8 minute read

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In the first quarter of 2020 up until 12 March, the 64 events in the RAI welcomed 265,000 visitors. It was during Integrated Systems Europe that visitors were first confronted with the measures aimed at ensuring their welfare and safety in the framework of the COVID pandemic. Hygiene measures were clearly communicated, disinfection units placed in various locations and cleaning was intensified. Shaking hands was replaced by hand signals or fist bumps. Similar measures were applied at all consecutive events while all services remained available to our visitors.

After closing our doors for major events, we hosted a number of different types of activities in the RAI and organised several events abroad. From mid-2020 the RAI was open to people taking the municipal health service (GGD) tests. Events in China were allowed to restart under strict conditions from 15 July, enabling us to organise Aquatech China and Rematec Asia, both of which were postponed to the second half of 2020. From our venue in Amsterdam we hosted various virtual events, including three multi-day online events, where visitors came together to interact via a virtual platform and attend various events organised by companies and prominent speakers from the related sectors.

focus on the visitor experience

new websites for RAI

Amsterdam and RAI events

food & beverage: self-catered or in partnership with third parties

Visitor Services

RAI Amsterdam offers services to visitors to optimise their experience. We can arrange hotel accommodation and transport, parking, a courtesy lounge (help desk, work and meeting places, etc.) and visitor catering.

A visit to an event is often preceded by a visit to the related website. Based on the needs of our clients, we rebuilt all our websites in Sitecore SXA in 2020. This change means all RAI websites, including those of our own events, have a fresh new look, are easier to use and operate smoothly on mobile phones and computers alike.

Food & beverage

The delivery of food & beverages is an important component of every event. We organise this independently or together with external specialists, supervising the quality and realisation in all cases.

Various restaurants and catering points and many catering options on the exhibition floor ensure a comfortable stay. Our culinary team is ambitious and innovative and driven to work in a locally and socially responsible way.

Seven restaurants, two run by third parties

Our Convention Centre has five restaurants: the Grand Café, First Floor Restaurant, Holland Restaurant, Café Amsterdam and the Amtrium restaurant. They are opened as required when an

event or conference are taking place. There are another two restaurants which are operated by third parties: Strandzuid and The Roast Room. In addition to the restaurants, various catering points in each complex are operated during exhibitions and conferences by cafés and eateries such as La Place, Sushi Time, Number 1 Catering, Catering Creators and various other concepts.

In 2019, a programme of requirements was established for renovating the Grand Café and First Floor Restaurant, to connect them together and set them up in such a way that they become more accessible to the neighbourhood and city. The realisation of these activities has been postponed indefinitely as a result of the COVID crisis.

Wheel of Flavours

On 13 October, the Wheel of Flavours (Het Smakenrad) opened its doors to the public from the square out front. It offered a COVID-secure restaurant concept with 27 heated gondolas for a maximum of four individuals in a 50-metre high ferris wheel. Guests were offered a Michelin-star meal by renowned Dutch chef Joris Bijdendijk, executive chef of RIJKS® Restaurant, combined with panoramic views over Amsterdam. Unfortunately, new measures against the pandemic by the government forced the Wheel of Flavours to close its doors after only two days.

RAI as accommodation


RAI Hotel Services

RAI Hotel Services is the largest accommodation intermediary in Amsterdam and the surrounding region, mainly booking hotel reservations for visitors to international events. The pandemic meant

'I Amsterdam

Approved' quality label

nhow Amsterdam RAI: on-site

hotel with 650 rooms

Europe’s most Instagrammable hotel that we processed considerably fewer hotel reservations in 2020 than is normally the case. In the last year that we were fully operational, some 31,500 bookings were made involving over 105,000 overnight stays.

RAI Hotel Services only works with hotels that have the ‘I Amsterdam approved’ quality label. This label is granted by Amsterdam&partners (formerly Amsterdam Marketing) to hotels that meet certain standards and agree to reserve available rooms at a fixed rate for organisers, visitors and exhibitors during large city-wide events.

It has long been a wish to have a four-star hotel on our premises that would allow us to offer tailored accommodation to conference and exhibition visitors. With the completion of the nhow Amsterdam RAI hotel on 10 January 2020, this desire became reality. A hotel connected to our convention centre with 650 rooms and parking for around 200 cars is a strategic addition to the RAI’s core activities. Responding to the needs of the market by creating an adjacent ‘headquarters hotel’ where event organisers and key exhibitors, speakers & visitors can all stay seriously strengthens our international position.

The world-renowned architectural firm OMA created the design of nhow Amsterdam RAI. The hotel has six different room designs and four types of room. Design influences from around the world create a dynamic mix of colours and patterns, while the full-height windows provide a spectacular view of Amsterdam. Luxury Travel Advisor has called nhow Amsterdam RAI the 'most Instagrammable hotel' in Europe.

Because of the lack of events after 12 March 2020 the hotel was only briefly open in 2020. Its reopening is planned for the spring of 2021

nhow Amsterdam RAI, as seen from the RAI

nhow Amsterdam RAI, interior

Events abroad

four RAI events abroad

largest event abroad: Aquatech China Based upon and inspired by the trade events that take place in Amsterdam we also organise a number of similar events abroad. There were four such events in 2020 and they welcomed around 106,000 visitors.

The largest exhibition outside of the Netherlands in 2020 was Aquatech China with over 80,000 visitors and more than 1,000 exhibitors on an exhibition floor of 30,000 square metres. The exhibition complied with strict government regulations for ensuring a safe, responsible and hospitable event. Measures included compliance with hygiene measures, the wearing of masks and a temperature check.

Rematec Asia: 1,300 despite absence of European exhibitors Rematec Asia was organised in China for the second time. While the COVID pandemic stopped European exhibitors from participating, the event was attended by various multinationals situated in China, ensuring the international character of the exhibition. The event attracted over 22,500 visitors and over 1,300 exhibitors on an exhibition floor of approximately 34,500 square metres.

1. Aquatech China De grootste beurs in het buitenland in 2020 was Aquatech China met ruim 80 duizend bezoekers en ruim 1.000 exposanten op 30.000 vierkante meter beursvloer. Deze beurs voldeed aan strikte overheidsvoorschriften om een veilige, verantwoordelijke en gastvrije bijeenkomst te garanderen. Het volgen van hygiënerichtlijnen, het dragen van een gezichtsmasker en een temperatuurcontrole maakten hier onderdeel van uit. In 2021 staan edities van Aquatech gepland in Shanghai (China), Mexico-Stad en Amsterdam.

2. ReMaTec Asia ReMaTec Asia werd voor de tweede maal georganiseerd in China. Europese exposanten waren er door COVID-19 dit jaar niet bij. Wel multinationals gevestigd in China, waardoor het internationale karakter van de beurs behouden bleef. Deze beurs trok ruim 22.500 bezoekers en ruim 1.300 exposanten en omvatte circa 34.500 vierkante meter beursvloer. In 2021 staan edities van ReMaTec gepland in Guangzhou (China) en Amsterdam.

3. Intertraffic China Het driedaagse evenement Intertraffic China ging 18 november 2020 in Beijing van start. Door corona werd deze editie zonder internationale deelnemers georganiseerd. Desondanks stond er nog steeds een prachtige beurs met 160 exposanten en ontvingen we op de eerste dag ruim 1.500 professionals uit de mobiliteitsindustrie. In 2021 staan edities van Intertraffic gepland in Shanghai (China) en Mexico-Stad. In 2022 in Amsterdam en Istanbul.

Event titles of the RAI

The table below provides an overview of the titles of RAI Amsterdam.

Intertraffic is the leading trade exhibition for the traffic and transport industry.

Interclean is the world’s largest and most comprehensive exhibition for the cleaning industry.

GreenTech is the heart of the international horticultural technology sector, with a unique focus on the start of the horticulture chain.

Horecava is an inspiring and innovative platform for professionals in the food service industry.

Metstrade is the world’s largest trade exhibition for marine equipment, materials and systems.

Rematec is the largest and most important trade exhibition in the field of revisions for automotive, industry and heavy duty.

The Nine Month Fair provides everything for soon to be and new parents; from pregnancy to the first steps.

The Huishoudbeurs is the most enjoyable event in the Netherlands for everyone who loves tasting, trying and shopping.

Amsterdam Drone Week features the latest technologies and future applications related to drones.

Aquatech is the world’s leading trade exhibition in the field of process, drinking and waste water.

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