Missouri State University College of Business Administration Brochure

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College of

Business Administration www.coba.missouristate.edu


Contents Accountancy . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Computer Information Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fashion and Interior Design . . . . . . . . . 10 Finance and General Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Management . . . . . . . . . . 14 Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Technology and Construction Management . . . . . . . . . . 18 COBA Success . . . . . . . . . 20 Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 About MSU . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Your success is our

passion! Programs Within the Business Unit

Programs Outside the Business Unit

• School of Accountancy

• Department of Technology and Construction Management

• Department of Computer

Information Systems • Department of Finance and

General Business • Department of Management • Department of Marketing • Department of Technology

and Construction Management (Master of Science in Project Management only) The business unit is fully accredited by AACSBInternational, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.



The construction management program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE).

• Department of Fashion and

Interior Design The department’s family and consumer sciences B.S.Ed. and M.S.Ed. programs are accredited by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

Welcome to the College of Business Administration at Missouri State University. I am pleased that you are considering pursuing a major in one of the many business specialties available at Missouri State. The high-quality programs we offer are nationally accredited and are available at a very reasonable cost. As a result, the value added for each of our graduates is significant. I am firmly convinced that the success of the College of Business Administration is dependent upon three factors: 1) recruiting academically talented students, 2) providing a superior educational experience for these students and 3) assisting our graduates with career services and placement activities. Our College has exhibited strengths in all of these areas, which are illustrated in the following pages of this brochure. The heart and soul of any academic program is centered on the quality of its faculty. Many have won teaching and research awards, have practical business experience and are nationally recognized for their accomplishments. It is important to note that our full-time faculty members do all of the teaching. Graduate assistants are not used for classroom instruction in the College of Business Administration. Another unique feature of our business program is that all students are advised on an individual basis through the Business Advisement Center. Staffed by a core of professionally trained advisors, the Center provides routine and specialized advisement, as well as monitors each student’s progress toward

degree completion. These advisors are available on a continuous basis and take a genuine interest in each student’s well being. In addition, students are assisted by the Career Services Center in preparing for a career path by participating in an internship or cooperative education activity to gain relevant experience in their field of study. Our internship/ cooperative education program is one of the largest in the Midwest and provides many opportunities for our majors. This type of assistance ensures Missouri State business graduates are highly sought after by a large number of employers. Typically, more than 200 companies come to campus each year to recruit our students. Finally, I would point out that all programs within the business unit in the College of Business are fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Among colleges and universities in the nation offering business degrees, only 30 percent have been granted this status. In summary, I invite you to carefully review what we have to offer. With a solid foundation for the business world, the opportunities for success are endless. We truly welcome the opportunity to personally visit with you about your academic career in business at Missouri State University.

— Stephanie M. Bryant, PhD Dean & David D. Glass Distinguished Leadership Chair



We hear you are interested in


You could not choose a better school than the College of Business Administration at Missouri State University. Here’s why:

• We have every major you could want. There are seven departments in COBA: the School of Accountancy, the Department of Computer Information Systems, the Department of Fashion and Interior Design, the Department of Finance and General Business, the Department of Technology and Construction Management, the Department of Management and the Department of Marketing. • You will graduate from a school with a great reputation. COBA, and its accounting program, are both accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. This is an accomplishment shared by few business schools in the world. It means the school is able to continuously pass a strict set of standards. You will be prepared to enter the job market at the regional, national or international level. • You will be a part of Missouri State and have the great opportunities only a major university can offer. • You will be taught by awesome faculty members. Most COBA professors have real-life experience in their fields, and more than 80 percent have doctorates. All classes are taught by faculty members or by highly qualified per-course instructors, such as leaders of local companies. Classes are never taught by graduate assistants.

• You will be set up for a lifetime of success thanks to a career center just for business students. We can help you get an internship, prepare for interviews and set up meetings with potential employers. • You will attend a school that’s a great value. Missouri State costs are lower than state and national averages. We also provide extra boosts through federal, state and institutional aid. • We give you memorable experiences. Our students enter (and win) competitions in areas including construction, information technology, robotics and more. Also, most departments have student organizations whose members network, discuss class work, hear speakers from the business world — and sometimes just decompress and eat pizza. • You will have the choice to continue your education. COBA offers lots of master’s degrees, so you can stay here to pursue graduate school. We even have accelerated master’s programs in accountancy, business administration and project management. That means you can combine graduate classes with your undergraduate curriculum and get a master’s degree more quickly.

Let’s make your career dreams come true together. At Missouri State University, you can follow your passion and find your place.





“ Accounting is about responsibility. You have to earn people’s trust and you have to have ethics. We learn how to account for costs in a way that anyone inside or outside of a company can understand.”

Meet Winston Wun

Senior accounting major from St. Louis, Mo. Winston Wun says making connections is the best part of being an accounting student at Missouri State.   “We have lots of speakers, including business leaders,” he said. “They talk about different careers — some of which I never knew about — and give advice.”   Winston also networks through two business fraternities. He has formed relationships with professors, who will even stay after office hours to help when he needs it.   He wants potential students to know that MSU has a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. “It’s easy to get involved — it’s not an intimidating campus.”   His upper-level classes are challenging, but he smiles while talking about ways to blow off steam: playing his violin (he once considered becoming a professional musician), watching movies and competing on computer games. “Exercise is also a stress outlet. The struggle of lifting weights represents pushing past the negativity in your life.”   His advice for incoming students is “to surround yourself with good influences — find role models and set goals.”   He knows his hard work now will pay off later.   “The way the business classes are set up prepares you for a real-life job.”



School of

Accountancy What is accounting? Accountants keep track of all the financial transactions of a business. Accountants save companies money by tracking each expense. They help businesses stay on budget and follow tax rules. Their oversight may also prevent theft. When students graduate with this major, what are they prepared to do? Almost every business needs an accountant, so graduates may work for employers ranging from large corporations to small businesses. Many work as certified public accountants at major accounting and auditing firms. There is a Missouri State graduate at each of the biggest six accounting firms. Graduates may also work for government agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service or a state auditor’s office. They may also work in the nonprofit sector. Why should students consider this field? Most accountants make a good salary. Also, there are jobs available despite an economic downturn — after all, in a bad economy there is more need for oversight of budgets.

Students in Individual Income Tax Assistance classes prepare tax returns for senior citizens, low-income residents and taxpayers who speak English as a second language. Students help more than 4,700 people in the community each year while gaining real-life experience. To learn more about accounting at Missouri State, see www.missouristate.edu/soa/.

Why should accounting students choose Missouri State? We are known in the business world for producing good employees. We continually update our programs to meet the needs of the current climate. Also, accounting classes are taught by full-time faculty members who hold advanced degrees and have professional experience. We also offer a master’s degree in accounting so students can complete both undergraduate and graduate studies. How are students in the School of Accountancy trained for the real world? Our goal is to make their classes as close to real-life situations as possible. We make sure students have firm deadlines and rigorous coursework. They are encouraged to do internships because these provide valuable experience, give the students something to put on their resumes and open doors to future employment. Students may even get class credit for a volunteer program in which they prepare income-tax returns for elderly and low-income taxpayers. These are real returns they are doing for real taxpayers.

What are some general characteristics of students who will thrive as accounting majors? They must be hard-working and dedicated. They should like working with numbers and have good math skills. They should have good communication skills because they will be in touch with clients and colleagues throughout the day. How much support can students expect from their professors? Students and faculty members in the College of Business Administration build strong relationships. Faculty members are more than happy to help with problems or assignments. Professors also sponsor groups like Accounting Club, so they get to know students outside of class. What is some good advice for people who are beginning to consider a major in accounting? Take a bookkeeping course in high school or at a community college to see if you have an aptitude for the field. Next, take an introductory accounting course in college. Even if you decide it is not the right major for you, a foundation in accounting principles can be used in any other field you pursue.



“ Don’t be afraid to talk to your teachers. I wish someone had told me that when I started here. Get to know them, earn their trust and listen to their stories of experience in your field. They all want you to succeed.”

Meet Ryan Jehle

Senior computer information systems/ economics major from Overland Park, Kan. Ryan Jehle came to Missouri State with high expectations of the College of Business Administration. “My dad is in business in Kansas City and heard from his colleagues that they have had success with people they hire from Missouri State. I also liked what I saw on the MSU web site and on social networks. COBA lived up to its reputation — I have been 100 percent satisfied.” Ryan was recruited to play basketball for the Bears. “I fit in three meals, my classes, five hours in the gym and homework in a day.” He advises students to go to class every day even if they are busy, because simply showing up for class is the foundation for doing well in school. Ryan finds time to socialize as well. His girlfriend is a volleyball player and many of his friends are also athletes, so they often use study sessions as friend time. Ryan, who has a commercial pilot’s license, spends time in the off-season flying a single-engine plane over Springfield. Ryan plans to stay here to earn a master’s degree in business, then become an entrepreneur who starts companies. “I liked this major because I felt like it was teaching me skills that might be difficult to pick up on the job. I feel prepared for where the future of business is headed.”



Department of

Computer When students graduate with this major, what are they prepared to do? Computer information systems is a mix of technology and business. This field is not about hardware; our graduates don’t build computers. Instead, they figure out how a company can best use computers as a business tool. For example, they may set up computer systems to track inventory, manage sales or keep track of payroll. Our graduates also make sure any technology put in place suits the company’s needs and works reliably. Most graduates become either a programmer/analyst, someone who plans and analyzes computer programs (instructions that tell the machine what to do), or an information technology service manager, someone who designs and maintains computer networks for a business or large corporation. Why should students consider this field? The world’s economy is technology-driven. There are a healthy number of jobs available in this field and openings are likely to increase. Many jobs have good starting salaries. Also, graduates may find opportunities to advance: CEOs are now being chosen from this field because this area carries a lot of weight in the current business climate.

Experts from HealthMEDX, a business that provides software to health-care organizations, speak to students about careers in the field. Student groups often invite professional speakers. To learn more about computer information systems at Missouri State, see http://cis.missouristate.edu/.

Information Systems Why should students interested in this field choose Missouri State? Our students are well-rounded. First, they get the experience of being at a major university. Next, they are studying at a business school. Finally, they get specialty training. This gives them flexibility to stay in their field or branch out into another area. They can also stay here to earn a master’s degree or go on to other graduate programs, including law school. Lastly, we have been offering this type of training for a long time and have built relationships with many corporate partners. How are students in this major trained for the real world? Our professors make sure the courses are rigorous enough that the students are truly prepared. If the classes are too easy, students may like that at first — but it backfires on them later. Once a school gets that kind of reputation, companies won’t hire their graduates because the students are not good at their jobs. We also encourage students to do internships and help them find those opportunities. The trend is that companies hire people out of their internship pool, so it’s a dress rehearsal for real life. Students who keep good grade point averages and complete an internship almost always get job offers.

What kinds of classes can CIS students expect? Many of the classes specific to this major will be taught using computers. Some are lecture-based and deal with concepts, while others are highly hands-on and require students to follow along on computers. What are some general characteristics of students who will thrive as CIS majors? They will be logical, like computers and be goal-driven. Most of the successful students in this field see the coursework as fun — they enjoy their classes.



“I have always been creative and like to present new ideas. Once I discovered fashion and design, everything seemed right.”

Meet Michelle Kelsay-Mahler Junior fashion and interior design dual major from Ellington, Mo.

Pursuing dual majors in fashion design and fashion merchandising, Michelle Kelsay-Mahler is maximizing her creative ability while learning how to be a great businessperson. Michelle chose to prepare for a career in fashion because of her love for art. “I have always been creative and like to present new ideas. I looked into different fields like art and graphic design. Once I discovered fashion and design, everything seemed right.” Working toward two majors is preparing Michelle for a variety of career options. “I believe I will be comfortable working in a number of areas in fashion.” Her classroom experiences could be quite comparable. “My design professor, Mrs. Sandra Bailey, has had the most impact on me. Mr. McKelvie, my illustration professor, really pushed me. And Gerri Mack, my advanced product development professor, is a professional designer, so she has a lot of knowledge in growing a business.” Michelle will be taking what she’s learned in the classroom and applying it at two internships – one with David’s Bridal and the other with Professor Mack, working in her children’s clothing design company. As a member of the MSU Association of Fashion and Design, Michelle has assisted with the Catwalk for the Cure Fashion Show and developed, along with other design students, a collection for the Springfield Fall into La Mode Fashion Show.



Department of

Fashion and What degree options are available to students interested in fashion and interior design? Students may select to major in fashion merchandising and design, interior design or family and consumer sciences. • Fashion merchandising and design majors specialize in merchandising and management, or in fashion design and product development. • Interior design majors learn to develop design solutions that are appealing, sophisticated and practical. • Family and consumer science majors gain expertise in educational principles, as well as in specialty areas like family, human and child development; consumer and resource management; nutrition and wellness; fashion and textiles; and housing and interior design. How are students in this program trained for the real world? The department encourages internships, and there is at least one study tour offered each year to locations in the U.S. or Europe. Students may also join student organizations specific to their major, where they are able to develop networking skills, participate in fashion shows and provide their services to community groups.

The fashion and interior design department offers a variety of programs to showcase the talents and services of its students. To learn more about this department, see www.missouristate.edu/fid/.

Interior Design What are the general characteristics of students who thrive as fashion merchandising and design majors? They are creative and technical. They like to predict trends. They enjoy hands-on work and managing projects and businesses. Students who specialize in merchandising and management draw from their creative abilities and apply successful business principles to become buyers, retail managers, fashion coordinators and business owners. Those whose emphasis is in fashion design and product development learn how to take their concepts from the drawing board to the runway. They prepare to enter the fashion industry as designers, pattern makers and visual merchandisers. What do interior designers do when they graduate? Interior designers are the experts who keep our living, working and gathering places convenient, comfortable and beautiful. Students in this field are prepared for many career options, ranging from positions in architectural firms to providing freelance services to individuals. Missouri State students in this field have a unique resource because MSU has one of the most comprehensive “sample libraries� in the state. This means local design firms and suppliers provide wallpaper, flooring and other samples you can use in assignments and projects.

When students graduate with a family and consumer science degree, what are they prepared to do? Graduates of the family and consumer sciences education program are in high demand in Missouri and throughout the nation. They are educators who empower others to solve problems of the family and succeed in the everyday environment – teaching personal finance, parenting, critical thinking and healthy lifestyle choices. A few examples of careers include family life resource educators, grade school nutrition teacher and high school instructors. Why should students interested in this field choose Missouri State? Students in either fashion, interior design or family and consumer science may use all of the considerable resources offered by the College of Business Administration, a leader in business education. The courses offered in Glass Hall are complemented by career counseling to help students excel, whether they plan to work for an agency or begin their own company. Fashion students may use garment construction laboratories that have design software to help students bring together fabric, component and style choices to visualize how each works together.



“ My best advice for new students is to go to class every day. No one is going to be here forcing you to go, but it is essential to attend if you really want to be successful in school.” Sabrina with her favorite professor, Dr. Stanley Leasure

Meet Sabrina Leonard

Senior general business major from Paterson, N.J. Sabrina Leonard chose Missouri State because of the reputation of the College of Business Administration.   “I also came here because there are other respected majors, in case I decided business wasn’t for me,” she said. “There are endless possibilities here.” Sabrina plans to attend graduate school to become a business lawyer. “This degree has given me an understanding of all the aspects of running a business.” She says the best thing about COBA is the faculty. “The professors are approachable and really know what they are doing. Most of them have real-world experience and they bring that to the classroom.” She’s confident she’ll be ready when she graduates. “We have tons of projects that have high participation levels. For example, in some marketing classes a local businessperson will come talk to students and then we come up with a marketing plan. The client may actually use ideas from the class.” When she’s not studying, Sabrina likes to check Facebook or go to downtown Springfield to dance, watch a movie or have coffee. “I am from near New York City. Springfield thankfully has everything I need in a city, plus it’s safe.” Sabrina says potential students should know that MSU is “fun and inclusive; anyone can find a niche and fit in here.”



Students recently went to New York City to visit the heart of the world’s financial marketplace.

Department of

Finance What is a general business major? General business is a good choice for students who have an interest in business but haven’t picked an area of specialization. This major exposes them to areas throughout the College of Business Administration, including accounting, computer information systems, finance, management and marketing. These students become well-rounded businesspeople. What is a finance major? Finance is the management of money on a personal, small business or corporate level. Finance majors go on to supervise the investments, financial affairs and real estate dealings of individuals, private companies or public agencies. Why is the study of finance and general business important? A company can be doing the best scientific or artistic work in the world, but if their money is not properly managed the business can fail. The study of these areas ultimately helps the entire community by making sure the foundations of businesses are strong.

Many classes have high levels of participation, which means students do hands-on work that really prepares them. To learn more about finance and general business at Missouri State, see www.missouristate.edu/fgb/.

and General Business When students graduate with a major in general business, what are they prepared to do? This degree encompasses a wide range of career opportunities. Some employers may prefer to hire students with a broad preparation and then provide specific training within the company, so general business students are prepared for a variety of entry-level positions. General business majors may also go on to get master’s degrees. When students graduate with a major in finance, what are they prepared to do? A few examples of jobs include credit analyst, loan officer, financial analyst, financial manager, treasurer, stock broker, investment analyst, portfolio manager, personal financial planner, real-estate broker and real-estate developer. What kinds of classes can students expect? There are lecture-based courses in the first few years. Upper-level classes often require participation and allow students to put their training into practice. For example, students may be given an assignment to simulate a product launch or analyze a real company and report about its finances, stock performance and other factors.

What are some general characteristics of students who will thrive as finance or general business majors? They must be driven, internally motivated and willing to work. They must love working with numbers. They must be responsible because many of them will be in charge of other people’s money. What is some advice for people who are considering a major in finance or general business? Take a lot of math classes. Read relevant materials, such as business magazines and The Wall Street Journal, to learn how current events tie into financial decisions. Make sure business is your true passion and something that excites you every day. For instance, an enthusiastic money manager will have a tireless urge to follow the stock market. Why should students consider this field? It is both challenging and rewarding — the coursework is difficult and it is competitive, but the compensation is good and there is a high rate of job placement because there is always a demand for savvy financial management.



“ The College of Business Administration really strives to be one of the best business schools in the U.S. and the world. They listen to students and take their input seriously.”

Meet Nicole Benedict

Senior entertainment management major from Wright City, Mo. Nicole Benedict was excited to find the entertainment management major at Missouri State. “I want to be a wedding planner, but not many schools give training for that. This was the school that felt right to me, and it was a bonus they had my field.” Nicole enjoys her program: “We all want to help each other. I love COBA because it’s a professional environment.” Her classes don’t always have textbooks. “We talk about news articles and current business books. One cool thing we do is run a web site, www.entertainmentmanagementonline. com. We write weekly news summaries for that and some actual professionals subscribe to it.” Nicole’s advice to incoming students is to check out clubs. She is the president of the Entertainment Management Association and is in other groups. “You are at a big university, but if you get involved it feels like a smaller school. The people are nice and it’s easy to make friends.” Nicole sets aside time in her planner to hang out with friends at downtown boutiques and coffee shops, the mall and parks. Recently she has been making road trips to the nearby city of Branson for shopping, miniature golf and amusement parks. “Missouri State is fun! There is so much to do both on campus and around Springfield. I am never bored.”



Department of

Management What is management? Management is planning, organizing and directing the efforts of other workers. Management is a people-oriented business, and this degree gives you the tools needed to really understand people and their interactions. Good managers guide employees and help them navigate a company. They also help companies reach their goals through the work of their employees. What kinds of subjects do management students study? There are several areas of study in our department: • Administrative: This is a general study. Students in this track are exposed to knowledge from all the fields. It is good preparation for graduate school or more training. • Entrepreneurship: This is for students who want to run their own businesses. • Entertainment management: This is for students who want to work in the entertainment industry, from music to sports. • Human resources: This covers all the things that go into maintaining a workforce, from hiring and paying employees to labor negotiations. • International business: This area teaches students about other cultures, customs and business practices.

Students in the Entertainment Management Association discuss field trips at a recent meeting. The group planned to visit California and attend the Super Bowl in Florida. To learn more about management at Missouri State, see http://mgt.missouristate.edu/.

• Production and operations: This is about the process of designing and producing a good or service. It includes learning about inventory, quality control, materials handling, plant management and project management. When students graduate with a major in management, what are they prepared to do? They can enter almost any organization and work towards a position in management. They may start at a lower position in order to learn about a company, but once they have that institutional knowledge they have the skill set to move into management. Job titles of graduates include business owner, event coordinator, manager of a sports venue (such as a stadium), personal manager for a musician or other artist, production controller, purchasing manager and wedding planner. What are some general characteristics of students who will thrive as marketing majors? This is a broad area with lots of opportunities, so there is no single type of student who will succeed in the department. In general, managers help people get motivated and resolve conflicts, so students must be able to be leaders and problem solvers. They must have good communication skills.

What kinds of classes can management students expect? Most classes taken by freshmen and sophomores are lecture-based. Juniors and seniors will do business analysis, projects, papers and simulations. Some students may even do outreach work with local businesses. Why should management students choose Missouri State? There has been an evolution in this field thanks to technology and other niche areas. Missouri State alters its programs to reflect those needs in the workplace. Also, the College of Business Administration has professors who do research — for example, Dr. Mary Coulter is the co-author of one of the most popular management textbooks in the world. Our teachers are able to weave that research into the classroom. Lastly, our average class size is in the mid-30s, a much smaller number than many other major universities. What advice would you give students considering this field? Figure out your personal strengths and weaknesses, because people who are more self-aware are better at understanding others. Learn to really listen; it’s a tool that will be needed in the workplace.



“I feel like I belong here at Missouri State. I think anyone could belong here — with all the majors, groups, clubs and other activities, there is something for everyone.”

Meet Tiffany Blain

Junior marketing major from Eldon, Mo. Tiffany Blain knew she wanted to study business, and she knew Missouri State had a great program. But what really sold her was her campus tour. “I just fell in love with the school’s layout, because even though it’s a big university it is really easy to get around. Because the campus is so condensed, when you walk around you see so many familiar faces.” She also liked Springfield. “It’s like a small town with everything you expect from a big city — tons of restaurants, movie theaters and shopping, all in a homey atmosphere.” Tiffany is in a social sorority and a professional business fraternity. She also works on campus. “My best advice to new students is to get involved. You will like the school a lot more and will feel more at home.” Her favorite thing about COBA is the faculty. “They help you network because they have a lot of connections. Most of my professors are so upbeat and positive.” Tiffany plans to stay here to earn a master’s degree, then go into event planning. She had a message for potential students about MSU: “I love it. I think they’ll love it. It’s a great school.”



The Ad Team was chosen from every school in the nation to design a web site for a joint internship between the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. Dr. Melissa Burnett (left) and students traveled to Washington, D.C., where they met officials including FBI Assistant Director John G. Raucci (center).

Department of

Marketing What is marketing? Marketing is the wide range of activities involved in making sure a company meets the needs of its customers while getting something in return. The mantra of marketing is “satisfy the consumer at a profit.” Marketing includes dreaming up new products or services, improving current products or services, conducting surveys and doing other research, designing products, promoting products and services, getting products to distribution points, managing inventory and setting prices. When students graduate with this major, what are they prepared to do? There are two academic programs within the major: logistics / supply-chain management and comprehensive marketing. Logistics and supply-chain management graduates help businesses store and distribute raw materials and finished products. They typically work in customer service, inventory management, transportation or front-line supervision. Comprehensive marketing graduates may specialize in the fields of advertising and promotion, marketing management, marketing research, retailing/merchandising or sales/sales management.

Students in the marketing department have lots of opportunities to meet with representatives from professional businesses. The College of Business Administration holds career fairs on a regular basis. To learn more about marketing at Missouri State, see www.missouristate.edu/mkt/.

Why should marketing students choose Missouri State? Marketing majors also take required general-education classes, so they become good all-around professionals who are also well-versed in all areas of their specialty. When they leave they are prepared for many different kinds of careers. We also have a University-wide public affairs mission, which means we create better business citizens who are concerned with ethical business practices. How are students trained for the real world? The department encourages internships. Professors can fill a student’s mind with theory, but students must get outside the University to apply what they know. Interns have been placed at thousands of companies in the United States.

What kinds of classes can marketing majors expect? There are some lecture-based courses and some hands-on courses. Many involve a lot of student-led discussion. Students can expect to do group projects, simulations and presentations. In the advanced selling course, for example, students give presentations and are critiqued by their peers and professors. What is some advice for new students? Try to figure out where your heart lies by keeping an open mind about your future. Take a variety of classes all around campus and take notes about what you do and don’t like. Follow up if you find an area that interests you. We hope you find the world of marketing to be your choice!

What are some general characteristics of students who will thrive as marketing majors? Almost any student can find his or her niche because marketing includes so many fields. There are programs based in creativity, such as advertising. There are also programs based in observation and scientific theory, such as behavior analysis. All marketers must have good social skills and treat people with respect at all times.



“ You should do both the academic and social part of college. You develop your skills through school work, but you have to develop as an individual, too. I have a calendar and to-do lists to keep me on track.”

Meet Derek Sisel

Junior construction management major from Kansas City, Mo. Derek Sisel’s family has history in this career: His grandfather, a civil engineer for the U.S. Air Force, did construction and planning for military bases. “In other jobs, when you finish a project you may have a piece of paper to show for your work,” Derek said. “In construction, you have the satisfaction of going to a building years down the line and saying, ‘I built that.’” Derek, the president of Missouri State’s Construction Club, made his own desks and bookshelves in high school. “My major combines that artistic side with academic skills.” Derek wants to eventually own a home remodeling and building business, and his time away from school reflects that interest. He and his off-campus roommates work on all kinds of house projects. He also competes at Associated Schools of Construction events. “We plan schedules, materials and construction costs as though this housing development was really going to be built.” Derek has completed several internships, including one with a Chicago-based contractor, and he volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. Derek isn’t all about construction, though. He likes to play racquetball, meet friends downtown and play his guitar. “I’d like to be known as the guy who can bring a lot of students together to build a house for charity, then go out afterwards and have a good time.”



Department of

Technology and What do technology management majors do when they graduate? They are trained to understand technology that might help businesses improve productivity or make goods and services more efficiently. Students are also trained to manage people. This allows them to take on leadership roles in industry and manufacturing. Possible job titles include project manager, quality manager, product engineer and technical manager. What do technology management students study? Technology management students get a mixture of both technical and management training. They get a broad foundation in management. The technical subjects they may study include electronics, robotics and facility management. This major accepts a number of technical courses from two-year schools. Students may also choose a minor that allows them to get further specialization. What are some general characteristics of students who will thrive as technology management majors? They should like problem solving because they will be asked to fix complex technical problems. They should also like to learn the latest technology and experiment with different ideas in a team environment.

All technology and construction management majors are required to complete a professional internship prior to graduation, which gives them great hands-on experience. We have lots of ways to help you find local, regional and national internships, including career fairs, visits to companies and a career center devoted to COBA students. To learn more about technology and construction management at Missouri State, see http://tcm.missouristate.edu/.

Construction Management What do construction and facility management majors do when they graduate? Construction management graduates may know how to do carpentry or plumbing work, but they don’t wear a tool belt on the job. Instead, they oversee the efforts of all the people involved in building projects. They coordinate the work of architects, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, steel workers, etc. Job titles include general contractor, project manager, estimator and building inspector. Graduates may do tasks like estimating construction costs, planning and scheduling a building job. Facility management graduates help operate buildings like arenas, hospitals, hotels and manufacturing plants. They coordinate maintenance, information technology, housekeeping and more. Because buildings are becoming more complex and energy costs are increasing, the need for facility managers is at an all-time high. How are students in the construction and facility management majors trained for the real world? Missouri State offers many hands-on experiences. In a land-surveying class, for example, students will use high-tech equipment and real city regulations to plan a hypothetical building for a real plot of land on campus. We also require students to do an internship. Also, Missouri State has good relationships with many local contractors who work on large projects — so Springfield is a great place to see real job sites and get internships.

What are some general characteristics of students who will thrive as construction and facility management majors? They have good communication skills and are not afraid of doing some math. They should want a job in which no two days are ever the same. Why should students come here for these degrees? Missouri State is unique because these programs are housed in the College of Business Administration. This means students learn additional business skills in areas including accounting and marketing. This blend of management and technical classes is not found at many universities. Why should students consider either of these majors? It is easy to find jobs in these areas and both have high starting salaries. Students who successfully complete internships have no problems getting a job.




We have

fantastic students! We are so proud when they accomplish great things. Here are a few samples of their recent achievements. Just think, if you become a COBA student you can join the fun! 1

Logistics team gets things moving, in a green way, at competition


You have clearance to learn about Ad Team's national security contract


A team of five Missouri State University logistics and supply chain management students placed third overall in a recent Ohio State University Logistics Case Competition. The team worked on a sample case written by Dow Chemical Company that focused on shipping chemicals from Gulf Coast plants throughout the United States, Canada and the world. Students looked for a supply-chain solution that would be efficient and also reduce the company’s carbon footprint.

The Advertising Team (above) received an exclusive contract in 2009 to work on a campaign for the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Missouri State was chosen from a pool of 650 institutions. Students redesigned a web site for the agencies’ National Security Internship program, a prestigious summer internship that combines training from the FBI and the DHS with classes on Arabic language and Middle Eastern culture offered through a university in Washington, D.C. The Ad Team used the redesign to develop a strong brand strategy and create a positive, engaging network for the NSI program. The Ad Team received a $2,500 grant to complete the semester-long project. The redesigned site launched in summer 2009.

Technology and Construction Management students took third place in three categories (residential, design-build and heavy-civil) at the 2009 Associated Schools of Construction Student Construction Management Competition in Nebraska City, Neb. Missouri State students competed against more than 30 teams from 16 schools in the ASC Region IV, which includes Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. During this competition, construction students participate in scenarios that simulate real-life bidding processes. Teams are judged on presentation skills, creativity, understanding of sound construction techniques and methodology. Missouri State has participated in the competition for seven years and took a firstplace finish in the residential category in 2008.


Public-transportation ads cruise to first-place win and are seen around U.S. The Advertising Team took first place in the spring 2008 American Public Transportation Association Competition with their campaign “Go Green. Go Public.” The team had competed against other groups around the country to create a campaign to increase public transportation ridership among 18- to 25-year-olds. Their work was seen throughout the U.S. in the form of a $21 million public campaign. The team’s poster print ads were placed in more than 50 university bookstores across the nation. Team members also created and produced television, radio and print ads that aired in nine states.



Construction students get a head start in building their careers





Students have a solid record of winning in concrete competition


Do you like to make robots then pit them against each other? We do, too!


Technology and Construction Management students won a recent national championship at the American Concrete Institute Concrete Construction Competition. In the Concrete Construction Competition, student teams are given one week to provide a response to a realistic, open-ended question on the subject of concrete construction. Missouri State students have a history of placing in this category.

A team of Technology and Construction Management students (above left) placed third in the national 2008 BattleBots IQ competition. The contest tests robotic creations designed and built by students. Bots builders must have a knowledge of engineering, math and physics. The bots have armor, weapons or other defenses. They “fight” until one bot damages or disables the other. In 2007, Missouri State students took the BattleBots IQ national prize for Best Engineered Robot.

Students in the School of Accountancy (top right) may participate in the Missouri State Volunteer Individual Income Tax program, known as VITA. This program allows students to prepare federal and state tax returns for free for seniors and lowincome members of the local community. Students get real-life experience in accounting while contributing to the community.


Residential construction students are at home in the winner's circle A team of Technology and Construction Management students finished in the top 10 in the 2008 National Association of Home Builders’ National Residential Construction Management Competition. This competition lets students apply the skills learned in the classroom to a real-life residential construction project. Students complete management proposals, which are submitted to a group of construction company executives who act as judges. During the convention, students present and defend their proposals to the judges.


Hold it! There are more robots! Meet BattleBots' less-lethal cousins Students frequently win awards at the Robotics Manipulator Competition held by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. Robots go head-to-head to complete tasks given them by the contest organizers. Students from the Department of Technology and Construction Management won first place in design and innovation at the 2009 competition in Louisville, Ky. In 2008, Missouri State won third place overall and first place in the poster contest. In 2007, Missouri State students won first in their division.

Get in good with the IRS early in your career while assisting others


Students build good community relations through volunteer efforts Many COBA students, especially construction majors, have done volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity (bottom right). There is a campus chapter of Habitat; members construct and renovate homes, raise money for projects and advocate for affordable housing.




give us love Tom Ringhofer ’04, bachelor’s

in entertainment management and advertising/promotion; now works in the music division at William Morris Endeavor Entertainment in Nashville, Tenn.

“ The College of Business Administration is a wonderful place to grow and learn thanks to brilliant faculty, beautiful facilities and real-world applications. I was fortunate to find superb mentors. COBA is perfect for students who wish to be challenged in a meaningful way and reap life-changing rewards as a result of their efforts.”

Kelli Moles ’06, bachelor’s

“ The knowledge I attained in the areas of entertainment, management and marketing have been tremendous in helping me pursue a career in the entertainment industry.”

Ashley Newton

’08, bachelor’s in accounting; ’09, master’s in health

administration; ’10, candidate for master’s in accounting; now a certified public accountant

Jeremy E. Croucher

’92, bachelor’s in

accounting; now a partner in KPMG’s U.S. Capital Markets Group based in London, England

in accounting; now at Harvard University earning a master’s of business administration

“ COBA helped me to dream big and become more than I thought I could be. Following graduation, I went to work at J.P. Morgan in New York City. In 2009, I started the master’s program at Harvard Business School. Missouri State prepared me for both Wall Street and Harvard. The public affairs mission of Missouri State has also been extremely important to me. Following my own personal bout with malaria, I raised more than $65,000 to start a health clinic in Ghana, West Africa and have organized three volunteer service trips to Africa. You can truly go anywhere and do anything from Missouri State.”

“ Missouri State gave me the skills to be successful in my current career. I have lived and worked throughout the world, and the strong Midwest principles woven throughout COBA have turned out to be invaluable, intangible benefits that have served me well around the world. Also, the friendships I made at Missouri State are some of the strongest relationships I have today.”



Contact COBA Missouri State University College of Business Administration 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897 Office: 417-836-5646 Email: COBA@missouristate.edu Internet: www.coba.missouristate.edu

School of Accountancy Office: 417-836-5414 Email: Accountancy@missouristate.edu Internet: www.missouristate.edu/soa

Don’t take our word for it.

Come see for yourself! We love to welcome potential students to the Missouri State University campus. During a visit, you may also learn more about the College of Business Administration’s outstanding programs of study. To arrange a campus tour, please go online to: http://www.missouristate.edu/ScheduleAVisit/. If you would like to schedule a visit over the phone, please call toll-free at 1-800-492-7900 or directly at 417-836-6614.

Department of Computer Information Systems Office: 417-836-4131 Email: CIS@missouristate.edu Internet: www.cis.missouristate.edu

Department of Fashion and Interior Design Office: 417-836-5136 Email: FID@missouristate.edu Internet: www.missouristate.edu/fid

Department of Finance and General Business Office: 417-836-5504 Email: FinanceandGeneralBus@ missouristate.edu Internet: www.missouristate.edu/fgb

Department of Technology and Construction Management Office: 417-836-5121 Email: tcm@missouristate.edu Internet: www.build.missouristate.edu

Department of Management Office: 417-836-5415 Email: Management@missouristate.edu Internet: www.mgt.missouristate.edu

Department of Marketing Office: 417-836-5413 Email: Marketing@missouristate.edu Internet: www.missouristate.edu/mkt



Our graduates get great jobs! Alumni from the Missouri State University College of Business Administration are actively recruited and hired by the nation’s leading businesses and governmental agencies. A list of some of the many prominent employers includes: • American Express • American Family Insurance • American National Property and Casualty Company (insurance) • Anheuser-Busch Companies • Bass Pro Shops • BKD (accounting) • Boeing (aerospace) • Bombardier (aerospace and transportation) • Cargill (food, agricultural, financial and industrial) • Caterpillar (equipment manufacturing) • Cerner (health-care information technology) • Charles Schwab Corporation (finance and investments) • City Utilities of Springfield • Coca-Cola Industries • Computer Sciences Corporation (information technology) • ConocoPhillips (energy company) • Deloitte & Touche (accounting and consulting) • Duck Creek Technologies (provider of software and services for insurance industry) • Edward Jones (finance and investments) • Elliott, Robinson & Company (accounting) • Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc. (construction) • Enterprise Rent-A-Car • Ernst & Young (accounting) • FedEx • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, aka FDIC • Federal Reserve System (banking) • Federated Insurance • General Mills (food production and distribution) • Great Southern Bank • Hallmark • HealthMEDX (health-care software)

• Hewlett-Packard (technology) • Huffy Corporation (bicycle manufacturing) • IBM Corporation (technology) • Internal Revenue Service • Jack Henry & Associates Inc. (banking technology) • JE Dunn Construction Group, Inc. • John Q. Hammons Hotels & Resorts • Kirkpatrick, Phillips & Miller (accounting) • KPMG (accounting) • Leggett & Platt, Incorporated (manufacturing) • Maritz Inc. (marketing research) • McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. • Microsoft Corporation • Monsanto Company (agriculture technology) • Nestlé USA (food) • New York Life Insurance Company • Nike • O’Reilly Auto Parts • PaperWise (software and technology) • PricewaterhouseCoopers (accounting) • Safeco Insurance Company of America • Samson Technologies • Shelter Mutual Insurance Co. • Sprint Nextel (communications technology) • State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company • State of Missouri • United Way (nonprofit) • Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. • Walt Disney Company • Whitlock Company (accounting)

About Missouri State Missouri State University is a public university system with an enrollment of more than 23,000 students who come from around the state and the world. There are four physical campuses, located in Springfield, Mo.; West Plains, Mo.; Mountain Grove, Mo.; and Dalian, China. Students can follow their passion and find their place at Missouri State University. Missouri State offers: • A remarkable education. We have more than 150 undergraduate majors and 48 graduate programs. We also offer a select number of certifications and doctorate programs. • An unbeatable value. Our cost is lower than state and national averages, plus we have lots of ways to help students pay for school. • A distinctive mission. Our public affairs mission is about getting involved and becoming a leader with strong ethics. The mission is everywhere on campus, from the classroom to special events open to the community. • Memorable experiences. Our student body is known for being warm and welcoming. The main campus is in Springfield, the third-largest city in Missouri. Springfield blends the best of small-town coziness and big-city pizzazz. • Lifetime success. Missouri State has extensive career services for both students and alumni to help them reach their professional goals.

Missouri State University is a community of people with respect for diversity. The University emphasizes the dignity and equality common to all persons and adheres to a strict nondiscrimination policy regarding the treatment of individual faculty, staff, and students. In accord with federal law and applicable Missouri statutes, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, or veteran status in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. Prohibited sex discrimination encompasses sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence. In addition, the University does not discriminate on any basis (including, but not limited to, political affiliation and sexual orientation) not related to the applicable educational requirements for students or the applicable job requirements for employees. This policy shall not be interpreted in a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or military organizations associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America. The University maintains a grievance procedure incorporating due process available to any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against. Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Inquiries concerning the grievance procedure, Affirmative Action Plan, or compliance with federal and state laws and guidelines should be addressed to Equal Opportunity Officer, Office for Institutional Equity and Compliance, 901 South National Avenue, Springfield, Missouri 65897, equity@missouristate.edu, 417-836-4252, or to the Office for Civil Rights. Printed on recycled paper. COB 208 12 2/2012

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