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Industry Forum

Back to In-Person Shows!
Sue War eld, president of the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association, on the unprecidented and exciting ASTRA Toy Boat cruise show scheduled for February 2023. by Sue Warfield, ASTRA President
Over the past 2 years we have all become used to the zoom/google/teams meetings. While we are certainly glad we had these options to be able to meet, we are, most certainly, ready for some in-person interaction! Shows are back and we are very excited to meet with our toy industry colleagues, touch and try new products, learn from one another and just have fun in a live environment.
ASTRA has been working on our upcoming Marketplace & Academy that takes place June 12-15 in Long Beach, CA. We are super excited to get back to a full schedule of Sunday through Wednesday with Sunday being our education day and the trade show Monday, Tuesday and ½ the day on Wednesday. In addition, our social events will include a Meet and Greet on Saturday evening, a welcome party on Sunday evening and our Toy Lip Sync Battle on Monday evening. Check it all out and register at (www.marketplaceandacademy.org.) It’s going to be ASTRAnomical!
We will be in Columbus, Ohio for our June 2023 show. In addition to Marketplace & Academy we are adding an additional experience in February of 2023. It’s the ASTRA Toy Boat! What???
It’s been a topsy-turvy couple of years – not just in the toy industry, but every industry.
We thought now is a perfect time to shake things up a bit, and we’re trying something really new for ASTRA in 2023
A er the cancellation of Toy Fair 2022 and the announcement of the event moving to September of 2023, ASTRA sent out a survey to members, and non-members, through various channels to determine if our toy industry would still like an o ering in February of 2023 and if so, what was most important if something was o ered.
We heard back from many of you with a resounding “yes!” e top two reasons for wanting to hold such an event was seeing new product in person, and meeting/networking with colleagues in person. e ASTRA board met in early March to determine next steps. We didn’t want to replace other shows, including our own Marketplace & Academy. We also didn’t want to do anything similar to what is already being done at other shows - both national and regional. We will continue to support other shows such as the gi marts, ToyFest, and Toy Fair.
So… how about this for a doozy? We’ll be launching the ASTRA Toy Boat – a four-day sailing adventure out of Fort Lauderdale from Feb. 20-24, 2023. Here are the basics to answer questions that have come up on how this will work:
What Cruise Line?
• Royal Caribbean • Ship – Liberty of the Seas
Timeline for Cruise
• Leaves Ft. Lauderdale on February 20, 2023 • February 21 - Private Island – Cococay, Bahamas • February 22 – Day at Sea • February 23 – Nassau, Bahamas • February 24 – Back at Ft. Lauderdale at 6 a.m.
• Cost of the cabins (double occupancy so times 2) will vary by size and type of cabin booked. ASTRA has an allocation of a variety of sizes/price ranges. • ASTRA has negotiated a group rate for the block of cabins for our group These rates will be all inclusive of WIFI, Deluxe Drink Package, Taxes, Gratuities, Port Fees – all inclusive. Price ranges for these all inclusive packages range from $921.74 per person, double occupancy to $2,514.74 per person double occupancy (for a 1 bedroom owners suite). Kids that come will be priced based on the cabin chosen. • The only added costs will be for tables for manufacturers, affiliates, reps - if they choose to have them, excursions or upscale/added dining.
Table Options
• Manufacturers, Inventors, Affiliates and Reps may all choose to pay for a table to display new products, services, etc. Table costs will vary by size, ranging from $200 - $500 each. There will not be full booths, but rather the tables to focus on new items and allow for sitting with retailers and writing fill-in orders for existing product. • Table displays will be open on the 22nd and 23rd – specific schedule to be determined. The prices noted above cover all the times the display area will be open
Other Ovents
• Game/Kit nights – two of the 3 nights – one night for ASTRA members and one open to the public. We have not booked the full ship! Game tables will be $200 each and cover both nights. • Conference Rooms will be available at a minimal fee of just $50 for ½ day for groups to book (TGTG,
Learning Express, Toyfest, Rep Groups, etc) • Toy Sync Battle– we will have one night to enjoy a Toy Sync Battle – Family Style - Disney Songs, Kids
Songs, etc. • Liberty of the Seas has great programs for kids – all included in the cost.
Safety and Health Issues
• There are no longer any issues with ports of call because part of the ‘return to service’ include a specific protocol between every ship and every port of call worldwide. Yes, there will be cases on ships and there is protocol for that now as ships have medical facilities for testing; isolation rooms if needed; and specific disembark protocols for anyone who tests positive. • Contact tracing is done for others who may have come in contact with the positive person or persons; those guests are tested ad if negative, free to continue their cruise as usual. • The actual statistic for cases on ships since resumption has been way less than 1%. • Ships have been sailing now since June 2021.
As an aside, non-drowsy Dramamine is the perfect antidote for anyone concerned about sea sickness. Registration will be open in May. Only a deposit will be needed to reserve your cabin. Join us in Long Beach, June 12-15 and then step on board to a fantastic new experience with your ASTRA Family in February 2023!