Volume 93/Issue XV
February 10th, 2020
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928
Influenza B cases reported on RIC campus
Brynn Terry
Asst. News Editor Although Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an early Spring, flu season is still upon us. According to the Rhode Island Department of Health, doctor visits for flu-like symptoms are up 3.21 percent from last year. At least five cases of Influenza B have been reported as of Friday to the Rhode Island College Health Services, but more students, staff and faculty are suspected to be infected. Symptoms of the Influenza B strain include a fever of at least 100 degrees, headaches or fatigue and vomiting. According to the Interim Director of Health Services here at
RIC, Christie Rishworth, Influenza B is particularly dangerous due to its long-lasting symptoms. For some, symptoms last up to six days, which increases the severity of symptoms and increases the risk of complications. These risks can include dehydration, pneumonia and ear infections. “Influenza B is very widespread throughout the whole state right now,” said Rish-
worth. As of Jan. 28, the Rishworth suggested getRhode Island Department of ting a flu shot, because those Health reported seven deaths who have received the influas a result of Influenza B. enza vaccination will have less severe symptoms or none at all. “A lot of times it seems the symptoms are reduced” said Rishworth. Health Services, located in Brown Hall, are providing free flu shots for those who would like one. Rishworth also suggested going to Health Services or your primary care professional to see about a Tamiflu prescription. According to Rishworth, Tamiflu can be prescribed as symptoms begin, or even before symptoms start if a person has been ex-
posed to the illness. Besides getting a flu shot or seeking treatment, campus members are encouraged to increase vigilance in handwashing, touching your face and being in close contact with those who are sick. Health Services are asking that students who are infected call and report their illness and stay off campus until the fever is gone for at least 24 hours. Health Services will be providing excusal notes for classes for those who test positive. Those who live on campus and test positive for the illness are encouraged to stay in their rooms if they are unable to return home for the duration of the illness. They are suggesting students make arrangements for meals to be brought to them from the dining hall and refrain from making contact with others. Graphic courtesy of The Newport Daily News
RI lawmakers push to lift ban on healthcare coverage for abortions
Alexis Rapoza Opinions Editor Two Rhode Island lawmakers, in collaboration with The Womxn Project, took to the State House to call for a statewide lift on the ban blocking Medicaid and State employees from using health insurance to cover abortion services. The legislation, called the Equity in Abortion Cov-
Inside this week:
erage Act, was introduced by Sen. Bridget Valverde and Rep. Liana Cassar and would make Rhode Island the 17th state to include abortion services under Medicaid. The Equity in Abortion Coverage Act, was introduced on the 47th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision, which declared that a women’s right to choose is protected under the privacy laws enacted in the Fourteenth Amendment. In the subsequent years following Roe Vs. Wade, several states passed laws to prohibit or make it harder to receive abortion services.
This included the passing of the Hyde Amendment in 1976 that blocked Federal Medicaid funding and allows states to decide whether to allow their funding to cover abortion services. If passed, the bill would allow RI to provide funding for these services through Medicaid and state employeehealthplans. Rep. Valverde stated: “Abortion is basic health care and continued on page 3
Graphic courtesy of co.pinterest.com
Arts & Entertainment
SCG elects new treasurer, pg. 6
Your vote might not matter as much you think it does, pg. 7
The unromantic roots of Valentine’s Day, pg. 12
RIC athlete spotlight: Keyshaun Jacobs, pg.14
The Anchor Newspaper