Emerging Scenarios in Design

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EMERGING SCENARIOS in DESIGN Faculty - Tridha Gajjar Duration - 3 Weeks Ananya S1301115 M. Des Graphic Design 2013




It is important in the present context to understand the Sustainable Graphic Design aspects as emerging scenarios.

- Exposure to variety of communication design scenarios nationally and internationally

- Paradigms of communication technologies and theories

This course aims at introducing emerging situations in design at systems level and how to deal with communication Design solution considering Universal design concepts. Through this course the environmental impacts of graphic design products (such as packaging, printed materials, publications, etc.) throughout a life cycle that includes: raw material; transformation; manufacturing; transportation; use; and disposal are understood.

- Introduction to emerging technologies and their relevance in design - Equip to evaluate appropriate communication strategies considering the contextual situations. - Awareness of environmental impacts of Graphic Design products. - Awareness of Universal Design Concepts in Communication Design - Introduction of Sustainable Graphic Design aspects as emerging scenarios.

- Introduction to emerging issues of sustainable design and universal design concepts. - Introduction to emerging global patters in communication. - Introduction to sustainable practice use techniques, processes, and materials that will help reduce the detrimental environmental, social, and economic impact of their designs.


SWOT ANALYSIS Before beginning to understand about design it is vital to introspect and take stock of our own selves. For this the first exercise was to reflect on our own strengths and weaknesses and come up with a SWOT analysis of ourselves. This was then visually represented using appropriate metaphors.





Good communication skills



Lack of artistic approach


Team Leader

Group work

Articulate Dominating Sincere Talks-a-lot Hardworking Argumentative Good knowledge of basics Persuasive Proactive Good at retaining Good analytical abilities



MORE THAN WHAT MEETS THE EYE! The metaphor that resonated well with me to represent my SWOT was that of the Russian Matryoshka Nesting Dolls. The dolls are nested one inside the other with multiple layers. Our strengths and weaknesses are similar to that. They are intertwined with each other to form a complete person. Yet they can become the thing that holds us back from reaching our potential. At times it becomes necessary to break out and show thet we are a lot more than what meets the eye.

THERE ONCE WAS A GIRL Taking inspiration from the main points that emerged from the SWOT analysis, I converted that to an illustrated poem book. The book takes the reader along a little journey through limericks, short silly poems reflecting traits of my personality.


DESIGN SCENARIOS As senior students it is important to be aware of the emerging trends and practices in design. Also now is the time to evaluate industry’s expectations from us and where we stand in comparison. For this we mapped keywords collectively and then studied one vertical in detail. Also multiple intercations with seniors, alumni and faculty helped us in gaining insights and building a perspective on this.

Content Authenticity


Frugal Innovation

Sustainable & Universal Web Design

Human Centred Design

Public Service Design

Circular Economy

Hyperfunctional Form

Augmented Reality

Wearable Technology

Disruptive Innovation


Ambient Interfaces

Flat Design & Bold Geometry

Behavioural and Predictive Data Anaytics

Internet of Things

Sustainable Design


Responsive Design

Design is an inter-connected web of scenarios. Each element has a direct or indirect effect on others, but what lies at the heart of this process are humans.

TRENDS IN BRANDING Emerging trends in the area of branding were studied in more detail.

Brands Will Get Emotional Values that drive the decision process to select one brand versus another has become more emotionally-driven. In most categories the rational aspects are price-of-entry. Successful brands will need to identify what emotional values exist in the category in which they compete, and utilize them as a foundation for meaningful differentiation. Targeting Becomes Personal With consumers craving – and expecting – more, and more customized and personalized products, services and experiences, brands that better respond to real consumer expectations, will find consumers engaging with brands that are able to personalize messaging and outreach Fewer Tedious Texts Consumers, having become more visually literate, will move from text outreach to more image-based connections. Visual content will become more important in creating successful viral marketing campaigns, with brands becoming more attentive to image-sharing initiatives.

“Clean slate” brands clean up Consumers are rushing to clean-slate brands, or brands without heritage and history. These brands appear newer, better, faster, cleaner, more open and responsive to consumers versus their old, slow, and untrustworthy brands of the past. Brand is as brand does What brands truly stand for, not just what they say, will be the deciding factor in increased sales. There will be an intensified focus on values, beliefs, and corporate social responsibility. Going well beyond the functional and emotional benefits of products and services, corporate culture will determine brand loyalty.

PANEL DISCUSSION A panel discussion was organised with Graphic Design faculty as well as faculties from other disciplines. The objective was to have an interactive session where we could learn from their experiences about the preceptions of design in the industry and how we might prepare ouseleves for the same.

Co-creation is the key to successful design solutions as it takes many professions to slove one problem. How should we prepare ourselves for the emerging scenarios? How do we respond to changing social structures? How does this affect desgn? How do we make a meaningful contribution to socety? What do people understand by graphic design?What are their expectations from a graphic desugner? What are important design concerns for designers today?

Our roles must be defined according to the context. We must question the demands of the situation and adapt

We grow by acknowledging things that are different. Hands-on learning will never be obsolete.

Designers are putter-togethers. Our bility to synthesize and crossfertilise is what sets us apart.

One should have clarity of their purpose. Trends come and go. Awareness of trends in the market but we must not be blinded by them. Dont just become a follower, know what you are doing.

Learning an attitude is far more important than learning skills.

We must have one core skill and knowledge of others.

All design problems are wicked problems. Design offers exciting challenges, that is why we do it

There must be a logic to your design decisions. Empathy is important to understand the users better

There is a need for Design Advocacy. We must try to convert reactive industry mindsets to proactive.

The question is not what we are doing but who are we doing it for. What is the value you are adding?


SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING In order to further our understanding of designing in the current sceanrios we picked up a design challenge. The brief was to design or redesign packaging keeping sustainability as the primary focus. For this I have taken up designing a system for the packaging used by online shopping sites.



Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Second life packaging (SLP) is just that: giving a second life to packaging. After “unboxing“ packaging doubles as something else. SLP is the opposite end of upcycling; if upcycling is consumer lead second life packaging is producer (business) lead.


This can be done by: - Reducing material used in products, and energy used during manufacture, minimising the environmental footprint of the final design. - Eliminating the concept of manufacturing waste, converting it into ‘food’ for the next cycle. - Designing for durability and therefore reuse, meaning your creations aren’t a ‘flavor of the month’ that will soon become dated and need replacing.

This can be simply turning into storage space for product or giving an entirely new role to packaging. Packaging with a dual use resonates with the environmentally conscious and the budget conscious alike by reducing waste and giving the customer two products in one rather than simply their product and some garbage.

Coca-Cola in its 2nd lives campaign, turned plastic bottle caps into a range of 16 different, useful objects. Water guns, whistles, paint brushes, pencil sharpeners and bubble-makers give the packaging life after use.

OPPORTUNITY AREA Customers shop at online sites like Amazon, Flipkart etc.

Package is delivered at doorstep.

Dozens of delivery boxes are collected each year.

While packaging of products receives alot of attention, an area that is neglected is the package that the products themseleves are packed in, i.e delivery boxes. With the popularity of e-commerce and online shopping, thousands of packages are shipped and delivered anuallly. However commercially these boxes are used only once, before they end up in the recycling bin. The process of transporting and recycling and manufacturing new boxes is energy-intensive. There lies immense potential here for sustainable design by applying framework of sytems thinking, circular economy etc.

Some of them are reused but a majority end up in the recycling bin.

Sold to kabaadiwala who sorts and sends them to recycling plant.

Amazon would have stacks of reusable shipping containers at its fulfillment centers in various sizes to accomodate all types of products.


Retailers like Amazon can switch to reusable shipping containers instead of recyclable cardboard. Delivery services can provide reusable shipping supplies to retailers as part of an allencompassing shipping solution Benefits: Reduce delivery pacakging cost Improve their environmental performance. Promote brand image Challenges Incentives for customers to participate Active engagement


Delivery Service would come and pick up to be delivered packages, and drop off empty containers for new orders.

When customers receive a delivery they would leave previos container on your doorstep or retuurn to the delivery gyu there and then in returen for an incentive.

Delivery Service would take old box and it will be sent to the fulfillment center to be reused.


FINAL PROTOTYPE Sticker with unique tracking number so people can enter tracking number to see where the box has been. Sturdy structure, requires little additional tape to secure and designed to last for multiple uses. Not branded with a specific service, can be used by any delivery service. Design of the box encourages reuse, helpful instructions and suggestions printed on the box itself.

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