Borough Life April 2022

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April 2022

QUEEN’S PLATINUM JUBILEE Including Diarmuid Gavin’s Dancing Trees for the Jubilee




Bo www.

A FABULOUS FESTIVAL of Flowers, Food & Fun!

ook your tickets online

How to Contact Us We provide lots of services and facilities for our residents and customers to enjoy and there are many reasons why you may want to contact us. Whether you are booking a class, enquiring about an event, paying your dog licence or reporting a missed bin, we want your experience to be as easy as possible. To help achieve this, we have recently introduced a number of one stop Customer Hubs to support you with your enquiry. We have also increased our opening hours in some areas to make things more convenient for you.

Arts & Culture Want to book a theatre show or get tickets for an event? Simply book online at

Got a query? Contact our Arts & Culture Hub on: • Live Chat (look for the purple chat icon on our webpage) • E. • T. 0300 123 7788 The team is available to help you Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm and Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 5pm. This Customer Hub will also operate on the evenings of theatre shows and events.

Leisure You can visit leisure or use the ANBorough app to book your leisure class or activity.

If you have a query or want to enquire about membership packages, you can contact our Leisure Hub on: Please contact us if you require this magazine in an alternative format. • Braille • Large Print • Audio Version To order please E. ellen.boyd@ 4


Borough Life April 2022

• Live Chat (look for the purple chat icon on our webpage) • E. (general enquiries) or leisure.bookings@ (extended bookings, pitch bookings) • T. 0300 123 1580 The team is available to help you Monday to Thursday, 8am – 8pm, Friday 8am – 6pm and Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 4pm.

Other ways to contact us We now have a new telephone number for our Customer Service Team at both Antrim Civic Centre and Mossley Mill. You can call us on T. 0300 123 4568, Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm. Our Planning section can be contacted on T. 0300 123 6677 (Our telephone numbers are charged at local rate.)

Visit or use the ANBorough app to: • Access your leisure membership • Check your bin collection date • Contact your local Councillor • Pay your dog licence • Request a bulky waste collection • Submit a building control application • Report a complaint online Follow us on social media to keep up to date with Council news and events.

ANBorough For jobs in the Borough, visit


This magazine is delivered to postal areas BT29, BT36, BT37, BT39, BT41 and our residents in BT38. If it is not delivered to any of your neighbours living in these areas, please let us know. If you have any comments on the magazine please contact us. E. T. 0300 123 4568


Investments in our Borough


Antrim and Newtownabbey Crematorium


Freedom of the Borough


Skate 100 Urban Sports Park


Queen’s Platinum Jubilee


Garden Show Ireland

Mayor’s Message Welcome to the April edition of Borough Life, our residents’ magazine that keeps you up to date with what’s going on in the Borough. As we move into spring, we look forward to welcoming you to some of the events we have planned. After a three year absence, our award-winning premier event, Garden Show Ireland, returns to Antrim Castle Gardens. More details on page 28. In June we will be holding a number of events during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, including the new Clockwork Garden installation. Further details can be found on page 24. We have lots of exciting news about improvements in our towns and villages, as well as huge investments in our Borough. More information can be found on pages 6–10. Council recently voted to confer the Freedom of the Borough to the Northern Ireland Hospice, which is one of the highest honours Council can bestow. The Northern Ireland Hospice is very close to my heart and one of my chosen charities during my year as Mayor. More details on page 13. As my term as Mayor draws to a close in June, I would like to say what a privilege it has been to hold this position. I have met hundreds of wonderful people who visit, work, volunteer or live in the Borough and I look forward to meeting many more over my remaining months as Mayor. Finally, I would like to encourage you to take a few minutes to complete the survey at the back of this magazine. We are continually trying to improve our services and we would really value your feedback. I hope you all have a lovely Easter.

Councillor WJ Webb MBE JP Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Life April 2022



Over £20m Investment for Antrim and Glengormley Towns Our vision to make Antrim and Glengormley towns more vibrant and modern, is one step closer with impressive plans now in place for two of our towns.

Glengormley The Council is pleased to announce ambitious plans for record levels of investment in Glengormley over the next three years. The investment has been secured following successful intensive negotiations between the Council, property owners and the UK Government Levelling Up Fund. The Council is also in the process of securing investment from the Department for Communities. At least 55 new permanent jobs together with 180 construction jobs will be created as well as significant supply chain and commercial opportunities for the wider business community. Local residents, shoppers, visitors and traders will already have noticed improvements at the entrances to the town at both Sandyknowes roundabout and

more recently with the attractive new sculpture at the O’Neill Road junction. The demolition of the former police station in the town has now been completed and plans are in place to build a new 16,000 square foot commercial block on this site at a cost of £5.9m. Building work will begin in the autumn and in the meantime the site will be used as an attractive events space by the Council. Plans have also been confirmed to improve the attractiveness of the Glenwell leisure and retail area and motorists will be pleased with the improvements which will be put in place to ease congestion and improve car parking in the town. Pedestrians will enjoy the extensive upgrading of existing pavements to a high quality granite surface together with new street lighting and furniture.

Antrim Exciting new beginnings are afoot in Antrim Town with work shortly

beginning on the old Wellworths building on High Street. This project will include the refurbishment of the first floor of the former Wellworths building into new social enterprise and business start-up office accommodation. A refurbishment of the existing boardwalk is underway and the next stage will be to extend it. The boardwalk project will improve connections between Antrim Castle Gardens, the river and the town centre. The office accommodation will be opened up onto the boardwalk to encourage greater pedestrian use while enhancing the appearance of the overall area. This extensive town centre revitalisation scheme, which totals £8.1m, will attract visitors to the town and help support businesses and jobs.

Funding for both projects has been provided by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, The Department for Communities and the Levelling Up Fund.

Artist impression of Glengormley workspace accommodation



Borough Life April 2022

Business & Jobs

Exciting New Community Space in Antrim Town Centre The Department for Communities (DfC) has granted the Council a license to create a long awaited recreational space in Antrim at the vacant Ulster Bar Corner site. Local residents, shoppers and visitors will welcome this attractive addition to the town. The area will include landscaping, an events space, picnic area and play features. The Council intends to use the space for a number of outdoor events in the future.

£2m Refurbishment of Steeple House Refurbishment works, estimated at £2m, are due to commence later this year on Steeple House and the surrounding parkland. Development of the park area will include new accessible pathways, interpretative signage and promotion of the historic Round Tower. The original stable block will be converted into a flexible exhibition area, workshop and café. In addition, our partner on the site, Apricot Heathcare Ltd, will be developing a modern purpose-

built community and health facility. This new facility will not only reduce localised pressures on the hospital but also help improve the quality of healthcare to our residents. Steeple House and the surrounding parkland is an important site and throughout the refurbishment, we will be working closely with our partners to ensure considerations are given to the archaeology and historic aspects of the site as well as traffic flow and parking.

Borough Life April 2022



Skill Up for Job Opportunities! If your business needs help sourcing skilled workers, then get in touch with the Council’s Economic Development team! There is a shortage of skilled workers to fill vital roles in our Borough and a new local Labour Market Partnership has been established to help address local skills challenges and create new job opportunities. One example of this is the Logistics Fund. There is a major shortage of drivers and given the location of our Borough, there is quite a number of transportation companies and businesses who depend on drivers. The Logistics Fund has helped either upskill staff or create new job opportunities within this industry. To ensure that the Partnership meets the needs

of our businesses locally, there are a number of partners involved including; The Department for Communities, Education Authority, Jobs and Benefits Office, Careers Service, Local Enterprise Agencies, Northern Health Trust and the Northern Regional College. The Partnership model is key to ensuring that the programme delivers on the ground for both those looking to develop new skills and also those who are struggling to meet the staffing demands of their business.

If your business is currently experiencing labour market issues or you foresee issues in the future for your business then please get in touch. E. skills@antrimandnewtownabbey. or Text BUSINESS SKILLS to 80039

Drive to Success with TTS Transport Training Services (TTS) support young people to develop much needed skills in the transport industry through their apprenticeship programme. Training courses include commercial vehicle driving, customer service and apprentice training for young people wishing to pursue a technical career as an automotive technician.



Borough Life April 2022

TTS regularly hosts apprenticeship open days and recently held a ‘Women in Wheels’ open day to coincide with International Women’s Day. Women are highly underrepresented in the transport sector and TTS would like to change this!

If you are interested in developing driver or automotive skills, visit

Business & Jobs

£100m Factory of the Future Comes to Newtownabbey An ambitious £100m Advance Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC) project has been confirmed for Global Point Business Park, Newtownabbey. Led by Queen’s University, AMIC will provide a new, 10,500m2 state-of-the-art facility at Global Point, giving advanced manufacturing and engineering businesses access to the very latest technology, specialist equipment and expertise. The ‘Factory of the Future’ will be AMIC’s flagship facility; and become Northern Ireland’s national centre for advanced manufacturing, significantly accelerating levels of innovation and collaboration between industry and researchers. Occupying a site adjacent to the well-established RLC facility at Global Point, AMIC will also be joined by Sensata Technologies and Ardagh, both set to make multi-million-pound investments on the site – creating an industrial, research and development hub in the Borough. Belfast Regional City Deal panel member for Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Alderman Mark Cosgrove, commented; “Thanks to an unprecedented level of partnership working between local government, the NI Executive, the UK government, our universities, further education colleges and private sector, we’ve secured £1bn of investment for the region through the Belfast Region City Deal – meaning a decade of opportunities starts now. The sustained collective efforts of everyone involved in the Deal has produced a portfolio of projects which will transform the Belfast region and indeed Northern Ireland as a whole. Our focus has now shifted from drafting business cases to developing designs and making planning applications as we move another step closer to making our vision a reality – creating new and better jobs and opportunities for people living here”.

Global Point site showing RLC facility

As a partner in this project, the Council will be making a significant contribution of £10m to the scheme which is expected to deliver over 1,000 jobs both direct and indirect over the life of the scheme as well as generating substantial opportunities for the supply chain across Northern Ireland.

Alderman Mark Cosgrove with Paul Maropoulos, Director of AMIC

Professor Paul Maropoulos Director of AMIC, explained the importance of this project to the future of Advanced Manufacturing in Northern Ireland, “AMIC and the new Factory of the Future will have both the capacity and scale to define and deliver high quality, industry-focused research projects that can meet the demands of our Advanced Manufacturing sectors, and will be central to driving innovation across industry, within Northern Ireland and beyond. Working in close partnership with industry we will develop a range of core capabilities, supported by a team of professional engineers with access to advanced digital technologies and specialist equipment. AMIC will be underpinned by experts from both Universities and we will be paying special attention to skills development in new generation digital and production technologies. Everyone in the AMIC team is excited to be working closely with all stakeholders to deliver this ground-breaking centre that will have a lasting positive impact on the City Deal’s six Council areas and Northern Ireland as a whole.” The team appointed by Queen’s University has advanced the preparatory design work to the stage where it is now ready to commence pre-application discussions with the Council’s Planning Team. It is anticipated that the full planning application will be submitted in September 2022 with construction anticipated to commence on site in October 2023.

For more information visit belfast-region-city-deal Borough Life April 2022



Business & Jobs 4%



16% 31% 5% 6%

8% 8%



Environmental Health & Building Control


Community Services


Community & Community Centres




Democratic Representation and Corporate Management


Culture, Tourism, Theatres & Economic Development


Leisure & Recreation


Capital Investment


Waste Management

Lowest Rates Increase in Northern Ireland After lengthy consideration and insight of the current cost increase pressures, the Council agreed to apply a modest increase of 1.9% to the rates for 2022/23. Coupled with an anticipated Regional Rates freeze, this equates to an overall increase of 15 pence per week for an average household and is well below the rate of inflation. This is the lowest increase of all eleven Councils. This achievement continues to reinforce the Council’s reputation and track record for the lowest rates increase since new Councils were formed in 2015. In addition to this, the Council has announced that the Borough is set to attract over £1bn of public and private sector investment. This will generate at least 2,000 new jobs locally and bring significant regeneration benefits and commercial opportunities to local suppliers. The chart above shows the breakdown of the district rate which is set by the Council. The second part of your rates is the regional rate which is set by the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Village Improvements Breathing new life into our villages! Templepatrick, Doagh and Burnside will benefit from £700,000 from the Small Settlements Grant programme.

schemes, planters, signage, artwork, shop front improvements, environmental improvements, new fencing and pathways.

Council engaged with the local communities to discuss and prioritise the possibilities in each area.

For more information on each village scheme please visit

Each village will have its own village improvements, benefitting from a combination of illumination



Borough Life April 2022

Artist impression of Antrim and Newtownabbey Crematorium


Work Commences on New Crematorium in Newtownabbey Works have commenced on the new Crematorium in Newtownabbey. The £5m investment will provide a state-of-the-art facility for families and mourners including a memorial garden and columbarium for the interment of ashes. The building will nestle in a parkland setting. The landscaped surroundings, including wildflower meadows, will create a sense of privacy and calm. A tree-lined avenue will sweep down through the site around a lake on the approach to the singlestorey Crematorium building. The site will also feature seating areas for reflection.

The Crematorium will utilise the most up-to-date equipment, ensuring the highest environmental standards. This much-needed facility will serve our residents and people across the whole of Northern Ireland. It will provide further choice and capacity for those considering difficult plans with loved ones.

For more information visit crematorium

Ballyclare Relief Road The first phase of the Ballyclare Relief road has opened! This road has already made a major difference to the residents and those who would have normally had to travel through the congested town centre. The road will not only speed up journey time but will also help ease general congestion making the town centre a more enjoyable place to visit. Ballyclare is a popular town and has a growing population. This new road will help support future development of both town and residential areas. The Lotus Group have invested in the region of £4m in phase one, while work on phase two is ongoing and is expected to be complete next year.

Chief Executive of The Lotus Group, Ciaran Murdock and Managing Director of Lotus Homes, Paul O’Rourke, with the Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey

Borough Life April 2022



Mrs Joan Christie CVO OBE Legacy Bursary Scheme 2022 Created in 2019 in recognition of the significant work carried out by Mrs Joan Christie CVO OBE, in her role as Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant for the County of Antrim, the bursary scheme offers applicants the opportunity to apply for a £1,000 bursary. There are two awards under each of the following three categories: • Music Bursary Award – to assist talented young musicians from the Borough to further their career • Volunteering Bursary Award – to assist young volunteers who play an active role in a group within the Borough. (The Council will offer a further two bursaries of £1,000 each to the groups that the young people volunteer with) • Special Schools Bursary Award – to assist with the delivery of horticultural projects within the school. The Legacy Bursary Scheme will open to applicants in April.

For more information on the scheme E. or visit

Spirit of Volunteering Awards 2022 The Antrim and Newtownabbey Spirit of Volunteering Awards recognise the unsung heroes in our Borough who dedicate so much of their lives to volunteering. This year we also want to recognise those who are new to volunteering, but who have already started to make a difference in their community, changing the lives of others as well as their own. Not forgetting the numerous people in our local community who contributed to the tremendous work that was undertaken across the Borough in relation to the pandemic.

The categories for this year’s Awards are:

For more information or to nominate visit














Newcomer to Volunteering Award Team Spirit Award Personal Achievement Award Covid 19 Community Impact Award Young Person’s Volunteering Award Community Safety Award Social and Community Enterprise Award Lifetime Contribution Award



• • • • • • • •

Nominations close on Tuesday 31 May at 4pm. Winners will be announced at a glittering awards ceremony event on Thursday 13 October at 7pm in Theatre at The Mill.



Borough Life April 2022


Freedom of the Borough for the NI Hospice The Duke of Edinburgh Legacy Bursary Scheme As a Legacy to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council will be providing an annual Bursary Scheme to Empower, Encourage and Inspire Our Youth.

The Council will bestow the Freedom of the Borough on the Northern Ireland Hospice in recognition and appreciation of the exceptional and outstanding end of life care they provide. The Northern Ireland Hospice has been supporting families both in our Borough and across Northern Ireland for 39 years. The Freedom of the Borough is one of the highest honours that the Council can bestow on an individual or organisation. A special event will take place in May to mark this momentous occasion.

Twenty bursaries of £1,000 will be available in total across two age categories; 11–16 years and 16–25 years. Successful applicants will take part in a 10-week programme starting in September to develop numerous personal and life skills which will include; • volunteering • drug/alcohol awareness • good relations • leadership • money management • sports activities • animal welfare • dance and drama • beauty • photography. On completion of the 10-week programme participants will be able to apply for the bursary.

Nominations for the bursary will open online on Friday 8 April at 12 noon. For details visit antrimandnewtownbbey.

Borough Life April 2022



Out and About with the Mayor

Supporting International Women’s Day with the team at Mallusk Enterprise Park

Supporting the relief effort for Ukraine

Celebrating with Loanends Primary School – Mental Maths UK champions

PCSP launch domestic abuse awareness campaign

Laying a wreath at Sappers Mark Quinsey and Patrick Azimkar memorial

Randalstown announced as Britain in Bloom finalists



Borough Life April 2022


Council hosting Action Cancer’s mobile unit

Mayor visits businesses supported by Antrim Enterprise Agency

New sculpture unveiled at O’Neill Road junction in Glengormley

Opening of the British and Irish Tug of War Championships in the Jim Baker Stadium

The BFG Exhibition in Flax Gallery at Theatre at The Mill

Work commences on new Crematorium in Newtownabbey

Muckamore Pre-School play their part for the Platinum Jubilee

Jobs boost for Antrim with the opening of Tim Hortons®

Borough Life April 2022



Have you got a window box, back garden or even access to an allotment? Then you can join over 700 residents and businesses across the Borough growing their own. ‘Muddy Boots’ is an online version of the food initiative, ‘grow your own’ and it’s free for everyone to get involved.

...on your patch

You don’t need any prior experience or even that much space. Our easy to follow toolkit means you’ll be able to grow and enjoy your own delicious fruit and vegetables.

Your gardening toolkit The online toolkit provides 15 easy how-to videos and cards, plus three planners to guide you on what to plant and when. What’s more, it tells you how to enjoy what you grow with a healthy eating guide and top tips to create a meal bursting with goodness.

Why should you get involved? • You are what you eat – nourish your body with a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, grown by you without any chemicals • Make a soil footprint, not a carbon footprint – you’ll reduce plastic packaging • Fresh air and exercise is good for the body and mind • Muck in together – get the family involved and have fun, from sowing to growing.

Stay involved As your expertise grows, you’ll find out more with the quarterly newsletter, featuring new ideas on what seeds to sow, seasonal plant profiles and fresh recipes with the Garden Chef.

Get your muddy boots on today and visit

Testimonials “I’ve been growing vegetables and flowers at my allotment for the past three years. I’m quite a gardening novice, so the Muddy Boots site has been a great help with plenty of practical information and videos.” Muddy Boots Participant “This is my first experience at growing and everything is totally organic. I was able to get my hands on organic compost to get me started and researched how to make my own natural fertilisers. It makes a great difference to the taste and it’s a great talking point with our customers. Muddy Boots emails have helped me plan for the months ahead.” Chris McMahon (Café Cuisine, Glengormley)



Borough Life April 2022


Bag Yourself Some Free Compost Did you know that your food and garden waste from your brown bin is transformed into nutrient-rich compost? From 1-7 May we’re giving it back to you in the form of a free bag of compost. As part of International Compost Awareness Week, you can pick up your free bag of compost when you recycle any household item such as garden waste, wood, scrap metal or even electrical items at any of the Council’s five Household Recycling Centres during 1-7 May. Stock is limited to one per person while it’s available. Remember, the next time you’re throwing food out, throw it in the brown bin to keep transforming your waste into nutrient-rich compost.

To find your local recycling centre visit antrimandnewtownabbey.

Big Spring Clean Clean up, clean up! It’s time to roll up your sleeves and join Northern Ireland’s largest community clean–up campaign from 1 April to 31 May.

Get involved locally – your Borough needs you! Why not join us for the Antrim and Newtownabbey Big Spring Clean Weekend from Friday 6 – Sunday 8 May. Make a difference in your neighbourhood and clean up our public spaces, parks, streets and school yards. You can do it yourself, with a friend or as part of a group or business.

Love where you live and register your clean-up with us, we would be happy to provide you with litter pickers and bags if required. Register via E.

Borough Life April 2022



An Evening of Remembrance for Holocaust Memorial Day A special evening of Remembrance was held at Monkstown Jubilee Centre on Sunday 23 January, as part of the Council’s programme and commitment to remember the Holocaust. The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Billy Webb MBE JP led tributes in remembering the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust and those who lost their lives in more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. Guests heard further poignant messages from Rev. Ruth Patterson (Church of the Good Shepherd), Kathy Wolff (Community Relations Forum) and Mr Peter McBride (Trauma Specialist). Elected Members led a procession which included



Borough Life April 2022

Her Majesty’s Deputy- Lieutenant, Mrs Jackie Stewart MBE, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Belfast, Mr. Pawel Majewski and US Consul General, Mr Paul Narain to the Holocaust memorial site where a number of wreaths were laid. This special Holocaust memorial site located in the Memorial Garden at Monkstown Jubilee Centre was commissioned by the Council through its Good Relations programme in 2020. The Council worked with a group of local residents to recreate the Holocaust Memorial flame within a bespoke mosaic. The flame is a symbol of light and the clasped hands signify unity, togetherness, solidarity, empathy and reaching out to fellow members of the human race.


School Uniform Re-use Project Following the success of the School Uniform Re-use Schemes that take place across the Borough, the Council will continue to support a number of organisations to deliver this valuable service. This recycling scheme is the perfect opportunity to donate and pick up a pre-owned school uniform. Last year over 630 families benefited from this Scheme. School uniforms can be very costly and the waste in the production of them is vast which results in adverse environmental impacts. Children grow very quickly and most often a perfectly good school uniform will end up in landfill because it no longer fits a child. Through the School Uniform Re-use Schemes we can help prevent the waste by recycling perfectly good uniforms which in turn will help us all tackle the ongoing climate change crisis. So if your child has grown out of their uniform or no longer needs it, why not do your bit for the environment by passing on your old uniform and picking up a new one for them at one of our School Uniform Re-use Schemes.

Keep an eye on our social media pages and website for more details

Supporting Ukraine Thank you to everyone in our community who has rallied together to support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. There are numerous organisations and individuals across the Borough who have voluntarily given up their time to collect essential supplies for the refugees who have been forced to leave their country. Antrim Civic Centre and Mossley Mill have acted as drop off points for donations and Council staff have helped distribute these donations to a number of local support services. As the situation in Ukraine worsens the needs of the Ukrainian people fleeing their country will change. The Council will continue to support Ukraine where they can.

For the latest information on organisations providing support visit standwithukraine

Borough Life April 2022



Penny Makes a Big Splash at Swim School Penny Stewart’s mum Lisa, describes how her 6 year old daughter who is deaf, is able to enjoy group swimming lessons. 1. Tell us how Penny started her swimming journey. While I was at one-to-one swimming lessons at Sixmile Leisure Centre with my son, I found out about the MORE Swim School’s group lessons. I enrolled my son onto the group lessons and he really enjoyed it. He made new friends and became much more confident in the water. My daughter Penny is deaf and I really wanted her to enjoy the same experience. I was a bit wary about enrolling her but when I learned of the Council’s commitment to the Deaf Charter, I contacted them to see how they could help.

2. How did Penny find the lessons? Noise reverberations in the pool can make it difficult to hear at the best of times, but I was really happy with the adjustments that were put in place and the instructors worked really hard to ensure she was included. Penny loves being with other children in the class and some of them even learnt about ‘being deaf’ and how to communicate with her, which was great!

3. How do you feel Penny’s water confidence and swimming has improved since she started the lessons? Her water confidence has really improved. Being deaf and putting her face close to and then into water is very scary for Penny. Every week, I see her water confidence growing, which is fantastic.

4. How do you feel your swim teacher has assisted yours and Penny’s individual needs? Connor, the swim teacher has been fabulous; he hadn’t taught a deaf child to swim before. He was really keen to make sure Penny understood the instructions and he asked me the best signs to use to communicate with her. He really went the extra mile by researching information in his own time, asking me questions and chatting about some ideas he had to help. His communication skills with Penny have really strengthened, it really has been a two-way learning experience.

5. What would you say to other children or parents who were thinking of getting started in swimming lessons who have additional needs? I would tell them to contact the Council as I found the whole experience very positive. The swimming teacher wanted to learn more and was willing to make the lesson inclusive. It’s about building awareness and making facilities more inclusive, so everyone can enjoy learning this vital life skill.

Penny and swimming instructor Connor

Leisure & Lifestyle

Warm Welcome at Antrim Forum Helps Member’s Transformation Steve Caldwell has lost almost seven stone in the last five years thanks to his dedication and a little help from Antrim Forum staff. 1. How long have you been attending Antrim Forum gym and what was your motivation? I joined Antrim Forum gym in 2017. At 32 years old, I had serious mental health issues and didn’t care about my personal well-being, physical shape and health. My weight crept up and ashamedly, I was nearly 21 stone.

2. How has the Antrim Forum team helped you achieve your goals? Going into a gym for the first time can be uncomfortable – I know that’s how I felt at the start of my journey, but the staff at Antrim Forum give me the warmest welcome and were really encouraging. I talked to the staff about what I wanted to achieve and they developed an exercise plan and broke it down so I didn’t feel overwhelmed from the start. When I was only able to walk on the treadmill in small bursts, they cheered me on all the way! Almost five years later, I’m almost seven stone lighter. I’m really proud to say that my life has been transformed and the staff at Antrim Forum has played a big part in that. It wasn’t just the gym I went to, I enjoyed playing badminton and table tennis as well.

3. How have you kept up your fitness journey? I’m in a much better, happier place mentally as well as physically and that’s been really motivating. My battle to lose weight was physical, but it affected my mental health too. Working out in the gym has been most effective in both combating and managing my anxiety and depression. To this day, exercise plays a key role to my health and well-being. I know there are plans to completely renovate the gym at Antrim Forum later this year, which will be exciting and I’m looking forward to seeing what it’ll be like.

Thanks to Steve and Lisa for sharing their stories. If you’d like to know more about what activities are available in a leisure centre near you, visit

Steve Caldwell

Borough Life April 2022



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Excitement Builds for the Opening of Skate 100 Construction of the long awaited skate park in the Borough is at the final stage and is due to open very soon! JP Matthew of Skateboard NI said “There’s a lot of chat on social media about getting to ride this new Park. Skateboard NI and the Council embarked on this project eight years ago, and it’s fantastic to see it almost complete! There’s a great buzz about the opening and it will be popular with all ages and a great way to bring generations together.”

Keep an eye on our social media channels and website for the launch date! Artist impression of Skate 100 Urban Sports Park at V36



Borough Life April 2022

Leisure & Lifestyle

Get Outdoors and Explore More Leisurely walks, bike rides, dog walking, jogging and running are increasingly popular and the parks and paths in the Borough offer beautiful, scenic options for residents and visitors. Improvements are being made at Glas-na-Braden Glen where paths are being widened and at the Valley Park, where new paths are underway. These shared use paths will improve leisure and commuter experiences and enhance existing routes.

Meanwhile, in Ballyclare and Antrim plans are in progress for new paths which will provide much needed connections between residential areas and town centres, schools and opportunities for leisure.

For updates on our trail networks and the funders of the greenways, visit

A New Sensory Garden Haven of peace and tranquillity Nestled between the Antrim Forum and Antrim Castle Gardens, near the Sixmilewater River, a new sensory garden will soon be open. Designed to help people connect with nature, the Garden will be beautifully landscaped with careful planting to create scents, textures and sounds in a therapeutic setting.

This project has been funded by: • Department for Communities (Access and Inclusion Fund) • Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. Sensory gardens are also located at Hazelbank and Antrim Castle Gardens.

For access and opening times, visit

Borough Life April 2022



A Royal Line-Up of Events to Celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee The Council has a Royal line-up of events planned to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee from Thursday 2 – Sunday 5 June. Queen’s Green Canopy The Queen’s Green Canopy, a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, is already attracting much interest in the Borough. A number of Jubilee Avenues have been planted or dedicated by the Council and interest from the local community to date includes primary schools, local cadets, local Women’s Institute groups and an inter-generational project involving primary school children and a Fold.

Platinum Jubilee Souvenir for Primary Pupils The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Billy Webb will present all primary school children from the Borough with a specially commissioned Platinum Jubilee Commemorative Coin. Presentation ceremonies will take place at the end of May.

Beacon Lighting To officially launch the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, beacon lighting ceremonies will take place on Thursday 2 June at prime locations across all seven Council District Electoral Areas (DEAs). As the sun sets at 9.09pm across the UK and the Commonwealth, individual pipers and pipe bands are being asked to play ‘Diu Regnare’ written by Piper Stuart Liddell, as their personal tribute to Her Majesty the Queen.

Platinum Party at the Park The UK centrepiece of the Jubilee weekend will be a Platinum Party at the Park on the evening of Saturday 4 June. This event will bring together the world’s best entertainers to perform for Her Majesty the Queen. We will have our own Platinum Party and full details will be announced on our social media pages and website.



Borough Life April 2022

Leisure & Lifestyle Thank You Lunch To conclude this weekend of celebratory events, a special Thank You Lunch will take place in one of our many parks and open spaces across the Borough with one venue per DEA being prepared to host the BIGGEST EVER LUNCH. This is a UK wide initiative to break the record for the largest simultaneous outdoor lunch. This event will include live entertainment, kids’ activities and is a chance to say Thank You to Her Majesty for her service and commitment over the past 70 years.

Community Support In addition to the Council’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations they have also supported 75 Community Groups to host their own Platinum Jubilee Celebration over the weekend from 2-5 June. Residents who wish to come together as neighbours will be able to access a ‘Street Party Resource Pack’ to have a local event in their own residential areas.

Diarmuid Gavin Designs Clockwork Garden for Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Dancing Trees for the Jubilee To celebrate the impending Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, the Council is working with garden designer and TV personality, Diarmuid Gavin on an exciting project to create a Clockwork Garden in Antrim Castle Gardens. Coming to life every 15 minutes, this new permanent Garden performs as the trees dance and plant pots move. ‘Dancing Trees for the Jubilee’ will be part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and the Queen’s Green Canopy. Diarmuid has worked on a similar temporary show garden for Chelsea Flower Show which won awards and was visited by Her Majesty the Queen, attracting 1000’s of spectators and huge critical acclaim. However, this Clockwork Garden is unique as it will be the only one of its kind installed permanently in any location.

For a glimpse of what it may look like, check out the videos of Diarmuid’s previous temporary installations.

RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Dundrum, Dublin Artist impression of the Clockwork Garden

Things to do this Spring

Guys and Dolls JR Workshop

Winnie the Pooh JR Workshop

Theatre at The Mill

The Courtyard Theatre

Mon 18–Fri 22 April, 10am–5pm

Mon 18–Sat 23 April, 10am–4.30pm

Performance: Fri 22 April, 7.45pm

Performance: Sat 23 April, 2pm

Tickets: £130 (Includes 6 tickets to the performance)

Tickets: £130 (Includes 2 tickets to the performance)

Recommended Age: 8-16 years

Recommended Age: 5–10 years

For more details and bookings visit or T. 0300 123 7788

For more details and bookings visit or T. 0300 123 7788

Wonderland Wood Antrim Castle Gardens

An Artist’s Lockdown Diary: Exhibition

Daily until November, 10am–4pm

Flax Gallery, Theatre at The Mill

Price: Adult £3, Child £2, Family £8 (2 adults & 2 children or 1 adult & 3 children)

Fri 1–Fri 29 April

Special offer from 11–24 April: Family Ticket for £6 To book visit events or T. 0300 123 7788

Mon–Fri 10am–5pm Admission: Free For more details visit or T. 0300 123 7788

For a full line-up of events, workshops and more visit

The Bor







Ta s





The B o














Leisure & Lifestyle




Taste and Experience The Borough Throughout the month of March, the Council, in partnership with Tourism NI, ran two exciting initiatives to encourage you to explore one of the many food experiences on your doorstep or try your hand at one of the numerous activities and attractions across the Borough. Approximately 50 businesses took part in this month long campaign which was aimed to encourage people to try something new and help drive footfall and boost much needed income across this sector. Our dedicated tourism website highlights the Borough’s vast array of eateries, accommodation providers and tourist attractions on offer. So whether you’re planning a shopping trip to one of our towns with friends or a family day out, make sure you check it out and experience the Borough.

Cheeky Cherub, Glengormley

Top of the Town, Antrim

Third Day Coffee, Antrim

Time Coffee House, Ballyclare

The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Councillor Billy Webb, Garden Designer Diarmuid Gavin and pupils from Kingspark Primary School at the launch of Garden Show Ireland.


Garden Show Ireland Returns to the award-winning Antrim Castle Gardens Garden Show Ireland makes a welcome return to the award-winning Antrim Castle Gardens from Friday 29 April to Sunday 1 May 2022. Step into spring and join us for this three day festival and see the stunning surroundings of Antrim Castle Gardens transformed into a floral spectacular, blooming with colour. From keen gardeners and floral enthusiasts to families in search of a great day out, this festival of Flowers, Food and Fun will be awash with colour and activity. Come along and explore the thousands of plants on display and chat with an array of garden gurus and local craftspeople. Sample some of the delectable foodie delights and relax to the majestic live music for all ages to enjoy! As part of the show, there are a range of opportunities for everyone to become involved, including; schools, community groups, clubs, businesses, charities and groups of friends! To register E. Celebrate the return of this flagship event and book your tickets today.

For more information or to book tickets visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest news



Borough Life April 2022

Leisure & Lifestyle

The 21– 28


The EStD 1756


It’s Back and Better Than Ever! JUBILEE STREET PARTY












For details of the full programme please visit antrimand antrim andnewtownabbey BallyclareMayFair

Antrim and Newtownabbey Tops Environmental Charts With environmental issues ever more important, the Council is playing its part in reducing carbon emissions. Committed to Climate Change, one of the most important indicators of improved performance is the annual Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey. The Council retained the top accreditation – Platinum Award – for its performance despite the challenges faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To retain its Platinum Award, the Council not only continued with the good environmental practices already in place but enhanced these by adding new recycling services, installing solar panels at another Leisure Centre, making a Commitment to Plant One Million Trees and undertaking extensive pilots using low emission fuels in vehicles.



Borough Life April 2022

The Council continues to explore more sustainable ways to deliver services, The Benchmarking Survey is an important way for organisations to be recognised for their environmentally sustainable efforts, but also help to identify areas where they can improve. If you want to improve your environmental performance, why don’t you? • Make sure you recycle as much as you can; • Move onto a green energy tariff; • Walk or cycle short journeys.

To find out more details about Council’s performance visit


Energy Saving Tips Keeping the house warm and the costs low has never been a bigger challenge. To help you keep your home cosy, here are ways that we can help you:

• Buy £5 oil stamps to help spread the cost of your home heating oil. You’ll receive an oil savings card to add your oil stamps to over time


AA-00 000


Oil stamp scheme

• Buy your stamps from local retailers and Council premises • The card can be used for payment or partpayment for your oil.

For details visit antrimandnewtownabbey.

Energy efficiency grants or replacement boilers Home owners or people who live in private rental accommodation with a gross income under £23,000 may be eligible to apply for an energy efficiency grant. This may cover: • Loft and cavity wall insulation • Replacing the boiler, if the current boiler is over 15 years old • Replacing solid fuel (e.g. burning peat, coal or wood) or economy 7 heating systems to natural gas or oil central heating system.

Save £’s on your homes annual energy bills • Save £60 – turn down by one degree - Set the thermostat living room temperature to 18-21 degrees and other rooms to at least 16 degrees - Set the timer a little before you wake up or come home, rather than cranking up the thermostat. • Save £65 – keep your shower time to just 4 minutes • Save £55 – switch appliances off at the socket and don’t leave appliances on stand-by

For energy saving advice or to check if you • Save £40 – swap standard bulbs for LEDs. qualify for a grant T. 028 9034 0160 or E.

Consumer Council may save you money You could save money by switching energy providers. There are lots of online tools to help you check and get advice on budgeting. Visit

Borough Life April 2022



Your Councillors KEY ABBREVIATIONS DUP Democratic Unionist Party IND Independent SDLP Social Democratic and Labour Party UUP Ulster Unionist Party



Antrim Threemilewater Airport

Macedon Glengormley Urban


ANNE MARIE LOGUE SINN FÉIN T. 07533 353610 E. annemarie.logue@ antrimandnewtown

THOMAS BURNS SDLP T. 07803 535094 E. thomas.burns@ antrimandnewtown

MATTHEW MAGILL DUP T. 07825 374019 E. matthew.magill@ antrimandnewtown

ANDREW MCAULEY ALLIANCE T. 07775 756466 E. andrew.mcauley@ antrimandnewtown

PAUL MICHAEL bem UUP T. 07587 657120 E. paul.michael@ antrimandnewtown


PAUL DUNLOP bem DUP T. 07771 554652 E. antrimandnewtown

NEIL KELLY ALLIANCE T. 07545 992615 E. neil.kelly@ antrimandnewtown

ROISIN LYNCH SDLP T. 07827 276840 E. roisin.lynch@ antrimandnewtown

JIM MONTGOMERY UUP T. 07471 147666 E. jim.montgomery@ antrimandnewtown

JOHN SMYTH DUP T. 07436 582180 E. john.smyth@ antrimandnewtown

LEAH SMYTH UUP T. 07984 030867 E. leah.smyth@ antrimandnewtown


JEANNIE ARCHIBALD-BROWN DUP T. 07715 392229 E. jeannie.archibald@ antrimandnewtown



MANDY GIRVAN DUP T. 07912 028945 E. mandy.girvan@ antrimandnewtown

Borough Life April 2022

VERA MCWILLIAM UUP T. 07792 477050 E. vera.mcwilliam@ antrimandnewtown

NORRIE RAMSAY UUP T. 07342 064652 E. norrie.ramsay@ antrimandnewtown

MICHAEL STEWART IND T. 07810 868522 E. michael.stewart@ antrimandnewtown


LINDA CLARKE DUP T. 07803 132601 E. linda.clarke@ antrimandnewtown

HENRY CUSHINAN SINN FÉIN T. 07871 229810 E. henry.cushinan@ antrimandnewtown

GLENN FINLAY IND T. 07904 412040 E. glenn.finlay@ antrimandnewtown

RODERICK SWANN UUP T. 07423 457376 E. roderick.swann@ antrimandnewtown

RYAN WILSON SDLP T. 07733 453883 E. ryan.wilson@ antrimandnewtown


ALISON BENNINGTON DUP T. 07741 241011 E. alison.bennington@ antrimandnewtown

PHILLIP BRETT DUP T. 07971 538685 E. phillip.brett@ antrimandnewtown

MARK COSGROVE UUP T. 07555 650015 E. mark.cosgrove@ antrimandnewtown

MICHAEL GOODMAN SINN FÉIN T. 07827 818500 E. michael.goodman @antrimandnewtown

ROSIE KINNEAR SINN FÉIN T. 07771 544248 E. rosie.kinnear @ antrimandnewtown

NOREEN MCCLELLAND SDLP T. 07789 208157 E noreen.mcclelland @antrimandnewtown

JULIAN MCGRATH ALLIANCE T. 07920 029033 E. julian.mcgrath@ antrimandnewtown


MATTHEW BRADY DUP T. 07833 105351 E. matthew.brady@ antrimandnewtown

ROBERT FOSTER UUP T. 07342 064510 E. robert.foster@ antrimandnewtown

BEN MALLON DUP T. 07719 652057 E. ben.mallon@ antrimandnewtown

TAYLOR MCGRANN SINN FÉIN T. 07436 548081 E taylor.mcgrann@ antrimandnewtown

VICTOR ROBINSON DUP T. 07557 752451 E victor.robinson@ antrimandnewtown

BILLY WEBB mbe jp ALLIANCE T. 07799 866876 E billy.webb@ antrimandnewtown


FRASER AGNEW mbe UUP T. 07711 135267 E. fraser.agnew@ antrimandnewtown

TOM CAMPBELL ALLIANCE T. 07595 978690 E. tom.campbell@ antrimandnewtown

MARK COOPER bem DUP T. 07771 332108 E mark.cooper@ antrimandnewtown

SAM FLANAGAN DUP T. 07984 037509 E. sam.flanagan@ antrimandnewtown

JULIE GILMOUR ALLIANCE T. 07796 950825 E julie.gilmour@ antrimandnewtown

STEPHEN ROSS DUP T. 07713 946038 E stephen.ross@ antrimandnewtown

Borough Life April 2022



Holiday Arrangements Fri







15 April

17 April

18 April

19 April

2 May

2 June

3 June

Antrim Civic Centre

Mossley Mill

Theatre at The Mill

Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House

Ballyclare Town Hall

Flax Gallery

Pogues Entry

Sentry Hill







The Gateway

Leisure Centres (Allen Park, Antrim Forum, Ballyearl, Crumlin, Sixmile, Valley)

Sixmile Water Caravan Park

Jordanstown Loughshore Park Caravan Park

Recycling Centres (Craigmore, Crumlin, Newpark, Bruslee, O’Neill Road)



• 10am-4pm


Contact Us


Customer Service Hub (Switchboard) 0300 123 4568

Antrim - Brown or Blue Bin

Arts & Culture Hub 0300 123 7788

Leisure Hub 0300 123 1580


See pa g for mor e 4 e hub informa tion

0300 123 6677

Normal collection day

Your bin will now be collected on

Mon 18 Apr

Fri 22 Apr

Newtownabbey - Brown and Black Bin Mon 18 Apr

Tues 19 Apr

Sixmile Water: 028 9034 0137 Jordanstown Loughshore Park: 028 9034 0137

Tues 19 Apr

Wed 20 Apr

Recycling Centres

Wed 20 Apr

Thurs 21 Apr

Thurs 21 Apr

Fri 22 Apr

Fri 22 Apr

Sat 23 Apr

Caravan Parks

Craigmore: 028 9034 0056 Crumlin: 028 9034 0056 Newpark: 028 9034 0056 Bruslee: 028 9034 0056 O’Neill Road: 028 9034 0056

Useful Council Contacts Park Warden: 028 9034 0275 Dog Warden: 028 9034 0160 Out of hours Dog Warden: 028 9034 0178 Contact details for Community Centres are available at

Newtownabbey - Wheelie Box Mon 18 Apr

Sat 16 Apr

We Want Your Feedback


Animal Welfare

028 2563 3134

Striving to best serve our residents and businesses, the Council has developed the second year of its Recovery Plan which we would like your views on.

Bryson Energy

0800 142 2865

Bus and Rail queries (Translink)

028 9066 6630

Citizens Advice (Antrim & Newtownabbey)

028 9590 6505

Education Authority

028 2565 3333

Electricity Faults & Emergencies (24 hours)

03457 643 643

Fallen trees (Department for Infrastructure)

0300 200 7893

Gas Emergency Response (24 hours)

0800 002 001

Hospitals Antrim Area Hospital Whiteabbey Hospital

028 9442 4000 028 9086 5181

The Corporate Recovery and Improvement Plan 2022-23 (draft for consultation) outlines the Council’s commitment to ensure that the Borough recovers from the pandemic and is in a stronger place to move forward whilst delivering improvements in key service areas. We would like to get your feedback as a resident, business owner of visitor to the Borough. Please complete the consultation on our website If you would like a copy of the Corporate Recovery and Improvement Plan 2022-23 (draft) and the consultation questions sent out to you, please contact:

Performance and Transformation Team T. 0300 123 4568 E. performance@

PLEASE NOTE - The Council is NOT responsible for these services. We've listed some useful contacts to help you.

Housing Executive Main Number (including grass cutting & graffiti) Repairs Line Housing Benefit

03448 920 900 03448 920 901 03448 920 902

Land Registry

0300 200 7803

Mapping (Land & Property Services)

0300 200 7804

Northern Health & Social Care Trust

028 9442 4000

Pest Control (Consult your phone directory) Rates (Property Rating & Valuation)

0300 200 7801

TransportNI (previously Roads Service) Bus shelter vandalism/graffiti Cut roadside trees and grass verges Fallen trees Flooding roadway, footpath and blocked road gullies (24 hours) Road repairs (including potholes) Street lighting Traffic Hotline Winter salting (24 hours)

028 9054 0540 028 9046 3250 028 9054 0540 0300 200 7891 028 9025 3000 0300 200 7893 0300 200 7899 0845 712 3321 0300 200 7893

Social Security Agency Antrim and Newtownabbey Offices: Benefits Freephone Employment Service

0800 022 4250 0300 200 7822

Telephone/Utility Boxes (BT fault)

0800 023 2023

Voting (Electoral Office)

0800 432 0712

Water (NI Water)

03457 440088

Flooding Incident Line (24 hours) Report your property is flooded or flooding

0300 200 0100

Flooding - Council owned property

028 9446 3113

Burst watermains and blocked sewers (Northern Ireland Water) (24 hours)

0345 744 0088

Overflowing rivers and watercourses (Rivers Agency)

028 9260 6100

Water pollution in watercourse (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)

0800 807 060

Consumerline (9.00 am to 4.00 pm)

0300 123 6262

Action Fraud

0300 123 2040

Borough Life April 2022




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