El método de la Psicohistoria (séptima entrega)

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That through a direct experience of God in which the Holy Spirit flourishes in the individual soul Man could achieve a union with God which meant that he could no longer sin.

Of all the three central ideas of the Free Spirit movement this was the most difficult to understand, the most shocking to the Church and the most open to abuse. This concept of a mystical union with God in this lifetime — the opposite of the Catholic doctrine of the Beatific Vision after death (that Man could only 'see Him as He is' after death) — was seen as being a form of Resurrection or eternal aliveness in this world, the Soul having died and been reborn in God while still incarnate (an interpretation of the Resurrection found also in some of the early Gnostic movements).

Individuals who had achieved this state of being were called 'the Spiritualized', having received the 'indwelling' of the Holy Spirit through uniting with love as described in the book of Acts. (The term 'indwelling' is also used in the Kabbalah as a translation of Shekhinah, or the Glory of God, which is seen to dwell within the human soul.) Such individuals saw themselves as having evolved beyond ordinary states of good and evil (duality), replacing notions of faith and hope (beliefs in things which might be) with the positive light of knowledge (Gnosis, or direct knowledge of God).

Although they did not use the terminology of the Gnostics, nor did they probably even know of them, their use of the words 'knowledge' and 'ignorance' as different states of spiritual awareness are strikingly reminiscent of the earlier movement as they are of the terminology of other religions and mystical movements such as Buddhism and Sufism. This experience of Oneness with God and the difficulty of expressing it often lead to hostile listeners accusing members of the Free Spirit of blasphemy. Thus expressions such as: “Father rejoice with me, I have become God... When I looked into myself I saw God within me and everything he has ever created in heaven and earth... I am established in the pure Godhead, in which there never was form or image.” —Sister Catherine Treatise, trans: Elvira Borgstaedt 1986

Were met with horror and anger by the Church who saw the normal relationship of Man to God being usurped and turned on its head. Achieving this union with God happened through an austere process of self-abnegation and annihilation of the Ego, according to mystics such as Eckhart and Porete. What disturbed the authorities was what the followers of the Free Spirit felt they could do afterwards, once they had attained this supposedly sinless state and their assertion that the mediation of the Church was irrelevant.


These fundamental elements of the movement meant that they rejected the validity or even the need for the Church in favor of an individual approach to God. Like the Cathars, they therefore rejected the sacraments as well. Some saw the Church as the active enemy of God, describing the Church as the Anti-Christ, again something they had in common with the earlier sect. They also rejected the secular authorities, citing Christ's injunction forbidding oaths and preached an egalitarian approach to Christianity that did not recognize distinctions of gender. Some have seen them as proto-anarchists in their refusal to acknowledge hierarchies of any kind. Whatever the case, few of their views could be expected to endear themselves either to the Church or the feudal authorities who ruled the regions in which they flourished.1

This is the very essence of The Vision of Huautla, the Immanence of the Spirit in the within of things, taking form, many forms in a plurality of manifestation that becomes the essence of being, the consubstantiality in which the individual spirits rejoice and partake in the experience of the Sacred Entheogen, The God Within.

It is the experience in which the world of sangsara dissolves and the multiplicity of forms within the Universe emerge and are clearly seen to be the syntax of The Spirit, Its Words, Its Themes, Its Phenomenology in which we recognize ourselves as agents of The Spirit from all Time‌Then everything dissolves and we fuse with The Spirit. Such as Marguerite Porete did at the moment of her death as a testimony for all Time as we remember her even to this day.

Images of Marguerite Porete

The title of Porete's book refers to the simple soul which is united with God and has no will other than God's own. Some of the language, as well as the format of a dialogue between characters such as Love, Virtue and the Soul, reflects a familiarity with the style of courtly love which was popular at the time, and attests to Porete's high level of education and sophistication.

Although much of her book resembles a rational, Boethian argument between several parties it is actually subverting those expectations. Writing in beautifully elegant, flowing poetic prose and occasionally poetry, Marguerite ultimately says that the Soul must give up Reason, whose logical, conventional grasp of reality cannot fully comprehend God and the presence of Divine Love. The "Annihilated Soul" is one that has given up everything but God through Love. For Porete, when the Soul is truly full of God's Love it is united with God and thus in a state of union which causes it to transcend the contradictions of this


BibliografĂ­a http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brethren_of_the_Free_Spirit&redirect=no .


world. In such a beatific state it cannot sin because it is wholly united with God's Will and thus incapable of acting in such a way - a phenomenon which the standard theology describes as the effect of Divine grace, which suppresses a person's sinful nature. In fact, one of the main targets of her book is to teach to readers or listeners how to get this simple state though devices, for instance images. It is in this vision of Man being united with God through Love, thus returning to its source, and the presence of God in everything that she connects in thought with the ideas of Eckhart. Porete and Eckhart had acquaintances in common and there is much speculation as to whether they ever met or had access to each other's work.

In many ways Porete's vision is the highest expression of the words of John the Evangelist in the New Testament: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love cometh of God. And every one that loveth, is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love. .. [and] he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (First Epistle of John 4: 7-16)

Words which Porete herself references in her own writing: “I am God, says Love, for Love is God and God is Love, and this Soul is God by the condition of Love. I am God by divine nature and this Soul is God by the condition of Love. Thus this precious beloved of mine is taught and guided by me, without herself, for she is transformed into me, and such a perfect one, says Love, takes my nourishment.”

Porete's vision of the Soul in ecstatic union with God, moving in a state of perpetual joy and peace, is a repetition of the Catholic doctrine of the Beatific Vision, albeit experienced in this life and not in the next. Where Porete ran into trouble with some authorities was in her description of the Soul in this state being above the worldly dialectic of conventional morality and the teachings and control of the earthly church. Porete argues that the Soul in such a sublime state is above the demands of ordinary virtue, not because virtue is not needed but because in its state of union with God virtue becomes automatic. As God can do no evil and cannot sin, the exalted/Annihilated soul, in perfect union with Him, no longer is capable of evil or sin. Although this concept is found in the catechism, certain Church authorities nevertheless claimed that it smacked of amorality.

Interestingly, two hundred years later St John of the Cross expressed an almost identical view of the nature of the Soul's union with God in his The Ascent Of Mount Carmel i.e. that once united with God the Soul's will becomes that of God's, but was not denounced as a heretic. Although the Mirror is now embraced as an important piece of Christian mysticism it is unlikely Porete will ever enjoy the renown or acceptance John now receives from the Catholic Church”.

It does not matter today what The Catholic Church thinks about Marguerite; the fact remains that her death by burning was a crime of state committed by the Catholic Church acting as a corporation and its historical responsibility remains unanswered and unatoned for to this day. Since this crime was based on the validity of a woman’s capacity to experience transcendental visions and write about them without having to retract herself the crime against Porete is a crime against all women as such. It is a crime of misogyny and it subtracts credit and veracity to the whole corpus of theological thought of the Catholic Church in as much as it is exclusively patriarchal and discriminates women and places this church as something spurious and fraudulent; as a religious corporation that denies the probability of women’s access to ecstatic experience and thus to the right of priestly or sacerdotal status for it was the jealousy of men that killed Marguerite Porete.


This was the issue and this continues to be the issue that questions the validity of corporative or institutional religions that exclude women from sharing The Mystery in equal terms and status with men; are discriminating women and publicly proclaiming their blindness and ignorance when they equate patriarchy with Divinity. Porete, this gentle figure who dared to write about her mystical experience of Sublime Love, and did not recant, belongs to the universal corpus of mystical thought which is transcultural and has no gender and includes such varied sources as Mahayana Buddhism or the Entheogenic Thought of autochthonous peoples the World over.

And here I am not suggesting that the Catholic Church should reform again; no, it is too late for that. What I am suggesting is that the time has come for the Western World to move beyond Christianity, to leave it behind as it once left Hellenistic religion behind. We should consider, with Aimé Césaire, (Discourse on Colonialism) and Franz Fanon (The Wretched of The Earth), that the Mediterranean basin is not the only region in the World, nor is eurocentrism a model for the World. There exist now a natural movement throughout the media of mass communication towards the unification of knowledge; and its spiritual counterpart is the universality of The Phenomena of Illumination, as we have seen in Marguerite Porete and in the Entheogenic origin of religious hierophanies at the end of the Pleistocene at Gobekli Tepe (see, Second Delivery). Perhaps in the degree that climate change generates immense population movements this will become apparent, when world culture moves beyond the patterns of the last five thousand years.

The journey of the individual spirit into the depths of the unconscious to recover the memory of the sequence the events in one’s life; to understand their relationship and throw clarity on meaning of our life; to recover a sense of purpose to the gift of life. Consciousness and knowledge, self- knowledge, is one of the purposes of History and of Psychohistory, to recover our historical memory, to see our past with greater clarity so that we can imagine a future without having to repeat the mistakes of the past and be able to recognize a road in political and institutional development: the right path in the eventual spiritualization of politics for it has been said that the XXI century is necessarily a century of spiritual plurality or it shall not be; Our common Path for Humanity, our Pilgrims Way, Peregrino en el Camino. This is why the life and death of Marguerite Porete is so important today, because humanity is still under the dark grip of corporate theology which insures obedience to and exploitation by the world oligarchy and the national state with the aid of the Catholic Church and this constitutes a psychohistorical impasse, a lock, a vicious circle that keeps humanity frozen unable to move forward and discover more about itself.

With a clean mind we acquire an open heart, Om! The Jewel in The Lotus! Hum!, Om Mani Padme Hum! We achieve consubstantiality, we wish to achieve consubstantiality with The Spirit in the Universal Order of Love through ecstatic experience, and if we remain in such a state of grace we will be free of “sin”, of moral weakness. The moral weakness depicted by Hieronymus Bosch in the right hand side of his triptych “The Garden of Delights”, a vision inspired by the mystical heritage of The Bretheren of The Free Spirit to which Marguerite Porete belonged. El sentido de la libertad les llega de personas que se poseen a si mismas desde dentro…como Los Cátaros y Los Hermanos y las Hermanas del Libre Espíritu. Nos acordamos de ellos cuando hablamos de Autogestión porque inevitablemente la vida de la conciencia nos lleva a desear la libertad, a querer vivir en una sociedad igualitaria sin jerarquías, por más utópico que parezca, las personas de gran desarrollo espiritual no se sienten superiores a nadie, son compasivas y pacientes con todo el mundo. Este sería el sentido de la educación cívica, disolver mediante prácticas espirituales, las diferencias que acentúan las religiones establecidas, las clases sociales y las nacionalidades. 6


Quitamos el aro de la tranca para entrar a la Huerta del Macehual y una vez dentro seleccionamos los frutos que vamos a piscar: los de La Espiritualización de la Política que nos llevaron a querer formar Círculos Macehuales, grupos de amigos para recuperar la comunicación interrumpida, juntas de vecinos de la cuadra, de la manzana, del edificio, de la colonia y del barrio para redescubrir la alegría de comunicarse, de tener confianza, esperanza, de tener amigos otra vez. Entre todos podemos reconstruir el Gobierno de México. Eso es, de eso se trata.

Les estoy proponiendo una arquitectura psicohistorica, un diseño del futuro donde podamos aprender del lado obscuro de la historia para intervenir a favor de las grandes mayorías ocultas del planeta vergonzosamente desposeídos como los indígenas mayas de Guatemala y Quintana Roo, o las tribus autóctonas de Nueva Guinea masacradas de la manera más brutal por el ejército indonesio en colusión con los consorcios mineros norteamericanos que explotan las minas de oro que originalmente le pertenecen a La Madre Tierra y en segundo término a los indígenas de Nueva Guinea. Los Mayas de Guatemala, que son una mayoría en su propio casa, entregados al arbitrio de las castas criollas y mestizas de la oligarquía que los han explotado desde el Siglo XVI cuando llegaran las huestes de los hermanos Alvarado a dislocar la harmonía de La Civilización Maya, continuada esta depredación después de la “Independencia” de la Corona Española con las leyes laborales de los dictadores Carrera y Ubico que entregaban y de alguna manera siguen entregando a los indígenas Mayas al arbitrio y esclavitud de la Oligarquía Guatemalteca representada por los generales que apoyan a Jimmy Morales el recién electo presidente de Guatemala.


1. Podríamos empezar con juntas de vecinos, de la cuadra, de la manzana, del edificio…Sin otro fin que saludarnos y conocernos para gestionar los asuntos de la cuadra…Sin elegir jefes de manzana, nada de eso; no más jefazos. Si acaso algunos representantes, un hombre y una mujer para preservar la equidad de género y representar mejor las esferas que más le interesan a la mujer o al hombre, para que cuando haya que reunirse con otras manzanas se representen los asuntos de la cuadra en la asamblea de la colonia o del barrio.

Se podrían hacer intercambios de servicios: yo te afino tu coche si tu me reparas las tuberías de mi baño; yo te cuido a tus niños si tú haces el mercado por las dos, también podemos organizar una pequeña cooperativa; conseguimos productos básicos al mayoreo y los distribuimos en la manzana a precios de mayoreo. Organizamos fiestas infantiles y celebraciones del barrio…


Las coordenadas de La Autogestión, como se define una “manzana”: sus orígenes en Alejandría por el arquitecto de Alejandro Magno, Dinócrates, quien diseñó una cuadrícula urbana orientada hacia los puntos cardinales donde las manecillas del reloj van definiendo la ubicación de una casa dentro de una cuadra o “manzana”.

2. Cuando las colonias hayan aprendido a gobernarse en sus asambleas compuestas de los representantes de cada cuadra, se podrá pasar al nivel de las delegaciones que serán gobernadas por los representantes directos de las colonias, en paridad de género, dos hombres y dos mujeres representantes por cada colonia que acudan al parlamento de la delegación. 3. De manera que si una Delegación Política del Distrito Federal contiene 50 Colonias (247 Colonias y Pueblos en Álvaro Obregón ), habrá 200 delegados en el Parlamento Delegacional que gestionaran los asuntos de la Delegación mediante la creación de Comités Ejecutivos de Educación, Salud, Seguridad, Abasto, Obras Públicas etc… 4. Para evitar la formación de sinecuras y de redes de corrupción en este nuevo sistema de administración pública y de responsabilidad social compartida, los delegados en los diferentes niveles de este sistema ejercerán su representación por no más de 6 meses de manera que todas las representaciones a todos los niveles serán renovadas cada 6 meses mediante elecciones directas donde se depositará el nombre de una persona en una urna. La persona cuyo nombre sume más votos será el representante electo. 5. De la misma manera el Parlamento de cada delegación en el Distrito Federal elegirá 8 representantes, 4 mujeres y 4 hombres para representar a cada delegación en el Congreso del Distrito Federal. Cabe decir que este sistema de democracia directa en autogestión solo será posible mediante el consenso y el concurso de la sociedad entera para lo cual sería necesario redactar una nueva Constitución Política para TODAS las Comunidades de la República Mexicana en el año 2017, Centenario de la Constitución de 1917. Este documento que ha servido de guía durante casi un siglo podría ser reformado o retirado con todos los Honores como sucedió en su momento con la Benemérita Constitución de 1857. El sentido que inspiraría a este congreso constituyente sería la inclusión de todos los sectores de la sociedad que hoy constituyen México, sin hostilizar a nadie, velando por los intereses de todos a partir de la legislación social y laboral que hoy existe más las leyes que vallan surgiendo de la nueva práctica democrática y constitucional que elabore la COMUNIDAD. Ya no el Estado, porque la teoría del Estado será substituida por una nueva filosofía política basada en la idea de COMUNIDAD, DE RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL COMPARTIDA, DEMOCRATICA, HORIZONTAL.

El Estado actual es propuesto por una oligarquía sustentada en una burocracia y una partidocracia que pretenden inmovilizar a la sociedad a la manera de Diocleciano para controlarla y se le puedan aplicar las reglas de una economía “científica” que produzcan ganancias, dinero y capital….dentro de un contexto de administración de empresas que garantice ganancias y dividendos. Este ha sido el ideal desarrollado por La Teoría del Estado desde La Revolución Francesa. Hans Kelsen lo quiso definir así en su Teoría General del Estado como si fuese algo abstracto, filosófico, propio de la Crítica de la Escuela de Frankfurt, haciéndole el favor a la Oligarquía al regalarle un marco teórico para la explotación; creó sin darse cuenta la teoría para un Estado Perfecto, ideal, benefactor, autoritario; ya sea capitalista o socialista. Da igual como se quiera configurar la élite gobernante…en un partido comunista marxista-leninista, en la social democracia de la izquierda autoritaria o en un capitalismo “democrático”, esotérico, Franc-Mason, inspirado en las Pirámides de Egipto… ES LO MISMO…para el “ciudadano” que tiene que sufrir esta fórmula moderna de esclavitud. 8

Por cierto que la Oligarquía catalogada por la revista Forbes, ha decidido reintroducir formalmente la esclavitud pero en peores condiciones de las que estableció Diocleciano, sin ningún marco jurídico que las rija, en la clandestinidad, asociada al crimen organizado, el que solapa por medio de un mercado negro el tráfico de personas, en un puente que ha establecido entre Libia, Egipto y Sicilia o por un túnel bajo la frontera México-Estadunidense; o como en China, mediante el trabajo no remunerado en el sistema penitenciario. No se nos olvida mencionar el genocidio que se lleva a cabo en Nueva Guinea en favor de las Minas de Oro concesionadas por Indonesia a Empresas Norte Americanas.

En contraposición a la Teoría del Estado está la idea de Comunidad, la que nos merecemos todos, incluidos los hijos de los oligarcas, “los mirreyes nacidos para gobernar”. El distanciarse, el ponerse por encima de los demás, siempre ha sido una mala receta. La cooperación, la solidaridad desde el nacimiento de la civilización, han llevado siempre a la democracia y a la sana convivencia en comunidad bajo muchas formas que se han ensayado en libertad desde el Pleistoceno Tardío. Hay momentos para la vida privada y momentos pata gestionar los asuntos de la comunidad. A cada quien lo suyo, el producto de su labor y entre todos la organización de la comunidad.

Y es esta diferencia entre Estado y Comunidad la que justifica la creación de un nuevo sistema político paralelo al antiguo que lo va reemplazando pacíficamente, democráticamente y por consenso; y este sistema es La Autogestión (town councils). Por eso hacemos la propuesta de las Juntas de vecinos y de la introducción de una ley que regule la apertura de plazas en la Administración Pública a la ciudadanía en general mediante el uso de La Tarjeta Inteligente que hemos propuesto.



Abrimos a la consideración del público este proyecto de investigación que bien podría ser llevado a cabo en universidades o centros de investigación. La finalidad de esta ley seria abrir todos los centros de administración pública en la República Mexicana ya sea a nivel federal o estatal al público de una manera directa, inmediata y efectiva, a cualquier plaza en la Administración Pública mediante el uso de una tarjeta de identificación ciudadana que contenga en un microchip electrónico el historial académico verificado de cada ciudadano; su experiencia de trabajo acreditado en el pasado en este sistema, más las unidades de valor correspondientes a horas de trabajo acumuladas que constituirían su crédito que podría ser empleado en la compra de bienes o servicios en oferta en el mercado como si se tratara de una tarjeta de crédito.

Para este fin se establecerán en todos los centros de trabajo de la administración pública federal o estatal módulos similares a los de un cajero automático que contengan una terminal electrónica que mediante el uso de la tarjeta ciudadana inteligente le proporcionen en un impreso expedido por la computadora los datos de las plazas existentes en tiempo real que correspondan a su perfil, si existe una plaza disponible para él o ella en ese lugar u otro, en tiempo real, que pueda ocupar de inmediato por ley y sin ningún obstáculo, que corresponda a su perfil académico y experiencia de trabajo comprobada, previamente tabulada en la memoria de su tarjeta por un nuevo Sistema Federal de Administración Pública.

Es evidente que un gran trabajo de investigación deberá de ser realizado alrededor de este proyecto revolucionario que cambiaría las formas de relacionarse en la administración pública no nada más porque eliminaría los puestos de confianza y las plazas inmovilizadas durante años; sino más importante, la estructura vertical en la administración pública, volviéndola más democrática eliminando la corrupción que surge de la confidencialidad entre “amigos” y recomendados o sea el “personal de confianza”.

Impediría también la creación de sinecuras al inmovilizar una plaza durante años ya que bajo este sistema autogestatario de la tarjeta inteligente la permanencia en cada plaza seria limitada por ley a un máximo de seis meses; ya que cualquier proyecto podría ser transferido a otra persona en turno quien merced a su probada capacidad le podría dar seguimiento al programa en cuestión.

También es evidente que el cambio de un régimen discrecional de asignación arbitraria de personal administrativo a uno racionalizado por los modernos sistemas electrónicos de cómputo alteraría las prácticas políticas establecidas por una cultura de siglos heredada de la colonia española con sus prácticas clientelares.

La ciudadanía en su conjunto debe de considerar esto detenidamente para llegar a un consenso pues es evidente que este sistema, aunque siendo muy deseable, no sería posible sin el consentimiento libre y razonado de TODOS los mexicanos. Por esto, en una primera fase, sería necesario y conveniente que un grupo de investigadores del más alto nivel preparen un proyecto de ley, y que este grupo de investigadores incluya matemáticos, especialistas en sistemas de cómputo, economistas e investigadores en derecho constitucional, ciencias sociales y en administración pública.


Esta reforma a la Administración Pública y al Gobierno Federa NO PUEDE VENIR DESDE ARRIBA, puesto que el Gobierno y el Congreso serían parte interesada y surgirían interminables conflictos de interés al sentirse afectados los intereses de la clase política por estas reformas. Por este motivo el trabajo de la elaboración de este proyecto de reformas debe de surgir de las universidades y centros de investigación independientes así como de personas del público que se quieran sumar a este proyecto.

Una vez elaborado el proyecto de ley se diseñaría un programa de gobierno que lo llevase a cabo durante un periodo de transición político-administrativo concertado por la sociedad en su conjunto quien podría elegir un congreso constituyente representativo SURGIDO DE MILES DE JUNTAS VECINALES EN TODO EL PAIS.

Este proyecto no debe de ser considerado como una amenaza para nadie pues liberaría a los individuos de complejos cálculos patrimonialistas sexenales y lo situaría en la realidad del aquí y ahora de la responsabilidad social compartida que es algo mucho mas sano desde un punto de vista existencial que el estar medrando y calculando el interés personal a costa de los demás.

La Autogestión y el autogobierno son otros instrumentos de la democracia como lo son el plebiscito, las elecciones o el referéndum donde todos los ciudadanos participamos para garantizar el sentido democrático de la dirección histórica que le queremos imprimir a los grandes cambios y decisiones colectivas que no podemos dejar en manos de una minoría. Por eso La Tarjeta Inteligente es otro instrumento democrático que le permite mantener y garantizar la naturaleza participativa y representativa en la Administración Pública en un contexto democrático a la sociedad entera que de otra manera se vería rebasada por una minoría de políticos y burócratas “profesionales”.

Queremos contribuir aquí a un estudio lucido de nuestra realidad contemporánea que finalmente compartimos todos y en este sentido queremos resaltar la pluralidad de los conceptos que se tienen sobre el Estado y la Sociedad y en aras de una simplificación general que facilite un lenguaje universal sin juicios de valor y posturas ideológicas. Queremos introducir el concepto de Comunidad, que se refiera al terreno común donde hemos nacido todos y si tomamos el espacio más amplio veremos que este es La Tierra, el Planeta que compartimos con otras gentes a las que les debemos un ejemplo insigne de civilidad que ellos observando los avances de los Mexicanos quieran compartir en el continente Americano los que vivimos en él; de suerte que si hablamos de Autogestión o de juntas vecinales también queremos decir self-government y town councils.

El gran problema psicohistórico de México ha sido de orden psicológico desde la conquista española; el inhibir y obstruir la cultura autóctona mesoamericana similar a lo que pasó en la India durante el Raj Británico; el sentarse encima del espíritu mexica para aplastarlo distorsionando durante siglos y hasta la fecha la identidad de un pueblo. La realidad en México ha creado un mestizaje esquizofrénico que ha estado a contracorriente con su pasado indígena produciendo una cultura europeizante a la Victor Frankenstein.

No existe hoy en día algún impedimento para la ecualización social en México de orden económico, el país es rico en recursos materiales pero está mal administrado políticamente por razones psicológicas. No hay excusa. El caciquismo de los tlatoanis es un defecto psicológico del machín que quiere dominar groseramente como si fuera conquistador español. Dentro de la perspectiva de la reflexión filosófica se han dado pocos análisis que sirvan para el autoconocimiento. Más bien existe una


gran autocomplacencia con el carácter autoritario y conservador del mexicano quien está acostumbrado a la adulación de sus escritores y artistas que así piensan colocarse dentro de la estima de sus conciudadanos quienes los premian por hacerlo.

Dentro de este círculo funesto no hay esperanza si no existe la autocrítica, la capacidad de un desdoblamiento pera salirse de la propia cultura y verse con los ojos del extranjero. Que así fuera en todas las culturas del planeta para salir de una vez por todas de la ingenuidad narcisista que circunscribe a la gente dentro del pequeño mundo de la cultura propia creando la ilusión de que una cultura nacional es lo máximo como le sucede a Donald Trump y a los insulares de tierra adentro, aferrados a sus biblias (“clutching their bibles”), tan lejos de las costas cosmopolitas. Aquí en México también el “nacionalismo revolucionario” y la Iglesia Católica han hecho estragos en la capacidad de perspectiva y en la madurez y desarrollo caracterológico del mexicano. De tal manera que el ciudadano común no se atreve a imaginar la perspectiva de una democracia representativa tan acostumbrados están a la oratoria grandilocuente de sus tlatoanis.



En todo El Planeta La Noosphera se está cargando de violencia, de la violencia que genera la frustración de no resolver el impasse de la guerra entre las civilizaciones, de la insensata competencia supremacista por el control de la economía mundial en bloques regionales y por los desplazamientos de población debido a las guerras, la sobrepoblación mundial y el calentamiento global. El Estado Nación, el choque de civilizaciones y la competencia por el control de los recursos estratégicos del planeta hace necesario analizar la viabilidad de la teoría del Estado y su génesis a la luz de los fenómenos psicohistóricos. Pues pensamos que ha llegado el momento de cuestionar profundamente la viabilidad del Estado Nación como paradigma y esquema que sirva para organizar a la sociedad. Además pensamos que el Estaco Nación contemporáneo es carente de la flexibilidad necesaria para afrontar la crisis por el calentamiento global que se avecina en el Planeta; por ejemplo si consideramos que el deshielo del Ártico en breve creara una ruta marítima a lo largo del Círculo Polar en la ruta del Norte que esté libre de hielo todo el año. Habría que ver si Canadá, Estados Unidos y Rusia impondrán su soberanía a todo lo largo del Pasaje en el litoral Ártico o si la ruta estaría abierta al tráfico internacional, sin mencionar los recursos de toda índole que se podrían cultivar. Pensamos que está emergiendo un impulso en el mundo hacia la creación de Comunidades Federadas que liberen a grupos étnicos históricos como los Esquimales, nativos del Norte de Canadá, los Mayas o los Escoceses, Vascos y Catalanes que se liberen de la organización paraguas de los estados nación a los que se vieron obligados a pertenecer históricamente o que dieron origen a varias naciones víctimas de una geografía política imperialista como es el caso de África. Pero no nada más están a consideración las supervivencias históricas de un pasado imperialista sino que también se nos imponen otras consideraciones como la mayoría de edad de la población civil del planeta en la era del internet que ha rebasado políticamente la estructura histórica del Estado Nación con su idea de los “ciudadanos sujetos a la burocracia” que ahora exigen una forma de organización política autogestataria libres de la acción parasitaria de las burocracias y de los partidos políticos que conforman “los cuadros” del Estado.

En nuestras primeras entregas hicimos ciertas consideraciones sobre la resonancia y expansión a través de la noosphera del planeta de las hondas creadas por la violencia extrema generalizada y como esta es captada y retomada por otras mentes en otros rincones del planeta o dentro de una misma sociedad como la norteamericana donde gente que ya está desequilibrada es desbordada por la violencia en casos de asesinatos múltiples y decide emular los hechos en busca de una perversa notoriedad en una sociedad permisiva en su política de posesión de armas que ha creado una situación peligrosa que alimenta las tensiones raciales y propicia el desbordamiento psicótico en gentes que tienen historias de trastornos mentales que son llevadas a cometer actos de violencia en un síndrome imitativo de contagio colectivo, como el que está ocurriendo en Estados Unidos donde una cadena de asesinatos masivos, que el gobierno llama “terrorismo interno” no parece llegar a un fin.

La reciente aparición del Califato Islámico en Siria e Irak, del Islam jihadista internacional, de los hermanos chechenos que hicieron explotar un artefacto casero durante el maratón de Boston tuvieron su secuela en Paris, secundados por los hermanos argelinos que masacraron a los caricaturistas de la revista “Charlie Hebdo”. Todos estos son síntomas de 13

contagio dentro del síndrome, ya descrito, de una pandemia psicohistórica de violencia generalizada por todo el Planeta. El grupo de niños que “jugaban al secuestro” en Chihuahua, México y que asesinaron a un compañerito de 6 años degollándolo, dramatiza el terror con el que crecieron todas sus vidas en un medio dominado por la violencia ejercida por el crimen organizado.

No puede haber mayor evidencia del efecto psicopatológico colectivo de toda una sociedad enferma y de la inmensa cobardía sostenida durante años por una sociedad corrupta: su “gobierno”, sus “autoridades”; policías, psiquiatras, jueces, políticos, militares y sacerdotes que simulan cínicamente el juego de la vida a partir de sus “instituciones”, inmersos en la cultura narcisista que proclama el egoísmo, la evasión mental y el crimen como forma de vida para las mayorías. El aberrante cinismo de “Mad Max IV” cuyo director proclama que su película es una mescla de rock pesado y ópera, que se vuelve “viral” en los medios y que le deja a él y a sus socios en franquicia cientos de millones de dólares. La violencia y el crimen organizado son asesorías importantes del sistema del poder que se convierten en la pornografía de nuestra cultura planetaria… se ha vuelto “viral” es una expresión que… esconde el pánico que siente la humanidad ante el fracaso y el colapso de la vida inteligente en el Planeta. Inteligencia que nunca nos llevó a la vida de la conciencia sino a un triste remedo narcisista y racista, ante el espejo grandilocuente de las religiones institucionales mentirosas que ya no tienen razón de ser habiéndose agotado completamente su triste contenido ideológico e autoridad moral, si alguna vez tuvieron alguna.

Pensamos que podría existir una relación entre el incremento de violencia en el Planeta y una mayor actividad tectónica que aumenta la presión sobre ciertos puntos de la corteza aunado esto a una mayor actividad gravitacional dentro del núcleo del Planeta, posiblemente debida a un cambio en el equilibrio gravitacional en el Sistema Solar. A esto tendríamos que añadir la desesperación de la clase política que ve como se le salen de sus manos los negocios que ya tenían programados para antes del final del “sexenio” en el contexto mundial relacionado al “negocio” del petróleo. La violencia represora a la que han tenido que recurrir el gobierno para restablecer la circulación en la carretera México-Acapulco los ha desprestigiado a nivel mundial y ha ahuyentado capitales. Mucho más grave aún sería la posible complicidad del gobierno en el tráfico de heroína, (amapola).

Independientemente de la posibilidad de que se haya realizado un crimen de estado en Iguala este autor no puede evitar recordar la Historia de Guerrero; de los chinacos cuerudos de Juan Álvarez, recios mulatos, veteranos de tantas batallas como la de Padierna en la Guerra del ‘48; de los hermanos Galeana y de José María Morelos y Pavón en los Sitios de Acapulco y de Cuautla; de Genaro Vázquez Rojas, de Lucio Cabañas y de tantos otros que han vivido sobre el volcán que es Guerrero, epónimo de Don Vicente, tierra caliente de ensoñación, y fervor patrio revolucionario.

Quiero introducir aquí esta teoría: nosotros estamos adheridos a nuestra Madre Tierra de una manera un tanto casual, inconsciente y despreocupada sin atender las llamadas de atención que nos hace nuestra progenitora. Ahora bien la sobrepoblación repercute sobre la Noosphera tanto o más que el efecto gravitacional del núcleo terrestre sobre las capas tectónicas… la ignorancia, la codicia y la incapacidad política hacen el resto.

No se puede estar en contra de las personas, estamos en contra de la debilidad moral y de la corrupción que se convierte en cultura; en costumbres que después deforman a las personas y que ensombrecen la vida de la comunidad.



La némesis de las sociedades políticas en crisis, de su agotamiento extremo, es el canto de sirena del “Caudillismo”. Ni Francisco Franco, ni Fidel Castro ni Augusto Pinochet, resistieron el “influjo místico” de la oratoria Nacional Socialista de José Antonio Primo de Ribera. En México tenemos nuestros propios proyectos de caudillos; arrolladores con las masas, “incansables luchadores sociales”, que nos señalan el camino hacia el estatismo populista, corporativo y mesiánico al estilo de la “revolución venezolana”… Espejismo en el desierto del espíritu, “las masas”, sedientas e ignorantes irán a abrevar, en su desesperación, al pozo de un corporativismo de tintes autoritarios, de izquierda o de derecha, da lo mismo para tal caso…porque perdieron su fe en la democracia de partidos.

Pobre gente mantenida en la ignorancia por los medios masivos de comunicación y sus politólogos que no les dicen que existe un tercer camino que se llama Autogestión.

La Historia posee un tiempo interno, un ritmo orgánico de maduración similar al de una papaya. Todo tiene su momento y el momento de la Constitución de 1917 ya pasó. Ahora para 2017 nos deberíamos de elaborar una nueva Constitución.

El sistema político que surgió de la revolución de 1910 y de las reformas político-electorales de finales del Siglo XX en México ya no está contribuyendo al bienestar de los mexicanos ni a la democratización del sistema político o a la representatividad democrática.

Es el fin del Sistema de Partidos que sobreviene en un momento de catarsis de la sociedad entera como una verdad inapelable planteada por la historia, por la razón de los hechos; tendrá que ser una decisión colectiva voluntaria no impuesta. La gente votará hasta que se dé cuenta que el votar no le ha generado los cambios deseados…que se dé cuenta que está siendo engañada por la clase política y que solo tomando su propio destino en sus manos podrá alcanzar el estado de derecho tan deseado, la inteligencia y la transparencia responsable, posible y deseable en las finanzas públicas; más que un régimen burocrático patrimonialista, autoritario, policiaco y carcelario con cientos de miles de inexplicables reclusos…muertos y desaparecidos.

De igual manera la gente sigue siendo cristiana por osmosis hasta que se dé cuenta que la espiritualidad es un hecho experiencial que nace del corazón y del fracaso…. Hasta que asuma personalmente desde su interior que el despertar a la vida de la conciencia y de la ética no es una costumbre heredada sino una responsabilidad existencial que viene con la madurez, la soledad y la gracia…el satori, el shaktipat, que se da cuando uno se acerca a la esfera de lo Divino.

Yo le quiero preguntar a mis amigos politólogos, y este es un mensaje vinculante que espera una respuesta, porque nunca mencionan el tema de la Autogestión en sus programas televisivos… Que, se los prohíbe Gobernación? Están


induciendo, Ustedes, deliberadamente al público a que ignore la existencia de un sistema alternativo de gobierno? Quieren esa responsabilidad?

Para algunas gentes como yo el no acudir a las urnas es una lección aprendida; desprendida de la ingeniería electoral y el fraude en San Garabato….que si la destrucción del partido social demócrata dirigido por Patricia Mercado, yo vote por ella en dos ocasiones, las únicas en mi vida. Si algo me enseñó ese momento es que toda votación en México es un mentis que le otorgamos a la Oligarquía… y a los partidos políticos… porque aquí y en China y los extraterrestres saben, que “gana” el partido “que le toca” ganar, según la oligarquía.

Lo sorprendente es que la cuestión de fondo, la que no se les ha ocurrido a los politólogos no son las elecciones ni los partidos políticos sino la representatividad, que sin ella no hay democracia. Y no hay nada más directo que la democracia directa, elegir a nuestros representantes en las juntas de vecinos de la cuadra, escribiendo un nombre en un papelito (ostrakón), y depositándolo en una urna, a ver quién saca más votos…un hombre y una mujer, (dos votaciones distintas), que representen a la manzana en la asamblea de la colonia…( que después manden sus representantes al parlamento de la Delegación ).

A mis amigos politólogos les recuerdo que la televisión, de la cual Ustedes forman parte, no es libre, es usada por el Estado para generar una himnopaédia inductiva que garantice las condiciones para el control de masas que requiere la oligarquía…

Se vive un clima de angustia y zozobra provocado por el crimen organizado y por la colusión de la clase política con la economía del narcotráfico. Esto se refleja en la obesidad de los mexicanos que transfieren gran cantidad de energía emocional y psíquica al erotismo oral y malos hábitos de alimentación debido al terror político y la inseguridad que se vive.

De esta manera bloquean de la vida de la conciencia; la angustia que les genera la amenaza del crimen organizado, (provocada indirectamente por el Estado que esta coludido a través de sus actos u omisiones). Esto se suma a la impotencia de no poder participar en política, marginados como están los ciudadanos de la democracia directa por la corrupción de los partidos políticos; viven distraídos por la televisión y el futbol, comiendo, fumando y bebiendo todo tipo de sustancias nocivas para la salud: harinas, azucares, sal, almidones, tabaco y alcohol.

La pasividad política fomentada por la oligarquía y los Partidos tienen a la población sumida en la apatía y la depresión, en la obesidad y en las enfermedades crónicas degenerativas; de suerte que la relación entre la pasividad política, el crimen organizado, coludido con la oligarquía y la despolitización están llevando a los mexicanos a una muerte prematura sin gloria; victimas del estado nacional benefactor, autoritario, patrimonialista y patriarcal; en síntesis- La Dictadura Perfecta.

La cultura de dislocación y de alineación psicológica y de tolerancia al crimen organizado de la segunda mitad del siglo XX generó la extrema violencia que estamos viviendo hoy. Los primitivos políticos que practican una forma de canibalismo debieran recordar que la evolución del hombre, la hominización como dijera Teilhard de Chardin, tiene que pasar también por la espiritualización de la política y de la especie.



We have not yet learned to see what we do not know, we would have to go into the stratosphere and look dawn upon the Planet Earth like we have never done before to perceive the pulsating corona of energy emitted by the collective action of human thought and consciousness in action – this would be The Noosphare. This is what first attracted extraterrestrials to come here. This is why they are here because the appearance of a Noosphare on a living planet is the sign that they were waiting for, a wondrous phenomena that has cosmic repercussions. It is a beacon. It resonates throughout the cosmos and attracts beings from outer space; it announces the arrival of a new species in the concourse of The Spirit. Except that the new species in question might not know it. And for a Noosphere to be real, to become operative, it has to be acknowledged as such by its own broadcasters. This is what the extraterrestrials are waiting for, that we become aware of The Noosphare.

In the history of the diplomatic relations between Mexico and the United States there has been practically no formal cultural exchange. I can remember a very successful exhibit of paintings from the Hermitage Museum of Saint Petersburg in the 1970’s and a more resent one of Egyptian Antiquities from The Berlin Museum in 2005, but nothing from The United States. The Mexican Government has sent important collections of Pre-Columbian Cultures to New York but nothing has come to Mexico from The United States.

The Mexican people are very curious, I remember very long lines before the museum doors, people waiting for hours to get a glimpse of the portrait paintings of Repin or of the sculptures of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. People from Costa Rica and Panama came to see these shows. But nothing came from The United States.

Since The Late Pleistocene people have been coming to the American Continent. There have been migrations, movements of populations, displacements and conquests. Only very recently, since the XVIII century, people have begun to speak of “their rights”. Nation States have been formed, constitutions written. “We, The People…” etc. But none of this is “ours”, we have no “rights” as opposed to our Mother Earth. When are we going to restore the Land to The Earth and open up the frontiers of “the nation states”? Practically all the beaches in the gulf coast of Mexico are owned by PEMEX. You can’t go swimming there. You cannot cross the border of Mexico and the United States like you can go from Belgium into France. Why? What is the matter, what is the difference? This Earth is not “our” Earth; there are also the Sirens and the Bigfoot; the Lions and the Rhinoceros and the Fish…


Perhaps everything is in the mind, in the head, in The Noosphare….It is a problem for Psychohistory trying to define what has happened, what has gone wrong. There was not always the greed and the envy, my ancestors, Gerret Van Couwenhoven and his sons got off the boat that brought them over from Holland in 1628 to the Island of Manhattan and landed carrying their farming implements on their shoulders. They eventually settled in Long Island in a place they called New Amersfoort after the town they had left in Holland. For the first years they lived side by side with the natives of the land who would actually come to tea and to have a smoke by the fire place just as Russell Sholto says in his wonderful History of the settling of New Amsterdam, “The Island at the Center of the World”. We have to take it from there, what went wrong? What caused “the first Indian War”? Willem Kieft’s War against the Indians that ended in “The Pavoniam Massacre”…political incompetence, greed and stupidity. Kieft’s war is the remote origin of The Fort Apache Complex that has been the unconscious motivation for American Foreign Policy from The Pavonian Massacre to the present war in Irak. American colonists disillusioned because they did not find Moctezuma’s Gold in the forests of Virginia have not seized, even today, their quest for Black Gold in the shores of The Tigris and The Euphrates. It is characters like William Randolph Hearst or Donald Trump who “want America Great” who represent this elemental narcissism that at any moment will provoke a war through their power in the media to compensate the frustrations of white American racism. We know that the Pentagon has long ago drawn up plans for a war with Mexico and Latin America for just such an occasion.

Another ancestor of mine John Coite landed at Salem, Massachusetts, in 1630 and latter moved to Norwich, Connecticut, where he became a shipbuilder. And this I find significant because at the time Connecticut was a milder protestant environment and John Coite looked to sea, to wider horizons. And this brings me to a consideration of Puritanism, the other great formative current along with the Cosmopolitanism of the New Amsterdam Colony of Manhattan as the two contradictory cultural vectors: cathexis and anti-cathexis, forming up the struggle for the American soul and temperament. Self-righteousness and Paranoia on the one hand doing battle with the forces of The Id: lust and lewdness, music and dancing, horing and drinking in the ‘publik houses’ of Manhattan.

This is a receipt for Paranoia-Schizophrenia, the hobby-horse of American Psychosis, the main component in The War in Vietnam. Some wars were patriotic like the War of Independence, some were imperialist like The Mexican-American War and the war with Spain. Others like WWI and WWII were world conflicts; and still others like the Viet Nam war were neurotic conflicts where half the population was tricked in to it by the Oligarchy and the other half didn’t want to be there. Wars are conflicts that magnify human contradictions and expose what has come to be called ‘The National Psyche’. And although the concept of the National Psyche implies very broad generalizations it is a good working proposition especially in a contemporary situation where national cultures are so streamlined by patterns of consumption and education that produce sadly ‘homogenized’ populations that are completely predictable. And this is especially true in U.S. culture where most emigrants are in such a hurry to assimilate that after one or two generations they become the perfect carbon copy of a white Anglo-Saxon protestant. Great artistic tours de force like Eugene O’Neil’s “Hard day journey in to the Night” would hardly seem possible in today’s US society with the decline in the quality of the English being taught in High Schools all over the country that can no 18

longer produce the intensity of character that was common sixty years ago. Masked as the individual is today, by a primitive form of narcissism and intense banality; innocence defies analysis, more so in a society that deliberately turns inward overwhelmed by the external world beyond its borders.

Agitators like New Yorkers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were instrumental in getting the United States to start an imperialist war with Spain in 1898. Today, more than a hundred and seventeen years latter Donald Trump, also from New York, is agitating to get The United States into a war with Mexico. Where as in 1898 the casus belli was the future of American investments in Cuba, today, Mr. Trump’s obsession seems to be the weakening of American Supremacy throughout The World. And he wants to take it out on Mexico, a country that has been the wiping boy of White Anglo-Saxon jingoism for the past two hundred years.

It is a costume made situation for the American Right, one which is having much success if we are to judge by the political polls. The “Brown menace streaming across The Rio Grand” threatens the purity of the Gene Bank North of the Border. The Great White Race of which Mr. Donald Trump is such a portent, with his wavy hair, feels corralled by the Spanish speaking hordes South of The Border. Mr. Trump is an oligarch at the center of a ring at the center of a group of politicians and investors who commercialize their power; wants to build a fence and make Mexico pay for it…Wow! The Charge up San Juan Hill! Can you resist that?! Anyone who is hombre! , a raunchy honcho, is going to want to join Teddy’s Rough Riders and vote for Mister Trump! More so when the prestige of the U.S. is declining; what with Obama and that woman Clinton who wants to be President. “I want to make America great”, he says, that is a very parochial statement, very patriarchal; the time for that is long gone, what with desertification, overpopulation, climate change, the glamour has gone; there is no room for nationalism in the twenty-first century; the end of the game is near, it is quarter to twelve…this planet cannot stand another World War, it will collapse. If we are going to survive at all it will be in a new federation of communities under the auspices of The United Nations, not the United States. Donald Trump is an American Taliban sitting inside Fort Apache…He wants to build another wall around Fort Apache, to keep us all at a safe distance from the U.S….from having to deal with all the uncertainties in the world. In 1933 a majority of Germans elected Hitler, The Faccio and Mussolini were popularly acclaimed; today it seems as if the presidency of The United States could be bought like the Roman Empire was in olden days.

In times of crisis people lose confidence in themselves and turn towards authoritarian solutions. In conservative societies where there is a vertical social order elections can easily be bought. Electoral democracies are implicitly populist and lead to bureaucratic welfare states controlled by experienced oligarchies who know how to manipulate the masses through the himnopaedic power of television and of political propaganda. In weakening societies were education is declining and the depolitization of the majority of electors empties of meaning the electoral exercise turning it into a mere ritual whose essential meaning is no longer remembered by the general population.

We can also observe how the public is disconcerted, is getting tired of figures of authority who are no longer respected or trusted and is turning to people outside the political spectrum like in Guatemala where a comedian has been elected to the presidency; or in Spain where a strong civic movement thoroughly disgusted with the traditional parties is on the point of taking


over the government. The electoral process itself and the political parties are being rendered obsolete by a new civilization, a new culture based on the instantaneous communication of the internet.

The future of democracy lies in direct democracy, in town councils elected at the block level. Everyone should participate in public administration through the use of an intelligent card containing a microchip with a memory of the carrier’s professional skills and proven work experience; it could also act as a credit card tabulating the value of units of working hours from special comparative tables of wages in public service, units of value that could be exchanged for goods or services as if with a credit card.

Not one individual can lead anybody anywhere, no amount of shared public responsibility can be transferred to a single individual to be held at his own personal discretion or authority; we question the very principle of authority as an atavistic element perpetuated through an obsolete culture of hierarchy and power. We question the very idea of power as antisocial and irresponsible, an inherited psychohistorical compulsion that has no place in the formulation of a system of self-government in the global emergency that we are living today. Atavism and The National State; let’s go back to the Nineteenth Century- regression. Let’s exploit the ignorance and the chauvinism of the people, all within the context of televised journalism and the hot, yellow, printed word; like Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst did in the Nineteenth Century and we will have a world catastrophe of irreparable consequences.

Nonetheless, the study of Psychohistory contains the germ of awakening into a world community and a world culture that offers renewal and rebirth in the presence and with the help of The Other, the foreigners, the potential friends we might meet outside the borders of our culture, through the Internet; or while travelling away from our environment to take a holiday from the obsessions of our own culture.

The Concept of Psychohistory is there as a tool to help us preserve our freedom from the totalitarian temptation of any oligarchy wishing to impose a social order that will lead to slavery through the seductive induction of The Welfare State or the illusion of racial supremacy. The oligarchy will use the power of television to induce the notion that ‘only an electoral democracy through the agency of political parties will guarantee democracy’; were the political class that controls the bureaucracy guarantees the power of the oligarchy.

So self-absorbed are the cultures of Mexico and The United States that we would have to break up the border dividing these two countries to reach a breaking point beyond pure and elemental narcissism that would lead to a common North American identity that would make possible an authentic common market with the kind of political union they have in Europe.

Whether this union is desirable or not by a majority of the people of North America is defined more by political geography and economical self-interest and the sharing of a common culture than by pride and prejudice. Further on in this essay, we will propose a redefinition of existing geographical borders to create new political entities that correspond to actual zones that have defined new cultural and economic realities that have moved beyond their nineteenth century origins.

In some cases like the present Republic of Mexico a massive program of decentralization is needed for peoples to rediscover their regional identity within the frame of smaller communities where they can feel proud of their heritage like in El Bajio, The Grand Mayab or in Cahokia within the River World of The Mississippi. 20

In other cases a new realignment of countries would generate an incredible new dynamic like in the Rio de la Plata and Paraná basin where the federation of most of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Southern Brazil would create a unified economic, cultural and political zone of great viability with the Rio de la Plata and Paraná basins acting as a great artery of communication.

In the case of The Anahuac region in Mexico there exists a great need to give fluidity to the megalopolis around Mexico City before that amount of urban concentration finishes by eroding central Mexico and drying up the Rio Balsas. A consensus to the idea of a limit for the megalopolis must be reached that should include massive programs of reforestation and the restoration of the aquifer balance in the Valley of Mexico.

A transparent example would be the point of sustentation for the Valley of Mexico, the limit to its population and car park, the recovery of its ancient rivers and lakes in a harmonious equilibrium with rainfall and water preservation as it was done in pre-Colombian times with the Lakes of Texcoco, Tenochtitlan and Xochimilco. The planting of trees along the riverbanks, the massive introduction of small electric cars and the use of bicycles.

Carlos Lazo durante la construcción de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Planificación continental


Planificación del Golfo y el Caribe

Planificación de México

What political and administrative changes would have to be made to limit population growth, the numbers and types of vehicles, public transportation and urban planning, redesigning the water and sewage systems of the City:


Economic incentives for families that have only one or two children.


That own a small electric car or ride bicycles.


People who wish to move to the provinces.


A strict application of building regulations and land use.


Limitation and supervision of immigration into the City.


Relocating new industrial parks in the provinces.


Redesigning public buildings, shopping malls and commercial centers according to the canons of the historical school of architecture and landscape architecture as in the European school of “Architecture in Arcadia” but following the architectural models of Uxmal, Tula and Teotihuacán.


The building of dams to store rain water in the barrancas of Alvaro Obregón and Santa Fé.


Massive reforestation with the recovery of rivers and lakes in all Anahuac.



Un ejemplo de Urbanismo Humanista inspirado en la visión de Carlos Lazo, pensando en las personas primero. Después de una vida en San Ángel no se me ha quitado la aprehensión como peatón, de cruzar la Avenida Revolución en San Ángel. Camiones de veinte toneladas con doble remolque circulando a setenta kilómetros por hora a todas horas del día y de la noche enfrente del Convento del Carmen ( monumento de quinientos años de antigüedad ); los peatones nos encontramos intimidados esperando cruzar como ratones, entre coches y camiones, en los pocos lugares donde no existe una malla ciclónica para impedir nuestro paso y proteger a los vehículos de los ciudadanos indigentes que vergonzosamente no tienen para comprar un coche de Detroit hecho en Puebla….

Este tramo de la Avenida Revolución que va desde El Museo Carrillo Gil hasta el Estadio de Ciudad Universitaria, (que fuera un proyecto de Carlos Lazo), es uno de los más peligrosos de la Ciudad para los peatones, se podría convertir en un parque que le hiciese marco al corazón de San Ángel con sus museos, plazas y mercados.

Se podría construir un túnel unos metros antes de llegar al Museo Carrillo Gil que fuera a desembocar en el muro natural de piedra volcánica que está frente al Estadio de la Ciudad Universitaria.

Todo ese tramo de la Avenida Revolución se convertiría en un bonito jardín para la gente que ya no tendría que andar arratonada cruzando la avenida. Se podría hacer un gran acceso cilíndrico a este túnel con plantas colgantes y una rampa en espiral que diera acceso a un gran paradero subterráneo, una zona comercial con estacionamiento y andenes para abordar transporte colectivo que ahora existe de una manera caótica en la zona denominada “Las Palmas”, frente a la esquina de Doctor Gálvez y la Avenida Revolución. Todo este maravilloso conjunto sería un ejemplo de Urbanismo Humanista.



Las doncellas virtuosas de Tenochtítlan elaboraban un pastel de Amaranto, miel y Ololiuqui, el Enteógeno Sagrado, que representaba al Dios Tláloc; figura que era repartida con gran ceremonia al pie del Templo Mayor. Esto ocurría a mediados del mes de Septiembre en una especie de comunión colectiva al compartir la carne del Dios, El Teonanacatl, se entraba en un trance enteogénico colectivo, consubstancial con la Divinidad; mientras que a ritmo de cascabeles, flautas y tambores se volvía a narrar la historia del mito fundacional de La Gran Tenochtítlan…

Following the thesis of E.F. Schumacher that Small is Beautiful and that 400,000 people should be the limit for a community that sustains a viable dimension for human communication, commerce, ceremony and festivity we propose that Mexico City should be divided into four administrative areas following the Cardinal Points along an axis of Calzada de Tlalpán (prolonged by the Calzada de los Mistérios)-Viaducto Miguel Aleman so that we would have from East to West: North-Eastern Mexico City to be named: NEZAHUALCOYOTL; followed by North-west Mexico City to be known as CUAUHTEMOC. SouthWest Mexico City: SAN ANGEL-COYOACAN, with the South-Eastern part of the City to be known as IZTAPALAPAXOCHIMILCO; thus seeking to preserve the beautiful pre-Hispanic names that have traditionally answered for these areas.

Each of these cities would have its own parliament to procure its own Self-government derived from the representation of its multiple Colonias, Barrios and Manzanas in the manner described above. The Centro Histórico of the City would remain an independent area administered as a museum and as a park with all its streets closed to motor vehicles.





La casta criolla de Guatemala ha seguido la política del terror inaugurada por Pedro de Alvarado para mantener la supremacía blanca a ultranza, supremacía que el periodista John Carlin considero mucho peor que la cultura del Apartheid en África del Sur, durante el juicio seguido a Efraín Ríos Mont por genocidio y crímenes de lesa humanidad.

El terror es la constante cuando una minoría le quiere imponer su poder a grandes mayorías. Nosotros nos preguntamos: ¿Cuándo despertarán los Mayas, cuando se sacudirán esa parálisis generada por el terror de siglos, esa sumisión inducida por la Iglesia Católica? ¿Por qué no crear una región autónoma Maya para TODO el Pueblo Maya que incluya Guatemala, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Belize, El Salvador y Honduras occidental hasta el delta del rio Ulúa … El Gran Mayab?

Una conferencia internacional auspiciada por Las Naciones Unidas debería iniciar los trabajos de esta Unión.

El origen remoto de las migraciones recientes de Centro Americanos hacia E.U. y Canadá la podríamos encontrar en las matanzas y dislocaciones culturales que realizo Pedro de Alvarado en la Zona del Gran Mayab. Matanzas y dislocaciones más recientes generadas por la política exterior Estadunidense en Centro América para preservar sus intereses económicos y apoyar a la oligarquía criolla de la región, produjeron las guerras civiles que desembocaron en el colapso social que dieron origen a las más recientes inmigraciones.

Es por este motivo que estamos obligados históricamente a restituirle al pueblo Maya la libertad y la autonomía que toda gente se merece para construir su identidad y aportarle al mundo la riqueza de su Espíritu. Este es el sentido de la creación de la comunidad del Gran Mayab, o sea, la unificación de las áreas geográficas donde hoy en día existen poblaciones Mayas mayoritarias antes de que el genocidio programado las extinga. Los Guatemaltecos no son guatemaltecos vienen de una matriz Maya, son Mayas. También los Yucatecos son Mayas.

La postrer visitación de niños centroamericanos que vive hoy Estados Unidos es producto de su Karma Histórico que regresa a “visitarlo” después de las matanzas y guerras civiles que se llevaron a cabo en Centro América bajo su supervisión.

Que no se quejen ahora Los Gringos si son invadidos por miles de niños huérfanos empobrecidos que su política exterior ayudó a fabricar. Todos los países de la región están involucrados en la cultura de “El Power”, de Nicaragua hasta Alaska. Se ha llegado a un callejón sin salida, a la inmovilización. No hay creatividad política sino egoísmo utilitario brutal. El TLC, (NAFTA), 25

no funciona. La frontera entre Estados Unidos y México es la prueba; los tratados se hacen entre países que se respetan y desean encontrar un equilibrio para asegurar el libre tránsito y la creación de grandes áreas económicas que eventualmente desemboquen en la unidad política, (Unión Europea ), para que sean duraderas y no estén repitiendo los mismos ciclos psicohistóricos de almacenada emotividad negativa y resentimiento provocadas por políticas económicas que no benefician a ambas partes sino a pequeñas minorías.

Para evitar el nacionalismo agobiante e inmovilizador a ultranza toda Norte y Centro América se debería reconstituir en nuevas áreas Autónomas racionales que tengan un sentido comprobado en mercados reales y afinidades culturales. De Sur a Norte:

1. El Gran Mayab: Guatemala, El Salvador, Yucatán (Quintana Roo regresa a formar parte de Yucatán), Belice, Campeche, Chiapas y Honduras Occidental hasta el delta del Rio Ulúa.

La República de Guatemala está haciendo grandes esfuerzos por establecer un estado de derecho con el juicio al Presidente Otto Pérez Molina por fraude y peculado. Las Naciones Unidas y la Organización de Estados Americanos deberían de intervenir en Guatemala, militarmente si es necesario, para liberar a Los Mayas del APARTEID.

También El Estado de Quintana Roo debería de regresar a formar parte de Yucatán para que los Mayas controlen toda la península incluidas las costas del Caribe Yucateco de donde han sido excluidos, que ahora están en manos de extranjeros y Mexicanos del centro de la República. Asimismo Los Salvadoreños aceptarían formar parte del Gran Mayab si la oligarquía Guatemalteca es marginada del poder. También habría que garantizar la pluralidad cultural de Belice, el idioma Inglés, y ofrecerle a los Beliceños un referéndum para que aprueben libremente su adhesión al Gran Mayab.

Habría que negociar con Honduras el establecimiento de la frontera sureste en el rio Ulúa y con los Zapatistas de Chiapas su sistema de Autogobierno y la posible ampliación de este a todo El Gran Mayab dentro de un Sistema Federal que abarque la alianza de las nuevas comunidades con sus respectivas capitales regionales vinculadas en una Zona Federal que podría situarse en Chetumal.





2. Anáhuac: Distrito Federal, Estados de México, Morelos, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz y Tabasco.

Este es el corazón de Mesoamérica, donde surgieron la Cultura Olmeca, Teotihuacán y Tenochtitlán, posee una gran unidad cultural y configura una zona económica natural con acceso al Golfo de México.


3. Nueva España: el Bajío: Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, Guanajuato, Querétaro, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes y San Luis Potosí. Originalmente, “La Gran Nación Chichimeca” esta confederación de una fuerte herencia Española e Indígena posee un litoral en el Pacífico, una riqueza minera y turística, desarrollo industrial y agropecuario y un indudable acervo cultural que le darían una gran cohesión social y política.

4. Pacífico: Oaxaca, Guerrero y Michoacán.

Fuerza Indígena y magia hacen el espíritu de su gente que al adquirir una nueva libertad demostrara toda su gran dinámica creativa, es una área rica en los frutos de la tierra con una gran riqueza cultural y turística.

5. Anazasi Cabeza de Vaca “Tex-Mex”: Todo el Norte de México y el Sur Oeste de Estados Unidos sin incluir California: Texas, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Nuevo México, Chihuahua, Arizona,

Sonora, Sinaloa, Baja

California y Durango. En “Los Tres Entierros de Melquiades Estrada” Tommy Lee Jones personifico la tragedia que vive La Frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. No hay una gran diferencia entre los dos personajes centrales en esa historia: Pete Perkins y Melquiades Estrada; y esa es nuestra tesis al presentar esta nueva comunidad que existe a ambos lados de la “frontera” que prefiguro, con su periplo, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca; pues el comprendió durante su experiencia enteogénica en la kiva de los Indios Pueblo, el significado de la palabra Comunidad.


Frontera que no lo es tal porque son los mismos huizachales, las mismas montañas, los mismos ríos y la misma tierra calcinada por el Sol como lo comprobara el mismo Don Alvar en su peregrinación Norte Americana.

Sin embargo esa tierra está poblada por gente ancestral y por gente nueva: Yaquis, Huicholes, Tarahumaras, Hopi, Navajo, Pueblos, Apaches, Comanches y muchos más…Mexicanos y Estadounidenses que hablan Inglés, Español, Chicano y muchas otras lenguas más…que les gusta la música del acordeón, Las botas Tejanas y los sombreros Stetson…y que su país va desde Tamaulipas y Texas hasta Baja California, Sonora y Nuevo México.

All this country is Indian country; it is also frontier country: The Anasazi showed the way, with their cisterns and their kivas and their sacred roads guarded by The Kachinas, the spirits that anímate the world, The Sacred Cactus, The Peyote…are still there, waiting for the men of knowledge who revere the plurality of life. “Before I built a wall I’d ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That wants it dawn…” Robert Frost, Mending Wall

We do not own the earth, The Earth owns us. There is something anthropocentric about The Nation State that is not right, that will waste itself with time; it is already wasted as is demonstrated by the porous nature of national frontiers and population movements due to wars and internal conflicts derived from the illusion of territoriality, the lebensraum of the national socialists in the Germany of the 30’s and 40’s. The very concept of “the national state” in a world that is not our own has no room in the XXI Century. The Mother Demeter does not need us, we need her, we are all her children and She will impose on us a drastic change through climate change until we learn the meaning of the word, Community…

Nostradamus in one of his visions saw a Caliph in a blue turban who started a war to end All Wars; well, we now have a caliph with a black turban…and Mr. Donald Trump who wants to build a wall…

Quanah Parker, the last of the Comanche chiefs and founder of The Native American Church, looms large over the land of the ancient Anasazi. His life, during a period when a world order was coming to a dramatic end, symbolizes the struggle of the native North Americans to come to terms with the European invasion in the land over which Cabeza de Vaca first walked.

The Comanche who fought Juan Bautista de Anza in 1779 and used to go to the Feria at Taos each year to trade deer and buffalo hides for horses and clothes. So this two persons, Cabeza de Vaca and Quanah Parker, I find, are full of psychohistorical meaning because of the profound spirituality of their experience and because of what they have to tell us across time: national frontiers are only provisory, once civilizations outgrow the original parameters of their identities and make for themselves a more cosmopolitan world the political structures that once were useful, that were constructed before this happened, become obsolete… the people advance at a faster pace than their politicians and the social scientists think.



You cannot build the walls of the nationalist states around them because people will tear them dawn if you block the view of their horizons; the view of the Sky…tear down the walls and let the people walk over The Land…this land is not your land…it is the land upon which the warriors walk; warriors of the spirit like Cabeza de Vaca and Quanah Parker, do not build walls to divide the land: The Huichol, The Yaqui, The Tarahumara, The Comanche, The Apache, The Hopi, The Navajo…

We need a World Government to prepare for the time when the walls will come tumbling dawn; people will tear them down when climate change generates sufficient pressure, great population movements, a rush to Siberia and Canada…we will need a new geopolitical reorganization of the continents; cultures and civilizations will have to federate into new communities,


new modes of production, less extractive economies, sustainable agriculture, sustainable populations‌ this will come to pass, at the Junction of the Rio Grand.


6. California: California, Nevada y Oregón. A land of dreams, many of them come true…An entity part Ocean, part desert, part mountains and forest…The San Joaquin valley with its vineyards. “Frisco”, “Vegas”, “L.A.”, Silicon Valley…What else can you desire, a world all to itself!


7. Cahokia: todos los Estados que bordean el Rio Mississippi: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee y Mississippi.

A River World: from the Great Lakes to The Golf of Mexico , The Mississippi encompasses the land giving form and unity to a variety of Character that makes the people of this land come together at Saint Louis at the confluence of the rivers, Missouri and the Mississippi, bringing in the lore of the Great Plains and The Rockies‌Here these two great areas converge, at the jumping off point of mountain men, explorers and trekkers, meeting place of the Tribes, Cahokia‌


8. Rocky Mountains-Great Plains: Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota.

With access to the sea in Washington State for The Great Plains and The Rocky Mountains.


9. Great Lakes: Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Ontario.

Between the Artic Sea and the Gulf of Mexico the area of the Great Lakes is a natural reservoir of fresh water and an economic center for the distribution of goods that will acquire more relevance as climate change advances and opens up the huge areas of Canada’s North West. Immigration from the Middle East and Bangladesh could enrich this area.


10. New England: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Nerve center of finance and knowledge could repair its old infrastructure: roads, bridges, tunnels, canals, sewers, power stations, could introduce electric cars and high speed trains.


11. Dixie: The Virginias, Carolinas, Maryland, Delaware, Georgia, Alabama and North Florida following the line San Agustín-Cape San Blas. Economic mart to all the adjacent areas, could trade with Cahokia, Anahuac, Caribia‌Could re-establish itself as a cultural center and link between the Latin, Caribean and African elements of the Americas on one side and the Northern World of Europe and America on the other.


12. Quebec: Le Quebec, New Foundland, New Brunswick et Nova Scotia. Seraient la porte naturelle d’entrée pour l’Europe Nord-Occidental, spécialement La France et LÁnglaterre avec les quelles Le Quebec a des fortes liens cultureles et économiques e dans l’Amérique du Nord.


13. Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

A key link between the developing North Western Territories and California with the produce of The Rocky Mountains and The Great Plains: a Great North Pacific Area with Eastern Siberia and Japan.


14. Alaska-Yukon

This huge Artic area so rich in natural resources is another of the great reserves of The Planet. It will be able to accommodate a large migrant population from densely populated regions of The Planet once the pressures of climate change start to be severely felt. Great care must be observed in preserving the natural balance between environment and urban and industrial development.


15. Inuit (Northwest Territories):

Nunavut with its capital at Yellowknife on the Great Slave Lake. To the North still below the tree line, is the Great Bear Lake and beyond The Northwest Passage linking the Atlantic Ocean south of Baffin Island and Greenland with The Pacific Ocean at Alaska. Inuit.Nunavut is one of the great territorial reserves of The Planet that will come into its own as climate change unfolds. With its vast herds of caribou and long artic sea coast line this region is a rich animal reserve in land and sea of immense proportions were large populations in the future will have to live in harmony with nature while they develop the light non-extractive industries of the future.

Todas estas Regiones configuran zonas económicas en la actualidad y poseen una herencia cultural e histórica en común. Por lo tanto deben de ser viables como entidades semi-autónomas dentro de un Gran Mercado Común y alianza políticofederal a la Europea, Zona denominada: “Mercado Común de América del Norte”. Los países restantes del continente en realidad pertenecen a la esfera de influencia del Continente Sur Americano que posee también zonas económico-históricas bastante bien definidas; como podrían ser las naciones que bordean El Rio de la Plata, Las del Pacifico Sur Americano, las de la Cuenca del Caribe y toda La Zona de Brasil al norte de Sao Paulo con Bolivia incluida, que también se podría asociar al Perú y formar parte de La Cuenca del Pacífico Sur.

The future will require the convergence of national cultures into an advanced form of world consciousness as it exists today in internet, in cosmopolitan universities and in the United Nations. The natural geographic regions we have been describing could well become political and economic units as they nearly are. Take, for example, the wonderful region bordering the Rios de La Plata and Paraná with their cities: Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Asunción. We could add to this dynamic economic area 45

the cities of Santiago, Cordoba, Rosario, Santa Fé, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to form a veritable hub, a light house, a great cosmopolitan zone.

People could continue to enjoy their national and regional cultures as they do today as it was shown during the recent edition of the 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil, when people of the world over, but specially of the Americas, enjoyed themselves in a month long “fiesta”. It made every one aware of both our unity and diversity. But above all it made us aware of the fragility of The World as we watched Brazil struggle to literally make ends meet out of a difficult political and economic situation; a situation that country shared with its own Mercosur neighbors, and ultimately with the whole World, which threatened to unravel in The Ukraine and Syria.

It is clear to me, and to many other people I am sure, that humanity is ready, indeed it desperately needs, a shift from national borders to the federated autonomous borders of new Macro Regions that are more manageable politically and economically and that psychologically will constitute more agreeable places to live than the fragmented and circumscribed societies of today whose national borders were largely designed by the Bourbon reforms of Charles III and José de Galvez in the XVIII Century. An example of this type of colonial partition could be Nigeria which is really two countries: Bornu to the north and Nigeria or the Delta of The Niger to the south. Another example of this would be The Gran Mayab were the fragmented Maya population that lives today in several different States exploited by the criollo oligarchies could form a new federation like The Union of South Africa; free of racial discrimination and exploitation by the different states where that unique people are now marginalized and denied their own self-esteem and the freedom to develop their own project.

Retrato de Cabeza de Vaca en el filme de Nicolás Echeverría, Cabeza de Vaca.


One on the great founders of both The Autonomous Region of The River Plate and of The Tex-Mex Federation was Don Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, the great Spanish explorer of The XVI Century, who walked most of the way from Florida to MIchoacán, (1528-1537), and on another latter occasion walked from across the Island of Santa Catalina off the coast of Southern Brazil to the Falls of Iguazú and thence to Asunción, Paraguay on The Paraná River and latter explored the Matto Grosso region in The Grand Chaco, (1540-1544). He governed these regions as “Adelantado and Capitán General” and described them from the point of view of a European observer in his Memoires, (Naufragios y Comentarios, Espasa Calpe ). He was originally from one of the founding families of the Canary Islands and rightly deserves to have prefigured, or imagined if you prefer, what today is The American Continent; more so than the greedy Cristobal Colón, obsessed with economic gain and his own social advancement who inspired the genocide of the Tainos in marked contrast with Don Alvar who because of his wanderings to the North and South of the American Continent learned to know and to love the American Indians. This man Cabeza de Vaca, who was deeply spiritualized by his experience in The Americas and partook of The Sacred Entheogens in The Kiva of the Pueblo Indians during his North American sojourn, was the man who truly discovered America in a modern sense, more so than Cristopher Colombus who clearly was an opportunist. Cabeza de Vaca first discovered America, The Noumena, or the “New World”, the way the Pueblo Indians and the people of the desert saw it; the way the Guarani saw it from their canoes, in the Paraná. He was the first to commune deeply with its Native Americans…who perhaps had a glimpse of their mystery and special originality, different from Europeans...Not for nothing Don Alvar was a native of The Canary Islands, which with the Azores is the last vestige of Atlantis. When Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca was wondering through the deserts of the South West during the 1530’s The Mississippi Valley civilization of Cahokia had just passed away, so had the Paquimé civilization of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua; none the less, he came into contact with the Hopi and Navajo cultures of New Mexico, descendants of the Anazasi, who celebrate Entheogenic Rites with The Peyote Cactus, ( Losophora Williamsii ). During the eating of The Sacred Plant in the sacred Kiva of the Puebloans, Don Alvar most have experienced profound reflections about the meaning of his “American” voyage, not yet ended, a voyage of discovery not only geographical but spiritual, as he came to reflect how very different America was from Europe and what a close relationship the American Natives had with the natural world of plants and animals. The spiritual discovery of America took place inside a kiva of The Navajo and not in the Island of Guanahani by Christopher Columbus. It is also the America of Quanah Parker and his descendants we should not forget.

The pre-Hispanic American culture that Don Alvar witnessed in the deserts of North America and later along the Paraná and Paraguay rivers had a similar component based in the knowledge and contemplation of Nature, very different from the dislocation of Judeo-Christian culture that separates man from the life of the planet and the within of things to wander in the realm of naïve metaphysical fantasy presided by the obsession of guilt, confession and orthodoxy in the chambers of the Inquisition. His accuser, the traitor Domingo de Irala, was the archetypical “conquistador”, a man who understood nothing, saw nothing in the wonderful world of The Guaraní, but conspired to exploit everything, overwhelmed by greed, jealousy and stupidity; dreaming, like Christopher Colombus, with the advancement of his family in the social hierarchy of Spain…



16. Caribia: Honduras al Este del Río Ulúa, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Norte de Colombia, de la línea JuradoBucaramanga; Venezuela, Guayanas, Surinán, Islas del Caribe, Islas Bahamas y el Sur de Florida, de la línea San Agustín-Cabo San Blas.

Una zona económica natural de fabulosas proporciones y posibilidades; una área que al estar federada constituiría un dinamo transcultural de casi ilimitadas posibilidades.


17. Andes: Colombia al Sur de la línea Jurado-Bucaramanga, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y Chile al Norte de Antofagosta. El mundo Inca reconstituido sería una maravilla sin duda…como El Gran Mayab.

18. Cabeza de Vaca, Rio de La Plata y Paraná: Chile al Sur de Antofagosta, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y Brazil al Sur del Trópico de Cáncer incluyendo Rio de Janeiro como zona libre.

19. Amazonas-Brazil: Brazil al Norte del Trópico de Cáncer incluyendo Rio de Janeiro como zona libre. La Amazonia reconstituida sería el laboratorio de la naturaleza primigenia del Planeta.


The countries of Latin America had their origin in the reforms of The Marquis of Galvez in the reign of Charles III when the former provinces of the Vice-royalties were reorganized in new “intendencias”; and new provinces were created: the internal provinces of The North of New Spain: Sonora, New Mexico, California and Texas and in the extreme south of the Continent, the Crown Dominion of The Vice-royalty of The Rio de la Plata was detached from Peru. From this reorganization, called “The Bourbon Reforms”, would emerge the latter countries that contested their independence from Spain and thus it can be argued that they had their origins in Spanish colonial policies and imperial selfinterests.

A liberated, fully matured humanity will want to associate itself in different ways than those designed by the Colonial powers of the last few centuries. A case in point is the map of Africa. We here begin with The American Continent because it is a clear point of departure where the modern countries of The Americas were superimposed on The Aztec and Inca Empires whose development was truncated by the European invasion so that the patterns of the geographic and the geopolitical realignment in the Western Hemisphere will become clearer as we move along.

We believe that the concept of Community as opposed to the idea of The National State is paramount; it springs from a spiritual realization of the value of human life and of a shared universal social responsibility in the planet, of an expanded collective consciousness in the human rights of all; indistinct of race, sex, age or nationality. As a matter of fact it is the theory of the State that has now become obsolete and the greatest obstacle to freedom, justice and democracy in its fabrication of the new classes of bureaucracies, meritocracies and oligarchies.

Wherever individuals have identified their future and their welfare with the State they have created a bureaucracy that has oppressed and exploited the civil population while favoring the groups that collaborate with the state in the extortion of its revenue. When this bureaucracy sees itself threatened it has no scruple in resorting to police methods: brutality and torture. So that the idea of the State in many parts of the world is associated with brutality and torture, an Orwellian nightmare.

In many cases this Orwellian nightmare has had a socialist inspiration at its origin; the vanguard of the proletariat easily and commodiously transformed itself into a nefarious band of sadist exploiters as in the Soviet Union, Libya, Irak and Syria. In other countries like Mexico and the United States the capitalist oligarchies have used the state bureaucracy to discipline the labor force; brutally excluding all ‘elements’ that do not ‘conform’ to the degrading regimentation of the working classes. These ‘states’ are in fact disguised dictatorships, ‘dictaduras perfectas’. Herbert Marcuse described these societies in the early 1960’s as ‘the authoritarian democratic plutocracies´ where the ‘democratic un-freedom’ of the ‘welfare state’ had extirpated the desire for freedom and happiness in the repressed libido and the control of culture necessary for the discipline of industrial production. Nothing has changed since then, my generation is busy perverting their sons and their gran -children in the ways of power and class manipulation. Nothing has changed since the 1950’s or rather the world has regressed to the 1950’s…

The name of the game is Power, it is the greatest of psychohistorical noumena, you teach the ways of power to your children and they will learn to manipulate the electoral racket in their favor. Nothing can be done against this system unless we spiritualize civic culture to guarantee horizontal and direct democracy. The system of power has constructed a network of 50

influence throughout the World that has a vested interest in preserving a vertical social order and for this purpose promotes “merit” and “social connection” to exclude everyone else.

Power is a cultural learning process that is taught in the homes of the rich to their children in their schools and through the media of political prejudice and propaganda; social trend such as body building, the cult of weapons and violence that include the use of cocaine and martial arts. The ethical problem here is underlined by cynicism rationalized by proto-fascist ideas inspired in Nietzsche and blessed by the Catholic Church, a culture that has constructed a ‘powerful’ civilization based on the practice of power and favoritism everywhere in the world. Until one day we shall wake up and realize we have been emasculated and with the poet Javier Sicilia say: ‘we are fed up’, ‘estamos hasta la madre’. From that moment on we can begin talking about life in a Community as opposed to the circumscribed world of narcissism, power and violence.



Nosotros, afortunadamente, no tenemos que quedar bien con ningún gobierno ni con ninguna institución académica, solo con nosotros mismos y con la realidad fenomenológica que queremos descubrir aquí en nuestro planeta y en el universo en que vivimos. Este es el tema de nuestra investigación.

Let me start then, with a cold, hard fact, the same I recounted in my essay, El Movimiento Macehual, in my book La Huerta del Macehual, online in this blog. On the night of August 8, 1997 while standing in the balcony of our hotel room in the Hotel “Solaris” of Tlaltizapan, Morelos State, Mexico, my wife and I saw a very large unidentified spaceship hovering over the natural spring waters of “Las Estacas” Spa near the Colonia Alejandra of Tlaltizapán. The Hotel is situated on a mountain range above the valley of Yautepec about a kilometer, as the crow flies, from the Spa; so that the view of the valley of Yautepec from our hotel room is clear and magnificent, and at night you can see the lights of Las Estacas very clearly, a view that we have often enjoyed over the years.

Many other people saw this and the event was confirmed by the Municipal President of The Colonia Alejandra who was a witness. Also the manager of Las Estacas Spa confirmed this in the presence of my friend Alexander Shoumatoff, associate editor of Vanity Fair Magazine.

The space-craft, which was approximately 100 meters in diameter was clearly not a robot, which means that there were beings inside of it navigating it. After hovering over the Spa for more than twenty minutes, displaying a battery of more than forty powerful lights, some orange and some very bright halogen white the space craft took off vertically without emitting the slightest sound and within a couple of seconds had described a series of zigzag movements and disappeared behind a chain of mountains on the opposite side of the valley from where we stood, behind Las Estacas Spa.

I deduce from the event that we witnessed, that there are extraterrestrial beings living here in this planet; and having said this I distance myself from all UFO literature for or against this phenomena so that I can state my theory in a fresh and independent manner. Nearly eighteen years have passed since the time of my sighting and what I can add to what I have already written on this subject (La Huerta del Macehual, online in this blog), is somewhat along the lines of what millions of fellow human beings might be thinking about this subject: mainly that extraterrestrials are here among us living in submarine bases in the Puerto Rico Trench or near the Azores and The Canary Islands, perhaps commuting to star ships and bases within our solar system and their planets of origin. What do they want? They don’t want anything beyond satisfying their own curiosity about this world….and possibly, they might want to play a role as “facilitators”, to “help recycle souls”, as Whitely Strieber has put it ( “Transformation”, p. 252). In one of the last chapters of his book, ”Communion”, Whitely mentions having met during one of his last abduction episodes a woman, a human being, who was collaborating with the Extraterrestrials and who was not an abductee; a fact that seems to point towards The Garden Planet Hypothesis.


Another curious fact which I take as internal evidence of Whitely’s sincerity is that he mentions Plotinus in the text of his book, “Transformation”. On page 224 he says: “The Neo-platonic philosopher Plotinus speaks of the “light” emitted by souls as their primary reality. Maybe the visitors when they told him that they came to Earth because “they saw a light”, were not referring to the light of our cities but to the light of our souls”, The Noosphere of Teilhard de Chardin. Apparently Whitely studied theology as a young man and this is another point in his favor that Extraterrestrials should have chosen someone like him). We ought to establish official contact with them; it is no use pretending that they don’t exist; it is schizophrenic, and will have a bad consequence the longer we postpone it. Possibly the state bureaucracies of the world and the scientific community, who would not like extraterrestrial competitors, are waiting until: “we are as powerful as extraterrestrials are”. This is silly, to be obsessed about the question of “power”. If extraterrestrials wanted something “evil”, they would have done it a long time ago . Whatever it was that they were going to do to us, they have already done “it”. They want to make us think about our place in the Universe. Arthur Clark at the end of his novel, “Childhoods End”, suggests that Extraterrestrials came here looking for evidence of The Phenomena of Illumination. It is a question about humanity’s preparedness to accept this event, of our level of consciousness, maturity as a species, and level of civilization; if you do not like the word “spirituality”. This is as good a time as any and we should not wait any longer. But we should put our house in order first, otherwise we will be in a weak position if we don’t. We should establish a World Government with new regional, political and economic zones.

Following the lines of my theory I posit that there are now many human beings, and descendants of human beings, that have grown in other planets, and hybrid human beings with extraterrestrial genes that are NOW collaborating with one or more species of extraterrestrials. This is what I call “The Garden Planet Hypothesis”, developing further an idea that Philip José Farmer advanced in his wonderful novel, “The Magic labyrinth”, which is curiously not all fiction.

Farmer imagined an immense tower set in a North Polar Sea were a philanthropic race of extraterrestrials aided by specially trained humans operated an ultra-sophisticated resuscitation machine for the benefit of all the human beings that ever lived; who were resurrected fully grown and healthy, along the banks of a great river that ran its course all around the axis of a planet that had been specially terra-formed for the occasion,( somewhat in the manner of Captain Nemo in “The Mysterious Island”, who was an unseen presence till the end, a benefactor to the castaways).

Farmer briefly describes another planet, The Garden Planet, were extraterrestrials had originally taken the human beings they had “abducted” along with all resurrected children who had died in infancy and needed special care to help them develop into spiritual maturity.

On the night of October 21, 1978, Fred Valentich, a young Australian pilot was flying his small Cessna182L over the sea south of Melbourne on his way to King Island. He told air comptroller, Steve Robey, at the traffic tower on Melbourne airport before disappearing, that there was a large Space Ship hovering over his plane….. Many people saw him leave Melbourne airport flying over the land and he never came back. Others saw a large Flying Saucer in the sky that very same evening…


There is a reasonable probability that such a place as The Garden Planet exists or something similar and that extraterrestrials have taken human beings there since time immemorial and that these human beings collaborate with extraterrestrials, have in fact become extraterrestrials and some might be living here among us. Or as Whitely Strieber succinctly put it: “Something is out there and wants in”, in Spanish: “Hay alguien que esta afuera y quiere entrar”, or “They have come knocking at our door”, “Estan tocando en la puerta”.

This would go far in explaining why they are here: because there exists already a civilization of extraterrestrials who had a human origin, were either taken to another planet or were born in another planet, The Garden Planet, and now want to communicate with us and came here with their extraterrestrial sponsors, another much older race that have known this planet from time immemorial.



It is by no means necessary to look for an exogenous cause to account for the phenomenon of human evolution or of human intelligence. It is true that the map of human evolution is far from being complete, there are many gaps, most notably the little understood effect of Entheogenic plants in the development of the brain in homo sapiens: most importantly during the formative period of the late Pleistocene to the present (from 150 000 BP ).

To take recourse to extraterrestrial intervention would only postpone the problem of Origins from an ontological point of view, because we would then have to ask the question: Where did THEY evolve? How did extraterrestrials themselves become intelligent, Deus ex maquina? We would then have to posit an extraterrestrial evolutionary process as the remote cause of human evolution. No doubt that there was such a process, wherever they come from, we would have to ask them for their story…which should be very interesting to hear. For the time being human evolution is sufficient as the source of human intelligence. Science has been evolving from the lithic exploits of homo habilis to the hugely self- congratulatory particle accelerator in Geneva, the current pride of scientific mankind. It took millions of years to develop human intelligence and this is the evolutionary way that it should have been and that it turned out to be. This does not mean that at some point in our history a race of extraterrestrials might not have taken some human beings to another planet: the probability exists and is out there somewhere waiting for us to evolve and become ready for the encounter…

From the sahelanthropus tchadensis, oldest bipedal anthropoid with bipedal characteristics of 7 000 000 years ago, horrorin tugenensis of 6 my years ago, to ardipithecus ramidus kadabba, 5.7-5.2 million years, a ground ape whose different genus from the australopithecinae is nonetheless in question, the doubt remains: was he fully bipedal, was his brain 400 cubic centimeters? ( Time, July 22, 2002 ). There are many uncertainties in the details of the long line of our ancestors, more so with the appearance of Homo naledi, ( Nat. Geo. October 2015 ), an intermediate species half way between the Australopithecinae and Homo; yet what I can say is that it would have been extremely tedious for a long lived and hardy race of extraterrestrials to have supervised the long process of human evolution.

Although it is theoretically possible, according to the Theory of Relativity applied to space travel, that a species of extraterrestrials might have travelled from a far distant planet inside or outside our Galaxy and come back to Earth all within the space of a few short “years” if distance and velocity were not a problem for them in a “curved Universe” where a million years of Earth’s time would be only a short space of time for them because of the “time warp” effect while travelling through a “worm hole”.

One of the things that made us gracile, more gracious looking in paleo-anthropological terms, was the discovery of the different uses of fire; specially in cooking, and for this we most thank the ladies of our species; for thanks to fire we had cooking, we did not have to chew so much raw meat and with time our face muscles and our mandibles became more soft, more “gracile”; our manners improved and we ended up looking prettier. Thanks to our perseverance, I should say, for it took the species millions of years and we should never forget where we come from; the blood, sweat and tears spent in the process of hominization. We honor our ancestors who prefigured us in their effort, in their courage and perseverance, which we should not minimize, for we owe our existence to their effort and not so much to extraterrestrials… 55

I think that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin discussed very capably the problem of Origins in his Le PhĂŠnomene Humain: Nothing is so delicate and fugitive by its very nature as a beginning. As long as a Zoological group is young, its characters remain indeterminate, its structure precarious and its dimensions scant. It is composed of relatively few individual units, and these change rapidly. In space as in duration, the peduncle (or, which comes to the same thing, the bud ) of a living branch corresponds to a minimum of differentiation, expansion and resistance. What then will be the effect of time on this area of weakness?

Inevitably to destroy all vestiges of it. Beginnings have an irritating but essential fragility, and one that should be taken to heart by all who occupy themselves with history. The Phenomenon of Man (pp. 120-121, Harper and Row )

Life, intelligence and consciousness most start somewhere; be it for human beings or for extraterrestrials. I do not think that we had to have been altered genetically by extraterrestrials in order to become intelligent what I do believe is that Entheogenic Plants contributed more in the development of human intelligence than is at present understood. This does not mean that extraterrestrials might not have in this time or in the past experimented with human genetics; it could be one of their main interest with us and there is a possibility, as I mentioned above, that there might be human-extraterrestrial hybrids here on Earth or in some other planet.

Nonetheless I think that we should bravely commence what is inevitable: the process of making contact with the extraterrestrials who are at hand in or around our planet. See what they want and find out about them and about us.

Ultimately we share a similar origin with the extraterrestrials as creatures of The Cosmos: they, as ourselves, developed in some planetary environment their own biological component, and our common and ultimate origin is not to be found in this universe; that neither we nor they, evolved our consciousness in any other medium but in the One where all forms and entelechies are derived from and that medium is beyond this cosmos as we understand it today.


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