COB English brochure

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Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares Instituto Español de Oceanografía

Knowledge, experience and infrastructures to serve our society

The COB conducts research, technology


development and outreach projects, as well

by this effort allows the COB to offer a wide

as the training of research and technical

range of services and products to different

personnel in marine science subjects ranging

economic sectors in both government and

from observation and experimentation to the

private organizations as well as companies

(Balearic Oceanography Centre - COB) is one of

analysis of samples and data and the reporting

that are involved in the use and management

nine coastal stations that the Instituto Español de

of results. All these activities are conducted

of the marine environment and the

Oceanografía (Spanish Institute of Oceanography

using modern scientific and technical

exploitation of living resources

- IEO) operates along the coast of the Spanish

equipment. Based at the COB headquarters

mainland and islands. Since its inception in 1906,

in Palma, the institute also operates a variety

its primary objective has been to use a multidis-

of oceanographic research vessels of different

ciplinary and comprehensive approach to inves-

sizes, and a tide gauge station.

The Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares (COB)


The broad array of knowledge generated

The Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares

tigate marine biodiversity, ecosystem dynamics,

Since 2009, the COB has charted the

and the ecology and relationship of species with

scientific direction of the new research station,

fishing activities and the environment.

Jaume Ferrer, at the Mola de Menorca, through

Currently, a team of about 70 people, work

a collaborative agreement between the

to respond to the main challenges faced by ocea-

Govern de les Illes Balears and the IEO; soon it

nographers today: climate change, biodiversity

will expand its facilities to the Balearic R+D+i

conservation, sustainable use and management

Complex building located in the Parc Bit.

of marine ecosystems, protection of specific habitats and the modelling and prediction of ocean dynamics.

The COB conducts research, technology


development and outreach projects, as well

by this effort allows the COB to offer a wide

as the training of research and technical

range of services and products to different

personnel in marine science subjects ranging

economic sectors in both government and

from observation and experimentation to the

private organizations as well as companies

(Balearic Oceanography Centre - COB) is one of

analysis of samples and data and the reporting

that are involved in the use and management

nine coastal stations that the Instituto Español de

of results. All these activities are conducted

of the marine environment and the

Oceanografía (Spanish Institute of Oceanography

using modern scientific and technical

exploitation of living resources

- IEO) operates along the coast of the Spanish

equipment. Based at the COB headquarters

mainland and islands. Since its inception in 1906,

in Palma, the institute also operates a variety

its primary objective has been to use a multidis-

of oceanographic research vessels of different

ciplinary and comprehensive approach to inves-

sizes, and a tide gauge station.

The Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares (COB)


The broad array of knowledge generated

The Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares

tigate marine biodiversity, ecosystem dynamics,

Since 2009, the COB has charted the

and the ecology and relationship of species with

scientific direction of the new research station,

fishing activities and the environment.

Jaume Ferrer, at the Mola de Menorca, through

Currently, a team of about 70 people, work

a collaborative agreement between the

to respond to the main challenges faced by ocea-

Govern de les Illes Balears and the IEO; soon it

nographers today: climate change, biodiversity

will expand its facilities to the Balearic R+D+i

conservation, sustainable use and management

Complex building located in the Parc Bit.

of marine ecosystems, protection of specific habitats and the modelling and prediction of ocean dynamics.


The research fields

The research conducted at the COB is determined by R+D+i programs made by different administrations, that are inspired in turn by societal needs, social welfare and the principles of sustainable development. The COB operates with an annual budget of approximately EUR 2 million. This is largely funded by programs for research projects and activities issued by the R+D+i National Plan, the European Framework Programme, the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan of the Govern de les Illes Balears and by bilateral agreements with central and regional administrations, foundations and the productive sector.

The research effort is primarily directed toward the study of:

Funding of research projects and complementary activities (2008-2010):

∑ Oceanographic processes in the western Mediterranean; in particular the sea around the Balearic Islands, with a special focus on oceanographic changes driven by climate change. ∑ The ecology and population dynamics of commercially exploited species, and the study of the biotic and abiotic factors affecting these species and their ecosystems. ∑The development and transfer of technical measures for the protection of the marine environment and biodiversity conservation. Through measurement of marine processes and analysis and data modeling, researchers can provide continuous projections for use in improving the assessment and management of the local marine environment.

European Union Spanish State Govern de les Illes Balears Others


The research fields

The research conducted at the COB is determined by R+D+i programs made by different administrations, that are inspired in turn by societal needs, social welfare and the principles of sustainable development. The COB operates with an annual budget of approximately EUR 2 million. This is largely funded by programs for research projects and activities issued by the R+D+i National Plan, the European Framework Programme, the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan of the Govern de les Illes Balears and by bilateral agreements with central and regional administrations, foundations and the productive sector.

The research effort is primarily directed toward the study of:

Funding of research projects and complementary activities (2008-2010):

∑ Oceanographic processes in the western Mediterranean; in particular the sea around the Balearic Islands, with a special focus on oceanographic changes driven by climate change. ∑ The ecology and population dynamics of commercially exploited species, and the study of the biotic and abiotic factors affecting these species and their ecosystems. ∑The development and transfer of technical measures for the protection of the marine environment and biodiversity conservation. Through measurement of marine processes and analysis and data modeling, researchers can provide continuous projections for use in improving the assessment and management of the local marine environment.

European Union Spanish State Govern de les Illes Balears Others


The research groups

Scientific production (2008-2010)

The research groups currently active in the COB are: ∑ Climate Change in the Mediterranean: monitoring and modelling of impacts observed through marine hydrodynamics ∑ Ecology of planktonic communities of the western Mediterranean: study of the lower trophic levels of the marine ecosystem ∑ Larval ecology and recruitment processes: analysis of initial stages in the development of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods ∑ Fisheries acoustics: the use of the sound to study the sea floor and marine living resources.

Articles in scientific magazines Technical and scientific reports Communications to meetings

∑ Fisheries discards: the study of the impact of fishing on the marine environment and development of technical solutions to reduce unnecessary waste from fishing.

Human Resources (2008-2010)

Our activity in numbers:

∑ Marine reserves and coastal ecology: evaluation of the effects of marine spatial planning and protection policies on coastal ecosystems, their species and the artisanal fisheries. ∑ Ecosystems, demersal resources and benthos: study of the bottom dwelling species and habitats and evaluation of their exploitation status. In recent years, the COB has increased its human resources as well as the number of research projects and complementary activities. The results of COB research are published as articles in scientific journals and presented at international conferences that provide the basis for reporting COB scientific and technical advice.

Researchers Technicians Administration Personnel in training



Projects and activities



SCI articles

2008 Human Resources



The research groups

Scientific production (2008-2010)

The research groups currently active in the COB are: ∑ Climate Change in the Mediterranean: monitoring and modelling of impacts observed through marine hydrodynamics ∑ Ecology of planktonic communities of the western Mediterranean: study of the lower trophic levels of the marine ecosystem ∑ Larval ecology and recruitment processes: analysis of initial stages in the development of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods ∑ Fisheries acoustics: the use of the sound to study the sea floor and marine living resources.

Articles in scientific magazines Technical and scientific reports Communications to meetings

∑ Fisheries discards: the study of the impact of fishing on the marine environment and development of technical solutions to reduce unnecessary waste from fishing.

Human Resources (2008-2010)

Our activity in numbers:

∑ Marine reserves and coastal ecology: evaluation of the effects of marine spatial planning and protection policies on coastal ecosystems, their species and the artisanal fisheries. ∑ Ecosystems, demersal resources and benthos: study of the bottom dwelling species and habitats and evaluation of their exploitation status. In recent years, the COB has increased its human resources as well as the number of research projects and complementary activities. The results of COB research are published as articles in scientific journals and presented at international conferences that provide the basis for reporting COB scientific and technical advice.

Researchers Technicians Administration Personnel in training



Projects and activities



SCI articles

2008 Human Resources



Development of scientific activities To support its research activities

the COB has a fleet of vessels and a wide range of modern scientific and technical equipment.


•COB’s fleet consists of the

such as ORV Francisco de Paula Navarro, ORV

oceanographic research vessel (ORV) Odon

Cornide de Saavedra and ORV Sarmiento de

de Buen (24 meters in length) and a range of

Gamboa, among others. These are essential

smaller boats, equipped with modern systems

platforms to conduct high quality research in

for marine research. Together these provide

marine science and technology.

a variety of platforms for sampling and data collection at sea. If necessary, the COB can provide research groups access to larger ships,

“The ocean belongs to everyone and to nobody; its rewards are for daring thinkers, scientists with the greatest spirit of adventure, and those willing to do the hardest and best organized work” Odón de Buen


Development of scientific activities To support its research activities

the COB has a fleet of vessels and a wide range of modern scientific and technical equipment.


•COB’s fleet consists of the

such as ORV Francisco de Paula Navarro, ORV

oceanographic research vessel (ORV) Odon

Cornide de Saavedra and ORV Sarmiento de

de Buen (24 meters in length) and a range of

Gamboa, among others. These are essential

smaller boats, equipped with modern systems

platforms to conduct high quality research in

for marine research. Together these provide

marine science and technology.

a variety of platforms for sampling and data collection at sea. If necessary, the COB can provide research groups access to larger ships,

“The ocean belongs to everyone and to nobody; its rewards are for daring thinkers, scientists with the greatest spirit of adventure, and those willing to do the hardest and best organized work” Odón de Buen

•Equipment The COB has a wide range of modern scientific and technical equipment for datalogging and water sampling throughout the water column (CTD depth sounders, rosette with hydrographic bottles, etc.), along the bottom, on the surface and within the marine sediment (nets and several kinds of dredges). In addition there are modern tools for direct underwater observation (remotely operated vehicles or ROVs, photography and a towed video sled) and a scientific echo


sounder for acoustic exploration of the marine environment. Detailed analysis of samples is performed by the different COB laboratories: chemical, acoustics, dissection and study of biological samples, microscopy and image analysis

“Research is seeing what everybody sees and thinking what no one thinks “ Albert Szent Gyorgi

•Equipment The COB has a wide range of modern scientific and technical equipment for datalogging and water sampling throughout the water column (CTD depth sounders, rosette with hydrographic bottles, etc.), along the bottom, on the surface and within the marine sediment (nets and several kinds of dredges). In addition there are modern tools for direct underwater observation (remotely operated vehicles or ROVs, photography and a towed video sled) and a scientific echo


sounder for acoustic exploration of the marine environment. Detailed analysis of samples is performed by the different COB laboratories: chemical, acoustics, dissection and study of biological samples, microscopy and image analysis

“Research is seeing what everybody sees and thinking what no one thinks “ Albert Szent Gyorgi


Collaborative programs The COB collaborates with a number

of research institutions, universities and governments, both national and international, and especially with agencies whose research is centred in the Mediterranean region. The COB staff conducts programs to train researchers and technical staff that are designed for


researchers, students, managers and users of the marine environment to help them carry out activities to promote scientific culture and dissemination of science.

Premises of the Centro Oceanogrรกfico de Baleares


Collaborative programs The COB collaborates with a number

of research institutions, universities and governments, both national and international, and especially with agencies whose research is centred in the Mediterranean region. The COB staff conducts programs to train researchers and technical staff that are designed for


researchers, students, managers and users of the marine environment to help them carry out activities to promote scientific culture and dissemination of science.

Premises of the Centro Oceanogrรกfico de Baleares


The Balearic Marine-Biological Laboratory The history of the COB dates back to

1906, when the Laboratorio Biológico-Marino

de Baleares (Balearic Islands Marine Biological Laboratory) was created. Its first headquarters were located in Porto Pi harbor, in the bay of Palma. The founder and first director was

scientific equipment and two boats, the Lacaze-

Duthiers and the Bolivar, which made it possible to undertake the first oceanographic research cruises in the western Mediterranean and thereby develop a foundation for high quality research. Odon de Buen founded the IEO in 1914, by integrating the laboratories of Palma, Santander and Malaga into a single agency..

The IEO is a public research organization under the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Its mission is the study of the

Professor Odon de Buen y Cos, professor of

sea and its resources as well as technological

zoology at the University of Barcelona. From the start the laboratory was equiped with modern


development and the transfer of knowledge

‘What we know is a drop of water; what we ignore is the ocean’ Isaac Newton

in marine science. The IEO develops research projects on marine resources in different seas and oceans, including their application to marine farming and multidisciplinary oceanographic research. The activities of the IEO are nationally based, and its facilities have a wide geographical coverage, with headquarters in Madrid, nine coastal oceanographic centers in Santander, Gijón, A Coruña, Vigo, Cádiz,

Tenerife, Málaga, Murcia and Palma, five experimental aquaculture plants, twelve tide gauge stations, a satellite image receiving station and a fleet of six ships of various tonnage and oceanographic vessels of smaller size. The knowledge generated in research projects and activities undertaken by the IEO, serve to give specific answers to the government and the private sector needs in relation to the rational use of the see resources, and its protection. The IEO is directed to give priority in its oceanographic and fishery research in the service of state policy, to represent it at international scientific forums related to oceanography and fisheries, and to act as the reference body for the declaration of fisheries protection zones, and marine protected areas.


The Balearic Marine-Biological Laboratory The history of the COB dates back to

1906, when the Laboratorio Biológico-Marino

de Baleares (Balearic Islands Marine Biological Laboratory) was created. Its first headquarters were located in Porto Pi harbor, in the bay of Palma. The founder and first director was

scientific equipment and two boats, the Lacaze-

Duthiers and the Bolivar, which made it possible to undertake the first oceanographic research cruises in the western Mediterranean and thereby develop a foundation for high quality research. Odon de Buen founded the IEO in 1914, by integrating the laboratories of Palma, Santander and Malaga into a single agency..

The IEO is a public research organization under the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Its mission is the study of the

Professor Odon de Buen y Cos, professor of

sea and its resources as well as technological

zoology at the University of Barcelona. From the start the laboratory was equiped with modern


development and the transfer of knowledge

‘What we know is a drop of water; what we ignore is the ocean’ Isaac Newton

in marine science. The IEO develops research projects on marine resources in different seas and oceans, including their application to marine farming and multidisciplinary oceanographic research. The activities of the IEO are nationally based, and its facilities have a wide geographical coverage, with headquarters in Madrid, nine coastal oceanographic centers in Santander, Gijón, A Coruña, Vigo, Cádiz,

Tenerife, Málaga, Murcia and Palma, five experimental aquaculture plants, twelve tide gauge stations, a satellite image receiving station and a fleet of six ships of various tonnage and oceanographic vessels of smaller size. The knowledge generated in research projects and activities undertaken by the IEO, serve to give specific answers to the government and the private sector needs in relation to the rational use of the see resources, and its protection. The IEO is directed to give priority in its oceanographic and fishery research in the service of state policy, to represent it at international scientific forums related to oceanography and fisheries, and to act as the reference body for the declaration of fisheries protection zones, and marine protected areas.












Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares Instituto Español de Oceanografía Address: Moll de Ponent, s/n. 07015, Palma. Mallorca Balearic Islands. Spain Telephone: +34 971 133 720 Fax: +34 971 404 945 —

COB website: IEO website: Contact email:

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