Arbor Vitae - Ninth Edition

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Meet the General Secretary of AMSAIndonesia

Karst Mountain in Rammang-Rammang

Are You Really Cool?

9th Edition | December 2014


Humans are social beings, that is one statement we have always believed in. We need other people to live, but have we ever thought about how the society we live in can affect us? In this edition, you will find some answers.


The society influences us in many different ways; the way we live, things we eat, things we do, things we use, everything you might think of right now may be related to the society. We’re living to the standard of the society, and this may correlate with health conditions and or diseases mostly found these days. Realizing that not everything is good is one of the ways of preventing these problems. You can also find out more about how we preserve our lives with geothermal energy in the World Issue segment, get to know more about our General Secretary in the Interview segment, and many other things related to AMSA-Indonesia and its members. Regards,

Jevonda Edria Bamitha Editor-in-Chief

Arbor Vitae 9th Edition Health Issue Caused by Society: As we get by December 2014 Jevonda Edria Bamitha Editor-in-Chief Jevonda Edria Bamitha Illustrator Publication and Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia 14/15 Publication and Promotion


Giovanni Reynaldo AMSA-Ukrida

Tri Angela AMSA-Ukrida

Asyura Alikha AMSA-Unhas

Agnes Listyanakristi P. AMSA-UPNVJ

Jason Bustam AMSA-UPH


Gezta Nasafir Hermawan AMSA-UPH

Siti Shalihah Ramadhani AMSA-Unsri

Alfina Alfiani AMSA-UMI

Andhika Rezky Bahrizal AMSA-Usakti

Gerry Susanto AMSA-UNS


Nur Afiati Nadhiyah AMSA-UB

Nadia Fadhilah AMSA-UB

Ahmad Aulia Rizaly AMSA-Unhas

Christian Tricaesario AMSA-Undip

Kharisa Salma Oktarini AMSA-UGM


Rizaldy Zulham AMSA-Unhas

M. Fathi Banna Al Faruqi AMSA-UGM

Anugrah Insani AMSA-Unismuh

Atika Rosada AMSA-Usakti



ARE YOU REALLY COOL? written by: Atika Rosada


owadays, the number of people consuming alcohol and smoking is increasing. Teenagers are also counted. At their age, environment has a bigger role than family. It means that they tend to listen to their friends rather than their own moms. We could not put blame on it, because it happens naturally. However, as they are still really don’t know what are good and bad; they will do what their friends think it’s cool, like alcohol and smoking. Without knowing its bad effect on their health or perhaps they simply ignore their parents warning, they smoke and drink just to get involved in their society.

Some teenagers argued that it is easier to make new friends when they have the same hobbies. The activities they do together bring them to a habit, a lifestyle. As teenagers are curious with things that they haven’t experienced before, we can not deny that they may try alcohol and cigarettes. Once a teenage in a group doesn’t drink or some like others, she/he will be probably considered as “not cool” and left alone. None of teenagers want that. They need place to share with people at the same age. What teenager doesn’t know is that “when it comes to bad lifestyle that their groups have, like alcohol

At their age, environment has a bigger role than family.

and smoke, is it worthy enough to get involved?” Alcohol has harmful effect to our body. Perhaps everybody has ever heard about it and those alcoholic drinker teenagers might have been ignoring it. Researchers said that what really happens in our body is that alcohol induced unstable methyl to be inserted in our DNA which will destroy the transcription process. This process, later, will make free radicals increase in our body. Those free radicals will oxidize and make both DNA and RNA damaged which leads to mutation. In addition, free radicals will oxidize lipids and proteins. Those are reasons why alcohol became risk factor in many diseases such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. Another dangerous thing is Smoking. Recent study shows that although not all smoking people DNAs’ are methylated, they still

have higher risk to have cancer. Not only bad for the smokers, but smoking is also bad for the people around. Smoke, that is produced, can also damage the DNA. It means that by inhale the smoke, even if we are not smoking, our DNA is potential to have mutations. In other words, smoking increases risks to get some diseases like lung cancer, sexual dysfunction, and coronary heart disease for the smokers, it also put people around smokers in danger, having disease too. Tragically, most of teenagers are still smoking just to show people that they are cool. As I stated earlier, teenagers drink and smoke because they don’t know or maybe they are just carefree. Thus, education is really essential in giving information to let them know what will happen to them if they consume alcohol or smoke. Another important thing is that posters, leaflets, articles shouldn’t stop reminding people, especially teenager with hope that those medias will increase their awareness. As a conclusion, teenager should know that alcohol and smoke will bring more disease than friends. We can stay healthy with good life style around good friends, not those who bring us closer to unhealthy lifestyle. So are you really cool with the disease invested in your body because of your so-called cool



apid globalization and increasing number of working hour, force people to work seriously in order to achieve all the targets given. In the new era where technology is growing fast, we cannot deny the use of the gadget such as computer and smartphone in our daily life. They become things that are inseparable to human life. Let’s talk about computer. Most of our activity nowadays cannot be separated from this brilliant technology, people sitting in front of the computer, working all day long to finish the works they have. This daily routine can cause bad outcome especially on their health and bodily function.

“ERGONOMY is a multidisciplinary study which speaks more about the principles in designing every single thing that are related to working environment...”

Ergonomy is a multidisciplinary study which speaks more about the principles in designing every single thing that are related to working environment such as equipment, process and how they correlate with our anatomy position, it is more about the balance between the workers and all the components related to the working places. Most developing countries, including Indonesia, have started to pay a great attention to this problem, working in a wrong position for a long period of time will double the tiredness for workers that result in a decreasing productivity. So what is the outcome of a bad position in working? Musculoskeletal problems will be the easiest we can find. Just say Kyphosis and Scoliosis, these problems can occur if your computer does not fit your height and position, extra energy will be required to work in this condition,

how can we prevent these problems? We can start by sitting properly and design our working environment better, the angle of flexion from our head shouldn’t exceed 10-30 degrees, and the distance should be about 45-75 cm, our back should be steady, relax and supported from behind, as easy as that! We can be much healthier by following these guidance when working with computer, Not only the abnormality that we have mentioned above, there are another conditions that can be caused by wrong position in working such as myalgia, that condition will make discomfort and decreasing productivity. What can cause this problem? Static movement while working in the office can make the occlusion inside the vascular, without enough oxygen distributed to the tissue, this condition will change our metabolism from aerobe to anaerobe, raising the number of the lactic acid that accumulated inside the muscle, resulting in the pain of the muscle called myalgia. Do physical problems always become the main issue? We cannot underestimate other aspect such as psychological health. People who work in an office who have little interaction with the other

colleagues tend to undergo mental depression. Many people who are bored with their daily routine in the office for years can develop a symptoms called Sick Building Syndrome or known as SBS, this is an abnormalities caused by spending too much time inside the building and have bad circulation of air. It is hard to suspect these cases because there is no specific illness can be identified, the person may experience acute health problem and discomfort feeling. Are you still feeling discomfort when you are working? Or maybe you are experiencing this kind of situation at work? Change in your working equipments and positions might help in reducing these issues, try to have some entertainment in your busy schedules and re-adjust your working table for better productivity. So, be happy, continue working and keep your productivity on top!





by: ten likha t i r w A ura Asy


owadays, our city is full of lights. We are lighten by the lamps, which can be found anywhere, at the street, yards, parking lots, inside and outside of the buildings, we even get the lights from our gadgets. Many people even adore those lights, which we can see up from the sky during a flight. Our city lights look so wonderful. Photographers capture it every time they see that kind of view, and the rest decided to enjoy it while they can. It is indeed such an amazing view.

Lights are so useful for us, of course. We can work even at night, with the help of lights so we can see through the dark. It extends our productivity by offering time, not only to work but also for another activities and purposes. But we also tend to forget, when we live with those lights, those things can affect our health in a bad way. Too much lights isn’t always good either. Lights, outside of the buildings that is unnecessary, becomes an annoying thing, and known as a light pollution. Light pollution creates much effect towards us. It competes with starlight in the night sky, and interfere the work of astronomical observatories, and like the other pollutions, it affects our ecosystem, and it has many effects toward our health. It has been proven that in the environment where there is much artificial light at night, it is disrupting our circadian clock, neuroendocrine physiology, and increases the growth of a tumor cell. Circadian clock is our 24-hour daily cycle when all of our mechanism such as brain wave patterns, hormone production, cell regulation, and any other biological activities occur. Lights pollutions somehow disrupt this cycle, and it creates several medical disorders in humans, including depression, insomnia, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer. Exposure of the light at night can disrupt our body production of

melatonin, a brain hormone that roles to reset our body biological clock. Melatonin secreted primarily in the brain at night. Melatonin triggers a host of biologic activities, possibly including a nocturnal reduction in the body’s production of estrogen. Melatonin levels drop --It has been proven that in the environment where there is much artificial light at night, it is disrupting our circadian clock --precipitously in the presence of artificial or natural light. Numerous studies suggest that decreasing nocturnal melatonin production levels increases an individual’s risk of developing cancer. As a prove, through several research done in Israel, in populations such as shift workers that work a lot at night there’s a higher incidence of some forms of cancer. The disruption of our circadian cycle not only increase the growth of tumor cell. It also has an impact towards our sleeping patterns. It is said that, there is a fairly intuitive connection between artificial light and sleep disorders. Difficulties with adjusting the circadian clock can lead to a number of sleep disorders, including shift-work sleep disorder, which affects people who rotate shifts or work at night, and delayed sleep–phase syndrome, in which

people tend to fall asleep very late at night and have difficulty waking up in time for work, school, or social engagements. There is also a research that shows another resulting effect of light pollution, obesity. In today's common sleep-deprived, electrified modern lifestyle may be telling our internal clocks it's summer all the time. Combined with readily available food year-round, and you have a simple prescription for substantially increased caloric intakes, and thus greater obesity.

Not only affecting through breast cancer on woman, the artificial light can also create problem to our children. Scientists have warned that children who sleep with a light on during the night could be ruining their eyesight. US scientists found that children who sleep with a light on are significantly more likely to grow up short-sighted and having to wear glasses, when compared to children who sleep in the dark. However, many people out there aren’t aware of light pollutions.

They think that, world with light is even beautiful, and its okay to always live with light. Mostly people are even afraid of the dark, while actually dark is not something we should be afraid of. The artificial light suppresses our health improving functions that should naturally and nightly occur in our bodies. These functions include those that promote better sleep, fight depression, fight obesity, and consume free radicals which damage DNA and cells and so negate some risk factors for certain cancers. It is not just light. Let’s start with ourselves. We have simple solutions to reduce this light pollution. For example, we can utilize the light sources of minimum intensity necessary to accomplish the light’s purpose. We can use the improved lighting fixture, so that they direct their light more accurately towards where it is needed, and with fewer side effects. We can also turn off the light when its not needed. It is okay to live with dark, sometimes. We should not be afraid with the dark. Dark by nature is not bad as light designed by human. Dark isn’t always bad, and the light isn’t always good.

Shisha T R E N D O R DA N G E R ? written by Agnes Listyanakristi Prabawati


hrough the globalization, our society is more acquainted with modern lifestyle. It is including what we consume. As we know, what we like to consume may has an effect for our body. It could be good or even bad.

Shisha is an Arabian water wipe. It contains syrupy tobacco mix containing molasses and vegetable glycerol, which is smoked in an instrument for vaporizing and smoking, named Hookah. Unlike cigarettes, shisha has many flavors. The typical flavors include apple, grape, guava, lemon, mint, and other fruit based mixed. The unusual flavors include gummy bear, blueberry muffin, etc. The flavor makes shisha become a trend because people can taste the sensation of flavor vapor.

Shisha comes from the Middle East. Because of globalization, it becomes famous and it can be found in our country. Shisha is offered in some restaurants or cafe in Indonesia. That is why people can find it easily. It becomes a lifestyle. Just a few of them know the danger of shisha.

If it is consumed in the long term and more often, it is very susceptible for smokers to develop lung disease, heart disease, stroke and various other diseases.

Besides, there is tar, which contains chemical compounds that can settle in the body. Tar is carcinogenic. When we smoke shisha, tar will enter the mouth and throat to Just like cigarettes, shisha contains become a set of sediment in the tobacco and other toxic content throat and also oral cavity. Tar such as nicotine, tar, carbon causes gingivitis, because it is monoxide, arsenic, and lead. accumulated in the gums and Although it implies the same, the makes plaque that can Although it implies the be a place of bacteria colonization.

same, the shisha smoke is more toxic than the cigarettes smoke

shisha smoke is more toxic than the cigarettes smoke. If it is compared with a tobacco cigarette, shisha smoke contains higher arsenic and nickel, tar is 36 times higher, and carbon monoxide is 15 times higher. Nicotine in tobacco is the most addictive of all drugs. It stimulates the same areas of the brain as cocaine and amphetamines, and tolerance to nicotine develops faster than to cocaine or to heroin. Nicotine also affects the mood, brain metabolism and ability to act.

Carbon monoxide also causes harmful health effects by reducing oxygen delivery to the body's organs and tissues. As we know, CO is a product of incomplete combustion of organic matter due to insufficient oxygen supply to enable complete oxidation to carbon dioxide (CO2). The affinity of CO to hemoglobin is higher than the affinity of O2 to hemoglobin. It causes the reducing of oxygen to body’s organ and tissues. It may cause the damage of organ and tissues. The substance of shisha causes bad effects for our body. That is why we



! MEET THE GENERAL SECRETARY written by: Jason Bustam


CV Name

: Ernestine Vivi Sadeli


: Ernestine

Date of Birth

: 3 March 1994

Formal Education: • Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pelita Harapan - 2012-until graduate • Santa Angela (Ursulin) Senior High School Jakarta - 2009-2012 • Santa Angela (Ursulin) Junior High School Jakarta - 2006-2009 • Santa Angela (Ursulin) Elementary School Jakarta - 2000-2006 Personal Experience in AMSA: • Technical Team of National Meeting AMSA-Indonesia - 2012 • Treasurer at Asian Medical Student Conference (AMSC) in Malaysia 2013 • Chief of Delegates at Asian Medical Student Conference in Thailand - 2014 • Vice Chairperson I of East Asian Medical Student Conference (EAMSC) in Indonesia - 2014 • Representative of AMSA-UPH - 2013-2014 • Supervisor of Exchange Program Philippine for Indonesia - 2013 • General Secretary of AMSA-Indonesia - 2014-2015 • Advisory Board of AMSA-UPH - 2014-2015 Academics Achievements: • • • • • • • • •

2nd Winner of MIPA (Math and Science) - Biology Competition 2009 1st Winner of English Contest Outbound Version - 2009 1st Winner of Storytelling in English - 2010 4th Winner of MIPA (Math and Science) - Astronomy Competition 1st Winner of Integrated Skills English Quiz - 2010 1st Rank from SMP Yuwati Bhakti for UAN and UAS - 2010 2nd Winner for "Student Award of The Year" Sukabumi - 2010 8th Rank from SMA Santa Ursula for UAN and UAS - 2012 Quarter Finalist of English Debate Competition at Airlangga University - 2012

Q: Why did you decide to choose doctor as your future profession? A: I used to concerned about Pharmacist, because I love Chemistr. After I thought about it for a while, it seems pharmacist are working behind the scenes, I like to work in the opposite way, like interacting with people. I also amazed about human, all of God greatness and majesty reflected in human, such as anatomy, processes, and the others. Therefore, I choose doctor as my goal.

Q: What, or who is your biggest inspiration and influence in your life? A: The most influence in my life is my mom, for me, she is a 'doctor' above a doctor. It means although someday I would become a doctor, she is still a 'doctor' who can heal me from any disease. My mom can place herself as a mother who care and love her child, but also a strong and firm figure.

Q: Why did you choose AMSA? A: At the beginning, when i first entered AMSA, I was introduced to the 3 visions of AMSA and in my opinion, this organization has a clear and impactful visions. Other organizations may have only friendship or the other, but AMSA has it all. (Action, friendship, knowledge).

AMSA puts an importance on all three of these things, and this is what attracted me to join AMSA.

AMSA taught me so much and i must return the favor to AMSA, one of the ways that i did was to join AMSA-Indonesia. Amga has a same vision with me and offered me the position of General Secretary. For me, organization is not only an instrument to achieve my goals but it also needs to maintain other aspects, such as character.

It is better to develop people, which will develop the organization eventually, rather than developing the organization without concerning the members only to achieve goals, because process is more important than the goals for me.

Q: In your opinion, what are the advantages of being a part of AMSAIndonesia? A: I think it is to be able to know so many people, not measured by quantity but by quality of each person. AMSA taught me to see a person quality and how to interact and deal with it. Otherwise, AMSA also taught me to adapt with various situations, then trained my time management and also my personality. Besides developing myself, I can also develop others, it is quite simple, no need to give lessons but by the way we behave and inspire others, it will be a great way to develop others. Thus, that is one of many things that i would like to lift up from AMSA. I also had a vision when i served as representative which is ACT: Assisting, Caring, and Transforming.

Q: Is there any obstacles or barriers in managing your life as a medical university student and also as a person who actively participates in AMSA? A: The biggest barrier for me is only one, exhaustion. Actually there is a great spirit to study, do my homework or do any other things but because im tired, everything could be hampered. But, to overcome this barrier, I always finish my deadline on weekend because I know it would be so hectic on weekdays.

Another way to overcome my barrier is priority scale. Priority scale may vary different due to personal thoughts. Some people may put God as the first, family as the second, etc. My priority scale is kind of different, I put family as the first, then God, academic, organization then hobby for the last. However, do not make your closest people to us as an obstacle to move forward, we need to insert them into each priority scale.

Q: Can you tell us what suggestion or advice do you have for other AMSA members in developing their potential and also managing their time in organization and study? A: Basically, there is no big thing that can be obtained instantly, if you have a big dream, do not consider it as impossible. In the past, I used to dream about becoming Chief of Delegates, that seemed impossible but as the time goes by I can reach it. If you have enough experience and time, then you can chase your dreams, keep on working and do not give up. If there is anything you don't know, ask your senior because friendship is very visible in AMSA and they would answer your question. In addition, keep on the determination

of every choices you make or you made before. Commitment distinguish those who will success and those who not.

The biggest barrier for me is only one, exhaustion. Actually there is a great spirit to study, do my homework or do any other things but because im tired, everything could be hampered. But, to overcome this barrier, I always finish my deadline on weekend because I know it would be so hectic on weekdays.

Another way to overcome my barrier is priority scale. Priority scale may vary different due to personal thoughts. Some people may put God as the first, family as the second, etc. My priority scale is kind of different, I put family as the first, then God, academic, organization then hobby for the last. However, do not make your closest people to us as an obstacle to move forward, we need to insert them into each priority scale.

Q: Can you tell us what suggestion or advice do you have for other AMSA members in developing their potential and also managing their time in organization and study?

A: Basically, there is no big thing that can be obtained instantly, if you have a big dream, do not consider it as impossible. In the past, I used to dream about

becoming Chief of Delegates, that seemed impossible but as the time goes by I can reach it. If you have enough experience and time, then you can chase your dreams, keep on working and do not give up. If there is anything you don't know, ask your senior because friendship is very visible in AMSA and they would answer your question. In addition, keep on the determination of every choices you make or you made before. Commitment distinguish those who will success and those who not.

“Commitment distinguish those who will success and those who won’t.”



GEOTHERMAL ENERGY FOR BETTER FUTURE written by: Gezta Nasafir Hermawan


s human being we consume energy since the beginning of our existence and it is a fact that we might not survive a single moment without it. We naturally produce energy within every single cell in our body through cellular respiration process, the energy that we used perform simple or difficult activities in life. Throughout time technologies grow and develop in order to make our lives easier but at the same time the

amount of energy it requires also increases. The use of burning fossil fuel to fulfill our energy requirement is now considered to be inadequate and bring the environment towards destruction due to increase in carbon emission leading to global warming, hence many countries develop the use of renewable clean energy, geothermal energy is one potential alternative source.

What is Geothermal Energy? Geothermal Energy is harness from the heat coming a few miles beneath the Earth’s surface, resources range from the shallow ground to hot water and deeper layers of molten rocks called magma. The shallow ground or upper 10 feet of Earth’s surface maintains a nearly constant temperature between 50o to 60o F (10o to 16o C). Geothermal Heat Pump tap into this resource consists of a heat pump, air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building; so the heat pump moves the heat from the indoor air delivery system into the heat exchanger. Direct use applications include heating buildings, water, greenhouses, drying crops, heating water at fish farms and several industrial processes such as pasteurizing milk. The Earth’s heat that escapes as steam can also be used to power a turbine/generator, which in turn generates electricity.

Why Geothermal Energy? As a part of global community, we consume an incredible amount of energy through the use of burning fossil fuels as our primary energy source. This contributes to the release of greenhouse gases, which eventually leads to global warming. Geothermal energy is considered to be limitless since it comes directly from the Earth’s core 24 hours a day for 365 day a year and the amount released is considered to be negligible compared to the Earth’s total heat content, hence making the geothermal energy a renewable source. Unlike other sources of energy like fossil fuel or nuclear energy, geothermal energy is considered to be clean and produces no toxic waste, which may harm people and environment; and unlike hydroelectric power plants, geothermal plants don’t dam the natural waterways to flood land to produce power, sine the hot water and steam lies below earth’s surface and is processed in contained areas. In closed system geothermal plants, water is re-injected into the ground and used again at a later date.

International Problem International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) founded in Bonn, Germany in January 2009 aims to become the main driving force in promoting a transition towards the use of renewable energy on a global scale with 138 member states and has cooperated with the United Nations. The current director-general of IRENA, Adnan Z. Amin puts an effort for a new programme designed to support the development of geothermal energy in the Latin American region was launched here Tuesday December 9th 2014 on the sidelines of the U.N. Climate Change Conference. Peru's involvement in the Geothermal Development Facility is part of its plan to achieve 60 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025. IRENA predicted that by 2030 the planet would be home to eight billion people and these people will demand for about 60 percent more energy than we currently have available and without clean energy we will reach the 450 part per million tipping point beyond which catastrophic climate change is likely to occur in 2040.

Challenges in Indonesia Currently Indonesia is the 3rd largest geothermal electricity producer after United States and Philippines. The production capacity in 2011 is approximately 1200 MW or 40% of National’s total electricity demand produced from six geothermal plants in Java, North Sumatera, North Sulawesi, and Bali. At 2010 World Geothermal Congress in Bali, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono announced a plan to build 44 new geothermal plants by 2014, more than triple capacity to 4000 MW. By 2025, Indonesia aims to produce more than

9000 MW of geothermal power, hence becoming world’s leading geothermal energy producer. This would account for 5% of Indonesia’s total energy needs. However Indonesia went through some difficulties and challenges in realizing the plan over the years resulting in slow paced development of the geothermal plants programme. The main problem for geothermal energy development in Indonesia is the regulatory framework. Currently geothermal activities are lawfully defined as mining (Law No. 27 2003), which implies that it is restricted in protected forest and conservation areas (Law No. 41 1999). About 60 percent of Indonesia's geothermal energy, however, is located in protected forest and conservation areas. The development of Indonesia's geothermal energy potential is important, as the country's electricity demand will increase by around eight percent annually. Currently, Indonesia has one of the lowest electrification rates (66 percent) in Asia, implying that there are around 80 million Indonesians that are not yet connected to the nation's electricity grid. The government intends to raise the role of renewable energy sources in increasing the electrification rate and has set the ambitious target that by 2025 renewable sources will account for 25 percent of domestic energy demand, around 17 percent

is intended to be supplied by geothermal energy. To reach its ambitious target, the Indonesian government is offering tax incentives for renewable energy project developers (including geothermal energy) and has allocated funds for exploration activities (aiming to reduce exploration risks for the private sector).



NANO TEKNOLOGI written by: Tegar Ardhi Wardana




i era yang semakin modern ini, banyak terjadi kemajuan di segala bidang, terutama bidang teknologi. Teknologi adalah bidang yang memberikan banyak manfaat dalam kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari manusia. Di era ini, seakan-akan manusia tidak dapat bertahan hidup tanpa adanya teknologi. Salah satu aspek yang sangat terbantu dengan adanya teknologi adalah aspek kesehatan. Perkembangan zaman seperti berbanding lurus dengan perkembangan variasi penyakit, sehingga teknologi sangat membantu dalam menangani banyak kasus penyakit yang baru ditemukan.

Salah satu Teknologi yang membantu aspek kesehatan adalah Nano Technology. Walaupun masih dalam proses perkembangan dan penelitian, Nano Technology sudah memberikan kepastian akan luar biasanya teknologi di bidang kesehatan nantinya. Dengan menggunakan nano partikel yang juga melibatkan robot berukuran nano, teknologi ini akan melakukan proses perbaikan atau penyembuhan sampai kepada tingkat sel. Nano Technology sedang dikembangkan oleh

para ilmuan sebagai obat untuk menyembuhkan kanker. Selain itu, nano technology juga sedang dikembangkan sebagai jaringan atau organ buatan yang nantinya akan menggantikan fungsi hati, jantung, ginjal, dan dapat memperbaiki fungsi dari saraf. Nano berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti kecil. Jadi secara harafiah, nano teknologi adalah teknologi yang mengontrol zat dan material pada skala nanometer. Segala benda yang digunakan manusia sehari-hari tersusun atas atom-atom yang berukuran kecil atau nano. Bahkan makhluk hidup seperti manusia juga tersusun atas atom-atom yang berukuran nano. Suatu benda sangat bergantung Nano technology sangat kepada susunan atomnya, sehingga jika membantu untuk ada kerusakan pada salah menangani kasus yang satu atomnya maka akan berhubungan dengan mengubah fungsi atau suatu kerusakan yang struktur dari benda ukurannya sangat kecil tersebut. Oleh karena itu, nano technology sangat membantu untuk menangani kasus yang berhubungan dengan suatu kerusakan yang ukurannya sangat kecil. Ini merupakan prinsip dari nano technology. Nano Technology juga dapat meniru struktur molekul suatu benda dan memanipulasi struktur DNA dengan cara mengubah stukturnya agar bisa menjadi sebuah organisme yang diinginkan. Robert A. Freitas membuat sebuah nano robot yang diberi nama Respirocyte. Nano robot tersebut berukuran sekitar 1-2 mikron dan berjalan di sepanjang aliran darah. Nano robot tersebut memungkinkan seseorang dapat menahan napas sekitar 4 jam dan berlari cepat selama 15 menit tanpa bernapas. Nano robot memiliki sistem kerja yang mirip dengan sistem pengisian sel darah merah atau sistem pompa darah yang mampu memompa sekitar 9 miliar molekul

TOP HITS US & UK DECEMBER 2014 written by: Siti Shalihah Ramadhani Novizar Source: MTV-UK



1. Don’t Go On Floor - Rihanna, Beyonce, Jennifer, Nicki 2. Animals - Maroon 5 3. Try - Colbie Caillat 4. Maps - Maroon 5 5. No One Else Like You - Adam Levine 6. Life On Mars - Jessica Lange 7. Young Again - Hardwell, Chris Jones 8. Wait On Me - Rixton 9. Out Of The Woods - Taylor Swift 10. Come Over - Clean Bandit, Stylo G 11. Cool Kids – Echosmith 12. Lost Stars - Keira Knightley 13. Break The Rules - Charli XCX 14. Stay With Me - Sam Smith 15. Chandelier - Jannina W 16. Let It Be Me - Jennifer Lopez 17. Elle Imagine – Nacash 18. Laptop – Desue 19. Hurt Lovers – Blue 20. Superheroes - The Script 21. We Are One - Pitbull, Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte 22. What Are You Waiting For - Nikelback



KARST MOUNTAIN in Rammang-Rammang written by: Alfina Alfiani


outh Sulawesi has been given an outstanding beauty of nature. From beach through mountain, they all are wonderful and challenging. Even for category of mounts.

Rammang-Rammang village is located in Maros, South Sulawesi. It is not just usual village, but the village with a really amazing view that surrounded by Karst highlands. This village has become favorite destination for tourist because of its miracle of landscape. There are particular Karst stones standing highly just like a line of giant. So awesome! Not everyone knows that Indonesia has the second biggest highland in the world, and that’s the Karst Highland. Many tourists even said that Rammang-rammang village is the land version of Wayang Archipelago, Raja Ampat, because they’re both wonderful.

Rammang-rammang village itself is rarely heard. Yeah, this village is just a tiny place with less popularity compared with Tana Toraja in the north, and Tanjung Bira in the south. Rammang-rammang village is located in Maros, which will take an hour if we drive from Makassar. After reached the location, a few people who will rent their boat will

welcome us. Before travelling by walk, we must through the paddy field that lies between a Karst mountains. A trip from small harbor to the location lasts 30-40 minutes. But we could forget about a long time because the outstanding refreshing view. The lush pandanus tree on river along and sometimes there is a part of Kart shown, is a really beautiful view that we cannot pass by. Before reached Rammang-Rammang village, we will walk through a kind of Karst tunnel. And there’s a special sensation if our boat pass this tunnel. The natural size of Karst is a really captivating moment to be seen and a really amazing picture to be taken. The starting view after we leave the harbor is already

interesting enough with a unique small Karst stones scattered on the surface of river. Palm tree flourishingly grow along the river refresh the air even though sun is shining so brightly. A flying birds, floating gooses, and swimming ducks quickly prevents the crossing boat. Along the road, we will see people’s house in the edge of river and villagers ‘s activities. Karst hills can be seen in the left and right side of river, and also there’s a few hills which standing so close from the river then form a narrow gap between the river. After reaching Kampong Berua, the magnificence covered by simplicity is too awesome to be seen. Some of house of tilts elegantly standing and surrounded by paddy field. From the distance, a row of Karst surround Rammang-Rammang village just like want to protect the village and all the villagers from all of dangerous things. Breezy wind, greeny paddy field, wonderful Karst from the distance is a really perfect combination that can make eyes forget to blink and mouth cannot stop compliment God. Indonesia is so beautiful. One thing that also offered here is an ancient heritage, like trail of palm on the cave wall. Actually that is not cave but wall of cliff that has a

concave shape. The trail of ancient, which is a red, palms bluntly shown on the cave wall. The size is smaller than the adult’s palm size. We also can find Taman Bidadari that located not too far from Kampong Berua. Taman Bidadari is a small lake that surrounded by a wall of stone. The water is so clear and has a blue color. The base of lake is a few stone. Around the wall of cave, there are hanging roots protrude until reach the surface of water. There is a small gap in the middle of the stones that shown like grayish wall, has a hole like spons and irregular. According to the legend, this place is a bathing place for the angels and uniquely the water in this lake will recede in a rainy season, and higher in a dry season. There are so many more of wondrous things that we can find in Rammang-Rammang. So if you visit South Sulawesi and want to feel unbeatable sensation, just visit Rammang-Rammang village in Kabupaten Maros. There’s so many amazing Karst and other things that can surprise you. Enjoy!



Say Good Night to Your Gadget Too Andhika Rezky Bahrizal The latest research about technology abusing shows us how people get addicted into their gadget. 76% of the 17-29 year old get connected by the internet for mobile manner. 95% of them always use their gadget before bed and put them right next to the bed. The studie shows a two-hour exposure to light from electronic display suppreses melantonin by about 22%. It is not only cut your bed time but also your productivity time, the study shows that 3 in 10 workers will fall asleep at their desk in a month. You love your gadget, but using them everywhere isn’t worth it. When you go to bed, say goodnight to your technology too.

More age More Water Andhika Rezky Bahrizal Let's share more water to our grandies for gaining successful healthy aging.

Symmetry Gerry Susanto Balance between right and left, create a balance between your life and the environment, When balance is achieved, harmony in life will follow

A Happy Boy Nur Afiat Nadhiyah Just spread your smile and make the world being better, because you can change the atmosphere of this crazy world with your angle smile boy

Sunrise isn't on the West Side Nur Afiati Nadhiyah you can be abandoned by the light that you made but the light of the sunshine never leave you alone

Living for Life Nadia Fadhilah Positively carrying, negatively infecting. Here is my country, Indonesia, about the people and its transportation.

Melompat Tegar Ardhi Wardana Mari melompat. Mari mengejar mimpi. Soekarno pernah berkata 'gantungkanlah mimpimu setinggi langit! walaupun kamu jatuh, kamu jatuh diantara bintang-bintang.

Staring Ahmad Aulia Rizaly If you are an art enthusiast, make sure to visit Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery, the place where this photograph is taken. The gallery is located nearby Gereja Blenduk, on Jalan Srigunting No.5-6, Semarang, Central Java.

The Portrait of Today’s Generation Ahmad Aulia Rizaly This wall sticker attracts my eyes so much since it reflects the situation of today’s generation that always holds something that is “smarter” than them. The photograph is taken on Jalan Asia-Afrika, Bandung, West Java.


Open Recruitment 2014 AMSA-Universitas Pelita Harapan - Jason Bustam

Setiap tahunnya, universitas yang tergabung dalam Asian Medical Students Association (AMSA) mengadakan penerimaan anggota baru untuk melanjutkan generasi AMSA di setiap universitas. Tentunya tidak semudah menjentikkan jari untuk tergabung sebagai bagian dalam organisasi ini, diperlukan tahapan yang berbeda-beda di setiap universitas. Universitas Pelita Harapan telah melaksanakan program Open Recruitment AMSA-UPH pada tahun 2014 untuk para mahasiswa baru yang tergabung dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, AMSA-UPH melakukan tiga tahapan penting untuk penerimaan anggota baru. Tahap yang pertama adalah pembagian dan penerimaan formulir, hal ini bertujuan untuk mendata calon anggota baru. Tahap yang kedua adalah tahap yang sangat penting, pada tahap ini calon anggota baru AMSA-UPH dibagi menjadi dua grup besar dan masingmasing dari grup tersebut diharuskan untuk memilih satu dari beberapa tema yang sudah ditentukan dan membuat acara berdasarkan tema yang dipilih. Masing-masing grup akan memilih ketua acara dan wakilnya berdasarkan voting dan ketua terpilih akan memilih kepala-kepala divisi

yang terbaik demi kelancaran persiapan acara. Grup pertama memilih nama acara "SEPATOE: Sehat Tanpa Osteoporosis" dan Grup kedua memiih nama acara "Bye-Bye Hipertensi". Kedua grup tersebut diberikan waktu kurang lebih satu bulan dan dua minggu untuk pelaksanaan acara masingmasing. Kedua grup memiliki program acara yang tentunya berbeda. Grup SEPATOE melaksanakan acara yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap Osteopororis dan pencegahannya sejak dini karena Osteoporosis merupakan penyakit pada tulang yang tidak menunjukkan gejala apapun pada awalnya (silent disease). Acara diawali dengan pendaftaran peserta yang dimulai pada pukul enam pagi, lalu sekitar pukul tujuh, acara dimulai dengan doa, kata sambutan dari ketua acara dan senam pagi. Setelah itu, peserta dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok yang dipimpin oleh panitia dan memulai jalan sehat secara bergiliran. Setelah melakukan jalan sehat, para peserta diberikan hidangan yang sudah disediakan dan diajak untuk bersama-sama menari dangdut dan beristirahat sejenak sambil menunggu kedatangan pembicara yaitu dr. Steven Sumantri, Sp.PD untuk memberikan seminar mengenai Osteoporosis dan dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab. Seusai seminar, acara berlanjut ke sesi doorprize, lalu peserta dapat

mengikuti games berhadiah, garage sale, cek tensi dan gula darah gratis. Selanjutnya adalah grup hipertensi, acara ini bertujuan untuk menyadarkan masyarakat mengenai bahaya hipertensi dan bagaimana cara untuk mencegahnya melalu pola hidup dan pola makan yang sehat. Acara ini dimulai dengan pengecekan tensi gratis bagi peserta dan dilanjutkan dengan senam yang diinstruksikan oleh instruktur khusus untuk hipertensi. Setelah senam selesai, peserta dapat beristirahat sejenak sambil menunggu giliran untuk pengecekan gula darah dan kolesterol. Sesudah pengecekan, peserta diarahkan untuk mengikuti sesi selanjutnya yaitu seminar seputar hipertensi yang dibawakan oleh dr. Vito Damay, sp.JP. Pada sesi ini, peserta dijelaskan mengenai hipertensi dan cara pencegahannya, tak hanya itu, peserta juga dapat mengutarakan pertanyaan pada sesi tanya jawab. Tak hanya sampai disitu saja, masih terdapat sesi yang menarik perhatian yaitu demo masak. Demo masak ini berbeda dengan biasanya, demo masak ini sesuai dengan tema acara yaitu "Bye-Bye Hipertensi", masakan yang diperagakan pun merupakan masakan yang sehat dan mencegah hipertensi dengan mendatangkan koki khusus yang paham mengenai masakan untuk mengurangi resiko hipertensi. Setelah masakan siap, peserta diberikan kesempatan

untuk mencicipinya langsung. Akhirnya, sesi terakhir pun tiba, yaitu sesi pembagian doorprize. Pada sesi ini, setiap peserta berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan doorprize sesuai dengan nomor peserta yang mereka dapatkan ketika registrasi. Pada dasarnya, kesempatan untuk membuat acara ini merupakan sebuah sarana bagi calon anggota baru AMSA-UPH untuk dapat menunjukkan potensi diri mereka dan cara berkontribusi dalam sebuah acara. Setiap divisi memiliki supervisor yang bertugas untuk menilai kinerja calon anggota baru, jadi setiap pergerakan atau keputusan yang diambil tentunya diamati dan dinilai oleh supervisor dari masing-masing divisi. Tahap terakhir adalah tahap interview, calon anggota baru akan diajukan beberapa pertanyaan terkait dengan acara yang sudah berhasil diselenggarakan, kinerja dari anggota lainnya, serta beberapa pertanyaan yang menyangkut dengan penerimaan anggota baru oleh para supervisor. Di momen ini, calon anggota baru dapat menceritakan pengalamannya dalam berkontribusi untuk sebuah acara, serta memilih prioritas divisi yang diinginkan kedepannya. Pada kesimpulannya, sistem open recruitment ini terbukti sangat efektif dan lancar. Calon anggota baru dapat menunjukkan kemampuan dan kontribusinya

dalam berorganisasi dan menyelenggarakan sebuah acara, dan dapat menunjukkan kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan divisi yang telah ditentukan, meskipun berbeda dengan yang diharapkan. Harapannya, calon anggota baru dapat menjadi pribadi yang tangguh dan adaptif terhadap situasi, serta menghasilkan generasi AMSA baru yang cemerlang, VIVA AMSA!

ALSA Care AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro - Christian Tricaesario

Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) is an organization just like AMSA in Law field. ALSA local chapter (LC) Universitas Diponegoro was assigned by ALSA Indonesia to do a compulsory program named ALSA Care with theme “Satu Langkah Pasti untuk Kemanusiaan” which focused on Public Health field. Because on the date they planned to do this ALSA Care is adjacent with AMSA-Undip’s social act work plan, so we decided to merge in doing ALSA Care.

The program was held twice, on November 9 th and 16 th 2014 in Kampung Tenggang, Tambakrejo, Semarang. On November 9th, AMSAUndip members took part in educating students of SDN 03 Tambakrejo about Leptospirosis because that area is one of endemic places of Leptospirosis. After giving education, the children were asked to play a drama about patients who suffered Leptospirosis and then went to see a doctor. The children were so active that we didn’t have to point certain kids to do the drama. The second part of the program which was held on November 16th, consisted of mass healthcare in which people in Kampung Tenggang could come, check out their health, and got free medications. AMSA-Undip members

were spread into three stations: vital sign station, doctors’ diagnosis station (being doctor’s assistant), and pharmacy station. While batch 2014, who joined AMSA’s internship, took the registration and anthropometry desk and may take a look to pharmacy station. There were about 75 or more people came to SDN 03 Tambakrejo to get this free healthcare. Not only that the program was successfully carried out, but by this program, AMSA-Undip also got new friends from Faculty of Law, ALSA specifically. There were also two National Board of ALSA, who came to the program and talked a bit with us. We hope that this program may broaden AMSA’s network and friendship, not just with medical peers but also with non-medical fellows. VIVA AMSA!

AMORA AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada - Kharisa Salma Oktarini Wirjono

Tamasya Budaya adalah salah satu program kerja tahunan Art and Culture (AC) AMSA-UGM yang tidak hanya diikuti anggota AC saja, tetapi juga diikuti anggota AMSA-UGM lainnya dengan kuota tujuh puluh orang. Di Tahun 2014, Tambud diketuai oleh Aninditya Ratnaningtyas dari AC 2013. Judul acara Tamasya Budaya kami adalah Amora, yang berarti AMSA-UGM Goes To Prambanan. Acara ini adalah acara kunjungan seni budaya yang bertujuan memperkenalkan seni dan budaya Indonesia kepada anggota AMSA-UGM, sehingga menumbuhkan ketertarikan anggota AMSA-UGM dan makin menumbuhkan kecintaan terhadap seni dan budaya tanah air. Di tahun 2014 ini, Tamasya Budaya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29 November 2014. Seni Indonesia yang kami kunjungi adalah seni teater dan tari Jawa, yaitu Panggung Terbuka Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan atau biasa disebut Ramayana Ballet. Acara ini bertempat di sebuah candi yang menjadi pembatas antara dua provinsi, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah, yaitu Candi Prambanan, lebih tepatnya di bagian kompleks Ramayana Ballet. Sebelum menuju Candi Prambanan, kami berkumpul terlebih dahulu di kampus FK UGM pada pukul 15.00 WIB untuk briefing kegiatan dan pembagian kelompok. Kemudian pada pukul 16.00 WIB, kami berangkat menuju Candi Prambanan dengan menggunakan 2 buah bus kota. Suasana bus yang awalnya tenang berubah menjadi ramai karena ada beberapa peserta yang antusias dan bersemangat. Perjalanan ini memakan waktu sekitar 1 jam. Sesampainya di kompleks Ramayana Ballet pukul 17.00 WIB, kami melaksanakan ibadah sholat dan makan malam. Sebelumya beberapa peserta ada yang berkumpul untuk berfoto maupun selfie berlatarkan Candi Prambanan. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan permainanpermainan yang mengakrabkan anggota-anggota AMSA-UGM, sambil menunggu acara Ramayana Ballet dimulai. Sebelumnya, kami dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok, merah, pink, biru, hijau, ungu, dan kuning yang masing-masing beranggota sepuluh orang. Kami akan saling bertanding dalam permainan-permainan tersebut. Permainan dibagi menjadi tiga

pos, masing-masing pos menguji kelincahan, kecermatan, dan adu strategi. Di pos kelincahan, kami bermain lompat tali. Kemudian di pos kecermatan, sedikit lebih susah, kami harus bermain dengan konsentrasi pendengaran dan gerak tubuh sesuai aba-aba fasilitator. Kemudian di pos adu strategi, kami bermain panco jempol. Seusai saling beradu, seluruh peserta mendapat souvenir berupa gantungan kunci dari batok kelapa. Kemudian sekitar pukul 19.30 kami bergegas menuju panggung outdoor pertunjukan Ramayana Ballet. Pemain, penari, dan penabuh gamelan di pertunjukan Ramayana Ballet tersebut adalah anggota Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) UGM. Sayang sekali, belum genap tiga menit acara Ramayana Ballet berlangsung, tiba-tiba turun hujan deras sehingga pentas harus dihentikan dan dipindahkan ke gedung indoor, Tri Murti. Karena malam itu adalah malam Minggu, pengunjung ramai, sehingga kami harus sedikit berdesak-desakan. Namun, suasana desak-desakan itu terbayar ketika lampu panggung Tri Murti Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan mulai dipadamkan dan musik-musik gamelan mulai bergema, menandakan pertunjukan kembali dimulai. Permainan lighting panggung tersebut bukan main, sangat rapi dan makin menambah bumbu-bumbu kemegahan panggung sendratari tersebut. Pertunjukan tari Ramayana Ballet tersebut berkisah tentang sebuah cerita kepahlawanan yang berasal dari India. Ceritanya bermula dari kisah keberhasilan Sri Rama dalam memenangkan sayembara di negeri Mantili dan perkawinannya dengan Dewi Shinta. Kisah selanjutnya adalah cerita tentang tuntutan Kekayi ibunda tiri Rama agar Raja Dasarata ayah Sri Rama mengangkat puteranya Barata sebagai raja Ayodya dan menuntut agar Rama diusir ke tengah hutan Dandaka selama 30 tahun. Di dalam hutan Dandaka, Sri Rama, Laksamana, dan Dewi Shinta bertemu dengan banyak pertapa. Suatu hari, Dewi Shinta melihat kijang kencana berwarna emas yang cantik sedang berlari-lari. Dewi Shinta meminta Sri Rama untuk menangkap kijang tersebut. Ternyata kijang tersebut adalah kijang jadi-jadian jelamaan dari raksasa Marica, seorang Patih dari Rahwana. Ketika Rama berusaha mengejar kijang emas, Dewi Shinta diculik oleh Rahwana dan dibawa terbang ke negeri Alengka Diraja. Dalam perjalanan, Dewi Shinta berusaha untuk ditolong oleh Jatayu. Tetapi Jatayu dikalahkan dan digagalkan usahanya oleh Rahwana. Jatayu, yang saat itu dalam kondisi terluka, berhasil menemui Sri Rama. Jatayu

memberitahukan kepada Sri Rama bahwa Dewi Shinta diculik oleh Rahwana. Rama kemudian segera berangkat menuju negeri Alengka. Kisah berikutnya adalah tentang perjalanan Rama di hutan Maliawan. Disana, Hanoman mencoba menolong Sugriwa (raja kera) mengalahkan Subali kembarannya. Atas jasanya tersebut, Sugriwa dan Hanoman menyatakan keinginannya untuk membantu Rama mencari Dewi Shinta. Kemudian Hanoman berangkat menuju Alengka sebagai duta Sri Rama. Bagian terakhir dari kisah Ramayana adalah ketika rombongan Rama dan pasukan tentara kera membangun jembatan menuju negeri Alengka. Kemudian, Rahwana dan bala tentaranya dapat dikalahkan dan dibunuh. Sri Rama berhasil membawa kembali Dewi Shinta ke Ayodya dengan selamat. Selama kisah tersebut berlangsung, musik gamelan dan lighting panggung menambah kemagisan tari-tari yang dimainkan dengan sangat indah. Koreo yang dimainkan sangat rapi, tidak hanya kisah drama namun juga ada komedi-komedi kecil yang ikut menghias tawa penonton. Tidak terasa pertunjukan telah berakhir. Di akhir acara, diadakan sesi foto bersama para penari Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan yang kebetulan beberapa dari mereka adalah teman-teman kami dari UGM. Walau wajah-wajah kami sudah sempat dibasahi hujan, kami tetap senang dan menikmati malam kami di Candi Prambanan. Akhirnya, berakhirlah rangkaian acara Amora AMSA-UGM ini. Rasa senang, kagum, capek, bercampur jadi satu saat kami meluncur kembali ke FK UGM. Perjalanan pulang memakan waktu sekitar 30 menit dan pada pukul 22.30 WIB kami sudah sampai kembali di kampus. Such a wonderful experience!

AMSTRONG AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada - Muhammad Fathi Banna Al Faruqi

Do you like jogging around your residence? Love to play badminton on Saturday afternoon? Each person is entitled to choose the type of favorite sport, as well as AMSA-UGM. On last Saturday, December 6th 2014, AMSA-UGM held sports activities together in the form of Amstrong. This activity was carried out in the area around Graha Sabha Pramana, a favorite place for students of Universitas Gadjah Mada to exercise. It is cool and there is very spacious Field Pancasila which attract students to perform various kinds of sports, especially athletics, big ball games, and small ball games. Back to the topic, Amstrong started at 07.00. After waiting a few minutes, we started the warming up. After warming up, we did the main activities. Because of this activity followed by a lot of people, we did adapted running. Not just running, but the activity was modified in the form of a run chase game. After dividing participants into the groups, then each group was asked to name the group based on geometric shape like spirals, double helix, love, box, etc. Actually the committee had reminded participant to bring the marker. But generously the committee gave participants the marker for those

whom did not carry marker. Each group then looked for flag that had not been marked around the Graha Sabha Pramana and marked it with a geometric shape corresponding the group name. When the flag was discovered, it had to be marked. Then the group was able to look for another marked flags and captured it. Thus, the group whose flag was captured was declared to lose. The group that had marked the flag was also able to cross the dorsal part of hands of other groups so that players whose crossed dorsal hand is declared to lose. The game lasted quite a lot and eventually won by the group with the intelligent use of strategy: good strategy to protect the flag from the opponent attacks and strategy to protect the dorsal hands.

8th Anniversary of AMSA-UMI AMSA-Universitas Muslim Indonesia - Alfina Alfiani

On September 4 th 2014, AMSAUniversitas Muslim Indonesia celebrated its 8th Anniversary. On our 8th year, we hope all members keep gaining knowledge, doing action, building friendship, and strengthening religious values through the organization. Unfortunately, this year our 8 th anniversary coincided with postsemester holiday. Thus we programed to celebrate on the first week of the new semester. The event was held on Sunday, 28th September 2014 07.00 AM until end in Anjungan Losari and Akkarena Beach by the theme UNITED “Unbroken Eight For Endlessly light”. In this event we invited our 3rd Vice Dean of Medicine Faculty of UMI, Lecture in Charge, Executive Board of FK UMI, and also all members from Batch I-XI. We also invite PMI to cooperate in blood donation. Firstly, the event was Blood Donation in Anjungan Pantai Losari. In this agenda, we cooperate with PMI Makassar to make a stand-stage in Anjungan Losari. We got some blooddonors from community and also from AMSA-UMI’s members. Secondly, we move to Akkarena Beach to hold the next agenda. The agenda

was opened by reciting basmalah then holy Koran, after that we asked to chief of committee to deliver his report and also Representative, Lecturer in Charge, to deliver their welcoming speeches. Lastly, a welcome speech by the 3rd vice dean coupled with cutting the birthday cake with all members. After the opening agenda, we had brunch with all members and invited guests that have been served by the committee. While having brunch, there were some performances by the members and also games that had been planned by committee beforehand. At the end of the agenda, we took a photo together by all the members and guests. In this event there are positive values that can be gained by all members and also for our organization. We can fight for betterment for AMSA, especially for our beloved AMSA-UMI.

SOFTEN AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin - Rizaldy Zulham

It was a very fine day for AMSA-Unhas members. Starting the busy day, we had an activity of our open recruitment, and after it finished we continued to our very fun program, that is Social Effort for Children, or often known as SOFTEN. This program helps and educates the children about their health and sanitary, and we also played games with the children and of course had fun during the event. Last year, SOFTEN took place in an orphanage and we visited that orphanage to teach the kids, but this year’s SOFTEN is a little bit different. We took place in Kampung Pisang, a kind of rural area located in Makassar, which needs a special care but never received such care from the government. And because of that, AMSA-Unhas steps in to help through SOFTEN and also through another program of ours, AMSA Goes To Kampung Pisang. It is actually the second meeting of SOFTEN for this tenure. The first SOFTEN was held few months ago, and we taught the kids about their self-hygiene. We taught them 7 steps to wash their hands, and the right way to brush their teeth, and also we gave masks to protect them selves from dust and air pollution We came to the place around 04.30 PM at the time of Makassar. When we reached there, it was about to rain so we decided to use the village hall of Kampung Pisang. There, the people who live in Kampung Pisang often gather and hold many events. So we came there prepared, then we called the kids over to join our event. While waiting for the other kids to come, I and some of my friends from AMSAUnhas played with the kids. We played and shared laughter with the children. They were so excited to play and it is very nice to have the opportunity to play with them. As we play, many kids join us and finally with enough kids, we started the event. We started SOFTEN with an evaluation of the last SOFTEN. So, during the evaluation, we did recall back the kids’ memory by asking about washing hands and brushing their teeth. Mostly answered with the right answers, we can say their memory was pretty good that they could mention all the steps we taught them in the last meeting. We divided the children into some small groups, AMSA-Unhas members handled each groups so that our members can interact with the children directly. Each group were told to make their own group name, my group’s name was ‘7 Manusia

Harimau’ and the children I handled were so excited and I had really good time with them. We played with the children, and taught them how to make a mosaic. We gave them uncolored drawings of animals and kids stuffs, one picture for each children, then we pasted colored pieces of paper on it, using a glue. The children were so creative that they paste many color to those drawings. They seemed to enjoy the making of their mosaic, and so did we. SOFTEN ended at 6 PM when the children finished their mosaic. Our representative chose three best mosaic among the children’s, and we gave presents to them. We also took many pictures with the children to capture the fun. We really enjoyed that time and also felt grateful that we could share with those children. I hope that AMSA-Unhas and other AMSA universities can also experience this, the chance to interact with children and to apply all of our philosophies. Firstly, we apply the philosophy of Action by interacting and having lots of fun with those cute children directly. Secondly, we also apply Knowledge by educating the children about their selfhygiene and about their health. Last but not the least, we also apply Friendship by gathering the members of AMSA-Unhas, to come and play together with the children, and most importantly work as a family to successfully held this program together.

MOVIE REVIEW OF ‘GIFTED HANDS’ AMSA-Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar - Anugrah Insani AMSA-Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar held a Movie Review of Gifted Hands on 18 October 2014 at 3rd floor hall of Medical Faculty. This movie tells us about a neurosurgery doctor in the US that faces a hard choice to make a decision where he has to separate 2 twin babies. The doctor is so upset because the probability in their life is closer to fail, this is remind the doctor about his childhood period when he came from an ordinary family and his single mother who lived with them is deaf and mute. In that time, he was bad in study, but his mom always there to support to be as well as someone else. With all effort, lack and hardship that he through during his life, finally he could be a great and famous neurosurgery doctor and also find a way to protect those twin babies by separation surgery. He is success to proceed that surgery and save their life. The event was held by AMSA Unismuh and participated by colleagues of medical faculty. This event is not only show a movie but also invite dr. Hj. Ery Iswari Bangsawan, M.Hum as the Dean of Humanities to explain about plot and storyline, so the audience will not only have the value of this great motivation movie but also know the knowledge of humanities. The important thing of this movie is a very big role for mother to accompany and educate her son or daughter development and growth of children. It is very crucial thing to build the confidence of a child from an early age so that they do not give up on its own passion or interest in life. This movie also put a wish for every future doctors to be more have self esteem and confident in their ability that has given and tend to try the best.

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