IRF - Next Generation Traffic Management & Analytics

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Vehicle OBE (On Board Equipment) → Signal Controller & TMC: •

Vehicle location, velocity, situational awareness.

Signal Controller → Vehicle OBE •

Intersection status & geometry

Enables future Automated Vehicles to “see around corners”

From US National ITS Architecture V9.0


• Dr. Bill Sowell • Senior Vice Chair, IRF • President, Argonaut Consulting

• Eric Jacques • Senior International Sales Manager, Cubic Transportation

• Curtis McBride • CEO, Miovision



The Global Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Market Valuation • Global valuation of US$50 B in Dec 2021, growing to US$120 B by Dec 2025; 4-year CAGR 24.5% • Global traffic control electronics manufacturer’s market valuation US$3 B in Dec 2021, growing to US$5 B by Dec 2025; 4-year CAGR 13.6% • There are more than 900,000 signalized intersections worldwide, as of Dec 2021 • More than 450,000 of signalized intersections are in the United States, as of Dec 2021 • There is organic growth in new and upgraded signalized intersections from 3-5% per year worldwide Data Source: “2022 ITS Market Analysis”- Argonaut International Consulting, Inc.

What are we thinking?


• Everyone at Intertraffic is truly excited about the rapid deployment of AI/ML, Edge Processing, CAV, Smart Cities, Smart Mobility, Cloud-base data analytics, Wrong Way Vehicle Detection, Predictive traffic management and traffic control, CAV-ready everything, and Drones…. • Everyone truly believes they have the “Golden Key to Vison Zero achievement”, that will enhance motorist and pedestrian safety, and move commercial goods more efficiently throughout the surface transportation infrastructure… • BUT- How do we go about paying for the widespread deployment of these great advancements in traffic management? • How do we get past small technology field trials and rapidly move into widespread deployment of these solutions without a solid funding mechanism and a ubiquitous lowlatency communications backbone? • US IIJA of 2021- won’t do it • Public Private Partnerships- won’t do it • Transition from a gasoline tax to VMT or RUC tax will help

New ITS Funding Models Needed • “We need to spend as much time developing new ITS funding and business models, as we do developing new ITS technologies”- Bill Sowell • Speed of widespread new ITS technology deployment is critical to saving lives• >1.35 Million traffic-related fatalities occur each year worldwide • Equivalent to 12 fully-loaded Boeing 777 airliners crashing each and every day of the year- with no survivors • Enhanced safety is everything



“BIG TRAFFIC DATA” Analytics •

The amount of traffic data collected doubles every three (3) years globally

Too much data is being collected today that is not usable or actionable

Data is being collected that is not being used for traffic signal timing optimization, demand responsive traffic signal control, fully adaptive traffic control, or predictive traffic control

Traffic data collection, analysis, and database archiving costs are increasing

Verify your needs- Do you need real-time traffic data, or historical traffic data?

Suggested focus upon Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) Data- [See NEMA TS-9 Standard]


Artificial Intelligence (AI) •

AI is a broad concept of machines being able to carry out tasks or make critical decisions better and faster than humans.

Machine Learning is the concept of being able to give data access to machines, and they can learn how to make decisions better and faster.

The opportunities for AI applied to ITS is practically limitless, for such tasks as: • •

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Change traffic flow based upon congestion, an accident or emissions Eventually AI will replace traditional traffic signal timing plans, and traffic signal timing will be done dynamically in real-time, at the Edge, due to communications backbone latency- [<300 ms latency mandatory] AI can produce 3D models from 2D digital video images- AI can extract more data and make better traffic management decisions AI video technology can provide accurate vehicle detection for traffic management and enforcement applications • • • •

Red Light Running & Overspeed Wrong Way Vehicle Detection & Enforcement Seat Belt, Mobile Phone & Texting Enforcement Illegal Turning Movement / Lane Change Enforcement

AI can provide predictive traffic analytics that can accurately predict traffic conditions 15-20 minutes into the future

AI is best applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems when you Measure, Analyze, Manage and then Act- “MAMA” AI Traffic Images courtesy of

Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) •

Purpose: To eliminate the human error from driving to reduce the number of trafficrelated injuries and fatalities, and to reduce the number of traffic collisions, as well as near-misses

Don’t expect broad deployments of fully [SAE: Level 5] Autonomous Vehicles before 2035 worldwide (Why?: $ & Communications)

Traffic management agency achievement of their annual “Vision Zero” performance goals

Utilize the C-V2I and C-I2V data exchange, with SPaT messages, from the CAV-enabled traffic controller, so the vehicle can travel safely, and eliminate such major accident contributions as the “Dilemma zone”


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Conclusions • AI and Edge Processing for Traffic Data Analytics will prosper for the next 3-5 years and beyond (Includes video) • AI and Edge Processing will provide new and unique applications never dreamed of being possible previously • AI will provide accuracy and repeatability levels that we never imagined • “Sensor fusion” will become increasingly important to provide a rapid and complete review of traffic conditions, or incidents, enabling a faster response using AI technology (Fire, EMS, Police, Towing)

Thank You & For Additional Information Contact Upcoming 2022 ITS Industry Meetings: • IRF 10th Caribbean Regional Congress- Barbados • 7-10 June 2022 • ITE- Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual MeetingNew Orleans, Louisiana • 31 July – 3 August 2022 • ITS World Congress- Los Angeles, California • 18-22 September 2022 • IRF 4th Asia Pacific Regional Congress- Kuala Lumpur • 11-13 October 2022 • IRF Annual Roads to Tomorrow (R2T) ConferenceWashington, DC • 1-3 November 2022 • Intertraffic Mexico- Mexico City • 8-10 November 2022 • Gulf Traffic- Dubai, UAE • 6-8 December 2022

Dr. Bill Sowell, MBA, PhD

SMS / WhatsApp / Telegram / Signal MB: +1.480.255.9930 For a meeting during Intertraffic:

Booth 05.419-



Introduction to ATMS ▪ What is ATMS? ▪ What are the various functionalities of a robust ATMS system? ▪ What can an Agency do with data & analytics derived from an Advanced Traffic Management System?


Advanced Traffic Management System Highlights & Benefits ▪ Increases overall efficiency of traffic operations in Traffic Management Centers. ▪ Improves overall mobility via variety of modes of travel. ▪ Reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions by optimizing traffic based on current demand and conditions thus contributing to environmental stewardship. ▪ Contributes to safer journeys for all commuters. ▪ Improves overall community well-being while increasing economic productivity and ITS capabilities.


Adaptive Adaptive solutions like SynchroGreen Adaptive are designed to: ▪ Offer real-time adaptive signal control that optimizes and adjusts signal timings based on current traffic conditions. ▪ Manage operational conditions and provide best results with unpredictable traffic often caused by events and surges in traffic. ▪ Contribute to environmental stewardship by decreasing number of stops, idle times and the overall travel time. Note: Signalized intersections are required to have reliable communication and detection to provide optimal results.


Transit Signal Priority (TSP) ▪ TSP is a mechanism to alter current traffic signal timing to service transit vehicles. ▪ TSP ensures transit vehicles are prioritized. ▪ Contributes to reduction in transit vehicle travel time (and all modes). ▪ Provides more predictable and reliable transit service. ▪ Contributes to environmental stewardship and improved safety conditions. ▪ ATMS AVL TSP is route-based, centralized TSP. AVL = Automatic Vehicle Location


Mobile Applications ▪ ▪ ▪

Multi-agency and contactless EMV Payment-as-a-service on buses and railway gates. Mobility-as-a-service multi-modal journey planning. Real-Time Information-as-a-service providing operators and travelers arrival and departure times across multiple channels. Rewards-as-a-service connecting transit Agencies and communities. Real-time passenger information system (RTPI).


Signal Performance Measures (SPMs) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

High Resolution data analysis platform Simplified dashboard consists of set of quantitative performance measures and graphical representations. Helps identify signal timing issues, providing faster resolution. Enables proactive, performance-based management Cloud-based service provides Agencies with 24/7 access to data collection, monitoring, analysis and reporting. Remote access for multiple users using web browser. SPMs integrates with Advanced Transportation Management Systems.


Detection ▪ Detection can be any reliable and accurate technology that agencies prefer: ▪ Inductive Loops. ▪ Video. ▪ Magnetometers. ▪ Radar.


TidalWave™ Connected Vehicle Solution ▪ Access immediate, highresolution data. ▪ Deploy optimal vehicle routing using predictive learning. ▪ Stream traffic data in near realtime. ▪ No impact on city infrastructure. ▪ Compatible with 3rd party applications. ▪ Infrastructure cost savings.


Synchro® Studio Traffic Analysis Software ▪ Engineers can easily analyze traffic operations. ▪ Ability to save multiple scenarios to single file. ▪ Two-way integration between Trafficware ATMS and Synchro® Studio.


ATMS Comprehensive Central System Benefits - Summation ▪ ATMS provides a hub for traffic control status, data logging and analytics. ▪ Connects systems to help make informed decisions. ▪ Monitors and tracks traffic conditions. ▪ Allows for the adjustment of traffic signal timings in real-time responding to fluctuations in traffic conditions. ▪ Provides data, analytics and metrics providing traffic engineers with information to make sound decisions. ▪ Contributes to efficient travel modes, environmental stewardship and safe reliable journeys.



A Vision for Greener, Safer Intersections

Kurtis McBride CEO, Miovision Technologies Incorporated


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

28 Delivery of efficient & safe traffic flow.



You & Me

Legacy system & market architectures are holding back the pace of innovation.


Challenge: Intersection refresh is not keeping up with the pace of innovation.

Intersections Refreshed Annually Result: Traffic congestion & safety issues persist!

$ Annual Budgets = Cost of an Intersection


Cost of an Intersection =

Capital Cost


+ Operating Cost



But things cost what they cost...

… and take the time they take.


Don’t just follow the trend. Rather than solving problems from convention, instead boil them down to first principles and reason up from there. - Elon Musk


Convention holds us back.


If change doesn’t happen by us, it will happen to us.


What if we apply First Principles to the Cost of an Intersection?

What would it take to achieve a 10x reduction in the Cost of an Intersection?




What if?

What if, instead of standards defining functions to be delivered by interoperable hardware...

…standards instead defined functions to be delivered by software on top of common hardware.



Interoperable Hardware

Common Hardware

New Deployment Expensive

New Deployment Virtually Free

Homogeneous User Experience

Personalized User Experience

Market Expansion Limited

Massive Market Expansion


Triple Bottom Line Win Industry benefits

Customers benefit Citizens benefit

King Harald Gormsson Reign: 958 - 986 Famous for uniting Denmark and Norway Known to his Friends as Harald Bluetooth due to a prominent dead tooth that appeared blue in certain light.


Established: 1994 Famous for uniting device manufacturers onto a common wireless communication standard.

Call to Action: Collaborate to create a new common hardware & software standard focused on achieving the following outcomes: 1. 2.


Citizens: Positively impact traffic efficiency & safety. Customers: Minimize upfront capital & ongoing operating costs. Industry: Maximize market size & margin expansion opportunities.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. African Proverb


Thank-you (519) 496-5878 @kurtismcbride

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