Tourism Strategy 2017-2022

Page 26

5. Consultation Research and SWOT Analysis 5.1



Consultation Research Findings

Some 25 consultations were held with government departments, agency officials, tourism officials, partnership representatives and private sector operators. Three workshops were also held with Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Tourism Team, Elected Representatives, and Tourism Forum. In parallel, an online survey was conducted with visitors, the residents in the Borough, tourism providers/attractions, and SMEs. A summary of the survey analysis is presented in Section 5.3.

The findings of the stakeholder consultations and workshops identified a number of key considerations for tourism in Antrim and Newtownabbey; these are set out in the paragraphs below:

5.2.1 Strengths of offering within Antrim and Newtownabbey • •

Access into Antrim and Newtownabbey through the international airport, seaports, motorway network, rail, and bus services is a key strength of the region that should be further harnessed. Transport links across and outside the Borough are some of the best in Northern Ireland, with express connections to Belfast along with slower scenic routes; rural areas are less well served by public transport. Antrim is a key transport hub with good connections to the airport and ports, and to other visitor destinations such as the Causeway Coast and Glens and Belfast. There is a wide range of natural and cultural heritage across the Borough. There is significant potential to develop tourism experiences with further product development and building, and communicating the narrative to locals and visitors alike.

5.2.2 Challenges for tourism in Antrim and Newtownabbey

Antrim and Newtownabbey receives a relatively small share of total inbound tourism to Northern Ireland. The stakeholder consultations have identified several perceived barriers to visitors coming to Antrim and Newtownabbey; these were also listed as ‘inhibitors’ to locals exploring, enjoying and getting to know their own area as summarised below. Visitor offer and experience • • •

Lack of things to do and see, combined with limited opening hours for several the key visitor attractions. Outdoor activities are not of sufficient standard to attract visitors from outside Northern Ireland and compete with other LGD provision. There is a danger of duplication of offering and visitor experience for example, between Antrim Gateway Centre and Toome Lock-keeper’s Cottage interpretation. There needs to be a joined-up approach and complementary visitor offerings as the latter will also explore the wider Lough Neagh story, albeit in less detail than the story of the immediate vicinity. Awareness and promotion • • • •

Weak market awareness (both consumer and travel trade) of Antrim and Newtownabbey’s visitor resources and attractions. Antrim and Newtownabbey has not yet developed a ‘destination narrative’. There is limited awareness of the range of theatre programmes outside the immediate area, the quality of offering is good, although programming reflects a more regional audience. Up-to-date information on things to do and see in the Borough is often not available and is difficult to find.

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council: Tourism Strategy 2017-2022


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