Portfolio 2017

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Design Durable & Architecture d’intérieur

Anaïs Cipriano - Automne 2017


design durable - architecture d’intérieur - design d’objet ÉDUCATION 2016/2017

Master en design durable à SCAD - Savannah College of Art & Design aux États-Unis: Design Durable (eco-design, design social et économie). Classes en design management, design industriel (methods of contextual research, How Might We by IDEO et UX design) théories des modèles durables (biomimétisme, thinking in systems, Hidden connexion, Cradle to Cradle...), design leadership studio (A.U.D.I.O., Sswot, blue ocean strategy tools, rebranding), behavior change studio, biologie et restauration du patrimoine;


Diplôme d’architecte d’intérieur & designer certifié par le CFAI à l’Esam Design - École Supérieure des Arts Modernes(75017 Paris); Dont un semestre en Erasmus à Déia Barcelone : paysagisme &

Profil 6, Place d’Estienne d’Orves 75009 Paris - France

étalagisme/Rétail; 2008/2011

Lycée Saint-Louis (75009 Paris) baccalauréat, série ES.

+ 33 6 75 94 84 26


anaiscipriano@gmail.com Née le 10/04/1992 Nationalité française

Mars 2017 février 2016

Permis de conduire B

Certificat de Design Produit par Cradle to Cradle; Finaliste du concours de Design GRDF avec atmOsphère: Travail de groupe sur une chaudière moderne;

sept. 2015

Lauréate du Cosentino Design Challenge avec Kanyon: Travail de groupe sur une cuisine conviviale tutoré par Victoria

Réseaux sociaux

Willmote; juin/juillet 2015

Stage d’architcture chez Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche (75007 Paris): Aménagement des zones de parfumerie luxe au RDC;

juin/juillet 2014

Stage dans l’agence d’architecture Archy (75009 Paris):


Aménagement d’un cabinet de curiosités dans une tour médiévale,

Word, Excel, Power-Point

Réhabilitation d’un appartement Art Nouveau de 145m²;

Photoshop, Indesign

juin/juillet 2013

Stage dans l’agence d’architecture d’intérieur Aïuto (75017 Paris): Réhabilitation d’un appartement de 47m².

AutoCAD, 3Dmax.




Blogeuse Instagram sur le minimalisme et le zéro déchet;

français :


anglais :


espagnol :


Bénévole à S.C.A.D. Serve: nettoyer les plages, club de jardinage &

allemand :


Habitat for Humanity;

japonais :


Voyager, lire et visites de musées; associatif


Initiation à l’équitation pour des personnes handicapées;

Équitation (galop 5), voile et randonnée.

Aux Etats-Unis 2016-2017


Final project - Overconcumption / Sustainable Design


Methods of Contextual Research / Industrial Design & U.X


Design Leadership - A-fresh / Green Economy


Design management / Social Design


Behavior change - Thrive Five / Sustainable Design


Sustainable Materials - Releaf / EcoDesign


atmOsphere / Concours GRDF


Co Living/ Projet de diplôme


Kanyon / Concours Cosentino


Stage / Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche


Ecole d’arts & logements étudiants / Projet d’école


Stage / Agence Archy Environnement


Duplex / Projet de licence


Stage / Agence Aïuto


Restauration d’un corps de ferme / projet personnel


En France 2011-2016

Value Hypothesis by Geoff Moore For traditional shoppers & their followers Who don’t have access or the opportunity to buy sustainably (local, unmaterial,...) and don’t know how to have a more responsible consumption. Our store Experience Zero Savannah is providing the basic needs for a person from bulk food to local daily need objects and even suprising experiences. That give the opportunity to the customer to have more experiences than unnecessary objects in their life. This store will give them a better life quality and more satisfaction by experiencing experiences in their life.





social isolation

gathering place







Value Hypothesis by Geoff Moore



For traditional shoppers & their followers


Who don’t have access or the opportunity to buy QUALITY sustainably (local, unmaterial,...) and don’t know how to have a more responsible consumption.


Our store Experience Zero Savannah is providing the basic HAPPY PEOPLE needs for a person from bulk food to local daily need objects and even suprising experiences.


Research Diffusion of innovation Diffusion of innovations Diffusion of innovations

Study cases STUDY CAS BJ Fogg's Behavior

That give the opportunity to the customer to have more experiences than unnecessary objects in their life. This store will give them a better life People qualitythat and more by would wantsatisfaction to do experiencing experiencesmore in their life. more effort because without People that agree to spend sustainability isn’t trendy enough. more money for sustainable products.

•Less is more





•to be > to have

•quality >quantity

•Less resources individualy but better distribution.

social isolation

gathering place




People that do not believe in climate change or don’t see the importance of sustainability.

Cultural probe Cultural probe


stressful situations ... 55% buy clothes The value proposition canvasIn40% would go


The value proposition canvas

• Same pattern !




once a month or more.


customers - local stores

Survey at Forsyth Park interviewing 61 people Earth Day about • Offering during different prices - services local small -selling and as much their general consumption. than products. businesses experiences and Even a sustainable - localin farmers servicesevent - eco more brands people -promote with naturally - Zero-waste in sustainability sustainable interested U.S.A. consumption some consumption habits - experience are still unconscious. stores • The number 2 is the better one by my point of view.

- local products - local experiences

shopping as a first or second activity- to relax. customers people

To prompt question “what brings you joy?” people answered : - dog -local stores -take-back -sustainable - family -green people program consumption -lifestyle coach avoiding malls - experience -services & -local community -people seeking a experiences - sport healthier life meeting -qualitative bulk - kids -people seeking a -Zerowaste food volunteers greener life food -new -lifestyle -shopping addict - gardening knowledge -the possibility to be part of the zerowaste community (volunteering

-store -events -phone -social media


-bored followers -teenager seeking a more active life -personal challenge to break

1. Ecoliteracy 2. Zero Waste Cente 3. N.O.M.A. «America • Helping people know there 1. 4.Ecoliteracy colibr are divers way ofMouvement being more 2. Zero Waste France Center sustainable. 5. Terracycle 3. N.O.M.A. «America» 4. 6.Mouvement colibri • Offering a placeCOP21 for the 5. Terracycle 7.COP21 Cradle Majority to have access to to cradle 6. sustainability. Story of stuff 7. 8.Cradle to cradle 8. 9.Story of stuff Buy nothing day 9. Buy nothing day IKEA concept stor 10. 10. IKEA concept store 11. 11. Slow movement Slow movement 12. Lamazuna 12. Lamazuna

Experience Zero Savannah


Alternative to tradtional shopping

Stakeholder m

The short term go sustainable cons Color code for the relashionships withis theusually two differentnot clientsacc : is to reintroduce Public /customers Local stores /clients


“Should consumerism be the last thing we accomplish as a species, after all this evolution and the miraculous series of accidents that granted our sentience?“ Robert Wringham

Journey map Journey map on the floor plan of one of the personas Lily is a 21 years old SCAD student 1 - She is attracted by the PopUp store space from Betnix. 2- She sees the volunteering opportunities and goes get more informations about Zero Waste. 3- She continues discovering the store and buy some bulk beauty products. 4- She pays and leave

2 1 4 3



•4 of the studygroupe cases I studied are more appliable for my project. 1 •The other one gave me a lot of inspiration and knowledge. 2 services

1 6 11




5 10

Research Diffusion of innovation Diffusion of innovations LOW





Stakeholder map

he short term goal of the store is to make ustainable consumption accessible where it ode for the relashionships The long term goal eusually two differentnot clientsaccessible. : Stakeholder map to reintroduce local stores in malls.



Vintage Antiques

kids stores

Families Arts

local economy

Farmers market






Experience Zero



The short term goal People that do not believe in of the store is 1. Ecoliteracy to make sustainable climate change or don’t see theconsumption accessible where it is usually not 2. Zero Was importance of sustainability.

3. N.O.M.A. map « accessible. The long term goalJourney • Helping people know there 1. 4.Ecoliteracy is to reintroduce local stores in way ofMouveme are divers being more 2. Zero Waste Fran sustainable. 5. Terracycle malls. 3. N.O.M.A. «Ameri

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Snack, fast-food & restaurants specific stores (books, cinema,...)

Shopping mall

Gift store

Clothes Shopping addicts

The value proposition canvas customers - local stores

-selling experiences and services -promote sustainable consumption

- local products - local experiences

transportation web hosting

maintenance interior design


Study ca STUDY BJ Fogg's B

The value proposition canvas The value proposition canvas

- local small businesses - local farmers - eco brands - Zero-waste U.S.A. - experience stores

•O an tha





•T be vie

4. 6.Mouvement coli COP21 • Offering a place for the 5. Terracycle 7.COP21 Cradle Majority to have access to to 6. sustainability. Story of s 7. 8.Cradle to cradle

Bored teenagers

Local stores /clients




People that would want to do more without more effort because People that agree to spend sustainability isn’t trendy enough. more money for sustainable products.

Public /customers



customers - people

-sustainable consumption -services & experiences -qualitative bulk food -new lifestyle knowledge -the possibility to be part of the zerowaste community (volunteering program)

-take-back program -lifestyle coach -local community meeting -Zerowaste volunteers

-store -events -phone -social media -website

purchase cost


of stuff 9.Story Buy nothi Buy nothing day 10. IKEA con IKEA concept sto Slow movement 11. Slow mo Lamazuna 12. Lamazu 4

Experience Zero Savannah




2 12


coliteracy Zero Waste Center N.O.M.A. «America» know there oliteracy Mouvement colibri being more o Waste France Center Terracycle O.M.A. «America» uvement colibri COP21 for the racycle Cradle ccess to to cradle P21 Story of stuff dle to cradle ry of stuff Buy nothing day y nothing day IKEA concept store A concept store w movement Slow movement mazuna Lamazuna


The short sustainab Color code for the re withis theusually two differen is to reint

-local stores -green people Public / avoiding malls -people seeking a healthier life Local st -people seeking a greener life -shopping A new,addict natural product line: A.fresh. -bored followers To launch A.fresh, we are proposing -teenager seeking - a truck that travels across the a more active life -personal brand and connect Aquafresh challenge - to a break toothpaste contains all-natu the routine

Final solution

city/government funding

Start campaign is a fresh start start for their customers. - the truck will offer free dental h health professional, education samples of the new product fo

Eleven design methods

4- Five Why’s

1- User Observation 2- User Interview 3- Cultural Probe 4- Five Why’s 5- How Might We 6- Affinity Diagram 7- Persona 8- User Journey Map 9- User Scenarii 10- Prototype 11- Usability Testing

WHY people are not recycling properly? BECAUSE It is too complicate Why? BECAUSE It is taking too much time Why? BECAUSE Wastes are not a profitable enough activity to spend time on Why? BECAUSE There is no benefits to sort your waste Why? BECAUSE There are only indirect benefits like health or environment

6- Affinity Diagram

8- Journey Map

For User Observation, we visit several Cafes and restaurants to see how people interact with their trash and trashcans. Our insights was that we should find an attractive way to make people interact with trashcans. We designed Trashback: a trashcan that gives back insentives to its users. The trashcan is easy to use with holes of the shape of the common disposable objects we can find in a cafe. You can scan your card before throwing out your wastes and it will give you points as a reward to recycle and compost. These points can be cumulated to have free coffee.

10- App screenshots OUR STORY


Trashcan in Coffee shops

11- User Testing

thank you for saving the World !






Click here for more info

Click here for more info

Click here for more info



«I really like the bright color and the holes. They are not confused at all. I also really like the “Casino” sound and the screen display. I throw paper plates and napkin because I didn’t see any holes that are related to those trashes, so I just throw they to the landfill.» User 1

Every time you have an espresso coffee, about 20 grams of grounds are left over, and in most cases is thrown into the bin. But did you know your plants love coffee as much as you do? We give our compost to Savannah Victory gardens like many others in Savannah. Coffee Grounds are relatively high in Nitrogen, an essential nutrient for plant growth. When added to your compost, Coffee Grounds will raise those internal temperatures, which speeds up decomposition, and the end result will be beautiful, black, rich compost.



Less than 1% of coffee cups get recycled in the world.

Scan your loyalty card here and you will have all the datas about your coffee consumption and your trash behaviour. The more you use well the trashcan the more points you have. Your points serve to have a discount for your coffees.




Research The first step in our research process was to analyze different oral care brands to familiarize ourselves with the industry. Aquafresh is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, a large company that specializes in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and consumer healthcare products. To analyze Aquafresh’s current sustainability performance, we utilized a number of tools: - A.U.D.I.O. analysis - sSWOT - Blue Ocean Strategies (Four Actions Framework, Strategy Canvas, etc.)

Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas The Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas tool is a simple and effective way to compare different types of brands within the industry, revealing the market space which is available for capture. We assessed the toothpaste market according to 11 different factors. The strategy canvas revealed an open market space for focusing on deforestation, energy sourcing, waste management, water use, and carbon use. This presents an exciting opportunity for Aquafresh, particularly in the water use category.

Blue Ocean

Aquafresh (Current) Colgate Weleda Aquafresh (Desired) Collaborations


Animal Welfare


Carbon Use

Water Use

Waste Management

Energy Sources


Ingredients Quality






Four Actions Framework

Blue Ocean’s Four Actions Framework is used to reconstruct buyer value elements in creating a new strategic profile. This tool helped us further identify, through the information in our AUDIO analysis, what creative solutions and strategies we could use to help Aquafresh become more sustainable. Raise




RAISE Expand third party certifications Environmental missions with PULSE volunteering program Utilize Research & Development departments for natural ingredient development CREATE Natural toothpaste line Recyclable, FSC certified packaging Collaborations NGOs, Fair trade, etc. Sustainable/ethical raw material suppliers FSC certified toothbrush


Enconter map A.fresh truck encourages users to make the switch to natural products and to improve the communities it visits. This graph visualizes both the behavior change and the social mission programming in the A.fresh truck. - The grey line indicates the behavior change cycle that users go through before/during/after interacting with the truck. - The blue line indicates the social mission for those who do not have access to dental care, such as homeless people.


REDUCE Packaging landfill waste Operational waste Operational and transportation carbon emissions Operational water use Operational energy use ELIMINATE Animal testing Harmful synthetic ingredients for health and environment Landfill waste


Final solution A new, natural product line: A.fresh. To launch A.fresh, we are proposing the A.fresh Start campaign: - a truck that travels across the U.S. to promote the new brand and connect Aquafresh with its new target market, - a toothpaste contains all-natural ingredients. The A.fresh Start campaign is a fresh start for Aquafresh and a fresh start for their customers. - the truck will offer free dental health screenings by a dental health professional, educational materials, and free samples of the new product for users to test out.


10 3




5 6 4


1. Solar Panels 2. Sale Window 3. Solar Panel Batteries 4. Retractable Exterior Sink 5. Dentist Sink 6. Dental Screening Area 7. Water Tank 8. Greywater Filtration System 9. Rooftop garden 10. Water Irrigation Pipe 11. Vertical Garden Wall

To launch the A.fresh toothpaste line and establish a relationship with their customers, a traveling truck will pass through 23 major U.S. cities.




Fostering a More Resilient Savannah Our goal is to act as a catalyst for a more equitable and resilient Savannah, working with and longside Emergent Savannah. We will build on what already exists, and amplify the best of what is already underway. We will empower existing actors. We will strategically develop solutions with Wendell Berry’s maxim of solving for pattern forever on our minds, where effects of any action ripple positively through the connected systems of Savannah rather than creating negative repercussions. With a clear understanding of our team’s resource limitations (being comprised mostly of individuals less familiar with Savannah who may leave soon after graduating), and respecting the fact that we will be working within a short time span along a longer continuum, we will develop tangible and actionable solutions that enable others to carry the work they already do forward, and do so on their own terms.

Double Diamond Methodology

Design Impact One of the first resources we turned to was a report by Design Impact titled Metathemes: Designing for Equitable Social Change. Design Impact is a non-profit social innovation firm based in Cincinnati, OH that specializes in collaborative problem solving through a design lens. What this means is that Design Impact works with community leaders, government officials, and nonprofit organizations to address complex problems (such as hunger, homelessness, and access to healthcare) with the help of the design process.


2017 Friend-o-matic People’s Tour Humans of Savannah Community Board

Rather than choosing a single idea and trying to design it to perfection, our team decided to prototype all 4 concepts. With no time to waste, we broke into smaller more agile teams that would be able to swiftly carry out each design concept. We would then collect feedback, tally our results and present the findings gathered from each prototype.

Final Thoughts Each of our final concepts had its pitfalls and payoffs. Resiliency requires flexibility, and we found that each idea, whether it was the Friend-o-matic, the People’s Tour, Humans of Savannah-Chatham or the Community Board could outdo the others depending on which area and what context it was used in. All the models we created facilitated communication and empathy in some capacity, and those aspects are critical to a resilient community. After prototyping these designs, we structured our findings into an instruction manual for parties in the future that wish to carry out the concepts themselves. We want the benefits of our research to extend beyond our project and last long into the future. Our 10 weeks of research, conversations, participation, observations and discovery have shown that Savannah is a place with many faces. In order to move toward a future of resiliency, Savannahians must first see and acknowledge each other, commit to communication and collectively move forward in collaboration.


Design mnagement

Prototype of the Factivate Billboard

FACE OFF : A Competition Designed to Reduce Energy Consumption The City of Savannah Office of Environmental services and sustainability but also Thrive (the volunteering employees of Savannah City) asked SCAD for a creative solution to incentivize employees to reduce their energy consumption. We designed a competition focused on behavior change. The ultimate goal was to aid five City buildings in their quest to reduce energy as a challenge over the course of a single month, March 2017. We developed a campaign for this competition. Meant to be fun and playful, Face Off is a poster-led challenge.

by Designing for Behavior Change


Just one percent less than March 2015 will save . . . $ lbs C0² trees CITY HALL 1,561 580 263 GAMBLE 538 199 91 BROUGHTON 3,343 1,241 564 DEVELOPMENT 1,136 421 192 CULTURE 369 162 74

Journey map We design a journey map for the employees so they have the choice among these new different habits. These would occur in different times of the days depending of their preferences.


A.fresh truck encourages users to make the switch to natural products and to improve the communities it visits. This graph visualizes both the behavior change and the social mission programming in the A.fresh truck. - The grey line indicates the behavior change There are two modes of thinking in the brain: cycle that users go through before/during/after interacting with the truck. - deliberative (thinking=conscious of) - The blue line indicates the social mission for - intuitive (emotional=not conscious of=habit) those who do not have access to dental The mood of the person matters immensely. Wecare, have such as homeless people.


Understanding how the mind makes decisions

a distinct mindset for hours spent at work, at home or out during our free time. When we are tired, we rely more on our intuitive mode. Change of behavior at different times of the day can have profound impacts on long term behavior. The ideas : - To make something appear easier than it is (the nudge) - To make something familiar (something we are used to), - To make something beautiful (aspects to attract people) - To provide rewards - To address negative notions and urgency first.

Find the gremlins

Find the gremlins

Motivate people to have sustainable behaviors in their daily life.

Motivate people to

have sustainable Design principles

behaviors in their daily life. Our designs must educate

Journey map

participants about how electricity is created, how it is used, how it is wasted, Understanding E D U C A T Ehow the mind makes decisions and how we can do better.

We design a journey map for the employees so they have the choice among these new different habits. These would occur in different times of the days depending of their preferences.

effectively communicate the importance The mood of the person matters immensely. We have a of small changes in behavior distinct mindset for hours spent at work, at home or out during D E L I G H T in making bigon impact on our free time. When we are tired, we rely a more our intuitive mode. Change of behavior at different times of the day can electrical consumption. have profound impacts on long term behavior.

Our designs must make the The ideas : - To make something appear than it is (the nudge) mosteasier of participants’ efforts - To make something familiar (something we are used to maximize their impactto), on CO M make M U Nsomething I C A T E beautiful - To (aspects to attract people) energy efficiency. - To provide rewards - To address negative notions and urgency first.



Our designs must delight our participants as to cut through the tedium of the daily grind and inspire effort in working together. Our designs must empower our participants to continue as champions of efficiency and sustainability.


Just one percent less than March 2015 will save . . . $ lbs C0² trees CITY HALL




















Thrive Five

There are two modes of thinking in the brain: - deliberative (thinking=conscious of) designs must - intuitive (emotional=notOur conscious of=habit)

Principles of Sustainable Materials; for this class we had to analyse 50 sustainable materials and then pick few of them to create our project. We wanted to do a sustainable public toilet. A sustainable object accessible and used for and by all. We spoke a lot about LCA(life cycle analysis) that assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product’s life. We had to think of the end-life of the product before

designing it. We also got interested on new materials from wastes like the encos brick that is made from human waste. We also found out that squatting toilet is more healthy for the human body so we created an hybrid way to use our toilet. All the human wastes are half used to grow plants and half going in the sceptic.











The sustainable materials chosen :


Create your atmOsphere The combustion sphere contain the combustion chamber and the condensation chamber. This boiler called atmOsphère is controling the warm water and temperature of the flat. The light of the fire is diffused through the glass strips od the sphere to give a cosy mood to the room or to reassure like a night light. The atmOsphère is a wireless oject that can be controled by one of the three mini-spheres that are disposed in the flat as the client wants. A slight rotation in a direction or an other of the half mini-sphere on its axle can rise or lower the temperature. If you touch the light strip of the mini-sphere the outside and inside temperature is appearing.


2016 Brass tube fixing the sphere evacuation of smokes

Same volume than a basic boiler but a different shape. The sphere is doing 67cm of diameters and 45 kg.

19 °C



Challenge GRDF

Brass tube fixing the sphere gas entrance

Réinventer l’habitat jeunesse Co-living est constitué de logements à long terme mêlés à des logements à court terme de type auberge de jeunesse. Les étudiants, qui résident à l’année, ne pouvant pas toujours voyager ont tout de même la possibilité de partager leurs cultures et en découvrir de nouvelles. L’auberge de jeunesse permet de voyager autrement, de manière plus riche en ne se limitant pas à des visites et selfies dans des lieux célèbres, mais en s’intégrant plus profondément dans la société visitée. Co-living repose entièrement sur le principe de coopération. Cette structure est entièrement gérée pour et par les étudiants: l’autonomie. Les étudiants français sont guides et gèrent toute l’hospitalité, l’hygiène et l’accueil des touristes. Tout ceci est financé par le paiement du gîte pas les étudiants étrangers.

Concept FlexiSpace

1. Flexispace est fermé

2. Installation de la toile tendue

3. Déroulement du soufflet, coulissement de la porte et abattement de la paroi pivotable

4. Flexispace est ouvert




DĂŠtail du salon de lecture



2016 11h arrivée des nouveaux voyageurs

19h moment de détente et de calme sur hobbies cubes

15h la passerelle, point de rassemblement


9h petit déjeuner dans la cuisine partagée




Concours Cosentino


Réaménagement des deux zones de parfumerie luxe au RDC. Ces zones de part et d’autre de l’escalator central n’avaient pas fait peau neuve depuis 30 ans. J’ai donc réalisé les phases APS, APD et DCE. La coordination des équipes transversales et la maîtrise des budgets et des plannings faisaient également partie de ce projet.




Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche

Plan existant

Plan projeté


Entrez par la grande porte de cette ancienne centrale électrique ! Cette façade classée Est est presque entièrement vitrée. Nous pouvons voir de l’extérieur le hall d’entrée qui est un atrium haut de plus de 14 mètres. Il est le cœur du bâtiment. En effet cet atrium permet de relier les différentes fonctions de cette construction sur 5 étages. Les deux étages les plus hauts, dédiés aux logements des étudiants, sont indépendants grâce à une entrée nord ouest. La terrasse est employée par les locataires avec un potager partagé et un jardin botanique apaisant, parfait pour se reposer sur un transat ou étudier au soleil. Les trois autres plateaux inférieurs: R+1, RDC et R-1 sont exploités par l’école et son administration.


Ecole d’arts et logements étudiants

L’accès principal du RDC nous offre une perspective visuelle sur les fonctions différentes des 3 étages de l’école. Les logements étudiants, situés aux deux étages supérieurs, sont moins accessibles visuellement. Le R+1 est dédié à la vie éducative avec les salles de cours ainsi que la cafétéria. Le RDC est consacré à l’accueil et aux services administratifs. Il intègre également la bibliothèque ouverte aux habitants du quartier. La grande trémie du RDC, que l’on longe à droite de l’entrée principale, crée une perspective sur les divers usages du R-1. Ce plateau est principalement exploité par les étudiants en dehors des cours, avec le Fab-Lab, l’atelier maquette, l’amphithéâtre,...




pOp-up box Le pop-up permet aux étudiants de manipuler des éléments de la box. Ce volume sert à la préparation des repas aux heures de déjeuner mais il offre d’autres usages comme une bibliothèque de périodiques ou bien des rangements pour le mobilier à d’autres occasions. La façade Nord de la boite est composée des tables de la cantine assemblées à la verticale qui se retirent de la façade de la box lors du déjeuner pour former les tables de repas. Lorsque la box est fermée une scène moins conventionnelle que le grand amphithéâtre se tire afin d’offrir un lieu d’expression pour les étudiants.

Scénario 1 : cafétéria

Scénario 2 : salon de café & scène expressive


Ecole d’arts et logements Êtudiants

Les logements

35 2015

Réhabilitation historique Archy est une agence de collaborateurs ingénieurs, architectes et architectes d’intérieur dans le 9ème arrondissement de Paris. Le premier mois j’ai travaillé sur un chantier situé à Bazemont (78) sur un ancien lavoir et une tour médiévale. Il fallait transformer le lavoir en serre botanique et la tour médiévale en cabinet de curiosités. Le second mois le cabinet m’a confié la rénovation totale d’un appartement de 145m² dans le 16ème arrondissement de Paris.

Tour Médiévale


Archy Environnement




Deux appartements rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré à aménager en duplex. La résidence devra être modifiée pour une famille composée des parents et des quatre enfants : mère photographe souvent à la maison qui aime lire et veut délimiter les espaces entre enfants et parents, père travaillant souvent à la maison mais souhaitant un certain confort au niveau de la cuisine et de son espace personnel. L’espace des enfants requiert une zone commune de jeux/

travail ainsi qu’un espace personnel pour chacun et deux salles de bains à partager. L’appartement sera donc aménagé sur deux niveaux avec deux axes verticaux : l’escalier et l’arbre. Les zones communes se dérouleront autour de ces deux points et les espaces privés seront en retrait pour plus de calme et moins de passage. La famille étant nombreuse et le père aimant cuisiner, la cuisine sera donc en retrait, fermée pour éviter que le bruit et les odeurs soient gênants.





Étage 6

Étage 5

Rénovation complète

Principales modifications

Élaboration complète d’un chantier: de la phase de l’esquisse jusqu’à la livraison. L’appartement est de 46m² dans le 17ème arrondissement de Paris. Aucune salle de bains n’existait et l’isolation devait être revue. Un dossier final réalisé sur InDesign a été remis aux clients.

- Séjour ouvert avec lumière transversale, - création d’une salle de bains, - salle à manger pouvant être close en continuité du couloir pour la future chambre bébé (en respect du cahier des charges), - verrière faisant également bibliothèque, - chambre spacieuse avec grand dressing, - cuisine fermée.

Plan existant

Plan projeté


Agence AĂŻuto




Les installations situées en Midi- Pyrénées sont typiquement bigourdanes. Elles se composent d’une grange (ancienne maison du XVII) d’une maison neuve (XVIII) d’un bâtiment d’angle et d’un poulailler caractéristique de la région en marbre avec des soues à cochons en dessous. Les travaux se réalisent depuis plusieurs années et j’aide à la restauration de ce patrimoine authentique. Nous avons décidé de fermer le passage charretier sous le bâtiment d’angle par des baies vitrées pour en faire une grande pièce à vivre lumineuse.

Aspect extérieur : Étanchéité extérieure avec un nouvel enduit, une révision des contrevents existants avec une peinture acrylique. Création d’un potager médiéval, taille des végétaux existants et plantation de 8 nouveaux arbres. Réfection de la charpente et des planchers avec pose d’une isolation extérieure pour garder l’ancienne charpente visible de l’intérieur. Intérieur du corps de ferme : ponçage, masquage, sous-couche, couche finale.



Maison Coupau

2013 ~

AnaĂŻs Cipriano Paris - France + 33 6 75 94 84 26 anaiscipriano@gmail.com

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