1º ESO A
Lenny thanks for being part of our lives and our teaching. You are very very funny and that's why we liked you so well, you are also very good teacher but above all, a very good person. I’m sorry you have to go, I wish you could stay and I hope you do very well. You're the best. We love you! Do not forget us! Laura Moreno 1º eso A
Hello Lenny, I didn't know anything about the fact that you are going back to go to your country. It was a very good thing for me, for all the pupils because we are learning many things with you. I think you are a very good teacher. I want to say sorry for when I didn't want to read in math or in other subject, it is very difficult for me and when you say "Alba" I'm very nervious, so sorry. I hope you will be good there, in your country, with your family. Thanks for everything. Alba Muñoz. 1º eso A
Lenny you are a great teacher for me and I think or everyone. We will never forget you! You have been a positive influence for everyone. I wish you could stay one more year and to make games more dialogues and social science classes. Thanks for giving us so much time and be patient with our "we do not read" and as we talked in class, thanks for having explained every word I did not now and you were patient with us and especially me and my hand, it is always up. I hope we never forget this experience and I want you to know that you have been a gift
to us we love you.
Julieta Masuyama. 1ยบ eso A Lenny thanks for teaching us so much, for making us laugh and for making us miss class JAJร . We'll miss you and we love you,good luck and I follow you on twitter<3 Paula Ruiz A. 1ยบ eso A
Lenny you was the best English teacher I had and in the class I laughed at lot and don't leave us :( I want you to have a great time wherever you go. Don't forget us!! You will be forever in our hearts!! Remember, there is a turkey! jajajaja thanks for these classes. Marina Gil 1º eso A
Lenny I have been with you some time and you can’t imagine how many things I've learned, I'm glad to have met you. You're the best, do not change. Laura Sánchez
Lenny, you are the best teacher in the world !!! By: José Urbina
I’ll miss you a lot Lenny Iván Díaz
1ยบ ESO B
We have learnt a lot with you, specially you had taught us to correct pronunciation. I have really enjoyed this opportunity to speak with an American native. Do you remember the "bimbo"? It was very funny! Thank you for all your help in our English lessons, and Social Science and Maths, too! :D Have a nice travel! Greetings, Noelia Vela 1ยบ eso B
Lenny, te echaremos de menos aunque te vayas lejos. Siempre nos has ayudado en clases de inglés, matemáticas y sociales, recuerdos. Antonio Luque 1ºB Lenny, este año que has estado con nosotros ha sido genial. Eres una persona excelente, y te lo quiero agradecer con un gran abrazo. Me da mucha pena que te vayas pero tienes que seguir adelante. Pásatelo genial en California. Un gran abrazo.
Manuel Solano
Lenny, I laugh a lot with you in the practices and you're very funny and friendly. Have fun and be lucky! See you later! Pablo Castro. 1º eso B
It was a pleasure meeting you. With you, social science classes and mathematics have been more entertaining. Good travel and good luck. Paola Suรกrez 1ยบB
I'm very happy to have met you. You are a great teacher, I loved all the lessons with you, they are fun! I am very pleased with everything you taught us: a lot of English, new words, how to pronounce...I will miss you, and I am sure that there isn't anyone better than you! I hoped that everything goes well in California. Hugs, Natalia.
Lenny te echaremos de menos! , pozi te echaremos de menos JAJA, cuídate Lenny ,un beso . (Aitana y Celeste<3, 2ºB)
Lenny!! Que te vaya bien por allí y esperemos que nos volvamos a ver el año que viene ,byebye kisses !!! (Paula Miranda y Antonio Tello ☺, 2ºB)
Lenny, eres un maquina que te vaya bien allí. ¡Te echaremos de menos! (Pablo Romero :D <3, 2ºB)
Lenny we’ll miss you so much, we never forget you, you was, are and will be special for us. We hope that you visit us in future, so good luck and see you soon. We love you !!! (Sofía Gómez and Lola Pazos, 2ºB) Lenny, eres el auxiliar d conversación más grande que hemos tenido en todo el curso, nunca te olvidaremos. Eres el mejooor!!!!! (Pablo Jiménez, 2ºB)
Hi, Lenny! You ‘re very special for me. Para mí eres más que un profesor, eres un gran amigo. Me has hecho reír en todo momento dos años seguidos y no me cansaría nunca de estar contigo. También me has ayudado a mejorar mi inglés. I’ll always remember you. (Paula Ruíz, 2ºB)
3º de ESO Adios Lenny, espero que te vaya bien donde vayas. Nasser Lebbadi Castro, 3º B
Lenny, te voy a echar mucho de menos porque me pareces una persona muy buena, simpática y amable. Me has caído muy bien, te has portado muy bien conmigo y me has ayudado mucho en todo, gracias por todo, te voy a extrañar mucho. Me has hecho reír mucho, y me lo he pasado muy bien contigo. Y que te vaya muy bien en USA. Muchas gracias Lenny.
Andrés “Andu” Masuyama, 3ºA
Para Lenny de parte de Yoli Lenny, me quiero despedir de ti diciéndote que has sido para mí un gran apoyo en inglés, que me lo he pasado muy bien y que espero haber aprovechado al máximo todo lo que me has enseñado. Espero que el año que viene otros alumnos puedan disfrutar de ti como yo lo he hecho. Espero que seas muy feliz en todos tus proyectos y recibe un beso enorme de tu alumna Yoli.
Yolanda Cortés, 3º A
Lenny, te echaremos mucho de menos. A ver si vuelves otro año para visitarnos. Esperamos que nos dejes con buenas notas =) Que tengas mucha suerte y que te vaya bien.
Aunque estés lejos siempre te recordaremos. Te agradecemos mucho que hayas venido, porque aparte de tu compañía nos has hecho perder clase (inglés, sociales, matemáticas) jajaja y has conseguido que las clases sean más divertidas contigo. Muchas veces estábamos todos en clase callados atendiendo y entonces decías algo para hacer reír a todos =D
Ahora que te vas, no será un adiós, será un hasta luego porque estarás en nuestro corazón. <3 No te olvides de todos nosotros.
We have lost an assistant teacher, but we have won a good friend. We will miss you very much!!! Take care ;)
Eres la leche (you are the milk)
Víctor Vives y Paulina Chan 3ºB
¡Hola Lenny! Quiero decirte que ha sido un gran honor haberte conocido. Eres una gran persona y eres muy gracioso. Gracias por habernos aportado conocimientos sobre los Estados Unidos y gracias también por habernos ayudado a mejorar nuestro inglés. Espero que hayas aprendido suficiente español como para poder defenderte jajajaja. Que sepas que aquí tendrás unos amigos para siempre. Y deseo que tengas un buen viaje, aunque se te echará mucho de menos. Un besito y un abrazo desde Málaga.
Nerea Mª Linares Smith 3ºB
Lenny, muchas gracias por ser tan buena persona con nosotros y enseñarnos tan buen inglés.
Has sido y serás el
mejor assistant de inglés que hemos tenido y tendremos en la vida. Te echaré de menos. Eres único y te queremos.
Juancho Guerra
Lenny enny 4º B What’s up man? We are going to miss you. (Óscar)
I want to thank you for all the great moments we have had, you´ll be our friend forever, we´ll miss you. (Paco)
We will miss you Lenny, we had a great time together! Thank you so much. (María Ramis)
Hi Guido, I hope to see you again very soon. (Miguel)
Thank u 4 making my years so awesome. U helped me 2 decide what I’m gonna study in the future. Once again, thank u. xoxo. (Inma)
Don´t forget our graduations dinner. You must be there that day, Ok? (Alejandro)
I will miss you, man . You are a great person. I hope see you soon.(Victor Rambla ☺)
Lenny I’ll miss you, and our boring classes in History too xD. I hope to see you some time again. XXX (Elena García :D)
Lenny, thanks for everything and I hope that we can meet some time. XXXOOOXXX (María Luisa Jiménez)
The best assistant teacher forever and ever to the window. (Fernando Contreras)
I´ll miss things that we used to do together, and I´ll miss you too. Te queremos!! XOXOXO (Marina Sánchez ☺ )
Thanks for everything, this time has been great. We will miss you a lot!! LOVE YOU xoxoxo (Elisa Borrás :P)
I will miss you ‘cause you’re the most awesome person from America I have ever met. I hope you can travel a lot around the world and you stay happy as long as you can. (Alba)
U have taught us a lot of things. Personally, I think u are a nice person ´cause u bought me tickets ☺ . And not everyone wants to tell us a lot of things about their lives, so thank u, Lenny. (Claudia)
Lenny, thanks for being so nice with us. We will miss you a lot. Love you! (Verónica)
Thank you for all those conversations and laughter that you have shared with us during these two years. You have become an important part of our progress and you will never be forgotten in this high-school:) (Lorena)
¿Y qué vamos a hacer ahora sin ti? A los niños y a mí nos va a costar acostumbrarnos a que no estés (a pesar de ese horrible acento tuyo...) Has hecho un trabajo magnífico y ha sido un placer tenerte con nosotros. Muchas gracias por todo lo que hemos aprendido contigo y por enseñar a los niños a divertirse hablando inglés. Carmen. 4º & 1º Bachillerato
Dear Lenny, You have been a pleasure to work with. I have had great times talking to you and I have learnt a lot of the American lifestyle. Your collaboration has been very valuable to me and I appreciate your easy-going personality, which has made everything flow in our lessons. I will miss you and wish you weren’t leaving. Come back on a visit in the future. Love, Marina, 3ºA and 3ºB teacher
A big THANK YOU for everything you have given us in these two years. You've put all your effort and enthusiasm in every lesson and with each student and I'm so grateful to you for that. You are a great assistant teacher -THE BEST!, I'd say. But above all, you're a great person. I'll miss you in my lessons and your way of connecting with students, making them laugh and enjoy their lessons and English, with your funny anecdotes and comments about viral videos ;-) All the best in your "new life" back in the States, Lenny. I'm sure wherever you go and whatever you do people will really appreciate you for the kind of person you are. Best wishes, Anabel 2ยบ Eso Teacher
Dear Lenny, Thank you so much for your invaluable lessons, for your enthusiasm and for being so professional and friendly. You have made our lessons so interesting and enjoyable! It is really hard for me to say goodbye to you because you have been a really good colleague. I loved hearing you teach English and talk about your wonderful culture, and you made me relive lots of good memories from my time in the USA. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope to see you again soon.
Ana Suรกrez. 1ยบ ESO A & B Teacher