In 2014, Ananke embarked on a quest for making a positive change It began with publishing stories, interviews and articles of women?s lived experiences to creating empowering spaces built on the mortars of knowledge, cooperation and by galvanizing women?s collective capabilities. The journey still continues; the vision not only remains the same ? year on year ? the platform re-affirms its commitment to initiate inclusive conversations and positive narratives in the digital realm and beyond.
Ananke has been nominated twice by the World Summit on Information Society Prizes (WSIS) in 2019 and 2020, is a Generation Equality Commitment Maker.
Anankeisanew mediaand development platformfocusingoncreatinginclusive conversations in the digital realm It was launched in 2014 as a digital media entity documenting women's achievements, showcasing them as role models for aspiringwomenandgirlstoemulate.
The platform also publishes special editions on important occasions, our previous works have focused topics including: Day of the Girl, Women?s Day and Women?sEconomicEmpowerment Thesedigital editionscan beviewed on theISSUU platform
Ananke?s flagship program, Empower, is a digital fellowship and capacity building initiative launched in 2016. The program has trained and mentored more than 100 girls from all over the world including Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Malawi, Cameroon, Morocco, Pakistan, India, the UAE, Bangladesh, Belarus, China,Russia,Australia,Bahamasandmore
The platform has been nominated twice by the World Summit on Information Society Prizes(2019 & 2020)for itsdigitally inclusivework
Under theumbrellaof AnankeLabs,theorganization hassuccessfully organized numerous online and offline events including Twitterchats, IBMz bootcamps, ICT workshops and Ananke?s Girl Summit as well as Women in Literature Festival. Participants of the Empower Program are an integral part of these events, playing a major role as far as front end and backend support is concerned,inadditiontohostingandmoderatingactivities
In 2021, Ananke celebrated International Women?s Day with the MENA and Subcontinent regions?first ever,digital Women in Literature Festival beginning March 30-April 1, also marking World Book and Copyright day. The event was live-streamed on Ananke?sFacebook pageand washost to distinguished names in theworld of writingand literaturefrom South Asia,MiddleEast,Americaand Africa Hailed as a resounding success, the event was covered by local and international mediaoutletsincludingArabNews,Mashableandmore.
AnankeisaGenerationEquality ForumCommitment Maker
Ananke?s aim is to encourage women?s economic empowerment by raising awareness about the importance of equal participation in the technology revolution. The platform also strives to trigger as well as engage in conversationsfocusinginclusion and gender in every sphereof society in digital space Most importantly, Ananke offers a wide array of capacity building and leadershipprogramswithavisiontocreateatalent-pool of femaletrailblazers.
Twitter: @Anankemag
Facebook: @Anankemag
Instagram: @Anankemag
LinkedIn: Ananke Magazine
YouTube: @anankemag4661
Under theumbrellaof AnankeLabs,theplatform hassuccessfully organized numerous online and offline events including Twitterchats, Facebook Live sessions,IBMZ bootcamps,webinars,ICTworkshopsetc.
Ananke?s Girl Summit, which welcomed more than 300 guests on October 29th,2020,isoneof our highly successful,flagship events.It isthefirst of its kind across the MENA and South Asian regions focusing the girl child The pilot event in 2020 wasnot only largely attended by women and girls,guest speakers were mostly women The Girl Summit hosted more than 30 breakout sessions, panel discussions, & lightening talks held simultaneously throughout theday onavirtual venue(HOPIN)for largelyfemaleattendees
The second edition of Ananke?sGirl Summit focused on the theme Realizing An Inclusive Future, the event hosted more than 30 sessions that included engaging fireside chats, panel discussions, keynote speeches and workshops,This was the first-ever digital Summit, with female empowerment at itscenter,acrossthe MENA region and the Sub-continent with sessionsheld simultaneously throughout the day.The day-longSummit included important topics of discussion including Education, Gender Equality, Sustainability, Innovation & Emerging Technologies and Modern Economy
Partners include IBM, The Jane Goodall Institute, The Fred Hollows Foundation, The Citizen Foundation, CodeGirlsPK, WomeninTechPK, The Gender Security Project, Women Engineers Pakistan, TeensInAI, LUMS Center For Business and Society, TreeHouse Consultancy, Connected Women Pakistan, Evolution 360, WEEGlobal Live, IWEEand more
The Women in Literature Foundation is a collective launched by Ananke ? a new media and development platform creating inclusive conversations in the digital realm.Under theumbrellaof AnankeLabs,theWomen in Literature Foundation is an acknowledgment of the literary genius, creative journeys, and diverse lived experiencesof womenandgirlsinthemajority world. The organization aims to spark conversations at the cusp of gender equality, intersectional feminism, women?s rights, migration, politics, and society in literature. Ananke WLF envisions initiating thought-provoking conversations about how literature produced by women can be highlighted,promoted,and celebrated globally viadigital documentation,dialogue, andmore
AnankeWLF strives to celebrate the creativity of female fiction and non-fiction writers as well as small and independent publishers, it is to highlight female literary history and showcase invisibilized women writers across the literary landscape.
The common thread in all our current,aswell asfuture endeavors, would be an attempt to provide a balanced and unbiased platform that welcomes and celebrates diverse opinionsand voices,heterodoxy in pursuit of a common truth,and freedomof speech for all thosewho want to engage in nuanced and meaningful conversation While striving to be a safe space for the marginalized who need it, we will do our best to not become silos that further factionalize the world and alienate one another We believe that the best solutions to the problems our world faces would come from truly open and inclusive platforms that afford a latitude for all rangesand levels of opinions,as long as the objective of the discussion infrastructure is met ? which is finding balanced and practical solutions and answers
Ananke?s Women in Literature Foundation serves as a
vehicle to celebrate, nurture, and amplify voices that may otherwisenot find safety and security to bebrave, and that our fundamental value system is driven by principles of inclusion, non-violence, intersectionality anddismantlingsystemicviolence.
We aim to create an inclusive space that aspires to democratize the publishing and literary landscapes ? digitally and otherwise Celebrating small and independent publishers, our aim is also to strengthen women?s creative voices, through an array of initiatives, events, and engagements and encourage themtoavail all learningopportunitiespresented.
One of the foundation?s flagship events is the Women in Literature Festival (WLF) ? a first its kind digital celebration focusing the Global South, gender and the written word. The first edition took place in 2021, taking a deep dive into patrilineal cultures and their impact on the diversity and creativity of women writers.
The second edition of the celebrated WLF, with the theme Rethinking Paper, Ink & Gender, took place on March 31-April 1st, 2022 and opened up dialogue on publishingand thewritten word at theintersectionsof gender, feminist literary activism, innovation, biases, disabilitiesandsustainability
The WLF2023 envisioned to cultivate the art of enunciation by stripping away the complexities of semantics Removingall formsof oppression infused in linguisticsthrough thevectorsof race,nationhood and ethnicity,the event sought to unearth the universality of thelanguageof grief andmelancholy
AsJoao GuimarĂŁesRosaexpositsthat ?every word has itsshadow,?theWomen inLiteraturefestival set out to explore that migratory experience of language; its journey of losing and regaining, of seeking refuge, for shelter against the notions of banishment, expulsion, ostracism and intersecting the prospects of victimhoodandhyper-nationalist fascism
Many believe the act of creating is more than often linked with the desire to achieve that which has been denied, take for example the Guttenberg printing press to even the Internet These creations saw the light of day all due to the need for the freedom to communicate, thereby giving birth to ?new configurations? of life, nature, power, hegemony, legitimacy and ideology.Focusingon themultiplicity of realities, the festival also sought to uncover, consequently deconstructingthecrisisof humanism in a post-humanist society and expounding, contemplating ? perhaps ? the end of the era of the Vitruvianmandefiningthemeasureof things
Ananke?sdigital fellowshipandcapacity buildingisaprogramofferingtrainingand mentorshiptoaspiringwomenandgirlsfromall over theworld Offeringaccesstosafedigital space,theinitiativeenablesinternstowork ina virtual environment andoffersonline workshopsinthefieldsof communication,ICTs & new technologies,advocacy anddigital journalism
Ananke?sdigital internshipprogramstarted withoneparticipant fromMoroccoin2016 For our 2019 cohort,wereceivedmorethan100 applicationsinjust 20 daysfromall over the world Thefinal cohort comprised of 18 girls fromChina,Belarus,Tanzania,Kenya,Pakistan, China,Egypt,Belarus,Nigeria,Russia,Denmark, andBangladesh Ananke?sdigital internship programnot only aimsat leveragingtechto empower womenbyofferingaccess,meaningful engagement andsafeonlinespace;our program isacelebrationof inclusivediversity inthe digital realmasit workswithanintersectional approach
Theplatformoffersadigital spacewheregirls engageinmeaningful dialogueonissueswitha gender lensandlearntheimportanceof diversity andinclusion.Participatinginterns work inreal-worldscenariosinreal-time.
Selectedparticipantswork inadiversified virtual environment andareassignedteam- or individual-basedprojectspertainingtodigital media,women?sissues,gender equality, journalism,ICTsandmuchmore.Mentorshipis another key part of our programandare connectedwithmentorsthroughAnanke?s partnershipswithorganizationslike WomeninTechPk (acommunity of 7000+tech leaders),Women?sDigital League,Circle WomenandWomenEngineersPakistan.They alsoget anopportunity towatchfemaleleaders talk about their journeythroughour YouTube Channel.
ThroughAnanke?sprogram,womenandgirls aregivenanopportunitytohonetheir skills throughcritical thinking,useof digital technologies,21st century skills,capacityand confidencebuilding,peer mentoring,workingas teamsandmuchmore A diverseenvironment helpsthemgainconfidenceandacquireavery broadvision.