Ana Riascos | Ana Riascos Digital Marketing | AnaRiascos

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Ana Riascos Digital Marketing Consultant 1589 Marigold Lane Miami, Florida 33179 United States

Ana Riascos Ana Riascos Digital marketing Consultant and founder of digital marketing Firm named Ana Riascos Digital Marketing known for strategies and technical.

Ana Riascos Digital Marketing Firm

Digital Marketing

• Search Engine Optimization • Social Media Marketing • Website Analytics • Search Engine Marketing

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Email Marketing Influencer Marketing Digital Advertising

Digital Marketing Digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. Digital marketing is a term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.

Search Engine Optimization SEO stand s for “sea rch engi ne optim izatio n.” It is the proce ss of getti ng traff ic from the “free ,” “orga nic,” “edit orial ” or “natu ral” sear ch resul ts on sear ch engin es. SEO is a mark eting disci pline focus ed on grow ing visib ility in organ ic (non -paid ) sear ch engin e resu lts. SEO enco mpas ses both the techn ical and creat ive elem ents requ ired to impr ove ranki ngs, drive traff ic, and incre ase awar enes s in sear ch engin es.

Social Media Marketing Socia l medi a marketing is the use of socia l med ia platforms and webs ites to prom ote a produ ct or servi ce. Altho ugh the terms e-ma rketi ng and digita l marketing are still domi nant in acade mia, socia l medi a marketing is beco ming more popu lar for both pract itione rs and resea rche rs Socia l medi a marketing refer s to the proce ss of gaini ng traffi c or atten tion throu gh socia l med ia sites. Socia l medi a itsel f is a catch all term for sites that may provi de radic ally different socia l actio ns. For insta nce, Twitter is a socia l site desig ned to let peop le shar e short mess ages or “upda tes� with othe rs.

Web Analytics Web anal ytics is the meas urem ent, colle ction , analy sis and repo rting of web data for purp oses of unde rstan ding and optim izing web usag e. Web anal ytics prov ides inform ation abou t the num ber of visito rs to a webs ite and the numb er of page views . The use of Web anal ytics is said to enab le a busi ness to attra ct more visit ors, retai n or attra ct new custo mers for good s or serv ices, or to incre ase the dolla r volum e each custo mer spen ds.

Search Engine Marketing SEM (Sea rch Engi ne Mark eting ) is the proc ess of gaini ng webs ite traff ic by purch asing ads on sear ch engin es. Searc h engi ne mark eting (SEM ) is a form of Inter net mark eting that invol ves the prom otion of webs ites by incre asing their visib ility in searc h engi ne resu lts page s (SER Ps) prima rily throu gh paid adve rtisin g. Searc h engi ne mark eting , or “SEM ,� cons ists of cum ulati ve effor ts to prom ote a webs ite in paid and orga nic sear ch listin gs.

Email Marketing Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. Emai l marketing is a way to reach consumers directly via electronic mail. Unlike spam, direct email marketing reaches those interested in your business’ area of expertise. The information is sent out more like a laser-guided missile than a bomb: No matter what you’re selling, it is a way to reach thousands of potential customers directly at a relatively low cost when compared to advertising or other forms of media exposure.

Infuencer Marketing influe nce marketing is a form of marketing in whic h focus is place d on influe ntial peopl e rathe r than the target market as a whol e. Influe ncer marketing involv es marketing produ cts and servi ces to those who have a sway over the things other peop le buy. This market influe nce typica lly stems from an indivi dual' s exper tise, popu larity, or reput ation. Marketing to an audie nce of influ encer s is simila r to word of mouth marketing , but it doesn ’t rely strictl y on expli cit recom mend ations Blogg ers have beco me impor tant influe ncers becau se they are seen as authe ntic and have loyal follow ings. When a blogg er recom mend s a produ ct it seem s more trustw orthy than tradi tional adver tising .

Digital Advertising Digital advertising is also called Internet marketing. Digital adverts allow businesses to advertise on platforms that reach a more interested audience. Digital advertising refers to marketing media that is digitally displayed. Digital advertising technology exists on the Internet, on smart phone and hand-held media devices, and even on automobiles and billboards Exam ples of Digit al Adve rtisi ng • Web-Based Marketing • Viral Marketing • Audio Advertising

For more details visit: O AnA RiAscos O AnA RiAscos DigitAl MARketing O AnARiAscos.woRDpRess.coM O AnA-RiAscos.tuMblR.coM

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