Halloween 2017 digital book 3 eso a&b

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Halloween 2017. 3º ESO A & B Español, English & Français

Historias de terror – Terror stories Histoire de terreur

Entrevista a un vampiro. Interview to a vampire Interviewer un vampire

Redacciones sobre Halloween. Halloween compositions Rédaction sur Halloween

La casa de mi abuela Hoy me levanté emocionado, iba a la casa de mi abuela a pasar el fin de semana con ella y también se venía mi mejor amigo Mike. Me terminé el desayuno corriendo y acabé de guardar mis cosas en la mochila. Llevaba lo básico: ropa, un pijama y poco más. Mi madre me llamó desde la cocina, avisándome que nos íbamos. Prácticamente, desde que soy un bebé, todos los años voy a esa casa y a mis 10 años sigo pensando que es emocionante ver a mi abuela. Siempre me llama “su nieto favorito” y le encanta ver mi cara redonda, mis ojos azules y mi pelo castaño. Soy delgado y eso le preocupa ya que siempre me quiere dar de comer aunque es algo genético por parte de mi madre. Le encanta mi nombre, Dylan. Recogemos a Mike y él nos saluda. Es muy diferente a mí: rubio, ojos verdes y un poco rellenito. Cuando llegamos me despido de mi madre y me acerco a la casa mientras mi madre se va con el coche. Tocamos la puerta, pero nadie responde, cosa que me preocupa. Mike propone echar la puerta abajo y con lo agobiado que estoy, le dejo. Conseguimos entrar y entonces no siento las piernas. Por la cara de mi amigo sé que va a gritar. Y lo hace: suena un grito algo agudo que se prolonga durante un rato, pero yo solo distingo el cadáver de un hombre y el cuchillo en la mano de mi abuela, de pie a su lado. No puedo hacer nada, estoy paralizado. Mike intenta salir de la casa, pero mi abuela le lanza un cuchillo a la pierna y cae. No la reconozco, pero la sigo mirando. No puedo creer que en el salón de la casa esté mi abuela acercándose hacia mí con el cuchillo y con una mirada asesina. Serena Cheuquecoy Guevara


On the 31st of October, I went to the centre of Arroyo de la Miel with my friends. It was a Tuesday, so that day I had my English class in the afternoon with a friend, África. At six o´clock, when the class finished, África and I went to the library, because that was the meeting point. So we stayed there and we waited for Paula, Noelia, Álvaro and other friends. When everyone came, we went walking around Arroyo. Then, we sat on the “Casa de la Cultura” stairs and we gossipped. At nine o´clock we went to Pomodoro and we ate pizza. Then, we decided to have some dessert so I suggested eating an Oreo ice cream at Burger King, but the others, except Noelia, preferred eating at Verdú, an ice cream shop, so Noelia and I ordered that ice cream and my other friends went to Verdú. At twelve o´clock, my friends and I went home. To finish the day, at night I saw a horror movie in my bedroom. Serena Cheuquecoy 3SB

UN SUSTO DE MUERTE Mientras estaba viendo la televisión en el salón, escuché un grito aterrador que salía desde la cocina. De repente me levanto del sofá y me dirijo hacia la cocina con un cojín en la mano por si acaso. Me asomé por la puerta cuando vi un hombre con un pasamontañas negro en la cabeza que amenazaba a una mujer morena con un cuchillo en su cuello. El hombre le susurraba unas series de órdenes que debía realizar, sin embargo yo lo escuché todo. Me quede paralizada cuando escuché que la mujer tenía que coger el mismo cuchillo que tenía él para matarme a mí. La mujer sollozando aceptó la orden pero cuando cogió el cuchillo se lo hincó en el hombro del hombre y huyó corriendo hacia la puerta. Yo, testigo de ese momento no pude retener un grito de temor y fue cuando me delaté de que estaba allí. El hombre se abalanzó sobre mí con otra arma blanca y yo reaccioné colocando el cojín sobre mi cabeza y tirándome al suelo. Al final cuando abrí los ojos me di cuenta de que era todo solamente una pesadilla por ver justo una película de terror cuando es la noche de Halloween. Al principio me quedé un poco confundida y asustada pero cuando pensé en lo que había pasado me eché a reír toda la noche como si no hubiese un mañana.

Evelyn Becerra-Geraldes López 3º ESO A

Evelyn Becerra-Geraldes López MY HALLOWEEN NIGHT I began my awful night disguising myself. I dressed up as a vampire without my own teeth because I put on some false canines. Then, I made myself up with some blood on my mouth and on my neck but I also painted my white face. When I finished, I hanged out with my friends at the square. There was a haunted house in the middle of the square and we decided to go into it . First, we knocked at the door but the door opened alone. Next, when we were inside the house, we saw plenty of bats and rats and we got frightened and shouted a lot. So, bats and rats also got scared and ran out. Later, we went downstairs and there were some people partying. We loved the decorations and there were some punch and deviled eggs too. We took a photo of all of us together to remember it all Hallows’ Eve.


Hace dos semanas un hombre decidió pasar el día explorando unos bosques que nunca había visitado. Cuando empezó a caer la noche su sentido de la orientación ya no funcionaba y comenzó a adentrarse en el oscuro y tenebroso bosque de altas y robustos árboles. Tras horas de larga caminata sin rumbo y de noche, encontró una acogedora cabaña entre varios árboles. Al llamar a la puerta y no recibir respuesta decidió entrar. Recorrió toda la casa en busca de comida y una cama para pasar la noche, una vez en la cama se dio cuenta de que había muchas pinturas extrañas observándole, de rostros deformados y ojos inyectados en sangre. Intentó ignorarlas, cerró los ojos y se quedó dormido. A la mañana siguiente despertó aterrorizado al darse cuenta de que los cuadros ya no estaban, solo había una pintada con sangre en la pared que ponía MORIRAS, minutos después se escuchó un grito y nunca más se supo nada de este hombre que solo quería disfrutar de un tranquilo paseo por el bosque.

Andrea Cacicedo Martínez 3º ESO A

ENTREVISTA A UN VAMPIRO Claudia Ponce Alba 3º ESO B - Esta noche tenemos una visita especial. ¡Vamos a entrevistar a un vampiro! Él ha accedido a hablar con nosotros y contarnos su tenebrosa vida. ¿Podrías contarnos cómo comenzaste a ser vampiro? -. - Buenas noches. Pues no es una gran historia, hace unos 200 años sucedió. Estaba con mi esposa en la ópera y al salir nos adentramos en un callejón muy oscuro. Oímos un fuerte golpe y mi esposa salió corriendo, no la volví a ver desde aquello. A mí me mordió el vampiro y desde ese día hasta hoy soy así-. - Interesante historia. ¿A qué te has dedicado todo este tiempo?-. - Siempre he trabajado en lugares muy discretos, cambiando mucho de empleo e incluso de ciudad. He evitado zonas bulliciosas y me he estado escondiendo-. - Bueno y con el tema de beber sangre, ¿cómo lo llevas?-. - Desde que me convertí he estado en contra de beber sangre de humanos, así que me alimento de sangre animal. Es muy difícil ya que cada vez quedan menos granjas, tengo que ir a lugares más lejanos en busca de comida y eso cansa. Yo ya estoy esperando el día que acabe mi vida, para no tener que terminar alimentándome de humanos y crear el caos en el mundo junto a otros vampiros. Además, esta vida es muy dura ya que no me puedo relacionar con humanos para que no me descubran, ni para encariñarme o enamorarme, ya que voy de un sitio a otro-. - Me gustaría poder continuar hablando contigo horas y horas, pero parece que no es posible. Muchas gracias por haber venido aquí a hablar conmigo y darme la grandiosa oportunidad de entrevistarte-. - Gracias a ti por recibirme y por querer aprender cosas sobre mi mundo-.

My Halloween Night

This Halloween was the best of my life! This year I didn´t wear a costume. First, some friends and I went to a party in a disco. There, we danced and sang a lot! The next day I had a terrible sore throat. Then, when the party ended, we went to “Plaza de la Mezquita” to see some friends. We had dinner at Pomodoro, which is an Italian restaurant. I had a big ham and cheese pizza. We finished dinner and we went to the Halloween House in “Plaza de la Mezquita”. We had to wait at a very long queue. It was great! Later, we went to buy some waffles with chocolate. They were very tasty! I invited a friend to have a sleepover in my house. We arrived home at 2 a.m. We watched a horror film, we ate candy and pop corn and we went to sleep very late. We had a lot of fun!

Claudia Ponce 3º ESO B






Jésica Ramos 3º ESO B Hola. Buenas noches señor vampiro. Nos gustaría hacerle algunas preguntas. Por supuesto, estoy abierto a todo tipo de preguntas ¿Sale usted por la tarde a pasear? Claro que no, el sol hace mi piel cenizas Y… ¿Qué hace para sociabilizarse? La verdad es que hablo con pocas personas porque la mayoría me temen ¿Eso es porque usted se alimenta de sangre humana? Eso es dependiendo del tipo de vampiro que seas, yo en mi caso pocas veces bebo sangre humana ya que me gusta más la de los animales ¿Y cómo hace para controlar sus ganas de sangre? Busco cualquier comida que tenga un color rojizo, como el tomate o el helado de sandía. Ya me entiende Sí, sí. ¿Y cómo se siente al vivir en un castillo? Está bien pero es muy grande y solitario para mí, por eso suelo invitar a mis amigos ¿Qué actividades y juegos hacen cuando se reúnen usted y sus amigos? Hacemos carreras hasta la luna o jugamos al escondite. Otra cosa que también nos gusta es ver quien caza el animal más grande. ¿Sus amigos también beben sangre de animales? Nuestra comunidad impuso una ley que dice: “Está terminantemente prohibido beber sangre humana para no extinguirla y poder tener relación con ellos” Es por eso que no bebemos sangre humana Interesante, y una última pregunta. ¿Le gustaría comunicar algo a las personas sobre vosotros? Claro, no os asustéis cuando nos veáis, nosotros solo queremos conoceros y ser vuestros amigos. Ha sido un placer, buenas noches Buenas noches señor vampiro

Entrevista a un vampiro Laura Ramírez 3º Eso B - Periodista - -Buenas noches señor Draguen, ¿cómo se siente pasando los días sin poder salir? - Vampiro - -Buenas noches Matheu, bueno, no es fácil pero realmente desde que tuve a mis hijos lo aguanto mejor ya que ellos me animan y me hacen reír. - Periodista - -Bonitas palabras, cambiando un poco de tema ¿Cuál es la experiencia más terrorífica que ha vivido? - Vampiro - -Cuando Mink, mi hijo pequeño, tenía tres años, uno de nuestros sirvientes resultó que mandaba información a otros de nuestra misma especie, con la finalidad de quitarnos nuestro hogar. Finalmente, nos dimos cuenta a tiempo y pudimos pararlo. - Periodista - -¿Y qué fue de ese sirviente, es el mismo que siguen teniendo? - Vampiro - -No, lo despedimos y nadie supo de su paradero. - Periodista - -Comprendo que lo hayan pasado mal… pero, en caso de que vuelva a aparecer, ¿qué sucedería? - Vampiro - -Desde aquello hemos reforzado todas las puertas y ventanas. Es difícil entrar sin llave. - Periodista - -Ingeniosa idea Draguen. Y por último, ¿cómo consiguen la comida y las cosas que necesita? - Vampiro - -Bueno, hemos contratado una empresa online que nos ayuda y nos traen lo que pedimos.

- Periodista - -Gracias por su atenciรณn y espero poder entrevistarle de nuevo pronto. - Vampiro - -Cuando quiera, buenas noches. - Periodista - -Buenas noches.

Adrián Blanco 3sa

HALLOWEEN Halloween is on the 31st October . I met my friends at Renfe at eight o’clock . They arrived at quarter past eight. First, we went to Plaza la Mezquita because there was a horror circus. There were a lot of people in the queue but we didn’t want to wait for a long time, so my friends called a man they knew who was working there and he told us to get in by another door. We entered and it was very scary and dreadful. However my friends said last year's one was better. We went to a restaurant to have dinner. Then we met group of boys with the same masks. The masks were of Anonymous and we went with them, one of them began quarreling with a boy and they threw eggs and we went far from them. We met other people and we spent an hour talking to them. At half past twelve my friend’s father took us to his house to have a sleepover. We went to sleep very late and in the morning we had a lie-in. In the afternoon my parents took me back home and I studied all afternoon. It was the best Halloween in my life!

Alba Navarro Fernández 3°ESO A Halloween

My Halloween was fantastic. I was at my friend’s house, María Jesús, because she invited me. We were walking around her estate but we got bored. We didn’t get much candy but we had a good time. We laughed and did some jokes. Then we came to María Jesús’ house and we talked whit my boyfriend Gaby for about one hour. When he left us, we started to tell creepy stories. I wasn’t afraid but the darkness there disturbed me. She told me about apparitions of the Bogeyman, bats, beats and skeletons. María Jesús was a imp. She knew that I hat clowns very incredibly much and she began to tell me a bizarre story about clowns. I was absolutely afraid at that moment. At the end of the night we felt asleep. My disguise was a pumpkin woman. It was a dress whit a pumpkin in the middle of it. I wore an old black pair of trousers with blood too. My hair was purple and brown. The next Halloween, maybe I’ll go with Baby and María Jesús to Churriana to spend the whole night there.

Alejandra Melero Moriel 3ÂşESO A

MY PERFECT HALLOWEEN This Halloween I didn't do the usual things, like going Trick or Treating or decorating a pumpkin. I didn't go to a party either, though I met my friends. First, when I left school, my parents drove me to my cousin's house. Then, my friend's mother took us to Emma's house, and there we had lunch. When we finished having lunch, we started making our disguise. To make our disguise we needed: a white T-shirt, black trousers and some fake blood. First, we made some cuts and holes in our T-shirts and with the T-shirts raps, we made a necklace. Then, we put some blood on our clothes. And finally, we put our clothes on and... we were zombies! After that, we took a coach to Arroyo centre. In Arroyo centre my friends and I went to Plaza de la Mezquita, where the terror house was. I have been inside this house other years but this year there were a lot of people so we couldn't go inside. Next we had dinner. And finally, we had a sleepover at Maria´s house. I had never been at this house before and it was very big! That night we didn't sleep a wink but we had lot of fun. It was the best Halloween night of my life!


Alexandra Berdova 3o SA

I usually spend the Halloween night with my friends. We usually meet at Plaza de la Mezquita and spend the whole time there. We always ride on the same attraction called The Haunted House, which is spooky, thrilling and popular with teenagers. This year, I was wondering if I could do something more enjoyable and original on October 31st. I asked my mother for some advice. She suggested watching a horror movie at home, with candy and pop-corn. She allowed me to invite some friends over. However, I decided to celebrate Halloween with my 9-year-old sister. She is forbidden to hang out with me and my friends because we usually stay out until late at night. This was an opportuinity to have fun together. We bought some sweets in the tuck shop. As we both are creative, we tried to make up our creepy and eerie Halloween costumes by ourselves. My sister was a wolf. I helped her with the make up, that's one of my strengths. My costume wasn't as frightening as my sister's. I have tried to look like a dead girl: a chilling make up and old, white clothes. Finally, we watched The Conjuring, a bloodcurdling movie about a family which moves to a haunted house and tries to survive among otherwordly beings, ghosts who were living there before. Fortunately, we didn't have nightmares after watching this film. In conclusion, I have realized that it isn't compulsory to go out with your friends if you want to have some fun. You should try to spend more time with your family and be more creative. Alejandra Berdova 3ยบ ESO A

Patricia Suárez Domínguez 3ºA.

My Halloween night was simple but a little dreadful. I didn't go trick or treating because in my opinion, I am too old to continue with this tradition. So, I always spend the night in the town centre with my friends, like this time, when there were 5 teens. We could only look at others in disguise, but this night I didn't like it very much because many people were made up and disguised as clowns, which are very frightening for me. However, there were many original costumes. My favourite was a baby dressed-up as a bat. I was made up like a Katrine but only the middle the face. I was dressed-up with everyday clothes. The night was perfect until half past ten because later there were a lot of police patrols and ambulances circulating on the streets. People were scared because it was said that a group of people had stabbed a girl with to death in the same place where my friends and I had been before. But I think it was a prank because nobody spoke more about it, so I was more relaxed. In general, it was a fantastic Halloween night because I enjoyed very much in spite of many frights.

María Güeto de Dios 3-ESO-A MY HALLOWEEN On 31th October, Halloween, I did nothing special. In the afternoon, I went to my school, as every Tuesday and Thursday. When I finished there, I went to my friend’s house to disguise. We disguised ourselves as zombies. We were wearing a torn white T-shirt full of blood, and black trousers. Our face was white, whit blood too, and our hair was disheveled. When we were ready, we went to the centre, where my friends and I ate. After dinner, we went to queue to go on The Terror House, we were queuing for about one hour, but it was entertaining. When we went in, we were really nervous, but in the end it wasn’t bad. We had a really good time, and we laughed a lot. When we left the house, we went to another friend’s house for a sleep over, there we took off our makeup, and our disguise. We spoke and laughed all night long.

Paula Muñoz Rubio 3º S.A

HALLOWEEN It has just been Halloween and it has been spectacular! I rarely disguise, but this year I disguised as a zombie. The costume was a white dress and it was stained with blood and torn. I had to look after my sister for a short time, so I took her to ask for sweets. Our neighbours gave us chocolate’s eyes and my sister was frightened. It was a bit hilarious, but understandable! She’s six years old. Then, I went to my friends’ house and we had a sleepover. I was screaming during the film, because my friends didn't stop scaring me. It was very noisy, so my friend’s parents told us not to watch any more films. After that, we went storytelling until late, while we were eating popcorn. It was terrifying and entertaining!

Rodrigo Mérida. 3º ESO A

On my Halloween Night, I had a great time because I was with my friends. However, it was a scary night. I disguised myself with a scary mask. I went to ask people for sweets with my estate’s friends. We got a lot of sweets and we ate them very quickly. Besides that, my neset door neighbours organized a party in the garage. They didn’t celebrate Halloween night outside because of the cold. It was a great party. In the meantime we finished asking people for candy, and we decided to go to a graveyard near my estate. When we were there, we didn’t enter because we were afraid, and the graveyard was dark all around. Finally, we decided to go back to my estate and we played football and we also went to the party in the garage. In my opinion it is one of the best days in the year.

Halloween 2017. 3º ESO A & B Français

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