Joint catalogue / Gezamenlijk catalogus NVvA

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wi CK , tI AM OK EE FR R D O I R E B FA et Rt St IAN t m AA N K IJ AM AR RI VR t h U P 30 tIQ & P AN MA

joint catalogue • gezamenlijke catalogus


Ledenlijst Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren Almen Iris Antique Globes

Dordrecht Quist

Amersfoort Leen Helmink

Egmond aan den Hoef B.M. Israel

Amsterdam Antiqua E.H. Ariëns Kappers John Benjamins Brinkman Charbo Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & De Jonge Junk De Kloof A. Kok & Zn. Dieter Schierenberg Die Schmiede Schuhmacher J. de Slegte Spinoza

Eindhoven Max Silverenberg J. de Slegte

Apeldoorn J. de Slegte Arnhem J. de Slegte Bergum Frederik Muller Chaam Plantijn Diemen A. Gerits & Son Doornspijk Van Coevorden

Bestuur NVvA

Enschede J. de Slegte Ermelo Petrus Plancius Gorinchem Rashi ’t Goy – Houten Forum ’s Gravenhage Fokas Holthuis A. Jongbloed & Zn. Fa. Loose Jan Meemelink J. de Slegte Van Stockum Vloemans Groningen Isis J. de Slegte Haarlem Bubb Kuyper J. de Slegte A.G. van der Steur

Voorzitter: Ton Kok (Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn.) Secretaris: Frank Rutten (Antiquariaat Brinkman)

‘s – Hertogenbosch Brabant Meijering J. de Slegte Leeuwarden J. de Slegte Leiden Burgersdijk & Niermans Hotei J. de Slegte Maastricht Paul Bremmers J. de Slegte Middelburg De Boekenbeurs Dat Narrenschip Nieuw-Vennep René Krul Nieuwerbrug AioloZ

Tilburg De Rijzende Zon J. de Slegte Utrecht Acanthus Beijers J. de Slegte André Swertz Niek Waterbolk Vianen Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Voorburg Papyrus Vorden Het Bisschopshof Weesp Ronald Jansen IJmuiden Asher Rare Books Zandpol Theo de Boer

Nijmegen J. de Slegte

Zutphen Matthys de Jongh

Overveen Dik Ramkema

Zwolle J. de Slegte

Rotterdam J. de Slegte

Eutin, Duitsland Hartmut Erlemann

Ter Hole Secundus

Penningmeester: Machiel Roos (Asher Rare Books) Ingrid Oey (Antiquariaat Rashi) Thomas Leeuwenberg (Antiquariaat De Rijzende Zon)


Kade 32, concept design

Fotografie cover: Ronald de Jong Drukwerk:

Dékavé Managing Print


4.000 exemplaren


Lectori Salutem ! Traditiegetrouw wordt U op deze wijze begroet. Maar verwelkomen wij nog wel de lezer? Internet heeft niet alleen de handel in antiquarische boeken veranderd, maar ook het gebruik van het boek. Van informatiedrager wordt het object, een antiquarisch kunstvoorwerp. Daarmee vervagen de scheidslijnen met andere ‘uitingen op papier’. Grafiek, landkaarten, kunstenaarsboeken, efemera, ze nemen een steeds grotere plaats in in het aanbod van de antiquaar. De vierde gezamenlijke catalogus van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren weerspiegelt die ontwikkeling. We hebben ons best gedaan om U te laten lezen, maar ook om te laten zien. En nog veel meer kunt U zien (en kopen!) op de 30e Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair, die op 2 en 3 oktober a.s. wordt gehouden.

It is a time-honoured custom to greet you this way. But are we still welcoming the reader? The Internet has changed not just the trade in antiquarian books, but the use of the book as well. The function of the antiquarian book is shifting from carrier of information to objet d’art. Its distinction from other ‘expressions on paper’ is fading rapidly. Graphic design, maps, artists books, ephemera, occupy an increasingly prominent place in the antiquarian trade. This fourth Joint Catalogue of the Dutch Antiquarian Booksellers Association (NVvA) reflects this development. We have made a special effort to offer you not only ‘food for reading’ but also for viewing. Much more is on view (and for sale!) at the 30th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair on October 2 and 3, 2009. (see back cover for full information)

Spectatori Salutem ! Frank Rutten secretaris NVvA

Frank Rutten Secretary NVvA

(met dank aan Julius Steiner voor zijn hulp)

(with thanks to Julius Steiner for his assistance)

De NVvA is aangesloten bij de International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, hetgeen o.a. inhoudt dat op al onze verkopen een garantie geldt. Meer hierover kunt U vinden in de ‘Code of Ethics’ op onze website:

The NVvA is affiliated with the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, which means i.a. that all are sales are covered by a guarantee. See our ‘Code of Ethics’ at or


E.H. Ariëns Kappers Antiquariaat Acanthus / C.P.J. van der Peet - Japanese Prints Iris M. E.H. Ariëns van Daalen Kappers NieuweSint Achter Spiegelstraat Pieter 180 32 1017 HT 3512 DG UTRECHT Amsterdam Tel. +31 (020)(0)30 623 53 2315649 49 Fax +31 (020)(0)30 638 43 2317149 49

• Old & rare 16th/20 century booksprints • Illustrated books • Travel • Children’s books • Games and Paper toys • Popular prints • Ephemera


Akersloot, Willem Outgersz.

(The Denial of the Apostle Petrus) after a drawing by Pieter Molyn. (Haarlem), 1626. Folio, ca. 35.5 x 26, plate-size: 32.3 x 23 cm. € 3.000,Fine 17th Century Dutch old master print, engraved and etched by Willem Ougertsz. Akersloot (c.16001651 after), after a drawing by Pieter Molyn (16001661), born in London but active in Haarlem from 1616 onwards, depicting the Denial of St. Peter, with a cock perched on a column and group of soldiers playing cards in the foreground and in the distant background Christ is surrounded by soldiers. The print is signed WO. Akersloot, fec., P. Molyn inv., and the date 1626, with two columns of four lines of Latin verse by Scrivelius printed within the design underneath. Fine impression with broad margins, a good copy of a rare print. Hollstein 8; Waller p. 2; Thieme-Becker 1, pp. 160161; cf. on the watermark, a serpent: Churchill 518, dated 1628.

Reitz, Joh. Fred. (Ed.).

Oude en Nieuwe Staat van ‘t Russische of Moskovische Keizerryk ...Met nodige kaerten en fraeje prentverbeeldingen, door... J.C. Philips gesneden, vercierd. Utrecht, Joh. Broedelet, 1744. 4 Parts in 2 vols. 4to. With large folding engraved map of the Russian Empire, engr. fold. map of the Caspian Sea by G. de Lisle, fold. engr. plan of the Russian Turkish war, engr. fold. plan of St. Petersburg, founded by Czar Peter the Great in 1703, large fold. table of the Russian customs tariff on numerous goods, and 3 fold. engr. plates, incl. a wedding party of dwarfs organized by Czar Peter the Great. Contemp. h.calf, spines gilt in 6 compartments with red title-label. € 3.000,Fine large paper copy of the rare first and only edition of an extensive work on Russia. Based on the latest geographical knowledge, the work was compiled by 2

Johan Frederik Reitz (1695-1778), professor in Utrecht, and tutor to Prince Friedrich Wilhelm II. Tiele 1032 (erroneously dated 1774); Cat. Russica 2-78; Cartographica, vol. 12, no. 2, 1975, Monograph 14.

Antiquariaat Acanthus Brinkman Board game - [Game of Tycho Brahe]

Le Jeu de la Sphere ou de l’univers selon Tyco Brahe. Le tout gravé et mis au jour par Estienne Vouillemont. Paris, A. de Fer, 1661. Oblong large folio. ca. 46.5 x 62 cm. Finely engraved game board with circular pictorial compartments numbered from 1 to 70 in a spiral around a central panel, in which the title, the dedication, and a depiction of the place of earth within the universe, according to Ptolomy; the extensive explanation, rules are in each cormer. All playing fields with illustrations of the astronomical and planetary system of Tycho Brahe, starting with a globe and including figures of the zodiaque, the stars, the planets, and Tycho Brahe’s astronomical instruments, with the text running underneath: “Elemens planettes constellations septentrionalles signes du zodiaque constellations meridionales” with the three last playing fields showing a moving sphere with the Zodiaque, “Ciel Christallin”, and “Ciel Empiree”. € 12.500,-

Extremely rare 17th century scientific game, illustrating the system of Tycho Brahe (1546-1601). The game was engraved by Estienne Vouillemont, Royal engraver of geographical maps and plans, and published by A. de Fer, a well-known carthographer in Paris. Vouillemont dedicated the game to Pierre Séguier, Chancelier de France, Duc de Villemor, a patron of science at the time. At the end of the extensive rules of the game is mentioned in a note, that for “plus profonde connoissance” one should study the books of Sacro Bosco, Clavius, and Boulanger. Fine copy, with broad margins. H.R. d’Allemagne,”Le noble jeu de l’oie en France de 1640 à 1950”, plate 25.

Almanach pour l’Année 1767.

Amsterdam Ch. Stanhoffius & F. de Kruyff. Miniature book, 6.5 x 2.6 cm. (32) text-pp. and 14 engraved plates, versos blank. Pink silk binding. € 1.250, Extremely rare miniature almanac with fine engra­ vings, no other copy traced.


Antiquariaat Acanthus Original photographs, commemorial album - Siroopfabriek “De Baarsjes” 1887 -

1 Februari - 1912. Amsterdam, 1912. 8vo. ca. 26 x 17.5 cm. 10 Thick cardboard leafs. Fine pendrawn title with a view into the factory’s laboratory, and view of the extensive buildings of the Amsterdam Syrup-factory, signed by Grevenstuk, and with 9 original photograph portraits of the firm’s directors and managers, with their names written underneath. Contemp. beige calf, with a geometrical design on both sides, gilt stamped dates on front, possibly bound by Mensing. In fine calf box. € 950, Fine commemorial album in a fine binding with a pen drawn title-page.The photographic portraits include P. Hanrath, W. van Bevervoort, J. Proost, S.P. Fentener van Vlissingen, F.C.P. Boterhoven de Haan, etc. Our copy with a contemporary promotion leaflet of “N.V. Siroopfabriek De Baarsjes Amsterdam”, with a picture of the glass jar with syrup on front, and promotional text inside.

(Werkman, H.N.). Ostayen, Paul van. Gedichtje van Sint Niklaas.


November 1942. De Blauwe Schuit. November 1942. ca. 32.5 x 26 cm. With 2 fine colour druksels. Printed in 20 copies only: ‘Om in dit donkere jaar de Sinterklaasavond van eenige kinderen in De Blauwe Schuit te verlichten’. € 14.500, Very attractive work of Werkman and extremely rare. Hot Printing 42-g15; Logboek p. 37; Zuithoff p. 45; De Jong 296

Antiquariaat Acanthus

Popular print - Les grands détails, Sur la découverte de l’énorme Serpent, qui a été apperçu parle (sic!) capitaine Woodward, commandant la goëlette l’Edament, le 12 Octobre 1818. Seconde Découverte, par le Capitaine Commandant la Corvette-Labrine, le 26 Novembre 1818. (Paris?), 1818. Folio. ca. 37.5 x 32 cm. With large woodcut, ca. 13.5 x 24.5 cm, signed L.T.N.E, depicting an enormous sea-serpent with a small boat nearby firing its canon, coloured by hand, and explanatory text printed underneath, with a song on the subject in 6 columnsadded at the bottom, the whole set in woodcut borders. € 1.450,Very rare early 19th century ‘canard’, a popular French newsbulletin on an exceptional event, in our case with two sworn statements of sea-captains who had spotted and fought an enormous sea-serpent. The first statement was made in Boston by Captain Joseph Woodward, signed and dated at Hingham, October 12, 1818. He told that he was with the schooner Adamant on route from Penobscot to Hingham, steering W.N.W., and being about 10 leagues from the coast, when he saw a monstrous sea-serpent. Three men fell in the water and were prey to the serpent. It was black, and measured 130 feet, with a head of 12 or 14 feet, with a body diameter of 6 feet. The second sworn statement is by the captain of the corvette Labrine, signed and dated at November 26, 1818. He lost 10 men to the monstre! A street song was also made on this huge serpent. Cf. Adhémar, Pop. Druckgraphik Europas, Frankreich, p. 193 ff.

We have a shop which is normally open from wednesday through saturday from 11.00 am onwards, or by appointment. On our website we show only a part of our stock. You can also meet us at fairs in Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Paris. 5

AERIC books & prints Eric Schneyderberg Van Heemstrastrjitte 16
 8561 GB Balk
 Tel. + 31 (0)514 601 783

• Pop art • Modern Art • Photography • Literature • Modern Music Memorabilia

ANDY WARHOL. Set of announcements for COLOGNE CATHEDRAL. Bonn, Herman Wünsche, 1985. Loose cards in or. portfolio. 21 x 15 cm.

€ 790,-

Complete set of announcements for Cologne Cathedral, a series of four silkscreens printed after a design by American Pop Artist Andy Warhol (1928-1987). For this promotional issue, also serving as an invitation for an exhibition, all four images have been faithfully reproduced in offset in reduced size, 21 x 15 cm. One of these images has been finely SIGNED BY ANDY WARHOL in black feltpen, vertically along the right hand side. A very fine complete set, loose as issued in orginal decorated portfolio. 6

AioloZ Antiquarian Books Laurens Heij Weijpoort 12 2415 BV Nieuwerbrug 
 Tel. (071) 514 09 07 / 06 217 083 79

• (Dutch) Literature • Fine printing • Avant-Garde • Photography • Twentieth century • Modern illustrated books • Miscellanea


COCTEAU - RADIGUET, R. Le Bal du Comte d’Orgel. Monaco, Éditions du Rocher, 1953. Loose as

issued in orig. wrappers, board chemise and slipcase, folio. With etched frontispiece portrait, colour lithograph “Le Bal du Comte d’Orgel” signed “Cocteau” and “67/70” in pencil, frontispiece, title-engraving and 32 fullpage engraving “en taille douce” by Jean Cocteau, printed by Georges Leblanc. One of 220 copies on Vélin pur fil € 1.975,-

REVE, Gerard [&] Karel van het REVE. Tien vrolijke verhalen. [&] Twee minuten stilte. Amst.,

G.A. van Oorschot, 1961. Orig. Boards with dustwrapper. First edition. Witte Olifant. [&] Amst., G.A. van Oorschot, 1959. Gilt cloth with dustwrapper by N. Wijnberg. First edition € 1.250,Intriguing companion dedication copies by the Van het Reve brothers. Ad. 1. With signed dedication by Gerard Reve to Karel van het Reve: “Fratri carissimo & bellae sorori carissimae, 6.IX.1961 GerardKvanhetReve.” Ad. 2. With dedication by Karel van het Reve to Gerard Reve (15 november 1959): ‘Fratri carissimo’

SANNES, Sanne & Hugo CLAUS. Oog om oog. Foto’s van Sanne Sannes. Tekst van Hugo Claus (naar gedichten van Macedonios [...]). Amst., De Bezige Bij, [1964]. Orig. photo-decorated rexine. First edition. Very fine copy € 695,STEDMAN, J.G. Narrative of a five years’ expedition, against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on

the Wild Coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777: elucidating the History of that Country, and describing its Productions [...]. With an account of the Indians of Guiana, & Negroes of Guinea. London, J. Johnson & Th. Payne, 1806. 19th cent. full vellum over thick boards with central lozenge shaped vignette with blindtooled borders, spine gilt and blindtooled with raised bands and giltlettered leather title-shield, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Second corrected edition. 2 parts in 1 vol. With aquatint frontispiece, 2 identical engraved titles, 2 folding maps, 1 folding plan, 1 folding panoramic view of Paramaribo and 76 plates by William Blake, Francesco Bartolozzi a.o., ALL IN FINE (CONTEMPORARY?) HANDCOLOURING. XVIII,423,(5); IV, (new endpapers; some foxing) € 7.250,Large paper copy in fine handcolouring. Abbey, Travel 719; Kolfin, pag.43ff

VORDEMBERGE-GILDEWART - Vordemberge-Gildewart. Époque néerlandaise. Préface Jean Arp.

[Collection Éditions Duwaer 2]. With SIGNED DEDICATION by the artist. Amst., Éditions Duwaer, 1949. In quires as issued in orig. stiff-paper chemise. First edition. With tipped-in plates. Typography: Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart. Printed in 300 copies on the press of J.F. Duwaer & fils, Amsterdam (this being one of 200 handnumbered copies). Very fine copy. € 1.250,The second and final work published in the series Éditions Duwaer. With signed dedication below the colophon by F. Vordemberge-Gildewart in relation to his exhibition at the Bijenkorf warehouse in Amsterdam in 1950: ‘Aan Herman van den Eerenbeemt Met bijzondere dank voor uw gloedvolle en [?] medewerking bij de opening van mijn tentoonstelling. Amsterdam, 2 October 1950 [signed]’. Rattemeyer/ Helms T 444: ‘(...) Geplant als Dokumentation einer Schaffensperiode, in der Vordemberge-Gildewart von der Außenwelt nahezu abgeschlossen war, konnte das Album doch erst mit der Aufhebung dieser künstlerischen Isolation erscheinen. V.-G. hat die ungehefteten Bildtafeln im Album auch als Material für Ausstellungen angesehen, Ersatzausstellungen (...). Er hatte sein Werk im Album inszeniert. (...)’ 7

Antiquariaat Antiqua R. van der Peet Herengracht 159
 1015 BH Amsterdam
 Tel. + 31 (0)20 624 59 98

• Old and rare books • Economy and political economy • Philosophy • Music and music literature • Early science

(DEPERTHES, Jean Louis Hubert Simon), Histoire des Naufrages, ou recueil des Relations les plus intéressnates des Naufrages, Hivernemens, Délaissemens, Incendies, Famines, & autres Evénemens funestes sur Mer, qui ont été publiées depuis le quinzième siècle jusqu’à présent. Paris, Cuchet, An IIIme de la République (1795). 3 vols. 8vo. XVI,368 + (IV),410 + (IV),454,(4) pp. With 6 engraved plates after C.P. Marillier. Cont.calf, spines richly gilt, fine labels. Nice copy. A famous collection of 39 accounts of disasters at sea, in all parts of the world, from the 15th until the 18th century. € 550,-

LACÉPÈDE, Bernard Germain Etienne de, Histoire Naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares et des

serpens. Paris, Hotel de Thou, 1788-1790. 4 vols. 12mo (sm.8vo-size). 359,(1 blank) + (IV),462,(2) + (24),432 + (8),408 pp. With small engr.vignette on titles & 49 engraved plates. Cont.calf, spines richly gilt, with raised bands & red labels. Nice copy. One of the earliest treatises on natural history by the associate of Buffon. – Nissen ZBI 2350. € 975,-

LAMBINET, Pierre. Origine de l’imprimerie, d’après les titres authentiques, l’opinion de M. Daunou et celle de M. Van Praet; suivie des établissemens de cet art dans Belgique et de l’Histoire de la stéréotypie; ornée de calques, de portraits et d’écussons. Paris, H. Nicolle, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. XXX,434,(1,1 blank) + XV,(1 blank),424 pp. With 2 portraits, some facsimiles and ills. Cont.half morocco, spines gilt, with raised bands. Nice copy. Bigmore & Wyman I,418; Petzholdt p.123. – Discusses engraving, origin of letters, paper, the invention of printing,and incunabula, etc. € 350,SIGAUD DE LA FOND, (Jean René), Précis historique et expérimental des phénomènes életriques, depuis l’origine de cette découverte jusqu’à ce jour. Paris, Rue et Hôtel Serpente, 1781. 8vo. XVI,742,(2) pp. With 9 folding engraved plates. Cont.calf, spine richly gilt with raised bands & label. Fine copy. First edition. Ekelöff 496; Mottelay p.280; Poggendorff II,927; Wheeler Gift 505. € 575,WACHTER, Johann Georg, Glossarium Germanicum, continens origines & antiquitates totius linguae Germanicae, et omnium pene vocabulorum, vigentium et desitorum. Opus bipartitum et quinque indicibus instructum. Lipsiae, J.F. Gleditsch, 1737. 2 1. Folio. With 3 allegorical engraved vignettes by M. Bernigeroth and 2 engr.headpieces. (96) pp. 1999 columns, (18) pp. Cont.vellum. Brunet V,1395; Graesse VII,407. € 350,-


ASHER Rare Books - since 1830 Michael J. Roos & Julius W. Steiner Zeeweg 264
 1971 HJ IJmuiden
 P.O. Box 258 1970 AG IJmuiden
 Tel. + 31 (0)255-523839 Fax +31(0)255-510352

• Bibles • Early printing • Manuscripts • Travel • Atlases, maps and views - Nautical science - Natural history - Science and technology


Tortoise shell binding with hallmarked gold clasps, delft 1797 [BIBLE]. Het Nieuwe Testament, ... With: Het Boek der Psalmen, ... Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son; Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons, 1870. With: Evangelische gezangen, ... Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son; Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons; Groningen, heirs of R.J. Schierbeek, heirs of widow of M. van Heyningen Bosch, 1870. With: Vervolgbundel op de Evangelische gezangen, ... Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son; Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons; Groningen, heirs of R.J. Schierbeek, heirs of widow of M. van Heyningen Bosch, 1869. With: [drop-title:] Catechismus, ... [Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son; Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons, 1870]. 12mo. New Testament with metrical psalmbook, hymn book and catechism, with diamond head music notes. Contemporary tortoise shell, with gold hinges and 2 eighteenth-century gold clasps and catchplates with the Delft hallmark and year letter U (1797), and master’s mark WV (Hendrik van Wijn?), € 2.650,3 purple ribbon markers, gilt edges.

With Excellent Original Watercolour Drawings Of Birds & Flowers [SCRAP ALBUM]. [BYLANDT, Willem Johan Anne Isidore van?]. [Pictorial Scrap Album]. [The Hague?], ca. 1872. Royal 4to (30.5 x 26 cm). 2 volumes. A scrap album containing ca. 750 items, nearly all pictorial, mostly engraved and lithographed (many hand-coloured and a few colour-printed) but including about 35 excellent original watercolour drawings (flowers, birds, fruit, landscapes, etc.), also cut out and pasted in the album. Contemporary half red roan (sheepskin), marbled sides. € 3.725,-


John Benjamins Antiquariaat bv John L. Benjamins Klaprozenweg 105
 1033 NN Amsterdam
 P.O. Box 36224
 1020 ME Amsterdam
Tel. +31 (0)20 630 47 47
 Fax +31 (0)20 679 29 56

• Rare Periodicals • Bibliography • Fine Arts • Literature • Linguistics • Social Sciences

Art et Décoration

Revue mensuelle d’art moderne. Vol. 1-67 (=last publ. of first series). Paris, 1897-1938. With Index 1/24. A complete set, in excellent condition, presented as follows: Years 1897-1928 & 1938-1939 in original wrappers as issued (prior to 1922 most spines reinforced & some covers expertly repaired and only occasional light staining); years 1929-1937 bound in 15 volumes (with the front covers preserved for 1931-1937). Set including all the original hors-texte plates (only one plate replaced by a perfect colourcopy) and complete with all the supplements “Chroniques”, after vol. 61 (1932) “Echos d’Art”, (only the supplement to year 1929 is in xeroxcopy). € 15.000,Complete set of the most important French periodical on decorative arts, encompassing both the Art Nouveau period and the 20’ and 30’s periods till the outbreak of World War II. Deals with all aspects of the decorative arts, interior decoration, sculpture, jewelry, tapestry, light ornaments, poster and advertising design, and much more. Publication was suspended from the end of 1914 till 1920. Edited by Vaudremer, Puvis de Chavannes, Grasset, Jean Paul Laurens, Roger Marx, Benedite etc.


John Benjamins Antiquariaat bv Poesia

Rassegna internazionale. (First series): Anno 1-5 (all published). Milano, Febbraio 1905 - Agosto/Ottobre 1909. Together 57 numbers in 31 physical issues (some were double or triple), unbound, untrimmed (except anno 4 nos 1-3 of which the top-margin is somewhat trimmed), in the original pictorial wrappers (woodengraving by Alberto Martini) in varying colours. Albums, obl.4to (sizes vary slightly, 25x27 at first, lateron expanding to 27,5x29,5), kept in two slipcases with title on spine; ADDED: Manifeste du Futurisme (no date). (supplement to Poesia, 4 pages, with texts printed in blue on pages 1 and 3 “La Revue Internationale ‘Poesia’ vient de fonder une nouvelle école littéraire sous le nom de ‘Futurisme’”). (Second series): Nos. 1-9 (all and last published). Milano, Facchi (later Modernissima), april-dicembre 1920. Original pictorial wrappers, oblong 8vo, 22x33 cm (designed by Arnaldo Ginna, printed in different colours). In 5 physical issues. Untrimmed. The entire set of 66 numbers in 36 physical issues, all originals, a few with minor defects, in good to excellent condition, easily comparable to or better than several issues recently on display in the Milano and other Futurist shows marking the Centanary of Futurism. (For more details see below). € 20.000,Complete set of this landmark Italian avant-garde periodical, founded and directed by F.T.Marinett (till no. 8 with Sem Benelli & Vitaliano Ponti). The very rare second series was directed by Mario Dessy (who was authorised by Marinetti to the continuation of the title) and was published from April to December 1920 (Nos. 1,2/3,4,5/6 and 7/9) with texts and “parolibere” by Buzzi, Corra, Dessy, Marinetti, Folgore, Carli, Settimelli, Morpurgo, Moscardelli (and Joyce and Pound in translation); illustrations (some coloured tipped-to-page) by Emilio Notte, Balla, Fortunato Depero, Ginna, Venna, Russolo. The first series of Poesia was founded by Marinetti while in Paris and began to appear upon his return in Milano. It bridged the avant-gardes of Paris and Italy, Symbolism and Futurism. The issues of 1909 ( nos. 3/6 and 7/9, both entitled Il Futurismo) were dedicted to the publication of manifests of literary Futurism (Manifesto del Futurismo & Uccidiamo il chiaro di luna) and the reactions these provoked. Contributions by Pascoli, Dánnunzio, Oriani, Marinetti (Le Roi Bombance, etc.), Lucini, Govoni, Palazzeschi, Folgore, Zanetti, etc. ,also foreign authors such as Yeats, Stuart Merrill, Jarry, Romains, Vildrac, Duhamel. The set is in generally good condition, the fragility of the paper and the covers taken into account (causing inevitable edgewear). Most covers are slightly foxed or dustsoiled, the covers of about 10 (of the 31 numbers) have spot-staining, and five have moist-stains, two spines are split, and 8 numbers have small chips broken off the overlaying edges or at the spines. All (except 3 issues) are untrimmed and internally fine and clean (leaving no 1 which has some waving due to moisture, but is otherwise clean). No 2 of 1908 has a signed contribution by L. Donati, no 8 has an unidentified name written on the frontcover.


Antiquariaat Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Langendijk 8 4132 AK Vianen P.O. Box 113 4130 EC Vianen Tel. +31-(0)347-322548 Fax +31-(0)347-322346

• Early printing • Maritime • Voyages and travel • Exploration • Old and rare books • Indonesia, Surinam, Netherlands Antilles

JUNGHUHN, Franz Wilhelm. Java, zijne gedaante, zijn plantentooi en inwendige bouw. Tweede

verbeterde uitgave. ‘s Gravenhage, C.W. Mieling, 1853-54. 3 volumes in 4. Later half cloth. With folding coloured lithographed frontispiece (Lamongan), 4 lithographed title-pages, and 51 (of 52) plates, tables and diagrams and cross-sections (mostly folding; some rep.) and atlas (no binding) with 11 large coloured lithographed plates by C.W. Mieling, some finished by hand. 671; XII,1432; VIII,498 pp. € 6.250,Second and best edition. - Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn (1809-1864), a German geographer and naturalist, joined the Netherlands Indies Army as a medical officer in 1834. In 1845 he became a member of the Natural Sciences Commission. He made numerous excursions in Java, climbed all mountains and he inspected c. 650 craters. The result of all his investigations is this great work on Java. His description of the flora is still unsurpassed. Our set of eleven beautiful plates is composed of the German and Dutch edition, slightly different in size (2 blank margins dam.). ‘Although Junghuhn himself considered his drawings ‘lifelike’, they do strike us as decidedly unreal because their details are not integrated with the whole. They resemble landscapes of an alien world, and that may well explain why they are so fascinating. The only extensive commentary written by Junghuhn on the lithographs is to be found in the German edition’ (Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies, p.75). - Junghuhn is the unsurpassed master of scientific research and reproduction of Java. ‘’He can be considered one of the first to visualize the immense splendor of Indonesian nature’ (Haks & Maris, Lexicon, p.140). - (One text-leaf dam.). - Rare with complete set of coloured plates in excellent condition. Bastin-Brommer 28-29; Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 325; Tiele 571; Muller, Gedenkboek Junghuhn, p.328-334.


Antiquariaat Gert Jan Bestebreurtje RUMPHIUS, Georgius Everhardus. D’Amboinsche

rariteitkamer, behelzende eene beschryvinge van allerhande zoo weeke als harde schaalvisschen, te weeten raare krabben, kreeften, en diergelyke zeedieren, als mede allerhande hoorntjes en schulpen, die men in d’Amboinsche Zee vindt: daar benevens zommige mineraalen, gesteenten, en soorten van aarde die in d’Amboinsche, en zommige omleggende eilanden gevonden worden. Amsterdam, Jan Roman de Jonge, 1740. Folio. Contemporary half roan (rubbed and sl. damaged), gilt title to spine. With engraved frontispiece by Jan Goere, titlepage printed in red and black and with engraved vignette by J. Punt, engraved portrait of the author, 5 large engraved vignettes and 60 beautifully engraved plates mostly after Maria Sybilla Merian. € 3450,(24),340,(43) pp. First published in 1705. - Georg Everhard Rumphius (1628-1702) entered the VOC’s service in 1652 and arrived in Ambon in 1653, where he was successively appointed to the ranks of ensign, assistant merchant and merchant and where he died in 1702. He became blind in 1670, but worked on, by help of an assistant. Another disaster followed in 1674 when his wife and daughter died during an earthquake and in 1687 his library, including his manuscripts and drawings, were destroyed by fire. But he started again from the outset. ‘G.E. Rumphius, also known as the ‘Indian Pliny’, was one of the great tropical naturalists of the seventeenth century. Born in Germany, he spent most of his life in the employ of the Dutch East India Company, stationed on the island of Ambon in eastern Indonesia. He wrote two major works; this one, the first modern work on tropical fauna, was published posthumously in Dutch in 1705. A classic text of natural history. The descriptions in The Ambonese curiosity cabinet cover the gamut of organisms found in the seas surrounding Ambon - crabs, shrimps, sea urchins, mussels - as well as minerals and plants. A series of exquisite etchings accompanies the descriptions. This is the first great natural history of tropical marine life. Remarkable for its detailed observations of living animals, habitats, and fisheries, as well as the accuracy of its morphological descriptions and classifications, the entire work reflects Rumphius’s practical talents as engineer, merchant, and student of local cultures, as well as pioneer naturalist. Rumphius provides an invaluable window on the richness of tropical nature as it used to be’ (from the wrappers of the reprint of this book by E.M. Beekman, 1999). Recent research has proved that most of the plates are after drawings by Maria Sybilla Merian, in our copy they are strong and dark impressions. - (From p.291 onwards on from light to serious stains in the right margin). Landwehr, VOC, 591; Nissen ZBI 3518; Ruinen 26; Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies, p.28-32. 13

Boekenwijsheid 3 oktober 2009 t/m 10 januari 2010 Museum Meermanno Prinsessegracht 30 Den Haag

Drie eeuwen Nederlandse boekdrukkunst 1540-1800

Antiquariaat De Boekenbeurs Fred Duivenvoorde & Alie van ‘t Riet Turfkaai 33 4331 JV Middelburg Tel. +31-(0)118 633531 Fax +31- (0)118 634150

• General stock • Zeelandica • Topography • Maritime history • Hydraulic engineering • Old and rare books • Old maps and prints.


Pijke, Marinus. Manuscript diergeneeskunde ca. 1856. Het manuscript bestaat uit 70 beschreven pagina’s in een goed leesbaar handschrift. De auteur is Marinus Pijke, veearts te Goes. Het omvat 140 zogenaamde “artikelen” waarin allerlei kwalen van hoofdzakelijk paarden en koeien genoemd worden en hoe men die kan bestrijden. Ook wordt het uiteindelijk resultaat weergegeven met gezegden zoals: “tis zeer goed bevonden” en “het geneest met gods hulpe”. Na deze artikelen volgen nog 10 pagina’s met aantekeningen over hetzelfde onderwerp.Na artikel 60 volgt de opmerking “Nu volgt een goed meester boek voor menschen en vee. Alle uitgeshreefven. En goed bevonden”. Contemporain halflinnen met gemarmerde platten. Afmeting 32,5 x 20,5 cm. Toegevoegd: enkele losse bijlagen: 2 betalingsbewijzen van de “Nieuwe Goessche Courant” d.d. 1873 en 1874, “Aangifte van keuring door J.Pijke van een geslagt varken” en enkele handgeschreven ontvangstbewijzen voor de betaling van “wijpacht”. De laatste 31 pagina’s zijn onbeschreven op 2 blz. na. Deze bevatten meetgegevens van land in het “Goesche Ambacht”. Enkele pagina’s met inktvlekjes; sommige randen van bladzijden met lichte vochtschade. € 1.200,-

Berlage, H.P.. Wendingen. Maandblad van “Architectura et Amicitia”. 1921 no.11. Frank Lloyd Wright. Amsterdam; 1921; De Hooge Brug; lithographed cover by El Lissitzky (“Lissitsky”); 38 pp. Cover with some tiny brown spots. Otherwise in good condition. € 2.000,-

Laer, W. van. Weg-wyzer voor aankomende goud en zilversmeeden. Verhandelende veele weetenschappen, die konsten raakende, zeer nut voor alle jonge goud en zilversmeeden. Amsterdam; 1721; Frederik Helm; title page with engraving; 2 pages with tables and 4 full

page engravings; binding new vellum; (20), 212, (4) pp. First edition of this very interesting and extremely rare book. ‘Used’ copy. Seriously rust stained.

€ 1.200,15

Antiquariaat Theo de Boer Theo de Boer Stieltjeskanaal 16-WZ 7764 AJ Zandpol Tel. + 31 (0)591 556114 Fax + 31 (0)591 556164

• Natural history • Medicine • Science and technology • Pharmacy • Psychology

19th century photo album of a travel through Egypt. With 66 panoramic views in Egypt / the Nile. Albumen 29,5 x 8.5. cm. ( All panorama’s ) Photographs in fine condition. Album original cloth 4to. 44 x 30 cm. ( spine a bit worn, binding with staining). € 3.800,An astonishing private album of a cruise on the Nile and a tour through Egypt. On the first photograph the family is embarking on board of a ship called the Herodotos.

Ilse Bergbau A.G. Grube Ilse Nieder Lausitz.(Harz) Album. 1899 small oblong 4to. with 16 mounted original photographs. including a large folding panorama. orig. cloth. Fine.

€ 1.500,-

Küssner, A. “Ansichten von Libau“ Album with 12 original photographs, views in Libau (Liepaja ) in Latvia ( Kurland ). Photographie A. Küssner. Libau.. ca.1865 12 Original photographs. 13,5 x 17 cm in original album. (t20 x 24,5 cm.) Spine gone. With gilt decoration and lettering on frontcover. Edges gilt € 1.500,Laurent, Jean (Juan) ( Garchizy, Nevers France 1816 - 1892.) Album with 23 Large-format

albumen prints in a contemporary album ca. 1870 - 1880 by Jean Laurent. All taken in Spain. Text on Spine :” Photographien uit Spanje. “ Same text in handwritting on titlepage.MadridJean Laurent ca.1870 - 1880. 25.5 x 34 cm. ( album seize 42.5 x 53 cm.). 13 signed in the plate by Juan Laurent. All titled in the plate.. ( Top and bottom of spine damaged corners bumped. ) Some photographs with some daint spotting, but in all in very good condition € 2.500,-

Loewer, C.; Martens. Kassel et ses Environs. Vues Pittoresques de Kassel, de l’Orangerie, Augustenrouhe et Wilhelmshoehe ( = Kassel und seine Umgebungen. ) Guillaume Appel

ca.1840 Oblong 8v0. titlepage printed in red and black. Fine richly gilt and decorated binding. Album with 25 aquatinta’s € 3.000,-

Ponti, G (?); Salviati, P. (?); Naya, Carlo (?); Zanetti, G.(?) Ricordo di Venezia. Album with 18 original photographs. Albumen prints.\ ca.1880 Oblong 4toAlbumen prints. 24.2 x 18.2 cm. original blue publisher’s cloth. Gilt lettered on front “Ricordo di Venezia”. all with printed descriptive text on the verso in four languages. € 1.250,Raucher, Joseph. Bremersdorp Two albums with original photographs of Swaziland (South- Africa) made by Joseph

Raucher. One made in the 8o’s of the 19th century ( 12 x ) and one made album made in the 90’s of the 19th century (15 x ). Both mostly in or near Bremersdorp now Manzini in Swaziland.(Boer war) ( Albumen prints and Silver gelatin prints)Bremersdorp Swaziland1880 -1897. album 1880 with albumen photographs. ca 20,5 € 2.400,x 15 cm. 12 photographs.


Antiquariaat Theo de Boer Rheinisch-Nassauische Bergwercks- u. Hütten- Actien- Gesellschaft Stolberg. without

publisher and printer Stolberg ?ca1880 oblong 4to. 34 x 28 cm. original highly decorated cloth, richly gilt decorated. A very fine binding. Edges gilt. An album containing 42 albumen original photographs ( mounted) each with a small description. Photographs are all circa 25 x 20 cm. In a very fine condition. The album was bound by : G. Fritzsche Buchbinderei Leipzig. € 4000,-

Rosenkilde, G. Album with 50 portraits ( original photographs ) of famous Danish artists from the Golden

Age of Art in Denmark. All loosely inserted in an album. All carte de visites format and albumen prints. Some names Thorvaldsen, Marstrand, P.C. Skovgaard, Constantin Hansen Carl Bloch, Vilhelm Kyhn, Joergen Roed... CopenhagenG. Rosenkilde.1868 In a nice oblong 8v0 album with clasps and edges gilt. Loosely inserted a printed leaf with the names of the artists issued by G. Rosenkilde. In fine condition. € 4.500,-

Ehemant, Friedrich Joseph; Frédéric Martens. ; C. Jugel. Vues pittoresques de Francfort sur le

Mein et de ses environs / dessinées par Ehemant ; gravées par Martens. bound with. Notices sur Francfort sur le Mein. Destiné surtout aux Etrangers et aux Voyageurs qui désirent avoir un résumé des choses les plus intéressantes que présente cette ville. ( Frankfurt am Main).Frankfurt am MainC.Jugel. ca.1836 (iv), 20 Aquatinta plates and 2 steelengraved plates by Ehemant and Martens.; (iv), 92 pp. one large folding plan of Frankfurt. map by C.F. Ulrich. small 4to. original full red moroc. binding richly gilt decorated. with in gold on front. All views in a magnificent contemporary handcolouring € 4000,-

RSM Messerschmitt werk Der mit allen Vorzügen ausgestattete Messerschmidt KR 200- Standard und Export.Rosenheim OBB1955 Album with 10 original photographs of the

German Messerschmitt car. Oblong folio; with 1 page (cyclostyled) text. A very scarce trade catalogue for the German Messerschmitt cars illustrated with 10 original photographs of these cars, 2 in colour. The photographs are made by “Foto Studio Toni Mayer” Atelier für Industrie und Gewerbephotographie Rosenheim/Obb. Salzstadel 14/II.. Album ca. 39 x 31 cm. Photograph’s circa 23 x 17 cm. All photographs in fine “passe-partouts”. Original cloth. A very fine copy. € 2000,-

Schnaebeli, H. Album des Trabrenn - Sport ( text on front cover = Trabrennsport = Trotting. horses horsemanship ). Original albumen prints ( Photographs). 16 x.Berlin H. Schnaebeli & Co1879 Oblong 8v0. 33 x 26.5 cm. € 2.500,-


Antiquariaat Theo de Boer Stillfried, Baron Raimund von Stillfried und Radenitz ; Beato, Felice or Felix. and Andersen, H.2 Views & costumes of Japan / by Stillfried & Andersen.Yokohama Stillfried & Andersen

ca.1878 Album with photographic titlepage and 45 photographs of which 23 coloured by hand and 22 black & white illustrations measuring 194 x 244 mm. All laid down on thick cardboard leaves. Rather luxurious 19th richly calf binding over wooden boards, ruled and tooled in gilt & blind, gilt edges with brass oval shield in the centre of the front side, brass dosses on every corner of back side. brass clasps. Skillfully rebacked. boards browned, photographs partly discoloured, especially in the margin, but in all in very good condition. Most are albumen print or silver albumen prints. € 11.000,-

Original photographs of the first Hovercraft SR-N1 “Hovercraft 1959”12 June1959 Album with

5 original mounted photographs of the first Hovercraft. each measuring ca. 18 x 13 cm. nr. 1. 12 Juin 1959 Présentation en public. € 1.500,Original photographs of the first Hovercraft the SR-N1. A really desirable album each photograph with typed text on verso in French. Of course of utmost rarity and in good condition. With the famous photograph of the Hovercraft in front of the Queen Mary.

Assas, Manuel de Album artistico de Toledo / escrito por D. Manuel de Assas, abogado, académico de la arqueologica española, etc. ; ilustrado con laminas egecutadas por artistas

distinguidosMadridBachiller1848 Includes 50 lithographed plates ; 101 leaves ; 43 x 29 cm original halfcloth over marbled boards. Gilt lettering on frontcover. Folio. Spine repaired. In very good/ fine condition.€ 2.400,Very rare album of the City of Toledo in Spain, not only of topographical interest, but also of architectural interest. islamic, church building, sculptures etc... Plates by Litografia de de Bachiller Calle de Precidas 16 y veneras 7.

Bourneville, Désire- Magloire.(?) ( Hospice de Bicêtre. Section des Enfants.) Very beautiful

album of original photographs, taken in the 1890’s, mounted two by two on boards.containing 61 photographs. ( albumen prints.)Paris. ? Without publisher and dateca1890 Size of the album :17” x 14”. (= 42 x 33.5 cm. ) Size of the photographs : 6,5” x 9”. ( 22 x 16 cm.) 61 original photographs ( albumen prints.) in an contemporary halfcloth album Binding a bit used, some photographs faded, but in very good condition. All photographs mounted on cardboard as issued in very good condition. €8.500,-

Frith, Francis. 1822-1898 The Holy Bible: containing the Old and New Testaments / translated out of

the original tongues ; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his majesty’s special command.. Appointed to be read in churches. With 20 original photographs by Francis Frith.LondonGeorge E. Eyre. And William Spottiswoode1861 Unpaginated. € 5.000,Very scarce Frith Bible published a year before the so called Queen’s Bible. Probably the first Bible illustrated with original photographs.




najaar 2009-2010


16 oktober 2009 -17 januari 2010

11juni - 10 oktober 2010

een reis door joodse Werelden

irma boom

Hoogtepunten uit de Braginsky Collectie Privécollecties zijn maar zelden voor buitenstaanders toegankelijk. De Zwitserse verzamelaar René Braginsky toont nu voor het eerst de hoogtepunten uit zijn collectie aan een breed publiek. Hij heeft de afgelopen decennia een unieke verzameling Hebreeuwse handschriften en gedrukte boeken bijeengebracht die als één van de belangrijkste privécollecties ter wereld wordt beschouwd. De Braginsky Collectie omspant zeven eeuwen Joodse geschiedenis en bevat stukken uit alle windstreken van de joodse wereld: Een Reis door Joodse Werelden De Braginsky Collectie is bij de Bijzondere Collecties te gast vanwege het verband met de Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, de internationaal vermaarde verzameling hebraïca en judaïca van de Bijzondere Collecties. Een selectie van Amsterdamse topstukken uit de Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana vult de tentoonstelling aan. Bij de tentoonstelling verschijnt een rijk geïllustreerde, Engelstalige catalogus.

03 februari - 24 mei 2010 150 jaar max Havelaar

Overzichtstentoonstelling van het werk van één van Nederlands meest vooraanstaande grafisch ontwerpers.

29 oktober 2010 - jan/feb 2011 Wereldverbeteraars 75 jaar Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG)

Workshop 25 sePtember 2009, 10.00 -17.00 uur Het boek in de handpersperiode Een workshop over het oude boek, met drukpersdemonstratie, onder leiding van Frans Janssen, Piet Verkruijsse en Paul Dijstelberge. Voor meer informatie, toegangsprijzen en aanmelding: of 020-5257300 Oude Turfmarkt 129, Amsterdam

Antiquariaat Brabant W.J.F. van Pagée Van der Does de Willeboissingel 62 5211 CE ‘s-Hertogenbosch Tel. +31 (0)73 614 19 15 Fax +31 (0)73 613 63 32

• Illustrated books • Prints • Literature • Modern art • Early printing


Boccaccio, G. Contes et Nouvelles. Traduction Libre, [...]. A’dam, G. Gallet, 1699. 2 vols. Sm. 8vo.

With engr. frontisp. and 100 ½p. engravings in text by Romeyn de Hooghe. 22 nn. pp., 366 pp.; 427 pp., 12 nn. pp. 19th century unif. green jansenist morocco, spine gilt lettered with 5 raised bands, a.e. gilt, marbled endpapers. € 975,- 2nd issue of the 1st ed.. – Landwehr, R. de H. as bookillustrator 88; Sander 181. – One of the finest and most famous series of bookillustrations by Romeyn de Hooghe. – Corners slightly worn/bumped. A fine set from the library of H.A. Carey.

Chiari, Giovanni. Statue di Firenze. Florence, Chiari, n.d. (ca. 1800). 3 parts in 1 vol. Sm. 4to. With 3

engr. frontisps. by Gaetano Vascellini and 320 ills. on 86 (25, 41, 20) engr. plates (by Vascellini?). 8 pp.; 8 pp.; 7 pp. Contemp. h. dark green morocco, back gilt with dark red morocco letterpiece. € 3.000,- Very rare. – Not in Cicognara, Kissner and Schlosser. – Fine ills. (8 f.p.) of statues in Giardino di Boboli, Palazzo Pitti, Uffizi, Palazzo Vecchio, etc. – Binding sl. rubbed. A very good copy.

China – Morton-Cameron, W.H. & W. Feldwick (ed.). Present Day Impressions of The Far East and Prominent & Progressive Chinese at Home and Abroad. London (etc.), The Globe Encyclopedia Compagny, 1917. Large 4to. With 4 maps and numerous photographic ills. 1211 pp., 1 nn. p. Decorated publisher’s full calf. € 975,- 1st and only ed. – Rare. – An impressive encyclopedia and photographic archive covering all aspects of modern China. The index and the wealth of photographic ills. makes the work a reference-book of Chinese commercial activities in the early part of the 20th century. Erasmus, D. L’Éloge de La Folie, traduit Du Latin d’Erasme Par M. Gueudeville. Nouvelle edition revûe

et corrigée sur le Texte de l’Edition de Basle. Ornée de nouvelles figures. (Paris),, 1751. 4to. With engr. frontisp. in large ornamental border, engr. title-vign., 2 engr. vigns. in text and 13 engr. plates after Ch. Eisen. 4 lvs., XXIV, 222 pp., 1 lf. Late 19th century red morocco, richly gilt à la dentelle with corner-pieces (fools), spine richly gilt with 5 raised bands, roll-tooled gilt fillets on leading edges of sides, richly gilt inner dentelle, marbled endpapers, a.e. gilt (CHAMBOLLE-DURU). € 4.500,- 1st ed. with illustrations by Charles Eisen, on large Dutch paper with very wide margins. – Sander 614; Cohen/De Ricci 348; Lewine 170. – A beautiful “leading” copy (the ones on the very first or most important paper) in a splendid binding. – For the bookbinder and gilder see: Devaux 352; Arnim 192. – Mint copy.

Gambado, Geoffrey (Henry William Bunbury) An Academy for Grown Horsemen; containing


the Completest Instructions for Walking, Trotting, Cantering, Galloping, Stumbling, and Tumbling. ... The Third Edition. London, Nicholson for Baynes, 1808. Large 4to. With 12 aquatint plates, coloured by hand. XXIV, 36 pp. BOUND WITH: Idem. Annals of Horsemanship: ... And now first published. London, Nicholson for Baynes, 1808. With 17 aquatint plates, coloured by hand. XVII, 81 pp. Red longgrained morocco (ca. 1900), sides richly gilt, roll-tooled gilt fillet on leading edges of sides, richly gilt inner dentelle, a.e gilt (R. WALLIS). € 1.100,Bunburry, Henry William (1750-1811) “[...] seit 1787 „equerry” des Duke of York. Er bestätigte sich von Jugend auf als begabter Karikaturist, […] und erlangte mit seiner zahllosen Karikaturen auf zeitgenössische Sitten u. Ereignisse bald bedeutenden Ruf.” (Thieme/B. 5,221). – Beautiful copy on thick paper with wide margins in a fine binding.

Antiquariaat Paul Bremmers Paul Bremmers Brusselsestraat 91 6211 PC MAASTRICHT Tel. + 31 (0)43 325 3762

• Maps and atlasses • Old and rare books • Decorative prints


New York.

Tinted Lithograph by Louis le Breton printed by Auguste Bry and published by E. Savary in Paris (18481850) € 1.700,Nice harbourscene with a triple masted steamship steaming towards the East River. Fort William on Governor’s Island on the right and Fort Clinton at the battery on the left. 49x33cm.


Antiquariaat Brinkman Hendrik Brinkman en Frank Rutten Singel 319 1012 WJ Amsterdam Phone: +31(0)20 623 83 53

• Taal -en letterkunde • Philology (French, English & German • Classical Antiquity • History

BONTEKOE, Willem Ysbrantz. Journael, ofte Gedenckwaardige Beschrijvinge van de Oost-Indische Reyse. .. Waar by gevoegt is

‘t Journaal van Dirk Alberts Raven .. Met titelhoutsnede en 7 houtsneden in de tekst. Amsterdam, Bij Jacob Brouwer, 1722. 4to. (iv),76 pp. (bibl.stempel op titel) € 3.900,Hoogewerff XVI; Muller 2107; Verhoeven & Verkruysse 1722-01 (:”Van deze druk is geen exemplaar bekend”; inmiddels één exemplaar bekend, in het Scheepvaart­ museum).

CLERCQ, P. le. Huwlyks mintafereel. Leerdicht. Begrepen in III.boeken. T’Amsteldam,

By Gerard onder de Linden, 1722. (xvi),108 p. Blind gestempeld perkament, rug met ribben en titel in inkt. Met titelvignet en vier prenten van Jacob Fokkema met ‘uitlegging’ van Pieter Langendijk. Drempeldichten van D.van Hoogstraaten, Arnold Hoogvliet en Hendrik Schim. (lichte vochtvlek, een fraai exemplaar) € 190,Bewerking van ‘Calvidii Laeti Callipoedia, sive de pulchrae prolis habendae ratione’ (1655) van abbé Claude Quillet. Pieter le Clercq volgt de voorschriften van Quillet om mooie kinderen te krijgen niet slaafs, bv. bij diens recept voor mannelijk kroos , dat de vrouw post coitum op haar rechterzij moet gaan liggen, omdat bevruchting in het rechter bekken mannelijk kroost voortbrengt; “Ik heb niet geoordeelt deeze zotternyen te moeten navolgen”

OSTAIJEN, PAUL van. De trust der vaderlandsliefde. Met portret van de schrijver

door Arnold Topp. Antwerpen,De Driehoek,1925. 34 p. (Cahiers van De Driehoek 2) oplage 330 genummerde exemplaren, dit is nummer 180 - een zeer goed ex., handtekening op schutblad van W.Visser (=M.Revis) € 280,-

OSTAIJEN, PAUL van. Het Bordeel van Ika Loch. Met een frontispice van René Magritte.

Antwerpen, De Driehoek, (1926). 29 p. (Cahiers van De Driehoek 5) oplage 330 genummerde exemplaren, dit is nr.125 - een zeer goed ex, handtekening op schutblad van W.Visser (=M.Revis) € 320,-


Antiquariaat Brinkman NEDERLANDSCHE JAERBOEKEN, inhouden de een Verhael van de merkwaerdigste geschiedenissen, die voorgevallen zyn binnen de omtrek der Vereenigde Provintien

3.600,- (1747-1765). Amsteldam, F.Houttuyn, 1748(-1766). Met 3 delen Bijvoegsels en het registerdeel. In totaal 42 delen. Met 1 frontispice, 36 platen (waarvan 22 uitslaande) en 14 uitslaande kaarten (1 plaat ontbreekt). Gemarmerde geheel kalfsleren banden, met vergulde ruggen met ribben, marokijnen rugtitels (enkele delen iets gesleten, bibl.stempels op schutbladen en titels, enkele platten en een enkel binnenwerk met wormgaatjes; een frisse en zeer decoratieve serie; a few volumes slightly rubbed, libr.stamps on fly-leaves and titles, a few front covers and a few volumes sl.wormed; a fresh and very decorative set) € 2.200,Voortgezet als Nieuwe Nederlandsche Jaerboeken (ook bij ons voorradig). In de 18e eeuw groeide de behoefte aan kennis over reilen en zeilen in de gehele Republiek. De Nederlandsche Jaerboeken voorzagen hierin. Besluiten van stadsraden, provinciale staten, benoemingen, en economisch cijfermateriaal. Maar ook gewone wetenswaardigheden, faits divers en de misdaad worden niet vergeten.

DECREETEN der NATIONALE VERGADERING, representeerende het volk van Nederland. 1ste - 23e deel. (1 Maart 1796 - 20 January 1798). + Decreeten der Constitueerende Vergadering, representeerende het Bataafsche Volk. Eerste - Vierde deel (+ rapport door de gecommiteerden, de burgers Bosch c.s., over het overgaan der leden van de Constitueerende Vergadering tot leden van het Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam des Bataafschen Volks.) 22 January 1798 - 4 Mey 1798. + Decreeten (van de tweede kamer) van het Vertegenwoordigend Lichaam des Bataaschen volks & Besluiten (van de eerste kamer) enz. 4 Mey tot 12 Juny 1798. (2 delen) + Decreeten van het Intermediair Wetgevend Lichaam des Bataafschen Volks. Deel I-II (14 Juny - 31 July 1798). In den Haag, Ter ‘s Lands Drukkery, 1796-1798. Compleet in 31 delen. orig.kartonnen omslagen (enkele delen wat watervlekkig, ruggen beschadigd, bibl.stempels op titels; een goede set) € 1.200,-

NIEBUHR, Carsten. Beschryving van Arabie, uit eigene waarnemingen en in ‘t land zelf verzamelde narigten.

Amsterdam, S.J.Baalde & Utrecht, J.van Schoonhoven, 1774. 4to. (vi),xxxii,408,iv p. With: J.J.MICHAËLIS. Vragen aan een gezelschap van geleerde mannen. xlvi,272 p. Half-roan with title on spine. With engraved titlepage, 24 (partly folding) maps and views, including long folding map of the Red Sea (80x23cm), a folding genealogical table of the rulers of Sana, and the large map (55x37cm) of Yemen, coloured in outline. - A complete and very good copy. (Tiele 795) € 2.200,23


Charbo’s Antiquariaat Roel Charbo Leerdamhof 274 1108 BZ Amsterdam P.O. Box 22513 1100 DA Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 6761229

• History, topography, cartography, geography • Ethnography, travel • Maritime and colonial history • History of art and culture

ACOSTA, J. DE (LINSCHOTEN, JAN HUYGEN VAN, transl.), Historie naturael ende morael van de Westersche Indien: waer inne gehandelt wordt van de merckelijckste dinghen des

hemels, elementen, metalen, planten ende ghedierten van dien. Als oock de manieren, ceremonien, wetten, regeeringen ende oorloghen der Indianen. Ende nu eerstmael uyt den Spaenschen in onser Nederduytsche tale overgheset door Ian Huyghen van Linschoten. (1st Dutch ed.). Enchuysen, Jacob Lenaertz Meyn (printed by Gillis Rooman, Haerlem], 1598. Small 8vo. (7)+389+(8) lvs. With woodcut title vignette, woodcut initials. 17th century vellum with yapp fore-edges, inked title on spine, red paper edges. (Rear cover sl. stained/rubbed; occas. light browning; few early inscriptions on endp. & title, 2 small stamps on title). Well preserved copy. * Provenance: Asinari Rossillon di Bernezzo, with his bookplate on verso of title & Jacobo Frers, La Paz, with his name stamp on front pastedown & last blank. - First Dutch edition in the translation by Jan Huygen van Linschoten, after the second and best edition of Historia natural y moral de las Indias, published in Sevilla in 1591. It was the first serious history of the New World and its products, and important for the history of the Indians of Peru and Mexico. (Sabin 126; Tiele 25; Tiele, Mémoire 289; Muller, America 7). € 2.900,-

DAM, DIRK J. VAN, d’Erfg. Stigt. Burger-Wagt-Almanach, op ‘t schrikkel-jaar onses Heeren Jesu Christi, 1748. Voorsien met alle de jaar-, paarde-, beeste- en leer-markten; als mede de

Maans op- en ondergang, en hoog- en laagste water-getij. Met privilegie voor 15 jaaren. Amsterdam, Erfgen. van de Wed. C. Stichter, [1747]. Klein 8vo. (9 x 7,5 cm). (60)+(16)+(4 blanco)+(16)+(16)+(16) pp. Met 17 houtsneden (incl. titelpag.). Oorspr. slap perkament met overslag, twee verschillende afb. van de Burgerwacht in reliëf en in zwart gestempeld op voor- en achterplat. De schrijfstift waarmee de overslag op het voorplat werd vastgezet ontbreekt. (Papier hier en daar wat verbruind/roestvl.). Goed ex. * Bevat kalender; Schutters wacht-almanach, aenwijsende wat compagnien en op wat nacht sy te samen waecken moeten (met naamlijsten van aangewezen wachters); Den oprechten onvervalsten Italiaansche waar-zegger; Leghplaetsen van scheepen, schuyten en post-wagens, die van de stadt Amsterdam (...) af-varen ende af-rijden; Vermakelyke klugten voor de lief-hebbers; Weg-wyser van alle grachten, straten en steegen der stadt Amsterdam; Kort kronykxken beginnende van den jaare 1700. € 850,-

FENELON, [FRANCOIS] DE, LAMI, [FRANCOIS] & BOULLAINVILLIERS, [HENRI], Réfutation des erreurs de Benoit de Spinosa par M. de Fenelon, archevêque de

Cambrai, par le P. Lamy, Benedictin et par M. le Comte de Boullainvilliers. Avec la vie de Spinosa ecrite par M. Jean Colerus, ministre de l’Eglise Lutherienne de La Haye (...). Bruxelles, François Foppens, 1731. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Half title, title, (VI)+158+483+(2) pp. Contemp. full calf, gilt spine with raised bands & red title label, gilt edges; red paper edges, marbled endpapers. (Unobtrusive minor signs of use to binding, else very fine copy). * Included: Certamen philosophicum propugnatae veritatis divinae ae naturalis adversus Joh: Bredenburg ... Quod religio nil rationi repugnans credendum proponit, evidenter ostenditur. Haec meditabatur Ishak Orobio ... Amstelaedami, ex autographo A. Theodori Ossaan, 1703 [1730]" (pp. 387-483). € 1.200,-

MARTINIUS, MARTINO, Regni sinensis à Tartaris tyrannicè evastati depopulatique concinna enarratio. Amsterdam, Aeg. Jansonius Valkenier, 1661. 12mo. (XXIV)+120 pp. With engr.

additional title, fold. map & 12 plts. Contemp. calf, richly gilt spine with raised bands & red title label, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. (Bookseller’s label on pastedown; margins of endpapers sl. browned). Very well preserved copy. * Describes the turbulent times of the Manchu conquest of China and was considered the best general description of China before Du Halde. - Lust 444, Cordier, BS 624; De Backer-Sommervogel V, 647. € 1.500,-


Antiquariaat Forum BV Sebastiaan & Laurens Hesselink Westrenen, Tuurdijk 16 3997 MS ’t Goy – Houten, Utrecht Tel. +31 - (0)30 60 119 55 Fax +31 - (0)30 60 118 13

• Early printing • Manuscripts • Travel • Illustrated books • Children’s books


The first book printed in Breda

BASELIUS, J. Historisch verhael inhoudende sekere notable explooten van oorloge in de Nederlanden… Breda, I. Schilders, 1615. 4to. Contemp. calf. Engr. allegorical title. € 2.500,Rare orig. edition of this historical work on the wars in The Low Countries dedicated to Prince Maurits by the minister Jacobus Baselius (ca. 1563-1604).- Good copy.- NNBW III, cols. 67-8. Early 18th-centruy map-book of the Prince William polder in Zealands Flanders

CAERTE EN OMLOOPER van Prins Willem Polder. Bedijkt anno 1650 en 1651. Bij een versamelt en

na neerstigh ondersoek t’samen gestelt door Gerrit van Gersom dijkgraef van desen polder, anno 1723. Folio. Contemp. vellum. Richly illustrated title, 19 folding maps pasted at the edge of numbered folios. € 9.750,Extremely rare and highly interesting manuscript map-book with the registration of land ownership of the ‘Gecombineerde Prins Willem Polder’ in Zealands Flanders, compiled by the dikereef Gerrit van Gersom. The detailed maps give a factual picture of the farms, barns, houses, mills etc. Dikes, osier revetments, roads, creeks and canals are mapped in a very conscientious way.- In good condition.- (Few defects).

FABRICIUS, F. Redenvoering over den hondert en vijftigsten verjaardag, of het jubeljaar der Hollandsche Akademie te Leiden. Leiden, P. van der Aa, 1725. 4to. Contemp. gilt decorated vellum with floral gilt borders, gilt centre piece on sides. Printer’s device on title, full-page author’s portrait, two folding plates of the inauguration of the University in 1575 and the siege and relief of Leiden in 1574, full-page portrait of William of Orange, smaller portraits of J. Dousa, C. Coolhaas, & P. Tiara, 4 illustrations of the University, all engr. € 2.650,First and only edition of this famous oration on the 150st anniversary of the University at Leiden. The magnificent plate of the siege and relief of Leiden in 1574 is etched by the famous artist Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1708).- Good copy.- (Sm. tear in one plate). KRUYF, C. de. Vues choisis d’Amsterdam et ses environs dessinées d’apres nature. Amst., F. Buffa & sons, (1824-25). Folio. Full red morocco, decorated borders on sides, green morocco lozenge shaped title label on front cover. Lithographed title, 45 contemp. handcoloured aquatint plates. € 9.500,Rare series of beautiful and attractive views of Amsterdam and surroundings, providing a magnificent image of Amsterdam as it was at the beginning of the 19th century.- Beautiful interleaved copy.- Landwehr, Col. Plates 339. LAAR, G. van. Magazijn van tuin-sieraden…Zaltbommel, J. Noman en Zoon, (1819 (or 1831?)). Large

4to. Contemp. half morocco. Numerous illustrations of garden architecture, garden furniture and plans of € 4.500,gardens on 190 engr. plates, all handcoloured. Classic work on garden architecture, presenting an encyclopaedic pictorial survey of all possible garden houses, ruins, sculpture, gates and bridges, garden furniture and decorations, incl. early romantic (‘English’) garden plans.Fine copy.- (Front hinge weak; without often lacking dedication leaf). The history of the world in 50 maps


LÖWENBERG, J. Historisch-geographischer Atlas zu den allgemeinen Geschichtswerken von C. v. Rotteck, Pölitz v. Becker in 40 colorirten Karten. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 1839. Folio. Half calf. With 46

Antiquariaat Forum BV double-page and 4 full-page lithographed maps, all partly handcoloured. € 370,Second edition with 50 (instead of 40 as mentioned on the title) historical maps after drawings by J. Löwenberg and J.V. Kutscheit.- Good copy.

RACER, J.W. Overysselsche gedenkstukken. Eerste - achtste stuk. Leyden, Campen, T. Kloet, J.A. de Chalmot, 1781-97. 8 vols. 8vo. Orig. half calf (1-7), half cloth (8). € 2.500,Extremely rare complete set discussing many matters on the history of the Dutch province of Overijssel by the jurist Jan Willem Racer (1736-1816).- Good set.- (Rarest part, 8, in library-binding, with stamp on title). Amsterdam as it was around 1700: one of the best print series on Amsterdam ever

SCHENK, P. Afbeeldinge der voornaamste gebouwen van Amsterdam. (Amst., P. Schenk, after 1707,

before 1710). Oblong 4to. Later three-quarter calf. Engr. dedication incl. title, engr. index leaf, 100 full-page etched plates with views of all main buildings, churches, city-gates and monuments of Amsterdam. € 2.650,Fine print series published by the famous Dutch engraver and publisher Pieter Schenk (1660-1713), apparently etched by Jan van Call after Schenk. - Fine copy.- (Binding sl. rubbed; dedication page sl. stained).- I.H. van Eeghen, ‘Petrus Schenk en zijn “Afbeeldinge der voornaamste gebouwen van Amsterdam’’’, in: Amstelodamum, 66 (1974), pp. 117-36.

SPECULUM ZELANDIAE. Amst., Widow Ottens & son, (ca. 1720-25). Oblong folio. 19th-century vellum with gilt ornamental border and filets. Engr. title, 36 (most copies: 35) engr. plates. € 17.500,Beautiful picture book depicting in a picturesque way very animated views and landscapes of the most important towns, castles, manor houses of the province of Zeeland. Rarely to be found, as most copies are broken up as wall-decoration.- Fine uncut copy.- (Few minor defects).- Hollstein XXVI, i.v. P.H. Schut, p. 168. The famous first journey by Joris van Spilbergen

SPILBERGEN, J. van. T’Historiael journael, van tghene ghepasseert is van weghen drie schepen,

ghenaemt den Ram, Schaep ende het Lam, ghevaren uyt Zeelandt vander stadt Camp-Vere naer d’Oost-Indien. Amst., M. Colijn, 1617. Oblong 4to. 18th-century vellum, double gilt fillets and gilt floral border with corner pieces on sides, ties lacking. Allegorical plate on title, folding plate of the city Kandi on Ceylon, folding map of Ceylon, 8 full-page and 2 smaller plates in text, all engr. € 35.000,Fifth edition, being a corrected re-edition of the fourth edition of 1605, of this account of the famous journey to the East-Indies (1601-4) of the German navigator in Dutch service Joris van Spilbergen (1558-1620).- Good copy with three pasted bookplates.- (Few outer margins strengthened).- Tiele, Mém. p. 158.

TYPOTIUS, J. & O. de STRADA. Symbola divina & humana pontificum… Arnhem, J.F. Hagen,

1666. 12mo. Contemp. overlapping vellum, gilt oval centre-piece with birds and flowers in vase and corner pieces on sides. Engr. frontispiece, 177 full-page engr. plates with 352 emblems. € 1.600,Influential collection of emblems on the Eucharist, the H. Cross, the popes and all worldly rulers of the world.Fine copy, with pasted armorial bookplate of G.J. Th. Beelaerts van Blokland.- (Few minor defects). Very rare print series illustrating the entrance of William & Mary in The Hague in 1691 and preceding events

(WILLIAM & MARY). BESCHRYVING der eerpoorten, in ‘s Graavenhaage opgerecht tegen

d’overkomst van William den III. Koning van Engeland, Schotland, Vrankriyk en Ierland. Amst., C. Allard, 1691. Folio. Contemp. half vellum. With 20 double-page etchings (one with 4 separate scenes) by H. Allard, I. vanden Avele & J. Luyken. € 8.500,Very rare complete print series illustrating the history of the Stadholder/King William III and Queen Mary from the birth of the Prince of Wales on 20 June 1688 till the entrance of William and Mary in The Hague on 5 February 1691, incl. the fireworks.- Good copy.- (Few minor defects).- Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 143; Muller, Ned. historieplaten 2692. Not in The Paul and Marianne Gourary collection of illustarted Fête books. (Christies N.Y. June 12, 2009)


Antiquariaat Forum BV Dutch adaptation of Beauty and the Beast: a very desirable, luxuriously extra illustrated copy, signed by the author

MARMONTEL, J.F. & P. PIJPERS. Zemire en Azor, zangspel. Amsterdam, J.Helders and A. Mars, 1783. 8vo Contemp. half calf, gilt and decorated spine. With extra frontispiece portrait of Pieter Pijpers engraved by Theodorus Koning, accompanied by the letterpress explanatory leaf with poem, signed by the author Pieter Pypers in pen, both the portrait and the poem dated 1789. Furthermore with 3 extra engr. plates (2 full- and one half-page), depicting scenes of the play Zemire and Azor, by various Dutch artists; (1x dated 1784; one of these plates repeated opposite page 44 in an earlier impression before all lettering). The engr. title with vignette by H.L. Meyling handcoloured and heightened with gold (incl. the letters), the letterpress title with title-vignette by Reinier Vinkeles. Finally, our copy incorporates 6 splendidly hand coloured and gommé plates partly heightened with gold, by various French artists and belonging to the original French edition. € 12.500,Splendid presentation copy, luxuriously extra illustrated 5 years after the original publication of this Dutch adaptation, warranted by G. de Visscher (one of the delegates of the Amsterdam theatre) in pen on the final page with the privilege to the printers Helders and Mars, dated ‘Amsteldam, den. 6 Augustus, 1783’. Desirable, extra illustrated presentation copy from the collection of P. May.- (Occ. vaguely waterst.; outer corners sl. bumped).Van Aken, Cat. Ned. Toneel, II, p.351, only mentioning a title-vignette.

Extensive descriptions available of all items on request. Prices are in Euros, incl. VAT 28

A. Gerits & Son b.v. Antiquarian Booksellers Arnoud Gerits Distelvlinderweg 37 d 1113 LA Diemen Tel. +31 (0)20 698 13 75 Fax +31 (0)20 625 89 70

• Economics • History • Law • Philosophy & Theology • Political and Social Sciences • History of Ideas

LA PERRIERE, G. DE. Le Miroir Politique, contenant diverses manières de gouverner & policier les Républiques, qui sont, & ont été par cy devant: Oeuvre, non moins utile que nécessaire à tous Monarches, Rois, Princes, Seigneurs, Magistrats & autres qui ont chargé du gouvernement ou administration d’icelles: Par M. Guillaume de la Perriere, Tholosain. A Paris, Pour Vincent Norment, & Jeanne Bruneau, 1567. With printer’s device, 10 wood engravings (among which a very nice allegorical representation of “la Prudence”), and 19 diagrams in the form of genealogical trees. 16 unnumbered leaves, 126 numbered leaves, 1 unnumbered leaf, 1 blank leaf. Small 8vo. Contemporary wrinkled vellum, small piece of vellum missing at top of spine and at foot of upper board. € 3.800,BMSTC (French), p. 252; Adams, L.171; Mortimer, French 16th Century Books, 340; Graesse, Trésor de Livres Rares, iv, p. 103; Brun, Le livre français illustré de la Renaissance, 232. Second (first Paris) edition, first published in 1555 in Lyon by Macé Bonhomme in folio. The diagrams and the device are based on those attributed to Georges Reverdy in the first edition. The privilege is dated October 14, 1566, shortly after the expiration of Bonhomme’s original ten-year privilege. This is a very important work on the art of governing and stood at the beginning of a long line of anti-machiavellian works. It was published also in the time of the great troubles in France where royal power and its prerogatives were being discussed. Old ownership entry on titlepage and on the front paste-down - Julien le Roy. RECCHI, M. De Consideratione Injuriae Temporis, et personarum. Commentarius. In quo ferè omnia,

quae ipsam injuriarum causam respiciunt, perplexa Doctorum congerie rejecta, solis Textibus, Glossisque breviter explicantur. Cum ejusdem Summariis locorum Indice, verborumque omnium locupletissimo. Theate, apud Isidorum Facium, et Bartholomaeum Gobettum Socios, 1607. With nice title vignette. Title, blank leaf, (2), 166, (2, blank leaf ), (24) pp. 4to. Contemporary gilt vellum, with double fillet, gilt central ornament, gilt stamped fleur-de-lys to spine, all edges gilt, small damage to front cover, some spots to rear cover, wrinkled. € 2.000,Not in Vinciana; not in Camus. Original edition (?) of this extremely rare work dealing with “injustices”, or actions or deeds condamned and punishable by law. The long list of infractions contains among others deception, fraud, forgery, etc., there are a number of entries dealing with Jews, a list of infractions relating to usury, the whole made easily accessible through an alphabetical table at the end of the volume. This is a very rare printing from Chieti, a villige in the Abruzzi (Italy). Printing was introduced there only in 1595 and this very early printed book by the first printer Isidoro Facio is very rare. It lacks in the majority of the public libraries such as the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, British Library etc. Apparently only the public library of Naples holds a copy. - With a clear stain in the lower half of the pages almost throughout. 29

Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis Fokas Holthuis & Paul Snijders P.O. Box 18604 2502 EP Den Haag Tel. +31-70-346 6020;+31-6 5329 7017(Fokas) Fax +31-70-346 6806

• Literature • Autographs • Literary Archives • Fine printing • Modern illustrated books


ANDREA, Kees, & M. NIJHOFF Liber

amicorum Margaret Bonsal. Gilt vellum-backed boards with botanic Japanese paper in a white cloth box (Phoenix Bindery). (16) p. € 1.400,* Philip Bonsal (1903-1995) was a United States foreign diplomat and the last American ambassador to Cuba. After World War Two he was stationed as a consul in The Hague. His wife Margaret was part of a cultural circle, centred in the Benoordenhout quarter, and had a special friendship with Sylvia NijhoffStockard, who was married to Wouter Nijhoff, Martinus’s brother. When the Bonsals left the Netherlands in the autumn of 1948, this liber amicorum was presented to Margaret. The colourful book contains a handwritten, signed fragment by Martinus Nijhoff (1894-1953) from the poem ‘De soldaat en de zee’, some very fine artwork by painter Kees Andrea (1914-2006) and a few leaves with friends’ signatures. The artwork consists of six original watercolours, starting with a signed frontispice of a girl on a horse, a title page full of flowers, a bouquet, a map of the Netherlands, a mourning figure and a group of people, inconsolable, waving goodbye. There are 25 signatures, several by members of the Dutch nobility, some diplomats and others. Two fine loose watercolours by Dutch artist Lucie van Dam van Isselt (1871-1949) are accompanying the book, together with a speech directed to Margaret Bonsal on the eve of her departure, explaining some of the signatures; and a handwritten letter by painter-translator Adriaan J. Barnouw to Sylvia Nijhoff about the translation of Martinus Nijhoff’s verses.

BARBARBER. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR TEKSTEN. Complete run. Nrs. 1-87(-90). Amsterdam, 1958-1971(-1990). Original wrappers. Nrs. 1-35 stenciled, nrs. 36-87 offset (as published). Nrs. 9 and 14 in photocopy. € 2.450,* Rare set of this Dutch avant-garde periodical, with contributions by a.o. J. Bernlef, G. Brands, C. Buddingh’, R. Campert, Chr.J. van Geel, J. Hanlo, K. Schippers and L. Vroman. Included: no. 75 (1969, record Jan Hanlo), no. 88 (1989, hand printed in 75 copies), and no. 89 (1990, a full bottle of wine (!), numbered and signed by the editors). Added: Barbarber (1968), three texts by Bernlef, Brands and Schippers, hand printed in 50 numbered and signed copies; Barbarber 47b (1976); some invitations, prospectuses and newspaper clippings. Complete sets are very hard to find! BIESHEUVEL, J.M.A. De eend en de snoek. Original typescript of this short story. 7 leaves A4. 1964.

With a number of additions, alterations and deletions in ink by the author. € 1.800,* Nice fairytale about a duck and a pike. This very early story not in Biesheuvel’s Verzameld werk (Amsterdam 2008). With accompanying autograph letter signed by Biesheuvel, dated ‘Leiden 7-4-64’, adressed to the literary magazine De Gids. He asks the editors to publish the story and promises to add stamps in case of refusal.


Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis In due course, the story was refused. And an exasperated editor remarks in an aside that Biesheuvel didn’t add any stamps, so De Gids could not return the manuscript. Unpublished.

(BODONI). MOREAU DE SAINT-MÉRY, M.-L.-É. Vu le Décret Impérial du 20 Prairial an XIII (...). Arrête. Parma, Imprimerie Impériale, [1805]. No wrappers. 8 p. Slightly soiled. With handwritten date on last page: ‘12 Mesidoro XIII’, being July 1, 1805. € 180,* Decree of the General Administrator (for Napoleon) of the former Duchy of Parma, Médéric-Louis-Élie Moreau de Saint-Méry, printed by the ducal, now imperial printer, Giambattista Bodoni, in modest but noble typography. Both in French and Italian. Regulations about mortgage. Brooks 984. BORDEWIJK, F. Five typed letters signed and one autograph letter signed to literary magazine De Gids. 6

leaves A4. 1961-1963. € 1.200,* Attractive, witty letters about contributing to De Gids. About a series of caricatural essays on The Hague, that he wishes to publish only under his pseudonym Ton Ven, in accordance with the given bibliography (‘[daar] zou ik alleen maar genoemd willen zien wat van mij onder pseudoniem verscheen [...] t.w.: Paddestoelen (1916) Paddestoelen (1961)’). Furthermore about his ideas on spelling, also regarding to the writer Johan Gram (‘[hij] was een gekompliceerde figuur, want hij schreef ‘s-Gravenhage soms met en soms zonder koppelteken in de tekst’), girded with some amusing comments on the weather (‘En verder ben ik voor ‘t moment half ingesneeuwd, voor de rest ingevroren’) and the popularity of his short stories (‘Of dit een “vlaag” is weet ik niet, maar ik poog een (winter)voorraadje aan te leggen’). Unpublished.

FRENZEL, Joachim und Otto, & W. FRÖBUS, Die Luftschiffe der Welt 1911. Statistisch

zusammengestellt von -. Leipzig, Felix Merseburger, 1911. Original decorated wrappers. Stapled. 20 p. Illustrated. First edition. Fine copy. € 450,* Airships compared statistically. With a helpful panorama of all existing airships. Attractively illustrated cover in bronze and blue on dark blue.


Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis GERHARDT, Ida G.M. Five extensive autograph letters signed to a friendly couple. 2 leaves recto,

4 leaves recto and verso. 1970-1981. € 1.200,* Warm and (very) intimate letters to Boelie and Lies Tieleman. Their first meeting made a great impression on the poet (‘eerlijk gezegd, zijn wij er nòg van onder de indruk’). The first letter adjoins a copy of Kwatrijnen in opdracht, about which the author states: ‘Wat [hier] met bezorgdheid wordt voorvoeld, heeft zich middelerwijl voltrokken. Tegelijk is voor mij - óók voor ons beide - het slotkwatrijn een dagelijks levende realiteit’. The poet writes furthermore about a splinter in her skull, causing illness (‘In mijn hoofd huisde nl. een soort van smederij: hameren, blazen, sissen; slechts de monologen van Hephaistos ontbraken erbij’) and lucid dreams (‘Een parnassia op de sneeuwgrens, een blikseminslag in een hoeve, een kind in een sneeuwlandschap, met stille tranen, sporen makend met zijn voetjes, een lang snoer in die eenzaamheid’). Also about the strained relationship between her and her younger sister (‘je moet waakzaam zijn: het vertrouwen dat zij ons geeft is even schuw als kostbaar’) and the breast cancer that struck her partner Marie van der Zeyde. In the last letter Gerhardt writes - sub rosa - about her bad sight (‘Lezen en schrijven gaan, maar erg langzaam en maar incidenteel. Wij zeggen het enkele vrienden slechts, die erover zwijgen’), ending with a firm advice: ‘Incasseren en heel stil je weg weer vinden: daar moet een mens gewoon de courage voor opbrengen’. These letters not in Ida Gerhardt, Courage! Brieven (Amsterdam 2005). Unpublished.

OUDSHOORN, J. van Willem Mertens’ levensspiegel. Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse, 1914. Cloth (only 100 copies bound in cloth). (4), 200 p. First edition. € 400,* Very fine copy of the author’s debut. Brusse 291. PÉLADAN, Joséphin Initiation sentimentale. La décadence Latine, éthopée III. Frontispice au vernis mou en premier état de Félicien Rops. Paris, Édinger, 1887. 25 x 17 cm. (14), 344 p. Uncut. 1st edition deluxe. One of 50 copies (total 67) on ‘papier de Hollande’ with proof of the frontispice by Rops ‘avant la lettre’. Numbered and signed by the publisher. Bound in ochre cloth, original vellum front and lower cover preserved. Some unobtrusive pencil notes. € 750,* enriched with part of a page of draft manuscript by Péladan, pasted on the reverse of the limitation page.

REVE, Gerard Original black and white photograph. 6,0 x 4,7 cm. Signed and dated ‘Juillet 1975/ Aetate Sua LI’ and with a typical quote ‘Ons Leven Is/ Een Sterven’. Cheerful portrait of the writer.

€ 150,-

SLAUERHOFF, J. Eldorado. Bussum, C.A.J. van Dishoeck, 1928. Cloth. (2), 108 p. First edition. € 3.500,* With handwritten, signed dedication by the author to his literary friend E. du Perron on the last page: ‘Aan Eddy/ van Slauerhoff/ te Gistoux/ 16 Juli 1929’. Typical Du Perron binding, the book roughly rebound in grey cloth with handwritten spine title. Very important copy, full of marginalia: hundreds of tiny corrections in ink by Du Perron and dozens of corrections in pencil by K. Lekkerkerker. Du Perron paid a lot of attention to spelling, punctuation and case endings. Lekkerkerker, since 1937 secretary of the Slauerhoff committee, used this copy while editing the section ‘Eldorado’ of J. Slauerhoff, Verzamelde werken II. Gedichten (1940). 32

Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis From 16 July to 23 August 1929 Slauerhoff stayed at Du Perron’s castle in Chaumont-Gistoux, Belgium. The authors jointly corrected proofs and composed a set of stories for publisher Stols. ‘Deze Mr. is du Perron mijn gastheer in Gistoux rentmeester van mijn verwaarloosde literaire landgoederen’, Slauerhoff wrote to his friend Hans Feriz about this stay.

(WEIHS, B.A.Th.). AAFJES, Bertus Het gevecht met de muze. Gedichten door Bertus Aafjes. Rijswijk, Stols, 1941. Cloth-backed boards. 48 p. Second edition. Some foxing. € 350,* A collection of poems (‘Fighting the Muse’), enriched by graphical artist Bertram Weihs (1919-1958) with 35 original illustrations. Almost every page has a splendid original drawing in ink and water colour, often a subtly coloured female nude, inspired by Aafjes’s sensual poetry. The title page has been decorated with a cockerel observing itself in a mirror, with added ornamental borders. Signed ‘B.A.Th. Weihs’ and dated ‘Juli/augustus 1944’. A splendid book! Bertram Weihs, exiled from Austria, in and after World War II illustrated several books. One of these was Franz Kafka’s De gedaanteverwisseling (‘The Metamorphosis’, printed in secret, 1944) and Gerrit Achterberg, En Jezus schreef in ‘t zand (1947). Depressions and inner unrest finally forced him to commit suicide, only 38 years old.

We sell rare books, association copies, autographs, archives and vintage ephemera, not only Dutch literature, but also other languages and various historical subjects. Take a look at our website However, many of our books and other rare items are not online. Every week we send an illustrated e-mail newsletter in Dutch to our subscribers (for free), containing a selection of our books. If you want to receive it, send us an e-mail. Most older newsletters may be viewed on our website. 33

Antiquariaat Isis L. Belt & T. Butterhof Folkingestraat 20 9711 JW Groningen Tel. +31 (0)50 318 4233 Fax +31 (0)50 311 2298

• Philosophy • Old and rare books


Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manuscriptos codices Gallicanos, Vaticanos, Anglicanos, Belgicos, &c. nec non ad editiones antiquiores & castigatiores. Opera et studio monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti e congregatione S. Mauri. 10 delen in 14 banden + Indexdeel. Parijs, Franciscus Muguet, 1679-1700. 2 gegraveerde platen met afbeelding van Augustinus + 15 drukkersvignetten + 26 binnentekstgravures + diverse vignetten en initialen. Halfleer. Folio. *platten en schutbladen niet-contemporain; papier hier en daar licht roestvlekkig en wormstekig (bij uitzondering, met name in deel 7 en 9, met iets tekstverlies); papier hier en daar licht watervlekkig (deel 9 meer watervlekkig); leren ruggen en hoeken van de platten licht geschaafd* [594684] € 1.600,-

SUAREZ, F., Opera omnia. Editio nova, a D.M. André, canonico Rupellensi, juxta editionem Venetianam XXIII tomos in-Fº continentem, accurate recognita reverendisimo ill. domino Sergent, episcopo Corisopitensi, ab ditore dicata. 28 delen in 30 banden. Parijs, Apud Ludovium Vivès, 1856-61. halflinnen. *bibliotheekstempels en -stickers op schutbladen en titelpagina’s, ruggen hier en daar licht geschaafd, schutbladen en boekblokken licht roestvlekkig* * Vanaf deel 5: (...) Editio nova, a Carolo Berton, cathedralis ecclesiae Ambianensis vicario (...) recognita. Vanaf deel 9: (...) vicario, innumeris pene veterum editionum mendis liberata, adnotationibusque in ultimum tomum relegatis illustrata, reverendissimo (...). Deel 27 en 28 (band 29 en 30): ‘Indices delineati cura et studio D. abbatis Caroli Berton, cathedrali ecclesiae Ambianensis vicarii’.’Führender Theologe der span. Scholastik, *5.1.1548 zu Granada, +25.9.1617 zu Lissabon (...). Sein Werk über die Gnade bedeutet die klassische Formulierung des Kongruismus auf molinist. Grundlage. De legibus bietet die Zusammenfassung der von der. span. Theologie des 16. Jahrh. gewonnenen naturrechtlichen, völkerrechtlichen u. staatsphilosoph. Erkenntnisse. (...) S. ist wohl der bedeutendste Theolog des Jesuitenordens (‘doctor eximius’); er verband ausgebreitete Erudition u. gewaltige Arbeitskraft mit Klarheit der Darstellung u. Tiefe der Spekulation. Seine Stellung in den Lehrkämpfen seiner Zeit ist vorwiegend irenisch u. ausgleichend; strenge Thomisten warfen ihm daher Eklektizismus vor. Seine Philosophie übte auch auf den protestantischen Universitäten des 17. Jahrh. großen Einfluß’. Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, Freiburg i.Br., Herder, 1937 (2e herz.), IX, 872-874 [593965] € 1.500,-


B.M. Israël, Boekhandel & Antiquariaat B.V. Drs. S.E. Blok Lamoraalweg 73 1934 CC Egmond aan den Hoef Tel. +31 (0)72 506 3620, 06-26154061 Fax +31 (0)72 506 2032

• Medicine • Science and technology • Art books • Geography • Atlases, maps and views • Prints and drawings


SENAULT, Elisabeth Heures nouvelles dédiées à Monseigneur Dauphine. Ecrites et gravées par Elisabeth Senault. A Paris, chez l’autheur, rue de Bussy à la croix blanche au fauxbourg st Germain; et au Palais chez Jacque le Gras dans la Gallerie des Prisonniers a l’image de Notre Dame. No date [about 1690]. In 12mo. W. engraved title, verso blank, engraved dedication leaf and 188 entirely engraved pages. Contemp. full dark red sharkskin binding, w. silver furniture along the 3 edges of the covers; silver clasps, w. fleur de lis mark. The headbands intertwined w. silver wire and connected to the silver furniture along the edges. (2 lvs, 188 lvs,). (Green silken endpapers.). (Lvs. 165 - end righthand margin visible watersp.). (All edges gilt.). € 1.650,Published by Elisabeth, the daughter of Louis Senault. A beautiful, rare and well bound example of this devotional work engraved throughout, employing a large amount of floral and landscape head- and tailpieces, non repetitive initials, double rule borders, calligraphic head- and end pieces, landscape vignettes, geometric forms, etc. Quite exquisite and beautiful: See Bonacini pp. 307 - 308: Comp. Cohen - de Ricci, 487: Whalley, ‘The Pen’s Excellence’, p. 200, [Senault worked ] ‘... in the tradition of the handwritten devotional works of the school of the celebrated Jarry ... [and if you couldn’t afford one] ... then this engraved prayer book, which looked so like some of the manuscript ones, made a good substitute.’: Universal Cat. of Books on Art, III, 561: PMM exhibition catalogue (1963), comp. item 98 Masonic binding Loge ‘De Eendracht ‘Rotterdam FREEMASONRY.- ALMANACH.- 1802 Rotterdam, By

C.R.Hake, 1802. [VMDCCCII]. 12mo. W. engr. vign. on title. Lovely contemp. red sheepskin masonic binding [probably Loge ‘de Eendracht’ Rotterdam], upper cover w. gilttooled supralibros w. half-moon, sun & constellation. Lower cover with the Temple and parapharnalia of the order. Along the outer edges of the covers a single decorated giltruled line. The (non-ribbed & rounded) spine w. 5 floral handstamps. [A12, B12, C12]. (72 pp.). € 425,Uncommon masonic almanach for the year 1802 for personal use, probably once owned by a member of the Rotterdam Loge ‘de Eendracht’ an almanach in which of course the monthly calendar, but also the ‘Naamlyst van de Vereenigde Loges onderhorig aan het Nationaal Groot-Meesterschap der Bataafsche Republiek en onderhorige Colonien en Landen’, a survey of 66 ‘loges’ & the namelist of the officers of the Grote Loge. A contribution on charity, dedicatory poetry, ‘Gezangen ter gelegenheid van het Feest door de loge ‘La Bien Aimée’ held 29 March 1801 etc. For the Binding compare p. 186 of Van de Sande’s boek ‘Vrijmetselarij in de lage landen’ [Walburg Pers 1995]. 35

Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & De Jonge Robert-Jan De Jonge Bernard Zweerskade 18 1077 TZ Amsterdam Tel. (+31) (0)20 6 64 08 41 / (+31) (0)6 5373 7422 Fax (+31) (0)20 664 13 91

• Fine antique maps and charts • Town views • Prints, drawings and watercolours

Waghenaer, Lucas Iansz.

Universe Europe maritime eiusq navigationis descriptio / Generale Paschaerte van Europa engraved by Ioannes van Doetecum, second state with Latin annotations alongside Dutch text, published in 1586 by Lucas Iansz. Waghenaer. Overview map from Waghenaer’s Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, the first printed sea atlas, “an exceptional work, a milestone in West European navigation”, “a crucial contribution to safe navigation along the coasts of Western Europe”, “this chart seems to be a much more accurate representation than shown on any previously published maps. For the first time, the east-west extent of the Gulf of Finland is accurately depicted.” (Schilder). Size: 55,5 x 39,5 cm. The upper and lower edges were cut (as with most copies), approx. 1 cm into the image, and professionally restored. The map has been backed with rice paper. Rare and important map! € 21.500,-

Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel, terrestrial and celestial 32 cm diameter table globes, republished in

Nuremberg 1789/1790 by Wolfgang Paul Jenig, made up of two times twelve hand-coloured engraved gores, with stamped brass meridian and hour dial, on Dutch-style stand with octagonal horizons with hand-coloured engraved applied paper ring with decorated corners. Doppelmayr was one of the most prolific of the globe-makers of early 18th-Century Nuremberg. After his death Jenig updated Doppelmayr’s copper plates and added six new gores with discoveries by James Cook who circumnavigated New Zealand and discovered Australia’s eastern costline. This rare pair of globes is in a very good condition! € 65.000,-


Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & De Jonge Flamen, Albert Flamen, Albert (Bruges, c. 1620 – Paris, after 1691) album containing 22 leaves with drawings in pen and brown ink and grey wash. Dated Le premier septembre ao 1679. Flamen was influenced by Jacques Callot. Contents: 9 leaves with numerous studies of fencing/ walking/ seated/ riding/ shooting figures; 1 leave with drawings of faces; 1 leave with drawing of a house with numerous animals; 1 leave with drawing of seven men on horseback in a landscape; 1 leave with drawing of several houses with a man on horseback in foreground; 1 drawing of two windmills with two draughtsmen in the foreground, titled: Veuë des moulins sur le chemin de Vaugirard du Costé du faubourg St. Germain; 1 leave with five (shooting) men on horseback in front of a city gate; 3 leaves with perspective studies. Six leaves are by a different hand (a pupil?), some other leaves have additions by yet an other hand. Size: 16 x 23 cm. With watermark resembling Churchill 305. Wormholed throughout in upper margin. The Berlin Kupferstichkabinett holds a similar sketchbook by Flamen. € 16.500,-

Waghenaer, Lucas Iansz. Beschrijvinghe der Landen ende Zee-custen Eembderlandt, d’ Ommelanden, ofte Groningerlandt, Oostvrieslandt, ofte Vrieslandt over zee, Westvrieslandt ende Waterlandt, Hollandt, Zeelandt, ende Vlaenderen, engraved by Benjamin Wright around 1601. This chart showing the North Sea coast, originates from Waghenaer’s second pilot guide the Thresoor der Zeevaert, first published in 1592. The Thresoor included the latest information gathered by Dutch skippers in their expanding fishing and trading territories at the end of the 16th century and was adapted in size and practicality to the needs of seamen. Size (paper): 19,8 x 55 cm. Very good copy. Margins cut short, partly into the plate. Splendid and very rare map! € 11.500,-


Kunsthandel Ronald Jansen Ronald Jansen Mr. Bührmannlaan 28 1381 GM Weesp Tel. +31 (0)294 480254

Chagall, Marc (1889 Witebsk – 1985 Vence)

• Graphic Art (1840-1980)


“Le joueur de flute” Original colour lithograph, made in 1957. 23 x 38,7 cm. No margins. Published in the book “Chagall” written by Jaques Lassaigne, the first book about Chagall, on which he contributed by making 14 colour lithographs and two lithographs. Edited by Maeght Éditeur, Paris, 1957. The lithographs were printed by Mourlot. Catalogue Mourlot 197. See illustration. € 775,-

Dongen, Cornelis Theodorus Maria “Kees” van (1877 Delfshaven, now Rotterdam–

1968 Monte Carlo, Monaco) “Chapitre XI, 2”. “Comment l’ange, vêtu des dépouilles d’un suicidé. laissa le jeune Maurice privé de son céleste gardien”. Original colour lithograph from “La Révolte des Anges”, on cream wove paper with the watermark Lana. 25,4 x 21 cm. Page 65. The book describes the events of a French family, which from 1789 untill 1914. In that year wrote Anatole France this book. “La Révolte des Anges” was published by Dr. A. Roudineco at Parijs in 1951. The text and the colour lithographs are printed on the presses of Mourlot frères at Paris. For every colour was an apart lithographic stone used. The limited edition was 210 nummered copies, and 15 copies extra with a double suite for the co-workers. This colour lithograph is coming from Nº 182. See illustration. € 575,-


Kunsthandel Ronald Jansen

Marcel-Lenoir, Jules [pseudonym of Oury Jules] (1872 Montauban – 1931Montricoux) Original colour lithograph, worked up with gold. Published in the Art Nouveau periodical “L’Estampe Moderne”, with the well-known die stamp of a little boy. Published in June 1897. See illustration. € 1.000,-

Ploos van Amstel, Cornelis (1726 Weesp – 1798 Amsterdam) “De krantenlezer in interieur” / “The newspaper reader in interior” after a watercolour of Adriaan van Ostade, Etching with roulette, the etching coloured with brush into the original colours. Made in 1766. 23,7 x 19,5 cm. Catalogue Laurentius 7 III. Verso the etched arm of Ploos van Amstel. The original watercolour of the same size is in the collection of L. and R. Heinemann in New York. € 2.250,-


Kunsthandel Ronald Jansen Roodenburg, Hendrik Elias

(1885 Den Haag 1987) “Gelderse Kade / Schreierstoren, Amsterdam” Original colour etching and aquatint from 1962 on vellum-paper with the watermark “Holland”. 48,3 x 36,4 cm. With pencil signed, numbered 139/ , and titled. In catalogue Roodenburg GK.E-1962-2 is represent a proof. This is the definitive version, which is at the bottom shorted with 7 mm. In the plate titled, 1962, and with the artist’s monogram. € 500,-

Dali Y Domenech, Salvador

((1904 Figuerra 1969) “A caza de mondadientes” (hunting toothpickers / op jacht naar tandenstokers). Droge naald opheliogravure, coloured with pochoir, with a new text. 17,9 x 11,8 cm. Signed with pencil en numbered 88/200. Signed in the plate with Dali as well as Goya.Made after the series “Los Caprichos” of Goya. Sheet 12 of this series, with the original text of Goya “A caza de dientes” (hunting to teeth / op jacht naar tanden”. Catalogue Michler-Löpsinger 859. € 725,-


De wereld van

atherina Devotie, demonen en dagelijks leven in de 15e eeuw

Een getijdenboek van wereldklasse ontsloten!

10-10-2009 K e l f k e n s b o s 5 9, 6 511 T B N i j m e g e n



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Antiquariaat Matthys de Jongh Matthys de Jongh Groenmarkt 11 7201 HW Zutphen Tel. +31 - (0)575 54 31 36

• Political economy • Social sciences • Political history • Dutch history

BAUDEAU, Nicolas. Lettres d’un citoyen à un magistrat, sur les vingtièmes et les autres impôts.

Amsterdam, chez Arkstee & Merkus 1768. Bound with: Jean François VAUVILLIERS, Lettre d’un gentilhomme des états de Languedoc à un magistrat du parlement de Rouen, sur le commerce des bleds, des farines et du pain. No place 1768. And with: Réponse d’un magistrat de Normandie au gentilhomme de Languedoc, sur le commerce des bleds, des farines & du pain [drop-title]. No place or date. 3 volumes in 1. Small 8vo. [IV],234; . [II],47 ; 48p. Contemp. calf, gilt back with re d label, marbled endpapers, red edges. Fine copy. € 3.500,Three rare Physiocratic works, all in first edition, none of them in Kress, Goldsmiths’ or Einaudi.

CANARD, Nicolas François. Principes d’économie politique, ouvrage couronné par l’Institut National,

dans sa séance du 15 nivôse an IX (5 janvier 1801); et depuis revu, corrigé et augmente par l’auteur. Paris, F. Buisson, An X [1801]. [IV],236p. With 3 folding tables. Uncut in contemp. blue wrappers, inside covered with waste paper, back with printed label. Old name in ink to title, old annotation of one line to upper margin of half-title. A very fine copy, tel que paru. € 5.000,First edition. A pioneering work on the application of mathematical methods to economic analysis. Canard analysed the sources of wealth and principles of political economy ‘with a refreshing novelty and an ingenuity of approach which made him one of the most important mathematical economists of this period ... In the history of scientific bodies, Canard is forever sure of a place’.

COURT, Johan de la. Consideratien van staat, ofte politike weeg-schaal ... In deze vierde editie naauwkeurig overzien ... Amsterdam, Abraham en Jan de Wees 1662. Gebonden met: Pieter de la COURT, Interest van Holland, ofte gronden van Hollands-welvaren ... De laetste druck … Amsterdam, J.C. van der Gracht 1662. 2 € 750,delen in 1. 12mo. Met gegraveerde titel. Contemp. perkament, gevlekt. Hier en daar wat vlekkig. DAMHOUDER, Joost de. Practycke in civile saecken … [Gevolgd door:] Practycke in criminele saken

… [En door:] Ordonnantie, edict ende ghebodt … op ‘t stuck van de criminele justitien … Rotterdam, Pieter van Waesberge 1649-50. 3 delen in 1. 4to. [XXXVI],592,[31]; [VIII],264; 59p. Titels van het eerste en tweede deel in rood en zwart met portret van de schrijver, vignet op de titel van het derde deel, 14 kopergravures in het eerste deel en 56 houtsneden in het tweede deel. Contemp. perkament. Mooi ex. € 1.950,-

DURKHEIM, Emile. Le suicide. Etude de sociologie. Paris, Felix Alcan 1897. XII,462p. With 10 maps and table included in the text. Contemp. half calf, gilt back with double labels, marbled sides and endpapers, orig. printed wrappers preserved, very light wear to top of back. With signed presentation inscription from the author. € 1.450,First edition. The sociological interpretation of ample statistical and other research relating suicide to other social phenomena, following Durkheim’s third course in Bordeaux in 1889/90.


HILLENIUS, Cornelius. Corte ende waerachtige verantwoordinghe over de proceduren ende resolutien die de vroedtschappen van Alckmar … over ende teghen Cornelium Hillenium op den 17. julij anno 1610, hebben ghenomen ... Ghedruct t’Enchuysen, by Jacob Lenaertsz. Meyn 1610. En: Adolphus VENATOR, Nootwendigh historisch verhael, van allen swaricheyden, verschillen, ende proceduren, soo wel in kercklijcken, als politijcken saken, etlijcke jaren herwaerts binnen der stadt Alckmaer voorghevallen ... Tot Alckmaer, ghedruckt by Jacob de Meester ... 1611. 2 delen. 4to. [XII],144; [XII],271,[1]p. Negentiende eeuwse grijze

Antiquariaat Matthys de Jongh omslagen met label ‘Bibliotheek der stad Dordrecht’. € 1.350,Eerste (enige) uitgaven van twee geschriften over de strijd tussen remonstranten en contra-remonstranten in Alkmaar. *Knuttel 1778 en 1841.

KOERBAGH, Adriaan. Een bloemhof van allerley lieflijkheyd sonder verdriet geplant door Vreederijk

Waarmond ... of een vertaaling en uytlegging van al de Hebreusche, Griecksche, Latijnse, Franse, en andere vreemde bastaart-woorden en wijsen van spreeken, die (‘t welke te beklaagen is) soo inde godsgeleertheyd, regtsgeleertheyd, geneeskonst ... inde Nederduytse taal gebruykt worden. t’Amsterdam, gedrukt voor den schrijver [Goedaert Onderwijs, Leiden] 1668. Klein 8vo. [XVI],672p. Contemp. perkament. Ondanks enige gebreken een behoorlijk ex. € 1.150,Een vermaard puristisch woordenboek waarin vooral bij de filosofische en theologische begrippen vele onrechtzinnigheden en zelfs spinozistische opvattingen worden verkondigd. Adriaan Koerbagh, doctor in de medicijnen en meester in de rechten, werd in 1668 veroordeeld tot de ook voor die tijd uitzonderlijk zware straf van tien jaar tuchthuis, verbanning en een hoge boete. Verzwakt overleed hij na enkele maanden in het Willige Rasphuis. Titeluitgave van de eerste (zeer zeldzame) druk van hetzelfde jaar.

MANDEVILLE, Bernard. Free thoughts on religion, the church, and national happiness. By B.M.

London, printed, and sold by T.Jauncy and J.Roberts 1720. [II], XIX,[3],364,[12]p. Contemp. panelled calf, raised bands, gilt back with red label. Early 20th-century library bookplate to front paste-down. Mild browning mostly in the beginning, endpapers soiled. A very good copy indeed. € 2.250,First edition. A well known treatise against religion, theology and clerical politics and a plea for civil and religious toleration and peace, by the author of the famous ‘Fable of the bees’.

Pacificatie van Gent. - Artyckelen vande payse, verbontenisse ende unie, gemaeckt, besloten ende bevestight, tusschen de Staten van Brabant, Vlaenderen, Artoys … ende ... de prince van Orangien ... met de Staten van Hollandt, Zeelandt, ende haere gheassocieerde ... besloten ende gheaccordeert tot Ghendt, opten VIII. Novembris. 1576. Nae de copye. Ghedruckt tot Delff, anno M. D LXXVI. [1576]. 4to. [15]p. Negentiende eeuws (?) omslag met bloemmotief. Bovenmarge in het begin licht watervlekkig. € 750,Knuttel vermeldt 10 verschillende Nederlandse drukken met hetzelfde jaar, waarvan de eerste drie gedrukt in Brussel door Michiel Hamont (260-262), gevolgd door twee Delftse drukken, waarvan de eerste door Aelbert Hendricxsz (263) en de andere (264, deze) zonder naam van drukker. READ, Samuel. Political economy. An inquiry into the natural grounds of right to vendible property, or wealth. Edinburgh, printed for the author ... 1829. XXXIV,398p. Orig. ribbed cloth, few imperfections once neatly treated, back with new label. Small stain through outer margins towards the end, and occasionally a few other small spots and stains. Old inscription to inside front cover. An unsophisticated good copy. € 3.850,First (only) edition. An important criticism of classical Ricardian economics, influenced by Samuel Bailey’s seminal ‘Critical dissertation’ of 1825. Read ‘tried to put certain moral laws against the importance that economists attributed to material wealth. He used the utilitarian calculus as the basis for human action and the determination of economic justice, which included the natural right of the poor to public support. Labour he deemed the foundation and only certain measure of value. But wealth was more than just the product of labour, since accumulated capital and land also contributed to its production.’ (R.M.Rauner). This, Read’s only comprehensive publication, is a very rare book. *Kress C.2342

WILLEM I, prins van Oranje. Apologie ou defense de tresillustre prince Guillaume ... Contre le ban &

edict publie par le roi d’Espaigne ... [Leyden], Charles Sylvius 1581. 4to. [XII],164p.Negentiende-eeuws gemarmerd karton, rode sneden. Met het wapen van Oranje-Nassau op p.XII en p.142, colofon met plaatsnaam en drukkersmerk op p.164. Gaatje van enkele mms in de titel. € 1.250,Eerste Franse druk. De beroemde apologie waarin Willem zich verdedigt tegen de valse beschuldigingen van Philips II, voorgelezen in de Staten Generaal in hun vergadering van 13 december 1580 in Delft, hier vergezeld van Philips’ ban tegen de prins als ‘hooft beroerder ende bederver van t’gheheel Christerijck ende namentlijck van dese Nederlanden’. *Knuttel 555. TB 263. 43

Antiquariaat Junk B.V. Allard Schierenberg Van Eeghenstraat 129 1071 GA Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 676 31 85 Fax +31 (0)20 675 14 66

• Natural history • Voyages and travel

DODONAEUS, R. Histoire des Plantes, en laquelle est contenue la description entiere des herbes, c’est à dire, leurs especes, forme, noms, temperament, vertus... nouvellement traduite de bas Aleman en François par Charles de l’Escluse. Anvers, Iean Loë, 1557. Folio (275 x 190mm). pp. (24), 584. (36), with c. 800 woodcuts € 12.500,in the text. Contemporary calf, richly decorated gilt spine with red label. First and only French edition of Dodonaeus’ ‘Cruydeboeck’, first published in 1554 by Jan van der Loe, and translated by Clusius into French. HEERKENS, G.N. Aves Frisicae. Rotterrodami, apud C.R. Hake, 1788. 8vo. pp. 298, (1), with a charming engraved title showing a bird (Alauda) by J.L. Anselin. Contemporary marbled boards, spine renewed. € 1.250,Gerhard N. Heerkens was a physician who settled at Groningen after having studied with scholars as Voltaire and Fontenelle in Paris. He devoted all his spare time to Latin poetry, of which he published several collections. His present work is in elegiacs, with notes. KNORR, G.W. & WALCH, J.E.I. De natuurlyke historie der versteeningen, of uitvoerige afbeelding en beschryving van de versteende zaaken, die tot heden op den aardbodem zyn ontdekt: ... Uit het hoog- in ‘t nederduitsch vertaald door M. Houttuyn, met verscheide aanmerkingen. Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1773. 3 volumes (bound in 4). Folio (260 x 420 mm). pp. (4), xiv, 64; (4), 1-184; (2), 185-484; (4), 236, with 1 double-page handcoloured engraved plate ‘Marmer-Groeve na by Solnhofen’, some engraved head- & woodcut tail-pieces and 272 handcoloured or colour-printed engraved plates. Recent mottled half calf, richly gilt ornamented spines in 7 compartments with the original green and red gilt lettered labels. € 29.500,A fine copy of ‘one of the best illustrated and most complete accounts on fossils...’ (Landwehr 95). LACHMUND, F. De Ave Diomedea dissertatio, cum verâ ejus effigie aeri incisa, ex Muséo D. Friderici Lachmund Hildesheim. Ad Cl. Virum, Dn. D. Johan. Danielem Majorem. Amsterdam, A. Frisius, 1674. 12mo (130 x 75mm). pp. 52, (6), with 5 (4 folded) engraved plates. Recent boards. € 2.650,First edition and a very scarce publication on the Albatross and one of the earliest illustrated monographs of a single bird.


OOSTEN. H. VAN. The Dutch Gardener: or, the compleat florist...Written in Dutch, translated into English. The second edition, with great amendments. London, D. Midwinter, 1711. 8vo (196 x 118mm). pp. (6), 249, (1), 11, (1), with a fine allegorical frontispiece showing Flora and 2 engraved plates. Contemporary speckled calf, old rebacking with red gilt lettered label, sides with gilt border. € 1.250,Second English edition of which the first Dutch edition appeared 1700. A popular treatise on horticulture.

Antiquariaat Junk B.V. LEEUWENHOEK, A. VAN. [Brieven seu Werken]. Leiden, Delft, Boutesteyn and Krooneveld, 16841718. 6 volumes. 4to (185 x 150 mm), with 3 engraved frontispieces, engraved portrait, 100 engraved plates (many folding) and 123 engravings in text, 2 full-page. 18th century half calf, old repair to spines, marbled sides. € 40.000,First editions, first issues and an absolutely complete set of Leeuwenhoek’s letters, very rare, in their first appearance in the original Dutch.

ROESEL VAN ROSENHOF, A.J. De Natuurlyke Historie der Insecten; Voorzien met naar ‘t

Leven getekende en gekoleurde Plaaten. Volgens eigen ondervinding beschreeven ... Met zeer nutte en fraaie Aanmerkingen verrykt, door C.F. Kleemann. Uit den echten Hoogduitschen Druk ... vertaald. Haarlem en Amsterdam, C.H. Bohn en H. de Wit, (1764-1768). 4 volumes (bound in 8). Large-4to (278 x 220mm). With 3 handcoloured engraved frontispieces, 1 engraved portrait of Rösel and 359 (3 folded) handcoloured engraved plates (printed on 288 leaves). Contemporary half calf, richly gilt ornamented spines, with red and green gilt lettered labels (skilful repair to top of spines). € 11.500,A fine uncut uniformly bound copy of one of the most beautiful entomological publications.

TEMMINCK, C.J. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche

bezittingen, door de Leden der Natuurkundige commissie in Indie en andere schrijvers. [Land- en Volkenkunde, Zoologie, Botanie] Uitgegeven op last van de Koning door J.C. Temminck. Leiden 1839-1844. 3 volumes. Folio (440 x 310mm). With 3 lithographed titles, 256 lithographed plates of which 167 beautifully handcoloured and 4 maps (3 coloured, or partly coloured and 1 double page). Contemporary half calf, gilt bird and floral device, marbled boards. € 20.000,A splendid and sumptuously published work on the Natural History and Ethnography of Indonesia, the former Dutch East Indies. It is the most beautiful survey ever published on this part of the world in an edition of 250 copies only. As usual this is the early issue with 12 plates in the section of birds, the later issue has 2 extra bird plates, 1 bis and 2 bis not called for in the text. A beautifully bound and fine copy.

TEMMINCK, C.J. Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche

bezittingen, door de Leden der Natuurkundige commissie in Indie en andere schrijvers. Uitgegeven op last van den Koning door J.C. Temminck: ZOOLOGIE. Leiden 1839-1844. Folio (434 x 300mm). pp. (6), 228, 72, 72, 26, 250, with 3 double-page tables and 102 lithographed plates of which 84 beautifully handcoloured. Contemporary green half morocco, richly gilt decorated spine in 6 compartments, edges gilt. € 10.000,A superbly bound copy of the finest zoological work on Indonesia, the former Dutch East Indies.









Vaartochten op maat | All-in arrangementen Salonboten City tenders Sloepen Rederij de Nederlanden | 020 42 33 006 | Trekschuiten

Antiquariaat De Kloof Hans Schokkenbroek Kloveniersburgwal 44 1012 CW Amsterdam Tel. +31-20-622 3828 Fax +31-20-627 1395

• Nederlands recht • Law • Economics • Philosophy

Noordzij, Nel. Bloemlezing gedichten in 2 gesigneerde albums verzameld door Nel Noordzij. Ongedateerd. € 450,Het eerste album (waarschijnlijk jaren vijftig / begin jaren zestig) bevat een collectie van ca. 100 ingeplakte, uit bundels gehaalde, overgetypte en door Nel Noordzij met de hand overgeschreven gedichten van o.a. Karel van de Woestijne, Elisabeth Zernike, Martinus Nijhoff, J.W.F. Werumeus Buning, Jan Engelman, Bertus Aafjes, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Rainer Maria Rilke, Jacques Prevèrt, E. du Perron, Paul van Ostayen, Leo Vroman, Nel Noordzij zelf, Jan Wit, Hans Lodeizen, Koos Schuur, Hans Andreus, Jan Hanlo, Lucebert e.a. Het tweede album (ouder, waarschijnlijk rond 1940) bevat 27 door Nel Noordij met de hand - in verschillende kleuren - overgeschreven oosterse gedichten in het Duits uit: Pfirsichblüten aus China : Nachdichtungen chinesischer Lyrik von Hans Bethge (1922). Nel Noordzij (1923-2003) was een Nederlands schrijfster en dichteres. Zij studeerde af in pedagogiek en psychologie. Dat is duidelijk terug te vinden in haar werken. Haar belangrijkste thema’s zijn het isolement ten gevolge van lichamelijke of geestelijke trauma’s. Openhartig, in een harde stijl, beschrijft zij de gevoelens van haar personages inzake liefde en seksualiteit. In haar poëzie probeert zij in het diepste van de menselijke ziel door te dringen. Tijdens het laatste deel van haar leven heeft Nel Noordzij vooral over Oosterse geneeskunde gepubliceerd. De albums zijn zeldzaam, praktisch haar gehele literaire nalatenschap bevindt zich in het Nederlands Letterkundig Museum.


Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V. A. (Ton) Kok Oude Hoogstraat 14-18 1012 CE Amsterdam Tel. + 31 (0)20 623 11 91 Fax +31 (0)20 623 28 09

• Art • Architecture • Archaeology • Biology • Ethnography • Olympics • Botany


Art - [Pictarius,J.B].

De geheime Illumineer-Konst behelzende I: Hoe men allerlei soorten van de fynste Verwen konstig bereiden en nuttig gebruiken zal [...], II: Het maken van allerlei soorten van Chineesche en andere Vernissen en fyne Lakken [...], III: Eene duidelyke Onderrichting om allerlei Voorwerpen [...] naar het leven te Schilderen [...], IV: Van de Schilderkonst in Miniatuur [...], V: Een Beschryving van het schildeeren der zwarte Konstprenten [...], VI: Het Vergulden van allerlei Metaalen [...], VII: Allerlei soorten Verwen, Plysterwerken aan te Leggen [...[, VIII: Veele fraaije Geheime om allerlei soorten Gesteentens door Konst na te maken [...]. Te Amst., By Gerrit Bom en Zoonen, 1775-1780. 3 vols in 1. 108,118,166 pp. H.calf. Interesting work on various art techniques. - Part I & III are second enlarged editions, part II in first edition. € 295,-

Art - REDON,ODILON. Picard,Edmond.

El Moghreb -al-Aksa. Une Mission Belge au Maroc. Bruxelles: Ferdinand Larcier, 1889. 422 pp. Lithographed frontispiece by Odilon Redon, 12 ‘culs-de-lampes’ & 26 plts after Théo van Rysselberghe. Orig. soft cover. In orig. cloth portfolio. - Portfolio soiled & sl. dam. (ties partly missing), edges sl. browned & some foxing. Limited to 200 numbered copies (no. 57) on ‘papier raisin chromo de cuve spécilae’. - With the famous Odilon Redon lithograph. € 2.100,-

Art - SEUPHOR,MICHEL. Henkels,Herbert.

Seuphor. Met medewerking van Rik Sauwen, Germain Viatta [&] Michel Seuphor. Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, 1976. Text & ills. Boards, d./j. -. Edges sl. bumped. Dutch text edition (preface in Dutch, rest of the text in French). - ADDED: a loose untitled etching by Seuphor: [A composition forming a combination of the sun € 350,and the symbol of femininity]. 12.8 x 5.1 cm., sigd in pencil & numbered “22/60”.

Art - Tajiri,Shinkichi. Ferdi.

Baarlo, n.d. [c. 1970]. Text & ills. Plastic. Limited edition of 500 copies (no. 469). Compiled by Tajiri. - Sigd & with dedication in veltpen by Tajiri to Jan (Vrijman): “For Jan with love, Shinkichi”. € 600,-

Architecture - Poulain,Roger.

Boutiques 1931. Documents recueillis et presentes. Paris, V.Freal et Cie, 1931. Title-plate, 1 page text & 67 plts. H.cloth portfolio. - Spine worn. € 490,-

Architecture - WILS,JAN. Meister der Baukunst. Jan Wils. Genf, 1930. XVI pp. 48 plts. Cloth, spine discol.

€ 175,-

Costumes - Lassalle,L.

Costumes Suisses des 22 Cantons. Dessines par L.Lassalle. Geneve, S.Morel, [ca. 1850]. 22 handcoloured tinted lithogr. plts. Rebound in boards. - Plates foxed, mainly affecting the margins. € 800,-

Economy - Keynes,John M.

A tract on monetary reform. 1st ed. London, 1923. VIII,209 pp. Cloth.,d/j. in 2 halves and little piece missing. € 225,48

Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.

Architecture – Mendelsohn,Erich.

L’Architecture vivante en Allemagne. Série IV. Paris, Albert Morancé, n.d. Text-ills & 25 plts. Portfolio. (L’Architecture Vivante). - End-papers slightly foxed. € 600,-

Entomology - Corbet,Philip S., a.o.

Dragonflies. London, 1960. XII,260 pp. Ills. Boars,d/j. - Spine of d/j slightly browned.(The New Naturalist 41). -- Fine copy of this rare volume. € 300,-

Illustrated books - Goeverneur,J.J.A.

Fabelboek voor kinderen. Groningen, W.v.Boekeren & M.Smit, 1836/1837. 4 vols. Text. Coloured / tinted lithographed plates. Gilt tooled cloth, slightly worn. Complete set: Vertelsels bij moedersschoot (3th ed.) / Het laatste boekje (3th ed.) / Hoe langer hoe liever (3th ed.) / Fabelen en gedichten (4th ed.). € 500,-

Illustrated books – Nielsen,Kay.

East of the sun and west of the moon. Old tales from the North. London, Hodder and Stoughton, [1914]. 206 pp. 24 tipped in col. plts after Kay Nielsen. Blue, gilt tooled cloth. - Corners, top & bottom of spine worn. Backboards spotted; first & last pp. foxed & sl. soiled. - Plates in fine condition. € 1.500,-

Illustrated books - Swift,Jonathan.

Vertelsel van de Ton, behelzende het merg van alle kunsten en weetenschappen. Geschreeven tot algemeen nut des menschelyken geslachts. Mitgaders een verhaal in de boekzaal van St. James. Uit het Engelsch vertaalt door P. le Clercq. t’ Amsterdam, Compagnie, 1735. [8],[8],[3] 8 A-V 8x4, [66], 325, [1] pp. Engr. title in black & red, 6 engr. plts. Vellum. Translation of “A tale of tub. The battle of the books.” - Fine copy. € 300,-

Photography - Roh,Franz & J.Tschichold.

Foto-Auge. 76 Fotos der Zeit zusammengestellt von Franz Roh & Jan Tschichold / Oeil et photo / photo-eye. Stuttgart, 1929. 18 pp. 76 plts. Orig. (clean) soft cover. - Top edge of front-cover slightly worn, endpapers foxed, name in ink on title-page. - Binding designed by Jan Tschichold, with a photo by El Lissitzky. - In good condition. - Copies in this condition are very rare. € 1.500,-

Professions - Luyken,Jan & Caspar Luyken

Spiegel van het Menselyk Bedrijf, Vertoonende in Honderd verscheiden Ambachten, Konstig afgebeeld, En met Godlyke Spreuken en Stichtelyke Verzen Verrykt. Te Amsterdam: Kornelis van der Sys, 1718. [4],208,[(3] pp. Title-plate & 100 engravings. Vellum. - First three pages sl. stained in lower right corner. Klaversma / Hannema 1016. - The famous work on Dutch professions. - Overall a good clean copy with most of the plates in strong impressions. € 1.600,-

Psychology - Freud,Sigmund.

Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten. 1.Aufl. Lpz. & Wien, 1905. 205 pp. Rebound in h.cloth. Last pages spotted. € 350,49

Krul Antiquarian Books René Krul Verdilaan 23 2151 NA Nieuw-Vennep Tel. +31 (0)252 622 586 Fax + 31 (0)252 622 586

• Atlases and maps • Photography • Travel & Expeditions • Prints & Drawings • Tribal arts • Original photographs

BRENDER à BRANDIS, G. Nieuwe natuur-, geschied- en handelskundige zak- en reisatlas, behelzende eene beknopte beschrijving van de gronden der astronomij, ... van het geheele aardrijk ... Amsterdam, S. J. Baalde, 1788. 236,(4)pp, with 50 handcoloured folded maps, (2 plates with Steeden-wyzer, 1 € 6.500,plate with flags), 8vo halfcalf. Koeman, A.N.II,Gra2 ; Maps for the greater part of J. Keizer and I. de Lat. DELAPORTE, Abt. Joseph de. De nieuwe reisiger; of beschryving van de oude en nieuwe waerelt, uit het

Fransch. Dordrecht, Abraham Blusse, 1766-1792, 30 (of 32) volumes (in 15), 8vo contemporary halfcalf in 6 compartments, gilt spines, shields. Not present volume 3 & 4. - Corners a bit bumped and worn. € 1.650,Originally published in Paris 1766 - 1795 in 42 volumes (the last 10 volumes were not translated into Dutch). Volume 27-28 written by abbe Fontenay; volume 29-32 written by Domairon. - Sabin 19359; Tiele 643.

DICKENS, Charles. De klok van Meester Humphrey. Naar het Engelsch van Charles Dickens. voor 1840-1842 in 5 delen. Amsterdam, Hendrik Frijlink, 1840-1842. First edition, xll,lv,lv,lv,lv,347,268,268,250,266 pp. with 32 plates by H. J. Backer, 11 textillustrations, 8vo contemporay halfcalf, 5 volumes. - Corners a bit € 385,bumped and slightly worn. STEMFOORT, J. W. & J. J. TEN SIETHOFF. Atlas der Nederlandsche bezittingen in Oost-Indie.

Naar de nieuwste bronnen samengesteld en aan de regeering opgedragen. Gereproduceerd, op last van het Departement van Kolonien, aan de Topographische Inrichting te ‘s Gravenhage, onder leiding van den directeur C.A.Eckstein. ‘s- Gravenhage, 1883-1885. Large folio (46 x 66 cm). With double-page colour lithograph title and 14 double- page colour lithograph maps. Original printed boards. Boards spotted, but inside a very good € 1.540,splendid copy. The most detailed and largest atlas of Indonesia (former Dutch Indies), commissioned by the Dutch ministry of Colonies. Koeman VI.

DAM, Dirk Jansz. van. Almanach, Op ‘t Jaar ons Heeren Jesu Christi, 1774. Voorzien met de Jaar-/

Paarde-/ Beeste- en Leermarkten: En de maans op- en ondergang. Met Previllegie voor 15. Jaren. Amsterdam, by de Erfgen. van de Wed. Corn. Stichter, 1774. (46),(42)p., with twelf leafs of waxcoated paper, engraved frontispice, 15 illustrations, printed in red and black, 24mo (5,2 x 8,1 x 1,2 cm), gilt edges, full calf with gilt illustrated (a bird on back and front), decorated front, back and spine. With the original metal pencil connecting the clasps and at the same time functioning as a catch. - Beautiful copy of a rare almanac. € 1.350,With Reys-Wyzer; Het Tooneel van gezonde en kranke, van kreupele en manke, van speelensgezinde en scheele en blinde beedelaars en beedelaressen; Korte Kronyk, beginnende van den Jare 1711.

SNIJDERS, C. J., P. C. J. NOORDUIJN en F. R. van ROYEN. Atlas, behorende bij: Duurzame

en tijdelijke versterkingskunst. Leerboek voor de Cadetten van alle wapens. Breda, Militaire Academie, 1907. 35 plates with illustrations, plans, maps, etc., some coloured, folio original halfcloth. Binding a bit spotted, but inside very good. € 385,-

FLORIAN, M. de. Numa Pompilius, second Roi de Rome. Bruxelles, Chez B. Le Franco, 1790. 2 parts in one volume, 206,230p., with 13 engraved plates, small 8vo full calf, gilt title and decorations.


€ 135,-

Fa. Loose R. Loose Papestraat 3 2513 AV Den Haag Tel. +31 (0)70 346 04 04

• Atlases, maps and views • Decorative prints • Juvenile books • Almanacs • Topography (general) • Fashion and costume • Travel


Unrecorded series of Rosary prints.

Monogram FVL 1586, “a Paris chez la Vve Lacloye Rue St. Victor n. 84” in the plate. On early 19th century paper; there seems to have been a Vve Lacloye on that address, about 1820. Engraved title, shaved with loss, plus 23 plates, 76x60 mm., trimmed to the platemark and pasted on 12 leaves. € 3.000,-


Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink H.J. Meemelink Mankesstraat 6 2597 CN Den Haag Tel. +31 (0)70 324 05 36

• Natural history • Prints and drawings • Botany • Gardens • Agriculture

Bouché, Peter Friedrich: Die Behandlung der Pflanzen im Zimmer und in kleinen Gärten, … Berlin,

Blahn, 1840, 1. edition, pp. [i], 508, 8vo, cloth-backed marbled boards with gilt-ruled and lettered spine. Some armorial stamps. Well preserved copy. € 190,-

Colla, Luigi Aloysius: Plantae rariores in regionibus chilensibus … Fasciculus ultimus (of 4). Turin, ex Regio Typographia, [ca. 1837], pp. [ii], 55, 24 lithographed plates after drawings by Tecophila Colla, 4to (216 x 268 mm), contemporary plain wrappers (slightly rubbed). Very rare. € 305,Originally published as Memorie della Reale Accademia della scienze di Torino in 7 parts from 1834-1837. The plates 49-52 which are wanting according to Nissen and Stafleu & Cowan are present in this copy.

Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von: Stirpium austriacarum. Wien, Ioannis Pauli Kraus, 1769, 2. edition, 2 parts, 18 folding plates, 4to, full calf (rebacked). Some browning/foxing, partly light waterstaining of lower corner and some wormholes in lower margin. € 910,Published in 2 parts with 6 fascicles. The title-pages of the parts and fascicles with engraved vignettes and 6 engraved dedication leaves. The finely engraved folding plates (each with several figures) by Augustin Cipps, medical student and artist at Vienna. Valuable for the plants growing around Vienna. This work preceded Jacquin’s great Florae austriacae … Dietrich, David Nathaniel Friedrich: Forstflora … Jena, August Schmid, 1838-1840, 2. edition, 2 volumes: 1, pp. [x], ca. 128 irregularly paged, 130 (128 + 2x bis) plates; 2, pp. [viii, i, Nachtrag], unpaged, 157 plates; 4to (205 x 262 mm), carefully bound in recent boards with original covers of fascicle 25 and 26; the remaining covers bound with. Text-leaves slightly foxed and sometimes more heavy and browned. About 3 plates foxed/browned, the others exceptional clean and fresh. Very well preserved set. € 3.070,Volume 1 deals with trees and shrubs, including roses and fruit; volume 2 deals with herbs, grasses and cryptogams. Although this beautiful work went through 6 editions from 1828-1887 it is rather scarce.


Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink Dreves, Johann Friedrich Peter & Friedrich Gottlob Hayne: Choix de plantes d’Europe, … Leipzig, Voss, 1802, 125 colour-plates with text, 4to (220 x 290 mm), uncut and partly unopened, marbled boards with old paper rebackings. Well preserved set in the original 5 volumes. € 4.240,French translation of Botanisches Bilderbuch für die Jugend und Freunde der Pflanzenkunde from 1794-[1805] with the same set of plates and another 27 plates, not issued in this edition. The attractive plates are finely handcoloured engravings.

Ettingshausen, Constantin von: Die Blatt-Skelette der Dikotyledonen mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die

Untersuchung und Bestimmung der fossilen Pflanzenreste. Wien, Staatsdruckerei, 1861, pp. xlvi, [i], 308, 276 text-illustrations and 95 plates (1 folding), folio (253 x 342 mm), marbled edges, half calf with gilt-decorated, ruled and lettered spine with raised bands. The plates slightly foxed. The last few leaves with an unobtrusive waterstain in the lower corner. Very well preserved copy. € 2.000,-

Fechner, Gustav Theodor: Nanna oder über das Seelenleben der Pflanzen. Leipzig, Leopold Voß,1848, 1. edition, pp. xiii, 399, (1), 8vo, purple morocco-backed marbled boards with gilt-decorated and lettered spine. € 370,Fine copy. “Nanna, or the soul-life of plants” is probably the first monograph devoted to the psychology of plants. The author is regarded as one of the founders of modern, experimental psychology. Freeman-Mitford, Algernon Bertram: The bamboo garden. London, Macmillan, 1896, 1. edition, pp. xii, 224, (2, adv.), frontispiece with flimsy and fine line-drawings by Alfred Parsons on 8 plates and 1 tailpiece, 8vo, top-edge gilt, others uncut, gilt pictorial cream cloth (spine slightly browned). Tipped in errata sheet opposite p, xii, note p. 92 and addendum p. 214. Only slight foxing in a few places. Fine copy of this rare work. € 500,The author, born as Mitford (1837-1916), English diplomat in Russia and Japan, writer and garden-lover, inherited a fortune and the name Freeman from a cousin, as well as Batsford Park in the Cotswolds. All bamboo varieties known at the time are included in this work, with lists of species in China, Japan, North America, the Himalayas, etc. Besides the propagation and description of each species, the author includes the uses, history and plant lore. Halle, Johann Samuel: Die deutschen Giftpflanzen … Berlin, Wilhelm Öhmigke, 1801-1803, new

edition, 2 volumes: 1, pp. i-viii, 9-194, 16 hand-coloured engraved plates; 2, pp. x, 110, 8 hand-coloured engraved plates + Anhang zu den deutschen Giftpflanzen als Erläuterung der zur Beschreibung derselben gebrauchten botanischen Kunstausdrücke, pp. 56; bound in 1 volume, 8vo, marbled boards with hand-written label on spine (a bit rubbed). Slight foxing in places. Well preserved copy. € 850,53

Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink Goedaert, Johannes: Metamorphosis et historia naturalis insectorum. Middelburg, Jacob Fierens, [1662, 1667, 1669], 3 volumes: 1, Cum commentariis Joannis de Mey, pp. [xxviii, i], 236, frontispiece, 80 figures on 63 plates and coat of arms in text; 2, De insectorum origine, utilitate & usu a Paulo Veezaerdt, pp. [xxxii], 259, frontispiece, portrait of the author by R. Persyn after W. Eversdyck, 51 figures on 42 plates; 3, Et appendice Joannis de Mey, pp. [viii], 159, frontispiece and 21 plates (3 folding); small 8vo (93 x 153 mm), contemporary calf with gilt ruled borders on sides and richly gilt-decorated spines with lettered labels and raised bands. Pp. 53/54 of volume 1 with small marginal defect and loss of a few letters. Some foxing and browning, stronger in volume 3. Head spine of volume 3 lightly chipped. Very attractive copy. € 4.350,First Latin edition, published in the same year as the original Dutch edition: “… the first basic work on entomology. It is also the first colour plate book printed in the Low Countries” (Landwehr, 1. Dutch edition). Illustrated with 3 different and highly decorative frontispieces, portrait, armorial text-illustration and 126 beautiful engravings, all in a contemporary and exquisite hand-colouring (by the author). “Johannes Goedaert was born in 1617 in Middelburg, and died there in 1668. He was married to Clara de Bock. Goedaert painted a few landscapes and flower pieces, and drew landscapes, plants and animals. No botanical or zoological drawings are extant. An impression of them however is conveyed by his ‘Metamorphosis Naturalis’ with its 126 superb engravings. The book describes the results of his investigation into the metamorphosis of insects, accompanied by a large amount of original observations, some of which were prompted by experiments with his own cultures. The book stood model for several other celebrated treatises on the subject, for example by Maria Sibylle [sic.] Merian” (Segal).

Jekyll, Gertrude: Annuals and biennials. … London, Country Life & George Newnes & New York, Charles

Scribner, 1916, 1. (only) edition, pp. xiv, 174, 16 (publisher’s catalogue), 3 mounted colour-plates (including frontispiece), folding plan and photo-plate illustrations, 8vo, cloth, dust-jacket, dust-jacket (rubbed). Slight foxing and a few pencil annotations, but a very well preserved copy. Scarce. € 185,-


Linnaeus, Carl: Species plantarum, … Stockholm, Laurentius Salvius, 1762-1763, 2. edition, 2 volumes, 1, fine copper-engraved portrait by C. Aurivillius, pp. [xvi+ ii], 1-784; 2, pp. [i], 785-1684, (64, indexes); 8vo (125 x 201 mm), contemporary vellum. Some marginal inscriptions. With the often missing most beautiful portrait. Title-page of volume 1 in duplicate (printed in black red and black only). Very well preserved copy. € 2.120,“The most important single work in the world’s botanical literature … A second substantive and enlarged edition was published, also by Salvius, in 1762-63; and this edition also has great taxonomic value. Historically it is important because a majority of late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century botanists used it as the standard edition: that is, most of their references in plant-descriptions and on flower-plates are to the revised, enlarged, more common form of the book. Only in this century has there been international agreement to use the first edition as the basic edition for nomenclature. Thus, as the second edition contains Linnaeus’s main body of supplementary material, with binomials, ...” (Hunt).

Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink Loefling, Peter: Peter Loeflings … Reise, nach den spanischen Ländern in Europa und America in den Jahren 1751

bis 1756. … Berlin & Stralsund, Gottlieb August Lange, 1766, 1. German edition, pp. [xxxii], 406, [1-2, errataleaf missing], 2 engraved folding plates with several figures, 8vo, half calf with marbled boards, ruled spine with raised bands and gilt-lettered label (upper compartment of spine neatly repaired). Some browning. € 850,“The star performer among the swarm of Linnaean disciples was Pehr Loefling (1729-1756), a pupil to whom Linnaeus himself seems to have been genuinely attached. … The Iter hispanicum was published by Linnaeus in 1758; it contains the text of his letters to Linnaeus and his descriptions of Spanish and African plants.” (Stafleu) From the preface by Linnaeus in this German edition: “Nun kam Herr Loefling gleichsam in ein neues Element und irdisches Paradies, wo das Land den rarsten botanischen Orangerien glich, und von den Gewächsen überfloß, welche kein Botanicus vor ihm irgend gesehen oder gesammlet hatte.”

Lonitzer, Adam: Volständiges Kräuter-Buch, … Ulm, Albrecht Friederich Bartholomäi, 1770, pp. [viii],

1-566, [1], 571-750, (24, index); [viii], 136; numerous woodcut text-illustrations, folio (208 x 324 mm), contemporary marbled boards. Pp. 1-2 with neat old repair in inner margin, otherwise a fine copy. € 3.800,Late Ulmer edition, which was followed by a last Augsburg edition of 1783. With extensive comments by Balthasar Ehrhart (1700-1756) physician from Memmingen.

Michaux, François-André: Flora boreali-americana, … Paris & Strasbourg, typis Caroli Crapelet, apud

fratres Levrault, anno XI - 1803, 1. edition, 2 volumes, 1, pp. x, [1, err.], 330, plate 1-29; 2, pp. iii, 340, plate 30-51; large 8vo (140 x 218 mm), marbled endpapers, marbled calf with richly gilt spines and lettered black labels. The 51 plates are fine copper-engravings from drawings by Pierre-Joseph Redouté and engraved by Plée. Attractive copy. € 3.075,-

Miller, Thomas: The poetical language of flowers or the pilgrimage of love. London, Charles Griffin, [ca. 1880], 15.000, pp. xv, 192, 8 hand-coloured lithographed plates with flimsies, 12mo, gilt edges, richly gilt-decorated and lettered cloth. Nice copy. € 160,Pokorny, Alois: Plantae lignosae imperii Austriaci. Österreichs Holzpflanzen. … Wien, Staatsdruckerei, 1864, only edition, pp. i-viii, [i], ix-xxviii, [i], 524, [i], text-illustrations and 80 plates (1-79 nature-prints of 1640 leaves; 80 chart), folio (255 x 341 mm), marbled edges, half calf with gilt-decorated, ruled and lettered spine with raised bands (slightly rubbed). Fine copy. € 1.590,“No other work illustrated with nature impressions conveys so well an idea of the entire tree flora of a region. … Consequently, the places where the plants illustrated were found lie today in the countries of Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy” (Ein Garten Eden). Roemer, Friedrich Adolph: Die Algen Deutschlands. Hannover, Hahn, 1845, 1. edition, pp. [iv], 72, 11 lithographed plates with numerous figures, small 4to (167 x 203 mm), marbled boards with gilt-ruled, lettered spine and red label (rubbed). Slightly browned and foxed. Well preserved copy. € 210,-

Saint-Aubin, Charles-Germain de: Bouquets

champêtres, dédiés à Madame la Marquise de Pompadour. Dame du Palais de la Reine. Par son très respectueux serviteur, de Saint Aubin, dessinateur du Roy. Paris, F. Chereau, [ca. 1780], finely hand-coloured plates 13-24, plate 13 is the engraved title-page with a hand-coloured wreath of Mirthe [Myrtus], uncut, 4to (225 x 293 mm), marbled wrappers. Fine copy € 1.170,Beautiful second series of bouquets by the ornamental draughtsman and printmaker Charles-Germain de Saint-Aubin (1721-1786). The first series was dedicated to Madame la Maréchale de Biron. Extremely rare work. Only a reference found in Dunthorne for part 1: “a charming work.”


Dat Narrenschip Jaap v.d. Bovenkamp Turfkaai 11 4331 JV Middelburg Tel. (31) (0)118 - 674 141

• Maps and views, especially of the Netherlands


Netherlands: Holland: HOLLANDIA. Map of the county of Holland. West at the top. Richly decorated engraved map. Engraved and published by Petrus Kaerius. Germania Inferior. Petrus Kaerius. Amsterdam, 1622. 37,5 x 51,5 cm. Strong impression. € 3.600,Col. copperengraving. D. and J. Blonk-van der Wijst Hollandia Comitatus p. 217-220, map 39.


Dat Narrenschip PONTANUS, Joh. Is. Historiae Gelricae, Libri XIV. Deducta omnia ad ea usque tempora nostra, quibus firmata sub Ordinibus respublica. Praecedit, Qui est liber primus, Ducatus Gelriae et Comitatus Zutphaniae chorographica Descriptio. Amsterdam, Nicol. à Wieringen Iohannes Iansonius, 1639. Folio. Contemp. calf, spine ribbed. With engraved title, full-page engraved portrait of the author by J. van Velde, 5 double-page engraved maps of Gelderland, 4 double-page engraved plans of Nijmegen, Arnhem, Zutphen and Harderwijk, all with a view in profile at the top, and 3 full-page engraved portraits, of Arnold van Egmond, Karel van Egmond and Maarten van Rossem by H.L. Roghman and Retter. (26), 72, 956, (72) pp. First edition of the first extensive history of the duchy of Gelre in the Netherlands. Illustrated with fine maps and plans drawn by J. van Geelkerken, etc. Fine, large paper copy. € 3.600,-

Netherlands: XVII provinces: GERMANIA INFERIOR. Gallia Belgica dicta, continens Hispaniarum Regis Provincias Septentrionales. Formis Hæredum Gerardi de Iode. Map of the 17 provinces. Title in large circular strapwork cartouche. Speculum Orbis Terrae. Cornelis de Jode. Antwerp, 1593. 34,5 x 43,7 cm. Copy in mint condition. Very strong impression. € 4.300,Copperengraving. H.A.M. van der Heijden Old maps of the Netherlands, 1584-1794 p. 230-231, map 38


Holland: CARTE DE HOLLANDE. Map of the county of Holland. West at the top. Rare map of Holland. Les cartes generales…etc. Christophe Tassin. Paris, 1634. 36,9 x 51,8 cm. € 2.450,Copperengraving. D. and J. Blonk-van der Wijst Hollandia Comitatus p. 258-260, map 48.


Antiquariaat Papyrus Rita Colognola Prinses Mariannelaan 106 2275 BK Voorburg Tel. +31 (0)64 815 4024

• Early printing • Art • Natural history • Science and technology


Johann Friedrich NETTO & L. LEHMANN L’art de tricoter, développé dans toute son étendue; ou instruction compléte et raisonnée, sur toutes sortes de tricotage simples et compliqués, mise dans un ordre methodique. Leipzig, chez Voss & Compagnie, 1802. Oblong folio (28x44 cm), title-page, (2), 52 pp., 50 plates (25 repeated in b/w and hand-coloured). Marbled boards. Paper spine renewed. Partially removed Swedish ownership label on title. Unimportant spotting on the last pages but fine copy. First French edition, appeared the following year in German with the same plates. This is an enlarged edition of “Die Kunst zu stricken in ihrem ganzen Umfange”, appeared in Leipzig in 1800 with less plates. Johann-Friedrich Netto was a professor of drawing in Lepizig, where he published a whole series of related works of which this is the most famous and the only one which found its way outside Germany. “I have not discovered an earlier book which describes handknitting. … There are 25 plates, each duplicated, one set in black and white, and the other handcoloured. All the designs are delicately decorative and feminine, clearly based on drawing and embroidery, and showing no understanding of design derived from the nature of knitted fabric. They include clocks, borders, friezes, and picture of fruit, flowers, birds, emblems, urns and neo-clasical fragments of architecture. They are intended for multicoloured stockinet. Subtle shading by knitting two differently coloured yarns into one stich is suggested. Die Kunst zu Stricken is not a book to enthuse a knitter of today, but it marks an early step towards the increased popularity of knitting as an accomplishment for the drawing room.” (Rutt). Richard Rutt, (A history of hand knitting, London 1987) pages 104-107; Kat. Berl. 1536; Guilmard page 461 (without mention € 5.000,of this book); Brunet III, 44.


Petrus Plancius International Hans H. Bom Sophialaan 7 3851 XH Ermelo Tel. +31 (0)341-56 42 94; 06 55 38 48 66

• Atlases and maps • Bibles • Manuscripts


Book of Hours, for the use of Rome

Printed on vellum. 125 leaves [ of 136], uncut. Printed and published in Paris by: Thielman Kerver, 24 July 1511. Printed in black and red; the initals were decorated by hand in red, blue and gold. All text leaves are printed with border decorations in metal cuts, 17 of which have the prints of the “Danses macabres”* [ D v and following] . Especially in Paris books like these were often used. [The famous Paris cemetery “La cimetiere des Saints-Innocents” is often named in the history of the city – it was the burial place for children and stirred strongly the imagination of the Parisians!] The red velvet binding is from the 18th century. Gold gauffered edges. The leaves are in excellent condition without wrinkling or rubbing. Size : 174 x 110 mm. € 8.000,-

Maps from Caert-thresoor Barent Langenes 1598 Middelburg (1st edition)

“Hollandia Septenten” Very nice engraved small map of the northern part of Holland with the date of 1597 in the cartouche , size 85x122mm € 225,“Zuydhollad” Small map of the Souhern part of Holland with a nice cartouche in the corner size 85x125mm € 250,€ 125,“Ultrajectum” Small map of Utrecht, size 85x125mm And many other European maps from this atlas.

Leaf from a Dutch Book of Hours, probably Selwerd (Groningen), ca 1480.

In a beautiful frame. Text, in black and red, in a single column, 20 lines, regular gothic script in Dutch. With a four-line initial in burnished gold and blue. Sprouting from the initial “G “ are hairline stems with burnished gold leaves. A bar border on two sides in gold leaf and, faded, colours. The leaves inside the initial are also faded. The text is from the Hours of the Cross from a Book of Hours, translated into Dutch by Geert Grote; he was one of the “Broeders des Gemenen Levens”. These “Brethern”wanted ordinary people to be able to read the religious texts in the vernacular and therefore Geert Grote translated the Latin Book of Hours into Dutch, het Getijdenboek. Size: ca 14.5 x 11.5 cms; € 575,-


Antiquariaat Plantijn D. (Dieter) R. Duncker Meijsberg 12 4861 BP CHAAM Tel. + 31 161 492 008 Fax + 31 161 492 794

[Bos, Lambert van den] Leeven en Daaden Der

Doorluchtigste Zee-Helden, Beginnende met de Tocht na Damiaten, Voorgevallen in den Jare 1217. En eindigde met den beroemden Admirael M.A. de Ruyter, Hartog, Ridd. etc . Vertoonende alle de voornaemste Zeedaden die de Hollanders en Zeelanders etc. van haer begin aen, loffelijck tegens hun vyanden verricht hebben; nevens veel vreemde voorvallen, dappere Heldendaden, stoutmoedige Bestieringen, en swaere Zee-slagen, etc. Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn en Jan Bouman, Boekverkoopers, in Compagnie. Anno 1683. 4to.Contemporary calf with raised bands, richly dec. gilt back. With engraved frontispiece by Romeyn de Hooghe. 12 full-page plates, 7 folding (including 1 map) and 9 portraits. (5 plates by Jan Luyken, 1 folding). (14),784,(7) pp.*Cat. NHSM 843. With portraits of Michiel de Ruyter, Maarten H. Tromp, Piet Hein and € 2.000,others.

[NEWCASTLE, William Cavendish, Duke of (1592-1676)] Des welt-berühmten

Hertzog Wilhelms von Newcastle neu-eröffnete Reit-Bahn…… / Nouvelle methode pour dresser les chavaux…….. German title page printed in red and black; second full title page in French (black only). Woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces. Text arranged in two columns, in German (printed in Fraktur) and French; translation from English of “A new method and extraordinary invention to dress horses and work them according to nature.” Bound in vellum containing more than 150 double page and foldout engravings showing dressage training methods, stirrups, saddles, etc. € 6.000,-


• Maps • Prints • Books • Devotional art • Manuscripts


Antiquariaat Plantijn

Dos a Dos Embroidered binding

The Book of Common Prayer. Eyre and Spottiswoode, and Hyms ancient and modern. William Clowes and Son (c. 1870) Gilt edges (95 x 65mm). Bound dos a dos in an embroidered binding featuring a tulip motif worked in coloured and gold thread and with tiny metal rings on ribbed silk. € 800,-

[VIGNOLES, Jean de and J.P. DU BOIS.]

La Lire Maconne, ou Recueil de Chansons des FrancsMacons. Revu, corrige, mis dans un nouvel ordre, & augmente de quantite de chansons qui n’avoient point encore paru; Avec les airs notes, mis fur la bonne clef, tant pour le chant que pour le violon & la flute.The Hague, R. van Laak, 1775. 12mo. French and Dutch Masonic songbook with title-page in red and black with an engraved Masonic vignette, diamond-head notes, 2 woodcut tailpieces with music instruments, and numerous decorations built-up from cast fleurons. Contemporary gold-tooled mottled calf, monogrammed front boards [BA], backboards Masonic vignette, gilt and gauffered edges. 40, 516 pp. Caillet 11165; Goovaerts, pp. 160, 505506; Picarta (2 copies); STCN (4 copies); not in Scheurleer, Third edition of an esteemed Masonic songbook, first published in 1763. Most of the songs include diamond-head music notation in one, two or three parts for voice, violin and flute. Containing mostly French and also 22 Dutch songs, with titles such as: “Nouvelle Chanson d’Union,” “Chanson des Apprentifs,” “d’Eendragt” and “Vry-Metzelaars Verdeediging.” Songs that combine pleasure and purpose, as the author claims.At the end of the preface is the publishers autograph signature and at the end of the book an owner’s inscription by Abraham van Broek. A very good copy, with only the head margin of the half-title cut away. The binding also very good, with only some cracks in the spine and wear at the corners. An esteemed Masonic songbook with French € 1.250,and Dutch songs. 61

Europe's premier site for antiquarian and out-of-print books More than 10 million books offered Only books from professional booksellers Tens of thousands of visitors per day All books also presented on Marelibri, Vialibri, Addall, Bookfinder

Europa’s beste site voor antiquarische en tweedehands boeken Meer dan tien miljoen boeken aangeboden Alleen boeken van professionele boekverkopers Tienduizenden bezoekers per dag Alle boeken ook op Marelibri, Vialibri, Addall en Bookfinder | | | |

Quist Antiquariaat Ernie Quist Voorstraat 50 3311 ER Dordrecht Tel. + 31 (0)78 631 8867

• Old & Rare, Maps and Atlasses • Art and Applied Art • Illustrated • Geography and Travel • History and Naval History • Literature


Blaeu, W & J. Le Theatre Du Monde Ou Nouvelle Atlas Contenant Les Chartes Et Descriptions De Tous Le Païs De La Terre. Mis En Lumiere Par Guillome Et Jean Blaeu. [Novus

Atlas] 2 Vols. 2 engraved, coloured titles, heightened with gold, 207 double page engraved maps. “Old” Koeman Blaeu: 9 & 10. van der Krogt: II-121. A sumptuous publication. by the Blaeu dynasty Publishers- Cartographers with 207 double page maps and title pages in stunning strictly original, delicate colouring. Fine original gilded full vellum bindings.[ ties lacking] A superb copy with only minimal browning, some slight offsetting of some maps, nearly pristine original gilded vellum bindings with small professionally executed repair to spine. Contains [a.o.] the superb “panelled” Worldmap. € 115.000,-

Vou, Joh. & Romeijn de Hooghe. Rottterdam met al sijn gebouwen, net op haer maet geteekend en gesneden als Borgermeesteren waren gewoon, de Heeren; Mr. Isaac Vethuysen (etc. etc.) Anno 1694 door Joannes de Vou . A large Atlas, consisting of a 6 leaf very detailed birds eye plan, (110 x 120 cm.) a Panoramic River View (220 Cm.) 14 finely etched town views, a heraldic”Frieze” [220 cm.] bearing the coats of arms of the City and Suburbs of Rotterdam, and a collection, consisting of 308 (!!!) coloured manuscript, coats of arms of Noble Rotterdam families/ members of the City Coucil. In the original, full calf, presentation binding, bearing the Rotterdam Coat of Arms, within a double gilt filet line and a rolled, gilt, border. € 55.000,Philone, De Conversationibus.Venus Rebutee, Das Ist: Ruhm Des Tobacks Gereichende Curieuse Lustige Moralische Und Satyrische Einfalle Nebst Einem Discours Vom Tobacks-

Decoro Und Der Sogenannten Tobacks Freyheit Zum Vergonnen Zeit Vertreib Der Studirenden Jugend Mitgetheilt. Köln, P.Mattau 1792. 118 pp. Engraved frontispiece: “The Smokers Room” ½ leather. Contains the € 1.290,smokers “Cantata” and a list of the medical virtues of Tobacco smoking.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Poetical Works. The Kelmscott Press, Hammersmith, 1895 3 Vols. Original [limp]vellum with gilt lettering. 3 Volumes; Vol.I 399 pages; Vol. II 412 pages; Vol. III 421 pages. Uncut. Elaborately designed title page, numerous fine initials, partly printed in red & black. Designed by William Morris and printed in the “Golden Type’ on “Flower”paper. According to Sparling volume I of this beautiful 3-volume set was issued on 29 November 1894, vol. II on 25 March 1895 and vol. III on 28 October 1895. The text, distilled by Ellis from the best available editions of Shelley’s work, is set in “Golden” Type, an English or 14-point Roman, the first of three types that were designed by Morris himself. The design process was one of trial and error, which meant that it took Edward P. Prince almost a year to cut the punches (between January and December 1890). The double-page text opening includes a border after Morris, and the text includes numerous large initial letters. Only 250 copies printed. Cockerell 29a,b,c,, Peterson A29; Tomkinson 29. € 7.800,[Wageman, Thomas Charles] The Military Costume Of Turkey. London, 1818. unpaginated. Engraved, coloured frontispice. coloured engraved additional aquatint title, and 29 full page hand-coloured aquatint plates, each plate with explanatory text, verso’s blank. A fine, richly gilded, red Morocco binding, with large lozenge shaped central ornament,gilded spine with raised bands, gilded edges. Last page supplied in photocopy, new endpapers., nevertheless a fine copy of a scarce book. Atabey: 812 Abbey Travel: 373. Blackmer 444 . € 2.200,63

Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema Dik Ramkema Bloemendaalseweg 241 2051 GC Overveen Tel. +31 (0)23 5269144 // + 31 (0)6 1762 0872

• Children’s books • Illustrated books


[ABC] Le Livre d’or: Alphabet de Bébé. Illustré de 25 gravures en chromo.

Paris Berbardin-Béchet & Fils n.d. (ca.1880), 6 leaves with 4 or 5 squares with a capital letter in gold and lithographic illustrations around the letter, Emrik & Binger, Haarlem. On verso pages black letter Alphabet, syllables and words, cloth backed boards with mounted colour plate on front, 29,5 x 19,5cm. Condition: Good; spine discoloured, boards stained, lower right corner front board cut-off repaired. [11417] Album in déchirable sur toile. Bibliothèque des Bébés. Fine alphabet, not in the usual bibliographies. € 200,-

Bilibin Ivan. Ckazka o Ivan tsarevith, zhar ptisa i o sierom bolke. [Russian fairy-tale Ivan the Tsar’s Son, the Firebird, and the Grey Wolf ]. Moscow, 1901, First edition, 12p., Folio, 32 x 25,5cm, pictorial wrappers, featuring 2 full page and 5 smaller magnificent chromolithographs plus pictorial covers all by Bilibin, text in Russian. Condition: Near Fine; top of spine very slightly worn, small stain right under front board, else Fine. [5998] A scarce title of the original Russian edition. See Golynets, plates 1. € 590,-

ORIGINAL GOUACHES BY RIE CRAMER Januari: Louwmaand and Maart: Lentemaand. (1938-1939)

Circular gouaches on paper, 16,5 x 16,5cm, framed in passe partout under glass. Faint surface damage in the centre to Januari else fine. [11945] Rare and beautiful original gouaches on paper by Rie Cramer. These are two of the original cover pictures she made for the month books, published in 1938-1939, they are often reprinted and show Rie Cramer at her best. Marie Cramer 1887-1977. Dutch artist born in Soekaboemi Dutch-Indies, when she was 9 years old she returned with her mother to Den Haag. First She went to the ‘Kunstoefening’ in Arnhem and later to the ‘Academie van Beeldende kunst’ in The Hague where she got lessons from Willem van Konijnenburg and Jan G. Veldheer. At that time Theo van Hoytema gave Rie Cramer much useful advise. De Bodt/Kapelle p.233/234; Scheen 1969-1970 vol.1 p.230. Also available are the originals of: April, Juli and October. € 950,- each 64

Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema Franke, S. - Lou Loeber,

Gouden vlinders. Versjes door S. Franke plaatjes van Lou Loeber. Blaricum De Waelburg 1927, (39)p., illustrated with 18 full-page lithographic colour illustrations, decorated wrappers in colour Japanese binding with tie-ribbon, 22,5 x 19,5cm. Condition: Good; edges front and back wrapper slightly worn/damaged, owners entry on first free endpaper, faint stain on the outer margin of three pages else a fine copy. [11837] Internationally interesting publication in a style new at that time. Rare vulnerable artistic picture book, printed on rather cheap paper, like Floris Jesper’s, Kinderlust. The illustrations are geometrical as if made with a ruler and accompanied by a Tangram game, in the Bauhaus and De Stijl tradition. Lou Loeber 1894-1983, was an Blaricum artist, expressionistic and later abstract painter with socialist influence. Her neighbour was Bart van der Leck. She made illustrations for two children’s books of which the ‘Kind en de bal, 1928’ never was published. Exhibition catalogue, 1983; Scheen 1750-1950 vol.1, p.718; De Bodt/Kapelle, ills. 43, p.46, 245, 246. € 1.850,-

[Hessem, Louis de] Het Hemelsche Rijk: Luimige Voorstellingen.

‘s Gravenhage Gebr. Abrahams (1890), (32)p., fully illustrated in colour lithography, decorated paper over boards with cloth spine, 26 x 10,5cm. Condition: Good; corners, edges and extremities spine rubbed/damaged, binding weak. Rare picture book on China with extra gold printing on the plates. € 155,-

[Humanized animals. THE SIX GRAND PARTIES]

An Account of the Grand Parties given by the Lion, the Dog, the Cat, and the Donkeys, the Butterflies gay, and also the Monkeys. Illustrated with Forty-four Large Coloured Engravings. London, Dean & Son, n.d. (ca.1860), title page and 44 impressive engraved handcoloured plates, of which 4 are over 2 pages, with text under the pictures, gilt and blind stamped cloth, 25 x 17,5cm. Condition: Good / Fine; edges of the pages sl. fingersoiled, few pages sl. loosening, endpapers stained /rubbed. [10671] Rare and beautiful strong pictures of Humanized animals. Wood-engraved illustrations by Calvert Claytar, all printed on one side only. € 740,65

Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema [Movable] Langen, Hilde Rotkäppchen. Ziehbilderbuch. Dichtung von Martha Strachwitz.

Dornach bei Basel Schweiz, Verlag: “Zu den sieben Zwergen”. Druck Paul Bender Zollikon-Zürich, 1949, (17) p., with 6 movable plates with pull-leavers in colour and 1 dubble page with a turning wheel, all in colour, decorated boards and title, cloth spine, oblong quarto, 24 x 29,5cm. Condition: Near Fine, inside front board slight surface damage. [10544] Fine Hilde Langen pull-book, all the pull-leavers in working order. € 485,-

Berlin Berliner Handpresse 34 Apfelgarten. Grafik Ingrid Jörg.

Astrid Lindgren, Drei kleine Schweinchen im

1972, (20)p., bound Japanese style, 8 full-page colour lino-cuts printed in 5 colours of which 3 over two pages, decorated boards in colour, in-4to, 29,5 x 30cm. Condition: Fine. [11391] Rare signed and limited edition, printed in 65 copies only. This is Number 1 of 30 special copies for ‘dem Verleger Friedrich Oetinger, Hamburg zu seinem 65. Geburtstag’, signed by Astrid Lindgren, ‘Für Heiko mit Liebe von Astrid’. One of the three pigs in the story, Atti, celebrates his birthday, ‘Und sie waren so glücklich darüber, Jahrhunderschweinche-Jahrgang 1907 - zu sein. This is the birthday of Heiko Friedrich Oetinger. Very beautiful artistic colour plates in this fine Press book. Catalogue: Zwanzig Jahre Berliner Handpresse [1961-1981] 34, p.65. € 1.400,-

Marschak, C. - Lebedew, W. Circus / IJsco. Russische Prentenboeken, derde serie.

‘s-Gravenhage, De Baanbreker, N.V. Service, (1931), 2 parts in 1 vol., (12); (12)p., fully illustrated in colour, original decorated clothbacked boards, 29,5 x 21,5cm. Condition: Good. Top corner right slightly damaged, (repaired), boards a bit soiled / stained, binding weak. [10061] Two of the classics of the new Russian constructivism with the impressive illustrations by Lebedew. Rare Dutch translation of this famous Russian artist. € 850,-

[Photomontage] Luedecke, Heinz. William’s neues Autobuch oder: Wer gewinnt die Wette? Gezeichnet von Oscar Nerlinger. Text von Heinz Luedecke. Fotos von Christian Nicolai.

Potsdam, Williams & Co. Verlag, (1939), First edition, 38p., decorated title page, 4 pages with explanations on the car-typs,15 full-page colour plates with photomontages of cars within illustrations, verso last plate with road traffic signs, oblong folio, 23,5 x 31cm. Condition: Good; corners bumped, boards slightly soiled, binding weak/ loosening, margins finger soiling. [11503] Rare First edition. Nice example of the use of photomontage in children’s books with car brands from the Adler Trumpf 2 litre to Autounion Wanderer 24 1,8 litre. € 650,-

Mates, Rudolf (ills.). The Cock and the Hen: a Czechoslovak Folk Tale.

New York Harper & Brothers, (1925), 2nd edition, (26)pp., fully illustrated in colour lithography with 12 full-page illustrations, text and plates within decorated floral boarders, dec. endpapers, mounted colour plate on front board and printed col. ills on back, cloth spine with staples, 4to, 22,5 x 27,5cm. Condition: Good; rusted on staples, board edges slightly rubbed. [11429] Fine strong colour illustrations. Cotsen 7028. € 180,66

Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema Slooten, A. van - Williams, G.A. Het beren boek.

Amsterdam, Holkema & Warendorf, (1913), (31)p., illustrated title page and 15 full-page colour plates, decorated cloth backed boards (title repeated), oblong folio, 24,5 x 34cm. Condition: Good; corners rubbed, small cuts in under margin repaired with tape, back board lower right corner repaired. [11970] Beautiful Bear picture book. No copy in NCC. Duijx & Linders, Honderd jaar, p.33 picture p.35 € 385,-

Soldaten Spreekwijzen. [Military proverbs]

Amsterdam J. Vlieger / S.Lankhout & Co, ’s Gravenhage n.d. (ca.1880), 8 leaves, lithographic title wrapper, VI texpages and 6 full-page colour lithographic plates, 4to, 28 x 23cm. Condition: Good; edges of front wrapper slightly damaged. [11447] Fine humoristic military picture book with the following proverbs each with a picture: I. In Geweer!; II. De Generaal neemt een versterking in; III. Een Kommandant trekt blij van zin, Op zijn manier zijn posten in; IV. De vijand heeft het dorp geruimd; V. De vijand valt ons in handen, en VI. De vijand wordt in de pan gehakt. Caljé-van Gulik 519; de Koning 284 € 295,-

Wilde, Oscar - Alastair (illustrates) The Sphinx. Illustrated and decorated by Alastair.

Londen, Bodley Head, 1920, 36p., 12 fine tissue-guarded full-page black-and-white plates with one extra colour and 12 large ornamental capital letters, gilt decorated cloth with the moon in blue, 31 x 23,5cm. Condition: Near Fine; cloth spine discoloured. [11972] Decadent Deco illustrations. One of 1000 copies on imitation handmade paper. € 950,-

[Johan Amos Comenius] Orbis-Pictus of Geschilderde Wereld, ter vermeerdering van kennis en ter veredeling van het hart der Nederlandsche Jeugd.

Leiden, A. Arnz & Comp., n.d. (ca.1845), VI,122p., 30 mounted partly handcoloured lithographic plates, contemporary half leather, Large 8vo, 27 x 22cm. Condition; Good; first two leaves strenghtened along innerhige with paper strip,10 plates damaged along the edges with here and there pieces cut-off. [6142] Fine colour plates, afther the German edition: ‘Orbis Pictus. Eine Lern- und Unterhaltungsbuch für die wissbegierige Jugend’, (1841). Lust & Leering, p.370; Pilz, p.377 ed. 1841. € 480,-

Signed Presentation copy Kate Greenaway. Language of Flowers: Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Printed in colours by Edmund Evans.

Londen, George Routledge & Sons, (1884) First edition, [6] 7-80p., chromolithographic illustrations, original decorated clothbacked boards, 15 x 12,3cm, in mod. half leather slipcase, with gilt lettered red morocco spine. Condition: Very Good; faint waterstain and slight soiling to front board, corners rubbed. [12017] Presentation copy signed by Kate Greenaway in her neat handwriting on top of half title; ‘Mrs. S. Fry from Kate Greenaway 1884’. Schuster & Engen p.67, 107, 1a. € 500,67

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• Judaica • Hebraica • Orientalia • Holocaust


[LITURGY]. Tefillat Yisrael. Volledig gebedenboek der Nederlandsche Israëlieten voor het geheele jaar. Opnieuw in het Nederlandsch vertaald en van verklarende aanteekeningen voorzien door J. Vredenburg. Tweede druk. Added: Tachanunei Bat Yehudah. Gebeden voor Israëlietische vrouwen, ter stichting in alle omstandigheden des levens, als maagd, bruid, gade en moeder, door Dr. M. Letteris, opgedragen aan Lady Judith Montefiore. Naar de vijfde Hoogduitsche uitgave door L. Goudsmit Az. Vijfde druk. Amsterdam, Joachimsthal, 1922. (Contemporary decorative leather, with gilted flowers and gilt edges. (9), 259 leaves, 80 pp. Punctuated Hebrew and Dutch. In marbled slipcase.) € 150,A beautiful copy of this Hebrew-Dutch Daily Prayer Book.


Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde, Représentées par des Figures dessinées de la main de Bernard Picart. Tome cinquieme, qui contient les Cérémonies des Mahometans &c.Amsterdam, chez J.F. Bernard, 1737. (Cont. leather, sl. worn, Titlepage in red and black, 292, 32, 160 pp. and 26 engr. plates of which 7 double-page. € 1.250,Folio.) Containing also Supplement et corrections on the section of the Jewish religion (vol. 1) and on all other previous volumes and a Dissertation sur la religion des Sabéens. Complete with all 26 plates, including the famous double-page etching of the Dancing Dervishes and the Feast of Purim.


Antiquariaat De Rijzende Zon Thomas Leeuwenberg Poststraat 8 5038 DH TILBURG Tel. (013) 580 21 70 Fax (013) 580 15 68

• Voyages and travel • Orientalia • Brabantica • Non-Western books • Scandinavica • Atlases and maps • Exotica


Slichtenhorst, Arend van. XIV. Boeken Van de Geldersse Geschiedenissen, Arnhem., van Biesen., 1653.

34 x 22 cms, (16) p. , gegrav. titelblad, 1-116, (4), 1-596, (24) bladzijden. 20 Dubbelbladige kaarten en plattegronden. Uitslaande kaart van Gelderland, met aan achterzijde resten van cellotape, met lelijke verkleuringen. Perkamenten blindgestempelde band uit de tijd. Resten van toebindlinten. Nette staat. € 3.200,-

Pontanus, Ioh. Historiae Gelricae libri XIV. Hardervici Gelrorum., Sumptibus Iohannis Iansonii., 1639. 35 x 22 cms. Gegraveerde titel, (xxiv), 72, 955 p., index geographicus, index historicus. 4 portretten, 5 dubbelbladige kaarten, 4 uitvouwbare plattegronden. Eerste schutblad losliggend. Enige roestvlekjes. Lederen band uit de tijd. Sleet op de randen. Voorplat onder en boven iets los van de rug. Voorplat mist stukje leer van 3 x 2 cms. € 3.500,BIBLIA, dat is De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boeken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Dordrecht / Amsterdam., Hendrick en Jacob Keur / Marcus Doornick., 1690. 39 x 26 cms, Gegraveerd titelblad. 6 Dubbel-bladige kaarten. Band uit de tijd: Houten platten, overtrokken met gestempeld leer. 8 Koperen hoekstukken, 2 Koperen sloten. Uiteinden van de rug verstevigd met genagelde lederen stroken. In fijne staat. € 2.400,-

Tesch, Dr, et alii. Geologische kaart van Nederland. Schaal 1: 50.000 . ‘s-Gravenhage., Rijks Geologische Dienst., 1928-47. 168 sheets,, each 41 x 54 cms, w. col. photolithographed maps. Maps in excellent condition. + De geol. Kaart van Nederland en hare beteekenis, 39 pp., w. 2 large folding plates. € 1200,In 1942 were printed 152 of the 190 planned maps. This set has 16 more maps printed 1942-47.

Prins Bernard, hoofdredakteur / en anderen. ALOHA leuk jeugdblad...officiele kabouterkrant... voor het hele gezin enz. 60 verschillende nummers. Amsterdam., Aloha., 1969-72. Alles op tabloid-formaat. met beursberichten van wiet, sex. voorlichting, interviews, kunst, strips, muziek, literatuur, tips, opruiende teksten, freakpraat enz. sommige nummers met vochtvlekken. € 150,Toen creativiteit nog heel gewoon was.

BIBLIA, Das ist; Die ganze Heilige Schrift Altes und Neues Testaments. ..nebst ... Augspurgischen Confession.. Nürnberg., Johann Andreä Endters seel. Sohn und Erben., 1717. 40 x 27 cms, engraved titleleaf, titleleaf in red/ black, (vi), 11, (xiv), 1-1048,(xii), 1-304,(xx), (xliv) pages. 11 engraved plates with portraits of members of souvereigns, + portrait of Luther, 4 plates with the prophets/apostles. Numerous woodengravings in the text. Old owners entry in ms., Ao 1756. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards, blind stamped. 2 contemp. clasps. Bible COMPLETE and in FINE condition. € 3.250,-


Antiquariaat De Rijzende Zon

Rajalin, Thomas von. Nödig underrättelse om navigation eller styrmans-kånsten, efter höga wederbörandes

beskrifwen på swänska och utdragen af utländska autorer, jämwäl med nödige figurer förklarat. Carlscrona., Johann Ludwig Happenius., 1728. 22 x 18 cms, (xxii), 366, (lxxiv) pages. 17 folding plates, woodengravings in the text. Contemp. calf. Decorated spine. Fine condition. Complete. € 1.850,-

Barcelona, Badalona i Ospitalet. 1 : 10.000. ( Moscow )., Generalitsji Staf., 1975. 6 leaves with col. maps, each 85 x 100 cms, together forming a map of 200 x 255 cms, one leaf with indexes of streets and important places. ALL in cyrillic characters. On border-lines indicated: secreto. one leaf with small tear. Cold war map. € 650,-

Karta Magmatitsjeskix Phormatsii SSSR. Moskaleva, B., red. 1; 2.500.000 Leningrad., Ministerstvo Geologii SSSR., 1968. 16 sheets, forming together a col. map of 225 x 340 cms about the magmatic-soilstucture of the Sovjet Union. (area; Poland-Japan) . Explanatory booklet ( 1971 ) of 87 p. All in russian. € 180,Chatterjee, S., / Dutt, G., National Atlas of India, second edition. Calcutta., Government of India.,

1986. 8 volumes, I-VIII, 56 x 45 cms, All volumes with title page / list of contents. Uniform bleu cloth. Fine condition. € 1.400,In total 224 plates. This set is an assemblage of all plates as available in 1986. Numbering of the plates runs from 1 till 300. The edition of 2000, in 10 vols, contains 243 plates.

Dong Ho. Estampes Populaires. ( Vietnam du Nord)., 1970. 30 x 44 cms, 10 gravures sur bois, en couleurs. Papier “ Do “. A l’occasion de la fete “Tet”. In-portfolio. Explication en francais; 2 ffs € 180,XIXe Congres Geologique International. 1952. 1e Serie; Alger, 27 fascicules, circa 800 pp., + 2e

Serie, Tunis, 7 fasc., 600 pp., + 3e Serie, Maroc, 6 fasc., 1700 pp., + La geologie et les problemes de l’eau en Algerie, 2 tomes, 37 fascicules., ca 700 pp.. Nombr. cartes, depliantes, illustrations, diagrams des barrages, dunes, monts, bassins, &c. . € 500,-

Abd al-Aziz Efendi. Rawdat al-ibraz al-mubayyin bi-haqa’iq al-akhbar. Boulaq., Matba’atun Boulaq., 1832. 28 x 17 cms. 637 p. Contemp. calf. Quality paper. Minor stains, waterspots, wormholes. To egyptian standards in very nice condition. € 600,Very early Boulaq ( Cairo ) imprint. Main text in turkish. Concerns the political history of Egypt From the times of Joseph in Egypt to the most recent times. Published under the patronage of Mohamed Ali.

Wulfingh, Vic. Apost. Surinamensis, imprimatur. Passie foe Hemel. Wan begi boekoe foe den roomsoe

katholyki soema. Gulpen., Alberts., 1901. 14 x 9 cms, kleurenlitho, 420 pp., met calendarium. goud op snee. Lederen vergulde band uit de tijd. In uitstekende staat. € 150,Gebedenboek in het Surinaams.

Herrera, Alfonso L. Farmacopea Latino-Americana. obra profusamente ilustrada. primera edicion. Mexico., Herrero Hermanos Sucs., 1921. 29 x 21 cms, 805, (ii) pp., des centaines d’illustrations dans le texte, qqs feuilles de publicité hors texte. Toile de l’éditeur. Bon état. € 150,-


Dieter Schierenberg b.v. Jeroen Schierenberg Zamenhofstraat 150, Unit 320 1022 AG Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 636 22 02 Fax +31 (0)20 636 20 71

• Natural history • Anthropology and ethnography • Travel and exploration • History of science • Bibliography of natural history • Periodicals • Science


Rare Dutch translation of the first natural history book of Sicily. Boccone, P. Natuurkundige Naspeuringen op proef- en waerneemingen gegrond. Zynde behalven een

uitvoerige navorssing van den groey der planten, zo ... ook een bestipt onderzoek van den oorzaek der wonderbare versteeningen ...Waer by komt een omstandige betooging van den aert, eigenschap der brandende en vuurbrakende bergen; inzonderheid van den Etna ... ‘s Gravenhage, [the Hague] J. De Cros, 1745. € 375,-

Superb large views on Batavia (now Jakarta) capital of the Dutch East Indies. Deeleman, C. J. Bataviaasch album. Verzameling van een tiental gezigten van den hoofdstad van

Nederlandsch Indië. Geteekend door C. J. Deeleman. Opgedragen aan zijne excellentie den minister van staat J. J. Rochussen. Batavia, G. Kolff & cie., 1859-1860. Oblong folio (47.5 x 37.0 cm). Ten fine tinted lithographed € 3.500,plates. Original pictorial wrappers.

Original etchings of the rich nature of the former Dutch East Indies (Malayan Archipelago) Veth, P. J. and A. De Grijs Insulinde. Twaalf tafereelen uit Nederlandsch Indië, volgens teekeningen

en studiën naar de natuur door A. de Grijs, geëtst door C. L. Van Kesteren met tekst van P. J. Veth, hoogleeraar te Leiden. Amsterdam, S. Warendorf [or C. L. Van Kesteren], 1882. Folio (43.7 x 32.0 cm). Text and 12 original etchings. Original pictorial cloth with gilt title on spine. € 1.800,-

The fables from before La Fontaine, written by “the Dutch Shakespeare”, Joost van den Vondel. Van den Vondel, J. Vorstelijcke warande der dieren: waer in de zeden-rijcke philosophie, poëtisch, morael,

en historiael, vermakelijck en treffelijck wort voorgestelt. Met exempelen uyt de oude historien, in prose; ende uytleggingen, in rijm verklaert, door J. v. V. Verciert met hondert vijf-en-twintgh aerdige afbeeldingen, in koper gesneden, door Marcus Gerards. Amsterdam, Sander Wybrandtsz, 1682. Small 4to, 251 pp. 125 engravings of fables, some of which later used by LaFontaine. Contemporary full calf, spine with five raised bands, rich gilt compartment, gilt dentelles. Bound with three other works of Vondel in first editions (1620), an engraving of Abraham and Izaac, and a translated poem by G. De Salure, dated 1616. € 2.500,72

Antiquariaat Die Schmiede A. & G. Leyerzapf Brouwersgracht 4 1013 GW Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 625 05 01 Fax +31 (0)20 623 54 70

• German literature • Illustrated books • Private press books • Bibliography • History of printing

ANAKREON. Melae [graece]. Parma, in aedibus Palatinis 1791.Title, (2) 120, 122 pp., 2 engraved portraits. Polished green leatherbinding w.richly gilt spine and inner dentelle.16° (10,8 x 7 cm). € 750,Brooks 421(“...leggiadra edizionella”).Fine Printing by Bodoni in Antiqua and greek type, published at the same time as the edition in a larger size mentioned by Brooks 422.Spine slightly rubbed, old owner’s entry on flyleaf, otherwise fine copy in a nice contemporary binding. Die Geschichte von Tobia. Hrsg.v.M.J.bin Gorion.Lpz., Insel 1920.31 S., 3 Or.-Lithos (1 ganzs.) v.Max Liebermann OPp.Gr.4°. € 475,Sarkowski 522 (m.Abb.). Breitrandiger Druck in der Leibniz-Fraktur a.unbeschnittenem Van Gelderbütten in 150 num.Expl.Band-u.Titelentwurf u.Initialen von E.R.Weiss. KÄSTNER, Erich. Das verhexte Telefon. Bln., Williams 1931.18 nn.S., Bandillustr.u.25 farbige Zeichn.v.Walter Trier.Farbig illustr.Ohln.4°. € 575,1.Ausg.dieses “meisterlich gestalteten Bilderbuchs..., an dem sowohl die originelle Einbandzeichnung wie auch die Einheit zwischen Bild und Typographie beispielhaft sind.”(Lang, D.große Trierbuch S.309); Voigt 768.Ecken etw.bestoßen.

MUSIL, Robert. Vereinigungen. 2 Erzählungen.München, Georg Müller (1911).175 S.OPp. € 700,1.Ausg.der 2.Veröffentl.d.Verf.Vorsatz m.Widmung v.Willy Haas an seine Frau Jarmila, datiert Berlin, November 1921.Vorsatz-u.Vortitelrand mit kleinem Braunfleck. RANKE, Leopold von. Savonarola und die florentinische Republik gegen Ende des 15.Jahrhunderts.

(München 1919.) 174 S., Titelholzschnitt, 5 rote u.5 blaue handgemalte Initialen v.Anna Simons. Maroquinband a.5 echten Bünden m.Deckel-, Rücken-u.Innenkantenverg.u.Marmorpapiervorsätzen (sign.:O. Dorfner-Weimar). 4°. € 950,(6.Buch d.Rupprechtpresse).Rodenberg 130; Schauer II,20.Auf unbeschnittenem Bütten in der EhmckeFraktur gedruckt in 100 num.Expl.

Tyll Eulenspiegels seltsame und wunderbahrliche Historien... []

120 nn.Bl.(einschl.Titel), 94 Holzschnittillustrationen (einige wiederholt).Pp.m.Buntpapierüberzug. € 850,Nicht b.Hinz.Seltene Ausgabe mit den für Volksbücher typischen derben Illustrationen in kräftigen Abdrucken. Enth.100 Abenteuer.Letztes Blatt (mit der Wiedergabe des Grabmals v.Eulenspiegel) mit Fehlstücken u.aufgezogen.Titel im Falz alt verstärkt (dadurch minimaler Textverlust).

WERFEL, Franz. Gedichte aus dreissig Jahren. Stockholm, Berm.Fischer 1939. .252 S., Band-u. Titelentwurf von M.Emsheimer.OHperg.m.RVerg. € 800,1.Ausg.dieser Auswahl.St/T 541; Raabe 330,39.1 von 100 num.Expl.der Vorzugsausgabe a.unbeschnittenem Van Gelder-Bütten mit eigenh.Gedicht (9 Zeilen u.Signatur) d.Verf.a.Vorsatz.Gering stockfleckig. 73

Antiquariaat Schuhmacher Wilma Schuhmacher Max Schuhmacher† Gelderschekade 107 1011 EM Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 622 16 04 Fax +31 (0)20 620 66 20

• Dutch Literature & Typography • Dutch press books • Philology and linguistics • Avant-garde


J. B. Heukelom (1875 - 1965) The artist J.B. Heukelom started to work as a designer for the publishing firm S.L. van Looy, Amsterdam in 1898. In 1902 he made his first cover for a book by Jacobus van Looy, born in 1855, who was also a painter of renown. Thereafter all books by Van Looy, published at his namesake (also family to him) and their successors A.W. Sijthoff, Leiden, had covers by Heukelom till the author’s death in 1930. The covers of these books, first editions and 2 re-issues of earlier published work: Proza 1899 and Gekken 1892, resemble each other in style – and this makes them immediately recognizable as books by Jacobus van Looy and belong to Heukeloms best work. As one of the collections made by us, in the over 50 years of the existence our firm, we offer and intend to show at the coming Amsterdam Bookfair October 2 & 3: a nearly complete and unique collection of Van Looy’s work in De Luxe copies, not only on ‘Hollande’ or similar paper, but also bound in goldstamped full vellum, featuring some of Heukeloms finest designs at their very best. Not all the copies on better paper were bound in vellum, because also copies of these with paper covers instead of vellum exist. For each of 5 of the titles 10 copies only were printed on ‘Hollande’, for 2 of the titles 25 and for the remaining titles 50 copies. The collection comprises: Feesten 1903 [1902]; Proza 1904; Reizen 1913; Gekken 1916; Jaapje 1917 and its successors Jaap 1923 and Jakob 1930, Zebedeus [I], [II:] Nieuwe Bijlagen and [III:] Nieuwste Bijlagen all 1925, and Nieuw Proza 1929. All are first editions, except Proza and Gekken, published earlier, but now for the first time with Heukelom’s covers. The first edition of Zebedeus [I], 1910, is lacking, but the title is here in its 2nd Edition, together with [II] & [III], both firsts, all 1925. Proza, in the 3rd enlarged edition, although a copy on ordinary paper, is the one bound in vellum. A copy on ’Hollande’ in paper covers (the design greatly simplified) is added. The copies vary from ‘good condition’ (bindings only with some dampstains and one with some scratches) to € 7.500,‘mint condition’ and are offered as a collection for For further information on these books see: Braches’ great book on the Documentation of the ‘Nieuwe Kunst’ published in 2006 by De Buitenkant and ‘printed on demand’. His thesis (1973) is just published in an English translation by the same publisher. Braches: Doc. 425: 3 (Feesten f 2.40, geb. f 2.90, op Hollandsch papier f 10,-; en gebonden in perkament met gouden stempels f 17.50 [Cat. Van Looy 1906]); 438: 2 (Proza 3de druk f 2.40, geb. f 2.90. In perkamenten band met gouden stempels f 15,- [Cat. Van Looy 1906]); 491: 2, 506: 20. 1509. D: (Jaapje 1918 = 2nd Ed. same cover design as first Ed.), 20. 1509. D2 – D4 + D7 (Zebedeus 1925, 3 Vols, not mentioned). This Heukelom collection is only a small part of our collection of ‘Nieuwe Kunst’ books.

Our new website will be launched in September 2009: (with a dot between Schuhmacher and Amsterdam) where selections from our vast stock of Dutch literature, mainly before 1960, which encompasses 75 % of our entire stock (of ca. 120.000 volumes) will become available.We will endeavour to make these selections with as wide a range of subjects as possible, and regularly will add similar and new subjects. The first year we intend to start off with the following – giving some examples of what will be on offer from each subject. To give a more extensive impression of the whole, we give just short titles here. On our website, books will be fully described. 74

Antiquariaat Schuhmacher

Nederlandse Literatuur & Typografie/Dutch & Flemish Literature & Typography: Achterberg: Cenotaaf. 1951; 1e dr. € 20,-; idem; m. opdracht. € 210,-; Meisje. 1944; 1e dr; 110 Exx; Druk: Werkman. € 975,Balkema (Uitg.): Baudelaire-Le Vin. Vijf Ponden Pers 1943; 5 + 1 Etsen : Bieruma Oosting ; De Jong 72; Bierens de Haan-Meester van het Amsterdamsch Kabinet. 1947; 96 Platen; linn. € 125,-; Donne-Selected Poems. 1946; [Typogr.: J. v. Krimpen]. € 35,-; Villon-Les Oeuvres. 1945 ; [Typogr. : J.v. Krimpen]. € 25,Boon: Manuscripten 75

Antiquariaat Schuhmacher Boutens: Alianora. 1924; 2e dr; 1 van 6 luxe Exx; op Japansch; linn; opdracht. € 525,-; Honderd Holl. Kwatrijnen. 1932; 1e dr; 1 van 30 luxe Exx; op supernacré; marokijn; Bd. wat verkleurd. € 225,-; Nieuw Geuzenlied. 1927; plano € 35,-; Oudere Verzen. 1936; 1e dr; Opl. 20 Exx; opdracht. € 250,-; Spel v. Platoons Leven. 1908; 1e dr; 1 van 10 luxe Exx; op Japansch; opdracht € 850,-; Zomerwolken. 1922; 1e dr; 1 van 25 luxe Exx; perkament; als nieuw! € 450,Clandestiene Uitgaven: Ter Braak-Duivelskunstenaar [1943]; 1e dr; Opl. 50 Exx; De J. 105. € 85,-; Buddingh’Het Huis 1941 [=1943]; 1e dr; Opl. 300 Exx; De J. 127. € 60,-; Buddingh’-Praeter Gallum cantat. [1944]; 1e dr; Opl. 125 Exx; De J. 128. € 95,-; Buddingh’-Twintig Sonnetten. (1945); 1e dr; Opl. 275 Exx; De J. 129. € 30,-; Buddingh’-Vier Gorgelrijmen. [1944]; 1e dr; Opl. 125 Exx; De J.130. € 140,-; Front. [1944]; Opl. 100 [=50] Exx ; De J. 278. € 225,Couperus: Eline Vere. 1889; 1e dr; 3 Banden; rood linn. € 2.250,-; Fidessa. [1899]; 1e dr; linn; Ex. van Couperus. € 1.850,- ; Metamorfoze. [1897] ; 1e dr ; Omsl. : Toorop; ing. € 350,-; De Verzoeking van den Hl. Antonius. [1896]; 1e dr; beige linn., niet in Van Vliet! € 300,Elsschot-Brieven + correcties copij. Halcyon Pers: A. Roland Holst-Tusschen Vuur en Maan. 1932; 1e dr; Opl. 75 Exx; 6 Houtsneden: J. Buckland Wright. € 750,-; A. Roland Holst-Voortekens. 1936; 1e dr; Opl. 125 Exx; Buckram. € 65,-; A. Roland HolstEen Winter aan Zee. 1937; 1e dr; Opl. 35 Exx. € 975,-; Slauerhoff-Serenade. 1930; 1e dr; Opl.: 310 Exx., Ex. op Hollandsch. € 95,-, 1 van 10 luxe Exx; op Japansch papier.€ 950,Van Krimpen (Enschedé) (Typogr.) : Bloem-Media Vita. 1931; 1e dr; Opl. 175 Exx; linn. € 125,-; ElsschotVerzen van Vroeger. 1934; 1e dr; linn. € 225,-; Marnix-Het Boeck der Psalmen. 1928; Opl. 150 Exx; Halfperk. € 250,-; Navgerii (e.a.). Lvsvs … 1947; linn. € 5,-; L’Office de l’Étoile. 1946. € 8,- ; Sur un Air de Jean-Paul Toulet. 1927; Opl. 170 Exx., Ex. op Pannekoek. € 85,-

Literatuur in eerste & bijzondere uitgaven : Bordewijk-Rood Paleis. 1936; 1e dr; linn; zeer goed Ex. € 275,-; Buysse-Oorlogsvisioenen. 1915; 1e dr; linn; opdracht. € 350,-; Coenen– Burgermenschen. 1905; 1e dr; buckram. € 195,-; Heijermans – Kleine Verschrikkingen. 1904; 1e dr; opdracht. € 225,-; Leopold–Verzamelde Verzen. 1935; 1e dr; 1 van 50 luxe Exx; perkament. € 700,-; Nescio–Dichtertje–De Uitvreter–Titaantjes. 1918; 1e dr; Ex. op dikker papier ! € 1.600,; [Du Perron als Perkens]–Filter. 1925 ; 1e dr ; Opl. 75 Exx. € 275,-; dezelfde –Bij Gebrek aan Ernst. 1926; 1e dr; Opl. 500 Exx. € 75,-; Reve–Zes Gedichten. [1965]; 1e dr; Opl. 100 Exx; op Hahnemühle! € 275,-; Slauerhoff–Archipel. 1923; 1e dr. € 250,-; idem. opdracht + correcties. € 3.800,-; Terborgh–Padroens. 1958; 1e dr; Opl. 100 Exx. € 375,-; Vestdijk-Fabels met Kleurkrijt. 1938; 1e dr; Opl. 175 Exx; linn. € 95,Marginale drukkers: Crowley–Dédicace. SSL. 1982 ; Opl. 76 Exx. € 125,- ; Van Doesburg– Puistje. Avalon 1983; 1e dr; Opl. 99 Exx. € 15,- ; Dorna–Dames in de Sneeuw. Prop 1984; Opl. 100 Exx. € 18,-; Hanlo– Harlem in London. Prop 1983; 1e dr; Opl. 80 Exx. € 22,-; Perk– Iris. Carlinapers 1981; Opl. 15 Exx. € 125,; Rimbaud–Twaalf Gedichten. Regulierenpers 1987; Opl. 80 Exx., 1 van 45 Exx. op Japon Nacré; Hperk. € 225,-; Zuiderent– Winterlandschap. [Meijer] 1979; 1e dr; Opl. 25 Exx; opdracht. € 125,Nypels (Typogr.): Baudin-Gedichten. 1923; 1e dr; Opl. 50 Exx. € 225,-; Cervantes-Don Quichotte … 19291931; Opl. 375 Exx ; 250 Houtsneden : Hermann Paul ; 4 dln. in 4 Bdn; losbladig in karton. € 550,-; GideLettres. 1930;1e dr; Opl. 190 Exx. € 130,-; Lousbergh-Verzen en Fragmenten. 1920; 1e dr; Opl. 40 Exx. € 275,-; Souday-Bossuet. 1929; Opl. 421 Exx; 1 van 15 luxe Exx. op Japansch; marokijn (Elias P. van Bommel). € 650,-; Tempel-De groote Illusie. 1930; 1e dr; Opl. 115 Exx. € 40,-; Verlaine-Odes en son Honneur. 1931 ; Opl. 100 Exx ; linn. € 250,- ; Th. De Vries-Westersche Nachten. 1930; 1e dr; linn. € 28,Van Schendel: luxe & opdracht Exx.: Het Fregatschip Johanna Maria. 1930; 1e dr; 1 van 25 luxe Exx; halfmarokijn. € 750,-; Het oude Huis. 1946; 1e dr; 1 van 25 luxe Exx; marokijn. € 375,-; De rijke Man. [1936]; 1e dr; 1 van 25 luxe Exx; linn. [part. bd.]. € 295,-; Pandorra. 1919 ; 1e dr ; Opl. 20 Exx; gevl. € 300,-; Voorbijgaande Schaduwen. 1948; 1e dr; 1 van 50 luxe Exx; halfperk. € 225,Stols (Typogr.): Du Bellay-La Deffence & Illustration de la Langve Francoyse.1925 ; Opl. 380 Exx. € 45,- ; Lovise Labé-Œuvres complètes, Publ. par Boutens. 1928 ; 1 van 10 luxe Exx; op Keizerlijk Japansch. € 500,-; Vondel-Aenleidinge tot Nederduitsche Dichtkunst. 1922; Opl. 90 Exx. € 75,76

Antiquariaat Schuhmacher Suid-Afrikaanse Literatuur : Elisabeth Eybers-Die helder Halfjaar. 1956; 1e dr; Ex. van Eybers zelf in rood marokijn. € 400,- ;Van Wyk Louw-Gestaltes en Diere. 1942; 1e dr; met opdracht aan Elisabeth [Eybers] en echtgenoot. € 375,Tijdschriften: Criterium. 6 Jrg. compleet € 600,-; Braak. 7 Nrs. + 3 Extra Nrs. dus meer dan compleet ! € 4.500,; De Gemeenschap. 17 Jrg. compleet. € 2.500,-; De Kim. 7 Nrs. compleet. € 275,-; Komma. 4 Jrg. + 4 Boekafl. compleet. € 145,-; Pogen. 3 Jrg. compleet € 550,-; Provo. 15 Nrs. + Extra Bulletin. compleet € 450, 18e Eeuwse literatuur met Ills.: C.v. Bos-Dordrechtsche Arcadia. 1701; perk. € 950,-; A. de HaenHerderszangen en Mengeldichten. 1751; halfleder. € 425,-; [Th. Van Snakenburg & J. Elias, als] A.L.F. & A.P.S.-Proeve van Dichtoefening, bestaande uit Herderszangen … 1731; perk. € 350,-; D. WillinkAmstellandsche Arkadia. 1773; 2e dr; Ex. op groot papier ; halfleder. € 700, Emblemata/Emblem Books : Beza-Icones.1580; first Ed; vellum; (woodcuts). € 4.250,-; Maria HeynsBloemhof.1647; first Ed; vellum; (engr.). € 3.250,-; Hillaire-Speculum Heroicum. 1613; only Ed; halfleather; (engr.: C. de Passe the Elder!). € 4.850,-; Schoonhovius -Emblemata. 1618; first Ed; leather. (engr.). € 2.450, Schnitzler (ex F. Mijnssen) – Sterben. 1895; EA; orig. Broschur. € 750,-; Lieutenant Gustl. 1901; EA; orig. Lwd. € 650,-; Fräulein Else. 1924; EA; orig. Kart. + S.U; m. Widmung. € 950,-; Anatol. 1911; 13.Aufl; orig. Broschur; m. Widmung. € 850, Avant Garde : Lucebert-De gebroken Rietlijn. 1959; first Ed; 30 Copies; 4 lithographs. € 1.950,-; SandbergExperimenta 3. 1945; first Ed; 100 copies. € 600,-; Schwitters-Die Kathedrale, 8 Litho’s. 1920; first Ed; lacking white label (front). € 5.000, Jozef Cantré: woodcuts, ills. & covers: Burssens-Fabula Rasa. 1945; first Ed; 200 Copies; (ills. & cover). € 225,-; Duhamel-La Lumière. 1921 ; 1 of 50 De Luxe Copies on Imperial Japanese ; (woodcuts). € 1.250,-; Stroman-René François-Aristide N.N. 1934; first Ed; ( cover + ornament). € 40,- ; one signed woodcut : De Beeldhouwer. 1926 ; with dedication. € 250, P.T.T., Collection of commercial printed matter for the PTT (Dutch Postal, Telegraph & Telephone Service) ca. 100 items: mainly from the thirties, comprising designs by Zwart, Cahn, Huszar, Kiliaan, De Koo (many), R. Wijdeveld, Sandberg, Spier, Ton v. Tast a.o. The collection € 18.000, Russian Avant Garde : Aseev-Zor. 1914 ; first Ed ; lithographed ; bound + wr. € 1.800,-; D. Burliuk (Ills.) : Vzial. (Took). 1915; first Ed; [640 copies]; texts: Mayakovski, Pasternak, Aseev a.o. € 2.000,-; V. Burliuk (lithographs): Zatycka. (The Bung). 1913; first Ed; [450 copies]; on red paper; rebound (part of wr. preserved). € 3.250,-; D. Burliuk (Lithographs) : Livshits-Volche solntse (Sun of the Wolves). 1914; first Ed. € 2.250,-; Malevich & Rozanova (Lithographs): Igra v Adu (A Game in Hell). 1914; 2nd enlarged Ed; [800 copies]. € 3.250, When my brother Max, founder of our firm, died, we promised each other that as long as one of us was alive, we would continue with what we are dedicated to. What we see as our task, our duty, is namely, to have in stock Dutch Literature from 1870 onwards (until say 1960) in huge quantities. Aiming at completeness, irrespective of fashion, we concentrate on our literature as a whole, including the now forgotten or almost forgotten authors. Fashion will change all the time, but so called great authors are not imaginable without the minor ones. Collections of the major authors awaiting their catalogues are, for example: Van Ostayen, Van de Woestijne, Van Nijlen, Gilliams – apart from Elsschot – for the Flemish authors. For the Dutch: Bloem, Slauerhoff, Nijhoff, Gorter, Marsman, Boutens (a new one with the items from the Mijnssen collection), also Engelman, Greshoff – if time and some more assistance is given us. In our shop a large collection of paperbacks : Dutch Literature – for prices starting at € 2,50 (most) to € 8,- ! No lists of these are available. Shop open Wednesday & Thursday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 77

Antiquariaat Secundus P.F.W.H. Everaers Notendijk 7 4583 SV Ter Hole Tel. +31 (0)114 314 209

• Old and rare books • Topography and history of Flanders and Zeeland • Books on art • Flemish literature in first and special editions • Illustrated books • Picturebooks before 1940


(Album amicorum - Groningen) N.A. Album amicorum of Mej. Broese. Groningen, 18481861. Richly gilt, oblong relief green morroco slipcase. Containing 36 leaves, top edges gilt. Ca. 7 x 14 cm. G. Posthuma (Dockum); Leaves with different technics: plaitwork, “prikwerk”, manuscripts, calligraphic writings, drawings etc. The very fine slipcase with an additional flap with a colour-lithograph and German text; on the spine a red letterpiece with the Dutch text: “Aan de Vriendschap gewijd”. Some names and places: G.R.W. Dijkhuizen (Slichterden); M.G. Bellaard (Slochteren); D. Cannegieter (Hallum); G. Posthuma (Dockum); F. de Cock (Winschoten); F.H. van Praag (Termunterzijl); Sara van Leggelo (Foxham); F. Haselhoff (Rijperkerk); Johanna Broese (Groningen); Cramer von Baumgarten (Eenum). € 450, (Album amicorum - Zeeland) N.A. - Album amicorum of Mrs. A.H. Gutteling. Middelburg, 1834-1837. Richly gilt, oblong relief darkbrown morroco slipcase. Containing 35 leaves, top edges gilt. Ca. 7 x 14,5 cm. Leaves with different technics: plaitwork, “prikwerk”, manuscripts, calligraphic writings, drawings. The very fine slipcase with an “additional” slide-cover with a colour-lithograph and German text. Some names and places: Aagtje Snoep (Middelburg); Dominicus van den Bussche (Kruiningen); B. Flander (Goes); J. van Nederveen (Middelburg), C. Vervenne (Goes), J.G. Hazelof (Middelburg), J.A.H. Feldhuijs (Tholen); Gutteling (“U Broeder” - Bergen op Zoom). € 450,-


(Binding - Middelburg - Schoolprize) Abrahamsen, Isaak - Kronyk-Register van de voornaamste Kerkelyke en Wereldlyke Geschiedenissen, Van ‘t begin der Wereld tot den Jaare 1754. Vervat in twee Deelen: 1. Deel, van de scheppinge van den eersten Adam tot de geboorte van Christus den tweeden Adam. 2. Deel, van de geboorte van Christus tot den Jaare 1754. Uit de Tyd-Rekeninge van den Hebreeuwschen Bybel, en verscheide geloofwaardige Kerkelyke en Wereldlyke Historie- en Kronykschrijveren, zoo gedrukte, als geschrevene, naarstiglyk by-een vergaderd. Den sesden Druk, van nieuws Verbetert en Vermeerdert. Middelburg, Martinus van Sevenhoven, Boekdrukker en Boekverkooper in de Zusterstraat, n.d. Contemporary vellum with gilt coat-of-arms of Middelburg on both sides with rests of silk cords, 135+1p. Small 8vo (ca. 15 x 9,5 cm.). Nijhoff 1953: 1 (page 1-2). Rare alternative reading of the coat of arms mostly found on other prize-bindings of Middelburg; not in Spoelder (cfr. p. 642). Abrahamsen (Vlissingen 1663-1714) was a sick-visitor; he wrote also some small cathechetic works. Without the prize; good copy. € 200,-

Antiquariaat Secundus

(Bibliography - bibliophily) N.A. - De Gulden Passer (The Golden Compasses). Driemaandelijksch Bulletijn van de Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophilen. Le Compas d’Or. Bulletin de la Société des Bibliophiles Anversois. Nieuwe Reeks - 1e Jaargang. 1923 up to year 1957. Antwerpen, Different publishers, 1923-1958. Or wrappers, ca. 7200pp. Normally 4 issues per year; later irregular (1, 2 or 3 issues). All in the original sewn edition; with the separate index of the first 20 years. Almost every issue with the stamp of a public library; many years loose in extra board-covers with ties; light traces of use (minimal staining, spines browned etc); almost all issues uncut; good complete series. More extensive list on demand. € 1.250, (Book of prayers) A.A. - Officium Beata Mariae Virginis. Nuper reformatum, & S.Pii V. Pontificis Maximi jussu editum: Ad Instar Breviarii Romani sub Urbano VIII. recogniti.( Anverpiae (Antwerp), Ex Architypographia Plantiniana, M.D.CC.LIX. (1759). Gilt full red calf on 5 raised bands with gilt vignets, gilt green morocco letterpiece, gilt green border on front- and backcover connecting in the corners with a gilt rectangle in the middle, gilt borders on the verso of the front- and backcover, all edges gilt, titlepage with engraved vignet, 1 blank, (41pp. incl. some woodcuts in red and black), engraved frontispice, 870+2pp. (index & printer’s mark) with 56 full-page copperengravings, numerous woodengraved initials. 23,5 x 18 cm. Very nice printed (in black and red) and unusually richly illustrated officium (book with official set of daily prayers, prescribed by the Roman Catholic Church, to be recited at the canonical hours by religious orders), which was ment for private use and therefore edited in a smaller format. Plantin’s printing house developped the tradition of printing luxuriously religious, catholic editions; maybe not everything in this book is printed at the same time. Two copperengravings (p. 148 & 226) are signed: C. de Mallery. Some scratchings on the cover; otherwise a very fine copy! € 1.850,

(Emblemata) Vaenius, Otto - Amoris Divini Emblemata. Studio et Aere Othonis Vaeni Concinnata. Antwerpiae, Ex oficina Martini Nuti & Ioannis Meursi, 1615. Brown full-calf binding on four raised bands with gilt stamped compartments and title; sides with two gilt borders and decoration of corner fleurons; all edges gilt, 127+1pp. Ca. 19,5 x 14,5 cm. With title-engraving and 60 full-page emblematical engravings; every emblem with texts on the opposite page in Latin, Spanish, Dutch and French. Free endpapers browned; corners a little bumped; otherwise a very charming copy with fine and strong prints. Otto Vaenius published this book as a spiritual counterpart to his own book of secular love emblems (Amorum Emblemata, 1608) and it was the starting point for religious love emblem books. Landwehr 1988, 837. € 2.250, (Pamphlets - Naarden) Witte, J.E. de - De verlossing der vesting Naarden van de Franschen in bloeimaand, 1814. Amsterdam, H. Moolenyzer, Junior, over de trappen van de Beurs, No. 102, 1814. Board, original, folding very fine handcoloured drawing of a soldier in uniform (a member of the “Garde Nationale”) as a frontispiece, 13+1pp. Bound with 5 other pamphlets on the town of Naarden. Rare collection of 6 pamphlets relating to the Siege and Liberation of Naarden in 1813-1814. Some pencil-underlinings; cover damaged; small stamp on title-page; upperside of the last pamphlets somewhat stained. Complete list available on demand. € 400,-


Antiquariaat Max Silverenberg Max Silverenberg Kleine Berg 77a 5611 JT Eindhoven Tel. +31 (0)40 2432 064 Fax + 31 (0)40 2462 879

• Illustrated books • Judaica • Maps & Prints • Art • Local history


BARTLETT, W.H. Le Danube Illustré. H. Mandeville, Paris 1850. 63 steelengr. 4to. nice red gilt decorated cover. some engr. stained. € 895,LAVALLEÉ, T. Histoire de L’Empire Ottoman depuis les temps les plus ancient jusqu’ à nos jours. Garnier, Paris 1855. VII 528 pp. carte à déplier par L. Berthe et 17 gravures sur acier, gr. 8vo. demi chagrin bordeaux, dos à 4 nerfs soulignés dún triple filet doré, ornÇ de caissons ornés, titre doré. 1e ed. € 900,-

CONSTANTINOPLE. MERIAN. Constantinopolis. Frankfurt 1635. Size: 23 x 71 cm. b/w. Another title above panoramic view. Constantinopolitana Urbis Effigies ad vivum expressa. Nice dark impression.

€ 2.200,-

CONSTANTINOPLE - G. BRAUN & F. HOGENBERG Byzantium Nunc Constantinopolis. Cologne 1580. 480 x 325 mm, copperplate. Uncoloured. An unusually fine impression of this detailed soughtafter bird’s-eye plan. € 2.450,CONSTANTINOPLE - LE JOURNAL ILLUSTRÉ. Panorama de Constantinople. Vue prise de la Tour de Galata. 1880. 330 x 110 mm. Great mighty view of Constantinople taken from the Galatatower. describing text over and under the view. Engraving F. Méaulle. Photogr. MM. Abdullah Frères. Framed under glass. good condition. Minor spots. € 695,-


Antiquariaat Max Silverenberg DOESBURG, THEO VAN De Stijl. Maandblad voor nieuwe kunst, wetenschap en kultuur. Dernier

Numéro. Leiden 1932. 64 pp, Oblong (21,5 x 27 cm).., with numerous illustrations. Original wrappers. The last issue (no.90) of De Stijl. With text by Arp, Oud, Mondriaan, Schwitters, and others. Little waterspot on cover. € 1.850,-

LEBEAU, CHRIS ( 1878 - 1945) Philips Glowlampworks - Photographic Views of Works, Villa Residences of Officers and Workmen’s Village. N.V. Eindhovensche Drukkerij v.h. Schäfer & Co, Eindhoven 1921. Decorated stiff wrappers, 22 x 26 cms., (116) pp., title-page and 4 divisional titles printed in black, various decorative borders printed in beige on all pages and endpapers using all kinds of light bulbs and tubes in symmetrical compositions, numerous sepia-colour. photogr. illustrations, ‘’Chris Lebeau” and “1920” printed on frontwrapper. English version. Generally a nice copy. € 350,HEURN, J.H. VAN. Historie der Stad en Meyerye van ‘s Hertogenbosch, alsmede van de voornaamste Daaden der Hertogen van Brabant tot den Jaare 1629... J. van Schoonhoven en Comp, Utrecht 1776. 2010 pp., 4 banden,1776-1778 , 8vo. reb. halfcalf. titelgravure, marbled boards. Geïllustreerd met o.a. allegorische frontispice (naar Mauer) door C.F. Fritschius. € 750,MAGINI,


“Belgium, sev Germania Inferior”. Keschedt, Peter, 1621. 17.8 x 12.7 cm. Old col. This map in a westoriented position shows all of present-day Belgium and parts of the surrounding countries. To the left is part of France with Paris and Reims shown. To the right is Friesland. In the lower left is Luxembourg and Westphalia is in the lower right. The four circles within the attractive design around the map give the four directions for orientation. € 350,-

TINGUELY -HULTÉN, K.C.PONTUS. Jean Tinguely “Meta”. Berlin 1972. Cloth bound in a valise

with lock closure and handle, 364 pp. with 519 ills. Including 34 pp. on transparent paper. With original more color drawing made by Tinguely?s machine “Meta-Matic no. 19 and signed by Tinguely, with an EP vinyl record. in org. cardboard box. € 1.450,-

TIRION, ISAAK. Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van alle Volkeren,

XII deel; vervolgende de beschrijving der vereenigde Nederlanden; en vervattende byzonderlyk die der Genraliteits Landen, Staats Brabant, Staats Land van Overmaaze, Staats Vlaaanderen en Staats Opper Gelderland met de Staat der Bezetting in de Barriere-Plaatsen enz. Isaak Tirion, Amsterdam 1740. 608 pp. XX. originele perkamenten band, XII deel, tweede deel. gegraveerde frontisp.( met Pallas en Maastricht in ‘t verschiet), 8vo. uitslaande nieuwe kaart van de Meiery van ‘s - Hertogenbosch, uitslaande grondtekening der Stad ‘s hertogenbosch, z.o.z.


Antiquariaat Max Silverenberg een uitslaande afbeelding der Schans Crevecoeur, uitslaande Nieuwe Kaart van de Baronie van Breda en ‘t Markgraafschap van Bergen op Zoom, uitslaande Kaart van Bergen op Zoom, uitslaande Grondtekeing der Stad Breda, uitslaande gravure van de Grafstede van Engelbert II. Heer van Breda en zijne Gemalinne, uitslaande Grondtekening der Stad Graave, uitslaande Nieuwe en Naauwkeurige Kaart van de drie Landen Van Overmaaze, Valkenburg, Daalhem en ‘s Hertogenrade, uitslaande Grondtekening van de stad Sluis in Vlaanderen, uitslaande gravure van de Stad Sluis, uitslaande gravure van Sas Van Gend. Perfecte staat. € 1.450,-

LAMPE, DR. FELIX. Columbus Erdglobus. Columbus - Verlag . Paul Oestergaard, Berlin und Stuttgart 1920. Bearbeitet von Professor Dr. Felix Lampe, ausgeführt von Karthograph C. Luther. Tisch - Globus der Erde aus 12 farbig gedruckten Segmenten und 2 kleinen Polkappen. Lebhafte Farben, Durchmesser 30 cm. Achse und gradierter Halbkreis, Meridian aus Metall. Auf rötlich lackiertem Holzfuß gelagert. Gesamt-Höhe 52 cm. € 375,PORTUGAL - ORTELIUS Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, Novissima & Exactissima Descriptio. 1600.

copper engraving, orig. handcoloured. This map was prepaired by fernando Alvarez Secco. 344 x 511 mm. € 800,References: Van den Broecke, M. 27.

TATI, JACQUES Mon Oncle. HAFBO, Amsterdam 1958. Beschrijving ( 4 pp.)van de film “Mon Oncle” van

Jacques Tati. Mooi vormgegeven met gesneden foto’s. Vormgeving Reclamebureau Berec, Amsterdam. € 125,-



Large specialized auctions of books, manuscripts and prints twice a year (Spring and Autumn) Our annotated and illustrated catalogues with detailed descriptions in English cover a wide range of subjects: books (old and rare books, scholarly libraries, reference books, first editions, bindings, fine printing and illustrated books etc.) prints (old master prints, decorative prints, modern graphic art, Japanese prints, cartography and topographical prints, posters, photographs, ephemera etc.) drawings (old, modern and decorative drawings) manuscripts (medieval manuscripts, literary manuscripts, autographs, documents etc.) For specialized collections we issue separate catalogues (past subjects include erotica, medieval manuscripts, Dutch literary manuscripts, gastronomy, holy pictures, modern Dutch graphic art, the library of Boudewijn Büch) Our Autumn auction (24-27 November) will contain i.a.: A superb collection of private press books from the library of J.F. van Royen (i.a. Ashendene Press, Ballantyne Press, Bremer Presse, Doves Press, Eragny Press, Essex House Press, Heuvelpers, Janus Presse, Kelmscott Press, Riccardi Press, Press of the Woolly Whale, Zilverdistel) The library of a gentleman (avant-garde, graphic design, typography) – first part The library of the late Max Nord The library of the late Reinold Kuipers and Tine van Buul The library of the late Paul Kouwenberg (18th and 19th Dutch literature)

A fine collection of exlibris Otherwise all the usual subjects: Bibliography and typograpy, Literature and fine printing, Illustrated books, Children’s books, History and topography, Natural history and sciences, Old and rare books, Old master prints, Modern graphic art, Drawings, Cartography etc. etc On view: 19, 20, 21 and 22 November, 10.00-16.00 hrs., or by appointment. Catalogue on request. The catalogue will also be available online from the beginning of November on our website


AUCTIONEER OF BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS AND GRAPHIC ART Jansweg 39, NL - 2011 KM Haarlem, The Netherlands. tel. 0031 23 5323986 - fax. 0031 23 5323893 - e-mail


J. De Slegte B.V. J. De Slegte B.V. Kalverstraat 48-52 1012 PE Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 622 59 33 Fax +31 (0)20 624 16 20

• Fine arts • Literature • General science • History • Atlases, maps, views


GRUELL-ENGELMANN (éditeur): Heures

du moyen age. Paris, 1862. All pages printed in chromolithography, with a frontispiece (a juwel), and chromo-lithographed titlepage. Size: 15,5x12cm. Bound in full red morocco, blindstamped and giltdecorated on the front and back, two silver clasps, raised spine, binding signed in gilt lettering ( Gruel ), all edges gilt. A very nice Gruel binding in good condition around a neo gothic book of hours, all pages chromolithographed after mediaeval examples by the finest craftman of this period. with 2 bookplates in front. € 1.250,-

PALFIJN, Jan: Naukeurige verhandeling van de voornaemste handwerken der heelkonst. Leyden, Vermey, christianus. 1710. 2 volumes in 1. [18],388pp.;[4],104pp.[15]. Illustrated with 10 copper engraved plates, (from which 3 folded), and 2 illustrations in the text. Size: 20,3x15,5 cm. Bound in contemporary vellum with a manuscript title on the spine. The titlepage of volume 1 is printed in red and black. Page 291 has a cut in it (no text missing). The front of the book is slightly waterstained (till ca page 32, in the lower left corner. The binding is slightly stained / soiled / rubbed. Jan Palfijn,(1650-1730), was a Flemish obstetric surgeon. He was born in Kortrijk in 1650 Palfijn learned the principles of the art of surgery from his father, after that he studied in Paris. In 1695 He settled as Master-Surgeon in Gent, where, in 1708 he became Professor in Anatomy and surgery. His name will allways be connected with the forceps that was invented by him. Forceps allready existed before Palfijn, but these were painstakingly hidden by their developers out of fear of competition. Jan Palfijn broke with this tradition and showed his design in 1723 at the Academy of sciences in Paris. today in Gent, still a hospital is named after him. € 2.900,PREMPART, Jaques: Recit ou brefve description De ce qui s’est passé durant le tres-fameux Siege, de Bois-

Le-Duc. Avec une Carte generale du Camp entier, & plusiers paticulieres des approches de chasque Quartier à part. Le tout fort Diligemment recueilly, et mis en sa vraye proportion. Leeuward [=Leeuwarden], Claude fontaine, 1630. With 2 large folded and 7 double-page copper engraved maps by Prempart / Hondius. Size; 31x20 cm. Bound in original vellum with a contasting gilt letterpiece. The spine-ends are (slightly) worn/ damaged.The vellum is stained, and some text leaves are slightly stained (mainly in the margin. one map with a small tear. Also slightly foxed throughout.This is a very rare account of the siege of Den Bosch, in the French language, by Fredrick Hendrick of Orange in 1629. Prempart was a French engineer in Swedish service. not in Nijhoff/ Van Hattem and Hollstein, € 4.500,-


J. De Slegte B.V. HELVETIUS, Joh. Fred. Urims en Thumims Edel-Gesteentens, Vyer- en Licht-Gesichte, of Ooge-Bril,

van sijn doorschijnent Cristalijne Gout ;Waar-in Apocalypsis Hyeroglyphicè-Gesichten, in, uit, door, en met Apocalypsisword ge-expliceert en ge-appliceert. ’s-Gravenhage, Hermanus Groenhout. 1693. Size: 280 pp. In full vellum, with manuscript lettering. The front of the binding is stitched to the spine, the top of the spine is damaged. The binding is loose, but holding. Johann Friedrich Schweitzer(1625-1709) was a Dutch physician and alchemical writer, of German extraction. He is known for his book Vitulus Aureus (The Golden Calf ), published in 1667. Another book is Ichts aus Nichts, für alle Begierigen der Natur from 1655. He is notorious for the story that he actually carried out transmutation of lead into gold. He is also said to have been physician to the Prince of Orange of the time. His birthplace is given as Köthen, Anhalt. He is said to have known Baruch Spinoza. In this book it says : Den tweeden druk (second impression), but there seems to be no first impression. Even this one is the only copy we have been able to find. Extremely rare, as far as we could tell this is the only copy known. € 6.500,-

PLUIJM, Prof Willem v.d.. Leo Gestel. De schilder en zijn werk. Amsterdam / Antwerpen. De Spieghel / Het Kompas, 1936. 48 pp. and 48 pp. black and white illustrations. Size: 26x19,5 cm. Bound in full vellum with gilt lettering. This is copy 9 of an edition of 20 signed by van den Pluijm and Gestel. With an extra pencil drawing: “Spakenburg”in the front of the book, signed by Leo Gestel. With a bookplate on the first blank € 1.000,N.A.De kleine buffon, of natuurlijke historie der dieren, ten dienste der jeugd. In vier deeltjes. Met

plaatjes. Dordrecht, J. Zender, (ca. 1840). 4 volumes, 64pp. each. Size 9 x 11 cm. With an engraved frontispice and 32 illustrations of animals on 8 full-page engraved plates, 2 in each volume, all hand-coloured. In original printed boards. Volume 1-3 deals with mammals, in volume 4 birds and smaller animals are the subject. A rare complete set of a charming children’s book. € 1.250,-

N.A. De streken van Reintje van der Schalk, Markies van Eijerstrijven. Tweede druk. Rotterdam, Mensing, Van Westreenen, (ca. 1830). Size: 10 x 16 cm. 26 pp. In half cloth with stiff boards. With 16 full-page engraved plates, all hand-coloured . A book on Reynard the Fox, accompanied by explanatory verses. With a bookplate in front.A very nice children’s book. € 750,SPINNIKER, Adriaan: Leerzaame Zinne­ beelden Tweede druk [With :] Vervolg der leerzaame Zinnebeelden, spiegel der boetvaardigheid en genade en lenige stichtelyke gezangen. Haarlem: Jan Bosch 2nd editions, 1757, 1758. Size: 20,5 x 16 cm.. Bound in full vellum. (8), 220, (3+1 blank); (4), (12), 144, 90, (2) pp. With 2 frontispices, engraved titlepages and 84 text-engravings. With a bookplate in front. Fine copy.; A very attractive emblembook by Adriaan Spinniker. € 3.000,85

Antiquariaat Spinoza Manja Burgers Den Texstraat 26 1017 ZB Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 6209129 Fax +31 (0)20 6257540

• Judaica • Christian Hebraists • Spinozana

SPINOZA. Nachbildung der im Jahre 1902 noch

erhaltenen Eigenhändigen Briefe des Benedictus D’Espinoza. Herausgegeben von W. Meijer, Im Haag. s Gravenhage, Mouton & Co., 1903. Loose as issued in original blindtooled calfleather portfolio interwoven with green ties. [56] ,84,20 pp. and [22] leaves of facsimile letters printed on both sides. € 800,Printed in a limited and numbered edition on handmade paper by Van Gelder & Zonen, the facsimiles in color on different papers. This copy no. 135. The elegant portfolio in Art Nouveau design with some slight rubbings but exceptionally fresh. Fine copy of this facsimile edition with 13 letters to a.o. Leibniz, Oldenburg, Lodewijk Meijer and Graevius incl. one titlepage of the TTP with extensive author’s dedication to J.S. Klefmann. With transcriptions, translations in German and English (from Latin and Dutch) and a comment in German.

SPINOZA. Tractatus Politicus (secundum editionem principem Operum Postumorum, 1677, curabat T. Goedewaagen). Hilversum, De Heuvelpers (S.H. de Roos), 1928. Original white Chinese paper-covered wrappers, spine printed in gold. [8], 112, [8] pp. And 8 pp. quire loosely inserted, as issued. € 400,Bibliophile edition printed by S.H. de Roos in 1927-28 in red and black in his specially designed Meidoorntype on handmade paper with the Heuvelpers watermark in 125 numbered copies (225), copy no. CVIII (108); with a short comment in Dutch by T. Goedewaagen; unopened copy; very light wear along spine. A beautiful example of the typography of S.H. de Roos in a very good condition. D.S. VAN ZUIDEN. De Hoogduitsche Joden in ‘s-Gravenhage van af hunne komst tot op heden. Den Haag, Drukkerij Levisson, 1913. Gilt-decorated vellum de-luxe binding, slightly soiled. 172 ,(38) pp. and XIX leaves of plates. € 100,- De-luxe copy in a special binding; a survey of Jewish life in The Hague from 1398 - 1800 based on archival research, with an extensive namelist of Jewish shopkeepers before 1750 and transcriptions of ten 18th c. archival documents. With an especially printed dedication leaf (1914) inserted for Jacques Visser, ‘penningmeester van de Israelitische Soepinrichting voor alle Gezindten’ at his retirement from the board, among them chairman E. Belinfante and the author D.S. van Zuiden. Visser’s bookplate on first flyleaf.


Antiquariaat Spinoza [FRENCH - ANTISEMITIC.] - La Libre

Parole Illustrée. La France aux Français. Année 1-3 (comprising nos. 1-128). Paris, 17 juillet 1893 - 21 Décembre 1895. Lacking only 1 issue: No. 7. Large folio. Cont. hleather (1895, boards rubbed) and modern hcloth (almost uniformly). A few minor repairs. First page of no. 26 slightly soiled. Very good set. € 2.000,A weekly illustrated supplement to the anti-semitic daily paper La Libre Parole. Directed by Eduard Drumont. Issues of 16 pp., later on 8 pp., in each issue at least one or two full-page satirical (fiercely anti-Jewish) coloured drawings by L.Bourgeois, Willette, Em.Bayard, Gravelle, Em.Courtet, Donville, A.Esnault. Publication went on till Sept.1897. Drumont’s activities were the ouverture to the Dreyfus-Affair. This periodical was very significative for Theodor Herzl, showing clearly the French antisemitic tendencies during the time of his stay in Paris from Oct. 1891 till July 1895.

ELIAS STEIN. Nouvel essai sur le jeu des échecs avec des reflexions militaires relatives à ce jeu. Den Haag,

Aux depens de l’auteur, 1789. Large 8vo. Bound in later halfvellum. VIII, X, 254 pp. Uncut, illustrated with chess-diagrams. A few contemporary annotations in ink. € 600,First edition. This copy printed on heavy paper for the author, Europe’s most famous chess-player Elias Stein (Vorbach, Germany 1748 - The Hague 1812). Stein settled in The Hague where he became the royal court’s player. He explicitly related the experience of playing chess to military strategic ability. He was teacher of the princes of Orange to whom the book is dedicated in print, among them the later King William I. This first edition was not for sale and intended for subscribers only, of which an interesting list is added with 196 names, probably mainly of persons frequenting the court. The princes themselves subscribed for 24 copies. Only 50 years later a Dutch translation was issued (1834, 1851). Rare. Unkown to Fürst; See Jüd. Lex. V, p. 132; NNBW 5, 812/13; Gans, Memorboek, p. 222; Steinschneider, Schach bei den Juden, 1873 (1995).

JACOB SASPORTAS. Sefer Toledot Aharon (Index of Bible quotations which occur in the Babylonian Talmud, the Zohar, Aqedat Jitschak by Isaac Arama, and Iqarim by Joseph Albo, compiled by Aaron of Pesaro. [As usual together with:] Toledot Ya`akov (Bible quotations occurring in the Jerusalem Talmud by Jacob Sasportas). Amsterdam, Menasseh ben Israel, 1652. 4to. Later halfleather with corners. 159; 32 lvs. With separate titlepage for Toledot Ya`akov. Corner of main titlepage repaired. Slight loss of text in the margin of last page. € 600,3rd and 1st edition. Jacob Sasportas (c.1610-1698) is best known for his letters against Shabbetai Zevi. After he left North Africa at the age of 37 he traveled in Europe where his main ambition was the rabbinate in Amsterdam. But he did not achieve it until 1693 when he was 83 years old. See Enc.Jud.14, pp.893-4. Fuks 191; Catalogue Menasse ben Israel nos 66 and 67; Vinograd, Amsterdam 205 & 206 87

Antiquariaat A.G. van der Steur A.G. van der Steur & Th. Hopman Kruisstraat 3 2011 PV Haarlem Tel. +31 (0)23 531 14 70; +31 (0)23 532 42 37 Fax (023) 542 06 70

• Dutch history • Old master prints • Portrait prints • Genealogy, heraldry • Manuscripts • Old & rare books • Local history

Adelsdiploma waarbij keizer Rudolf II Flaminius Garnier, secretaris van Philips II te Brussel, bevestigt als graaf en hem een persoonlijk wapen schenkt. Wenen 26 mei 1578. Groot blad perkament, 65x75 cm, met wapenschildering, handtekening van Rudolf II en groot uithangend zegel, in houten doos. € 3.800,Batavia, plattegrond met 4 gezichten (prospects), gravure door de erven Homann, Neurenberg 1733. 54x62 cm, met oude kleuring in het plattegrondgedeelte. Mooi exemplaar. € 1.200,Bauer, M.A.J., Fragments des mille et une nuit. Edition privée, Wassenaer, S. v. Deventer, 1927, 214 p, geb. in blauw linnen. Illustraties van M.A.J. Bauer, band H. van de Velde, keuze H.P. Bremmer. Nr. 110 van de 200 t.n.v. L.C.P. Terwen. Mooi ex. In schuifhoes. € 795,Booth, Cornelis, Geslagt Register van Foeijt. manuscript, folio, 14 p in perkament omslag, met de nakomelingen van Peter Foeijt, Raad van Utrecht ca. 1400. Opgesteld door de genealoog Booth ca. 1635, een der afstammelingen. € 795,Cort begrip van de practijcke des landtsmeters (…) beschreven door J. Cooreman 1692. Manuscript 4°, 182 p. Geïllustreerd met tientallen schetsjes. Zonder band, randen rafelig. € 975,Court van der Voort, Pieter de la, Les agrémens de la campagne ou remarques particulières sur la construction des maisons de campagne, Leiden, etc. 1750,4°, 24 +(8)+412+(32) pag. Half leer, geïllustreerd met 15 gravures. € 1.600,Garsault, A. de, Le nouveau parfait maréchal ou la connoissance générale et universelle du cheval. Parijs 1741, 4°, (36)+512+127 pag. Met 49 deels uitslaande platen betr. botanie en paarden. Geheel leer. De zeldzame eerste editie. € 950,Generale afbeeldinge van (…) Soest-dijk. Ets door B. Stoopendaal, 38x48 cm. Vogelvluchtgezicht op paleis en tuinen, met Utrecht, Maartensdijk en De Vuursche in het verschiet. € 2.400,Handelingen van den Strijenschen Ring, 1772-1785. Manuscript, 4°, 370 p, perkamenten band. (Betr. vergaderingen van N.H.-predikanten van Numansdorp, Beyerland, Heinenoord, Puttershoek, ‘s-Gravendeel, etc.). € 950,Kruikius (Cruquius), ’t Hooge Heemraedschap van Delflant, Delft 1712, groot folio, 25 detailkaarten, 1 overzichtskaart en twee titelbladen. Leren band uit de tijd. Zeer goed exemplaar. € 7500,Laar, G. van, Magazijn van tuin-sieraaden, Amsterdam 1802-[1809], 4°, (4)+4+120+8 pag. Geïllustreerd met 190 handgekleurde platen. Gebonden in twee half marokijn banden uit de tijd. Fraai. € 3.500,M.T., Een zeiltocht op de Zuiderzee in den zomer van 1868,, 15 p, geïllustreerd met 5 ingeplakte litho’s van de havens van Harderwijk en Urk. € 375,Mander, Carel van, Het Schilder Boeck [2e editie], Amsterdam 1618, 4°, met gegraveerde titel en portret (door N. Lastman). Geheel perkament uit de tijd. Enkele watervlekken. € 4.500,Portretprent van een man zonder benen en handen, 26x18 cm, met in rood gekalligrafeerd handschrift “ Ick Matthias Buchinger, sonder handen en voeten geboren bij Neurenburg, out 32 jar, hebbe deze geschreven tot Amsterdam anno 1705, den 10 Oct.”. € 2.000,Ramus [= de la Ramee], Petrus, Meetkonst in XXVII boecken vervat. Vertaald uit het Latijn door D.H. Houtman. Overzien door W. Snellius. Amsterdam, W.J. Blaeu 1622, 4°, (20)+221+(5) p. Geheel perkament (enkele pagina’s wat slijtage aan de randen). Geìllustreerd met veel houtsneden in de tekst. € 3.900,Spanjaard, Frits, Affiche van de N.V. Oosterbeeksche Meubelfabriek L.O.V. “Tentoonstelling van moderne binnenhuiskunst ten bate van het Oosterbeeksch Volkshuis, 1921”, 90x69 cm op linnen geplakt. € 750,VerHuell, Alexander, Potloodtekening, 20x28 cm van elf studenten in een studentenkamer, drinkend en rokend. Links een skelet op een voetstuk, aangekleed als dienster. € 595,88

Antiquariaat André Swertz B.V. André Swertz Burg. Reigerstraat 69 3581 KN Utrecht P.O. Box 85054 3508 AB Utrecht Tel. +31 (0)30 252 01 69 Fax +31 (0)30 252 29 00

• Private press books • Modern illustrated books • Fine arts • Posters • Typography • Dutch literature


BROUWN, Stanley. Brouwntoys 4000 AD.

Amst., Self-published, ca. 1964. Sm.4to. 12 leaves, stapled. 10.5 x 11 cm. * Artist’s book, published in an unknown, but probably very small number. - Text completely in English. 7 leaves with the text ENLARGE THE MICROBES AND VIRUSES IN THE CIRCLE 5000.000 TIMES [small drawing of circle] GIVE THEM TO YOUR CHILDREN TO PLAY WITH. On the 2nd and last leaf: DON’T USE THE BROUWNTOYS BEFORE THE YEAR 4000 A.D. CONTAINING THOUSAND MILLIARDS TOYS. - First leaf stamped; others probably stencilled or with liquid duplicator. - In fine condition. - Rare. € 2.500,-

HENKELS, F.R.A. Ballade van de bruiloftskinderen. ALLEEN OMSLAG.

Heerenveen, De Blauwe Schuit, 1942. 268 x 212 mm. ALLEEN OMSLAG MET VOLSTREKT ANDERE SJABLOONDRUK DAN DE DEFINITIEVE VERSIE in 5 kleuren MET INGETEKENDE GEZICHTEN D.M.V. KLEINE ZETSTUKJES UIT DE LETTERKAST. * DE BLAUWE SCHUIT 12. - PROEF IN ENKELE EXEMPLAREN. - Fraai ex. - Logboek pag. 33; Zuithoff pag. 43; Cat. Hot Printing 42-g6; De Jong 60. € 5.000,-


1938. 8vo. Ringbinder with acetate front wrapper and cardboard end wrapper. 64 pages with photo’s and photomontages printed in black, brown and blue and various texts. * The 2nd picture book for “De Vries Robbé-Betondak”, Schuitema using for the first time a photomontage in colour photography on the first page; many of the other pages with photomontages printed in black, blue and brown. The fist booklet was only b/w. - An exceptionel fine and clean copy. - See Dick Maan, Paul Schuitema pp. 95-96. € 1.500,-


Antiquariaat Vloemans John A. Vloemans & Cora H. van de Beek Anna Paulownastraat 10 2518 BE Den Haag Tel. +31 (0)70 360 78 86 Fax +31 (0)70 345 03 65

• 20th century architecture • Avant-Garde • Photographic literature



Antiquariaat Vloemans

Czech avant-garde book design. Typography and photomontage. 2005 Josef Bartuska and some other members of the Linie Group. A hidden avant-garde in Ceske Budejovice. 2005 The book art of Josef Capek. 2006 StyrskĂ˝ & Toyen. Photomontage book covers from the thirties & forties. 2006 The book art of Adolf Hoffmeister. 2007 The book art of Ladislav Sutnar, 1925-1939. 2007 Karel Teige. Writings, typography, book covers. 2009




AUCTIONEERS OF BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, AND PRINTS HT Utrecht Beijers’3512 Auctions B.V. Lucienne H.M. Habets Achter Sint Pieter 190 3512 HT Utrecht T. +31(0)30 2310958 F. +31(0)30 2312061 E. W. Our forthcoming auction will be held December 8th and contains a large collection of interesting books on the discovery of Africa’s continent, inter alia DENON Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte pendant les campagnes du général Bonaparte, 1802.

In our recent auctions were sold: PELSAERT. Ongeluckige voyagie van ’t SCHIP BATAVIA nae Oost-Indien. 1648: €32.000. JACOBUS DE VORAGINE. Wijnterstuc & Somerstuck van den Passionael. Gouda, Gerard Leeu, 1480: €13.000. Two auctions a year are held: in June and in December. If you consider consigning material for auction at Beijers, we are glad to advise you. We valuate for insurance, succession, etc. Please contact us (Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.).

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Wanneer u zich nu opgeeft ontvangt u als welkomstgeschenk het boek Het woord is aan de onderkant. Radicale ideeĂŤn in Nederlandse pornografische romans 1670-1800 van Inger Leemans

De Boekenwereld verschijnt 5x per jaar Abonnement: A39,95 (buitenland A49,95) Studenten: A29,95 (onder opgave van opleiding en studentnummer)

30th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair 2009 Vr. Zat.

2 oktober 14.00 - 20.00 uur 3 oktober 10.00 - 18.00 uur

Locatie: Passenger Terminal Amsterdam (PTA) (naast het Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ) Piet Heinkade 27, 1019 BR Amsterdam

Georganiseerd onder auspiciën van de Nederlandsche Vereniging van Antiquaren (NVvA)

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