goes to Rhino. After lunch and took some photo, we went back to our beloved university. was really fun to have a weekend with them. Its only 3 days, but the bond of the friendship already built. Although we are from 3 different batches, there's no limit between us. We laugh, shared and cared not as senior and junior, but as one family. I hope our friendship will last forever.

! !

Once again, welcome to AMSA family!

Best regards, Regina Eda Tanjuan :)


“Cause cancer multiplies, we multiply their strengths to fight cancer” AMSA-USAKTI - Claresta Nareswari Anyo, mungkin beberapa dari kalian sudah cukup familiar dengan nama ini. Rumah Anyo merupakan rumah singgah untuk pasien anak kanker yang berlokasi di Jalan Anggrek Neli Murni Blok A/110, Slipi, Jakarta Barat ini memiliki kapasitas 24 orang dan dengan hanya membayar Rp 5000/hari, pasien dan pendampingnya dapat singgah disini. Nah, kenapa sih namanya Anyo? Anyo itu berasal dari nama kecil Andrew Maruli David Manullang, yang merupakan putra pendiri Yayasan Anyo Indonesia yaitu Sabar Manullang yang telah meninggal akibat menderita leukemia. Berkaitan dengan Rumah Anyo maka salah satu proker AMSA-Usakti adalah Let's Go Rumah Anyo! (LGRA!) AMSA-Usakti menjalankan program kunjungan yang bersifat internal ini secara kontinu / berkelanjutan. Dimana LGRA! akan diadakan pada tanggal 14 Desember 2013, 8 Februari 2014, dan 7 Juni 2014. Pada kunjungan pertama tanggal 14 Desember 2013 kemarin, tujuan AMSA-Usakti saat itu adalah untuk memperkenalkan diri dan berusaha menjalin keakraban dengan teman-teman disana. Anggota AMSA-Usakti selanjutnya dibagi dalam dua tim yaitu Tim A dan Tim B dimana Tim A bertugas untuk menghibur temanteman di Rumah Anyo dengan cara bermain bersama sedangkan Tim B memasak untuk makan siang. Pada kunjungan pertama itu, hanya terdapat 2 orang anak yaitu Mario dan Safitri. Setelah bernyanyi bersama dan bermain tebak kata, Mario dan Safitri diajak menggambar dan mewarnai juga menjelaskan arti gambar mereka yang berisikan cita-cita mereka. Tim A juga menggali lebih dalam tentang kedua anak ini yang dikemas dalam catatan yang tidak hanya berisi biodata mereka namun juga catetan perjalanan penyakitnya. Di penghujung acara, anggota AMSA-Usakti berkesempatan untuk mendengarkan seminar edukasi mini oleh dr.Eddy S Tehuteru Sp.A tentang “Kenali Kanker Anak” dilanjutkan dengan acara sesi bersama. Itulah sepenggal cerita tentang kunjungan kami yang pertama ke Rumah Anyo, di kunjungan selanjutnya yakni pada tanggal 8 Februari 2014 kami berharap dapat berkenalan dengan anak-anak lainnya di Rumah Anyo juga kami akan menyerahkan buku-buku dan kotak aksi 1000. Loh? Apasih aksi 1000 itu? Jadi aksi 1000 itu merupakan salah satu program Yayasan Anyo Indonesia dimana AMSA-Usakti disini hanya sebagai perpanjangan tangan. Kotak Aksi 1000 berupa kotak yang diharapkan bisa diisi berapapun jumlahnya oleh teman-teman dimanapun kita berada untuk turut menyukseskan pengembangan Rumah Anyo yang rencananya akan dipindahkan lokasinya ke tempat yang membuat anak-anak pesinggah lebih nyaman.

Lalu, di kunjungan terakhir pada 7 Juni 2014, kami berencana untuk mengajarkan bahasa Inggris ke anak-anak dan memberi donasi berupa 2 laptop beserta aplikasi edukasinya. Mungkin sekilas mengenai gambaran tentang proker AMSA-USAKTI 'Let's Go Rumah Anyo!' semoga apa yang kami bagikan sedikit disini mengenai Rumah Anyo bisa memberikan suatu gambaran akan wujud nyata kepedulian kami terhadap teman-teman di sekitar kita yang berjuang melawan penyakitnya. "Cause cancer multiplies, we multiply their strengths to fight cancer."


PnP Team

Murwani Emarissa Latifah Jevonda Edria Bamitha

Abelina Dini Fitria

Narissa Dewi Nursjamsi

Reza Satria Halim

Annisa Ayu Asmiragani

St. Fatimah Zahra

Irwan Munandar

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