The Queen and Her Loyal Servant: A Short Story by Sandra Nguyen

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The Queen and

Her Loyal Servant

A Short Story by Sandra Nguyen

↳ Dates! ⌦ Started: 4/12/21 ⌦ Ended: 5/7/21 ↳ Special Thxs! ⌦ Editor: Liz A. ↳ Inspired by the songs: “Daughter of Evil” and “Servant of Evil” ⌦ Daughter of Evil: ⌦ Servant of Evil:

¡!Some of the lines I’ve written are quotes from the song!¡

↳ A tall aged male and the queen ambled to the twins, the young children had been playing with one another. The room was extravagant though it was only a playroom, the four pillars were laced with golden embroidery and the walls were painted a burgundy red. “Hello darlings, you seem to be having fun,” walking up to the twins, the queen spoke to them. A girl and boy were sitting around a table in the corner. The little royals were age six, the prime of their lives. Many royals start learning proper etiquette and dining manners at the age of six to seven. “Yes mother! Look at this drawing I drew!” The princess named Kiara excitedly stated, quickly coloring the sun and holding up the piece of paper to her mother. Plastering a proud and happy grin on her face. “It’s lovely dear, what did you draw Alex?” The startled boy was alarmed by the sudden call of his name, swiftly turning his head to the direction of the noise. “I haven’t drawn anything mother...” “Why is that Alex?” “Oh, Alex didn’t draw anything because he was helping me mom,” Kiara barged in the conversation. Kiara was a beautiful young girl. As she was the next ruler of the kingdom, she was pampered and was granted all that she desired. While her brother, Alex was more humble and was not as spoiled as his twin sister. All kids desire things, like toys or more clothing and of course, Alex had many wishes, but unlike his sister, Alex was never bestowed upon any. He kept his wishes to himself, always thinking he would be a burden. And he was, from his mother’s perspective. The queen was very cross, having heard she would have twins, since she wanted an only child to pamper and spoil. Twins were twice the work, so the queen chose. She labeled Alex as the “mistake” while Kiara was “the rightful heir.” “Oh, I see. Thank you for the confirmation Kiara.” “Eh em, Your Highness,” the male said, attempting to get the queen’s attention. The male was odd looking. His hair was white/gray and he was always holding a book. The twins could definitely tell the male was important. “Alex, I'm sorry to tell you but you're leaving. You're going to live with Mr. Storm. He's an old 'friend' of mine” “WHAT NO! Alex can't go, he needs to stay with me!” “Kiara! This is not your decision.” “I- yes mother…” Without a word, Alex quietly stood up and left with the old servant. The boy was devastated though he didn't show it. The sobs his sister cryed were bloodcurdling. Every cry, every yell, and every shout was like a stab in the heart to the boy. He knew he had to go. If not, his mother would make his palace life a living hell. 'Bye Kiara, I know you'll be a great queen'


↳ Alex thought he would be there for a year, but one year turned into two, then three, then eventually it turned to six. Six years separated, Alex was fostered to become a servant while Kiara was nurtured into a princess. Alex never forgot his sister, he forgot her face but he remembered her silhouette. An elegant young girl was what he remembered. Alex had no intent of becoming a servant. He only obliged to come so that he wouldn’t burden his sister and mother. But that all changed when Mr. Storm (Benjamin Storm) finally told Alex his secret… that royal blood runs through his veins. And with that secret unveiled, Alex was determined to meet the girl with the silhouette, which he now knows to be his sister, Princess Kiara. Alex then dedicated the next two years of his life to become a servant. He wanted to meet his sister, the sister that was princess, now queen. “Mr. Storm, I’ll accept your training. I just want to meet my sister,” the blonde male said, finally caving in. “Haha, that took longer than expected but I’m glad you finally agreed,” the tall male in front of Alex chuckled, plastering a large smile at the boy. And with that, the young male’s training began, he learned everything from Benjamin, as he was the dead queen’s (Alex and Kiara’s mother) loyal servant. The training taught Alex all he knew, from cleaning the dishes to balancing a tray with one hand, or to correctly hold and pour a tea into a teacup. Along the way, there were many tests. As in, a series of questions such as: “what is the best etiquette if confronted by a high-ranking noble?” The following two years of this was all Alex needed to become an official butler. Benjamin was indeed astonished by Alex’s persistence. Telling the boy his family secret was to boost his determination, but in reality, reuniting with his sister was what he lived for.

💭 ‘This is what I worked so hard for...’

Standing in front of the royal castle was Alex and his teacher, Sir. Benjamin Storm. There were guards posted on each side of the entrance while a few dozen were posted on the pillars of the castle. “Don’t be so nervous my boy, you’ve studied and worked for two years to get to this point. You can’t really turn back now,” Benjamin said, doing his best to reassure the male beside him. The two walked in the enormous castle that was the pride and joy of the kingdom. It was a plain marble castle that was embedded with gold and silver marks that emphasized the

towers and pillars supporting the castle. Benjamin left his student with a maid, she was Benjamin's associate. Alex was ushered toward the servant dormitory, many were on their break. They greeted the young boy. “You must be the new butler Benjamin brought in,” the housekeeper stated, she was a fairly old woman. Her posture was excellent, back straight, head lifted and hands neatly folded. The white hair and eye bags indicated the stressful sleepless nights the woman had to work through. Observing his senior, Alex nodded to the housekeeper, “Yes ma'am, I’m here to serve the queen and be her assistant.” The older woman laughed, amused by the boy's outlandish dream, “You think highly of yourself, lowly servant. Only the best servants can be the queen’s assistant. You don’t stand a chance.” The audacity the housekeeper had, Alex may have been new but he has experience. He worked for two years, sleepless night after sleepless night Alex endured just to get to this point, he was not taking this lady's attitude. Alex was frustrated, but he couldn't do anything, the housekeeper was a higher rank than him. The number one unspoken rule of the palace was to not anger anyone higher than you. “I'd like to start working instead of this chit-chat ma'am,” Alex stated, wanting to get away from the lady as fast as possible. “Yes, of course.” The housekeeper then proceeded to wave her hand in the air, summoning a newbie maid. She seemed to be 18 or so, 2 years older than Alex. “Annebella, show this boy around the palace. He's new just like you, I'm sure you guys will get along well.” “Certainly Mrs. Rosemary,” said Annebella, bowing and taking the boy with her. The young maid was extremely nice, she explained each and every room, the rules for maids and butlers and which rooms were fine to go in and the other rooms that would get your head cut off if you step one foot into. Learning the basics was easy but the real challenge was the housekeeper, Rosemary Trapp. She may be his senior and his boss but Alex hated the way she smirked at him as he fell or tripped or made any kind of mistake. After three weeks of this, the day finally came, the day the queen would choose her loyal servant that would side by her side. Alex was praying, practically begging God to have Kiara pick him. Eight years without knowing or having any recognition of his twin drove him crazy. This was his one and only chance to be the brother he was supposed to be, to stay by his sister’s side and take care of her. All servants were lined up in two rows, each row on the side of the walkway to the throne. The people closest to the throne were the high ranks, while the lower ranks were at the end.

↳“The queen has arrived!” Announced the head soldier of the center wing of the palace. All in the present of the queen shall bow before her grace, another rule of the palace. As Kiara sauntered by, she observed each and everyone of the servants. Looking for a possible candidate to be her right-hand man. Her eyes looked sweet and cheerful but her gaze was chilling, Kiara’s appearance was charming and she seems like an approachable young lady but in reality, she was a tyrant. At the young age of 14, she became queen. Everything worth anything, her majesty had claimed. If there was no money left for the queen to spend, the tyrant would pluck the money from her citizens, as she had no care for them. “Haven’t any money, then you need not bat an eye. Just pluck it from the hands of those yet bound to die.” Were the words her majesty had said before sending any and every soldier in her command to retrieve money from her poor loyal subjects. The queen suddenly halted, moderately tilting her head towards a certain boy with same sapphire shade eyes and tinned blonde hair. “Your age?” The queen questioned, staring at Alex. Still bowing, the boy raised his head, now staring at the queen, hesitantly Alex answered, “14, I’m 14 your majesty...” A soft chuckle slipped out from her highness mouth as she excitedly responded to the young butler, “Just like me! Hehe, finally someone my age!” Kiara held her hand across her mouth, hiding her smile. Quickly the queen spun her head towards a guard near the entrance of the throne room. “You, quickly get my adviser, I’ve found my assistant,” Kiara waved the soldier off as he obliged to his queen’s command. She then turned towards the like-at-like boy. “Come, we should talk more. You’ll be my assistant so it's better if we get to know each other more,” the cheerful queen said. The sudden statement was frightening to all servants, including Alex. No one expected the person that was down right bottom of the group to be picked. “Of course your highness, right away!” The to-be servant of the queen said. Though Alex knew Kiara picked him only for his age, he was still grateful that God heard his prayers. ‘I guess she doesn’t remember me...’ The two walked to a balcony that was connected to the ballroom. Both teens talked for hours, though Alex was a little hesitant to do so. In the beginning, all Alex said was his name,


age and where he was from. Excluding the part where he told his twin about them being twins. After a while of the one sided conversation, Alex was feeling a little more comfortable with the queen. The butler had many questions, and when I say many, I mean he had hundreds to beyond thousands of questions. He was at the verge of exploding with questions for the tyrant queen in front of him but kept calm and quiet for the time being. “It’s nice having someone who’s your age, it’s quite refreshing actually. Being surrounded but old people get boring, they're always so serious,” complained the young queen. “They alway talk about trading and that I should develop a stronger relationship with the other kingdoms but that's not what I want. I just want to enjoy all the delicacies and to ride my horse Josephine.” “Don’t you need money to pay all those, if you follow what the elders say, you could get more money.” Alex was hesitant to respond but did so, since he would be Kiara’s assistant. He must give his input and help guide his sister to ruling the kingdom. Kiara sitting directly in front of him responded, “Hm? How so?” “Trading, your Majesty. If you could form some kind of relationship with the neighboring countries then many would travel here to trade and for vacations.” “I see. If that's how it is then I should invite the royals from the Azure and Virescent kingdom.” Kiara stated, considering the suggestion made by her so-to-be assistant. “You’re a smart one, most servants are not this intelligent. I definitely picked the right butler!” “Thank you for the compliment your highness but I’m not that smart.” Alex bowed as he said so. He was certainly smarter than most servants but he could never compare to the members of the royal court.

↳ Soon after two males walked in, Kiara’s adviser and the royal guard from before, which was surprisingly Kiara’s personal royal guard. The adviser was the old queen’s adviser as well and to Alex’s surprise and relief, the man did not recognize him. The adviser completely ignored Alex, which was in no way unordinary, then spoke to the queen and Alex could tell the disgust the male plastered on his face. 'He definitely hates me already…' Noticing this, Kiara sternly questioned the male,“Are you questioning my choice?” With panic on his face the Adviser hastily changed his expression, now he displayed a gentle, kind smile.


“Of course not your Majesty, I would never do such a thing.” Kiara huffed, knowing very well that the Adviser had lied. He would always complain and rebelled on any decision Kiara made and this time, she had enough. “What a nuisance, I dislike liars. Especially those members of my royal court.” Those words pierced the Adviser, a petrified look washed over his face. He wanted mercy, just a token of mercy would suffice the male. All he wanted that second was to not die. “Your Majesty! I would never lie! Especially not to you!” The pitiful male was irritating Kiara. Out of all people, her royal court explicitly knew that she was never lenient with anyone. “I want his head Alexander.” The royal guard immediately did as he was told. Right there and then the soldier drew his sword and swiftly sliced the male’s head. While Kiara was fine, she was as cool and collected as even and then there was Alex. He was the most terrified person in the world that second, having seen the Adviser’s head drop like an apple falling from a tree. It was completely lifeless. It just layed there, slipping blood all over the balcony. “I- he’s- he’s actually dead..!” Alex shrieked a blood-curdling cry, having just seen someone murdered and in broad daylight. “Of course he is my dear assistant. He lied to me and thought you didn’t have the right to be my assistant. You must be somewhat relieved to have him gone,” the blonde haired female made it seem like the most ordinary thing in the world, and that just shows how inhuman the tyrant queen was. Alexander then ordered a maid to clean the mess of blood on the floor while Kiara brushed her dress as she warilying stepped past the pool of blood and severed head. “Are you coming Alex?” A worried face was shown on the girl’s face, she didn’t want to lose her assistant, in less then a day no less. Alex was scared and surprised by the expression on his sister’s face. Never thought in his life that the dictator queen would even show a worried face, considering that she just ordered a male to be decapitated. Alex could not and would not move, his body refused to move an inch. Kiara believed that her assistant was scared of the dead body, as many people are scared of dead things but in reality, the male was scared of his sister. Not the blood, not the severed head, nor the limp body. The sister that he worked so hard to meet. The sister that he vowed his life to serve and protect was the most horrific person to him. Not wanting to anger his sister, Alex tried to speak, “I- ” He hadn't even spoken a word before the horror-stricken male fainted, the shock and horror was too much for him.

↳ “Good evening Alex!” A faint voice called his name, Alex sat up slightly, observing the room he was in. A sudden headache caused the patient to flinch back into the bed. “Be careful! You shouldn’t move, the doctor said you should rest. Don’t worry too much Alex,” the faint voice said worryingly. The voice was clear as even now, it was Annabella. She was carrying a towel and a small bucket of water. Waking carefully towards the bed, the maid removed the damp towel that was placed on Alex’s forehead and replaced it with another towel that was soaked in cold water. “I forgot to say, congratulations Alex! Only one month in the palace and you’re already the queen’s assistant!” Annabella kindly said, smiling to the blonde male. While tending to Alex, Annebella would gossip every now and then. “I heard that her Majesty killed the old Adviser because he was plotting against her. An idiot I tell you, any sane person would never dare do such a thing unless they have a death wish.” Alex’s caretaker said. Alex just nodded while Annebella was still comprehending why the adviser would do such a thing. Many days passed by, Alex was released and started his new job immediately, he had to move all his belongings, which was not a lot. Maybe a few books and three sets of clothing but that was all. He was moved to a luxurious room close to Kiara’s chamber, the room included a fireplace and had a personal bathroom connected to it. After settling into the new environment, Kiara hadd called a meeting. Gathering all the members of the royal court to introduce the new assistant. “He seems fairly young...” “He can’t possibly be the new assistant..” “He’ll die in less than a week, just watch...” “He’s only 14, how can he do an adult’s job...” That was the few of the many whispers and gossip that ran through the halls and corridors as Alex passed, walking towards the meeting room. The assistant was wearing a black suit, which was provided by Kiara. Alex wore a black vest and pants, having a plain white shirt underneath and a golden colored tie to match his hair. His hair tied in a long braid that flowed behind him as he swiftly strode through the halls. Arriving at his destination, the nervous boy let out a heavy sigh. Alex nodded to the guard standing to the side of the entrance, and in which, the guard pushed the gate like doors, revealing a large tale filled with nobles. Many members of the royal court were discussing defensive strategies for some odd reason; they had no need to do so unless someone angered the other kingdoms.

One of the men at the table immediately noticed the male walk in, “Ah, the new assistant of the queen. Welcome to the royal court, your name is Alex correct?” Alex was a bit surprised, seeing that a member of the royal court acknowledged him and knew his name. “Yes sir. It’s an honor to meet you all,” the boy said bowing to all the elders. “Alex, you are a bit young but would you like to participate in our meeting?” The same male that first greeted Alex asked. Kiara had no interest in the meeting, she was petting her pet bird but hearing this suggestion, the queen immediately took interest. ”I love that idea! Alex is surprisingly smart for a butler, he’ll definitely surprise you.” To no one’s surprise, Alex gladly accepted the invitation. As the young butler walked toward the table he kindly asked for a small request. “May I ask, what are you looking at, I’d like to see if I would add my outlook.” “Go ahead butler, though you probably won’t understand it,” another tall male stated, he did whisper the last statement but it was still heard by the blonde haired boy. A map laid atop the table, it was unusually small of a map. It only showed a small session of the southeast part of the kingdom and the corners of the neighboring kingdoms.

As Alex observed the map, the thought of war flashed in his mind. He questioned, ‘why?’ There was no need to think of such a thing. No kingdom dared to attack or invade the kingdom, since all knew the tyrant queen would slaughter all that tried to. So he never had to worry about that but something clicked inside the boy’s head. ‘Rebellion. Even if other kingdoms won’t dare do so, that doesn’t mean the citizens of the kingdom would. Why are they discussing defensive tactics if there’s a bigger problem.’


Pushing the thought aside, Alex went back to the main objective, “I don’t think it’s necessary for such a thing. No kingdom would even dare to attack us.” A man sitting at one of the ends of the table stood, slamming his palms on the table, making a loud thud. “See! Even the butler agrees, it’s unnecessary and a waste of time.” The male that spoke then crossed his arms as he frustratedly sat down again. The meeting went on and on, Kiara had no interest in it even though she’s the queen. And Alex was the boredist person there. Eventually, the dreaded meeting has concluded and all members drifted their separate ways. But Alex had proven himself to many of the members, displaying his intelligence and sense of logical reason.

↳ A mouth or two had passed, and Alex adjusted to his new job promptly, the only change to the assistant’s life was that he got to serve the queen and many of the staff acknowledged he and his work. Kiara was very pleased with this, as she’d grown very fond of her assistant. She thought of him as a friend instead of a lowly peasant like she did with her other staff. You could say the tyrant queen had a soft spot for her loyal servant. Within the time that has passed, Kiara sent invitations to the Azure and Virescent Kingdoms. Instead of ordering a servant to deliver the mail, the queen tied the invitation on her goldfinches. Not many knew but Kiara cherished the puny birds, since Alex had given her a male goldfinch for her birthday, but Kiara did not always think this. At first, the female despised the bird, thinking that it was cheap and that Alex was looking down on her but in the end, Kiara grew quite attached to the bird. Soon after sending the invitations, the Prince of Azure and Princess of Virescent arrived, the two royals dressed like the common folk instead of elegant gowns and suits, you couldn't tell if the two were royals or normal citizens. You could find a single piece of jewelry on the pair. Well nothing but a ring, the prince and princess adorned a matching ring on their pinky finger. Alex was strolling through the town, fetching some fabric for Kiara. And while exiting the shop, the assistant ran into a fair maiden with hair of deep green. Her hair was a wavy sage green hair that flowed in the wind as she stood up, holding out a hand for the male to grab. She plastered a sweet smile that showed no harm, tucking her green hair behind her ear. “Are you injured?”

A bit surprised Alex responded, “No… I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” Her smile and her voice to him were sent from up above, was what he thought as Alex heard the voice of an angel. Something moved in his chest, you might call it love. “Oh, no problem. Have a nice day!” The kind girl then skipped away and headed towards a fairly handsome young male. What a coincidence that the same two people Alex met in the town were actually the guests from the Kingdoms, Azure and Virescent. Princess Sara and Prince Alistair were their names. The pair were sitting at a little table in the ballroom, tea and many pastries were laid across the table. “Oh Alex! Did you get the fabric and jewelry?” Kiara had just entered the ballroom and ambled her way to her assistant, leaning her head towards the pile of different colors of fabric and cloth. “Yes your Majesty, it’s right here. I’ll bring them to the tailor room right away.” “Wonderful! I can’t wait to see the dress! Aren’t you excited too Alex?!” Sighing, Alex nodded “Haha, of course your highness. I’m very curious about what it will look like.” Finishing his sentence, Alex then proceeded to walk towards the exit of the room, heading to the tailor’s room. “Wait Alex! Do you perhaps know Princess Sara?” Kiara awkwardly asked. Alex was a little puzzled, wondering why she would ask such a question, “Not really, I bumped into her while in the town actually.” “Ah, I see then. So you don’t have a connection to her, correct?” Kiara was asking quite odd and Alex, of course, saw this. Though he wouldn’t dare to question his sister. Alex may not know what was going on with Kiara but tried to ease the queen. “Yes your highness, the only interaction I’ve had with her was when I greeted her and the prince.” “I see, then you may go now Alex,” Kiara had said while holding her chin with one of her hands, posing a thinking stance. ‘That was quite weird...’


↳ “Summon my minister, IMMEDIATELY!” The queen shouted, she was overwhelmed with jealousy. Kiara was staring at a window, overseeing all her citizens happily talking and greeting the people from the neighboring kingdoms. The happiness the visitors

from the Virescent showed enraged the tyrant, clenching her fist. Quick footsteps were heard as the guard cowardly ran to the minister. Soon, a loud thud was heard, it was the guard and minister. The minister had hastily pushed the doors open, all he could see was his queen’s back. “Your Majesty... You wanted to see me..” a shaky voice came from the old male, quite scared by Kiara’s aura. With a quiet voice, she made her orders cleanly heard…

“I want to see that wretched kingdom of green burn.”

Quickly after, all you could see was red. Many of the Virescent’s Kingdom was burning right in front of their very eyes, all the homes and villages quickly faded into ash. Citizens were quickly fleeing away. In the capital of the Golden Kingdom, waves of smoke and burning embers were seen. All you could see in the southeast was the red light of the raging fires that consumed the kingdom. Though many citizens escaped, many other lives were stolen from the fires. The cries from the Virescent Kingdom couldn’t be heard as they were silenced by the blaze, the world turned a blind eye to the sorrow and misery that citizens were suffering. And while all this was happening, the princess of Virescent was nowhere to be found... Kiara watched as the Kingdom of Green was set ablaze, she knew and was well aware of the suffering and aftermath of this act. The Virescent Kingdom would be no more, that was guaranteed. As would be no royal family alive, and if one magically appears. Kiara doubted that they had enough people to be considered a kingdom anyways. The queen enjoyed the sight of the raging fires with some tea and cupcakes. Though Alex was not with her, which was indeed abnormal. It was such a joyous day for the tyrant but her closest friend (closest person she calls a friend) was not accompanying her? That was quite peculiar. The assistant was on a little errand. Though I doubt anyone would call it ‘little.’

The royal court had a meeting and Kiara and Alex were the only ones left in the room. The only members had already left, having only work and meetings to attend to. Kiara had told Alex to stay after the meeting, which was another unordinary thing that she did. Alex would

usually head to his chambers, as he was always very tired after the long meetings. The assistant was alarmed by his queen’s order. ‘She can’t be serious... Right!?’ “W- what..?” Alex’s voice was shaking, he just couldn’t do it, no human being could ever do such a thing!. Kiara never wants her friend to be frightened of her but jealousy got the best of her. The death stare of his queen sent shivers down his spine, “I want you to get rid of Sara, Alex. I don’t want to repeat myself.” Kiara sat in the chair, both legs crossed and her head lazily resting on her hand, the tyrant had it so casually, like it was a normal thing to say, like it wasn’t inhuman at all. “As you said before, you have no connection to her so you won’t feel bad,” Kiara stated, now looking at her recently painted nails with diamonds embedded in them. Kiara’s true side was shown, she did her best to hide it too. Alex quickly responded, “Is this really what you wish for my queen..?” He didn’t really know if he had the heart to do such a heinous crime but he would try, for his dear little sister.


“Yes, I wish for the Princess Sara of Virescent to die.” And with that, Alex left. He left with a knife in hand. Why would he kill the one he loves? Because he loves his sister more. She only knew him as a servant, a butler that was her assistant and nothing more than that. Alex had talked with the green haired princess many times after Kiara had bombarded the assistant with questions of the said princess. He sent Annebella to deliver a letter addressed to the princess of green.

{Dear, Princess Sara of the Virescent Kingdom I hope this letter finds you in good health. I’m rather busy this week and Queen Kiara has ordered me to tell you that she has invited you to a sunset tea party. As the party is exclusive, please head to ##### at 7:30 pm to be escorted to the party -

Assistant of the Queen, Alex Storm}

It was 7:10, only 20 minutes until the princess of Virescent’s end. The royal family of Virescent’s blood line will be no more after Alex pierces through the princess’s heart, ending her life. With his own hands no less.

Alex was waiting for the princess, his back leaned against the wall with one leg on the wall as well. The knife Alex had brought was hanging on his waist. The boy wore a belt with tool pockets. Suddenly, deep green hair filled the boy's eyesight. It was the one and only Princess of Virescent. She wore a kind smile. “Oh, Alex. Are you here to take me to the tea party?” She asked, obviously excited for the fake tea party. “I wouldn’t call it a party… per-say but yes, follow me Princess Sara,” Alex stated, you could hear the hurt in his voice. Alex led Sara to a well, a place no one would cross since the well had no water in it anymore. Looking around, Sara was a little hesitant to step in the area. “Where are we Alex? Did you forget wher-” the princess was interrupted by a knife that ran through her chest. Most people would hate and would show a face of horror but not Sara. Instead, she plastered a sweet smile to her killer. Her head laided on Alex’s shoulder while Alex warped one of his arms around the dying princess, embracing her for the last time. And the other hand pushing the knife deep into the girl's chest, and eventually. Hitting the heart. Just before the princess went limp, she whispered some gentle words to Alex. “Don’t guilt yourself on this, I just hope this was for a good reason...” her voice slowly faded as her life was coming to an end. With her last breath, she ended her life with this last sentence. “Please tell me your reason for this action when we see each other in heaven.” And with this, the Princess of Virescent was no more, her body lifeless with blood dripping from her wound. The elegant lime green dress she wore was stained with shades of red. ‘Good reason... I’d say that my reason to end your life wasn’t the best of reasons Princess. I hope to see you fly in heaven as I watch from hell’ “I’m sorry princess, but all good things must come to an end and it was my queen’s order. You must repent.”


↳ Walking through the the halls of the castle, Alex was covered in red stains that smelled exactly like blood. No one dared to look or speak to the assistant, as his eyes were bloodshot red and his forehead covered with wrinkles caused by frowning. The killer had stopped crying on his way to the castle and was heading towards the queen’s room. Opening the door, a sweet and nice girl was sitting in a chair with two goldfinches.

“Your majesty...” Alex quietly spoke, closing the doors beside him and slowly walked towards the tyrant queen he calls a sister. “I presume that Sara is dead,” Kiara spoke in a happy tone, which disgusted Alex. “Yes your highness, she is but someone will find her eventually.” Alex was worried that the Kingdom of Virescent would attack the kingdom with the little people that were left. This moment was a weak spot for the Golden Kingdom. “Does that matter? What would they do Alex, tell me. If they find ‘it’ then the Kingdom of Virescent has no heir. The kingdom is already buried in ashes.” Kiara was confident that nothing would happen to the kingdom she rules, but is that true? Alex responded, “I see, then I don’t have to worry.” “You never had to in the first place but yes, you needn’t worry Alex.” Kiara scoffed, annoyed at her assistant. ‘How dare he question my plan,’ was what the queen thought as she ordered the boy to wash off the blood. In the Virescent Kingdom, a young guard had barely survived the fires, her face and body covered in burns. “Oh my baby! You’re alive! Thank the heavens that Olympia got to you on time!” A modestly young mother cried tears of joy as the red haired female carried a toddler in her arms. Setting the boy down, he ran straight to his mother to embrace her with a warm and reassuring hug. And Olympia watched, with envy. father-’

💭 ‘Being embraced by the ones you love is always calming. Too bad my last one was when “Olympia, where’s your father? Is he helping other people like you are?” The lady

asked, interrupting the guard from her thoughts, which Olympia was actually grateful for, since she would have cried if she continued to think about her father. “No, he’s resting actually...” Olympia sugar coated her response, knowing that the lady and the people around would burst into more tears hearing that her father, Sir. Zane had died saving her. “Oh, in which camp? I’d like to praise him for raising such a great daughter!” Said the lady. “I’m afraid you can’t do that miss, he’s resting in a place you can’t reach...” Olympia showed a smile full of hurt and sorrow as she tilted her head up to the sky.

“Oh my! Zane is... I’m sorry for asking Olympia...,” the lady put a hand over her mouth, trying her hardest not to shed a tear. “SARA! Who did this to you!? Was it Kiara... that TYRANT! I bet she ordered you to be killed!” Prince Alistar of the Azure Kingdom was now kneeling on his knees. His love, Princess Sara’s head lifelessly laying on his lap. He stroked her cheek to remove the tears that were dripping from her eyes before her death. Alistar was looking for his beloved as he hadn’t seen her all noon, he first checked the places Sara would go to relax but alas. He could not find her anywhere until he searched her room. A torn envelope addressed to Sara was found laying on her bed. And the letter that was in it was nowhere to be seen as Sara had taken the letter with her. So when he finally found Sara, Alistar searched for a letter, desperately pleading to find the letter and find the culprit. “I’ll bring that tyrant down, I swear on my life that I will avenge you Sara!” Alistar stated, hugging the corpse of his dead girlfriend. He cried and cried to relieve the pain in his heart. Olympia was resting on a burnt wooden pile that used to be part of a house near one of the made campsites for the injured. Her eyes closed shut and her head faced the ash sky, she could smell the ash and dust left over from the fires that engulfed all of Virescent. Each and every breath she took disgusted her. Whoever did this to her people and home should burn in hell, that’s what Olympia thought. She thought that while taking every breath, sometimes she never wanted to breathe again, that's how much she despised the person that caused all this to happen to her loved ones.

💭 ‘Princess Sara, where are you? We need you...’

As Olympia was resting, she suddenly felt something land on her shoulder. Opening her eyes to the thing, Olympia immediately knew what it was as she turned her head to see a purple martin. The signature bird of the Kingdom of Azure. And of course, it was holding a letter from the Prince himself. The girl moved her index finger to the bird, having it climb the finger and it was now perched there. Why did Alistar send it to Olympia? That’s because Olympia is Sara’s personal guard. Taking the letter Olympia viewed it.

💭 ‘N-no! This can’t be! Princess Sara was... assassinated!’

Heartbreaking... The only word that could describe the emotions Olympia was going through. First her father and now her princess. Her rage for the culprit who did was going to

pay, paying with their life. And to no one’s surprise, the culprit was the ruler of the Golden Kingdom, Princess Kiara. The titled tyrant, the one who would eventually corrupt the world if she wasn’t stopped. The red haired guard grabbed some burnt wood that was covered in charcoal and wrote on the letter, though it did look like chicken scratch but readable. And with the last stroke, Olympia gave the indigo colored bird the letter back. As she watched the bird soar into the sky, Olympia stood up and headed toward the center of the camp. To pack and head to the dreadful place called the Golden Kingdom. And the plan? To cause a rebellion of course. The citizens of the Golden Kingdom always had enough of their rulers. Kiara raised the taxes almost every month just to satisfy her greedy needs and now that Prince Alistar has spread rumors Kiara killed Princess Sara and burning the whole Kingdom of Virescent. This was the perfect time to attack. Olympia will kill that tyrant for her father and Princess Sara and Alistar will avenge his beloved Sara.

↳ Olympia took horseback to travel to the neighboring kingdom, the guards at the entrance of the Golden Kingdom let the foreigner pass through since Olympia had the crest of the royal guards, which was enough to the verify her identity. As her horse trotted around the town, she spotted a familiar blue haired male. Alistar had riled up many citizens and townsfolk. From what Olympia could hear, the prince was explaining and persuading them to join the rebellion and sure enough, almost all agreed in an instant. Some were too scared to try and face the tyrant queen while others joined because they had nothing to lose. “Prince Alistar! I came as soon as I reserved your letter. Are you sure you want to do this?” Olympia asked, halting her horse. The prince excused himself from the citizens and strolled to the familiar royal guard. “As expected, many of the townspeople are enraged, the rumors spread fast and now almost anyone took the opportunity to dethrone that tyrant.” The prince stated, glancing at the crowd of citizens every once in a while. “The plan is going exactly as planned, Olympia.” As Alistar delineated more of the plan, the red haired guard dismounted her horse. The first thing that the female noticed was how clean the air was, no ash or smoke in the air at all. She cherished this as she enjoyed the non polluted air.

After convincing all the citizens of the Golden Kingdom to join to raid the castle. Each person had a sharp weapon to stab and wound the guards and knights if needed, many had kitchen knives or pit forks or even actual swords. The meeting place was the fountain in the center of the capital. It was within 4-5 minutes of walking to reach the palace. The mutineers were undaunted since the guards didn’t even have the energy to hold a sword. The war that clashed between the kingdoms wore the soldiers out and going back to their jobs in the palace pushed them to their limits, many dropped to their knees before they could draw their swords. The luxurious castle was surrounded. Every corner was bombarded by the citizens. Many of the staff had already escaped, feeling pity for them, the citizens let them run. The leaders of this mutiny, Prince Alistar and former-royal guard Olympia were closing in to their target, and both knew the place she would be. The balcony. The two dashed through the halls, Alistar leading the guard towards the queen. They ran up staircase after staircase until they were on the fifth floor. All they had to do was dash straight and kick down the door. But both thought, ‘This is too easy... can we actually kill the tyrant queen this easily..?’ Olympia knew that the prince had the exact thought since both gazed at each other at the same time. And even with that thought, they took that chance. And with a nod, the two sprinted towards the doors of the tyrant queen’s chambers. Bashing the door into wooden fragments. There she was Princess Kiara of the Golden Kingdom, the one and only tyrant. She stood there, her expression as normal as ever. Kiara was on her balcony, leaning against the railing. And of course, one of her goldfinches was perched on her finger, but the sudden slam of the door breaking scared it off and the bird flew away. “Your rule ends here you monster! The daughter of evil will end here and now!! I swear by my sword!” A red haired female dressed in all knight’s armor stated. She was outraged just by seeing the face of the killer of her father and her lord and queen. As Olympia was raising her sword, the prince of blue interfered with the knight’s attack by grabbing her wrist. “Olympia! Wait! Don’t kill her.” Alistar started with a harsh tone, his eyes showed the seriousness of his words. The Knight of red was outraged! This was their chance to kill the tyrant, why would the prince stop her? “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!” “I said stop, rather than kill her now. We behead her at the village center.” “I actually like that idea more. Princess of the Golden Kingdom, Kiara Alarie. You are hereby sentenced to death by guillotine.” Olympia stated all so happily, a smug grin was plastered on the knight’s face as she said those words. “How dare you show such disrespect!” Were the last words Kiara said before being taken away. To the horrifying rotting jail cells, in which she had created.


↳ Kiara, the tyrant queen would had have ruled the world if it wasn’t for the cuffs on her wrist and ankles. The most powerful and corrupt ruler in history. Many say that no one would ever dethrone her from that title for more than a millennium, which may or may not be true. The queen was rethinking her- or should I say his life.

↬ “ALEX WHERE ARE YOU?! They’re rioting! How do I solve this..!” Kiara was in a state of panic, her eyes showing her slowly fading into insanity. The veins in her eyes were scarlet red, bold enough to count each and every vein while her pupil was violently shaking. Kiara’s hair was the most messy thing in the room and that's saying a lot, since the room was turned upside down. After hearing that her citizens were rioting the queen tore out the sheets, ripped the feathers in the pillows and smashed lamps, glasses, priceless paintings and sculptures. And Alex was nowhere to be found, again… Alex was in his room, a horde of angry citizens were breaching the palace walls and all Alex was doing was grabbing his clothes and cutting his hair. Was he planning to get a new identity and escape like the others and leave the princess? After taking the clothings, the assistant briskly bolted to the queen’s chambers. He was on a time crunch and he did not waste even a second of that time. Alex clutched the clothes like his life depended on it. Well his life didn’t depend on it but hers did. Bursting into his sister's room, Alex was greeted with a princess that's gradually driving herself crazy and a chaotically littered room. “Alex...” Kiara cautiously turned her head, seeing a boy that looked like a girl. Her assistant had the same hairstyle as her and he had makeup to hide his eye bags. “Listen now my queen, give your clothing to me. You and I will switch and away you must flee.” Alex sweetly said, he seemed so calm as he said this. “A-Alex! They'll kill you if we switch!” Exclaimed Kiara, her voice shaken from the fright of losing her one and only friend. “I’m well aware of that Kiara,” the male stated calmly, he talked as if death never scared him.

Kiara practically cried as she responded, “NO! You can’t die! You’re my assistant and friend!!” “You forgot to add ‘brother’ in that sentence Kiara.” “I- what…?” Bowing his head, Alex reintroduced himself again, “Hello Princess Kiara Alarie. I, Alex Alarie, am here to serve you until that end. It’s good to see you sister,” the words crashed down to Kiara, all this time, she had a brother and he was right there. In her grasp for months. She didn’t believe it at first but, memory after memory unraveled itself. Kiara and Alex were playing in the royal garden and the maids would always have picnics with the twins. The twins would play hide and seek but none of them could actually find the other since the castle was seven floors so they alway had to get the butlers and maids to help and search for the other twin. The year before they had to go to school, Alex was taken away by a mysterious male and she never saw him again. Until now. Remembering this, Kiara quickly hugged and embraced her brother,“ALEX! I remember you a-and and-” “Shush, I know you remember but I need you to live. We can talk later Kiara,” Alex said with a sweet smile, even though he knew that talk was never going to come. Alex gently handed Kiara his clothes and the two switched, Kiara was now Alex and Alex as now Kiara. The true queen was still unsure of this and reconsidered the idea every two seconds. To reassure her of this Alex said, “It will be ok, we are twins don’t you see. They won’t know, now dear. Don’t look back and just leave.” As he said that, Alex pushed his sister out the room and locked it so she couldn’t go back in. ‘I am only the double, the true queen runs free. If the devil’s your lord and the masses curse your name then I am a demon too, for our blood’s one and the same...’ After hearing the footsteps slowly fade away, Alex then unlocked the door to let his captors in when they came.


And now, here we are. The tyrant princess held in place by a guillotine that will end her reign of corruption. While kneeling there, Kiara could see all her citizens, watching her be murdered and killed in broad daylight. And in the crowd, was a similar face. A young male in his teens, he had charming aquamarine eyes and matched his short blonde hair that was covered

by a cloak that hid his face. Kiara mouthed some words to the male, and smiled as the metal slit her throat, head decapitated. The male, silently sobbed as he observed his sister get killed and he hated that he could do absolutely nothing to stop it. As the crowd cheered as this day marked the day of the end of the tyrant queen. Many hugged and cried tears of happiness to be free from the grasp of their queen and then there was Alex. He shed tears but they were filled with sadness. The queen’s brother hastily ran away from the scene and fled. Repeating the words of his dear sister through his mind as he ran, to a place where no one would find him.

❝ 𝐈𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐢𝐭’𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮; 𝐬𝐨 𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧... ❞

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