fr*ha C o m ' RehaColn- Newversion6.0 from May 2011 Userinterface New surfaceand new graphicdesignfor the generalwork in RehaCom.
Operations"(VR01) Procedure"Two-dimensional andfullercolourdepth.All pictureshavebeen hasnowhigherresolution Theprocedure of the pictureshadto be sortednewby difficulty. newlydesigned, so that the grouping
Procedure"spatial Operations3D" (RO3D) to andis possible adjustment full screenresolution hasnowbettergraphics, Theprocedure be usedwith a touchscreen.
Procedure"DividedAttention" (GEAU) and 3Denvironment, a realistic includes is a newlydesigned Theprocedure procedure The level of difficulty. each end of at the train station will arrive at a user the to be usedwith a andis possible adjustment full screenresolution hasnowbettergraphics, touchscreen.
Procedure"DividedAttention 2" (GEAZ) to andis possible adjustment full screenresolution hasnowbettergraphics, Theprocedure are andEstonian French, Greek, in English, Newtranslations be usedwitha touchscreen. biggertrafficsigns,aswellasoncomin as distracters, nowbillboards lt includes available. traffic.Lefffirandtraffic (UKetc.)canbe chosenas alsoincludeshighe to the patient. tolerancein settingthe speed.Theresultis optimalcustomizing Pr ocedure"S h o p p ing"(E INK ) andfull colourdepth.The higherresolution, Theprocedure showsa newuserinterface, arenewin higher pictures now,too.All pictures arein higherresolution supermarket the lt nowincludes showsa newgraphicuserinterface andintuitivehandling. store. anda do-it-yourself in a supermarket choicebetweenshopping Procedure"WorkingMemory" (WOME) to trainthe workingmemoryusinga cardset. Thisis a newprocedure Procedure"VisualAttention" (RIGS) a famousGermanneuroby MsPetraRigling, designed Thisis a newprocedure, in higher levelsof difficultyalsofor psychologist. and visual for attention lt is training workingmemory. Language s and Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek,Polish, for English, andadditions Translations Chinese.
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