THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES FLOOD RIC AGAIN Feminists United presented thier production of the classic play
The Anchor Newspaper
Week of FEBRUARY 16, 2015 | Vol: 88 | Issue: #19
Success anchors mid-year review Carriuolo gives RIC five stars elisha kay aldrich news editor @anchornews
t’s always good to know where the college is headed, as well as what’s gone on over the past year. According to President Nancy Carriuolo’s midyear review last Wednesday, the accomplishments from the fall semester were many, and she’s got some big plans for the coming years. Carriuolo welcomed the full house of faculty and staff with a musical selection of “Wall Lovin,” and “I’m Not Saying a Word,” performed by Neil Jeronimo, featuring accompanist Lila Kane. Jeronimo was recently named the recipient of the Malty Award for Musical Theatre Performance at the America College Theatre Festival, and Kane is a RIC Music, Theatre and Dance Department faculty member. Carriuolo went on to remind faculty and staff about how much they have contributed to RIC over the past year. She highlighted how President Barack Obama visited RIC and was introduced by RIC student Lisbeth Avalos. “Like Lisbeth, I serve as an ambassador for the work we do here,” Carriuolo said, shining light on her own accomplishments, as she was named Go Local Prov’s 2014 Woman of
the Year.
The American Democracy Project and Publick Occurrences were also of great success for RIC, bringing in community and healthcare leaders. The college has not only received local recognition, but nationwide as well, as the nursing program has been ranked tenth in the country out of over 700 RN and 300 BSN programs. Throughout 2015, new academic programs will be provided for RIC students. One such program is a certification in Nonprofit Leadership, which explores theories around budgeting and leadership. Two other new academic programs include a certification for child and adolescent trauma, administered through the School of Social Work, and certification in long-term care administration, jointed with the nursing and management department. Carriuolo also recognized the number of collaborations in which RIC has participated, such as Learning for Life, the Providence Youth Cabinet, the Lumina Foundation, the Central Falls Innovation Lab and an academic exchange with Chengdu University in China. “All of these great things that I am talking about, that you have done in the community, all raise the profile at RIC,” Carriuolo stated. She then shifted to speak on her future plans for the college, briefly sharing how RIC will work along with Governor Raimondo on a new budget plan, but that does
−Photo by Elisha Aldrich
not necessarily mean RIC will receive as much money as it needs. “I think we have done well since 2008 when the bottom dropped out of the economy,” Carriuolo said. “I don’t know what is going to happen after Saturday, but hopefully we can continue as we have.” Other new initiatives include improving the retention rate, making sure that students graduate on time and revamping block schedules so students do not overlap classes. Another goal Carriuolo set is making sure students no longer become undeclared majors by providing meta majors—a map of courses for students to reach their desired majors. Carriuolo closed by sending a special Valentine’s Day remark to the storm emergency crew, who worked diligently to provide clear roads and walkable streets for student, staff and commuters. “RIC is definitely at its finest when we all collaborate together,” President Carriuolo said in closing. “It’s just the spirit of RIC.”
Student Neil Jeronimo entertained the crowd in song; −Photo by Elisha Aldrich
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Unite at the Unity Center Part two of our Mental Health Series Elisha kay aldrich News Editor @AnchorNews
n the last installment of our Mental Health series, we spoke to the Counseling Center to find out what sorts of services they provide, and how those services are there to help students. But, what does one do when they don’t feel comfortable speaking to a counselor? What other options are there on campus to make students feel comfortable and welcome? A good place to start might be the Unity Center. The Unity Center recently celebrated its 20th anniversary on campus, having been founded in 1994. According to its mission statement, it acts as the college’s multicultural center. The statement also says that it seeks to “promote the accessibility of educational services and the opportunity for excellence to all students through collaborative programming among its student affiliates, faculty, staff, and the wider community.” Although the Unity Center does not specifically exist to provide an area for students to speak about their issues and worries like the Counseling Center does, according to Unity Center Director Antoinette Gomes, the main goal is to make sure that students who go there know they are always welcome. “The atmosphere down here is pretty open. I think its pretty welcoming. I like to think that students feel safe here,” she said.
Gomes stated that she is allowed to interact with students fairly often, but she is definitely not the only sense of comfort and support in the Unity Center. Students’ peers are a huge part of the support system that the Unity Center provides. “Students come here because of the level of comfort that they feel in the space,” she said. “The byproduct of that is the kind of support that I just alluded to.” Gomes stated that she works closely with the Counseling Center, and has referred students there before, but not every student who goes to the Unity Center with problems of their own necessarily need, or even want that sort of care. “Sometimes I feel like they don’t need to be referred to the Counseling Center, I feel like they just need to be listened to,” she said. “I think that students come here for social interactions. Those kinds of connections can sometimes avert some feelings that turn into something a little more serious.” When interviewing Dr. Lavin from the Counseling Center, it was revealed that people of color are less likely to seek professional counseling, and Gomes shared that sentiment. “When you look at professional counselors, you will see that there are far, far more caucasians in that field,” she said. Gomes added that for many people of color, there is apprehension to opening up to a
stranger, who might not be able to relate to the sorts of struggles that people of color face. Gomes added that in her own experience, people of color feel more comfortable opening up in a social setting, rather than in a medical one. The stigma against mental health counseling is not just in communities of color, though. Gomes stated that many sorts of people feel this stigma, ranging from certain religions to LGBT individuals. Diversity on campus is not just limited to people of color, though. Gomes stated that there are many different types of people at RIC, with their own goals and priorities, which makes for a very interesting student body. All those differences allow for productive discussion at the Unity Center, which many times will revolve around social justice issues, which for many can cause anxiety and even frustration. But, Gomes stated that having the space to speak about these issues is liberating, because students are able to feel like they have been listened to. “I often tell students that when they are engaged in group discussion, the objective is not for consensus. The objective is to learn how to hear and be empathetic towards other people and their experiences,” she said. At the end of the day, the goal of the Unity Center is to help all students excel at RIC. Although the college can help provide support for conventional needs, the Unity Center lies outside that convention, and seeks to welcome any student who walks through their door.
Corruption on Capitol Hill ryan foley Assistant Editor
olitics and corruption are an easy association, especially in Rhode Island. But, one would think they would learn after House Speaker Gordon Fox had to resign his post last year when his office was raided by the FBI. Less than a year later, the House Majority Whip Joseph Almeida has resigned as well, amid a campaign funding controversy. A complaint filed by Attorney General Peter Kilmartin alleges that Rep. Almeida was arrested on charges claiming that he misappropriated $6,122.03 in campaign contributions for personal use. When the Rhode Island Board of Elections looked at his financial report, the numbers did not add up. Almeida was arrested on Tuesday, Feb. 10 by the Rhode Island State Police’s Financial Crimes Unit. While he has given up his
leadership position, he remains a member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives.
Prosecutors are seeking to charge Almeida with felony unlawful appropriation. The maximum punishment for this crime is 20 years in prison and/or a fine. Nicholas Mattiello, the Speaker of the Rhode Island House of Representatives addressed Almeida’s departure. “I am very disappointed to learn of the arrest of Representative Almeida,” he said. “I have not spoken with him yet. However, I received a letter from Representative Almeida… indicating he has resigned his position as the Deputy Majority Whip. Under the circumstances, I find this to be appropriate and I accept his resignation from his position on the democratic leadership team.” The man who defeated Almeida in 2010, Leo Medina, was sentenced to jail time for pocketing $28,000 of life insurance money that he owed to someone else. He was also
charged with misappropriation, just like Almeida, his predecessor and successor. Medina was acquitted on charges of embezzlement and obtaining money from false pretenses. He will have to pay back the money once he is released from his three-year jail sentence at the ACI. His jail sentence will be followed by 17 years of probation. Almeida has been with the Rhode Island General Assembly since 1998, representing Rhode Island’s 12th District, located in South Providence. He became Deputy Minority Whip after leadership changes last year. He was defeated in the primary in 2010 but was re-elected to his post in 2012. During his time in the House, he worked on the Constituent Services, Economic Development, Finance and Veteran’s Affairs Committee. Prior to his time in the General Assembly, Almeida was a Providence Police officer. He retired from the force in 1997, one year before he was elected for the first time.
Healthcare workers have healthy demand Postsecondary Commissioner examines job demands and how it should affect colleges Elisha kay aldrich News Editor
veryone’s got something to complain about when it comes to RIC. From the food to parking to academic buildings, everyone has their own problems here and there. But, with the possible expansion of academic programs, there might be one less problem for students. Postsecondary Education Commission Jim Purcell has developed a rating system for jobs in Rhode Island, which will hopefully serve as a starting point for colleges to figure out what programs they should expand. “It’s a beginning of where we think campuses should expand programs and address the needs of the state,” he said. The system combines several aspects to determine the rating. The job demand, the median salary, and the level of education needed for the position create the one to five “star rating.” In order to determine job demand, the RI Department of Labor and Training conducts a report to find such information. On Purcell’s chart, the openings predicted are from now until 2022. “What we’ve done here is try to identify high wage and high demand and give that a weight,” Purcell said. According to the system, the healthcare profession has the highest star rating by far, with high wages, a high demand, and a minimum requirement of a college degree. If the state institutions were to take this information to heart, there is a possibility that there could be major expansions to nursing, medical, and other healthcare programs. Purcell stated that expansions
like this are common within higher education, and that state institutions should modify their programs based on the needs of the state. “I think that one of the parts of academics is that you have to constantly look at your portfolio of academic programs, and make decisions on where your institution should be going,” he said. Another field with a high rating was education, as well as several STEM fields. But, with these ratings being so high, there is some worry that there will be less focus on a liberal arts education, and less people majoring in fields such as political science, English, or art. “I’m not an advocate of doing away with the liberal arts,” said Purcell, “but at the same time, we need to address the needs of Rhode Island. If we can expand the capacity of these programs, then its a win win for both RIC and the students.” He also added that while the education market steers different people in different directions, students should follow their dreams. “I certainly would say that everyone has their own talents and gifts, and to me, in the long run, following your own path is what makes you happy and successful. Although there is still some tweaking to be made to the system, Purcell noted that if colleges use this information, there would be changes to every part of campus, from academia to the physical layout to the school, which RIC is already experiencing. But, there is more work to be done before such changes take place.
week of february
RIC student arrested for misdemeanor of assault - It’s uncommon to see crime on campus in any fashion, but when four RIC police cars park outside of Sweet Hall, there’s a reason to worry.
RIC Professor Dixon Blogs For National Geographic - Rhode Island College Assistant Professor of Geology Seth Dixon is blogging posts for National Geographic. Professor Nixon earned his PhD From Pennsylvania State University and a bachelor’s and master’s degree at Brigham Young University. His vision was to bring lessons from his classroom to other teachers, so they could more effectively engage their students in geography lessons. “I saw a disconnect between academic geography and geography in secondary education,” Dixon said. ”That led me to create my own blog geared toward high school and undergraduate teachers.” He shared that National Geographic asked if he would create a series to promote geography education. His blog provide links to articles, maps, videos and other resources. Nixon has provided video lesson plans, similar to TED talks, that demonstrate the concept of globalization through the use of containers. Some maps provide students the ability to explore fertility rate, infant mortality rates, migration and other features. Dixon also serves as the coordinator for the Rhode Island Geography Education Alliance. To learn more about his blog or
receive blog updates, subscribe to Dixon’s blog or follow him on Twitter at �ProfessorDixon.
RIC’s R.N to B.S.N Program Ranked Top 10 - Out of more than 700 R.N to B.S.N programs throughout the United States, Rhode Island College was ranked 10th place by The ranking was based on employment services for students, placement services for completes, academic/career counseling, performance on the NCLEX and accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing and/ or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. “It is extremely important for registered nurses to have bachelor’s degrees. B.S.N. nurses are prepared to address complex needs of patients, families and communities and to improve systems of care,” RIC Dean of Nursing Jane Williams said. “Being recognized as number 10 in the country is evidence that we are providing an outstanding program to residents of Rhode Island.” The was created by a group of professional nurses, educators, writers and editors committed to furthering nursing education closely to R.N. to B.S.N.
Keeping up with Health Source RI - On Wednesday, Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed expressed support for Health Source RI running with a smaller budget than last year’s. Health Source RI was created in 2011, with
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the direction of Former Governor Lincoln Chafee. Under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, RI’s residents can purchase insurance and receive federal subsidies. At the moment, RI is one of the 13 states that created its own staterun marketplace. Last year, Health Source RI was awarded with $115.5 million to start running; this year it is expected to receive $51 million. Governor Raimondo agrees with Senate President Paiva Weed to operate with a smaller budget. One of Senator Paiva Weed’s notes was that Health Source RI spends money on marketing and customer services. Health Source RI has two locations in Providence and in Warwick with 28,787 RI residents that use the program. There is still no word on how Governor Raimondo plans to fund Health Source RI, but at the end of last year she appointed Anya Radar Wallack as the Director of Health Source RI.
53-year-old man, stabbed in Pawtucket, confirmed related to Supreme Court McKenna Goldberg - William McKenna, 53, was stabbed and killed on Tuesday near a convenience store near Benefit Street in Pawtucket. McKenna was the younger brother of RI Supreme Justice Maureen McKenna Goldberg. There are very few details on how the incident occurred, however, media reports that Pawtucket police responded to a call near Benefit Street around 4:45 p.m. McKenna passed away at Memorial Hospital from stab wounds. Pawtucket Police received a description of a white or Hispanic man close to the scene of the attack. Before being appointed by Governor Lincoln Almond to the Supreme Court, McKenna Goldberg served as an Associate Justice for Rhode Island Superior Court. Other positions she held in the past include those such as Westerly Town Manager, Westerly town Solicitor and South Kingston Town Solicitor. William McKenna’s fatal incident is still under investigation.
3 Kayla Mueller, American humanitarian aid worker killed in Syria
- On February 10, the White House reported Kayla Mueller from Prescott, Arizona dead. Mueller, 26, who had been a humanitarian aid worker since her early high school years, led a genocide awareness group and helped to bring awareness about the ongoing warfare in Darfur. Later, she worked with humanitarian groups such as Support to Life and Spanish Doctors Without Borders. As she left Spanish Doctors Without Borders in Syria, she was captured by the terrorist group ISIS back in 2013. “She wasn’t trying—she was making a difference in the world,” said Prescott resident Ms. Sandberg to the New York Times. There is no clear verification on how Mueller died, but she was reported to have died in a building that was targeted by a Jordanian airstrike in Raqqa, ISIS’s de facto capital. President Barack Obama acknowledged her optimistic attitude in bringing humanitarian aid to other parts of the country despite shattering conditions, as Mueller, “ represents what is best about America, and expressed her deep pride in the freedoms that we America enjoy, and that so many others strive for around the world.”
Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany agree on cease-fire - On Thursday, the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany announced a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. The agreement was established by Russian President Vladimir Putin in hopes of ending the debacle resulting more than 5,400 deaths since last spring. After long hours discussing the consensus in the Independence Palace in Misk, the capital of Belarus, all four leaders finally agreed to key provisions. The cease-fire is scheduled to
begin February 15—heavy weapons are to be withdrawn completely within two weeks, all prisoners will be released, and there will be amnesty for those involved in fighting. Some conditions are still being settled. Although this is a start to bring peace between these four countries, leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have expressed that more work remains to be done.
U.S. Judge orders Alabama same-sex marriage licenses - On Thursday U.S. Judge Callie Grenade of the Federal District Court ruled to allow gay people to seek marriage licenses in order to wed in the state of Alabama. The judges’ ruling was supported after four gay couples were prohibited to obtain a marriage license by the probate judge. Mobile, Alabama Judge Don Davis was following an order by Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore instead of following federal orders allowing gay people to receive marriage licenses. The Mobile judge is not only pointed to these actions, there are other probate judges throughout various counties in Alabama that have also acknowledged these actions.
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week of february
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The Anchor is student-run and published weekly during the academic year. Editorial decisions for The Anchor are made by a majority vote of its student editorial board. No form of censorship will be imposed by the college. Any material found to be unsuitable or unacceptable in the board’s opinion will not be published. The views expressed in The Anchor, unless otherwise noted, are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Anchor or of Rhode Island College’s faculty, administration or student body. The Anchor is not funded by and is independent from Rhode Island College. The first copy is free. Each additional copy is $2.25. Newspaper racks on the Rhode Island College campus are the property of The Anchor Newspaper. Only The Anchor Newspaper publication will be permitted on these racks. Any other publication or advertisement that is placed on the racks will be given one (1) warning for violating this policy. After two (2) violations, the business/publication will be billed at the rate of a full page advertisement. Copyright © 2015 The Anchor. All rights reserved.
week of february
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The declaration period for
Senior Class Representative Junior Class Treasurer Freshman Class Representative
Begins Tuesday Feb. 10th and ends Tuesday Feb. 24th at 5p.m Elections will be held 8 a.m to 4p.m on Wednsday the 25th in the Donovan Dining Center
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week of f ebuary week of february
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This Weeks
Dining News Bites
1 9
Tucker Talks
Your suggestions in action! Water bottle filling station now located on second floor of Donovan Dining Center In appreciation of American heart month Bethany Tucker RD, LDN from Donovan Dining services and Lynn Watchtel RNP from Health Services will be cosponoring a table Wednesday Febuary 18th from 12:30 - 2 pm in donovan dining center to provide you with some information on how to keep your heart heatlhy. Lynn will be available to take blood pressures for those interested. So please stop by! We look foreward to seeing you!
ith the month of February, comes lots of snow…lots of love…and lots of chocolate!! Yes with it being the month of February, I have to admit that I get excited about Valentine’s Day and receiving my annual box of chocolate!! Do you?? Well if so, I have good news. Chocolate in moderation may in fact be beneficial for your health. The cocoa bean (what chocolate is made from) is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, which help the body’s cells resist and repair damage. Now, not all chocolate is created equal. In the processing of cocoa into chocolate a lot of
the flavanols (the main type of flavonoid) are lost which in turn cause the chocolates (60% cacao) and cocoa powder (that has not undergone Dutch processing) are your best bets. Steer clear of the gooey, caramel, nut filled type chocolates. The extra ingredients can ass lots of extra fat and calories, which will in turn negate the added health benefits. Enjoy moderate portions (1 ounce a few times per week, not a 1lb box at 1 sitting) like with all other foods. And remember, there is no reason to feel guilty enjoying that rich bit of delicious chocolates with your valentine!!!
-Bethany tucker
Do you have questions about nutrition? Contact:
Bethaney Tucker RD, LDN. Located in the faculty Center, DDC Phone: 401-456-8477
Now offering more Vegan and Gluten Free Options For more information Please contact: College Dining Services 401-456-8207
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Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm Friday 8:00am - 2:00pm Saturday - Sunday CLOSED Located in Building 3’s lower level in east campus
week of february
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Vagina is the new Valentine Janine Boiselle assistant editor
This past Friday night, Feminist United hosted their 3rd annual production of Eve Ensler’s, “The Vagina Monologues” in Gaige 100. Sponsored by the Women’s Center and other student organizations, this production was a bunch of emotions mixed into one. This audience bounced from complete silence, to laughing, and even chanting as the diverse cast of RIC students spoke with (as opposed to just to) their crowd. In addition to the original script, some cast members even wrote their own monologues to share their personal story. But is this show about more than just vaginas? A lot more than you might think. As a woman who has never seen a production of this show, I must say that it is something both men and women should see at least once. To start the show, there is information about the global activist movement, “V-Day,” that fights to end violence against women (their most recent campaign being, One Billion Rising). According to the pamphlets given at the show, the organization’s 4 core beliefs are: 1. Art has the power to transform thinking and inspire people to act. 2. Lasting social and cultural changes is spread by ordinary people doing extraordinary things. 3. Local women best know what their communities need and can become unstoppable leaders. 4. One must look at the intersection of race, class, and gender to understand violence against women.
I don’t know about the rest of the crowd, but I think that all of those involved in this production did justice to this movement and women around the world. Not only was this show insightful and powerful, but 100% of the ticket sales were donated to the Sojourner House of Providence, a comprehensive domestic violence agency located on Smith Street that serves this city’s community. For more information, log on to
ric life
week of february
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The Binge Report: That 70’s Show Zachary Mellin ric life editor @anchorriclife
Jessica ZiMMer anchor contributor
What do you do with a 22 year old nerdy virgin? What do you do when your friend is hooking up with a guy she just met and you have a bad feeling about it?
- Dazed and Confused Hi Dazed and Confused! I’m a bit confused about what you mean when you say “What do you do with a 22 year old nerdy virgin?” If you mean to approach them, it’s the same with any guy—ask them questions about themselves! I find it helps them to open up without having to worry about a cheesy pickup line, or to wonder if you’re interested in them, and who doesn’t love to talk about themselves? This also helps because afterward, they’ll feel more genuinely inclined to ask about you! If you meant it sexually, with first-timers, communication on THEIR end is key. You will be their first experience in the amazing world of sex, when you probably have already gotten what you want out of sex. Although sex is two-way communication, virgins sort of deserve to have their sexual needs met a little more than yours do. So ask to make sure they are 100% ready to do this, and by the time zero hour comes, ask them what they want to do! If they find midway that they’re not ready for “x” action they originally said they wanted to do, no pressure! As far as your friend goes, she obviously has different feelings about this guy than you do. He does something for her that maybe you cannot see immediately. But, I, of all people, understand following a gut reaction to the guy. If he is giving you bad vibes, I would try to avoid the two of them—the friend and the guy— altogether, and to just see the friend exclusively. She is still your friend, after all. If their relationship pans out,
then it’s time to start finding good qualities in your friend’s significant other. Again, there’s a reason she’s seeing them. If the relationship fizzles, be glad you trusted your instincts and let your friend talk to you about it FIRST! No one likes a busy-body who says “I told you so!” when they are vulnerable! Either way, try your best to be supportive, but remember that the first sign of trouble always deserves your honesty. I hope this helps!
After ending a relationship months ago, I want to start dating again, but it’s hard to find anyone. Any advice to a guy looking to meet girls at RIC? - Looking for love Hello, Looking for Love!
he show that was built on exploiting nostalgia has become a source of nostalgia. As Most everyone alive in the early 2000’s knows, That 70’s Show was a sitcom who’s gimmick was taking place in the mid-70’s, in the process earning viewers from people who grew up that at that time and wanted some nostalgia, but it quickly earned a loyal viewer base from a younger crowd, who loved the tight writing, strong cast and great character dynamics. Now that same group, including myself, has reached the point where we look back fondly on the show. That 70’s Show follows the life of teenaged Eric Foreman (Topher Grace) and his mishmashed group of outcast friends – Donna (Laura Prepon), Hyde (Danny Masterson), Kelso (Ashton Kutcher), Fes (Wilmer Valderama) and Jackie (Mila Kunis). As the series progressed, it also came to focus more on the middle aged Red and Kitty Foreman (Kurtwood Smith and Debra Jo Rupp). Though the early episodes focus heavily on Foreman and his friendships and relationships, the series quickly expanded to a more ensemble cast style show, with each character
getting equal screen time and plotlines. The jokes range from period jokes about the 70’s (one episode features a character being called stupid for thinking home computers will catch on), with one of the most popular guest stars in the shows 8 season run being the quintessential toner Leo – played by Tommy Chong, one of the embodiments of 70’s drug culture. However, no small portion of the comedy comes from the banter and interactions between the teenagers, including the infamous “BUUUUUURN!” The show’s biggest draw is its humor, which marks it as one of snappiest, funniest and most entertaining sitcoms I’ve ever
seen, but it also marks a really well written story. Due to the characters ages (the show begins with them at 17 and end three “in series” years later), much of the show is a coming of age story, as the groups silly high school exploits and drama becomes more and more serious as the characters mature. Many early plots may involve Eric having to some chore to earn some gas money, only to have things go wrong, while later plots will be more along the lines of needing a career in order to become selfsufficient. The characters are also well written, with many early jokes, like Kelso’s habit of cheating on girls, becoming defining part of their characters that create large problems in their life down the road. While the show suffers many issues throughout its run from actors leaving (or going to jail, in Chong’s case), minor plot holes sprinkled throughout the writing (Kitty’s dog, a major plot point for several episodes, disappears for three seasons before randomly reappearing and being killed), and some odd casting decisions in the final season, it is still an incredibly enjoyable romp for every age. I can’t believe I just wrote that phrase.
From the Director of RIC Mainstage’s Hit Play,
Arsenic & Old Lace
One of the greatest plays ever written… Well, you’re lucky! Being in college is already a great place to find available women, it’s sort of a part of the college experience to meet new people, make friends, hook up, experiment, etc.! My suggestion is that you have to make yourself available in places women would spend time at on campus. Places like campus events, resident activities, even Donovan where you could sit down and strike up conversation! But remember to never be pushy with your intentions! If you meet a girl who wants to reciprocate your romantic intentions, awesome! If she’s not feeling it but still wants to be friends, that’s great, too! It’s her decision, and you just scored a friend, which can help with being social with women on campus! Being a lady myself, I find that a lot of girls meet their boyfriends through friends, so you can also ask around in your social circles to see who’s single and wants to meet up, even just for a coffee or a quick bite to eat. Thanks for asking!
By Thornton Wilder
Directed by Linda Sutherland
Winner! 1938 Pulitzer Prize for Drama February 18th-21st @ 7:30PM February 21st & 22nd @ 2:00PM The Helen Forman Theatre John Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts RIC Box Office: 401-456-8144 Rhode Island College DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC, THEATRE, & DANCE Funded in part by the Rhode Island College Performing and Fine Arts Commission
week of february
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ric life
Begin Again PATRICK CONNOLLY Anchor Staff
ans of anything that is associated with Once are guaranteed to be charmed by Begin Again—a film that is the equivalent of a nice walk through Central Park on a pleasant summer day. Who doesn’t want a film like that nowadays? The story is a familiar one, although it’s executed in a way that still feels refreshing. It focuses on two people— Gretta (Keira Knightley) and Dan (Mark Ruffalo)—who are both going through their own life crises. While Dan is in the process of a downward spiral in his relationship with Miriam (Catherine Keener), Gretta has just broken up with her boyfriend Dave (Adam Levine). Eventually, they both come across each other at a club in downtown NYC, where Dan just happens to be sitting in on Gretta’s performance. With his
experience as a record label executive, along with her excellent vocal skills, both of them—along with other talented musicians—decide to record a special “outdoor album”, where they record songs all over the city during the summer. Writer-Director John Carney builds off his success of Once with a truly wonderful gem. No, it does not reach the incredible heights that Once accomplished, but it doesn’t have to. Despite knowing this film was directed by John Carney, I mostly went into this film blind, and because of that, I ended up surprised by how it made me feel genuinely good about life, and not in a way that feels sugar coated at all. The majority of my reaction towards the film revolves around how good the music is. The Oscar nomination for “Lost Stars” in the Best Original Song category is justified this season. With Adam Levine’s strong vocals, along with meaningful lyrics that enhance the
The performances are also solid throughout, with Keira Knightley being the obvious stand-out as Gretta. Never did I expect to hear such a lovely voice when Knightley sings her songs. James Corden (who played The Baker in Into the Woods) also has a funny turn as Gretta’s best friend Steve, who lives in NYC as a relief from Gretta’s troubles. Admittedly, the film isn’t going to change the world of filmmaking forever, though it could very well make you feel happy for the next several days. This is a gem that truly has its own voice.
Rating: B+
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Anchor Contributor
f you haven’t noticed over the past few years, the quality of the show Spongebob Squarepants has drastically decreased, primarily because the show’s creator, Stephen Hillenburg, left the show. The jokes on the show have become entirely bland and not funny whatsoever (honestly because they’re trying too hard). And if you know this and were hoping that this movie would be as good as the first one, unfortunately you’re wrong. Not even the films are safe from the declination the show has suffered. The plot is relatively new, and that’s one of the few good things about the film. Again someone has stolen the Krabby Patty secret formula, only this time it isn’t Plankton (although he did attempt at first). Spongebob knows that Plankton is innocent and teams up with him to find out who actually stole it. And that search leads them and the others (Patrick, Mr. Krabs,
Alycia Zenga Anchor Staff
he tense feeling of the clock ticking down, reliving the end of the world over and over again, the bizarre characters and their equally odd side-quests; Zelda fans will be able to relive all of this over again as the remastered version of The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask comes to the Nintendo 3DS on February 13, 2015. It’s been 15 years since the original release of the game for the Nintendo 64, which gained a cult following for its innovative gameplay and its colorful yet somewhat creepy environment. The setting and story is certainly unlike most Zelda games, which typically involves Link saving the Princess Zelda and vanquishing Ganondorf, the recurring villain of the series.
−Courtesy of
Andrew O’ Niel
Majora’s Mask Returns
song’s atmosphere, it is one of the many highlights to be found in this film. And if you can get “Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home” out of your head faster than I could out of mine, then you are a stronger person than me. This film has one of the best soundtracks released within the past year.
Squidward and Sandy) to a pirate cook on the surface world named Burger-Beard (I’m not kidding that is his name) played by Antonio Banderas. It does have some funny moments (Gary, King of the Snails) but they’re relatively brief and it does make some brief references to the older episodes, but sadly there are more bad jokes than good ones.
Concerning Banderas’ (who was the only major live action character in the entire movie) performance, it was disappointing, a bit overdone, even for a children’s movie. If his performance was purposefully trying to make fun of pirates, he succeeded immensely. As for the underwater cast, they had their moments but mostly they were trying way too hard to be funny and just came across as stupid. They were funny to a certain degree, but they usually went above that degree to an unnecessary level. As far as the progression of the story, there are several moments during the film that will just leave you confused. Once you see these
moments you’ll wonder what was wrong with the writers who wrote this story. One scene (out of several so I won’t be spoiling much) involves Spongebob and Plankton time travelling to a point where there is a floating dolphin that talks and watches over Jupiter and Saturn so they don’t collide. And if that isn’t enticing, this dolphin also shoots lasers out of its blowhole. And the song during the credits is a rap between said dolphin and some talking seagulls.
Majora’s Mask instead takes place in Termina, a parallel world to Hyrule that Link stumbles across while travelling. Here, a young imp known as Skull Kid is using a mask in order to summon the moon to destroy Termina within a mere 3 days, and it is up to Link to travel across Termina and save the world and all of its inhabitants. Due to the more serious nature and tone of the game, many consider it to be one of the darker installments to the Legend of Zelda series. Despite being ported to a handheld system, the game has never looked better. The graphics have been smoothed out and the colors have been touched up to be brighter than ever. As for the
Danielli franciosi Photo Editor
gameplay, the developers have not changed much. There is still a big emphasis on the collection of the 24 masks that are scattered throughout Termina, which gives players powers and upgrades. This of course includes the three main masks, which allow Link to transform into a Deku Scrub, a Zora, and a Goron. The transformation into these three distinctive characters provide for some amazing puzzles, requiring players to utilize the powers that each of them offers in order to get through the dungeons. The sidequests will also be playing a big part in the game Also being released on February 13, 2015 is the New Nintendo 3DS, which will introduce a new stick and will feature better 3D graphics. The system boasts of a new face-tracking feature, which will adjust the graphics and the 3D depending on how the player is looking at the screen. There will be a special edition of the New 3DS XL featuring Majora’s Mask artwork on the front of the DS in order to commemorate the release of the game. Fans were able to purchase this Majora’s mask 3DS with their preordered purchase of the game. This new 3DS hit the hearts of fans everywhere, within fifteen minutes of release this 3DS was sold out on GameStop’s website. So get out there on February 13th and grab your games kids!
This movie is worth seeing once. But otherwise, don’t bother seeing it again. Odds you’ll never forget it no matter how hard you try so you won’t have to. The acting, bad jokes, and seriously disturbing moments will certainly leave an impression on you. Although during the viewing you can watch your friends reactions, and that’ll probably be worth watching the film.
Rating: C
You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you? −Courtesy of Nintendo
week of february
ric life
16 , 2015
Add Challenge to your Gaming with Bloodborne Jesse yiPP anchor staff
common criticism of video games these days is that they are just getting too easy. They hold your hand, throwing tutorial after tutorial at you and breaking up the pace of the game. But during the last console generation this trend in gaming was disrupted by the Souls games by FromSoftware. Starting with Demon Souls, and continuing on with Dark Souls 1 and 2, these games brought a new level of difficulty to players. The Souls games were notorious for dumping players into dark and strange fantasy worlds where any and all creatures could (and would) end your life. The games used difficulty not just as a roadblock but as a way to teach players how to play the game. Through trial and error and lots and lots of deaths, players learned to respect the environments and the deadly creatures. Players had to commit the location of traps and treasure to memory. All of this was done without any glaring tutorial pausing the game with a text box or voice over saying, “Push A to do this attack and then follow this waypoint to get to the next tutorial!” There’s none of that. These games were a great change of pace and were rewarding experiences for those looking to adventure into the dark worlds within. The follow up to the Souls games is fast approaching. The new game in the series is called Bloodborne
and it is coming out exclusively for the Playstation 4. Not only does the game feature improved visuals and faster combat but it also brings players to a new setting. Bloodborne will throw players into the city of Yharnam, a Victorian era looking labyrinth of deadly monsters and undead. Each player embarks as a “hunter” looking for answers to the deadly disease that has been plaguing the world. In Dark Souls and Demon Souls players used souls collected from fallen enemies to upgrade their characters stats and buy new weapons and armor. In Bloodborne players instead collect blood. There are two different types of blood, tainted and pure blood. Pure blood is difficult to harvest and can only be found on other players and non-player characters but tainted blood can be taken from most enemy types in the game. If the player consumes too much tainted blood they will become consumed by it and turn into a werewolf like beast. At that point the player’s character will become difficult to control and other players playing online will be able to hunt the player down and kill them. This mechanic will definitely add a new layer to what was an already detailed and wellmade foundation. Bloodborne is the first exclusive game to the Playstation 4 that makes me happy I spent the money on the system. The gameplay looks fantastic and world seems terrifying and challenging. The game is hitting shelves March 24 and I highly recommend that you check it out.
A Guide to a Better Life: The Truth of GMO’s and Changing Lifestyles kristen o’conner anchor contributor
year ago if you had asked me what I might be doing this year, making toothpaste in my room, educating people about GMO’s, and reading food labels are the last things I would have answered. I never imagined that a little research on GMO’s would lead to so much more. Between school, work, and our social life we do not typically take into consideration what goes into every product we eat or use. This concept does not just revolve around what the company displays on the food label. We assume that what we buy at the store is perfectly safe unless specified otherwise. Over the years this has drastically changed for the worst. Just because there is a label does not mean that we know everything in the product. Once I started thinking this way, I could not stop. I made a list of every product I use ranging from deodorant to the Chap Stick I apply daily and began looking into alternative, more natural
ways. Most things we use on a daily basis can be made by hand with minimal effort. All it takes is one fact to change how you view everything else. And one thing I know for sure, is once that fact enters your mind; there is no going back. For me, the fact that sparked it all was about how the FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) does not conduct its own research on products. This means that the company itself will carry out the research to determine the safety of its product and report back to the FDA. The problem with this system is if the companies find shocking research, they are not liable to tell the FDA this information. All they have to do is convey to the FDA that their product is safe, and they have the green light. Then I discovered that big name companies were spending billions of dollars to prevent labeling laws from being passed. If everything in our products is perfectly safe, then why are they spending so much money to stop us from knowing? Once this presented to question that products that
information was me, I started to safety of all the we use. Because
of this, everything around me became one big question. What does this water that I am drinking contain? Where did this fruit come from, and what pesticides were used? What are these ingredients that I cannot pronounce? Then it became my quest to find other ways of getting the products I need without relying on big name companies. Taking these thoughts, I began to apply them to my diet, lifestyle, and daily routines. After doing extensive research, I intend to write articles that center around the results that I have found. All it takes is one thought, one idea, and one question to change the way you view everything. If you inform yourself, you can inform other people, and by doing that you can make a change.
−Courtesy of
week of february
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disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Anchor.
Rust my Anchor: Valentine’s Day victor Martelle opinions editor @anchoropinions
s I sit here thinking, I can only get a little depressed when thinking about Valentine’s Day. Yes, I am one of the many people who are single. Normally, I don’t really care if I’m single or not, then again, when an entire day is dedicated to coupled folk, it leaves out the rest of us to sit alone at home while our friends are out having fun. Commercials and the media constantly remind you not only of the day itself, but to buy, buy and buy for that special loved one because after all, you care about them, right? What better way to show someone you care than to buy your loved one expensive gifts on a highly commercialized day. Sure, some people enjoy getting gifts on this day. However, my problem is that if you like giving gifts to people you care about, you could do it on the other 364 days of the year, too. Secondly, why are we treating love as ‘gift giving’ only? Gift giving may be a small part of love, but there is so many other ways to express it. And finally, designating a single day of the year for love is just plain wrong. You should celebrate it every day, unless you are married of course. Ha-ha, just joking!
The biggest thing that bothers me though, are the gifts themselves. Most of the commercialized and popular gifts are things like flowers, chocolates and teddy bears. If you are going to get a gift for someone, wouldn’t you put in personal effort instead of running to the store and buying one? I remember as a child, for father’s day, I wouldn’t go out and buy a card. I would get a piece of paper, grab some scissors and crayons, and spend time making my own with designs. Even to this day, I am quick to toss out cards and other cheap gifts, but keen to frame gifts where the giver took time to make or design. −Courtesy of Kayshia Haughton
What can happen during Lent ashley araBy assistant editor
he word “prayer” or “praying” sometimes brings to mind someone kneeling or having their eyes shut quietly. Others may associate prayer with words to God, or to Mary or a saint; to thank God, ask for graces to help in life, requesting a petition, or to honor. Saying the “Our Father,” “Hail Mary” and “Glory Be” prayers, or a rosary. Sometimes people say: “I don’t have time to pray,” or “I can’t concentrate.” Well, prayer doesn’t always have to be in words. A nun described praying as lifting your heart up to God. We can offer our day to Him and the things we do as an act of love to Him. That’s a prayer in itself. Sometimes we end
up putting all other aspects of life ahead of prayer, but how can we expect to know God or see Him work in our lives without speaking to Him? We often contact the people we want closest to us; just look at all the texts and time spent with family and friends in order to know them better and develop relationships. Lent starts this Wednesday (Feb. 18). Lent is a period of 40 days that commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert where He was tempted by the Devil. There, Jesus prayed and fasted. Similarly, during Lent, people find more time to pray or to start praying altogether. They try to develop a closer relationship with God and cut out aspects of their lives that are preventing that relationship from growing. People also give up something for Lent that they’re are attached to, offering it up as a
sacrifice, or a penance. They do acts of charity; making sandwiches for the poor, helping or visiting a sick relative or being kinder to a sibling, for instance. All of these things bring us closer to God because we are mirroring His love. During Lent, people try to give up bad habits or sins that prevent their relationship with God from growing. Jesus said: “Repent and believe in the gospel” (Luke 1:15). Besides being sorry, to repent is to make a resolution not to commit that sin again. Committing that sin may or may not happen again, but the point is to resolve and to avoid a situation that leads to it. Even when we do good, or at least try to, there tends to be something that tries to prevent it, or even draw us away to do something that’s not good. These are temptations; maybe to commit a sin or fall back into a bad habit. We all experience temptation, but if we ask God to
help us, He will give the graces needed to overcome them. Let’s say someone has a grudge against a relative or old friend and realizes that this lack of forgiveness or pride is holding him/her back from loving God. But how could someone’s relationship with another person have anything to do with God? Jesus said the greatest commandment is: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself,” (Luke 10:27). Jesus said: “Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:36). Forgiving is certainly a difficult thing to do, but God gives us that strength and ability to do so through His grace from His Holy Spirit. All we need to do is
pray. After all, He forgives our sins anytime we are sorry for them. That’s what the church is all about: mercy and love. God’s Holy Spirit lives in the sacraments, and in turn, lives in people. Luke’s Gospel contains an excerpt titled “The Answer to Prayer.” Jesus said: “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened… how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” (Luke 11:9).
week of february
16 , 2015
disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Anchor.
They, them and their REBECCA PITZER Anchor Staff
Pressures of Valentine’s Day
his week I want to get serious and talk about a really important issue for a lot of people. Identity is something that’s unfathomably essential to the human experience. We define ourselves, grow and discover who we are throughout our entire lives, living every day. We use our vocabulary to express these discoveries; student, mother, boy, musician, etc. Our gender identity and the pronouns that we identify ourselves are two of these things, arguably two of the most important things. The pronoun that I’m specifically talking about now, is “they.” They, them and their are gender neutral pronouns, usually used plurally, but that is quickly changing. There are many arguments for and against it, and here, I’m arguing for it. A good friend of mine who identifies as agender and prefers the “they” pronoun, whose name I will keep anonymous by referring to them as Z, was kind enough to share with me some of their experiences with this pronoun usage and identifying as agender. “When I was 13, I learned what agender was, and I realized it fit me to a tee. I was neither male nor female inside; I had no defined gender, I was neither feminine nor masculine. I was just kind of me, a person. Nothing else described me right.” Z started to ask people to use the pronoun “they” when referring to them, and normally received two types of reactions, “Those [arguments] are ‘But they is plural, you’re one person. That’s weird.’ or ‘No, you’re a girl. Obviously.’” The “plural” argument is so much more invalid than anyone realizes. I’m an English major, and last semester I took a History of the English Language course. If there’s anything that I’ve learned, that’s really stuck with me from that course, it’s that the English language is constantly evolving and changing. We are always making up new words. Ten years ago, would you know what someone was talking about if they asked you to “take a selfie”? We throw away old words, and change the meanings of current words. The words they, them and their are going through a change, and that’s okay! Our language changes in response to our environment, to accommodate our lives, and it’s been doing it for thousands of years. Our language evolves with us, and it’s a wonderful thing. Otherwise, we’d all still be speaking Olde English, and who really wants to deal with that?
−Courtesy of
others like we know them more than they know themselves. Chances are, we probably don’t! If you say something like this, then you’re telling them that you don’t trust them to know what they want for themselves, and that can be really damaging and hurtful.
alentine’s Day came from an ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. It was an annual three-day ritual that was believed to get rid of the evil spirits that would allow the increase of fertility. This festival was held between the days of February 13-15. Lupercalia was also known as Februatio, which was where we get the name of our month of February. The Pope Gelasius had condemned the festival and banned it in the fifth century. Others of a similar practice established the holiday St. Valentine’s day in 496 A.D. and it was added to the list of feasts. They did away with the fertility aspect of the holiday and rid themselves from being beaten with strips of animal skin called februa. Now they focus on St. Valentine, the patron of “engaged couples and anyone wishing to be married.” The holiday quickly became the holiday we know today, Valentine’s Day.
Cupid, cards, flowers, candy, oh, and sweet little ol’ teddy bears is what we know
to be associated with the holiday today. Spending money and putting pressure on relationships is not what I consider a celebration. I believe that one who loves someone, should show the person they love, how they feel everyday not just that one day a year. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind getting presents, but its not right to pressure people. The holiday itself adds pressure to a person. I believe that what it was once celebrated as has disappeared and maybe not for the best. It was celebrated for fertility and for couples. While the couples aspect stayed in tact, it isn’t quite the same. Today, it’s all about gifts and the like and not so much about the love that couple shares. To me I could have someone draw on paper with a crayon to tell me how he feels. Make me a dinner from home and perhaps a glass of wine. I don’t need the dozen roses and huge box of chocolates. I say do away with the Hallmark and create something special on your own. Either way it should put a smile on your face, if not then you’re too materialist and need to let go!
“They don’t care about who I am, they think their own ideas are more important than a basic part of my core self. They think they are above an integral, basic and unavoidable part of my personality. I have seen a lot of nonacceptance, and it always embitters me. But when it is someone I trust dearly enough to share this little fragment of me that refuses to accept hurts, a lot. People don’t understand the betrayal until it is them, I think.” Z, and other non-gender binary people like them, have to deal with this constantly in their daily life from people that don’t care enough to try and understand them, or even just respect their request. If you are cisgendered, imagine if people around you were constantly telling you and treating you like something you’re not. Sound frustrating? So, if someone asks you to refer to them with specific pronouns, please do. Respecting others and their pronoun choices can only make life better for everyone.
The second thing that people say to Z is that they’re “obviously a girl.” There are so many things wrong with this. It’s not our place to question or comment on the identities of
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week of february
16 , 2015
Fill in the blanks so that each row, column and each of the 9 3x3 grids contain one instance of the numbers 1–9.
Hard Answers in next week’s issue.
week of february
16 , 2015
Dear Fans of Upstage,Downstage, Mauvins is feeling like shit this week so there will be no adventure comic in this issue. Have no fear! There will be a whole new comic next week! As soon as Mr. MAuvins gets off his fat ass and does something for once, we will continue the adventures of the Fabulous Players as they hunt for their fearless Director.
What will happen!?!?
week of february
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week of february
16 , 2015
Both RIC track teams compete at 2015 Scarlet and White Invitational in Boston alex wall Assistant Editor
he RIC track team competed in the 2015 Scarlet and White Invitational on Saturday morning. Sophomore Steven Vazquez placed second in the high jump, tying the current record at Rhode Island College which was 2.08m. Junior Edward Cummins placed second in the weight throw competition 17.74m. Junior Autumn Wosencroft led the women’s track team where she placed 12th in the 400m and in the long jump. Sophomore Destinee Barrette placed ninth in the weight throw competition and 26th in shot. Sophomore Jess Trautman placed 14th in the 500m.
−Courtesy of
Women’s Basketball falls to Huskies after late surge alex wall Assistant Editor
On Saturday afternoon, the Anchorwomen hosted the Southern Maine Huskies where they also wore blue shirts during their warm-up as they recognized Prostate Cancer Awareness Day. The game started off well for the Anchorwomen when they had an 11-6 lead in the beginning. The Huskies fired back and were able to get 11 more points to take the lead 17-8. Sophomore Alex Moore was able to keep RIC in the game with her shots but it would not be enough for the Anchorwomen as they headed to the locker room at the end of the period trailing behind 20-16. Junior Devin Hill had a game high of 17 points in this game. The Huskies were able to get ahead 25-23 early in the second. They continued to rally the points and with
8 minutes left in the half, the huskies were winning 38-25. With 55 seconds left to play, RIC was down 7 points. Moore was able to cut the lead with a 3 pointer, now only being down 55-51. Unfortunately that was not enough for the Anchorwomen. Moore had 15 total points in the game and also had 4 rebounds. The Anchorwoman’s next game is on Tuesday, February 17 at 5:30 where they take on UMass Dartmouth at the Murray Center.
Matt Foley to play summer ball with Nashua Silver Knights Rashawn vassell Sports Editor @TheAnchorSports
unior outfielder Matt Foley has signed on to play with the Nashua Silver Knights of the Futures Collegiate Baseball League (FCBL); a wood-bat summer league for collegiate players with ties to the Lowell Spinners, the Class A minor league affiliate of the Boston Red Sox. The Silver Knights are two-time FCBL champions, winning consecutive championships in 2011 and 2012. Six players have went on to play professional baseball after playing their summer ball with the club. Foley led the Anchormen during the 2014 season with a .373 batting average and .473 slugging percentage, both team highs. He recorded 41 hits and 23 RBI.
week of february
Chris Burton becomes 32nd member of the 1,000 point club rashawn vassell sports editor @theanchorsports
enior forward Chris Burton became the 32nd Rhode Island College Men’s Basketball player to reach the 1,000-point milestone in a 84-76 loss to Little East rival WCSU. Burton broke the mark on a sweet jumper at the start of the
second half. Burton finished with a double-double scoring 16 points and grabbing 11 rebounds. On the season, Chris Burton has averaged 14.1 points per game and 7.0 rebounds—both career highs. He is shooting 41% from the field and leads the team in field goals, steals and blocks.
RIC Hockey ends season on 3 game winning streak alex wall
16 , 2015
Shider’s 17 fuels 65-44 Anchorman win rashawn vassell sports editor @theanchorsports
reshman guard Roosevelt Shider scored a game high 17 points on 6-8 shooting (3-5 3pt FG) to lead the Anchormen in a 65-44 win over LEC opponent Southern Maine. Shider ability to shoot the basketball was on full display against USM (2-10 LEC record), making 75% of the shots he attempted. Shider converted on a 4-point play,he was fouled while shooting a 3-pointer, made the it and made the free throw.
Senior captains Eric Alleyne and Chris Burton connected on a sweet “and-1” alley-oop early in the game that could have been a SportsCenter Top 10 Play. Victor Smith grabbed 11 rebounds and made 3 steals off the bench. Terrance Tribble was a perfect 4-4 from the field including an “and-1” off a feed from Burton. He finished the game with 9 points and 4 rebounds on a team high 35 minutes. Mike Neal also added 7 points and 8 rebounds.
SOPHOMORE Jean-Jacques was named NCAA Division lll Most Dominant wrestler. He is one pin away from breaking the school record for single season pins. He is currently tied for the record with 18. He has a total of 22 minutes and 59 seconds on the mat this season.
assistant editor
unday marked the official end of the 2014-2015-hockey season. They played Connecticut College and beat them 12-2. Junior Nick McGuirl was ready to play when he scored two goals in the beginning of the period assisted by Max Johnson and Norman Vickers. Vickers also scored in the first period assisted by Ben Deluca. The second period was also great for the team as they continued to improve their play. Johnson scored his first goal of the game assisted by Vickers. McGuirl also earned another goal assisted by Vickers. Junior Trevor Medeiros was able to score a goal and have an assist. Senior Alex Murray assisted his goal. Junior Ryan Huber scored in the second assisted by Medeiros. Johnson scored again in the third period assisted by McGuirl. Johnson repaid the favor and set up a shot for McGuirl to score again earning him 4 goals in the game. Vickers was able to score for a second time this game assisted again by McGuirl. Junior Ricky Pannone scored his first goal of the game at the end of the period unassisted Medeiros was able to finish the game by scoring his final goal of the season assisted by Ryan Huber. Goalie Vinny Tudino played for almost the whole game only letting up two goals. Junior goalie Chris Pedchenko went in with 2 minutes left in the game and did not let up any goals. According to Coach Cal, “We had a chance to develop a lot of our new players and they grew stronger as the season went on. Next year should bring further improvement and playoffs.” Junior Trevor Medeiros also had a different outlook on the season. “It was a disappointing season, but there were a few bright spots for sure. We have a solid core of returning players and now it is just about dedicating ourselves to getting better so we don’t miss out on playoffs again next year. I just wish we could have done better for our seniors.”
−Courtesy of