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Programme Manager Mobility Vision 2040 Lives in Amsterdam. Married, one child, two cats: Abel and Sity.
Alderwoman for Mobility of Hilversum Lives in Hilversum de Meent. Married, two children, one dog: Boris.
• Quality of life
• Connecting residents, businesses, and government organizations • Insights into the effects & results for Hilversum as a city
High rate of car ownership and high demand for parking space cause issues in (free parking) neighbourhoods that border on paid parking zones
Multiple bottlenecks for cyclists, pedestrians and public buses (e.g. bicycle parking central station)
Flow of traffic on outer beltway is suboptimal
Plans for closing railway barriers limit the accessibility of key locations
Residents are concerned about the traffic speed on beltways and radials; (nightly) freight traffic causes nuisance
• Growth 2040: increase car-kilometres of 17% to 44% and increase of train-kilometres of 27% to 45% • Climate change necessitates drastic reduction of CO₂ emissions
• Autonomous vehicles, ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) are on the rise • Sustainalise mobility and improve quality of life
• Mobility within and between cities, public transport and freight and delivery transport form the main mobility challenges • The unpredictability of electric car adoption rates creates uncertainty about mobility developments
• Corona may lead to structural changes in mobility needs • The current car-sharing trend will only lead to a relatively minor decrease in car use and congestion towards 2040
• CO₂ emissions caused by mobility are expected to decrease
• Most likely, inner-city bottlenecks will mainly occur in the infrastructure for public transport and cycling
• Corona may lead to structural changes in mobility needs
• Inner-city mobility is important, but solving its bottlenecks is neither easy nor cheap
‘Position the Netherlands as the most innovative pilot country in Europe’
‘Smart and clean mobility’
’15-minute city’ ‘Smart mobility, working together’
154 people from 25 selected organisations were interviewed per phone as a pre-test for creating a questionnaire
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Independent market research agency 1.802 questionnaires completed; results cross-linked to Brand Strategy Research Model
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38 Zoom sessions of 90 minutes with 200+ participants Groups composed of residents, neighbourhood associations, interest groups, businesses, entrepreneurs and local, regional & national governmental organisations
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In-depth discussions with 16 residents, divided into 2 focus groups 90-minute sessions to brainstorm about mobility wishes and solutions
• Presentation of different scenarios • ‘Sketch Game’ using the scenarios and possible consequences • Joint effort to create and enrich the scenario of preference
Development & visualisation of 5 scenarios, using a wide range of data and information: • Hilversum’s mobility plans of the past 10 years, researched by Royal HaskoningDHV and Goudappel Coffeng (e.g. beltway, light rail, tunnel) • Link to Traffic Prognosis System by Royal HaskoningDHV • Implementation of research data (environmental zones, 30km speed limit zones) • Data of underground infrastructure (tubes, pipes, cables)
• Data on Social Support Act transport (WMO), students, parents, etc. • Results of the questionnaire, crosslinked to the Brand Strategy Research Model • Other data, such as historic weather info, data from Statistics Netherlands and the Paris Climate Agreement KEY ISSUE: Keeping each scenario focussed and clear…
Electric tuktuk
Understanding behaviour and needs regarding mobility in the municipality of Hilversum
1. Which behaviour regarding mobility do residents show at this moment?
2. Which interests and needs regarding (shared) mobility do residents have? 3. Which future mobility trends have a chance of success and why? 4. What are barriers and motivations for (changing) behaviour regarding mobility?
Respondents are most positive about ‘Hilversum Connects (74%); the other concepts are valued as (very) positive by approximately two-thirds of the respondents.
= very positive
= positive
= don’t know
= (very) negative
Those in favour of ‘Hilversum Connects’ emphasize the need for ample space for cyclists, a smooth traffic flow and the limitation of freight traffic.
‘Above all, create comfortable and wide bike paths where cyclists have priority and there is sufficient space for electric bicycles too’
I’m in favour of reducing freight traffic from the city centre’
‘Traffic in Hilversum is messy and chaotic right now, so I’m in favour of better-connected routes, including better bike paths for cyclists’
In 2040, residents mainly expect an increase in the use of bicycles and public transport. They feel there will be fewer cars in the city centre.
Seven out of ten residents would be willing to use some form of shared mobility. People are most enthusiastic about sharing a car.
Residents of Hilversum-South are most enthusiastic about different forms of shared mobility.
Available space in a city is important for the wellbeing of its residents. For Hilversum this could mean fewer or no parking spaces in the city centre by 2040. Parking on the outskirts of the city and shared mobility would be greatly stimulated. To what extend would this appeal to you?
Residents are divided about the idea of limiting parking space in the city centre while at the same time the use of shared mobility is stimulated.
Very appealing Appealing
Not appealing
Not at all appealing
Supporters of relocating parking spaces from the city centre to the outskirts indicate that they believe it will improve their quality of life.
‘The city centre and surrounding residential areas are completely silted up by cars. So yes, it would be better to create parking space on the outskirts of Hilversum. However, make sure it’s done in industrial zones or something. Not in or near the heath or forest’
‘The centre of Hilversum would be much nicer’
‘This would create so much space and a much more pleasant environment with clean air and a nice view. In my opinion, this would be very doable’
1. Residents mostly support the scenario ‘Hilversum Connects’, focussing on improving traffic connections in and around Hilversum. 74% have a positive attitude towards it. 2. Seven out of ten residents are interested in using shared mobility. 3. Shared mobility should be offered at a local level (per neighbourhood).
4. The willingness to share transport to entertainment venues is relatively high. Shared mobility for commuting is only interesting for a small group. 5. Residents are divided about the idea of less parking spaces combined with more shared mobility. 6. Three out of ten residents are positive about mobility-included forms of housing in which residents use shared (electric) mobility and no (individual) parking permits are issued.
1. Use smart mobility (IVRI’s) 2. One or more environmental or zeroemission zones 3. Develop public, on-demand transport network 4. Develop (public) transport hubs 5. Shared mobility 6. Better facilities for slow traffic such as pedestrians and cyclists 7. Working with businesses to decrease in- and outbound commuting (hybrid working)
8. A car-free city centre within the inner beltway 9. A parking policy including innovative norms 10. The phased realisation of possibly three multimodal hubs (for e.g. freight transport) at strategical locations near the entry roads of Hilversum. 11. Further investigation of (short term) options to improve the accessibility of the Northand Southside of Hilversum
Information that has been implemented into our 3D model: • Public data and information from the municipality of Hilversum • Research data of recent and future projects • Historic weather info, data from the Traffic Prognosis System, data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Paris Climate Agreement (including national agreements on climate) The result: a tool that visualizes the effects of the scenario for Hilversum 2040
Visualising the effects of mobility measure on the city map gives instant insights in what to expect
Data integration and actualisation keeps algorithms up to date
3D model is a powerful tool for stakeholder management
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