VOL:85 ISSUE #13
Week of Nov. 19, 2012
Transportation Center open to commuters, closed to elements By Danielle Lafond Anchor Contributor
Anchor photos by Jess Bourget President Carriuolo addressed the crowd at the Keefe Transportation Center ribbon cutting.
shuttle bust see opinions page 8
shaolin warriors see a&e page 17 www.theanchoronline.org
The sun beamed through the colored panes on the new transportation center as Rhode Island College President Nancy Carriuolo and members of the Keefe family, whose name adorns the structure, cut the ribbon to officially open the shelter on Nov. 14. Located in front of Roberts Hall and adjacent to Parking Lot D, the Keefe Transportation Center was conceived three years ago after the college rerouted bus traffic due to pedestrian safety concerns. “We quickly realized that the change put the bus stop in an area with no shelter from bad weather which could affect the number of people who would be riding the bus,” said Carriuolo in her address to those gathered for the ceremony. “At the same time, our Student Community Government was working hard to encourage students to increase their use of bus transportation.” Students brought up the apparent messaging conflict with the administration. “The students made it clear that if the college wanted to encourage increased use of public transportation, we needed
see page 14
men’s basketball see sports page 24
November 19, 2012
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November 19, 2012
Anchor Photo Janice Wang Topics discussed at this week’s meeting included apathy on campus, clubs’ use of revenue and a disabilities resolution.
Pecchia addresses student body, declares war on apathy By Jim Brady News Editor Student Community Government, Inc. President Kyla Pecchia delivered her State of the Student Body address during Student Parliament’s most recent meeting on Nov. 14, inciting a war on apathy at Rhode Island College. “Apathy has been plaguing this campus for generations, and it is high time that it comes to an end,” Pecchia said. “We are all hypocrites,” she continued. “We expect people to come to our events, but we don’t attend theirs…I know what I am saying may be a sweeping generalization, and I am certainly not saying that we as a body are not hard workers, but within such a statement is a very small kernel of truth: how do we expect other students to care about our organizations when we can barely work together ourselves?” Furthering her attack on the level of student apathy, Pecchia urged members of Parliament to bring issues to the table, draft resolutions and make a change. “I’m kind of disappointed again with the agenda. It’s consistently just myself and my executive council. And, like I just addressed in my speech, that’s not really what I’d like to see because there are almost 30 of you sitting
around this table and I know that every single one of your constituents, one person, has a problem. And you need to find out what it is and bring it here,” Pecchia said. In addition to the president’s address, Treasurer Jordan Day touched on student organization operating budget allocations dating back to the fall of 2010, noting this year’s allocation ($62,750.52) totaling less than two-thirds the amount of each of the past two years respectively ($98,631.75 in 2010 and $98,516.56 in 2011).
“Apathy has been plaguing this campus for generations of students, and it’s high time that it comes to an end.” - Kyla Pecchia, SCG President “This is a vast improvement, where we are now, from where we’ve been. And we’re on
Anchor Photo Janice Wang Secretary Giana Auger and Student Organizations Coordinator Kaitlyn Burke diligently took notes during the 11/14 meeting. the right track to where we need to be,” Day said. Pecchia also introduced a draft copy of a disabilities resolution for discussion, which involved protocol for hearing impaired students to acquire ASL interpreters. The topic yielded approximately 25-minutes worth of feedback from members before the body moved along to the next bulletin on the agenda. Led by Day and Pecchia, Student Parliament also discussed club revenues and conference policy, which also produced lengthy discussion amongst representatives. The discussion regarding amending the current conference policy was eventually tabled via a vote of the body. President Pecchia and Treasurer Day voted not to table the discussion. The meeting lasted just under two and a half hours and included other topics such as SCG’s new mobile website, SCG’s sweatshirt logo contest, announced vacancy of an at large seat and Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Gary Penfield’s update on the new shuttle service.
Student Parliament will next meet on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7 p.m. in Student Union room 307. Anchor Photo Janice Wang SCG President Kyla Pecchia gave her state of the Student Body Address during Wednesday’s meeting.
November 19, 2012
The RIC Police Department is located across from New Hall. Officers respond to numerous motor vehicle accidents, disabled vehicles, suspicious activity and various other, mostly minor, incidents. Occasionally more serious offenses occur. Larceny/ Forgery/ Fraud can include a theft of any kind. O c t. 2 2 Offense: Larceny/Forgery/Fraud Location: Student Union- Student Union Loop Action Taken: Report Taken N o v. 1 Offense: Assault Location: Sweet Residence HallCollege Rd. Action Taken: Report taken N o v. 5 Offense: Alarm/Burglar Location: Building 8 Management/ Tech Outreach Program - Salisbury Rd. Action Taken: Assistance rendered N o v. 6 Offense: Larceny/Forgery/Fraud Location: Lot H- 6th Ave. Action Taken: Report taken Offense: Larceny/Forgery/Fraud Location: Donovan Dining Center Student Union Loop Action Taken: Report taken Offense: Larceny/Forgery/Fraud Location: Sweet Residence Hall College Rd. Action Taken: Report taken N o v. 8 Offense: Vandalism Location: Lot B - 1st Ave. Action Taken: Report taken Offense: Assault Location: Lot H - 6th Ave. Action Taken: Report taken N o v. 1 2 Offense: Drug Offense (All) Location: Sweet Residence Hall College Rd. Action Taken: Report taken N o v. 1 3 Offense: Alarm/ Burglar Location: Nina House Former State Home - Cole Rd. Action Taken: Assistance rendered
Anchor Photo Jess Bourget RIC’s new shuttle bus makes a stop in the Student Union loop.
Spring will bring shuttle plan improvements Mandy Wray Dion Editor-in-Chief Formulating a concrete schedule for the new shuttle service is still in the works, but students can expect to see an improved system when Rhode Island College returns from winter break. Currently the college has a short-term, six-week contract for a cost of $10,000 that will terminate after finals week. The payment for the shuttle service comes out of RIC students’ transportation fee that is also used to subsidize RIPTA bus fare, repair or construct parking lots and make improvements to sidewalks on campus. In early January, the college will go out to bid for a new service that will be modified based on the data from this trial run. Ridership and usage of stops are currently being tracked by the shuttle drivers and will be used to better modify the service. Current data reflects that an average of 75-100 students are utilizing the service on a
daily basis. Also, it has been determined that the shuttle circuit starting from the Keefe Transportation Center takes approximately 25 minutes to complete. The idea for a shuttle plan was something that Student Community Government, Inc. discussed for a number of years. After a lengthy debate in 2009, it was decided that the service was too costly for them to pursue and they sent over the idea to RIC administration. After parking lot reassignments took place in September, RIC administration saw the need for a shuttle service to assist students who may be inconvenienced by the parking situation. SCG is supportive of this plan, but not at all in a financial aspect. “Right now SCG’s only involvement with the project is promoting ridership,” said SCG President Kyla Pecchia. Once the six-week trial period comes to a close, officers of SCG will meet with members of RIC administration to discuss student concerns and build a more permanent
shuttle system. Students have come forward with a plethora of suggestions to improve the service, varying from cutting the service completely to expanding the shuttle by creating stops off campus. Psychology major Kyle Fernandes thinks that the current system could be minimalized to meet the needs of only the students that really need the service. “There could be a shuttle that goes from East side, to the Art Center, to West side for those who need it… three or four main stops. There could, better yet, be a set up in which a service is called in for those who have a lot of gear,” Fernandes said. Nick DeSimone, a communication major, thinks that the service is too large of an expense and should be eliminated. “Running every 20 minutes is moronic beyond words when you can walk the whole campus end-to-end in under 10,” DeSimone said. “The people that asked for it are the same ones that are going to wonder why these things cost money in a few months.” Even though the shuttle can provide rides for those carrying large projects across campus, art major and resident student Katelyn Hurd dislikes the setup of the current service. “The shuttle is pointless. Get something that can shuttle me to the mall, Thayer St. and downtown…and I will be more than happy,” said Hurd.
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November 19, 2012
Giving the gift of fantasy christine lachance anchor contriButor
Iran and nuclear terror Justin goslant assistant news eDitor Terror groups have scared skylines with smoke and murdered innocent people around the globe. What would they do if able to acquire an operational nuclear device? That scenario is one of many that becomes much more probable and possible with a nuclear capable Iran. David Ibsen, executive director of United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) explained the reasons a nuclear armed Iran would be a considerable though preventable threat. Hosted in Alger 110 on Nov. 16 by the Jewish Community Group at Rhode Island College, the lecture began with an overview of past Iranian practices that make the global community wary of their nuclear intentions. The Middle Eastern nation has a 30 year history of human rights violations and is the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Iran has also shown aggression towards its neighbors, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has expressed a desire to wipe Israel off the map. It is this Iranian profile that makes a nuclear Iran bad for not just the U.S. and Israel, but for people around the world. Current intelligence, explained Ibsen, shows Iran may have enough enriched uranium to create 4-5 warheads. The nation is also developing more advanced ballistic missile technology, which looks suspicious when the nation says its nuclear program is for peaceful energy production. Their motives became more suspect because they refused to answer certain questions from U.N. nuclear inspectors and by the discovery a fortified enrichment facility built into a mountain in Fordo, Iran. However, never before have such compre-
hensive sanctions been put onto a nation like they have been laid down on Iran. Not only are oil and steel exports significantly down, but Iran has been expelled from the international banking system, meaning they cannot move funds anywhere in the world. The rial, Iran’s unit of currency, may be experiencing hyperinflation as a result of the sanctions, creating an exchange rate of 37,000 to one U.S. dollar. This has led to unrest between Iranian citizens, police and security forces. But according to Ibsen, they don’t blame the U.S., Israel or the U.N., they are blaming the ruling regime. UANI has been conducting its own private sanctioning of companies that do business in Iran. Hanging is still a method of execution in Iran. They will hoist a person up with construction cranes. Upon inspection, brand names like Caterpillar could be seen on the cranes. UANI contacted the company with no response. UANI proceeded to buy a billboard outside of the company’s headquarters depicting the Iranian president riding a Caterpillar with the caption “Do you know Caterpillar does business in Iran?” Shortly thereafter the company responded to UANI, issued condemning statements about the misuse of their machines in Iran and withdrew from the country. Ibsen explained that the economic “tool box” is very big and it would “be a shame if did not exhaust every possible option” before some kind of military intervention. And even a private citizen can help by boycotting products from companies that do business in Iran and the shaming, stigmatizing tactic has been shown to work. Ibsen ended his talk by saying, “it’s not an Israeli issue, it’s a global one.”
What’s not to love about reading? Reading keeps us informed about the world in which we live. Reading keeps us busy when we’re bored. Reading is what educates us during our studies. We read emails, text messages, signs, you name it. If we stop and think about how often we actually read, we would be astounded. You’re reading right now. Reading, best of all, offers us the chance to escape into a fantasy world where, using a cliché, anything can happen. For a child enduring the pain of domestic violence, escaping through the words of a good book could help more than we may realize. Since opening its doors in 1976, the Soujourner House, located at 386 Smith St. in Providence, has aided both the victims of domestic violence as well as their children. This small but helpful and contributive re-
source center, through offering various services ranging from a 24-hour helpline, to shelter, to education, to legal aid, has helped to reshape and rebuild the lives of many domestic abuse victims. In order to help improve the lives of the children staying at Soujourner House, The Women’s Center, located on the lower level of the Donovan Dining Center, will be holding a children’s book drive. For the entire month of November, a donation box for these books will be outside the Women’s Center. Be they dusty old books from your childhood or something you have not read in a while that has been taking up space on your bookshelf, any and all donations for children of every age will be greatly appreciated. After all, fantasy to a child going through such a difficult time can be a wonderful gift.
Join The Anchor.
Help us with our issues Email Editor-in-Chief Mandy Wray Dion at editorinchief@anchorweb.org
November 19, 2012
Thank you Dear Students: Question 3 may never have passed without your ardent support. As you know, this was the first time in recent memory that RIC was alone on the ballot, and certainly the first time RIC received such a large sum of money. The passage of Question 3 was a historic moment for RIC, and you helped make that moment happen. I was so pleased with your spirited response to my request for help to secure the necessary votes. I heard numerous stories of many students who used social media, talked with friends, took lawn signs home or held signs at the polls. You all helped, and I am grateful to the student body. I am also
proud of you. In speaking and writing so articulately, you demonstrated to the public the value of a RIC education. I also want to thank you for the beautiful carnations presented to me on your behalf at the little celebration event after passage of Question 3. I have placed them on the dining room table in the president’s house so that I can continue to enjoy them. I plan to press and dry one of the roses to keep as a remembrance of Question 3 and the superb RIC student body.
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November 19, 2012
Drug testing and you Born this way joe martin anchor staff writer
I have a confession to make. I have never taken drugs. I’ve never toked, smoked, doped, injected or genuflected at the altar of uppers, downers or mind-altering all-arounders. I’ve never rolled a cigar, tried a magic mushroom, or snorted white powdery substances (seriously, how can you tell you’re not snorting baby-powder or something?). I don’t even drink coffee or eat chocolate. I’m the most drug-free man in America. Ibuprofen for a
sofia silva anchor staff writer
headache is a bit faster than my speed most days. Nonetheless, I am a strong opponent of unwarranted drug testing in the home, the school or at the office.
“When did we give up the right to the privacy of our own bodies?” What do I have to worry about, if I’m so clean? Well, there are my civil liberties. When did we give up the right to the privacy of our own bodies? Long before you had to check your underpants at the door to get on an airplane, Americans sacrificed the right to demand a warrant for causeless searches of our own bodies. We consider it “normal” to submit to drug screenings when we interview for jobs. We allow men with needles to extract our very life’s blood to “prove” we aren’t closet druggies. Often, we even permit ourselves to be randomly retested to keep our jobs, to permit companies to maintain a “drug-free” workplace. When did a legitimate test used to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a man accused of driving or behaving “under the influence,” was in fact high as a kite turn into a social movement that should be titled “Citizens for the Removal of All Privacy?” Why is it illegal to search my house for drugs, murder weapons and old posters of the Backstreet Boys without a warrant, but my body can be chemically strip-searched at a whim? Shouldn’t the Fourth Amendment cover my bodily fluids better than it covers the trunk of my car? Now certain states, like Florida, want to require all welfare recipients to submit to drug testing before receiving their benefits. How can this possibly be a good idea? The data suggesting that the state would save any money by implementing this is flimsy at best, but the precedent it sets is absolutely terrifying. I can just envision our future once the genie of government mandated testing is out of the bottle. Drug testing at the DMV to see if you’ve toked recently before you can renew your registration. Drug testing at the Social Security Administration to see if you’re really who you think you are. Drug testing at the pet shelter to “ensure the safety of the
animal.” For those of you laughing, remember how airport security got started as a brief bag checking? Bet you never thought you would someday be groped by a government employee still on the clock. And if you have, its not nearly as romantic as it sounds when you’re having your “intimate moment” in front of a few hundred bored, irritable other people waiting for their turn. Naturally you have the right to increase your cancer risk by going through the x-ray machine, if you’d prefer. Plus, it’s hard to beat that deliciously scandalous feeling of having your picture taken “au natural” in public, with none of that pesky skin to cover up the “real you.” Either way, they could at least buy you a drink before “getting to know you better.” Right now the legal rationale used for corporate and private checks is that the person taking the test is “volunteering” for this, and he can simply refuse to work at the company demanding the test if it makes him uncomfortable. This makes about as much sense as allowing your prospective employer to search your home for contraband before hiring you, just in case you’re committing an illegal act. Either they check your references, run a background check and count themselves satisfied, or they have invaded your privacy for reasons only tenuously legitimate. If they don’t trust you enough to hire you without the check, they probably shouldn’t trust you enough to hire you anyway. Make the decision and leave my blood work alone. Even worse, if the government mandates drug testing, the legal fiction that this is a “choice” goes out the window and dangerous precedent has been set regarding your right to privacy within your own body. If you want my blood, get a warrant, then get in line!
Life is a roller coaster. Its ups and downs inevitably make us question who we are and require us to make some pretty tough choices. This is especially the case when it comes to sexual orientation. With sexual orientation there happens to be a handful of possibilities. You can either be straight or fall under any of the LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex and asexual) designations. A person’s sexual orientation represents their sexual identity and indicates whom they are attracted to. Some people believe that life molds us into choosing our sexual orientation and that it is a choice we make. I believe that we may be affected by all of the twists and turns of life, but we are born the person who we are truly meant to become and it is not a choice.
“It left me with the conviction that who you love is not a choice…” To the people who believe that it is a choice, I beg to differ. No doubt their beliefs are influenced by religion, a lack of understanding or the fact that most people take a long time to realize who they really are. One of the reasons people take so long to come out is not because they are making the decision on who they like; they are either afraid of the reactions they will get or they were taught that it was wrong. I have more than a handful of friends who are gay, so I have a ton of secondhand experience with this topic. I also have firsthand experience because I too am gay. When I first came, out I was in 10th grade. For as long as I could remember I knew how I felt, but I took so long to come to my senses because I was religious and did not believe what I was feeling was right. The conclusion
many people jump to after hearing this is that I have never dated a boy so I wouldn’t know, but I have. It left me with the conviction that who you love is not a choice; it is an emotion, a feeling that overwhelms and carries you with it. A straight person does not pick someone of the opposite sex to love; they were born that way and love whoever they are attracted to. Likewise with gay people, we do not choose someone of the same sex on purpose; it just so happens that the person we are attracted to is the same sex as us. This topic also touches on people who are transgendered. Someone who is transgendered was physically born into one sex, but mentally sees themselves as the opposite. With this being known, people tend to argue and say, “so if you are born that way, then why are you changing your gender?” You may be born a girl, but mentally feel as if you are a boy your whole life. This falls into the same topic of being born this way. A transgendered person does not wake up one day and decide they want to go from a guy to a girl or vice versa; one day they wake up and realize who they really are, and who they always have been. This relates to homosexuality as well. For instance, just as I was born a girl and society thought I would grow up to marry a man; I came to realize I am gay and wish to marry a woman. Likewise, my friend was born a girl and society thought she would grow up to be a beautiful young lady. Instead she came to realize that she felt herself to be a boy and wished to grow up to be a handsome young man. I have asked numerous people, straight or gay, where they stand on this subject and their answers vary. Most people agree that this “different” lifestyle is not a choice, but just another way of life. The only choice that someone makes is to come out to their family and friends hoping for the best. There are no other choices to be made because in the end love is love, plain and simple.
November 19, 2012
OPINIONS me most of them just wanted to escape the cold. And I will admit the shuttle was certainly nice and toasty. After the 25-minute ride from Student Union to Fogarty Science Building, I got off the shuttle and made the four-minute walk to The Anchor office lickity split.
Shuttle bust Jesse posl-rhinehart opinions eDitor So there is a new shuttle on campus. Have you ridden it lately? I did. When I got on I was the only passenger; although I felt spoiled getting chauffeured about like a king, I don’t think the point is to give personal rides to those of us who are perfectly capable of walking. As the shuttle chugged along its round about path through campus, it was not until about the third stop we picked up a girl in Parking Lot D. A self-proclaimed regular, she told me, “I love it, and I support.” She was traveling to
the Henry Barnard School… Over the rest of the ride I asked Mica, the bus driver, a few questions. She told me that in the two weeks the shuttle has been running not one handicapped person had used it. Moreover, it only has room for one wheel chair. She did say that a girl on crutches had caught a ride a week earlier. I was allowed to look over the notes she had on the number of people who had taken rides over the last few days. Her data showed that roughly 75 people rode the shuttle every day. When I asked what the primary reason seemed to be for their catching a lift, she told
“We’re looking at a roughly $20,000 per semester bill to keep people warm.” Do I think the shuttle is great for the students who are left to park in the borderlands of campus? Yes. Do I think their personal comfort is worth the $10,000 price tag for half a semester of such a privilege is worth it? No. Especially not if it requires an increase
in the transportation fee included in our tuitions. If we’re looking at a roughly $20,000 per semester bill to keep people warm and save them a 10 minute walk, I think it’s an absurd waste of money. Were people who have legitimate difficulties getting around campus using the shuttle service, I might be a bit more in favor of it. But, that everyone who has ridden the shuttle since it began running has been perfectly capable of just walking to their destination, seems to suggest to me maybe they should do just that: walk. We are in Rhode Island. This is southern New England, and on the coast no less. It simply doesn’t get that cold down here. I’m from northern western Mass. and trust me, it’s much worse. There’s no need for everyone to pay more money so that we can keep 75 people per day comfy. The money could be put too much better use elsewhere – Student Community Government’s gigantic budget shortfall perhaps?
Egg Whites Turkey Burgers Wheat Kaiser Buns
Marinated Tofu & other Meatless Proteins
12 Breads(including whole wheat grinders, UDI’s Glueten Free, Oatmeal & Potato Rolls) 16 Meats & Salads, 12 Toppings, 6 Cheeses and 10 Sauces
ENTREE LINE — Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian options offered daily
New Sushi Co, Greek Yogurt, Fresh Fruit, Hot Pastas, Gluten-Free Entrees
Cafe(Student Union) & Galley (Building 3-East Campus)
Fresh Fruit Smoothies, Greek Yogurt Smoothies, Frozen Coffee Drinks
November 19, 2012
Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.55)
Puzzle 3 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.32)
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November 19, 2012
Student Activities “Super Size Me” Screening Nov. 20 7 – 9 p.m.
The Women’s Center, located in the lower level of Donovan. Join the Women’s Center for a screening followed by a discussion about the obesity health epidemic in America.
Sex Toy Bingo Nov. 21 6 – 9 p.m.
Student Union Ballroom Hosted by Feminist United, play for sex novelty items at this event which is part of a sexual health awareness week.
Photo courtesy of wikipedia.org
Remembering why there is a Thanksgiving adam tawfik anchor staff writer
Alex and Ani Bangle Bar Nov. 28 5 – 10 p.m.
Student Union Ballroom Join Alex and Ani for a raffle where 20 percent of proceeds will go to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc.
There is a tendency when we talk about American origins to go on and on about the opportunistic and violent European settlers or the Africans they abducted and enslaved. But somehow Native Americans and their culture get short-changed in many of these retrospectives, or relegated to a sob story where they were helpless against the evil, burly Europeans. The Unity Center’s director, Antoinette Gomes, hopes to remedy this by hosting a series of events specifically emphasizing Native American culture. The most recent of these took place on Nov. 15 with special guest speaker Loren Spears, executive director of the Tomaquog Indian Memorial Museum.
The speech was followed by a Q&A and a dream catcher craft activity. Spears graced Rhode Island College with her presence a couple of years ago as well. In spite of the time lapse, Spears’ discussion and musical performance in The Unity Center resonates vividly for Gomes, particularly Spears’ discussion on how, unlike mainstream America where the food and ritual of Thanksgiving is quite standard, each Native American tribe has a unique way of celebrating the holiday. As I had attended that lecture, I can confirm Gomes’ enthusiasm. For me, the most memorable aspect of that event was Spears’ stunning beaver-skinned outfit with finely hand sewn colorful beads decorated around the edges. While the event was informative and most likely enjoyable for all who attended, the
To learn more about upcoming events at the Unity Center, visit: http://www.ric.edu/unitycenter
participation rate was disappointingly small. “This is not due to lack of interest,” Gomes said. Instead, it has more to do with the fact that “the students have so many responsibilities that they can’t possibly attend every event, even if they wanted to.” Due to my own scheduling, I am sad to say I could not make it this year. Nevertheless, Gomes continues to take the initiative to organize several educational events about the Native Americans, including screening a series of documentaries. If you are unable to make a screening, chances are good that The Unity Center will have a repeat showing with the purpose of attracting a crowd no matter how small it will be. They just want to see people who are interested, and they will be more than accommodating. To alleviate the end of the year stress, Gomes plans on showing a Native American documentary during finals week, so that’s something we can all look forward to. According to Gomes, the main point of this initiative is to “help our growth and knowledge by learning about other cultures and ways of life.”
If you want to know more about the upcoming activities at the Tomaquog Museum, visit: http://www.tomaquagmuseum.com
November 19, 2012
Am I the only one sick of this? heather nichols lifestyles eDitor At one point or another, I’m sure you have asked yourself, “why am I even here?” Despite some of the fun times we have in college, let’s face it, the amount of things to do and the levels of stress are absurd. I remember at my orientation being told the rule of thumb was for every hour you are in the classroom there are three hours of homework. If you calculate by adding reading the textbook, writing papers and doing projects, that’s actually not too far off, and frankly, that sucks. So now wouldn’t dropping out eliminate that stress? I think there’s something to be said for both sides of that argument. On the plus side, yes, that stress would be gone. You could probably even work fulltime in a retail or food service job without the degree. You could also try to be an entrepreneur if you have the money and resources, or if you know somebody in the field you want to be in there is a chance that you could get in based on who you know. But depending on how far in you are, you might not want to throw thousands of dollars down the tubes without getting your degree. If you are a freshman and you don’t know what you want or you are not doing well grade-wise, I don’t see the harm in taking a year off to work. However once you start really racking up credits you might as well stick to it because you’re already so close. Sad as it is, that piece of paper is a big deal to employers and
without it, you won’t be making as high of a salary as you could. How can the stress become easier to deal with? This is a question I’ve been battling with for a couple of years now. If possible, try to lighten your load class-wise. Do not take math, science and a 400-level class all in the same semester if you can’t handle that combination. Not that I’m a perfect student, but I planned ahead so that each semester I’d take one general education requirement, one major requirement, one elective that sounded enjoyable and one class that was going to be difficult. For example, one semester I took intro to sociology, public speaking, creative writing and natural disasters. Sad to say, but science exams are one of my weaknesses. If you can somewhat stick to this formula you might find life easier. Now I know some majors require internships or clinical work for you brave nursing majors. If you can, and feel comfortable with it, try to limit yourself that semester to the bare minimum of what you need to either be full-time or qualify for aid. That might mean two classes and that one large obligation. If you can cut back your job to just the weekend then that might also be a benefit to you. For more help with managing stress join Active Minds on Nov. 28 in the Donovan Café, located on the lower level. They are hosting a stress management seminar during free period that will include some relaxing activities. If not for anything else, go for the free cookies.
photo courtesy ocalibermag.com Do you end up like this semester after semester? Have no fear, Heather’s here!
photo courtesy of ssense.com Sweaters are not just for women; men also look great in a well-fitted sweater.
The not so ugly sweater caitlin elliott anchor staff writer Now that we are half way through November and Thanksgiving is in just a few days, we are in full on sweater season. Whether you chose to rock a cable knit or maybe something cashmere, you can do no wrong. Sweaters are a staple in the winter, and you can pair them with anything. Throw a sweater on with jeans or leggings and you will look just as fashionable as you would if you were wearing an Oscar de la Renta gown. Many of you may think I am crazy, but in all honesty, sweaters can be extremely chic. Pair a sweater with a statement necklace or bold earrings and you will be ready for a night out or for class. You can also wear a sweater over a dress or with a skirt and be dressed up, yet still comfortable. Layering sweaters is a complete must as well! If it is a little chilly outside you can put a blazer on and dress the sweater up, or you can put a colored shirt under the sweater to add more patterns. Do not be afraid to mix and match the colors and patterns, because no matter what, they usually match. A popular trend right now is putting a chambray (thin jean texture) shirt under your sweater to mix and match the fabrics and textures. This is an absolute must for you all to try! Prints and patterns are extremely popular this time of year, especially if grandma is try-
ing to think of a present to get you. Do not be too upset though if that is what you get to unwrap around the holidays. Sweaters with critters, strips, spots and landscapes on them are to die for right now and there is no better time to sport one. You can get away with wearing anything with a reindeer or pine trees on them from now until the New Year. Don’t think they are lame because if you pair it with a blazer on a chilly day you will be looking fabulous. Turtlenecks and cardigans are sweaters that are a great look as well! Usually these two types come in thinner fabrics, and you might want to layer them with other accessories, like a scarf, to stay warm. Turtlenecks look great with blazers as well and they tend to look more professional since they don’t show much skin. Cardigans work well with a different color shirt underneath and a scarf. It will definitely be too chilly to wear just a cardigan, so do not forget your jacket if you plan on leaving the house! Men can wear sweaters as well, especially the layered look. A man always looks put-together in a nice fitting sweater, and it will keep you warm when you refuse to wear a jacket. Sweaters can truly be found anywhere, especially at this time of year. Whether you shop at Target, H&M or Nordstrom, you will be able to find a sweater the suits your style and budget.
November 19, 2012
By Kelly Beshara-Flynn
727 East Ave., Pawtucket, RI Type: Indian Rating: 4/5 Price Range: $$/$$$$
What factors do you take into account when selecting classes? Name: Nadega Brantley Year: Freshman Major: Nursing “for them to work well in my schedule, also how they will help me in the future.”
Craving India? manDy wray Dion eDitor-in-chief
Name: Mariah Ramos Year: Senior Major: Psychology “major. The teacher and how they teach the material as well as if they’re fair and clear.”
Name: Mikaela Kennedy Year: Senior Major: History Education “avoiding morning classes like the plague and how it will affect my work schedule.”
Name: Allison Henley Year: Sophomore Major: Anthropology “Interest in the subject and the professor teaching it.”
Name: Natalie Barbieri Year: Junior Major: Psychology “I look for the convenient times that are suitable for me. I also chose classes that are recommended by my advisor.”
Name: Quan Ma Year: Junior Major: Art “How convenient my schedule will look afterward. I don’t want it to wook like level 17 of tetris after I’ve panic, then rage quit so hard I forgot to exit the game.”
If you have a question you’d like asked around campus, email lifestyles@anchorweb.org
Lately, I’ve been craving something new; something foreign and strange to me, yet tasty. I’ve done plenty of whining and dining all over the city, yet I’ve never done a bit on Indian food. One of my old roommates used to work at an Indian restaurant and he would bring home leftovers for me all the time. I had no idea what half of it was, but I remember eating it anyway and that it was delicious. I figured that I needed to give it another go. Finally, I mustered up the courage to venture into Rasoi on East Ave. in Pawtucket. At first, I had no idea what to order. Luckily, the lunch special menu – which runs Monday through Friday – was excellent at explaining some of the classic Indian dishes. I chose to order the “Nirvana” lunch ($9.99) which comes with chicken tikka lababdar, lamb saag, vegetable korma, house salad and a choice of rogini naan or basmati rice. For $1, I chose to add on a drink to my meal and ordered the mango lassi. As I waited for my meal to arrive, I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere of the restaurant. The bright orange and electric blue décor really makes the place pop. Fun Bollywood tunes played through the speakers, and the TV at the bar played the music videos to the music, but it’s done in a very subtle way that isn’t loud or tacky. When my mango lassi arrived, I managed to suck it down in a matter of seconds. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this beverage, it’s essentially like a mango yogurt smoothie. It was sweet, tangy and so smooth. Once I was done, I decided to switch it up and ordered a mint iced tea. It wasn’t what I was expecting at all. It was much like a virgin mojito, except done with iced tea. It was sweet without being too much so, and it was
photo courtesy of rasoi-restaurant.com
very refreshing. Finally, I was served my lunch on a huge metal platter that contained four little bowls of Indian fare and a mountain of rice. Where to start? The house salad was not what I expected. It was essentially a bowl of chilled vegetables that contained mostly chick peas. However, the dressing on it was sweet, light and tangy, and the salad came in handy when I needed to calm the spicy flavors from the other dishes. Vegetarians must eat here often, because the vegetable korma was fantastic. The dish contains a medley of vegetables – most notably cauliflower – that is cooked in a creamy and flavorful yogurt-based sauce. By no means is this a sweet dish; it’s full of spices that contrast and tingle the palate. It does a great job of making a bland pile of vegetables taste fantastic. At a first glance, the lamb saag looks sort of bland and uninviting. Don’t be deceived. This lamb dish is covered in a thick, seasoned spinach sauce that compliments the game-y taste of the lamb. Often times lamb can be too chewy, but in this dish it was extremely tender and I could cut right through it with a butter knife. In the end, the chicken tikka lababdar was definitely my favorite dish. The curry sauce served over the chicken is creamy, spicy and full of flavor that enhances the juiciness of the chicken. The chicken itself was extremely tender and melted in my mouth. If you have never had Indian food before, I would highly recommend Rasoi for your first taste. Not only is the food delicious, but it is quality, authentic cuisine that isn’t too intimidating. Whether it be for lunch or dinner, Rasoi is a great option for a meeting, date or a night out with friends. It is definitely worth the 15-minute drive from RIC.
November 19, 2012
Interfaith Corner
Local coffee hangouts adam chapasko anchor editor Hi folks! So you might know me as the distribution manager of The Anchor. If you are anything like me, you need a little extra boost to power you throughout the day. If you’re a little more like me, then your boost of choice is coffee. This bitter, black, nectar of the gods is exactly what I need to power through any day. As with any substance, for coffees there are the truly great and the barely palatable, and likewise there are great and terrible vendor sand locales. If given the choice I would definitely stop in at any of the following coffee joints for cup ‘a java and a tasty snack.
White Electric Coffee 711 Westminster St., Providence R.I. 02903 (401) 453-3007 If you’re interested in a modern café with a splash of local charm, White Electric is the
coffee house for you. Upon entering you are graced with the clean, cool, almost art deco style of the place. If you’re lucky some of the local talent will be performing. As for the coffee, whether you like it straight or would prefer one of their frozen lattes, white lightning is sure to spark your fancy. If coffee isn’t your bag, however, they also offer tea and fruit smoothies.
Providence Coffee Roasters 181 Willet Ave., Riverside, R.I. 02915 (401) 603-4482 If you prefer your coffee straight from the roasters hearth, come down to Providence Coffee Roaster. It’s a comfortable inviting atmosphere that focuses on what they believe to be the most important thing, the coffee. All roasting is done, in plain view, on premise in their roaster “R2D2.” If you want fresh roasted this is the place to go, and if that’s not enough to tickle your palate why not try
as I need you! And I will do as I please because I am a grown woman!” You need to grow up and realize this is not a healthy atmosphere for you to be in; eventually you will realize on your own that this isn’t worth it. Because you are not willing to stick up for yourself and are just sticking around for the sex, you do not get the Kate seal of approval.
kate mochun anchor staff writer
a crepe provided by La Creprie?
Seven Stars Bakery 820 Hope St., Providence, R.I. 02906 (401) 521-2200. Seven Stars is a good a place to go for a cup of joe. Coffee might not be in their title, but this bakery sure manages to brew a great cup every time I’ve been. It’s not flashy or pretentious, it’s just a good cup of coffee pure and simple. And what goes better with that coffee than one of breads or pastries made lovingly by the staff? If you like cheese I would definitely recommend their cheese bread. No butter or jam needed here, just an appetite and knife.
I don’t know much about your personal relationship with your sister, but I feel like you two should salvage whatever love you have for one another. I am going to tell you to be honest. You should tell her how royally you screwed her over; yes it will hurt her, but it’ll be so much worse if someone else tells her first. Perhaps, after time heals some things, this mistake will turn your relationship around and who knows, maybe one day when you two are at a good enough level you guys could compare notes.
The teenage dream
Boy you make my bed rock “I just don’t want to give up the sex” Mystery Girl. You just can’t stay away from your ex, not because you have deep feelings for him, but because the sex is just way too good to give up. Alright I get it, when the sex is awe inspiring and completely orgasmic, it is just too hard to let go of. However, the fact that you are willing to put up with half the crap this guy puts you through just for the sex is truly ridiculous. I mean how can the sex be so wonderful that you feel obligated to take the constant phone calls at school and work, you aren’t allowed to hang out with your friends and you aren’t allowed to wear what you want? I’m sorry, are you five? Are you not allowed to put on your big girl panties and say, “listen up, you need me just as much
Introducing the Bahia faith
It’s all in the family To those of you that have ever had a crush on your sibling’s significant other, I would say it is safe to just stay away even after they split. No matter how much your big sister has moved on, and even if she says, “I don’t care who he dates,” honey, she will care if you are the one who goes out with him. I’m sorry, I’m not sure what exactly was going through your head at the exact moment when you thought it would be a prime opportunity to sleep with your sister’s ex. Clearly not much thought went into that one. I don’t care that you and your sister aren’t close, this just is not something you do. Now
Let’s admit it, at one point or another we have all had a crush on a teacher or substitute teacher, I know I have. But, none of us actually get that person to share the same feeling as us even when we have grown up and are out of high school, which is why you have officially blown my mind. You are now my official idol. I can’t say enough about your story. So you and Mr. Hot have been seeing each other since the beginning of the semester, and now you want to bring him home to meet the family. Although he is your brother’s coach, that sounds like it could get awkward. Now if you haven’t told your family what’s going on, I would give them a heads up. In the meantime, I’m sure once you two become public knowledge you’ll get some flack coming your way. Just remember you two are dating each other for a reason and it should not matter what other people think. Good luck.
If you would like to submit a question to Kate, email kmochun_3137@email.ric.edu. She accepts questions on all subjects so don’t be shy, send her a question today.
The Bahá’í faith was founded in Iran by Bahá’u’lláh. With over six million followers around the world, it began from a Shi’ite branch of the Muslim faith. Bahá’ís believe there is one omnipotent God and human beings are members of a single race, different yet equal, with souls that live forever. A religion founded on simplicity, there are three Bahá’í rituals: daily prayers, the marriage rite and reciting the prayer for the dead at a funeral.
Religious Observances this week Thursday, Nov. 22, is a day many in the United States pause for the holiday of Thanksgiving. Although many historians agree this remembrance was started during colonial times by Pilgrim and Christian settlers, Thanksgiving was celebrated in different ways and on different days until George Washington proclaimed the first national Thanksgiving Day in 1789. It was declared a national holiday in 1863. Thanksgiving is now known for a time for family and friends to be together, watching parades, eating plenty of feast foods and for some holiday shopping. Friday, Nov. 23, is a Labor Thanksgiving Day known as Niinamesei in Japan (Shinto). Literally translated as “Celebrations of the First Taste,” it dates back to the seventh century. This autumn Shinto festival is an occasion for the Japanese farmers to thank the Gods for a successful harvest. Saturday, Nov. 24, is Ashura, an Islamic holy day observed on the 10th of the Islamic month of Muharram. Shi’ite Muslims regard it as a major commemoration marking the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson, Hussein. It is a national or public holiday in many countries in the mid-east. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about faith, please email them to RICInterfaithCenter@ric.edu. There may be a small delay between receiving questions and answers. Please include a full name and email address (preferably ric.edu) with the inquiry. Due to limited space, not every question can be answered in print however all questions will receive an answer sent to the listed email address. Like Rhode Island College Interfaith Center on Facebook! Our new Facebook page is a secure site, so what are you waiting for?
a shelter for riders,” said Carriuolo. President Carriuolo contacted the president of the New England Institute of Technology (NEIT), Richard Gouse, and proposed a collaborative effort between the two schools on a bus shelter for the new stop. “A strange idea,” Gouse asked rhetorically of the crowd. “Not if you realize that it is Nancy Carriuolo on the line.” Architecture students at NEIT were divided into groups and worked on designs for the shelter that were presented before a panel from RIC at the end of the semester.
Part of their research included visiting the RIC campus to study the surrounding buildings, the history of the school and even the prevailing wind patterns. “I could see them out my window doing all kinds of things to get ready for these designs,” said Carriuolo. The panel selected interesting design elements and turned the plans over to Mark Saccoccio – an adjunct instructor at NEIT, and principal architect for Saccoccio and Associates – who agreed to refine the designs pro bono. This saved the college money, but there was still the matter of paying for construction. “We realized that private donations had to be the source of that [money], not state funds,” Carriuolo said. The class of 2011 donated its senior class
gift to the transportation center. Other private donors stepped forward as well, including alumnus and vice chair of the Rhode Island College Foundation, John J. Smith. Smith decided to name the center in honor of his mother, Anna Veronica Keefe Smith, who received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from RIC in 1933 and 1967, respectively. Each speaker reiterated the success of the project and cooperation among the parties involved during the ceremony with particular focus on Carriuolo’s ability to rally people around a common goal. “She is always looking for a way to bring people together and for them to do their best through cooperation,” said President Gouse of Carriuolo. “She has a unique and wonderful attitude towards people.” Travis Escobar, Student Community Gov-
ernment, Inc. speaker, had similar sentiments about Carriuolo. “I’m very happy to see this all take shape especially working with President Carriuolo and her administration,” Escobar said during his address. “They are wonderful in terms of working with students and listening to students’ ideas.” Escobar grew up riding RIPTA in the city and continued as a RIC commuter. “I spent many cold, rainy, harsh New England weather days waiting for RIPTA. It puts a damper on your day when you have to do that,” he said. The new Keefe Transportation Center will serve as a warm haven for commuters on those harsh weather days and stand as an artistic monument to what people can accomplish through cooperation.
November 19, 2012
Upcoming Campus Arts Calendar
Proteus String Quartet
Themes and Variations
ric faculty ensemble
ric wind ensemble
nov. 28, 8 p.m. Auditorium in Gaige Hall
nov. 30, 8 p.m. Auditorium in Roberts Hall
General admission $10
Natalie MacMaster Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m. Auditorium in Roberts Hall General admission $35, $5 RIC
Sylvia: a canine love triangle victoria parker anchor staff writer In the first few minutes of opening, Maria Corsini had already bounded on stage and jumped up and down on the white sofa in an animal frenzy. Since her character was Sylvia, the female dog that wreaks havoc on her owners’ marriage, well, the antics were spot-on. It’s part of what makes the play “Sylvia,” presented by the Rhode Island College Mainstage Theatre, so effectively hilarious. The absurdity of the situation is comical in itself, if a bit disturbing at times. Greg, played by Nathanael Lee, brings home a stray dog he found in the park despite his order-loving, English teacher wife’s objections. Trapped in a career he dislikes with a boss who, ironically, acts like he owns him, Sylvia becomes the object of his midlife crisis. “Sylvia is real!” he maintains throughout the play, as his bond with the dog quickly progresses into an uncomfortable, almost verging on bestial infatuation with her. His wife Kate, played by Sarah Pierce, feels increasingly alienated from her husband as Sylvia’s presence diverts all attention and affection away from her. It bothers her so much that, at one climactic point, she declares war with Sylvia, getting down on all fours and staring fiercely into her eyes. Sylvia even manages to push their friends away and becomes Greg’s excuse for getting laid off from his job, preferring instead to walk her through the park than work. A fellow dog owner’s warning that Greg is on a path of destruction – “once you give a dog a woman’s name, you start to think of her as a woman” – proves true in the end, when Greg is almost maniacal in his delusion. However, with the help of an unsympathetic marriage counselor and his wife’s ul-
anchor photo by mary rocha Greg, played by Nathanael Lee (left) and Tom, played by Justin Paige (right) discuss canine philosophy in “Sylvia.” timatum, Greg finally reaches the conclusion that, in order for him to keep his wife, he must give up Sylvia. Of course, that is more difficult said than done, and his wife’s guilt allows her to stay. The play then concludes with Greg and Kate explaining to the audience how their family lived (sort of ) happily together up until Sylvia’s death 11 years later, and ends with their sighing “Oh, Sylvia, Sylvia” together. As RIC student Helena Tafuri phrased it, the play was “a really good representation of the relationship of people and their dogs.” Certainly, the bond of master and pet was a heart-warming theme, albeit a comical one when shown as an extreme, almost human love relationship. The play subtly explored other themes as well, such as the importance for people to establish a connection with
nature in general, something the couple in this play are far removed from. But most of all, the play was meant to make the audience laugh, and it definitely achieved that. All of the performances were excellent. The roles of the irresponsible, confused husband Greg and the uptight but loyal wife Kate were wonderfully played. In addition, minor characters such as the friendly and creepy dog owner Tom (Justin Paige), the flamboyant friend Phyllis (James L. Burgis II) and the quirky counselor Leslie (Corinne Southern) were also expertly acted. Yet it can’t be denied that the entire play relied on the performance of the character whose name was the play’s title: Sylvia. Corsini’s energy, facial expressions and mannerisms contributed to both the perception of her as a dog character and to the
overall comedy of the play. One of the most hilarious moments of the play, for instance, involved a leashed Sylvia screaming and excessively swearing at a “scumbag,” “slime ball” cat off stage. The language and volume was shocking in it, and was made funnier in odds with her sweet-looking character. Corsini pulled off Sylvia’s sassy attitude perfectly, making us laugh, wince and wonder at the thoughts of this mixed-breed, spoiled pet. A bizarre plot, interesting characters and superb acting took place in the modern, contemporary-designed apartment living room set in the Forman Theatre last Wednesday night. Quick-moving and comical, “Sylvia” was a light-hearted, quirky and even occasionally vulgar play that should not have been missed.
November 19, 2012
Shaolin Warriors Ty Dugan Anchor staff writer By combining the spiritualism of Chinese Buddhism and the deadly and meticulous training of the martial arts, the Shaolin Warriors: “Voice of the Masters” production had a captivating display of skill, talent and grace. The abilities of the Shaolin monks are, without question, worthy of continuous applause. Shaolin Warriors excel in everything from weapons proficiency to displaying traditional and spiritual martial arts that balance both the philosophies and disciplines of Buddhism. The Shaolin Warriors returned via popular demand to the Performing Arts Series here at Rhode Island College. While the Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts hosts events each year, it is hard to imagine any of the showcased performances were ever more vivid and exciting than this. The performance is broken up into four scenes and a prelude (as well as a “Finale Enthusiasm”). Each of the scenes features a style of the zen and martial arts teachings acquired over years of training and diligence, and they are titled as such. The “story” features a young child on his journey to become a Kung-Fu master. The scenes are displays of the various warriors practicing their traditions and skills, the young boy partaking in most of them. Scene one, titled “Mind Over Body,” is a showcase of “the Unity of Zen and Martial Arts.” The physical feats are breathtaking. The monks possess near inhuman abilities while they demonstrate their various styles in martial arts boxing. Their reflexes are too fast for the spotlight most times, but what is really driven home in this first scene is the holistic approach to basic Buddhist rituals. The meticulously practiced positions and movements of the Kung Fu masters can easily be seen as spiritual dance and with scene two we see a development of the boxing and the styles.
Anchor photo by Janice Wong The Shaolin Warriors performed at RIC last week as part of the Performing Arts Series. The Shaolin martial arts have its roots in nature. The mock boxing styles are derived from various species of animals, which anyone who has seen a good Kung-Fu movie has probably picked up on. The styles the Shaolin Warriors use are as common as naughty monkey (sometimes known as drunken monkey, if you follow Jackie Chan exploits) and others as unique to American audiences as clumsy duck or cunning snake. In the second act, the audience is presented with the rare opportunity of witnessing the masters of these styles perform on stage to drums and chanting. At the end of the mimic boxing we see Chi Gong, the inner breathing exercise practiced by Shaolin monks. Various game-like exercises such as the belly bowl suction are performed, which included a wonderful audience interaction. The audience members were unable to tear the bowl from the man’s abdomen, which was suctioned to him after his breathing exercise. Then there was breaking the iron bars with their forehead, which was as painful as it was jaw-dropping to watch. An unprecedented amount of focus and patience went into these exercises, and it shows. Combining their physical prowess with weapons is the next and final step before the “Graduation Test.” One monk chops cabbage on his bare belly while two others lay on blades and spikes (and atop of one another with spikes separating them) with a cement block laid on top. Then a third warrior uses a sledge hammer to break the block in half without harming his fellow students. After the demonstrations, we see each of the weapons showcased individually by a specific warrior who has mastered a technique
and weapon to accompany it. Here is where an event like this gets better than the movies, and that is due to the fact that it is all real. They really are doing triple back flips while cracking the loudest and longest whip you have ever seen or heard, and there are absolutely no strings throughout this entire show. The masters dictate, through their stances and sparring, an appreciation for the martial arts as a philosophy and not as an aggressive means to self-defense. The group cultivates a respect for one another that is unseen in Western fighting styles. At the end, the young boy has grown into a young man, and after years of earnest training he is to face 18 tests to become a true master of Kung-Fu and a Shaolin Warrior. After passing the tests, he graduates and we see him and his masters practice their styles one last time in a frantic expression of heritage and tradition. A deadly ferocity with a peaceful message, the Shaolin Warriors are unabashedly amazing at their craft. While the stage design was (intentionally) simple enough, the choreography was complex and mesmerizing. From the crowd-pleasing displays of pique physical health such as “The Pyramid” to the intentionally misleading art of “Drunken Boxing,” the champions of Shaolin never ceased to amaze. This show is easily the best thing I have seen on this campus and I would be both pleased and proud to have them return. A wonderful insight to the Eastern philosophies as well as a better understanding of the complexities of martial arts, Shaolin Warriors soars above most stage productions of this nature. RIC was lucky to have such a great performance at their school.
Local Events Taking Back Sunday, Bayside, The Menzingers Tuesday, Nov. 20 Doors 6:30 p.m. I Show 7:30 p.m.
$30 Emo forefathers come to Providence to perform their album “Tell All Your Friends” in its entirety.
Earthquake Saturday, Nov. 24 8 – 10:15 p.m.
$25 Comedy Connection Comedic heavyweight for the 18+ crowd.
Pilgrim, Balam, Skull Saturday, Nov. 24 9 p.m.
$5 Billy Goode’s Local doom metal acts redefining heavy. Anchor photo by Janice Wong Shaolin Warriors invited children onto the stage and taught them some moves of the masters.
November 19, 2012
Seeing “Red” james Lucey A&E Editor The set is a grungy bachelor pad of a studio, rife with cigarette butts and bottles of whiskey. It is the domain of a grungy bachelor of a man. In The Gamm’s production of “Red,” abstract expressionist Mark Rothko as portrayed by Fred Sullivan is a vile powder keg. Rothko is irritable, reclusive and completely self-absorbed. In the particular slice of Rothko’s life that “Red” explores, he has taken on an apprentice, Ken, played by Marc Dante Mancini. Rothko is going through an artistic phase in which everything he paints expresses some variation of the color red (oh, like the name of the show, I get it). He is immediately speculative of his new apprentice. Rothko shows Ken his latest work and asks, “What do you see?” In earnest, Ken replies, “Red.” What constitutes “art”? Do we overanalyze? Are we too quick to digest? Rothko supposes, “Everyone likes everything nowadays...everything becomes everything else.” The paintings Rothko creates may have deep meaning, there may be a lifetime of emotion in each brushstroke; but ultimately, the paintings are just colors on canvas. They are just red. Every book is just a stack of paper. Every sculpture is just a hunk of rock. Art is a delusion. This is a spectacularly well written play.
Although highly philosophical, and sometimes very obviously in the voice of author John Logan, the dialogue still flows with a human honesty. In one scene, Ken and Rothko argue the meaning of the color red. In a breakneck back-and-forth, Ken says red represents “sunrise, fire trucks, Santa Claus,” to which Rothko booms, “SATAN, DRESDEN FIRESTORM AT NIGHT!” I had never so deeply considered the implications of one color before. “Red” is a play of cycles, of destruction and rebirth. Rothko begins and ends the play smoking a cigarette. Ken begins the play in a suit, Rothko ends it in one. Things resonate and repeat; it’s like a song. “Red” examines the ascension of pop-art (think Jasper Johns) and the death of abstract expressionism. As Rothko’s reign comes to an end, he qualifies it by explaining how he and his generation (in league with the likes of Jackson Pollock) brought an end to the era of their predecessors. “We stomped Cubism to death. The child must banish the father,” said Rothko. This play is so damn quotable. Sullivan and Mancini are pitch perfect in their respective roles. As Rothko, Sullivan flat out screams for about two-thirds of the show. By the end, the volume becomes taxing; but the quiet moments, the internalized anguish of this Bukowski of the Brush are that much more satisfying. Mancini plays a
“The Sessions:” a grown up movie about sex, love and life Heather Nichols anchor Editor I am always disappointed by the lack of people my age attending a film at the Avon Cinema. As adults we need to broaden our horizons beyond Adam Sandler comedies and Michael Bay explosions. While those can both be enjoyable there is something to be said about a film that is thought provoking. Now I’m not saying that all college students dismiss independent films but honestly ask yourself, unless you are a film major, how often do you go out with a group of friends to see a
drama that isn’t directed by Stephen Spielberg? “The Sessions” has all the makings of a great drama with moments of humor, moments that are touching and moments that will move you to tears. Complimented with a fantastic cast, stunning cinematography and a cat that will warm your heart, this film is a must see. “The Sessions” is based on an article, “Seeing a sex therapist,” written by the real Mark O’Brien, a journalist born in 1950 who was left paralyzed from the neck down for most of his life due to polio. Now, don’t think this movie is all tears and about the hardships of
Photo courtesy of The Gamm Theatre “There is one thing I fear in life my friend...one day the black will swallow the red,” said Rothko. passive wimp for the first half of the show, but the evolution of his character is thoughtfully performed. He stands up to Rothko after two years of being undermined; it’s a role reversal. The audience sees the weakness of Rothko, and for the first time, the strength and determination of Ken. In terms of staging, it is evident that director Tony Estrella had a comprehensive vision of the show. The lights move and cast long shadows, indicating different times of day in the crusty studio. The painting lowered over the audience is a surprising touch: a pseudo fourth wall break that draws the crowd into
the action. This play was fantastic. Even without an intermission it flew. Alternately hilarious, existential and heartbreaking. “Red” is also profoundly philosophical. Whatever you think you know about art, you’re probably wrong. I’m probably wrong about this show. “Red” calls into question the place of our creative idols in our lives. The significance, the importance of their work is completely relative. Rothko was a giant of an artist working for fortune commissions. And yet he is made irrelevant. Rothko ends. “Black swallows red.”
life. This film deals with one major aspect of O’Brien’s life; how he worked with a sex surrogate to become aware of his own sexuality and experience making love. Hence the title, the film opens by showing Mark, played by John Hawkes, inside the iron lung, a machine that allows him to breathe which without, he could die in hours. He receives a phone call from a publisher asking him to do research on sex and the disabled. To complicate matters, Mark is a very devout Catholic and shares everything with his priest, Father Brendan, played by William H. Macy. He shares that he finds himself often feeling depressed and feels like his expiration date is drawing nearer. Father Brendan suggests that maybe he should start seeing a therapist. Well after Mark starts his research he does decide to see a therapist, a sex therapist. The therapist is surprised to find that Mark is still a virgin at 39 and suggests that he see a sex surrogate. Mark asks his priest if this is something God would object to, to which the priest responds, “I know in my heart that God will give you a free pass on this one. Go for it.”
Helen Hunt plays the sex surrogate. Her performance is quite notable; her portrayal feels realistic and in some scenes is heartbreaking, as are Hawkes’ and Macy’s, but something about her is particularly endearing, perhaps because she is the most relatable character to the audience and her feels reflect ours as we watch Mark O’Brien’s journey. What starts out as a clumsy and awkward sexual adventure becomes something romantic and heart breaking. The film isn’t so much about sex as it is about human relationships and how we connect to one another. I won’t go further into it for fear of spoiling the plot. When a film makes you think about life and makes you have a greater appreciation for what you have, while on the surface still be entertaining and even comedic, that’s a mark of great filmmaking. This film is great; it’s playing at the Avon so do yourself a favor and see it. I will give you one last heads up, there is a good chance you won’t leave the theater with dry eyes. Even so I’d still say this movie is great for going on a date, it’s genuinely romantic and is overall uplifting.
November 19, 2012
Music for people that New Deftones hate other people delivers the goods Jason Charpentier anchor Staff Writer Planks is a band that I unfortunately knew very little about despite this being their third full-length release. Apparently, they were a rather straightforward metallic hardcore and sludge outfit, however, with “Funeral Mouth,” these Germans have evolved their sound to a wonderful fusion of hardcore, sludge, black metal and even post-rock. Basically, this is music for people that hate other people. The album opens up with “Inconsolable,” a four-minute track that sets the stage quite well with plodding sludgy riffing, off kilter drumming and a deep dark atmosphere within it all before finally erupting into the second track, “Funeral Mouth.” This track kicks open the door revealing a blistering black metal track which evolves into more sludge and back again with a brief little clean guitar interlude before picking back up. From there the musical entirety of the album has been set, until we get to the highlight track which sounds little like the rest of the album; the penultimate “The Spectre (Black Knives to White Witches).” This is an awe-inspiring instrumental track with very strong atmospheric sludge and post-rock elements to create something of terrible beauty. Even the most plebeian hipster will find wonder in this track, and they may not even need that PBR to enjoy it. If there was one track to listen to from “Funeral Month,” this is it. That is not to say the rest of the album isn’t as good; far from it. “The Spectre” is a track most anyone can enjoy, even a RIC student. Other tracks like “Scythe Imposter” show a great deal of diversity, with the addition of clean vocals, and even traces of post-punk and post-hardcore slipping through. This album has a lot of sounds all entwined together, and as a result the band is more than capable of drawing the listeners in closer, never becoming tired or boring. This is absolutely critical with any metal release as the genre has a habit of losing itself and becoming incredibly tired...I’m looking at you death metal. Lyrics overall seem like pretty typical fare, although very poetic. Tracks like “An Exorcism of Sorts” and “I Only See Death In You”
Robin Soares anchor Staff Writer
Planks, “Funeral Mouth”
Golden Antenna Records Released: Oct. 12, 2012 | Rating: 4 stars each appear to be allusions to lost love with lines like “I took you down/I killed the sun/ To the death of all resemblance we must go/ Spare me your dark words, as I have plenty of my own/I feel sorry still, as it was my sun I tried to kill.” For this reviewer, lyrics matter little, especially in regards to an album like this where you can’t really hear the lyrics anyway. To some this can be an issue, to which I say “bullocks,” but that is for another article. Vocally, the album deviates back and forth between Neurosis-style growls, to more black metal shrieks and even cleans sprinkled throughout, particularly on the aforementioned track “Scythe Imposter.” Nothing particularly special, but also certainly nothing worth complaining about to be found here. Normally, this is the part I discuss complaints, except I can think of no complaints for this album as it catches pretty much every fancy I have short of French female vocals and violin or cellos. Obviously, due to the musical content of this album, this is not for everyone. However, I do still strongly urge you check out “The Spectre” at the very least, dear RIC student. On the other hand, if sludge and black metal are your things, then this is simply an excellent album, and quite possibly one of the best albums of 2012. This is well worth a listen for any fan of harsher music, but even for one not entirely used to such things. There are some nice atmospheric and melodic ideas going on that may even engage that audience as well.
Follow The Anchor on twitter @TheAnchor_RIC Photos courtesy of hyptrak.com
I will say right off the bat that I am not a huge Deftones fan. In fact, I can hardly even call myself a fan except for the few songs I liked off of their self-titled album from about 10 years ago. I always appreciated the lead singer, Chino Moreno’s, vocal range and the band’s blending of styles to give their music an industrial thrash-punk kind of sound. But one problem I always had with Deftones was that many of their songs sounded so much like one another. Their songs did not deviate much from the typical metal guitar riffs and deafening screeches fueled by what I felt was a passionless need to be heard. Deftones new album, “Koi No Yokan,” actually offers some variation, with a few of the tracks showing off the band’s ability to dig deeper inside themselves, and get past the “angry for angry’s sake” undertones of their previous albums. When I listened to “Koi No Yokan” I could definitely detect some major Alice in Chains and Tool influences, and although they hold tight to their love of hard-edged metal, there is a slight softness to the album that makes it a bit more palatable for non-fans; but I still found a handful of the songs sounding very similar to one another. Regardless of that similarity, the album explores a more mature Deftones. After all, they have been around for about 25 years, releasing their first album in 1995. “Koi No Yokan” offers a smorgasbord of metal, electronica and pop-punk, some interesting vocal and guitar hooks, meatier bass lines and even a morsel of romance. No surprise, since the album title is Japanese for “promise of love.” The band, having dealt with bassist Chi Cheng’s near-fatal car accident, leaving him paralyzed and in a partial coma since 2008, has overcome some obstacles after some obvious soul-searching. With their replacement bass player, Sergio Vega, the band sounds more united than ever. It is clear with the new album that the band is playing together, aware of each other, rather than playing individually as hard as they can, like many metal bands do. The first track, “Swerve City” packs an in-your-face punch in under three minutes, with hardcore guitar, bass and drums carrying Moreno’s powerful voice “through the air,” much like the lyrics suggest: “strange distant voices…that travel through the air.” A
Deftones, “Koi No Yokan”
Reprise Records Released: Nov. 12, 2012 | Rating: 3.5 stars great opener. In the beginning of “Romantic Dreams,” one of my favorites on the album, I got the sense of torment and tension, alleviated with the chorus, which has a wildly refreshing hook. A dense and harsh guitar riff leads into the bridge, which sounds eerily similar to Tool’s “Sober” for just a moment before breaking back into that killer hook. “Leathers” begins with soft tones and organ sounds reminding me of a group of sad children before the song slaps you in the face with Moreno’s deafening screeching; but before I could accuse him of having a “passionless need to be heard,” he uses his singing voice in the chorus and switches back and forth throughout the song, with a force behind him that embodies his pain, his love and his confidence. “Graphic Nature” doesn’t seem to go anywhere, whereas “Tempest,” as the meaning of the word suggests, blows in several different directions. Starting off like a lullaby, “Tempest” blows into your speakers like a tornado “turning in circles” and winds angrily through space and time before settling into a calming breeze. “Goon Squad,” although punchy and dense, doesn’t offer anything new, and the final track “What Happened to You” takes the listener back to the band’s ability to be musical. It seems to be a testament to the peace the band has made as a tight unit, having to move forward without Cheng. It is a satisfying end to an album that shows us that Deftones can deliver the goods like they never have before.
November 19, 2012
“Katanagatari:” not just another “collect stuff” anime Christian DeCataldo anchor Staff writer It is Thanksgiving, and in the spirit of the season, or rather the event, I will be reviewing an anime that is full of pilgrims and Native Americans! “Really?” No, I don’t know if there is an anime involving colonial America, but if there is, I haven’t heard of it nor do I have any desire to watch one. “Thanks for getting my hopes up, you ass.” This week I will be talking about an anime that I swore I had already reviewed but I apparently haven’t. “How sure are you that you haven’t?” It’s “Katanagatari!” “What, you’re ignoring me now?” “Katanagatari” is a 12-part anime following the strategist Togame and her faithful companion, Yasuri Shichika. Shichika is a master of an ancient sword fighting style which, oddly enough, forbids him from using a sword. By his philosophy, he is the sword and Togame is his wielder. Togame is in search of the 12 Deviant Blades for the shogonate. Upon being betrayed by a group of ninjas she had originally enlisted to help her acquire them, she asks Shichika to help. She tells him to fall in love with her so he can’t betray her and Shichika agrees. Yeah, it’s a little weird, but at least it’s an original
Photos courtesy of whitefoxstudio.com
way to ask for a favor. Hey you, fall in love with me and do my bidding! Each episode of the series is about an hour long and focuses on one Deviant Blade per episode. It is interesting to see how this anime progresses because of how unique the story is put together (yeah I know collecting artifacts is quite the cliché in anime storytelling, but “Katanagatari” presents it in such an interesting format that I’ll let it slide). And the art style is truly gorgeous. It combines a modern anime style with a very traditional Edo-era Japanese painting style. The battle scenes are also quite breathtaking, the characters move quickly and effortlessly in an almost fluid fashion which is only augmented by the unique style. As the series progresses and the duo collect more Deviant Blades, both Togame and Shichika begin to legitimately fall in love with each other and, even though I won’t spoil the end for you, I will say that for all the wondrously amazing qualities this anime has, its final episode is a bit of a letdown. Even so I highly recommend taking a long hard look at “Katanagatari” if for no other reason than for the art and battle scenes, they won’t disappoint.
November 19, 2012
Anchorwomen ice down the Polar Bears, lose in final round Dan Charest Anchor Staff Writer The Rhode Island College women’s basketball team (1-1) opened the season at the high-profile, allstar caliber Babson Invitational and came home with the second place finish. RIC defeated the Bowdoin Polar Bears (1-1), who reached the Sweet 16 a year ago, 61-54, in the opener on Friday night, and lost to host Babson (2-0), 68-54, in Saturday’s finale. Against the Polar Bears, RIC’s first lead came 1:41 in when new-found starter Ashley
O’Dell connected from deep to give the Anchorwomen a 5-4 advantage. RIC and Bowdoin went back and forth in the first, and junior forward Cara Paladino’s lay-up retook the RIC lead at 15-14 the 9:08 mark. From there, RIC went on to close out the half on a 13-8 run thanks in part the three-pointers by O’Dell and junior guard Stephanie Prusko. Bowdoin forward Sara Binkhorst connected on a jumper 3:44 in the second to bring the Polar Bears back within 2, at 3028, but over the next 5:42 RIC went on a 15-point run anchored by eight points from
Anchormen soar over River Hawks Sam Allen Sports Editor The Rhode Island College hockey team (9-2-2) had already lost to UMass Lowell this season on the road. After picking up their first home loss last weekend against NYU, the Anchormen did not want to lose again for a second straight home game. With top goaltender Vinny Tudino between the pipes, the Anchormen defeated the River Hawks 7-4 in a back and forth match-up. The first period saw back and forth play and both goalies were on top of their game. Tudino made 13 saves in the first 20 and Matt Whitingham made 14 saves for the River Hawks. The Anchormen were able to show of the power and strength of their penalty kill after three River Hawks’ power play opportunities. RIC has only allowed two goals this season when a man was down. The period ended with no change in score but that quickly changed as soon as the second period started. The Anchormen and River Hawks combined for six goals in the second period. Mark Natalizia put the Anchormen on the board first with a RIC power play goal. Ryan Farrell got the first River Hawks’ goal only a minute later to tie the game up at one. Marco Scotti, who has scored in three of the last four games, fired a shot past Whitingham to
put the home team back up by one. Cody Warnock, who is now the team leader in points with 19, got two back-toback goals; two back-to-back short handed goals. The first goal came off a pass from senior defensemen Brad Conway and Warnock took it up from center ice to put it on net. His second goal came with help from line mate Alex Lyman, as both players raced down the ice and Lyman found Warnock open in front of the net. The River Hawks scored once more before the period ended with a score of 4-2 in favor of RIC. After two more UMass goals, Tudino was pulled from the game and replaced by Matt Collins, who was in net the last time the two teams played. Tudino had 32 saves on the night, allowing four goals. Collins played the last nine minutes of the game and did not allow a goal. RIC produced three more goals to increase their lead. Brian Luther, Nick Bruno and Ryan Huber all scored in the third period. Bruno’s goal was his first of the season. The Anchormen sent the River Hawks home with a 7-4 loss and RIC picked up their ninth win of the season. The RIC hockey team has Thanksgiving weekend off but will be back in action on Friday, Nov. 30, at home. They will take on in-state rival Roger Williams University in the most anticipated home game of the season.
senior forward Court Burns. Things got a little dicey for RIC in the final minutes, when the lead dwindled down to five, but RIC held on for the 61-54 win. Paladino had nine points and 14 rebounds versus the Polar Bears, Burns had 13 points and five boards and O’Dell added a gamehigh 14 points and six rebounds. RIC’s front line size problems, even with starting forward Vandell Andrade having foul trouble, caused no added headaches, as the girls out -rebounded Bowdoin 46-35 and held the opposition to 35 percent shooting from the field in coach Kara Williamson’s first game with the program. Saturday against Babson, who reached the second round of last year’s NCAA Tournament just like the Anchorwomen, RIC’s lack of size did play an important role in the day’s outcome. A lay-up by RIC freshman forward Vandell Andrade evened up the score at 22 apiece with 9:08 to go in the first. Andrade’s free throw then brought RIC back within two, 33-31, with 1:42 left in the half. Then Babson scored the last seven points of the
November 19, 2012
frame. In the second, RIC’s deficit grew larger when they went down 47-33 just 4:28 into the half. The closest RIC came to the Beavers again was seven when O’Dell hit a layup with 11:08 remaining to close the gap to 53-46. RIC got out-rebounded 52-29 against the Beavers and shot 35 percent compared to Babson’s 48 percent. Babson’s senior center Sarah Collins stole the show with 23 points, 18 rebounds and three blocks while RIC’s Andrade scored 15 points and had 12 boards. RIC’s only other double-digit scorer was Ashley O’Dell with 16. Andrade and O’Dell were named to the All-Tournament team. RIC returns to action Tuesday for their home opener against 2012 MASCAC champions, the Bridgewater State Bears (2-0), Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. The Bears are lead by junior point guard Jenna Williamson, sister to RIC head coach Kara Williamson. RIC will also host Worcester State (1-1) Sunday at 1 p.m.
Anchor photo by Jess Bourget RIC goalie Vinny Tudino. to back buckets made it a seven point game again. The Anchormen used their final possessions to milk the clock down, though the Judges remained close. Brandies cut the lead down to two after converting two turnovers into two layups with 35.7 seconds remaining on the clock. RIC had some trouble inbounding the ball, but were able to do so after calling three timeouts. A foul put Carter on the line for a one-and-one, and he successfully hit both free throws to bring the lead back to four. Derek Retos hit a fade away three pointer for Brandies with 5.5 left to make it a one point game again. Brandies fouled Nyheem
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Sanders, who made 1-2 free throws to make it a two point game. A last second half court heave was no good, and RIC escaped with a 48-46 victory. Carter was the leading scorer for the Anchormen, as he had 13 points with seven rebounds and three assists. He was also on the floor for the chaotic finale of the game. “In our heads, there wasn’t anything too different from the first 90 seconds to the last 90 seconds,” Carter said. “We practice those situations everyday, so we were mentally prepared for it. We just have to execute the same way we do in practice.” The team will be back in action against Bridgewater State University on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at the Murray Center. Game time is 7:30 p.m.
November 19, 2012
Heismanology By JareD ware anchor staff writer In three Saturday’s time, the best player in the country will be identified and welcomed into the most elite of fraternities. This player will follow in the footsteps of Robert Griffin III, Cam Newton, Tim Tebow, Ricky Williams, Eddie George, Desmond Howard, Doug Flutie and many other stars of college football seasons past. Inside the Best Buy Theater in New York City on Dec. 8th, one player will lift 25 pounds of cast bronze, known as the Heisman Trophy, and elevate himself from a college football star into a college football legend. So, who are the names of some potential candidates to take home the hardware? Here is my list of three that I think should be invited to New York for the presentation and the player I think should win the trophy.
3. Manti Te’o, LB, Notre Dame His Heisman Moment: 12 tackles and a fumble recovery in a win over Michigan State just days after the passing of his grandmother and one of his close friends. Stats: 92 tackles (46 solo), 5.5 tackles for loss, 1.5 sacks, 6 interceptions, 1 forced recovered Te’o has easily been the best defense player in the country. He is the heartbeat of an un-
defeated team that has beaten some quality opponents this season. He is the catalyst in the middle of one of the toughest defenses in the country to run on (95.9 rushing yards a game) and to score on (11.1 points allowed per game). Te’o, being a defensive player, is at a disadvantage in the voting process. Most voters end up voting for guys who actually score the touchdowns instead of the ones who help prevent them. The last defensive player to win the Heisman was Charles Woodson in 1997, but he also had the added bonus of returning kicks to catch the eye of Heisman voters. Te’o will not win the trophy, but he deserves to be a finalist for it.
2. Johnny Manziel, QB, Texas A&M His Heisman Moment: Throwing for 253 yards, two touchdowns and running for 92 more yards in an upset over #1 ranked Alabama on the road in Tuscaloosa. Stats: 2780 passing yards, 18 touchdowns, 6 interceptions, 151.2 rating, 67.6 completion percent, 1014 rush yards, 15 touchdowns Johnny Football, or Johnny HeisManziel, is the newest college football phenom. He is a throwback to pick up football games across the country, in the sense that it looks like he is just playing these high profile games in his backyard. He uses his incredible athleticism to keep plays that look dead from the start alive and turn them into big gains.
photo courtesy of espN No play personifies that more than Texas A&M’s second touchdown against Alabama. Manziel looked sacked, evaded pressure, ran into his own lineman, bobbled the ball, escaped the pocket and found Ryan Swope wide open in the back of the end zone. That is classic Johnny Football. He leads the SEC in rushing yards as a quarterback, which is unheard of in that conference. His talents are so well respected that LSU defensive end, Sam Montgomery, has been campaigning for Manziel to take home the bronze statue. He won’t win it this year, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Johnny Football will be in the Heisman discussion for years to come.
Winner: Collin Klein, QB, Kansas State His Heisman Moment: 364 total yards and seven total touchdowns against West Virginia, and Heisman favorite at the time Geno Smith, in Morgantown. Stats: 2020 passing yards, 12 touchdowns, 3 interceptions, 167. 4 rating, 69.7 completion
percent, 748 rush yard, 19 touchdowns Optimus Klein is the Powercats offense. He rushed for 19 scores this year and has thrown for 12 more. He is the guy who gets the ball in crucial situations, whether that situation is a big short yardage play or a long third down that the Wildcats must convert. He is a patient, powerful runner between the tackles with shades of former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow. If Kansas State gets into the red zone, it is nearly automatic that Klein will pound the ball into the end zone. He has also improved as a passer this season; completing nearly 70 percent of his throws and showing the ability to spread the rock around vertically. Another interesting thing about Klein is that he puts up these numbers in a less flashy offense than a guy like Manziel. Klein is the biggest reason that the Powercats ascended to the #1 spot in the BCS polls and he should be the next Heisman Trophy winner.
Sports Editor
Reigning Champ
Sports Writer
Sports Writer
Sports Writer
Over/ under 15 points for Tahrike Carter vs. Lasell College
Under- about 7
Over- 17 vs Jenna Williamson
Over- Burns has best post moves in LEC
RIC women’s basketball at Babson Invitational
Palumbo- sinks some threes
Chris Burton
Mikey Palumbodraining threes
Chris Burton
Mike Palumboknocks down a few threys
RIC Hockey vs. UMass Lowell at home
Under- running the ball
Over- Rex Ryan likes feet
Over- Brady=fiflth
Over- will have to chuck it a lot
Who has the most points for Celtics vs. Brooklyn Nets?
OKC Thunda
OKC all day
Celtics- Rajon Rondo (use Chris Broussard voice)
Celtics, of course
Thunder up- Perk gets his revenge
November 19, 2012
Anchormen basketball off to 2-0 start eDDie pannone anchor staff writer The 2012-13 RIC Basketball season got under way last week, and the team is off to a fast start. The Anchormen had two contests, winning them both and pushing their early season record to 2-0. The Anchormen’s season opener took place on Nov. 15th, when the team traveled to face the Lasell College Lasers. RIC won a tough battle by the final score of 72-63. Four players scored in double figures, as Tahrike Carter scored 11 points while dishing out three assists and grabbing eight rebounds. Center Mike Neal led the team in scoring, as he posted 12 points and five rebounds. Michael Palumbo and Jacob Page each added in 11 points, with Page also contributing eight boards. The first half was tightly contested, with no team going up by more than six points. The teams went back and forth for much of the first 10 minutes, but at the half the Anchormen held a 32-31 lead. The start of the second half featured runs by both teams. RIC opened up by scoring eight straight points and taking a nine point lead just a minute and a half into the period. Lasell answered with a 14-3 run of their own, taking a 45-43 lead with 13:27 left in the game. RIC responded with another run, this time scoring 11 straight points. This would see them take a 54-45 lead, a lead they would not relinquish. Even though the Anchormen had the lead, the team shot poorly from the free throw line, missing 11 straight free throws to start the half. Despite their free throw struggles, RIC would go up by as many as 12 points as the game wound down, and finished with a 72-63 victory. The Anchormen finished the game shoot-
ing an even 50 percent, including 40 percent from three point range. The Lasers shot just 36.5 percent, including a dreadful 18.5 percent from behind the ark. RIC traveled back to Murray Center on Nov. 17th for their home opener versus Brandies University, a wild 48-46 win. Both teams would get off to strong defensive start, creating turnovers and forcing contested shots. RIC found some offensive rhythm, getting into the paint for easy layups while forcing their opponents to take outside jump shots. As the half drew on, the defensive intensity for both teams picked up again. Passes were deflected, and jump shots weren’t falling. Brandies relied on jumpers most of the half, but found their way into the paint in the final minutes of play. This, with a combination of a cold spell by the Anchormen, saw the Judges go up 20-15 with minutes left in the half. RIC responded well, ending the half scoring seven straight points to take a 22-20 lead into the locker room. Chris Burton was the star for the Anchormen in the first half, scoring eight points while grabbing five rebounds and playing strong defense. RIC started the second half by getting to the free throw line four times. Unlike the previous game, the Anchormen converted all four free throws to extend their lead 26-20. The low scoring ways of the first would continue into the second half for both teams, as defense continued to be the story. Finally, it was the Anchormen that broke through with some good outside shooting. Aided by three pointers by Carter and Palumbo, RIC opened up a 40-28 lead with 8:28 to play in the game. Brandies would not go down quietly, as back
see page 22
anchor photo by sadie Campanella Sophomore forward Jacob Page prepares to make a free throw.
Wrestling places seventh at Doug Parker Invitational maggie massie anchor staff writer
Athlete of the Week Ashley O’Dell Women’s Basketball After starting both games in the Babson College Invitational, Ashley leads the Anchorwomen in points with 30. She’s made 13 of her attempted 31 shots for a field goal percentage of .419. O’Dell is a new found starter on the team and is sure to make an impact all season long.
The Rhode Island College wrestling team traveled to Springfield College for the Doug Parker Invitational on Nov. 17th. The Anchormen totaled a team score of 71.5, finishing seventh out of 16 teams, while Centenary won the championship with a score of 166. Freshman Ricondo Cole and three other Anchormen placed in their respective weight classes. The Anchormen were without several of their top wrestlers this weekend, including junior Shawn Giblin, who is currently ranked No. 1 in New England at 149 lbs. However, 133 lb. newcomer Cole went 5-0 for the day,
defeating Wesleyan wrestler Maika Nagata, 6-3, in the finals of his weight class. Senior captain Mike Sugermeyer went 3-2 to place sixth at 125 lbs. Teammate junior Johnathan Murray, currently ranked second in New England, went 4-1 to ear a third place finish at 125 lbs. This is the second consecutive week he has placed. Fifth-ranked 285 lb. junior Brian Nicoll finished 3-1 on the day, placing fourth in his weight class. The Anchormen will take to the mats after the Thanksgiving holiday, when they travel to New England Wrestling Association (NEWA) rival Plymouth State University on Wednesday, Nov. 28th.