The Anchor - October 1 2018

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Volume 92/Issue 4


Rhode Island College

Established 1928

October 1st, 2018


Keeping the community cohesive A message from the Anchor’s Executive Board


Photo courtesy of Julio Berroa

ithin the past two weeks there has been two incidents of hatred defiling the walls of Rhode Island College in the form of posters. These two incidents focused on attacking two groups of people: those who identify with the LGBTQ+ community, and those that are not U.S. born citizens. Although the posters were aimed at these two groups, their effects are seen and felt by individuals that do not identify with either. These messages of hatred can be felt universally, as an attack against personal identity is something we can all relate to. Posters, photos, graffiti, tweets, text messages, hand

written notes, Facebook statuses, Snapchat stories and word of mouth are but a few ways hatred against other individuals can be spewed. Use these mediums to your advantage and instead spread knowledge, spread ideas, spread new ways of thinking to your community. You have a world of connectivity at your fingertips. Why not share a message of positivity to grab the attention of your campus community? In the time following the discovery of these posters, the RIC Community has exhibited an overwhelming outpour of support and solidarity. Many of you have shown through your actions that words of animosity will

never penetrate the walls of our united community. Those who spread messages of hatred will fail to entice more hatred--they will only inspire strength. The Anchor will not be publishing copies of the posters that were found on campus nor the names of the groups they were branded by. We do not wish to give free advertising to individuals that chose to post these images and invalidate the humanity of others. We only ask that you remain aware that these attitudes unfortunately do exist during a generation that can, at times, feel so liberated. Keep in mind that any flyers/posters containing

hate should be taken down and delivered to the Unity Center, located on the lower floor of Donovan Dining Center. Beginning today, the Unity Center will extend its hours until 9 p.m. These hours will continue over the next two weeks. Also, note that any direct incidents of hate or discrimination against you or someone you know can be reported to the Title IX Office at (401)456-8387. The Anchor is an organization with its doors always open, and we want to hear your thoughts, your trials and tribulations and any incidents you feel the student body should be aware of.

Contact information for The Anchor executive board is listed below: Samantha Scetta: editorinchief@anchorweb. org Jessica Gauthier: Lucille DiNaro: Samantha Malley:

Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928

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