For visitors
In the first quarter of 2020 up until 12 March, the 64 events in the RAI welcomed 265,000 visitors. It was during Integrated Systems Europe that visitors were first confronted with the measures aimed at ensuring their welfare and safety in the framework of the COVID pandemic. Hygiene measures were clearly communicated, disinfection units placed in various locations and cleaning was intensified. Shaking hands was replaced by hand signals or fist bumps. Similar measures were applied at all consecutive events while all services remained available to our visitors.
After closing our doors for major events, we hosted a number of different types of activities in the RAI and organised several events abroad. From mid-2020 the RAI was open to people taking the municipal health service (GGD) tests. Events in China were allowed to restart under strict conditions from 15 July, enabling us to organise Aquatech China and Rematec Asia, both of which were postponed to the second half of 2020. From our venue in Amsterdam we hosted various virtual events, including three multi-day online events, where visitors came together to interact via a virtual platform and attend various events organised by companies and prominent speakers from the related sectors.
Visitor Services focus on the visitor experience
RAI Amsterdam offers services to visitors to optimise their experience. We can arrange hotel accommodation and transport, parking, a courtesy lounge (help desk, work and meeting places, etc.) and visitor catering.
new websites for RAI Amsterdam and RAI events
A visit to an event is often preceded by a visit to the related website. Based on the needs of our clients, we rebuilt all our websites in Sitecore SXA in 2020. This change means all RAI websites, including those of our own events, have a fresh new look, are easier to use and operate smoothly on mobile phones and computers alike.
Food & beverage food & beverage: self-catered or in partnership with third parties
The delivery of food & beverages is an important component of every event. We organise this independently or together with external specialists, supervising the quality and realisation in all cases.
Various restaurants and catering points and many catering options on the exhibition floor ensure a comfortable stay. Our culinary team is ambitious and innovative and driven to work in a locally and socially responsible way.
Seven restaurants, two run by third parties Our Convention Centre has five restaurants: the Grand Café, First Floor Restaurant, Holland Restaurant, Café Amsterdam and the Amtrium restaurant. They are opened as required when an