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Tel.: +971 2 6666 774 Fax: +971 2 6651 777 P.O. Box: 48288, Abu Dhabi - UAE e-mail:

Tel.: +971 2 6666 774 Fax: +971 2 6651 777 P.O. Box: 48288, Abu Dhabi - UAE e-mail:

Growing & Protecting

Your Investment


CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE We aim to create a difference - a new approach in doing business. This is what BHS is all about. Our success in delivering cusomer-focused brokerage services is made possible by continuously striving for better alternatives without compromising the values and sense of professionalim and trust. Through this innovative and fresh solution, we can deliver long-term business to all our customers and shareholders. Let BHS be your mediator and partner in catapulting your way to success.

Exceeding performance expectation

Chairman’s Message


THE HISTORY Brokerage House Securities was established in June 2005. It is currently regulated by the UAE Central Bank, UAE Securities and Commodities Authority Market, Dubai Financial Market and Abu Dhabi Securities. The Board of Directors is as follows: Khalifa Butti Omeir bin Youssef - Chairman Nasser Butti Omeir bin Youssef - Vice Chairman Jordab Kuwaiti Bank - Board member United Financial Investment PLC

Integrity , diversty and transparency

The History


INSIGHT & INNOVATION Business Overview: Brokerage House Securities offers a range of investment services designed to give our clients an edge in Equity markets. Take advantage of our direct access trading platform through our dedicated team of professional brokers. Brokerage and Distribution: There are 2 locations in the UAE, Regional Equities - we have end-to-end control over orders in an effort to provide the highest speed and quality of execution. IPOs - comprehensive access for applying IPOs.

Flexible approach

Insight & Innovation


CLIENTS Select Institutional clients BHS have delivered top-notch brokerage service to the following: • Industrial Groups • Multinational Companies • Banks/FIs • Corporations • Private Clients

Sharing resources




Over 9000 customer accounts from countries worldwide. Among the industries' highest levels of security. BHS was at the forefront of online trading and it is the pioneering brokerage behind eTrading in the UAE

EASE • • •

Through intelligence and innovation, we offer tools to optimize your investing. Integrated access to your online accounts. FREE! Streaming stock quotes


Access to well-trained and accommodating customer service representatives five days a week Opportunity to apply for IPOs Instantly create customized account activity on every transaction using your mobile phone

Make life easier



OBJECTIVE Brokerage and Distribution - Reaching out worldwide BHS' objective is to be the leading brokerage service provider in the GCC by building partners and providing them with long-term shareholder value and desirable transcending new branches primarily in countries within the Levant Region ( Syria and Jordan ), as well as London. BHS has a four-year investment horizon to align itself with strategically advantageous partners that possess an established track record in their sector, capable management and that drive for future growth.

Take care and deliver



∑Qɪãà`````°SG ájɪM h ójGõJ Growing & Protecting

Your Investment

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