Issue no. 11 - FEBRUARY 2018
Bookmark The John F. Moss Library Newsletter
y r a r b i L s t n Eve
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1st - March 1st: Art show on display - “Go West: From Maine to Texas.”
12th: Virtual Database Training - APA Style Central, 10am 15th-16th: Library Triwizard Challenge 15th: Virtual Database Training - LearnTechLib, 2pm 21st: Book Club - “A Wrinkle in Time,” 12:15pm- 1:30pm, discussion led by Dr. Drew Morton 21st: Virtual Database Training - Statista, 10am 27th: Virtual Database Training - APA Style Central, 5pm 28th: PLACE event - “Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” book discussion, 12:15pm-1:30pm, discussion led by Dr. Kim Murray
April 1st: CLOSED 23rd-26th: National Library Week! 23rd: Staff Dress-up day, Free Journals & Magazines in Atrium 24th: Book Club - “Ready Player One,” 12:15pm-1:30pm, discussion led by Dr. Walter Casey 25th: Edible Book Contest 11am-12pm 26th: PLACE event- “Neurotribes” book discussion, 12:15pm-1:30pm, dis cussion led by Dr. Kevin Williams 30th: Extended hours and free coffee & pastries begin in library
Events, pictures, updates, and more!
5th: Virtual Database Training - APA Style Central, 5pm 8th: Virtual Database Training - Statista, 5pm SPRING BREAK HOURS: 11th: CLOSED, 12th-14th: Open 8am-5pm, 15th-17th: CLOSED 19th: Art Reception for Emily Newsome, 5pm-7pm 20th: Virtual Database Training - LearnTechLib, 2pm 21st: Book Club - “My Favorite Thing is Monsters”graphic novel, 12:15pm-1:30pm, discussion led by Dr. Drew Morton 22nd: Eagle Con! 1pm-6pm, 3rd Floor Atrium -- cosplay contest, games, prizes, and more! 22nd: Virtual Database Training - APA Style Central, 10am 26th: Virtual Database Training - LearnTechLib, 10 am 27th: PLACE event - “Hamlet’s Blackberry,” book discussion, 12:15pm-1:30pm, discussion led by Dr. Rebecca Martindale Leighton 28th: Virtual Database Training - APA Style Central, 2pm
1st - 8th: Extended Library Hours 1st-9th: FREE COFFEE & PASTRIES! 3rd: Artist’s Reception for Eileen Stearman, 5-7pm 3rd-Jun 28th: Art show on display in library
28th: CLOSED
GO WEST: from maine to texas
art show featuring the art of terri denatale
Library Triwizard Challenge
february 1 - march 1
reception feb. 6th, 2018 5 pm-7 pm
John F. Moss Library February 15-16th Complete the challenge to win a
$5 printing card!
The 2017-2018 PLACE theme is “Science and Technology.� The library has a guide to resources on this subject available at, make sure to take a look!
To register for any training or event, go to and choose the event to enter your information.
S O E U R RCES W E N Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy is an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research. These powerful tools can be used for in-classroom demonstrations and help with homework or research assignments. Users can access more than 4,300 structures and over 13,500 identifiable landmarks in the human body.
Nutrition Reference Center offers a streamlined user-friendly interface where users can access unique content on everything from condition-specific diets to dietetics skills and practices written by a world-class team of nutritionists and dietitians. Notable features include customizable patient education print-outs to share with patients and caregivers, the ability to share best practices in department specific folders and easy access to high-quality CEUs.
Winner of 37 Pulitzer Prizes for outstanding journalism, the Journal includes coverage of U.S. and world news, politics, arts, culture, lifestyle, sports, health and more. It’s a critical resource of curated content in print, online and mobile apps, complete with breaking news streams, interactive features, video, online columns and blogs. To register using your EagleID copy and paste the link below into your browser: Your email address will be your user ID once registered and chosen password will be at your discretion. You will need to log in through the University website link at least once every 180 days to maintain registration and access availability on other devices.
Offering more peer-reviewed, full-text journals than any other sociology research database, Sociology Source Ultimate provides the must-have materials for students studying social behavior and interaction. Topics range from gender identity, marriage and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and sociocultural anthropology. 1,072 active full-text journals and magazines, 1,009 active fulltext peer-reviewed journals, 612 active full-text peer-reviewed journals with no embargo, 601 active full-text journals indexed in Scopus.
Now there are only 4 easy steps to checking out a laptop or iPad from the library! With our new kiosks, located on the 4th floor inside the library, you just tap to check out, agree to the terms, scan your ID card, and retrieve your computer from the kiosk! It’s more convenient than filling out paper forms at the front desk, you don’t have to wait in line to check out, and your machine is charged and ready to go! Our laptops have a 4-hour limit, and come with Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. You can send documents to print right from the laptops, too! The iPads can be checked out for 7 days and come loaded with lots of apps already, but you can also login with your Apple ID and install additional apps. These items do not come with chargers, and the security cases on the iPads prevent charging outside of the kiosk, so if they run out of battery power before the due date, you may return the items and check out a fully-charged replacement. To check out these items you MUST have 2 things: your university-issued ID card, and your Eagle ID (computer login) & password. There is not a way for staff to make exceptions on this, it is how the kiosks work!
Catalog access now convenient throughout library! You might notice several tablets on stands in the library. These tablets give you instant access to the library’s catalog, right in the stacks! The easy touchscreen display defaults to the library’s catalog for quick searches on the fly. If you need assistance with accessing the catalog, ask at the service desk for help!
by Kendra Harrell
There is much more to check out from the library than just laptops and tablets! Did you know you can check out Nooks, Kindles, digital cameras, camcorders, voice recorders, headsets, DVD/CD writers, universal card readers, calculators, and webcams as well? Even tripods and dollies for the cameras! Our e-readers (Kindles & Nooks) are available for 2-week checkout, and come loaded with our book club titles. Checkout periods vary depending on the item. Currently, you can check availability of media devices at http://, and soon you will be able to reserve items as well. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates at
You may have seen the KIC next to the computer lab and thought: “What on Earth is that for?!” The KIC, or Knowledge Imaging Center, is actually not as scary as it may look! And it’s FREE to use! You can use it to scan pages from books or other print material. Once it is scanned, you can email the file to a TAMUT email address, or save it to a flash drive or cloud account! You can even send a scan directly to the printer from the KIC to make a copy. The KIC can scan books without any awkward upside-down flatbed problems. Instead, you simply lay the open book on the scanning platform, scan, and flip the page to scan the next spread! Remember, the KIC is not for scanning copies of entire books and textbooks, and all normal copyright rules apply. If you aren’t sure how much you can copy from a resource, ask! The library staff is here to help YOU!
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The College of ARts, Sciences, and Education, in cooperation with the Library, presents:
The Red River Innovation Lab for the Humanities is a place for students, faculty, and staff to push the boundaries of their desired research and teaching with the help of digital humanities tools, both in terms of hardware (audio and video equipment, Mac workstations) and software (SPSS, Adobe Creative Suite). Ever wanted to turn one of your group presentations into a podcast? Or a conference paper into a documentary? Now you can! We even have a PlayStation 4 system and VR headset you can try out!
The RRILH can be found at SCIT 120. Hours may change depending on the semester, but for Spring 2018 the hours are M/W/F 9AM-5PM and Tu/Th 11AM-7PM. Students, faculty, and staff can check out resources from our inventory with a valid university ID card. Access to workstations and the lab space in general is available on a first come, first served basis. If you have questions, please e-mail Dr. Drew Morton at You can also follow the lab on Facebook for news and updates:
By Kendra Harrell
Texas A&M University-Texarkana students, faculty, and staff now have access to this premier online database for peer-reviewed research in the area of learning and technology. LearnTechLib consists of a library & index with more than 135,000 full-text documents and abstracts from journals, conferences, reports, dissertations, keynotes, and more. You can create alerts and personal collections of research records, select articles and multimedia to create course modules, as well.
In a nutshell
Who this database is for: Students & faculty researching learning & technology How to access this database: Through the library’s A-Z page (, or directly if you are on campus (
Wand Making 1/18/2018
he Student Life Department, FYE, and the library joined together to host the university’s first “Harry Potter Week” this spring. The library held a pop-up wand making makerspace. It was so much fun to see everyone’s ideas come together!
The pop-up makerspace had a glue gun station, painting table, supply table, and several different magical wood selections to choose from. About 100 wands were made!
Book Discussion
As part of the festivities, the library hosted a lively book (and movie) discussion, complete with lunch, led by Dr. Nakashian and Betsy Sanz. We also hosted a sorting ceremony, where everyone completed a simplified Myers-Briggs quiz and found out which Hogwarts house they belong to, with the guidance of the counseling department.
Jennifer Felps, Director of International Studies, proved to be the Harry Potter expert at the table!
The John F. Moss Library’s
Halloween 2017
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Library staff created a creepy carnival experience in the library for Halloween 2017, complete with a “tent� and clowns!
Thousands of visitors from the university and Texarkana community came to experience tricks and treats in the spookified library. The Snake Lady greeted them at the circulation desk, and the Plague Doctor’s apothecary led into the clowns mouth...
Library staff dressed for their parts! A library seating area was transformed into sideshow booths featuring the Magician, the Tattooed Lady, Evil Dolls, the Sword Swallower, and the Bearded Lady.
The Evil Dolls were enchanting and creepy to most, and a little too much for a few! The Magician learned a new card trick from Dr. Bechtel, and the clowns creeped everyone out. The library had a blast, and we hope everyone enjoyed the CarnEvil experience!
TXK Today shot a video of the fun, check it out at
~The Library’s 2017 Christmas Card~
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The 4th floor library windows were decorated in a festive winter panorama.
Perfect for current fans and new readers alike, Mississippi Roll is Check out some of our an adventurous journew audiobooks on CD in the bestseller section, too! And try out our ney along Ol’ Man e-book service Overdrive for more casual reading and listening! River, featuring beloved characters from the Wild Cards universe. Pulitzer Prize Now on its final voyage, winner Ron Chernow rethe historical steamturns with a sweeping and boat Natchez is known dramatic portrait of one of our most for her super-powered guest entertainers. compelling generals and presidents, UlyssBut after the suspicious death of a crewes S. Grant. Grant’s life has typically been member, retired NY police detective A stunmisunderstood. All too often he is caricaLeo Storgman decides to ning new novel tured as a chronic loser and an inept busimake this incident his from the #1 New nessman, or as the triumphant but brutal personal case. York Times bestsellUnion general of the Civil War. But these ing author-- an epic of hope and horror, chaos stereotypes don’t come close to capturing and magick, and a journey him, as Chernow shows in his masterful that will unite a desperate biography, the first to provide a complete group of people to fight the battle of their lives... It understanding of began on New Year’s Eve. The sickness came on the general and suddenly, and spread quickly. The fear spread even president whose faster. Within weeks, everything people counted on fortunes rose and began to fail them. The electrical grid sputtered; law fell with dizzyand government collapsed--and more than half of the ing speed and world’s population was decimated. Where there had frequency. been order, there was now chaos. And as the power of science and technology receded, magick rose up in its place. Some of it is good. Some of it is unimaginably evil. #1 New York In this spectacular Times bestselling author father/son collaboration, John Grisham’s newest legal thriller Stephen King and Owen King takes you inside a law firm that’s on tell the highest of high-stakes stoshaky ground. Mark, Todd, and Zola ries: what might happen if women came to law school to change the disappeared from the world of men? In a future world, to make it a better place. But so real and near it might be now, something now, as third-year students, these happens when women go to sleep: they become close friends realize they have been shrouded in a cocoon-like gauze. If they are awakduped. They all borrowed heavily to ened, if the gauze wrapping their bodies is disturbed attend a third-tier, for-profit law or violated, the women become feral school so mediocre that its gradand spectacularly violent. And while uates rarely pass the bar exam, let they sleep they go to another place, alone get good jobs. And when they a better place, where harmony learn that their school is one of a prevails and conflict is rare. One chain owned by a shady New York woman, the mysterious “Eve Black,” hedge-fund operator who also happens to own is immune to the blessing or curse a bank specializing in student loans, the of the sleeping disease. Is Eve three know they have been caught up in a medical anomaly to be The Great Law School Scam. studied? Or is she a But maybe there’s a way out. demon who must be slain? Descriptions are supplied by the publishers.
John F. Moss Library Crossword Puzzle! Some of the answers are in this newsletter, and the rest are on our website!
Solve it online at
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John F. Moss Library 7101 University Ave University Center 3rd FlR South Texarkana, TX 75503 (903) 223-3100
Halloween 2017 Costume & Decoration Contest Winner: the John F. Moss Library!
Newsletter content by Sandra Holmes, Ann May, and Kendra Harrell Edited by Ginger Mann & Teri Stover Layout & Graphics by & Kendra Harrell Questions about this newsletter? Contact