The Hive - October

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October 2015 CNH District D30S Whitney HS Volume XVIV Issue VII

From your Bulletin Editor HELLO BEES OLD AND NEW!! To members who have previously read the monthly newsletter, you may have noticed some changes. First of all, the name is no longer Beamy Monthly; that was the name created by our past Bulletin Editor. As this year’s Bulletin Editor, I wanted to try something new and give the newsletter a new look. I welcome you to the first edition of The Hive and I hope you enjoy the new design. If you haven’t heard, the articles featured in this newsletter are made by the people for the people! If any of you would like to voice your opinion or just talk about a good time (anything Key Club related), then send me and email at and I’ll tell you everything you need to know on how to write your first article. I spent a lot of time creating this new layout, so let me know what you think. I would love some constructive criticism. Let me know if you love it. Tell me if you hate it. If you have anything to say about the newsletter, I would really love feedback! I’m looking forward to a great year volunteering with all of you. New bees, feel free to say hi to me in the hallways! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I’d love to talk to all of you :) Your ‘15-’16 Bulletin Editor, Amy Wang

GREETINGS, BUZZIN’ BEES!! Are you ready to see all the new additions to our Key Club ohana now that club rush has passed? I know I am! I was SOO excited to answer all your questions and see your responses to the “How do you feel?” question on the Google form. It’s amazing to see your spirit and your desire to serve your home, school and community!! As you’re reading this if you’re like “Oh shoot, I forgot to sign up on any form!” That’s fine! You can look for my email titled Key Club (Re)registration in your inbox, fill out the three attached forms, and turn those and the $13 dues to Donna in the finance office by Oct. 9th (Friday)! No matter if you’re a new member or returning member, you MUST MUST MUST turn in those forms and the $13 dues to rejoin Key Club. $11.50 of your money will go to Key Club International and $1.50 will go to our home club to a designated cause (i.e. Pediatric Trauma Program, Project Eliminate, Project A, etc.) So don’t worry! Your money is going to a great cause nonetheless WOOT WOOT!! And congratulations, Whitney Key Club, on SECOND Shining Club of the Month and Most Funds Raised for Service at our September DCM this past Saturday! I’m super proud of you all for your service and keeping caring as your way of life. But of course, no matter what title we get or award we receive, you’ll always be the #1 Key Club in my heart!! Thank you for always making me so happy to do my job and to serve you all to the best of my ability. You’re all worth it. Now for future news! If you didn’t know already, we have Fall Rally South and Region Training Conference coming up! If you haven’t signed up for either of these events for this year, I’m sad I won’t see your KEYute faces there, but there’s always next year for sure!! Fall Rally South really makes you see how much meaning Key Club holds for its members and how passionate members can be about this fantastic service organization, PLUS if you love rollercoasters, it takes place at Six Flags so it’s a WIN-WIN all around! As for Region Training Conference, you get to learn more about Key Club and bond with your region 3 rainbow along the way!! Finally the last thing I have to say is thank you. Thank you for all your service these past few months of the 2015-2016 term and I’m so ecstatic to see the difference we’ll continue to make, especially through Trick or Treat for UNICEF and Operation Christmas! You all never fail to amaze me and show me what kind of amazing volunteers you are. You honestly make my heart do little backflips and I always have butterflies in my stomach before a general meeting because I’m so excited to see you all! If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to email me, message me, text me, call me! You’re never bothering me!! I love to answer all your questions and help make your Key Club experience the very best it can be :-) Love you all lots!! Signing off, Frances Lee

From your President

get to know your cabinet

cabinet GOALS

My goal for the school year is to make sure that all our members can smile as they go to service events and general meetings. Service is always key but so is the happiness and the joy that we get from it as volunteers. My goal for this Key Club term is to build the bridge between members and our cabinet. I want to get rid of the stigma that only cabinet members can attend DCMS, go to DCON, and most importantly, make a difference.

I hope new Key Clubbers see the the impact they will have made together in just a year. For returning members, I hope they immerse themselves even more into D30S’s sunny ohana and never lose their passion to serve.

My goal for Key Club this year is to improve cabinet and member communication and helping others find their Key Club moment!(:

This year, I really hope we can get more general members to participate at our DCM’s and attend more division events! It’s definitely an enjoyable experience

I wish for those who have joined Key Club with a passion for serving our community to leave the timidness behind you, and express the passion that led you to this organization full of these people who share your passions.

My goal for Key Club is to take floods of pictures from events, so we will never forget the great moments we had volunteering and to show what volunteering is all about, helping people in need while having fun.

My goal this year is to capture as many moments as possible in pictures during as many events as possible! I also want to focus on increasing the maximum amount of funds we make an event by improving our publicity!

My Key Club goal is to help students be introduced to different service activities that match their interest. This way they can channel their passion into something that can benefit their community or others in need!

Helping our own Key Clubbers vocalize and carry out their ideas is one of the many steps I hope to take in empowering our club through communication.

I hope that members will realize that Key Club is not just a service club, but also a family that expands outside of our school. Key Club is a great way to contribute to your community and meet new people.

My goal for Key Club this year is to introduce new service events and projects to Key Clubbers this year.

As bulletin editor for the year, my goal is to make better newsletters to let members know about the things fellow bees are doing to serve the community. I also hope to do better with cabinet-member communication.

For this year, as one of the Director of Activities, my goal is to get more members to come out to events during the school year, especially to division events, due to our lower attendance rates during the school year.

My goal for Key Club this year is for cabinet members to volunteer more often and be a role model for other general members to look up to.

My long term goal for Key Club is to keep on growing stronger as a whole, but my short term goal is to publicize more of our events to people and create more ideas that we can use to benefit others.

Disneyland Half Marathon By Karen Long

Key Club plus the happiest place on Earth? Making a difference starting at 2:00 AM in the morning? Well, sunny Key Clubbers, that sounds like a great way to spend time on the Sunday after school has started! The first week of school this year definitely felt like the longest week of my life with all of the heat and homework, but at least I had the Disneyland Half Marathon to look forward to for the weekend. You can never have enough Division 30 South sunshine to help brighten your life throughout the school year. Yes, 2:00 AM is one of the weirdest times to be outside on a Sunday. Most of us didn’t get enough sleep, but we’re all in high school. None of us do anyway! Plus, if you’re going to wake up this early, you might as well do it with 100 other Key Clubbers from our division at Disneyland. Am I right or am I right? Despite knowing what time it was, everyone still seemed to be very cheerful and excited about the event. Who needs the Senior Sunrise when you can watch the sun rise with fellow suns from the Angels’ Stadium, while serving your community? Once we arrived at our meeting area, we prepared to go on our bus in order to get to the stadium. Setting up the area in the beginning was a bit hectic because we were all confused about where certain things needed to be in addition to the lack of light outside and sleep. But, we pushed through! We helped set up the tables, placed trash cans in different areas, mixed the Gatorade, filled up the cups of water while taking serious but unserious group photos in between. As the sun began to rise little by little, we knew the race was going to start soon. We took our places at different stations as we waited for the runners to reach our area, making sure we would be prepared to hand out the water by the time they would arrive. Slowly, starting with just a few number of runners, more and more runners began to come until it seemed like the line would never end. Many of us couldn’t keep our eyes open because of how bright it was outside and how tired we were, but we remembered that we must stay positive for the runners who actually had to run in the race. Although it was a bit tiring, we all had a great time cheering on the runners with words of encouragement such as, “Good job” and “You got this!” Everyone was so spirited, especially the runners who were in their costumes as well. After cheering on the last few runners, we helped clean the area and took a group photo to commemorate the long but fun morning. And then, we all slept on the bus ride back to Disneyland where there was food waiting for us. Ain’t no party like a sunshine party!

September DCM P R O J E C T


Club Rush By Isabelle Lee One of the most exciting things of the new school year for Key Club is Club Rush, where students (and freshman) of Whitney are able to sign up for Key Club! During this Club Rush, our cabinet went around in our sun costume and publicized throughout the school and also publicized through our own wagon that one of our cabinet members painted! At our Key Club booth, we had a tri-fold of information regarding Key Club and our preferred charities, signup sheets for the members to sign, forms that all club members would have to fill out, and also business cards that had information on our Facebook group and reminders for when forms and club dues would have to be turned in! On our first day of Club Rush, Wednesday, Key Club cabinet met at snack to spray blue and yellow hairspray on each other which definitely helped publicize Key Club alongside our division shirts, bandanas, and our badges. Last year, many students at Whitney asked many cabinet members about why they had blue/yellow hair spray and we were able to publicize Key Club through the idea of hairspray! During our club rush on Wednesday, we had a lot of new freshman join and be interested in what Key Club was about, and a lot of them were excited to join Key Club! A lot of our returning members rejoined again and it was exciting to see how many students at our school were interested in Key Club and kept coming back each and every year! It was exciting to see how many freshman were excited to join Whitney Key Club and how many middle schoolers also joined Builders Club! On our second day of Club Rush, Friday, Key Club cabinet reset our booth up and hung posters that showed where Key Club was located at. In the middle of Club Rush, most of the cabinet members went in the middle of the area where Club Rush was held and did our Key Club chant which was exciting as it was a new way to publicize Key Club! At the end of Club Rush, we had many new faces that joined Key Club and a lot of returning members that came back to Key Club. It was definitely an exciting experience as you are able to see how many students in your school care about helping others and giving back to the community while also having fun and meeting new people all over the world!

O.C. Food Bank

new bees These are pictures from past events, DCMs, and activities Key Club participates in throughout the year.

O C T O Monday




4 OC Children Book Fair Day 2 (Actual Event)

5 UNICEF Drive begins















O B E R Thursday






3 SAT Test** HOPE Food Bank Toyota of Orange 5K Run OC Children Book Fair Day 1 (Set-up day)



10 October DCM/RTC


16 UNICEF Drive ends




24 Anaheim Fall Festival




Happy Halloween Bees(: Remember to BE SAFE!!!

Contact Cabinet(:

Frances Lee, President - Iris Xu, Vice President - Isabelle Lee, Secretary - Karen Long, Treasurer - Amy Wang, Bulletin Editor - Amy Lee, DIrector of Activities - Christina Hur, Director of Activities - Eunice Shim, Director of Fundraising - Jason Park, Director of Fundraising - Danielle Lee, Director of Publicity - Joshua Ahn, Director of Publicity - Kiristina Theam, Historian - Richard Tee, Historian - Victor Phong, Kiwanis Chair -

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