The Anchor - November 19 2018

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Volume 92/Issue 10


November 19th, 2018


Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928

Solar power vs. fossil fuels. Who will reign victorious?

California set ablaze

Victoria Stromberg Anchor Contributor

Graphic by Wiley Sadowski

Sean Richer Anchor Staff


Solar panel farm replaces Smithfield Road Landfill in North Providence See the full story on Page 8

he candle has literally been burning at both ends of California, as two devastating wildfires burn through the state. So far, they have claimed the lives of 66 people and have burned a total 240,362 acres of land. These fires could not have come at worse time, since the people of California are still reel-

ing from the Borderline Bar shooting, which happened just a week prior. The Camp fire, which has been affecting northern California has been particularly devastating. So far, the Camp fire has been responsible for 63 of the 66 deaths statewide, and has destroyed the homes of many hundreds more. One of the most affected communities is Paradise, Cal-

ifornia. The town of 26,000 has been entirely burned to the ground with only a few abandoned buildings left standing. More bodies are expected to be found. Purple Air, an air quality watchdog organization has ranked the air quality in northern California as the worst in the world, surpassing Continued on page 5

Rhode Islanders now have 24 hour triage for mental health services Erica Clark Assistant News Editor


hode Island’s first Behavioral Health Link Triage and Call Center is now open 24 hours a day for people struggling with mental health and substance abuse disorders. BH Link opened their center and hotline this past Wednesday, Nov. 14 at 7 a.m. Located at 975 Waterman Ave in East Providence, this is not a hospital or a rehabilitation center, but rather a center with small individual rooms with recliners. It’s designed for patients to stay there no longer than 23 hours.

BH will employ an estimated 50 people, including certified counselors, registered nurses, psychiatrists, peer specialists and phone screeners. This triage is designed so those dealing with mental health issues don’t have to wait hours in an emergency room. This will provide immediate attention to behavioral healthcare in a community based setting, 24/7.

The stated purpose of BH Link is to ensure stability, provide to individuals who need ongoing care and to reduce the use of hospital-based services. Jim Ryczek, who is the CEO of Horizon Healthcare Partners stated, “Most people will be stabilized and then moved on either to a higher level of care in hospitals or the adult-acute stabilization units or sent home if they’re stabilized or into the commu-

nity for referrals.” This gives first responders the capability to have their patients assessed immediately. Ryczek said, “First responders will seek out people either through calls with the 911 system, or encounter them on the streets in Providence or anywhere else, assess what’s going on and call us and say, ‘Can we bring them in for assessment and treatment?’” BH Link will be offering

appointments and drop-ins for immediate attention. The license provider, Community Care Alliance, accepts all insurance providers, and those without insurance will not be charged for services.

If you are or someone you know requires mental health services, please call the BH Link Hotline: 401-414-LINK (5465)

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