Ana riascos cutting edge digital marketing strategies you need to know

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Ana Riascos Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing Strategies You Need to Know As digital Marketing continues to expand and mature, digital advertising strategies are evolving to keep up. From social, to search, to big data, the opportunities for marketers today are endless.

Mobile Video Advertising 

If mobile advertising is hot, then mobile video advertising is sizzling. In fact, mobile video ad spend in the United States more than doubled from 2013 to 2014—up to $1.5 billion—and is predicted to reach $6 billion by 2018, according to Ana Riascos study. Mobile video advertising is starting to show up everywhere and the reason for this growth is simple: pair a smartphone with 4G service, and users can watch and share high-quality videos wherever they are.

Since most mobile internet usage takes place in apps, marketers are using video in apps to engage audiences between tasks (or game plays). YouTube users are already used to seeing pre-,mid-, and post-roll ads so the experience is pretty conventional.

Always keep in mind some best practices for strong video advertising:


Make it sentimental, such as funny or heart-warming, to help draw in the viewer.


Add a strong call-to-action. For example, recommend they visit the app store for a new download or check out your website for a special offer.


Make it interactive if you can. Wendy’s innovative effort with their full-screen Facebook app helps burger lovers assemble their perfect bite.

Native Advertising 

You might not even know you’re reading native advertising until you’re deep into it. That’s because its format and writing style mirror the content of the website you’re visiting, which creates a less disruptive advertising experience. In other words, you think you’re reading a story or column, but it’s really an ad.

Most major publishers are pushing a native advertising strategy these days. You’ll find it on every platform from the trendy Buzzfeed to the elite Wall Street Journal.

How to get started: This strategy can be highly effective, but you’ll have to commit some major cash to reach mainstream audiences. The best way to start “small” with native advertising is by pursuing opportunities with a trade/niche publication that might have more appealing cost structures. For example, if you’re a pet food manufacturer, consider running a native advertising campaign discussing Digital Marketing on a site like if you’re targeting a B2B audience, or for Digital Marketing lovers.

Behavioral Targeting 

If you’ve ever planned a trip online—booked a hotel room or scheduled a flight—and then started seeing ads for restaurants and attractions in your destination city, you’ve experienced behavioral targeting. Behavioral targeting uses web browsing and search data to better target ads toward the user’s expressed interests.

How to get started: One of the easiest ways to use behavioral targeting is to tailor messages differently for new and repeat website visitors, or for different visitors based on how they landed on your site.

If the user has been checking out online marketing for days—for example—he is probably ready to make a purchase. If you know he came to your site from a search for “Ana Riascos Digital Marketing” you can be sure he’s priceconscious. Offering a discount or free add on service might be the way to finally close a sale.

The ability to aggregate information about your customers gives you unprecedented power to present a message that will resonate with them, based on known web behavior.

Ana Riascos Digital Marketing Consultant and founder of digital marketing Firm named Ana Riascos Digital Marketing. With a goal to help people generate revenue and sales through my deep digital marketing strategist.

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