Hispanoamericana University
Digital Journal Music for Preschool Student: Ana Valeria Maffioli Barquero III-Q 2020
We do not receive classes in week # 1, due to a mandatory holiday. We received a great class on vocal techniques, breathing exercises in general on the emission of the voice, with an excellent professional, called Susie Wilson
Similarly, Susie taught us a little about the anatomy of the vocal cords, through videos and images. The learning of this class was extremely significant, as I learned to breathe correctly and important concepts that will be useful to work with children.
Unit 1 Importance and development
Regarding the importance and development of music, the teacher explained to us about the impact that music has on the teaching process of children. Some of the benefits mentioned in the class are: 1. Developing small motor skills. 2. Developing large motor skills. 3. Learning to express emotions. 4. Improving balance and coordination
HOW TO LEARN TO TEACH MUSIC? 1. Integration of physical, cognitive, social and emotional learning processes 2. Sensory activation: Using a multisensory approach to teach early music concepts such as loud and quiet or high and low. 3. Promoting group learning, practicing social skills 4. Introduction of composers, songs, and styles from a variety of genres, such as classical, jazz, folklore and different kind of culture music.
A series of activities were carried out that helped to understand the importance of music appreciation and listening in preschool, a task was carried out on a song that was heard in childhood, in my case I made a dramatized song by Barney, since it was part of the songs that marked my childhood. Based on these activities, I was able to understand even more the importance of music since childhood and how it can become a didactic resource with a positive impact on the lives of children.
For this week there was a work on the first reading report, through this reading the importance of music in children was reinforced, musical creation has a powerful influence on emotions and can contribute to our identity and its formation, and This helps to understand the students.
Unit 2 Singing & emission of the voice
This week, the concept of voice emission was put into practice, by practicing some breathing techniques and vocal exercises, reinforcing and learning a little more what was learned with Susie Wilson in the first class. With activities such as tongue twisters, breathing techniques, vocal exercises, musical genres, dramatic exercises, songs from morning routines, among others.
Unit 5
Music & body expression
The importance of movement and music was learned in music education classes, through the various activities carried out by the teacher, with the use of various objects such as maracas, scarves and even the broomstick. In my case, I managed to understand the impact that music has, when it is dramatized or acted out and how this can be an essential tool in explaining a topic for children.
Class where music and movement were worked together.
Regarding the reading report, it was further understood why movement plays such an important role in the musical area, not only gross motor work is done, but also emotions, feelings, expression, coordination, attention and even vocabulary.
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m a m x a E Ex
For the first exam, I decided to work on the topic of Emission of the voice and breath techniques, with a series of breathing exercises and vocal techniques associated with topics or things that would be easy for children. In this exam, I learned the importance of using not only technological resources but also physical teaching material that is attractive to children; since I had problems with my connection and it was difficult for me to use the material that I had previously prepared.
For reading report # 3, it was deepened about singing and its benefits in the lives of children, reaffirming the many benefits that singing provides in the lives of students, helping to work on retention, memory, expression of emotions and social area.
Unit 3 Part I
Hearing & musical appreciation
For Unit I, we learned about the appreciation of music and the various musical elements, which must be worked with the children, such as dynamics, tone, melody and others. With activities where the teacher shared different sounds, we were allowed to work on musical appreciation and its various elements. At the same time, she made us capture through a sheet and pailots what we imagined or felt, which opened up even more the knowledge about how to work with children with music.
For the final report, # 5, two videos were observed, on topics such as voice emission and body expression, for the preschool classes, which impacted the learning that they already had, increasing it, since the teachers broke the schemes and limitations that I had in my head about working with music and children.
Unit 3 Part II
Hearing & musical appreciation
For this week the Musical Show was presented, in a group way, my group and I had to carry out the activities based on the Nutcracker Musical, which was a dream, since I love classical music and Ballet, to be able to perform a narration with various activities involving music was very learning.
At the end of the presentations of the musical Show, of the companions, the teacher, introduced the second part of the musical appreciation, teaching us even more about the musical elements.
For this week, each of us was assigned various musical genres, we had to create a presentation and activities that involved musical elements, in my case I was responsible for talking about the Classical Era, instruments, period, characteristics and dances.
WEEK #10
Unit 4 Rythm and Instruments
It was possible to learn about the rhythm and instruments, this with the support of a flute and various colored circles, at the same time some musical notes and strategies to work these with children were known. For me it was a bit difficult to play the flute, since in school and college I had a hard time playing it, but thanks to the teacher's practice and explanation, I understood the location of the notes and how to use it correctly.
WEEK #11
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m a m x a E Ex
For the second exam, I had to work with one of the musical genres, the Baroque era, which was super interesting, since musically it was a super varied era, some of the instruments I knew and others were totally new. Work with 3 musical elements, tempo, pitch and dynamics, through various activities that involved the use of music from the time, to explain the activities I used physical teaching resources such as puppets and clippings associated with what would be done.
For this same week, a video had to be made playing a children's song on the flute, which was quite a challenge, since using the flute was always difficult for me, but fortunately I succeeded. Mary had a little Lamb, was the name of the song played.
For everything you taught us this Quarter, thank you for helping me overcome the barriers and show me that we only set the limits ourselves. Again it was very helpful and I hope to put everything I learned into practice soon.