NBB Workers City

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2,304 Rooms for Workers 504 Studio Units for Supervisors 2 Shopping Arcades Shopping Center Recreation Center Clinic


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introduction The NBB WORKERS CITY is housing accommodations for laborers available for leasing to both the private and government sectors. It is located 60 Kilometer west of Abu Dhabi City, of an area of 122,500 square meters, and constructed to accommodate nearly 30,000 people .

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VISION The NBB WORKERS CITY aims to provide the best service possible by providing the needs of the laborers .

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Labor Accomodations

Residential Buildings

The City’s Labor Accommodations consist of ( 16 ) three storey buildings with a total of ( 2,304 ) rooms. Each floor is divided into ( 4 ) wings with ( 12 ) rooms with a floor area of ( 30 m² ) in each room. It has a central wet block area that consists of toilet, wash areas showers, electrical rooms and garbage room. Each room has a capacity for ( 10 ) occupants

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Supervisors and Technician Suites

Residential Buildings

The City’s Supervisor and Technician Accommodations consist of ( 8 ) three storey buildings with a total of ( 504 ) studio units. Each building consists of ( 63 ) studio unit with a floor area of ( 53 m² ) that includes a toilet and a kitchen area. Each studio has a capacity for ( 8 ) occupants.

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Shopping Center and Arcade

Commercial Buildings

The City’s Shopping Centre and Arcade is complete with shopping amenities designed to satisfy the residents. The two storey main shopping center has a floor area of 10,297 m². It will be composed of two hypermarts in each floor, along with smaller shops that will serve the resident’s shopping needs. Two smaller shopping arcades will be also in place within the City. This will be composed of small shops that will cater to the resident’s various needs such as barber shops, money exchange and financial services, internet cafes, and other shops. Another important fragment we designed while planning is the shopping complex to cater the daily requirements and bring about a sense of luxury shopping of the residents and non-residence to meet their diverse needs.

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Kitchen and mess hall

Services Buildings

The City operates a full-fledged kitchen with the capacity to cater to the needs of 30,000 residents. Our menu includes a wide array of Arabic, Asian and Western cuisine that are at par with international standards .

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Services Buildings To address the resident’s health concerns, the City includes a clinic. The clinic will be operated and managed by one of the leading hospitals in Abu Dhabi. Aside from attending to the resident’s health concerns, the clinic also has dental, pharmaceutical and ambulatory services.

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Recreation Centre

Services Buildings

The recreational area is composed of a 1500 m² at the ground floor. It consists of playgrounds for playing football, handball, basketball.

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Services Buildings A mosque is symbolically very important to Muslims, being a humble way for humans to recreate pure divine presence on earth. The City includes mosque under the supervision of religious and endowments affairs.

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laundry A professional and modern laundry service will be made available to the City’s residents.

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transportation A fleet of buses operated by will be made available to the City’s residents for their transport needs to and for their workplaces.

P.O. Box: 44038 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Tel. +971 2 4120444 Fax.: +971 2 4120555 e-mail: info@ nbb.ae www.nbb.ae

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