Country report

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Anastasia Tucker Fasm 420

Fall 2017

Table of Contents Country Overview


Pest Analysis


Swot Analysis


State of Apparel Industry


Trade Agreements






Lead Time


Conducting Business






Country Overview Location:South


Government:Parliamentary President:Abdul


Hamid (March 2013)



Other Ethnic 1.1%

Cutural Factors:Age

and Position is

highly respected

Education Level:

10 years

72.8% over 15 can read

Gender Breakdown:95

men to 100 women

Median Age:26.3 Export Volume:

Woven Apparel ($3.8B) Knit Ap-

Religion: Muslim (89.1%) Hindu (10%) Other (.9%) Currency: Banglashi Taka

parel ($1.4B) Miscellaneous Textile Articles ($206M)

Headgear ($174M) Footwear ($105M)

National Holidays: Independence Day Bangali New Year Buddha’s Birthday Night of Destiny Vicotry Day Christmas Day

Country History and Current Events Bangladesh is a poverty stricken country located in south Asia. In 1971, Bangladesh came into existence after being part of East Pakistan. After 15 years under military rule, democracy was restored in Bangladesh in 1990. Recently, Bangladesh has had countless political attacks. Islamist extremism is on the

rise. The country also has been vulnerable to flooding and cyclones.

Recently Bangladesh has been in the news for being the safe spot for Rohingya refugees. The Rohingya people are from Myanmar and they have been severely persecuted. They have fled their country and many have found safety in Bangladesh. The country has built one of the biggest refugee camps in the world, housing 800,000 people.

Economic Overview Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated and poorest countries in the world. The main industries in Bangladesh is agriculture and garments. 75% of the civilian labor forces directly or indirectly engaged in agriculture.

The agriculture industry is vulnerable to natural disasters

such as flooding and cyclones. Within manufacturing, the textile and garment industry is the most dynamic and fastest growing sector. Unemployment is estimated at 18.5%. The Industrial production growth rate is at 8.4%.

The Government Budget Deficit is equal to 4.7% of the country’s

GDP ($221.4B ). Inflation has an increase 6.12%. The current Bangladeshi Take is equal to .012 USD.

Pest Political


During 2016, Bangladesh was

Bangladesh is a developing

the home of violent attacks

country with a population over

against secular bloggers,

157 million, where the econ-

academics, gay rights

omy is constantly expanding.

activists, foreigners, and

It has grown roughly 6% per

members of religious

year since 1996, even with the

minorities. As the Awami

challenges of political

Laugue (AL) government’s

instability, poor

political rivalry with the

infrastructure, corruption,

Bangladesh National Party

the 2008-09 global financial

(BNP) reaches new heights, so

crisis and recession. Garment

has its repression. The

exports are the backbone of

government’s reaction to

Bangladesh’s industrial

rising extremism, include

sector, accounting for more

arresting and prosecution of

than 80% of total exports and

several suspects with process

have made more than $25 bil-

or transparency. This is

lion in 2015. The sectors is

enraging the groups further.

growing despite strikes and

With how the government is

factory accidents that killed

reacting to these groups and

more than 1,000 people. The

attacks, the situation will

garment sector is the

not get better. The government

largest sustained economic

continues to not enforce labor

growth which totaled 8% of GDP

or environmental laws.

in 2015.

Analysis Socio


Bangladesh has inherited ex-

Farmers lack the machinery and

treme poverty and hunger. The

information systems to store

country has growing social and

their products postharvest or

economic disparities, with

to process them into high

cases of political and civil

value commodities such as


fruit juice and jam. Lack of

40% of the popula-

tion of Bangladesh is estimat-

crop diversification,

ed to live below the national

deteriorating and declining

poverty line for the rest of

cultivable land as well as

their lives. While adults live

poor linkages to markets also

in poverty, the child mal-

play a crucial part. Overall,

nutrition rate is at 41% for

Bangladesh has a huge lack of

children under the age of 5.

machinery and technology. As a

The gender ratio is 95 men to

result, a lot of sale

100 women. More than a third

potential is lost.

of the population is under 15 years old. Half of the population is either under 15 or over 60 year old. Because of this statistic, the demographic dependency ratio is around 76.6% With so many young people, the population growth is going to continue well in the future. The country is constantly growing in population, but staying in poverty over all.

Swot Strengths -Cheap labor -Young workforce -Consistent growth in GDP -every year since 1996 -Pre-export financing institutions for assisting

Weaknesses -Dependence on imports for materials -Low productivity -Limited access to international trade information -Reliance on few ports for export -Poor regulations -Constant strikes due to -poor regulations -Low power and fuel supply

Analysis Threats -Higher producers like India and Pakistan -Environmental issues -Labor Standards -Intellectual Property -Rights -Political unrest -Rise of cost for raw materials

Opportunities - Reputation for quality - Trade Agreements - Regulation of Labor laws - Expand into higher end products

State Of Apparel Industry The Current State and the Future Outlook

Government Supports

The garment industry of

In the RMG industry demand for

Bangladesh has been the key

fabric significantly exceeds

export division and a main

local supply and so is currently

source of foreign exchange for

being met by imports. a

the last 25 years. At present,

government backed incentive: 15%

the coutry generates about $5

cash subsidy of the fabric cost to

billion worth of products each

exporters sourcing fabrics

year by exporting garment. The

locally. Additionally the

industry provides employment

government has created a highly

to about 3 million workers of

favorable policy framework for:

whom 90% are women. Bangladesh

Establishment of new textile/RMG

garment industry has generated

mill in the private sector, Joint

$28.67bn exports in the calendar

ventures with the existing

year 2016 which is 7.76% higher

textile/RMG mill, Acquisition of

than the previous calendar year.

public sector textile mills that

Labor Shortage The sector lacks 25% skilled labour while currently, it employs about 4.4 million people, of which 80% are women mostly from rural areas.

are being privatised, and Indirect investment through financial services and/or leasing

Key Apparel and Textile Exports to the U.S. - Non-Knit Men’s suits

- Non-Knit Men’s Shirts

- Knit T-Shirts

- Knit Women’s Suits

- Knit Sweaters

- Knit Men’s Suits

- Non-Knit Women’s suits

Apparel and Textile Exports Volume to the U.S. $6.14B

Key Apparel and Textile Exports - Non-Knit Men’s suits - 6103.10 - Knit T-Shirts - 6104.23.00 - Knit Sweaters - 6102.10.00 - Non-Knit Women’s suits - 6102.10.10

Trade Agreements TICFA

“On April 28, senior representatives of the governments of the United States and Bangladesh held the inaugural meeting of the United States-Bangladesh Forum on Trade and Investment (Forum), established pursuant to the Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum Agreement (TICFA) to identify obstacles to increasing bilateral trade and investment and how best to overcome these obstacles.

Both governments reaffirmed their commitment to

increase bilateral trade and investment as well as to address worker rights and worker safety issues in Bangladesh.

The Forum

discussed a number of trade and investment issues, including: 1) investment rules; 2) intellectual property protection; 3) tariffs on fire safety and prevention equipment; 4) fumigation requirements for cotton imports into Bangladesh and 5) regional economic development and cooperation in the South and Southeast Asia region.

The Forum also reviewed Bangladesh’s efforts to

date to address the worker rights and worker safety issues in the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Action Plan.”

Transportation Ports

Shipping Companies CMA CGM

- Port of Chittagong

SAV: 6001 Chatham CenterDr. Savannag, GA

- Port of Chalna - Port of Khulna - Port of Mongla

Time and Price

Ban: 13th Floor, Land View C/C,28, Gulshan North C/A, Gulshan Circle-2,Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh, Gulshan Ave, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Cosco 4 Weeks on Water, 6-ish weeks fully LA:$1800 SAV:$3100

SAV: 101 S H Morgan Pkwy. Bloomingdale, GA Ban: uite C-4, (4th floor), Rupayan Golden Age, 99, Gulshan Ave, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

Maersk SAV: 235 Jimmy Deloach Pkwy, Savannah, Ga Ban: S Alam Center, 58, Agrabad Commercial Area, Chittagong 4100, Bangladesh

Main Suppliers Tunic Apparels +880 2 9660159 Ananta Plaza, 13th Floor, 136, Elephant Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1205 Brands: Kohl’s, Old Navy, Oshkosh Products: Cotton, Blue Denim

Ventura Leatherware Ltd +880 1752 977977 2nd Floor Half Portion West Uttar Nilphamari, Bangladesh

Brands: Michael Kors, Banana Republic Products: Leather goods and handbags

Shin Shin Apparels Ltd. +880 2 7788737 Plot No. R.S. 228, J.L. No. 73, Gorat, East Norshinghapur, Zirabo, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1341 Brands: Primark, Zeep World Products: Readymade Garments

Lead Time of Production Causes of Delay Natural Disasters - Cyclones - Storm Surge - River Bank - Erosion - Earthquake - Drought - Salinity Intrusion - Fire - Tsunami

Holidays - Independence Day - Bangali New Year - Buddha’s birthday - Night of Destiny - Ramadan - National Mourning Day - Victory Day -Christmas Day

How to Conduct Business General Buisness Etiquette - Men greet each other with a handshake upon arriving and leaving - Men nod to a Bangladeshi women unless she extends her hand - Wait until your counterpart moves to a first name basis before you do -Business cards should have education on them - Study and comment on the business card and then place it into a business card holder Meetings - Meetings are where decisions are disseminated instead of being made - The snior president sets the agenda, content, and the pace of activities - Meetings usually last long - Communication is formal and follows a hierachy

Negotiations - Negotiations take long time -Trust must be built along with a personal relationship -Do not remove your suit jacket without permission, unless the senior ranking does - No will be used overtly, watch their non-verbal cues -In general, Bangladeshis expect concessions in both price and terms


Sourcing in Bangladesh can be risky. There are endless opportunities for political crashes. With the labor laws not being enforced, strikes are definitely a possibility. Natural disasters are also something to consider. Bangladesh have been investing in the garment industry and they have experience with it. They have some of the cheapest labor in the world. To overcome all of the risks of sourcing in Bangladesh, the company should give the country as much time as possible. They also need to vet the factories they choose very carefully. Make sure that the factory is safe and won’t have any chance of strikes or any kind of disaster.

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