Organisational Booklet AMSA International 2014/2015

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Organisational Booklet

On behalf of the Execu0ve Commi5ee and Regional Chairpersons of the Asian Medical Students’ Associa0on (AMSA) Interna0onal, it is with great honour that I am able to welcome you to our organisa0on through this booklet. Throughout this publica0on, I sincerely hope every reader is able to be introduced to AMSA Interna0onal. AMSA Interna0onal is the peak representa0ve body of medical students across the Asia-­‐Pacific region, which includes 24 member chapters. AMSA Interna0onal’s Vision is Knowledge, Ac0on, and Friendship. With respect to our Vision, we aim to enrich our members’ knowledge in medicine and public health, increase awareness and par0cipate in dealing with both local and interna0onal health issues, as well as broaden and improve interna0onal friendships to encourage future collabora0on between medical prac00oners around the world. I welcome you to read through this booklet in order to gain be5er understanding of who we are, what we represent and what ac0vi0es and events we carry out, and urge you to join AMSA Interna0onal’s cause of improving health care in the Asia-­‐Pacific region and beyond. Welcome to AMSA Interna0onal!


Sincerely yours,

Marco Chris/an Michael Overall Chairperson

About Us Asian Medical Students’ Associa0on (AMSA) is a peak representa0ve organisa0on for medical students from across Asia, the Asia-­‐Pacific and beyond. Training doctors from 14 members and 10 associate/ observer members combine to share knowledge, undertake ac0vi0es and social services and create interna0onal and trans-­‐con0nental friendships. AMSA was officially founded in Manila, Philippines in 1985 and from this day has been an ac0ve, dynamic and exci0ng student-­‐led, not-­‐for-­‐ profit, non-­‐poli0cal organisa0on. Today, with members and friends spanning the globe AMSA has an ac0ve student exchange program, regularly undertakes na0onal and regional projects, provides humanitarian assistance at 0mes of need, produces quarterly student publica0ons and liaises with the World Health Organisa0on (WHO), the Associa0on of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA) and many other interna0onal and regional medical student organisa0ons.

Visions AMSA’s vision is knowledge, ac0on and friendship, three areas we con0nuously strive to further in our members and peers through our organisa0onal mission:


KNOWLEDGE We promote scien0fic and medical ac0vi0es to increase and expand our knowledge whilst training to become the medical professionals of the future.


ACTION As medical students, we are concerned for the community around us and endeavour to do things for the benefit and improvement of our fellow ci0zens.


FRIENDSHIP As future doctors, we aim to build and maintain a good rela0onship among our colleagues of the Asia-­‐Pacific and beyond.

24 Local Chapters Australia







South Korea



New Zealand









United Kingdom

Hong Kong




Executive  Committee

Subsidiaries Journal Asian Medical Students’ Association (JAMSA) is AMSA International's very own biomedical journal which provides AMSA members an avenue to get their works published. All articles are peer reviewed by a team of student reviewers to ensure the highest quality possible. Submissions include original research, review papers, case reports, commentaries and others.

Newly established in 2013, the AMSA Alumni club provides an opportunity for AMSA members who have graduated to gather and maintain social contact with each other. AMSAAC members can also attend conferences and provide support for current AMSA members.

The Asian Medical Students' Exchange Program (AMSEP) and European-­‐Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program (EAMSEP) provides opportunities for members of the AMSA community to experience the lifestyle of their medical student counterparts in other Chapters while fostering the Vision of Knowledge, Action, and Friendship. The program usually lasts for a week that takes participants to experience the local academic settings by attending lectures and clinical rotations, while having fun in the exciting social programs in store for the delegates.

The European Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program (EAMSEP) is a joint exchange program between AMSA and the European Medical Students’ Associa0on (EMSA). EAMSEP provides opportunity for members in both organisa0ons to experience studying in an en0rely different con0nent while staying true to AMSA’s Vision: Knowledge, Ac0on, and Friendship. Commenced in 2014, EAMSEP strives to prepare medical students to face the era of globalisa0on, by providing academic lectures and clinical rota0ons to expose the students of the local healthcare system, promo0ng cultural awareness, and fostering new friendships across the world. The AMSA International eNewsletter aims to provide monthly updates on events, notices and opportunities. In 2011-­‐12, the old AMSA International Newsletter was developed into the AMSA eNewsletter, and it has since continued to be an avenue for communication within AMSA’s wider international community. Available on www.amsa-­‐

Annual  Conferences

Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) and East Asian Medical Students’ Conference (EAMSC) are AMSA-­‐ interna0onal’s biannual conferences with par0cipa0on of more than 400 medical students from chapters of AMSA Interna0onal. Comprised of academic, cultural and social programs, AMSC and EAMSC provide opportuni0es for medical students from Asia and Oceania to meet and discuss about their research and current issues in the world of medicine. It is also an avenue to learn and experience in the cultures and tradi0ons of different countries. The conference lasts for a week, a week that transforms strangers into lifelong friends, and thus establishes a strong network among the medical students in Asia and Oceania. This network serves as a support group for these future doctors and a stepping stone for future coopera0on in medical programs. More importantly, AMSC and EAMSC are important tools to encourage medical students to think out of their text books, to challenge them to be proac0ve and to speak out, to cul0vate social awareness and to help them grow and become a balanced doctor who prac0ces the science as well as the art of medicine. Throughout the years, AMSC & EAMSC has changed the lives of many and contributed substan0ally to the development of medical students in this region.


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