Arbor Vitae - Eighth Edition

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Regenerative Medicine

Regional Chairperson Candidates

Find Your Unique Culinary in Makassar 8th Edition | May 2014



Everyday, 20 billion to 30 billion of our cells die. In other word, more than 200.000 of our cells die every second. The number alone represents the cell we loss in programmed cell death, let alone the cell we loss if we experience trauma and injury. If so, how can we still be alive? One answer: Regeneration. The researchers has been using the power of regeneration to create medicine that may change the course and paradigm of health. Stem cells and many other forms of regenerative medicine are being developed. In not-sodistant future, this may be the answer to all incurable diseases that exists today. We invite members of AMSA-Indonesia to share their thoughts to the world about regenerative medicine through Arbor Vitae. This the eight and the last edition of Arbor Vitae for this tenure. On behalf of AMSA-Indonesia, We would like to express our gratitude to all our contributors. We would also like to express our gratitude to all readers of Arbor Vitae. We really hope Arbor Vitae does and will always function as Tree of Life that connects our passion and provides knowledge for all of us. Cheers,

Ahmad Aulia Rizaly Editor-in-Chief

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ahmad Aulia Rizaly

ILLUSTRATOR Abelina Dini Fitria

PUBLICATION & PROMOTION Publication & Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia ’13/’14


Ferdy Iskandar


Maria Satya Paramitha

Unika Atma Jaya

Universitas Indonesia

Julia Jolanet S.A.


Andi Muh. Fadlillah F.

Universitas Hasanuddin

Universitas Hasanuddin


Yolanda Priscilla Putri Universitas Palangkaraya

Diporapdwijoyo Sinoputro




Agnes Listyanakristi P. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional



Nadiah N. Ikhsani

Rahmawati Nur A.


Lathifa Putry Fauzia

Universitas Haluoleo

Universitas Diponegoro

Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana

Universitas Padjajaran




Reska Dwi Fathana

Shinta Pradiyasti

Universitas Hasanuddin

Universitas Trisakti

Dilanny Puspita Sari


Rezky Fahnisa Amri

Maranatha Christian University

Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Priscillia Imelda


Sofie Razyanti M.

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Universitas Padjajaran

Nadia Fadhilah


Muh. Arham Harun

Universitas Brawijaya

Universitas Hasanuddin

Irwan Munandar San


Giovanni Reynaldo

Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana


Fatimah Zahra Anwar Universitas Hasanuddin






Jevonda Edria Bamitha Universitas Kristen Indonesia


Ismiana Fatimah Modjaningrati


Siti Harisah Universitas Syiah Kuala

Universitas Padjajaran



Ridha Rana

Rheza Krisnanda

Universitas Sriwijaya

Maranatha Christian University


Rifaatul Mahmudah Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret





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Reska Dwi





i Fathana

“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Charlie Jones

ell, I remember I read this quotes from Charlie Jones five years ago, when I was still a high school student. I remember at that time I was wondering what the quote really means. Is the phrase “ the same person in five years” means that our body doesn’t perform regeneration? If that so, how can we adapt to the every-second-changing environment around us? Yes, maybe I was just too overrated, maybe Mr.Jones didn’t talk about our body physical’s aspects. But it is still interesting for me to find the answer.


and, in certain cases, more vital structures. Some have indeed been found restoring the less vital parts of their brains. They can also readily accept transplants from other individuals, including eyes and parts of the brain—restoring these alien organs to full functionality. In some cases, axolotls have been known to repair a damaged limb, as well as regenerating an additional one, ending up with an extra appendage that makes them attractive to pet owners as a novelty. Surprisingly, recent studies show that humans have the same -but-different level skill.

Did you know that Axolotl (Mexican’s Salamander) has one of the most precious regenerating skills in the world? The axolotl does not heal by scarring and is capable of the regeneration of entire lost appendages in a period of months,

It is true that individual cells have a finite life span, and when they die off they are regenerated with new cells. There are between 50 and 75 trillion cells in the body, and when a human dies it may take hours or day before all the cells in

the body die. Sperm cells have a life span of only about three days on average,while Red blood cells live for about four months. White blood cells live on average more than a year. Skin cells live about two or three weeks. Colon cells have it rough: They die off after about four days. Each type of cell has its own life-span, and this is the source of the popular imagination story that every seven years (or ten, depending on which story you hear) we become essentially new people, because in that time, every cell in your body has been replaced by a new cell. New researches surprisingly show that even neurone cells of the body regenerate themselves, using what’s called ependym cells. Have you ever feel like yourself now is not as bright and clever as younger you? This process, usually named neuroregeneration, is the answer. The neuroregeneration process, refers to the regrowth or repair of nervous tissues, cells or cell products, may include generation of new neurones, glia, axons, myelin, or synapses. Such mechanisms differs between the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the central nervous system (CNS) by the functional mechanisms and especially the extent and speed. While the peripheral nervous system has an intrinsic ability for repair and regeneration, the central nervous system is, for the most part, have a limited self-repair and regeneration. What makes this process interesting is the fact that, together with maturation process of neurone, the chemical process of neuroregeneration impacts your thinking

model and capability. Are you a logical, creative, or critical thinker is based on this process. When the process is going massive, you are likely to be able to think about more multiple interrelationships and solve more complex problems. When the process is happening in a different way, you will be able to think differently too. So, what can we get from all the regeneration process of our body? Well, I think it is the fact that regeneration is simply what keeps us alive. The main point is that regeneration helps us adapt to the environment around us. You know that every single second things change in our environment, and so does our body. When the temperature around you suddenly dropped, your body regenerate the adipose tissue in order to make your body temperature stays the same. When a new stronger microorganism invasively infects your body, the immune response will move a massive regeneration of stronger immune cells too. Millions processes inside our body is nothing but a form of adaptive regeneration. Without this regeneration process, we will never be more than nothing against our environment. Back to our questions preceding this script, I think maybe I cannot be agree with Mr.Jones. All the regeneration fact is clearly described that we are not the same person as we were 5 years ago. Even now, you are not the same as you seconds ago.



Maria Satya



a Paramitha

REGENERATIVE MEDICINE = PROMiSING SOLUTION egenerative medicine has been seen as a promising solution for world health problems; such as: increased prevalence of chronic diseases in developing countries or infectious diseases. This revolutionary branch of medicine is defined as a study to replace tissues and restore the function of the organ. This term has appeared since ancient Greece when there was a Titan, named Prometheus. He was sealed on the mountains by Zeus, because the King of Gods was angry with his actions. Everyday, his organs were eaten by crows. However, for some unknown reasons, the organs will be regenerated in the next day.


The development of treatments for many acute and chronic diseases; such as: stroke, heart disease, autoimmune disease, and trauma; has been highly progressive due to the traditional

pharmacological approaches for medicine and healthcare. Many innovative therapies appear because of discoveries of scientific advances in understanding the mechanisms of diseases. There are also many undiscovered treatment for some diseases. However, successful development of new stem cell and regenerative medicine therapies has been proven to be useful for improving patient’s quality of life. From the point of view of national healthcare, regenerative medicine is also potential for creating cheaper and more effective treatment. Therefore, a shift of paradigm in healthcare therapies and treatment is done by regenerative medicine through repair, replacement, and regeneration of damaged body cells.

Currently, one of the most novel findings of stem cells is hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which are derived from reprogrammed mature blood cells from mice using transcription factors. This finding is promising because HScs are basic starting substances for blood stem cell transplants. Blood stem cell transplants or bone marrow transplants have been working well for increasing the survival rate of patients for approximately thirty years. Not all of the cells in bone marrow are HScs, but there are also fat cells inside the bone marrow. As a result, fat cells are now also considered as a p o t e n t i a l fi n d i n g i n r e g e n e r a t i v e medicine. The ground of this finding is the current use of fat for cosmetic and reconstructive purposes. The main challenge appears because the mechanism is still unclear and the component of adipose tissue, which is important for studying the mechanism, is still unclear. Even so, recent clinical results are quite sufficient to give enough reasons to perform deeper studies for the mechanism of actions, especially in musculoskeletal studies. To summarise, even though it is true that many challenges are still faced by medical world today for regenerative medicine, but regenerative medicine also generates hope to decrease the burden of patients, especially patients with chronic diseases. This is a growing field which can provide not only healing of damaged body parts, but also treatment for the most basic cause of the diseases.

SEL PUNCA Dokter Masa Depan by Rahmawati Nur Ariyanti


erkembangan dunia kedokteran semakin pesat seperti halnya terobosan di bidang ilmu kedokteran regeneratif, sebuah bidang yang mencoba mengobati suatu penyakit dengan menumbuhkan kembali jaringan yang sehat. Beberapa tahun terakhir ini banyak ilmuwan yang telah mengembangkan teknologi pengobatan modern. Salah satu yang paling banyak menjadi topik pembicaraan para ilmuwan, tenaga medis, bahkan masyarakat awam sekalipun dan mungkin juga jadi topik selingan di kalangan mahasiswa kedokteran, ialah sel punca. Istilah sel punca mulai populer digunakan di dunia kedokteran sejak tahun 1950-an yaitu sejak ditemukannya sel penyusun sumsum tulang yang mampu membentuk seluruh jenis sel darah dalam tubuh manusia. Sel punca (punca = awal mula) atau sel induk (stem cell) adalah sel yang tidak spesifik yang memiliki kemampuan untuk berdiferensiasi menjadi sel-sel lainnya dan kemampuan untuk memperbaharui dirinya sendiri (regenerasi) sehingga dengan kata lain sel punca merupakan sumber untuk sel-sel baru. Penemuan keberadaan sel punca pada awal kehidupan manusia, yaitu saat masih embrio semakin menegaskan bahwa sel punca menjadi awal mula terbentuknya 200 jenis sel meliputi sel darah, sel saraf, sel otot, dan sel kulit yang menyusun tubuh yang terdiri dari > 100 triliun sel. Luar biasa? Sudah pasti. Sebagian sel punca dapat dipicu untuk berkembang menjadi sel jenis apa pun

di dalam tubuh. Sel-sel punca lainnya telah berdiferensiasi sebagian sehingga hanya dapat berkembang menjadi suatu jenis sel tertentu saja, misalnya sel saraf. Sel-sel punca membelah, menghasilkan lebih banyak sel-sel punca, sampai kemudian sel-sel ini dipicu untuk berkembang menjadi suatu sel yang lebih spesifik. Sel-sel ini akan terus membelah, menjadi semakin spesifik, hingga pada akhirnya sel-sel ini hanya dapat berkembang menjadi satu jenis sel tertentu saja. Penjelasannya agak ribet. Intinya sel punca ini sel yang unik. Berbicara mengenai sel, di bangku kuliah sering kita mendengar penjelasan dosen atau membaca berbagai literatur yang mengatakan bahwa setiap saat ada ribuan bahkan ratusan ribu sel ditubuh kita yang mati. Jika demikian, bagaimana kita bisa bertahan hidup hingga sekarang ini? Jawabannya, regenerasi. Setiap saat tubuh kita secara alami memproduksi selsel baru untuk menggantikan sel yang mati tersebut. Contohnya pada kondisi normal, ada 20 juta sel/hari yang mati di tubuh kita, akan tetapi hal itu tidak menjadi masalah karena ada 20 juta sel baru yang diproduksi tubuh kita untuk menggantikannya. Jika suatu saat kelak, produksi sel baru tersebut mengalami penurunan, misalnya menjadi 10 juta sel/ hari, sementara yang mati tetap 20 juta sel/hari, maka tentunya kita mengalami defisit. Akan ada pertambahan kerusakan sel sebanyak 10 juta sel/hari, maka cepat atau lambat (tapi pasti) organ tersebut akan mengalami kerusakan yang prosesnya irreversibel,

Bila kita pikirkan secara mendalam, mungkin akan ada suatu saat dimana kita menyadari bahwa pada akhirnya setiap orang akan membutuhkan sel punca. Mengapa? Karena cepat atau lambat, sel penyusun organ tubuh akan mengalami degenerasi (apalagi usia kita bukan faktor yang bisa ditunda apalagi dihentikan prosesnya), sehingga fungsinya harus digantikan. Dan regenerasi organ tubuh dapat berasal dari sel punca itu sendiri. Sel penolong, superhero kita di kehidupan nyata. Terapi sel punca merupakan salah satu potensi terapi untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit. Metode terapi tersebut dapat menyembuhkan sejumlah penyakit yang selama ini sulit disembuhkan dengan pengobatan konvensional seperti kanker darah, kelainan darah, kelainan metabolisme, sroke, trauma otak, alzheimer, parkinson, kebutaan, kehilangan gigi, dan penyakit degeneratif. Lalu bagaimana dengan sel jantung? Sel yang tidak mampu beregenerasi setelah mengalami kerusakan. Mengenai hal itu, Dr. Mike Knapton, direktur medis dari British Heart Foundation (BHF) menyatakan bahwa sel-sel jantung manusia memang tak mampu beregenerasi sendiri, sehingga perlu diketahui secara jelas alasan di balik itu agar pengobatan yang tepat untuk penderita penyakit jantung dapat ditemukan. Diprediksi sel punca dapat membantu memperbaiki kerusakan jantung dalam kurun waktu 10-15 tahun mendatang. Penelitian mengenai sel punca pada organ jantung akan mampu membawa pada penyelesaian berbagai

masalah penyakit jantung, salah satunya penyakit jantung koroner yang menjadi pembunuh nomor satu dunia dewasa ini. Sebenarnya telah ada beberapa laporan percobaan penyuntikan sel punca pada pasien dengan kerusakan jantung dan dalam kurun waktu empat bulan, pasien menunjukkan perbaikan fungsi jantung. Namun hasil penelitian tersebut masih butuh waktu untuk diimplementasikan menjadi standar terapi. John Gurdon dari Gurdon Institute di Cambridge (Inggris) dan Shinya Yamanaka dari Kyoto University di Jepang, menemukan cara untuk menciptakan jaringan yang bekerja seperti sel embrio, tanpa perlu mengambil sel dari embrio. Mereka menemukan bahwa sel dewasa dapat diubah kembali menjadi sel punca seperti yang ditemukan pada embrio. Hal ini bertolak belakang dengan anggapan para ilmuwan yang semula mengatakan bahwa jaringan yang telah dewasa tidak mungkin diubah kembali menjadi sel punca. Itu berarti sel punca baru hanya dapat diproduksi dengan mengambil sel embrio. Kelak, temuan di atas dapat digunakan untuk menumbuhkan kembali jaringan otak, jantung atau organ lain yang rusak. Saat pengobatan menggunakan sel punca telah berkembang pesat, sel punca secara otomatis akan bertindak seperti pasukan dokter mikroskopis milik kita sendiri. Ya, sebut saja dokter masa depan.




GRD HOPES & EXPECTATIONS Garda Widhi Nurraga by Diporapdwidjoyo Sinoputro

NAME Garda Widhi Nurraga NICK NAME Garda PLACE & DATE OF BIRTH Semarang, 29 July 1993 EDUCATION Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University


ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN AMSA - Sta at External Division, AMSA-Undip - District Supervisor for District 4 AMSA Elite Chairperson (AEC), AMSA-Indonesia 2012-2013 - Regional Chairperson, AMSA-Indonesia 2013-2014

Q: Hello Garda! Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

Q: Since when and where do you know about AMSA? What’s your impression back then?

A: Hi! What a pleasure for being interviewed LOL. Okay, what could I tell? Being known as Jidat, love travelling, yet “high-motility”, could describe me well. Some people may know me as a workaholic. I try to make every second in my life meaningful, full of activities. I don’t like to waste it for doing nothing. Since I was a kid, I’ve managed myself not to get satisfied easily. Therefore, I always aim big and dream higher. That makes my efforts on struggling for something become priceless. I consider myself as a choleric type of person, although at some occasion I proclaim to be such a melancholic person. Q: First of all, why do you want to be a doctor? What motivates you? A: I’ve been hospitalised like almost ten times in my entire life, up until now. Back then, I felt like health was something beyond good. It’s priceless. We can do nothing without health. In addition, it is one of my personalities that I like to serve people, in term of doing and giving, some benefits that people may get from me. Those two lie inside me. Those what compose the basis of my intention for being a doctor. I simply want to be someone useful for community. Plus, I love medicine and its scope. Health is my passion and being a doctor is simply a main gate for me to reach my dream.

A: The first time I knew AMSA was during the freshmen orientation at 2011. I was introduced all students’ organisation in my university. Among all presentations given by seniors who are expert on their own fields, AMSA got my attention up to the top. I still remember when two of my seniors in Undip: Muhammad Rizki Febrianto (FK 2008, EC AMSA International 2011/2012) and Edward Sutanto (FK 2009, Representative AMSAUndip 2011) shared their experiences and knowledges regarding their involvements in AMSA, especially when they went abroad for conferences and met people from various countries. I, myself, really like to interact with people especially with foreigners. Because I can learn many things from them and broaden my knowledge as well. That really impressed me! Q: What motivates you to join, and contributing for AMSA? A: Step out of my comfort zone. Explore things I’ve never got into. Be brave and improve myself in any ways I can. Those three always become motivations in trying something new. For me, AMSA is something that I’ve never seen and experienced. Thus, I tried to convince myself to go for it. After all, you will never know until you try, right? After my first involvement in AMSA, I found quite some passion to learn more, to explore more about AMSA. Once I love something, I give my biggest effort on it. I love AMSA! That is why I always manage myself to

think and realise that AMSA has given that much for me. It is time for me to do things as a positive feedback from me to AMSA.

Q: From your opinion, what’s the most important thing in being a leader? Why?

Q: As we all know, you are the regional chairperson of AMSAIndonesia.How does it feel being the leader of something so big?

A: Honesty. It’s a fundamental principle

A: How do I feel? Feeling so hard, because I have this big responsibilities in my hands to be carried on. I know and realise the consequences, since the beginning of my intention on applying for RC candidate last year. But I NEVER REGRET IT! It’s only once in a lifetime experience. Moreover, I’ve learned many things that I never had. I’ve meet outstanding people and I’ve learned from them. Q: From your point of view, has AMSA-Indonesia meets your vision and missions under your leadership? A: For me, a vision is not something that could be achieved only within one year of leadership. It must be a sustainable process. But to answer the question “Has it met”, I will answer not yet. Why? Not because that I assume that this tenure leads to a failure but it’s simply because I don’t want to make it end here. If I say that this tenure has completed 100% of my vision and missions, I’m afraid that next tenure will start all over again from zero because there’s nothing to be continued. But for now, I am pleased that AMSA-Indonesia has been developing much better and been synchronised with my vision as well as my missions.

as a leader, for being honest, to him/ herself and to people he/she leads. Perhaps we may achieve things that we want by cheating, or else, but that is not the main purpose of why we are doing so. Being honest means that you are being yourself. Not by faking some stuff to get some impression from others. Many leaders may be expert in diplomatic speaking, but still, only a few put honesty before anything. Q: As we all know, your time being a regional chairperson is almost over. How do you feel about that? Have you prepared anything for yourself and the next generation of AMSA-Indonesia? A: Feeling sad, and galau. It’s a common sense, though. There’s always an end for every beginning. I must be ready for it. Yes, I have a plan for me what to do next, and for the next generation of AMSAIndonesia, I still have one obligation to be an advisor for them, until their first Meeting I will guide them and give some advices. The rest of it, I am open and available 24/7 for them. Q: What are your expectations for AMSA-Indonesia in the future? A: My expectation is simple: to be a mature organisation that always grow in togetherness, continuously give positive impacts to society, and together, all members strive in harmony.

Q: When you no longer being a regional chairperson, will you keep contributing for AMSA-Indonesia? In what way other than being an advisory board? A: Sure, I will. There are a lot of chances to contribute in AMSA, regardless our position or title. Participating in AMSA events (not only national events because that is my obligation as AB), participate in competitions (if I could), et cetera. Q: Any message for the next generation of AMSA-Indonesia? A: Be humble, be diplomatic, and always be honest. You will carry the future of AMSAIndonesia right in your hands. Always remember to put AMSA before your personal indulgences. Good luck! Q: Thanks Garda for your time. It’s been a pleasure. :) A: The pleasure is mine


CANDIDATES OF REGI Abdi Marang Gusti Alhaq, Meu

b Jevonda Edria Bamitah

IONAL CHAIRPERSON tia Rahmah, Reza Satria Halim

by & Fatimah Zahra Anwar

Q: What is your biggest inspiration? A: My biggest inspiration is myself because the best inspiration comes from yourself. M: Well, I can't really name a person, but my inspiration is when I see or read an article about women out there who made it as a successful person. R: Inspiration are born from ourselves, it's within us. As for me I'm inspired by my family and my friends who always support me no matter what.

Q: What is your motto in life? A: Bitter truth is better than sweet lie. I love honesty, maybe it's hard in the beginning but it will be easy in the end. M: My motto is nothing is impossible, and everyone has chance. R: Learn from the past, plan for the future by focusing on today.

Q: Which celebrity would you invite to a ballroom party and why? A: The first name that came in my mind is Iker Casillas. He taught me how to strive for something that you love, to become something when you're still nothing. M: I'd definitely invite a famous actor, Leonardo di Caprio, because they'll party hard. LOL. R: I will invite no one because for me I'm confident enough to take part and be a star in the party.

Q: Is history more important than science? A: I think both of them are equal. So the answer is no. A nice life is a balance life. M: think you can't really compare between these two. History and science build upon each other and equally important. R: Historical science is the most important. Because in historical science we prior how facts are born at the first time as well as the process of building them.

Q: What is the hardest situation that you ever have?how do you solve it? A: I really don’t know what it is, because i think every problem have the same difficulty in a different level. It is normal if i have a harder problem when i was 17 years old than 6 years old. But it was just the same problem, something that don’t have to be remembered. What is important to be remembered is the solution. Hard situation that i'm experiencing right now is when i'm applying for regional chairperson because I’m facing a national-class problem how to lead AMSA-Indonesia to be better than before. How do I solve it? I dream, I do, I learn, I pray, I strive. M: I've been through some hard situations, recently is choosing between academic and non-academic activities. I always ask for advice when it comes to this. R: One of my hardest situation that i've ever experienced was the time when i was about to promote myself to go for candidate of AMSA Indonesia's RC. Some people doubt me and some were questioning about me. But then i felt that this got to be the right thing to do since i have an overwhelmed passion and i care about the future of AMSA Indonesia. Facing people with different point of views might be the hardest situation i've ever experienced. But Somehow, i could manage dealing with it well enough. In this case, I will prove my vision for the sake of the future of AMSA Indonesia by working hard, putting all my effort in it, being as smart as i could and always be the best.

Q: What is 'responsibility' for you? A: Something i have chosen. Something to be thought over so i can do it in the best way. M: Responsibility is when you ready to take consequences to your action. R: Responsibility is like a gift that is being trusted to me, therefore I would like to take care for my duty, answering my duty in actions, accountability, and trustworthiness.

Q: What is your priority in life right now? A: To maintain a balance formula to do the best in AMSA and academic. M: My priority in life for now is academic, because my grades are falling apart :(. R: First priority in my life is God. My second priority is everything else all around me including family, education, personal life, AMSA & friends. the party.

HW CHIT-CHAT ABOUT REGENERATION Hardy Wibowo by Stephanie Widjaja


Hi there all awesome members of AMSA! According to our May issue, ‘regeneration’, I would like to present you the interview of Hardy Wibowo, our dear Representative in AMSA MCU. I believe that behind every great programs, regeneration must take a great role. In this article I’d like to take you a glance of how is AMSA MCU, as a little yet not least important part in this big family of AMSA, struggling with it’s regeneration. Enjoy!

Q: What does regeneration mean to you?

Q: How do you encourage others in AMSA-MCU to communicate the VISION?

A: I think regeneration is something like a tree. When some parts died another part will grow up and change the dead parts with the new spirit. Q: How do you find about regeneration in AMSA-MCU? A: The regeneration in AMSA-MCU has not reached the perfection, but by this time AMSA-MCU is getting better than before. For example, we’ve got many talented members who I believe would improve AMSA-MCU to be better and better furthermore.

A: I believe by doing my best, every single member in all divisions will be motivated to apply the core values in our missions, so that together we could reach our vision. I regularly talk in person to every member about the task and their difficulties. By that I gain their trust and we all together could improve a better work. Q: What is that one characteristic which you believe every leader should possess? A: I do believe it is responsibility.

Q: What is the most important decision that you make as a leader, a representative, related to the regeneration of AMSA-MCU?

Q: What advice would you give to someone who going into a leadership position for the first time?

A: It’s the differently new system of our ‘Open Recruitment’, so that we could recruit a new generation with PASSION to improve AMSA MCU. Q: Which is the most important thing to AMSA-MCU, mission, core values, or vision? A: I choose vision Because basically, the definition of a leader itself is someone who can see a VISION of something (in my case, organisation), a desired future which he believes he is capable to reach it by apply the core values in every mission he has planned.

A: Be yourself and do your best! Q: What are the benefits of AMSA for medical students, and which one has been proven in you? A: As future doctors, we need to know how to dwell well in society. That’s what I get in AMSA. In AMSA I can use and improve every talents hidden inside to do many good things which could make a good impact to society. I gain so many friends too. Not only local or national friendship, but also the international friendship. Last, but not least, I learn how to manage time wisely, to achieve the best, both in my academic and organisational life.



234 Nigerian Girls Are Missing, Nobody Seems to Care by Fidelisa C. Arini







n April 15th, 234 schoolgirls in Nigeria were kidnapped by Boko Haram, a group of religious extremist who then promised to sell the girls into slavery. There are 234 names, 234 personalities, 234 innocent human beings. The terrorists raided the girls' school in the middle of the night, posing as soldiers. After a gunfight with security guards, they stormed the students' dormitory and herded the girls into vehicles. As they made their escape, the militants burned down nearby buildings in the northern town of Chibok. The girls disappeared into the night. The day after the abduction, the Nigerian military claimed that it had rescued nearly all of the girls. A day later, the military retracted its claim; it had not actually rescued any of the girls. And the number that the government said was missing, just over a hundred, was less than half the number that parents

and school officials counted: according to their tally, two hundred and thirty-four girls were taken. The search of those schoolgirls are done by Nigerian military and volunteers that consist of the girls relatives. But still, nobody can be found. The abductors don't sit still for long, making them even harder to find. Members hop from one location to another to avoid an intensified government crackdown. Rumour said they’re crossing Nigeria’s border and hiding in neighbour country, bringing the girls with them. The ticking clock could mean the girls are getting farther away. Though the abduction happened weeks ago, international press coverage of the missing girls has shot up in recent days after Nigerians criticised the foreign media's initial silence on the issue and launched the Twitter hashtag #BringBackOurGirls.

? Prior to last week, the silence was deafening. Bigger news like MH-370 and South Korea ferry are all over the places but these schoolgirls are just not worth the news. I have no political capacity to write this article. I am writing from a human perspective, one that knows that if my sister were stolen out of her bed in the middle of the night, I would well expect people to be actively looking for her and enlisting others to do the same. I won’t just suffer in silence if my sister’s gone for weeks. I will find a way for help. I cannot imagine what the parents and family and relatives of those children must be going through. And I have to ask as I’m sure all Nigerians are asking, as the global community has started to ask: Where is the sense of urgency? Where are the government condemnations? What is your strategy? And most importantly, where are our girls? They matter, their lives matter.






Muhammad A



Arham Harun


aster eggs can be found pretty much everywhere, these days. The small secrets, in-jokes, and references are now layered into virtually every facet of life. For instance, your cell phone almost certainly has some hidden messages embedded in its OS, or in the personality of its assistant software. Easter eggs are found in film from Hollywood blockbusters to YouTube videos, in video games, even in packaging and promotional material. Google has made it something of a company tradition to embed little treats into its main search page, including a fully functioning game of PacMan.

game over the years, though thanks to social media IAmAHiggsBoson gets a disproportionate amount of credit for the discovery.

Still a new easter egg recently brought to light via Reddit, comes from a truly unique place: an old piece of lab equipment called an oscilloscope. As we know, this voltage reading device usually prints out sin curves and basic numerical results — but with a bit of creative button-mashing you c a n fi n d s o m e t h i n g m u c h m o r e interesting: a full game of Tetris!

It’s debatable whether easter eggs truly exist for the user, or for the creator. After all, there’s nothing better than stumbling onto a secret and feeling that moment of longdistance kinship with the person who put it there; though you might be separated by oceans, language barriers, and decades of time, you and some nameless developer are sharing in a little laugh. On the other hand, if a tree falls in the forest. Now that the secret has gained a bit of traction on social media, is it still an easter egg, or is it now a feature of the device? These and other imponderables may well have to wait for the day when our great thinkers don’t have distractions programmed right into their most basic tools.

If you’re wondering, it’s a fairly simple series of keystrokes. Simply press PRINT, then the 2nd and 3rd monitor keys at once — voila! One can only imagine the joy that accompanied this discovery, so long as there wasn’t any key work ongoing at the time. There’s no telling how many people have discovered this

Interestingly, other Reddit users who tried the same button combo on different models found different games! One found a working version of Asteroids, while another found a seemingly original game called Bugs that plays identically to Centipede. We will never know how many hours of labour HP paid out to engineers while they created these hidden treasures (presumably without consent from the higher-ups).




Andi Muh. Fadlill



lah Firstiogusran


ixthSense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. It comprises a neck-worn pendant that contains both a data projector and camera. Head-worn versions were also built at MIT Media Lab in 1997 that combined cameras and illumination systems for interactive photographic art, and also included gesture recognition (e.g. finger-tracking using coloured tape on the fingers). We've evolved over millions of years to sense the world around us. When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our five natural senses to perceive information about it; that information helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take. But arguably the most useful information that can help us make the right decision is not naturally perceivable with our five senses, namely the data, information and knowledge that mankind has accumulated about everything and which is increasingly all available online. Although the miniaturisation of computing devices allows us to carry computers in our pockets, keeping us continually connected to the digital world, there is no link between our digital devices and our interactions with the physical world. Information is confined traditionally on paper or digitally on a screen. SixthSense bridges this gap, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via

natural hand gestures. ‘SixthSense’ frees information from its confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality, and thus making the entire world your computer The SixthSense prototype is comprised of a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device. Both the projector and the camera are connected to the mobile computing device in the user’s pocket. The projector projects visual information enabling surfaces, walls and physical objects around us to be used as interfaces; while the camera recognises and tracks user's hand gestures and physical objects using computer-vision based techniques. The software program processes the video stream data captured by the camera and tracks the locations of the coloured markers (visual tracking fiduciaries) at the tip of the user’s fingers using simple computer-vision techniques. The movements and arrangements of these fiduciaries are interpreted into gestures that act as interaction instructions for the projected application interfaces. The maximum number of tracked fingers is only constrained by the number of unique fiduciaries, thus SixthSense also supports multi-touch and multi-user interaction. The SixthSense prototype implements several applications that demonstrate the usefulness, viability and flexibility of the system. The map application lets the user navigate a map displayed on a nearby surface using hand gestures, similar to gestures supported by Multi-Touch based

systems, letting the user zoom in, zoom out or pan using intuitive hand movements. The drawing application lets the user draw on any surface by tracking the fingertip movements of the user’s index finger. SixthSense also recognises user’s freehand gestures (postures). For example, the SixthSense system implements a gestural camera that takes photos of the scene the user is looking at by detecting the ‘framing’ gesture. The user can stop by any surface or wall and flick through the photos he/she has taken. SixthSense also lets the user draw icons or symbols in the air using the movement of the index finger and recognises those symbols as interaction instructions. For example, drawing a magnifying glass symbol takes the user to the map application or drawing an ‘@’ symbol lets the user check his mail. The SixthSense system also augments physical objects the user is interacting with by projecting more information about these objects projected on them. For example, a newspaper can show live video news or dynamic information can be provided on a regular piece of paper. The gesture of drawing a circle on the user’s wrist projects an analog watch. Although the SixthSense technology achieved wide press coverage in 2009, no commercial product had been released at that time. As of September 2013, the open source code published has not been updated since October 2012, and the Java development branch of the project was similarly stalled. With many users encountering difficulties compiling and running the source code, the technology

itself has not spread as widely as its media coverage. Pranav Mistry hinted at several reasons for not being able to deliver the technology so far, including the need to incorporate newer hardwares and to remove the dependencies on proprietary Microsoft code libraries. You can find more information about SixthSense on: sixthsense/



Julia Jolane


NES IN 2013-2014


et S. Adam






Harlem Shake


Just Give Me A Reason

When I was Your Man


Justin Timberlake

Pink ft. Nate Ruess

Bruno Mars

Harlem Shake

The 20/20 Experience

The Truth About Love

Unorthodox Jukebox





Girl On Fire

Gangnam Style

Counting Stars

The Fox

Alicia Keys ft. Nicki Minaj




Girl On Fire

Gangnam Style








Wrecking Ball




Miley Cyrus


Bruno Mars

Pure Heroine

Bangerz (Deluxe Edition)


Unorthodox Jukebox

13 14 15 16 All of Me



Dark Horse

John Legend

Pitbull ft. Ke$ha

Pharrell Williams

Katy Perry ft.Juicy J

All of Me



Unorthodox Jukebox



KOTA CANTIK PALANGKARAYA by Yolanda Priscilla Putri


alimantan Tengah adalah salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang ibukotanya adalah sebuah kota cantik bernama Palangkaraya. Kok dibilang cantik sih? Kenapa ya? Perlu teman-teman ketahui, Kalimantan Tengah khususnya Palangkaraya mempunyai banyak sekali keunikan-keunikan yang mungkin saja tidak dapat kalian temui didaerah lain atau negara lain. Inilah sebagian dari keunikan Kota Palangkaraya. Pernahkan anda mendengar wisata 'Susur Sungai Kahayan'? Susur sungai adalah salah satu objek wisata andalan yang bisa disuguhkan bagi anda yang sangat berminat untuk menikmati keindahan sungai kahayan. Sungai Kahayan ini adalah salah satu sungai terbesar yang ada di Pulau Borneo, panjangnya sekitar 250 km. Selama menyusuri sungai, Anda akan disuguhi dengan pemandangan khas hutan-hutan Kalimantan. Di sepanjang perjalanan anda bisa melihat fauna khas Kalimantan yang tidak bisa ditemukan di tempat lain diantaranya orang utan, uwa-uwa, kera abu-abu dan bekantan. Anda dapat menentukan rute wisata sendiri sesuai dengan keinginan. Untuk dapat menikmati wisata nan amat permai ini, anda tidak perlu merogoh kocek besar karena biayanya sangat terjangkau. Satu paket wisata untuk minimal 10 orang dibrandol dengan harga mulai dari Rp 750.000,- . Harga tersebut sudah termasuk makanan ringan dan fasilitas kapal wisata yang digunakan untuk menyusuri sungai.

Tidak hanya objek wisata saja yang memiliki keunikan. Kita beralih ke kuliner khas Kalimantan Tengah. Mau tau apa saja? Juhu Singkah Umbut (Sup Rotan Muda) Hanya ada di Palangkaraya. Umbut rotan (rotan muda) adalah salah satu makanan khas Kalteng yang biasanya seringkali dimasak dengan ikan baung dan terong asam. Umbut rotan memiliki rasa gurih, asam, fan kepahit-pahitan yang bercampur dengan rasa manis dari daging ikan sehingga membuat umbut rotan memiliki cita rasa tersendiri. Karuang/ Tepe dawen jawaw Tepe dawen jawaw atau Karuang ini adalah sayuran yang dibuat dari daun singkong yang ditumbuk halus. Biasanya daun singkong ditumbuk halus dan dicampur dengan terong kecil atau terong pipit. Bumbu untuk masakan ini adalah bawang merah, bawang putih, serai dan lengkuas yang dihaluskan. Masakan ini biada disajikan bersama dengan sambal terasi yang pedas dan ikan asin. Wadi Wadi adalah makanan berbahan dasar ikan atau menggunakan daging babi. Wadi bisa dibilang makanan yang 'dibusukkan'. Namun pembusukan ini tidak dibiarkan begitu saja, sebelum disimpan, ikan/daging akan dilumuri dengan bumbu yang te4buat dari beras ketan putih atau bisa juga biji jagung yang di-sangrai sampai kecoklatan kemudian dihaluskan.

Untuk dapat menikmati hidangan-hidangan khas di atas, kalian cukup mendatangi beberapa rumah makan seperti Rumah Makan Samba, Kampung Lauk, dan Kum-Kum. Tempat lain yang menjadi salah satu ciri khas dari kota Palangkaraya adalah Bundaran besar. Bundaran Besar terletak di jantung kota palangkaraya yang merupakan pusat Kota Palangkaraya. Bundaran Besar tersebut saat ini menjadi tempat masyarakat berkumpul dan berinteraksi. Selain dipergunakan masyarakat kota Palangkaraya untuk berolahraga, Bundaran besar juga dipergunakan untuk menikmati suasana Kota Palangkaraya pada malam hari terutama pada hari-hari tertentu misalnya pada hari Sabtu sore, ataupun harihari libur lainnya. Selain itu, lokasi yang berdekatan dengan Bundaran besar menuju arah Jalan Yos Sudarsp yang merupakan jalan protokol Kota Palangjaraya. Pada ruas jalan Yos Sudardo ini diperuntukkan bagi para pedagang makanan kaki lima yang bersifat temporer pada setiap sore hingga malam hari. Para prngunjung yang datang selain memang bertujuan untuk melakukan aktivitas jual beli sekaligus juga dapat menikmati suasana Kota Palangkaraya terutama pada waktu malam hari. Ini adalah sebagian dari tempat-tempat yang bisa kalian nikmati di kota cantik Palangkaraya. Untuk tempat-tempat lainnya yang lebih menggugah bisa langsung saja datang ke Kota Cantik ini.




Agnes Listyanak



kristi Prabawati

Gunung Kidul is a regency in the southeast part of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The regency is bordered by the city of Yogyakarta to the north west, Bantul Regency to the west, Sleman Regency to the north west and the Indian Ocean to the south. As a karst region, Gunung Kidul Regency has many caves, some of them has underground river runs in it and at least two of them is available for tourism.

PINDUL CAVE ocated in Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Special Region, Pindul Cave is one of must-see destination. For people who love travelling and adventure, Pindul Cave is the right place to spend time for the hobbies. Pindul Cave is one of seven underground caves with river flowing inside. For about 45 to 60 minutes, visitors will be invited to go along the river in the darkness of the bowels of the earth with 300 meters length using lifebelt. No special preparation needed to do cave tubing in Pindul cave. We only need lifebelt, life vest, and headlamp, and those equipments have been provided by the organizer. It’s save for everyone, not only adults but also children because the river flow is low. The best time to do cave tubing is in the morning at about 9 or 10 a.m since the water won’t be too cold. Furthermore, if the weather is clear, at that time we may see the light from heaven which is actually the sunlight from above that goes through the big hole on the top of the cave. While going through the dark valley in the cave with stalactite and stalagmite, you will also have a story about the history of this cave.




t is located not far from Pindul cave. Your eyes will be spoiled with views of very beautiful cliffs' karst. You may feel like going adventure in a movie. The rapids are not dangerous, but keep taking care of your body because there are possibilities that your legs or hands get hurt because of the stumbling stones. On the halfway there, you can rest accompanied by a beautiful waterfall. You may swim or just take a picture with the waterfall as the background. Rafting at Oya River is one of fun activity. Thus, when the holiday is about to come, you better plan rafting at this river. Rafting in the river will be a good challenge for you as going along the river may be a new experience for you. The river itself is quite long, i.e. about 1,500 m. It takes about 1 to 2 hours going along the river. Along the river, you can see beautiful cliffs and unique karst stone in Gunung Kidul. The river is also deep, about 7 to 11 meters.



ocated between Oya river surrounded by green rice field area, Sri Gethuk water fall flows without being influenced by the weather. Its thunderous sound seems breaking the silence in Gunungkidul that is well-known as a dry region. To reach the waterfall, you have to ride a boat. It’s not allowed to swim along the river in the journey to Sri Gethuk Waterfall. You may see the beauty of cliffs’ karst along the river. It will seem like Grand Canyon in the Northern Arizona. The journey will not be boring because you can take many good pictures of the scenery. The boat will stop in the edge of river near to the waterfall. Then you have to walk to see the waterfall. You will find a huge waterfall with a waterfall lake at the bottom. You can walk or swim in the lake but you have to be careful because the lake floor is slippery. You can also find a rainbow at the bottom of the waterfall. It is because of the sunlight refraction. Well, spending your holidays in Gunung Kidul will be a good choice to reduce stress. You will fresh your mind by watching the nature and also be thankful for the perfect God’s creature.



Irwan Mun



nandar San


akassar has many typical dishes that became the travellers’ target. Too many so that it would be difficult to determine which one to try first. For tourists who enjoy fried food, the city provides a wide variety of foods with the each uniqueness. The first one is Coto Makassar. The menu which at first glance looks like it contains a diverse stew beef offal, are like tripe, liver, spleen, lungs, intestines, and heart. The sauce is thick and creamy coloured, but does not contain coconut milk. Travellers who want to try this menu do not have to worry about the difficulty to get it because this food is very popular, so it is easy to find it in the city of Makassar. In fact many are also sold on the roadside. Coto Makassar is commonly eaten with ketupat. The price per portion is reasonably priced, which is about Rp. 15.000. The restaurant that provides the most famous Coto Makassar is Coto Paraikatte which is located in Jalan AP Pettarani. There are also Coto Ranggong and Coto Nusantara which are located in Ranggong Road and Jalan Nusantara. The next menu that you can try is Sop Konro Karebosi. The food contains only meat soup with ribs and dark , blackish brown broth. Usually served with extra sauce and lime juice. Travellers can try another konro in restaurant called Konro Karebosi. Unlike the common Konro, Konro Karebosi serves grilled beef ribs complete with bones, and additional peanut sauce. The restaurant is located in Jalan Lompobattang.

There is also fried noodle to try in Makassar. Fried noodles that looks similar i Fu Noodles has a strong savory flavor. The noodle is deep-fried, then mixed with thick sauce containing vegetables, scrambled egg, chicken, meatballs, and shrimp. There are so many place where you can find fried noodle, such as Mie Titi, Mie Awa, Mie Nasional, Mie Kuali, and many more. If you do not like fried food, there is Sop Saudara to try. Commonly, Sop Saudara contains meat, lung, and liver. The soup is eaten with plain white rice with extra toppings like grilled fish. There are several restaurants that provide this menu, such as Sop Saudara Andalas at Jalan Andalas, Sop Saudara Irian at Jalan Irian, etc. There is also Pallubasa. The food is not much different from Coto Makassar, it contains cow or buffalo offal. Unlike Coto, Pallubasa uses coconut milk. Pallubasa is also commonly eaten with white rice, not ketupat. This delicacy can be found in Pallubasa Serigala restaurant located at Jalan Serigala, or Pallubasa Onta at Jalan Onta. In the dessert section , there are three types of bananas that became the signature menu dish Makassar , Pisang Ijo, Pisang Epe , and Pallubutng. The basic ingredient is banana. You can get this food anywhere around the city of Makassar.


ALL THE WAY HOME Nadiah N. Ikhsani On four wheels, two, on two legs even ? at the end of the day, everyone craves for a taste of home.

CHASING THE SUN Ismiana Fatimah Modjaningrat This photo was taken at Lovina Beach in Bali, a lot of people came here to watch the sunrise and dolphins.

NAKED BRANCHES Ferdy Iskandar Leaves of the tree will fall and grow again when the time comes. There will be finish when there is a start. There will be new and young when there is old. There will be regeneration when there is death.

PLANTING FOR NEW GENERATION? Nadia Fadhilah As a human being, people need to regenerate to keep alive. To regenerate, people need food, for example rice. Rice plant does regenerating to be rice. As a result, it can keep people alive.

EXERCISE Lala Dilanny 1 thing that boosts your cell regeneration? Exercise! and one fun exercise i can name is DANCING! I took this pic when i was watching my friend doing his dancing examination as a student of Fakultas Seni Tari Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Solo. I know this photo is not the best one, but it shows all you can get from regular exercise: those lean bodies, those packs on their stomach, and also those wide smile!

RESURRECTION Sofie Razyanti Mardiana In every seconds a bark is peeled from its stem. Thank god. He has made a brilliant process in living called regeneration. So it always returned to its former beauty.

DANCING Rifaatul Mahmudah Dance like no one is watching and you can move as free as you want

A BEAUTIFUL BRIDGE - JEMBATAN IV Lya Angraeni Rusdin Jembatan IV, or commonly called the Yellow Bridge-This bridge is a pride for the Palu City. The first arch bridge in Indonesia, and the third in the world after Japan and France. No wonder many foreign tourists who took time to visit the bridge which adds to the beauty of the Bay of Palu.

T H E M I L KY W A Y Ahmad Aulia Rizaly This photograph was shot on Bromo during the National Leadership Training. When everyone was taking picture of the rising sun, I was taking picture of the setting stars










AMSA Leadership Training Siti Harisah - AMSA-Unsyiah

Sunday, April 6th 2014 AMSA-Unsyish organised an event ALT (AMSA Leadership Training). The event is a compulsory activity of a series of events AMSA-Unsyiah Open recruitment. ALT this time was divided into two sessions. The first training session is in room F2 Medical Faculty of Syiah Kuala University and the second session is Outbound at Coast Lampuuk, Aceh Besar. With a number of 60 participants this time ALT officially opened by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine III Unsyish, dr. T. Husni T.R., Sp.THT-KL at 08.30 a.m. After the opening ceremony, training for the participants began. This time the trainer for ALT is dr. Suhanda, M.Kes is one of a lecturer and alumnus Medical Faculty of Syiah Kuala University. Time management was the first lecture. Suhanda doctors managed to bring participants into the lecture with a relaxed but still serious atmosphere which could be seen from the enthusiasm of participants while listening to the lecture. On the sidelines, there was a simulation for participants. They must arrange his schedule as much as possible in college, organisation, and hanging out with friends. Some participants were asked to move forward and read the schedule they set . Other participants also deeply appreciate the courage of the participants. The second lecture was the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Treat) but before we entered the second lecture there was an ice breaking about 15 minutes. The second lecture was a compulsory subject and a cornerstone when someone started to enter the realm of the organisation. Hopefully with these lectures, the participants could apply the SWOT in running the organisation in the future. Time Management and SWOT training ended at 12:30 and followed by lunch and the noon prayers. After easting and praying, participants dressed up and ready to enter the outbound on the beach Lampuuk, Aceh-Besar. Participants reached 02.00 p.m Lampuuk Beach, and directly divided into 4 groups. Each group also had to prepare yells as password to enter a post. At this time the committee outbound prepared 4 pieces of mail. The first heading is snake-ladder, the second post is a battle game, the third post is to break the balloon, and the last post is play with sand.

In the first post is a game of snakes and ladder. Participants were blindfolded with their hands tied and their leaders giving directions. At the designated time, participants must line up crawling under net. In the second post, there was a battle game to fight colour papers. Battle game participants competed for colour paper. This time between groups also compete to get the colour paper as much as possible and also play shooting using a bottle filled with water and dye cake. The third was the post that solves a balloon. The group lined up and at the very back of the group members the balloons tied to his ankle. They had to compete again with other group by holding chasing each other and trying to solve the pursuit of the balloons. The hot weather of Lampuuk not diminish the spirit of the participants. Instead the participants became more excited. The last post was played in the sand and filling bottles that have been provided by the committee. Participants must compete and be taken among the most rapidly fill the bottle. Participants used everything to fill the bottle. Start of using hands, hats, shoes and so on. The group managed to win absurdly cheerful. Outbound event closed with closing ceremony and presenting award to Indra Gunawan as the best participants in ALT 2014. After the closing ceremony, we pray together in the Survivors mosque of the Tsunami several times ago. Subsequently we were back to our lovely campus.

A Visit to Bina Autis Mandiri Ridha Rana - AMSA-Unsri “Hey! Where is Kiky? Please call her and the rest to come as soon as possible. We have to be there before the parents arrive” Said Icang as the vice representative of AMSAUnsri to me. What a busy buzzy day for all of AMSA-Unsri’s member. As EOTY’s theme this year, Autism, we went to a school named Bina Autis Mandiri on March, 15th 2014. Since 7.30 in the morning, not only the member of AMSA Unsri 2012, but also the observer member, have been gathered in the campus to go to Bina Autis Mandiri. Not long after that, at 8 a.m., we finally went there. As we arrived, we got a warmed welcome by the kids. They sang songs for us together with a keyboard performance, and it was really impressive. The first game started while the kids were happily singing. We gave prizes to those who sang the best. At 9 a.m. the next game was started. Ten kids were chosen to arrange a puzzle with a picture that have been made according to the theme. The best three then received a prize. After that, the last game named ‘Red Light, Green Light’. It almost the same as a race, but pay attention to the traffic light! With this game, the kids can learn about patience. At 10 a.m., the parents that have been invited on the day before have arrived. They were invited to attend a socialisation about ‘How to Understand Your Children’ by Ibu Safri Shaini Sp.Si,Psi. The response from the parents were really good, because they really really enthusiast to ask about their children. While the parents attending their socialisation, we also did one for the children. For them, the socialisation was about how to wash hands, brush the teeth, and how to button their uniform. To catch their attention, we tough them through a song. Of course, prizes in everywhere! All of the activities finished at 12 p.m. Even though today was an exhausted day but everybody were really happy. We’ve got a lot of new experiences. One of the most important thing that we learned is someone who is special, see something in a special way. Let’s try to understand them, because they see the world from a different angle.

The Simpsons Giovanni Reynaldo - AMSA-Ukrida Have you heard about SIMPSONS? Yes, that yellow creature family is an American animation created by Matt Groening. This family consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. What is the specific relation between SIMPSONS and AMSA-Ukrida? SIMPSONS is an abbreviation of Strengthen Your Inner Motivation and Leadership Skill to be Champions. It is our first ever Makrab which project has been our main focus on the period of Executive Board 2013/2014. We consider this, as one of the important project to be done since it will help us to get closer to each of the new members especially from batch 2013. This event was held in Puncak Kana – West Java , in 5-7th March 2014. It took us 4 months to prepare the event, SIMPSONS is another great project done by AMSA-Ukrida, having the committee well prepared, The first day was really awesome we had 3 participants' buses going to Puncak at 11 and the committee’s advance bus went at 9. We arrived at 2 and began SIMPSONS with some simple games and the first session was brought by Evan Luke Aditya about “Assertive Communication” this first session talked about how to do an effective communication to our friends and family. It was about one hour long and we continued with the first games right away , the participants were given some characteristics of 10 people who are members from the Executive Board , guess the person, find him/her and get his/her signature to complete the task, the first team who got all the signatures will win, it was really fun , we get to know each other through this, the game ended in laughter, we introduced ourselves in front of everyone and had lots of fun. In the evening we continued the second session that was brought by Giovanni Reynaldo regarding to “Asian Medical Students’ Association” this theme is really important because without knowing all about our organisation we will not love this organisation and will not have a great outcome as a result in our work. “They call us organisation, we call it family”. Then we continued with the most exciting night program, Jurit Malam. Some participants were worried, having 6 places to go through, each with the committee staying and giving some questions , if they could answer the questions, it will give them some points, just as simple as that. All the participants were really tired in the first day , having this organisation as our second family is another thing to be grateful. The second day , it was hard to start the day as most of our team were still tired after all the games and sessions we had in the first day. We had our breakfast together , talked with all the members, we could see their happy faces. The next session was brought by Budiman Atmaja about “Motivation and Self Commitment” it taught us about

the personality each of us have, how we should interact and appreciate the differences, made us an awesome team. The last session was brought by Diporapdwijoyo Sinoputro our Representative, having the theme “Creative� , it opened our perception that we could overcome every single problem through different wasy, Problem solving is the main focus in this session. We had our lunch after all these sessions and continued with our main games with all the participants and committee involved in this one, having 9 games altogether and all of us had to play it to finished the task. It was surely another great memory to be remembered. In the evening we had some sharing from seniors and Executive Board about how is it being a member in AMSA-Ukrida , told them all the joys and sadness we had in this beloved organisation. The second day ended with telling jokes and each of us filled with laughter and happiness. Playing in the river sounds good , we woke up in the morning and all of us went to the nearest river, following the footsteps that will lead us to that beautiful place. It was tiring to walk through the footsteps for one hour, but the scenery amazed us, the beautiful mountain view was amazing, too bad we’re late to saw the sun rises. Then after we arrived at the river we took pictures, all of us seemed so happy because not many of us have been to a place like this. After having fun and taking pictures we went back to our main venue in Puncak Kana. We closed this event by announcing the winner. the winner got chocolates and many things from the committees. We took our last picture before we went home, all the things that we shared here should be the most amazing memory and hopefully we can get to know each other more , helping each one in need and becoming mates as a future doctor.

World Health Day Shinta Pradyasti - AMSA-Usakti

6th April 2014, it was a beautiful Sunday early morning at Kota Tua Jakarta, we, AMSAUsakti were calling people around to join us celebrating World Health Day. Yes, in order to celebrate World Health Day, AMSA-Usakti held an event for everyone with the theme of "Vector-Borne Disease" we focused on Dengue Fever, though. The sun was so bright but, who cares about our skin was getting tanned while we had so much fun? While some of our members walked around the Kota Tua square and gave education about Vector-Borne disease, me and others stayed in the tent and do several things. First, we called the people around to check their blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol and uric acid for free. After that, we gave them a little presentation about Dengue Fever. Then, we asked them to write wishes for this year's World Health Day. And Finally we gave them colourful balloons and took their photos in our photo-booth. It was quite a hectic moment at the blood checking counter cause the people was a lot and we had only few devices. And at the balloon counter some kids who usually played in the Debus show in front of Museum Fatahillah kept asking (or forcing) us for balloons, how naughty yet cute they are! At 11 a.m, after "examining" around 150 people we ended the event with releasing some colourful balloons full of wishes. Yay!

Live In AMSA-UGM 2014 Priscillia Imelda - AMSA-UGM

How to change our lives within 3 days? Live In AMSA-UGM would be one of the best answer! It was hold for three days starting on Friday night to Sunday afternoon in Dusun Sanansari, Desa Srimartani, a partner village of Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University. There were 18 participants divided into several pairs and each pair had a host family. In the first day, we followed our host families’ activities. The majorities of them were farmers. Since they had so many cattle and a vast field, we helped them to pick up vegetables and to feed the cattle. After that, we cooked using traditional stove and ate together with the family. I, personally, was asked by my host family to walk around the house. She talked a lot about the lack of facilities in the village; clean water source, low education level, and difficult access to health services. The health centre, pharmacies, hospitals were far and quite expensive. There was hardly a doctor willing to volunteer to work in this village. As future health professionals, I am deeply concerned with this situation. Reflecting from this situation, I realise that this is the task of not only the health professionals but also us, as future health professionals. Before going back, the organising committees of Live In made a very interesting game. This game included all elements of AMSA, to let us know what was going on in AMSAUGM and AMSA-Indonesia. We also held a social and health service and a sale for the villagers. The examination for blood type grouping was also conducted. We were so glad to see that people were really excited when they came to the event. At the end, saying goodbye and giving memento to our host families were the saddest part of all. We felt like something suddenly disappeared from our lives. By the time we stepped on the village, we realised how precious this experience would be; to know other people from different backgrounds, to live with them, to feel a little part of their lives, and to build attachment even in short time. It was a very meaningful experience in our lives and it motivated us to contribute what we can to the community. Thank you, AMSA-UGM!

Open Recruitment AMSA-UMI XI Rezki Fahnisa - AMSA-UMI

AMSA-UMI Finally held Open Recruitment for Batch XI. AMSA-UMI’s Open Recruitment was a success. We had 3 steps to recruit new members; Interview, Indoor, Outdoor with Outbound. The first step of Oprec was Interview which held April 7th-11th 2014 and we had 90 applicants that were ready for interview session. In this Interview session we opened 8 table for interviewer, they were questioned about history, philosophy, and activities of AMSA generally and AMSA-UMI particularly. Finally, through score and discussions between committee Oprec AMSA-UMI, we had a conclusion that we choose 60 0f 90 applicants. Second step of Oprec called Indoor that was held in 2 days, April 19th-20th 2014. In Indoor we had 10 topics, such as Event of AMSA, Analysis of SWOT, Struktur AMSA, Kesekretariatan, History of AMSA-UMI, AD/ART AMSA, Filosofi AMSA-UMI. Paper and Poster, Social Media, Medical Check-Up. In Indoor, we launched our lovely new website,, and ABDOMEN: AMSA Board Magazine. And in Indoor we had a post test. The questioned in post test we take from all of the topic in Indoor. And we got 56 applicants who pass that post test. And the last step of OPREC called Outdoor. The Outdoor was held on April 26th-27th 2014 at Pinus forest, Malino. In this last session we divided into 8 groups. Each groups had to through 4 post and that was very Important session because that 4 post taken by Amsa-UMI’s philosophy; Knowledge, Friendship, Action, and Religious. After all of groups pass 4 post, they were to bonfire. And in April 27th 2014 we had outbound with theme of colourful. Finally, welcomed the 56 new members of Batch XI. And Thank you for all of the committee and AMSA-UMI members for participating this Open Recruitment Batch XI. And welcome Batch XI to our lovely organisation.

Local Paper Poster Advocacy & Essay Training Agnes Listyanakristi Prabawati - AMSA-UPN Veteran

Local Paper Poster Advocacy and Essay Training (LPPAET) was held on April 27th, 2014. The place was in introduction room ,Cipto Mangunkusumo building, Medical Faculty of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. The event was attended by all students who were interested in making paper, poster, and essay. Moreover, there was an explanation about advocacy. The event started at 9 a.m. It was opened by the greeting speech by the event chairman, Putri Anggraeni. Then, it continued with greeting speech by Rahadian Malik as the representative of AMSA-UPN. The first presentation was given by Muhammad Noval as the President of BEM FK UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. The material given by him was so interesting because he shared about some controversial issues in society. Those issues could be a purpose to make advocacy. It meant that the purpose was to change the policy to be better. The participants looked so enthusiast. Some of them asked several interesting questions about advocacy, the issues, and steps about advocacy in our campus. After explanation about advocacy, there was a presentation about how to make an essay. It was given by Rifa Roazah and Afria Benny Safitri. They were students in Medical Faculty of UPNVJ and also members of AMSA-UPN who have so many experiences in making essay and essay competition. They explained how to begin making essay, how to choose the topic, and how to get more information by reading journals and books. We had a break at 12 a.m. It was a time for having lunch together and praying. While the participants were had their lunch, they talked about the previous topics received from the speakers.

The event continued at 1 p.m. In this time, the speaker was dr.Lady Margaretha. She was the founder of AMSA-UPN. The topic is about making paper and poster. Dr. Lady shared her experiences in research, making paper, and also designing poster.We got so much information about how to do a paper, things which should be prepared to make paper, and many more. Besides, she gave us suggestion and motivation to get more achievement and to do research. The explanation about paper and poster was the last session. Then it was time for giving certificate to the speakers. After it, we took some pictures with our speakers.

Group Work Camp 2014 Lathifa Putry Fauzia - AMSA-Undip The AMSA-Undip - Euphoria Japan Group Work Camp 2014 was held and finished successfully. It was divided into two concerns, health of street children in Johar, Semarang and sex worker in Tegalrejo, Ungaran. It lasted from February 21st to March 6th. The aim of this work camp was to make the street children and sex worker maintain their health and the citizens can protect street children’s health. A special aspect of this work camp certainly was the continuity of this camp every year since 2004, which its participants come from two countries (Medical students from AMSA-Undip, Indonesia and Nursing students from Euphoria, Keio University Japan). Each group member had different aspects to focus on and had planned the projects even months before the camp started. The main work was preparing and holding actions in the target areas, which was Johar and Tegalrejo. Besides, we also had campaign in Simpang Lima and discussion in our campus to raise people’s awareness about sexual transmitted disease and the health protection for street children. For the concern of street children, issues addressed were lack of knowledge about drug’s bad effects and preventing diarrhoea. We cooperated with Rumah Pintar BangJo, a non formal school that give education to street children. Two school visits in SD AlIman and SD Terang Bangsa were also parts of the schedule. We also visited Social Department of Semarang City to know their regulation to manage street children. While for the concern of sex worker, issues addressed were still how to prevent from sexual transmitted disease. In addition to the work, various leisure or cultural events took place, such as language learning, going to the temple, trip to Goa Pindul, and the farewell party on the last night. Outreaching the sex workers and street children directly was a bittersweet experience. We sometime were denied. To get more attention from the street children, we made the outreach as creative as possible, by drawing lots of pictures and handing out some snacks. While for the sex worker, we showed them the real pictures of the disease. In the perception of both participants from Indonesian and Japan, the work camp was successful and everybody did useful and fun work creating unforgettable memories. Almost all activities worked out as it was planned and all expectations were fulfilled as well. It was a totally learning experience for us and made us realise that we should be grateful more of our lives. Good job everybody! Otsukaresamadeshita!


PnP Team

Murwani Emarissa Latifah Jevonda Edria Bamitha

Abelina Dini Fitria

Narissa Dewi Nursjamsi

Reza Satria Halim

Annisa Ayu Asmiragani

St. Fatimah Zahra

Irwan Munandar

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