VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2022 Presseclippings

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Press Clippings 2022 BEST OF

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April 2022 dezeen eventguide

April 2022 die Angewandte

April 2022 Falstaff Living

April 2022

April 2022 Wiener Zeitung

April 2022 Wirschaftsagentur Wien

April 2022 Les Nouveaux Riches

August 2022 Contemporary Lynx

August 2022 NDION

August 2022 Schaufenster (Die Presse)

September 2022 H.O.M.E.

September 2022 Rondo (Der Standard)

September 2022 Parnass

September 2022 Architektur Aktuell

September 2022 Der Standard

September 2022 Immo Kurier

September 2022 Rondo (Der Standard)

September 2022 Schaufenster (Die Presse)

September 2022 Die Presse

September 2022 Der Falter

September 2022 STYLEPARK Magazin

September 2022 world architects

September 2022 Wien

September 2022 Ansa ViaggiArt

September 2022 Frankfurter Allgemeine September 2022 KURIER

September 2022 ZIB

September 2022 Ö1 Mittagsjournal

September 2022 Ming Pao Daily, Hong Kong

September 2022 MONOCLE Radio

Oktober 2022 Domus

Oktober 2022 Caleido Diary

5 Dezeen Eventguide April 2022
6 Die Angewandte April 2022
7 Fallstaff Living April 2022
8 April 2022
9 Wiener Zeitung April 2022
10 Wirtschafts Agentur Wien April 2022
11 Les Nouveaux Riches April 2022
12 Contemporary Lynx August 2022
13 NDION August 2022
14 Schaufenster (Die Presse) August 2022
15 Schaufenster (Die Presse) August 2022
16 Schaufenster (Die Presse) August 2022
17 Schaufenster (Die Presse) August 2022
18 H.O.M.E. September 2022
19 Rondo (Der Standard) September 2022
20 Parnass September 2022
21 Architektur Aktuell September 2022
22 Der Standard September 2022
23 Der Standard September 2022
24 Immo Kurier September 2022
25 Bezirkszeitung Mariahilf September 2022
26 Rondo (Der Standard) September 2022
27 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
28 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
29 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
30 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
31 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
32 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
33 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
34 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
35 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
36 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
37 Schaufenster (Die Presse) September 2022
38 Die Presse September 2022
39 Der Falter September 2022
40 Der Falter September 2022
41 STYLEPARK Magazin September 2022
42 world architects Juli 2022
43 wien September 2022
44 Ansa ViaggiArt September 2022
45 Frankfurter Allgemeine September 2022
46 Frankfurter Allgemeine September 2022
47 ZIB September 2022
KURIER September 2022
49 Ö1 Mittagsjournal September 2022
Ming Pao Daily, Hong Kong September 2022
51 facebook @明報副刊電郵: ● 引人注目 C7 2022-10-15 星期六 Feature 談及維也納設計周今屆較國際化的取向,當 中難度在於如何以國際語言連接當地人及來自 各地的遊客。 今年獲邀參展的居荷法籍設計師 Diego Faivre ( 圖 ,左 )和 Pierre Castignola ( 圖 ,右 ),用上即食麵作為橋樑,在設計 周內開設 Instant Noodle Repair Café(圖 ), 將設計、食物與大眾連接。 Diego Faivre 的設計一向充滿童趣,而 Pierre Castignola 則主理升級再造。今次的即食麵檔除 展出自家設計外,亦找來設計師好友以即食麵 為靈感,如 Olga Flór 與 Flora Lechner 設計兩 名主理人身上的廚帽及圍裙, Noh Yongwon 設計的麵碗, Tim Teven 的鋼盤及 Olga Flór 設 計的即食麵坐地燈,以即食麵檔包羅各式家品 設計,由桌椅到餐具均鉅細無遺。 除家品外,麵檔亦每日提供不同以即食麵為 主的餐點,如即食麵 carbonara( 圖 ),並以 捐款方式任由客人出價,呈現創意的方式並不 限於設計品的框框。● Pop-up 即食麵檔 桌椅餐具全是設計 維也納設計周與其他家 品展、設計周最大不同之 處,在於「城市化」。自 創辦開始,維也納設計周 便以游擊的方式舉行,每 年均在城內不同地方作展 覽場地,而非局限單一地 區或展場。它也不像其他 地方的設計展般設有貿易展,少了商業包袱, 反而多了與眾同樂的元素,與近年各地設計 周發展「城中展」的取向相比,更佔先機; 加上每年不同的展區場地,大都是原本鮮作 開放的地點,善用了大眾對展場的好奇心來 吸引觀眾。例如今屆集中在潮流區 Mariahilf 並在 GASSE GEWÖLBE 及 GSTÄTTN 3 個 地方成立主要展覽據點。 無主題框框 點子融入生活 維也納設計周另一與別不同之處,在於其 「無主題」。不少設計周都運用年度主題來統 一陣營,維也納卻反其道而行,只是簡單地呈 現設計如何與社區及可持續連結。「年度主題 對不少觀眾而言都不是重點,反而參展單位 能在沒有主題包袱下,創作出最具創意、最 瘋狂的作品,成為最吸引觀眾的地方。當中 不少作品,也不是很實在,只是一些十分觸 手可及的念頭。但最重要是設計師能有一個 發揮空間,展出他們心目中最想做的事。這 種發揮空間,正是當下設計師最缺乏的東西。 同時,由於我們每年展場地點也不同,我們 希望參展設計師能以展場為靈感,設計出貼 合城市的作品。」設計周總監 Gabriel Roland 分享。 按 Gabriel Roland 理解,奧地利設計在 20 世 紀經歷了多重變化,但一直受兩大元素影響。 一是國家本身的王室風格及效力王室的工藝, 二是國家後來興起的民主價值觀。受到政治 氣候影響,不少建築及設計風格都以解決社 會問題為切入點,成為設計之於社會的重要 責任。「在這種風氣下,設計成為最有力的 工具來塑造未來生活。維也納相比起其他設 計城市的步伐較慢,讓設計師能有更多時間 深思,發展出多元化的設計風格,很難一概 而論。如要為風格或共通點下一個定論,該 是對素材的執著,如何將之化為日常用品, 輔助日常生活。形態上則按照原有設計,如 建築師 Hermann Czech 為 Gebrüder Thonet Vienna 設計的家具,便按品牌的工業歷史抽 取設計元素,另一些則以鄉郊工藝作靈感, 各具特色。另外亦着墨於新科技及新素材方 面。」 為裝飾元素賦予功能意義 隨着全球化,設計周除了需要呈現本地設 計,亦身兼引入外地設計的重任。今屆維也納 設計周是最國際化的一屆,不少國際品牌如 IKEA Polestar 等都有參與;同時亦加入重點 展覽系列 FOKUS ,並以 Ornament 作為頭炮展 題,邀請 Collectible Fair 的策展人 Liv Vaisberg 作客席策展,讓整個設計周成為了本土與國 際設計交流的平台。 「主題展 Ornament 是我們的新嘗試。 Ornament 即無實用功能,只起美化作用的 物品,在設計界是一個具爭議的題材,而新 一代設計師則走出了兩極的取態,嘗試為設 計中的裝飾元素加入功能或傳意上的意義。 FOKUS 的展品則以非工業設計品為主,整個 取向,亦與今屆選址暗合。 Mariahilf 即本地人 所指的第 6 區,是商業化購物區,當中亦有不 少小店。今屆以此為據點,是希望能透過設 計周來發掘在商業以外,帶來不同類型的交 流。在一個社區空間( social space )中,有哪 些設計交流能夠發生,或如何以金錢以外的 方式交易。」Gabriel Roland 說。● 共享設計 3大主要展覽點之一的GSTÄTTN,能找到Miramondo設計的King Arthur戶外長枱及Frieder Bohaumilitzky設計的吹氣裝置,達到與民同享設計的宗旨。 (Dawn Hung攝) 維也納設計周 滲入日常與眾同樂 古城創意 慢工出細貨 談到奧地利和維也納,大多人想起的是音樂之都、Sigmund Freud、Art Nouveau與Baroque風格建築,較少與設計掛鈎。自2007年開始,策展人Lilli Hollein、Tulga Beyerle及Thomas Geisler創辦了維也納設計周,加入這個歐洲設 計展戰團。到2021年,Gabriel Roland於疫情期間獲任設計周總監,延續了設計 走入城市的傳統。 文:Dawn Hung 難民為題 以Liquid House為題的展區,由Natalia Gurova及kültüřgemma!主理,目的是為難民 提供設計用品。 (Dawn Hung攝) 流動服裝店 Alexandra Fruhstorfer及Nina Sandino的作品 Dare to Share and Wear, Mariahüf!,以流動 車方式為區內市民提供升級再造的服裝。 (Dawn Hung攝) 燈掣燈 Klára Šumová為水晶燈品牌Bakalowits製作 新設計,圖中的「燈掣燈」是其中的有趣之作。 (Dawn Hung攝) 留下睡痕 設計團體Design in Gesellschaft的展示空 間內,可找到Elodie Grethen的作品Feeling Blue,用上感光布料將自己的「睡痕」留在被 鋪上。 (Dawn Hung攝) 路柱座位 ante up設計的路柱配件OTTAWATT,讓路人 能在市內熱門等人地點的Ottakringer Straße 及Wattgasse交界坐下。 (Dawn Hung攝) (Pierre Castignola攝)(Dawn Hung攝) 新設主題 今年新增的主題展系列FOKUS,以Ornament作為頭炮展題,以非工業量產作品為主(地上作品)。 (Dawn Hung攝) 特別裝飾 於Ornament展區內,能找到Nawaaz Saldulker用上咖啡膠囊作裝飾的椅子 Transhumance Chair。 (Dawn Hung攝) Gabriel Roland (Dawn Hung攝) 編輯:朱建勳 美術:謝偉豪 A A A B B C C Ming Pao Daily, Hong Kong September 2022
52 MONOCLE Radio September 2022
53 Social Media September 2022

Design city

Vienna il design è una risorsa sostenibile per migliorare la città

Un legame, sincero e profondo, con la città è l’elemento che caratterizza la Vienna Design Week. Il dialogo tra i designer e il tessuto urbano e sociale è così intenso da averne fatto una gradita e stimolante anomalia nel panorama internazionale, grazie anche al programma di dibattiti, workshop visite guidate e mostre ben distribuito nell’arco di più di una settimana. Non si tratta solo, per intenderci, di un rapporto di scambio, riscoperta e valorizzazione di realtà locali poco note o sottoutilizzate, come avviene in molti omologhi europei. Qui, la relazione è più intima, e soprattutto ben corrisposta: l’impressione è che la città stessa si ponga in ascolto in modo aperto e paziente. La 16. edizione dell’evento, la seconda diretta da Gabriel Roland, conferma in pieno questa vocazione. Non solo nella sezione Passionswege che torna, dopo due anni di assenza, con la co-curatela di Nadja Zerunian, a combinare il know-how di designer contemporanei e aziende artigianali. Due le coppie: Anna Zimmermann con Bakalowits [7], che produce lampadari di cristallo da quasi 180 anni, e Frieder Bohaumilitzky con Ursula Klein [4] con l’azienda Schulteswein che da tre generazioni crea oggetti gonfiabili. Quest’anno, il quartier generale, installato nell’ottocentesco sesto distretto di Mariahilf, era distribuito su tre sedi, di solito non aperte al pubblico: uno storico edificio residenziale, un ex parcheggio coperto e un lotto di terreno vacante. L’invito, come sempre, era ad andare oltre i landmark del quartiere – la Secessione, il Naschmarkt e la lunga via dello shopping – per scoprire le identità locali nascoste, gli spazi condivisi e le infrastrutture anonime di un quartiere che già da tempo è coinvolto in un processo di gentrificazione. Si è confermata ricca e stimolante la formula di Urban Food & Design, organizzato con la Vienna Business Agency attraverso una call. Al tema scelto, ancorare l’economia circolare nell’industria alimentare, ha lavorato, tra gli altri, la designer Jutta Goessl [6] che ha studiato nuovi concetti di packaging e trasporto. E mentre i designer di Simiæn, con il chimico Alexander Ehrmann, hanno creato un set di pietra per la cerimonia del tè completo di infuso a base di licheni [2], il progetto di Johanna Pichlbauer ha regalato nuova vita, funzioni, materiali e accessori agli storici vasi del Castello di Hollenegg [5]. Nella sezione Stadtarbeit i progetti che utilizzano il design come leva sociale andavano dal Noodle Repair Café [1] dei francesi Diego Faivre e Pierre Castignola alla mappatura di The Department (TD), dove negozi e locali del sesto distretto diventano un network per la comunità [3]. Sociale e sostenibile, condiviso e radicato nel territorio, a Vienna il design sembra sulla buona strada per diventare uno strumento che migliora la città.

Vienna Design Week has a sincere and enduring bond with the city. The profound dialogue between designers and the urban and social fabric has made the event an appreciated and stimulating anomaly on the international scene, thanks also to the programme of debates, workshops, guided tours and shows distributed over more than one week. This is not just a relationship of exchange, rediscovery and enhancement of little-known or underused local realities, as happens in many of its European counterparts. Here the relationship is more intimate and mutual, and the impression is that the city freely and patiently opens itself up. The event’s 16th edition, and the 2nd directed by Gabriel Roland, confirmed this vocation. The Passionswege section, which returned after two years of absence with the co-curation of Nadja Zerunian, combined the know-how of contemporary designers and artisan businesses. There were two duos: Anna Zimmermann with Bakalowits [7], a manufacturer of crystal chandeliers for almost 180 years; and Frieder Bohaumilitzky with Ursula Klein [4]. She is the third generation to run Schulteswien,that makes inflatable objects. This year, the HQ in the 19thcentury sixth district of Mariahilf was installed in three locations normally closed to the public: a historic residential building, a former covered parking lot and a parcel of vacant land. The invitation was to go beyond the neighbourhood landmarks –the Secession, the Naschmarkt and the long shopping street – to discover the hidden local identities, shared spaces and nondescript infrastructures of this district that has been seeing an ongoing process of gentrification. The Urban Food & Design formula, organised with Vienna Business Agency through an open call, was rich and engaging. Anchoring the circular economy to the food industry, it involved the designer Jutta Goessl [6], who explored new concepts of packaging and shipping.

And, while the designers of Simiæn, with the chemist Alexander Ehrmann, created a stone set for the tea ceremony and an infusion made from lichen [2], the project by Johanna Pichlbauer gave new life, functions, materials and accessories to the historic vases of Schloss Hollenegg [5].

Projects in the Stadtarbeit social design section ranged from the Noodle Repair Café [1] by the French Diego Faivre and Pierre Castignola to the alternative map of the sixth district developed by The Department (TD), where shops and locals formed a community network [3]. Social and sustainable, shared and rooted in the territory, in Vienna design looks set to become a tool for improving the city.

Domus Oktober 2022 DIARIO domus 1072 Ottobre October 2022
In Vienna, design is a sustainable resource for improving the city
Testo / Text Elena Sommariva Photo Elena Sommariva Photo © Vienna Design Week kollektiv fischka Photo © Vienna Design Week Philipp Podesser 1 3 5 76 2 4 Photo Elena Sommariva Photo Elena Sommariva Photo Elena Sommariva Photo © Vienna Design Week Lea Sonderegger XXI
55 Caleido Oktober 2022
Caleido Oktober 2022
Caleido Oktober 2022
Caleido Oktober 2022
Caleido Oktober 2022
Caleido Oktober 2022

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