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You're Hired
A recap of the latest executives and professionals that have recently joined the top companies in the industries of toys, games, licensing, entertainment, and more
The Toy Foundation:
Pamela Mastrota, Executive Director
Pamela Mastrota has joined The Toy Foundation (TTF) as executive director. TTF is a 501(c)3 children’s charity that operates under the umbrella of the Toy Association, with the mission of providing philanthropic support and play to children and families under stress and in dire situations around the world. Mastrota brings her C-level and nonprofi t leadership, fundraising, and relationship-building experience to the role, where she will be responsible for maintaining and evaluating TTF’s operations, programs, administration, relationships, and fundraising/donor practices in order to advance its mission. Most recently, she served as chief operating offi cer for Make-A-Wish Metro NY & Western NY, leading all operations including fi nance, human resources, marketing, IT/data management, and project management. Prior to that role, Mastrota served as president & CEO for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Long Island Chapter.
American Specialty Toy Retailing Association: Sue Warfi eld,
Sue Warfi eld, who has been serving as interim president of ASTRA since September 2020 and led the organization through the pandemic, was offi cially named President of the association. Warfi eld and her team will preside at the association’s fi rst in-person trade show since 2019, after the Orlando show was canceled due to the pandemic. ASTRA Marketplace & Academy will take place August 5-8 in Minneapolis on a compacted schedule.
Otis College of Art and De-
sign: Jennifer Caveza, Toy Design Program Chair
Jennifer Caveza—a consumer products executive specializing in the toy and licensing industries—returned to Otis College as the new chair of the Toy Design program in July. Caveza previously served as assistant chair of the Toy Design program at Otis from 2001-2006, and most recently was senior vice president of toy licensing at ViacomCBS, where she oversaw licensing deals and identifi ed new business opportunities for the entertainment company’s top global franchises. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Toy Association and Women in Toys, Licensing, and Entertainment. Throughout her career in children’s entertainment, Caveza has held executive management roles at top toy companies, including Mattel and JAKKS Pacifi c, and at Grey Advertising, where she handled the Hasbro Parker Brothers’ Game account.
Communications executive Sara Rosales joined Jazwares as senior vice president of communications, with a focus on corporate communications, brand public relations, company philanthropic efforts, collaboration with digital marketing on earned media, and strategic management of the corporate website. Rosales, who previously was SVP of communications for medical apparel manufacturer Careismatic Brands, brings 20 years of industry experience, including at toy companies Mattel and JAKKS Pacifi c. Rosales joins Jazwares amid the company’s expansion into the new categories of costumes and pet toys.