Volume 93/Issue IX
November 12th, 2019
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928
See “Men’s soccer looks to the future” on the back cover to read about The Anchormen’s final games of an outstanding season Pictured from left to right: Axel Ortega (25), Thomas Aldana (9),
Photo by: Thomas Crudale
Kossivi Dogbey (6)
The Anchor Newspaper
What’s Inside News
new steam pipes
Attndnce and the Student Experience
Strange Days
End of Mens Soccer Season
Punlick occurrences forum
Bake Sales at RIC
Rescue Spotlight
Womens Swim teams First Dual Meet
Mental illness Documentry
Mental Health at Collee
RIC Student Comedians
Patriots Defeated
Police Log
Summer Walker
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News Sayonara steam Campus News
Abigail Nilsson News Editor Unknown financial loss has been evaporating into thin air through the corroded steam pipe by Alger Hall. Rhode Island College (RIC) is primarily run on steam, a cheaper option that was decided on when the school moved to its current location in 1959. When the current campus was being built, it was decided that a more affordable, non-insulated, pipe sys-
tem would help connect the buildings to the steam plant. Over the past decade, these pipes have worn down causing eruptions of vapor on the campus. The last noted steam situation was on the quad several years back, which resulted in the grass dying. The pipe was then replaced with a new insulated line and the grass has regrown. Facilities and Operations received the replacement fixture on Nov. 1 and began construction on Monday. “We scheduled a very short steam outage for Roberts Hall Wednesday on November 6th, which went unnoticed to cut/cap the existing line and back feed the campus with the steam piping installed over the summer,” said Director of Facilities and Operations James Jerue. There is no expected interruption involving the build-
ings around the steam hole or for students during this project, other than the fencing surrounding the area. There were reports of a foul smell around the construc-
tion area that Facilities and Operations is looking into. The projected completion date for the replacement of this pipe is the day after Thanksgiving. Facili-
ties and Operations is continuously working to make RIC more energy efficient, and replacing the stream pipes is one of the projects they have been working on.
Photo by Mark Medeiros
Publick Occurrences forum discusses the future of R.I. education Rhode Island News Sean Richer Asst. News Editor Hundreds of people assembled for a Publick Occurrences forum last Thursday to discuss the future of education in Rhode Island. The event drew over 400 people to Sapinsley Hall to discuss and ask questions about the state takeover of the Providence school district. Providence public schools have long been criticized for their sub-par infrastructure and lackluster performance when compared to other public schools in New England. This has led to the state government of R.I. taking direct control of the school district for a period of at least 5 years. Out of the 400 people in attendance, 100 were chosen at random to vote on various multiple choice questions pertaining to the takeover. Overall, the majority of people expressed optimism in the decision,
however this enthusiasm varied depending on the type of community they lived in. 63% of people living in suburban areas believe they would see improvements while only 54% of urban residents thought the same. After the polling, the open forum began with attendees and reporters asking questions, as well as the nine panelists sharing their perspectives as to why the Providence school system has been suffering. When asked about a potential loss of democratic oversight with the school district, President of the Providence Teachers Union Maribeth Calabro, answered, “I’m really not concerned about that, we are not concerned about the process of it, rather we are concerned with how fast we can get things done.” The Education Commissioner of R.I. Angelica Infante-Green echoed that same sentiment, “Let’s just get to work,” she said. Dr. Jeannine Dingus-Eason, head of the Feinstein School of Education and Human Develop-
Photo by Mark Medeiros ment, focused on the racial disparities in the Providence System. “I have said this over and over again, we need to reach out to communities of color more. Appointing teachers of color should be of paramount importance.” The individuals who roused the strongest reactions from the crowd were Dr. Frances Gallo, and Providence
student Jaychele Scheck. “I have received death threats.” Dr. Gallo exclaimed. “The contracts we have made with teachers have been disastrous, and those who could make a difference have totally caved to the political powers that be.” Scheck expanded this issue of conflict at schools, sharing how her peers often do not feel safe,
and are quick to fall into despair. “Why should they go to class?” questioned Scheck. “We must change the culture at our schools and how teachers interact with children.” This State takeover has only just been into effect, and it remains to be seen when or if these visions will be brought to fruition.
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928 |
RIC strives to “Lift the Mask” with documentary debut Campus News Sean Richer Asst. News Editor As time has passed, attention to the unseen struggles of mental illness has come more to the forefront of the American psyche. The Quell Foundation, a charity organization founded by Kevin M. Lynch seeks to take that trend even further, with a new documentary at Gaige Hall titled, “Lift the Mask.” The film explores the struggles of 6 individuals, all of whom suffer from different conditions brought about by unique circumstances. From the story of Abdul, a Yemeni immigrant who had to escape the stigma of ADHD in his culture, to Kevin Lynch’s own son’s incarceration and drug addiction upon his re-
Graphic Courtesy of The Quell Foundation lease. The film seeks to cover the broad spectrum of people who all face these issues in some form or another. After an introduction from Governor Gina Raimondo and the debut, a panel of mental health experts and office leaders sat down to discuss the future of mental health treatment in R.I. “It’s the person people should see first,
not the condition.” Explained Dr. Beth Lewis, an associate professor of Psychology at Rhode Island College (RIC). Also present on this panel was Andy Moffit, husband to Governor Raimondo, who expressed his desire to see the corporate culture in R.I. change in regards to mental health. “This film should be shown in schools and cor-
porations,” said Moffit. “Help for a lot of people starts in the workplace.” The message across the panel centered around a change in attitude towards mental illness and creating a, “Society of approach,” according to Kasim Yarn, Director of Veteran Affairs in the state. These issues still permeate the country to a great extent,
particularly among young students. According to the Quell Foundation, one in 12 students in the country have developed a detailed suicide plan. This is during what Mr. Lynch, describes as the most vulnerable part of adulthood. With increased awareness regarding these issues, those figures may very well change in the near future.
| Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928
Rhode Island College Police Log November 1, 2019 12:09 a.m. - Burglar alarm. Location: Alger Hall (Library Rd.) 04:00 a.m. - 911. Location: New Dorm (6th Ave) 05:19 a.m. - Maintenance problems. Location: Alger Hall (Library Rd.) November 2, 2019 12:27 a.m. - Maintenance problems. Location: Gaige Hall (Library Rd.) 08:53 a.m. - Traffic control. Location: K-Lot 09:46 a.m. - Burglar alarm. Location: Alger Hall (Library Rd.) 10:05 a.m. - Traffic control. Location: K-Lot 11:40 a.m. - Found/lost property. Location: Willard Residence Hall (6th Ave) 11:59 a.m. - Traffic control. Location: K-Lot 01:50 p.m. - Fire alarm. Location: Penfield Residence Hall 07:41 p.m. - Fire alarm. Location: Library (Library Rd.) November 3, 2019 12:07 a.m. - Assist citizen. Location: L-Lot 12:06 p.m. - Threat/ harassing Calls. Location: Off Campus. 12:35 p.m. - Blue light phone activated. Location: Clarke Science (Library Rd.) 12:50 p.m. - Other. Location: Browne Residence Hall 04:26 p.m. - Check welfare of Party. Location: Sweet Residence Hall (College Rd.) 04:52 p.m. - Parking violation (ticket Issued). Location: Dorm Ln. November 4, 2019 11:15 a.m. - Motor vehicle accident, property damage only. Location: J- Lot 11:48 a.m. - Motor vehicle accident, property damage only. Location: M-Lot 02:50 p.m. - Police information. Location: RIC PD (Mount Pleasant Ave) 03:46 p.m. - Parking complaint. Location: Gaige Hall (Library Rd.) 04:00 p.m. - Found/Lost property. Location: RIC PD (Mount Pleasant Ave) 05:45 p.m. - Found/Lost property. Location: RIC PD (Mount Pleasant Ave) 08:00 p.m. - Maintenance problems. Location: J-Lot 09:36 p.m. - Smell of marijuana. Location: Webber Residence Hall 10:08 p.m. - Disabled motor vehicle. Location: K-Lot (Student Union Loop) November 5, 2019 04:35 p.m. - Parking complaint (ticket issued). Location: Library Rd. 05:24 p.m. - Noise complaint. Location: B-Lot 06:34 p.m. - Suspicious activity. Location: D-Lot 06:50 p.m. - Found/Lost property. Location: RIC PD (Mount Pleasant Ave) 07:30 p.m. - Disabled motor vehicle. Location: T-Lot 08:27 p.m. - Escort/ transport. Loction: Craig- Lee (5th Ave) 09:14 p.m. - Disabled motor vehicle. Location: I-Lot 09:53 p.m. - Maintenance problems. Location: Henry Barnard School 09:56 p.m. - Found/Lost property. Location: Craig-Lee (5th Ave) 10:36 p.m. - Disable motor vehicle. Location: B-Lot 10:44 p.m. - Burglar alarm. Location: Craig-Lee (5th Ave) November 6, 2019 09:33 a.m. - Burglar alarm. Location: Library (Library Rd.) 09:45 a.m. - Fire drill. Location: Library (Library Rd.) 04:00 p.m. - Motor vehicle accident, property damage only. Location: H-Lot 08:51 p.m. - Found/Lost property. Location: Library (Library Rd.) 10:21 p.m. - Motor vehicle accident, property damage only. Location: L-Lot November 7, 2019 09:02 a.m. - Burglar alarm. Location: Alger Hall (Library Rd.) 01:56 p.m. - Larceny/ forgery/ fraud. Location: Fogarty Life Science (Library Rd.) 03:35 p.m. - Suspicious activity. Location: Dorm Mall 03:58 p.m. - Hazardous condition. Location: A-Lot 05:45 p.m. - Found/Lost property. Location: Craig-Lee (5th Ave) 09:05 p.m. - Maintenance problems. Location: Sweet Residence Hall 09:32 p.m. - Blue light phone activated. Location: Craig-Lee (5th Ave) November 8, 2019 01:26 a.m. - Blue light phone activated. Location: Horace-Mann (Student Union Loop) 07:48 a.m. - Found/Lost property. Location: B-Lot
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928 |
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928
Opinions RIC’s attendance policies are harming the student experience
Grace Kimmell Anchor Staff Grace is an English Education major from Rehoboth, MA. (Class of 2022) Grab your most treasured, battle-tested Ticonderoga #2 pencil and get ready for a pop quiz. I know you’re all probably shaking with excitement right now. Question: is a kitten in a pirate costume the same thing as a puppy dressed uncannily like Bynzantinean Emperor Constantine III? Sure, they’re both furry, both adorable, both in costume. Similar? Certainly. Are they the same, though? Certainly not. OK, second question: is losing your grandmother the same thing as sleeping in because you just went too hard at that Cardi B concert last night? Similar? Not really. So, could they possibly be the same? According to many of the most learned, esteemed professors at RIC, the answer is yes. At least, that’s if you look at their approach to attendance policies. The reality at RIC is that some of the smartest, more dynamic people in the world are rolling out some of the most thoughtless, cookie-cutter attendance policies
imaginable. Of course, attendance policies are well-intentioned pieces of regulation aimed at helping us see the importance of being present to our future real-world success. But, the idea that there can or should be a one-sizefits-all approach to student attendance is funnier than the thought of any person (or pup) choosing Constantine III over the inarguably superior Constantine II. Personally, I have two absences in one class; one for being ill and one for needing time to recover from a traumatic event. My quality of work never wavered going forward. In fact, it got stronger specifically because I took the time to recover. And, it’s not like the work I had submitted previously retroactively became less worthy. Nevertheless, for having the audacity to heal, my overall course grade dropped by 5 points. Fellow Anchor staff member Kyra shared a recent and similar experience with me: “I walked into class on a Wednesday five minutes late because I was on the phone with my dad, who let me know my grandmother had passed and they were planning the funeral for the following Monday. I told my professor I would not be in class that day and she told me it would lower my grade and would not be an excused absence. I didn’t think it’s right to not let me have a day off to go to my grandmother’s funeral. I had no prior absences, either.”
The noble goal is to have us understand the importance of showing up and taking responsibility for our own success by the time we graduate, so maybe a graduated attendance policy makes more sense. A no-nonsense policy for freshman level cours-
es with gradually more lax systems for upper-level courses might work. Ultimately, the material presented in class should be so essential to our success in the course/our major/our lives that we go volitionally or suffer the consequences
Photo by Thomas Crudale later. We need to incentivize what we truly value. Otherwise, what we’re reinforcing is that it’s important to be present without necessarily needing to be present. There could be no more costly lesson.
Email Samantha editor@anchorweb.org for more information
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928
More bake sales at RIC? Sounds good to me
Kyra Garabedian Anchor Staff Kyra is an Art Education major from Coventry, RI. (Class of 2021) If you happened to wander through Alex and Ani Hall on October 30th, you were likely drawn to the tables full of delicious baked goods set up in the lobby. The Metalsmithing Club held a bake sale during free period as a fundraiser to help jumpstart their newly formed club. However, this was not without some rule bending. Donovan Dining Center does not typically allow any student organization to hold bake sales for health and safety reasons, but I think bake sales are a
profitable way to support student organizations. It is time for the rules to change. The Metalsmithing Club encountered numerous difficulties while planning their bake sale. The first obstacle occurred when they did not possess a funding account, which is a requirement to hold an event. This financial account is meant to provide back up funds in case there are damages to the property and is required for a club to hold a fundraiser. Because it is a new club, they had no funds to start a funding account. Likewise, bake sales are frequently prevented because of liability concerns. Therefore, it seemed like the bake sale would not occur. Despite the complications, the club was granted permission to hold their bake sale as planned with the support of Donovan Dining Center. Because the sale had been planned and prepared quite extensively, the club was granted special permission to carry out their
fundraiser as long as they followed health and safety rules. Allergens were clearly defined and nothing had the potential to spoil without refrigeration. I spoke with the club advisor, as well as the officers and they expressed their gratitude for Donovan allowing them to safely hold their fundraiser. The sale’s tremendous success provided the club with much-needed funds, as well as a very positive experience for everyone involved. I think it’s wonderful that Donovan gave their support to the Metalsmithing Club and I surely enjoyed brightening my day with something sweet. It seems very common to see organizations and clubs outside of Rhode Island College (RIC) holding similar fundraisers that are also successful. Why doesn’t RIC usually allow bake sales to be held by student organizations? The fact that Donovan Dining Center allowed the Metalsmithing Club to hold theirs tells me it can’t be a significant rule violation. They could have
told the club they couldn’t hold the bake sale and ruined their preparation and hard work, but they didn’t. What does this mean for the future of bake sales at RIC? I hope bake sales can be re-examined and considered an acceptable way of fundraising for student organizations in the future. After all, the Metalsmithing Club expressed to me how they wished other student organizations could have expe-
rienced the success they did with their own bake sales. I’m sure there can be a set of guidelines or even an inspection process put in place for other clubs to have bake sales as well. RIC always emphasizes the importance of supporting student organizations and who doesn’t want to walk out of class and have some delicious baked goods? Graphic Courtesy of Kyra Garabedian
Mental health: how colleges can address change
Alexis Rapoza Assistant Opinions Editor Alexis is a Communications & Journalism major from Warwick, RI (Class of 2021) When discussing college students’ mental health, most of the discourse tends to focus solely on alcoholism and drug abuse on college campuses. While this is definitely a conversation that colleges should be having, binge drinking or drug abuse is usually a sign of other underlying mental health issues. Although short term mental health resources are important, the American lifestyle and cultural stigma must be addressed in a comprehensive discussion of mental health on college campuses.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 80% of college students feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities and approximately 73% of students have dealt with a mental health crisis while attending college. Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health conditions among college students, one in five report having suicidal thoughts. College has become increasingly more expensive and more difficult. Mental health officials have attributed the increasing stressors college students have to endure as a direct cause of the declining mental health on college campuses. Here at Rhode Island College (RIC), we are lucky to have a free and confidential counseling center that offers appointments for any student who needs assistance. This is a fantastic resource for students who need shortterm help or referrals to
off-campus resources. However, for students who do not have the luxuries of consistent off-campus transportation and adequate health insurance plans, this is not enough. This is also not a problem that only RIC has. The counseling center at the University of Rhode Island offers similar services, and the website highlights that it serves mostly as a short-term resource. These sorts of centers are a step in the right direction but it’s important to remember
that mental health conditions are usually not something people can combat in just a few sessions. College counseling centers are also usually unable to provide psychiatric medication for students who might need it. This is not a RIC problem, nor is it a Rhode Island problem. This is a nation-wide problem that takes place on college campuses big and small. Mental health resources need to be affordable and widely accessible throughout the country. College campuses should be addressing the mental health crisis sweeping the nation; they should not be the sole source for fixing the problem. The workload colleges require of students is a direct reflection of our society’s growing obsession with “hustle” culture. Americans fear the shame that comes with needing government assis-
tance which has lead to adults of all ages having to work 2 or 3 jobs just to get by. America is also one of the only developed nations that doesn’t have laws to guarantee workplaces offer sick leave - something that is reflected in college courses with mandatory attendance policies. This nationwide obsession with working all hours of the day is damaging the physical and mental health of our nation and I believe fixing the problem starts with our colleges. We must reevaluate our lifestyle and culture to see if it supports a healthy nation. Colleges and universities are educating the leaders of our future and if the conversation around mental health is wholistically addressed we can gradually begin to address the epidemic sweeping our nation. If you or someone you know is suffering from a mental health crisis please call (800) 273-TALK for 24-hour toll-free assistance. Graphic Courtesy of ch.vichy
The views expressed in The Anchor, unless otherwise noted, are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Anchor or of Rhode Island College’s faculty, administration or student body.
Arts & Entertainment Pop Culture Report Summer Walker is allegedly quitting music in recent instagram post
“The Beatles” photographer, Robert Freeman, dies at 82
Season 6 of ABC’s “Fresh off the Boat” will be the last season
Lil Mosey drops new album “Certified Hitmaker”
“Ford vs Ferrari” starring Matt Damon and Christian Bale releases on November 15
Google buys Fitbit for 2.1 billion dollars
Strange Days: The Ouija Board (Part 2: Rise To Infamy) Gregory A. Williams Anchor Staff Eljiah Bond, along with sister-in-law Helen Peters, arrived at the patent office in Washington and filed a request for their talking board. Unsurprisingly, their request was met with some difficulty; they had to prove that it actually worked. The chief patent officer, whose name was allegedly unbeknownst to Peters and Bond, demanded a demonstration. If the board could accurately spell out the patent officer’s name, then their application would go through. They sit down – take out the board – and lo and behold the planchette spells out his name. The patent officer, clearly disconcerted, awards Bond with a patent on February 10, 1891. It remains unclear whether it was truly a spirit communicating with them or the fact that Bond was a patent lawyer at the time and may have found out his name. The first patent offers no explanation as to how or why the “toy or game” works. It
Sony Interactive Entertainment Names Hermen Hulst Head of Worldwide Studios
Film and television comic John Witherspoon dies at 77
er out of the business and the two never spoke again. After personally earning $1 million in profits, and sales of the game continuing to skyrocket, he was told by the Ouija board to “prepare for big business”. In 1927, Fuld was on top of one of his new factories in Baltimore - a factory the Ouija board told him to build - and was supervising the replacement of a flag pole. The Baltimore Sun reported, “he was standing near the edge of the roof, grasping an iron support of the pole to study himself, the workmen said, when the support suddenly pulled away and he toppled over backward”. After falling backwards, Fuld was able to grab hold a sill of an open window, which suddenly closed, sending him onto the sidewalk below. He survived the fall but several of his ribs were broken. Upon being transported to the hospital via ambulance, a bump in the road caused one of his fractured bones to penetrate his heart and he died. In 1966, Parker Brothers bought the game from the Fuld Company and
is now owned by Hasbro. The Ouija board has spawned movie franchises and has made appearances in numerous horror movies and TV shows. Stories of hauntings, strange occurrences and in some cases, possession, have long been circulating in the news and over the internet since its inception. But is it just our unconscious that controls the planchette or is there really a supernatural element to it? Personally, I’ve had my fair share of unusual experiences with the board but I think the question raised merits further discussion for another day. Until next time - caveat emptor! (Let the buyer beware).
Rescue spotlight of the week
Kanye West’s “Jesus is King” goes number one on the Gospel music charts
Spike Lee will receive the 2020 Chaplin award
may have just been a clever marketing scheme or a way to add further mystery to it. With business booming, the Kennard Novelty Company began to open up more factories in and out of Baltimore, Maryland. By 1893, Bond and Kennard had both resigned from the company due to disagreements. William Fuld, a stockholder, entrepreneur and a current employee of the company at the time, took over the business. Strangely, Peters, one of the original players and investors, sold her stock in the company after she claimed that the Ouija board was destroying her family. She had said that civil war family heirlooms went missing from her home and when she consulted with the board it blamed a family member. The family began fighting with one another and it eventually tore them apart. Until her death she wanted nothing to do with the company and warned everyone not to use the board because it “lies”. Family troubles only continued with Fuld, who in 1919 kicked his broth-
loves to cuddle with stuffed animals and even sleeps on her side. She is also litterbox trained. Cocoa plays well with children and loves to bond with her people, being very attached to her owner. Brynn Terry Asst. Copy Editor Cocoa is a friendly and loving one-year-old Dutch female rabbit. Cocoa is spayed and might be a good bonding partner for another rabbit, but needs to meet them before moving in. She would be best in a home without cats or dogs. Cocoa was surrendered to the Providence Animal Rescue league because her original owner was moving and could not take her with him. Cocoa
Hazel is a very sweet sixyear-old female pitbull who is currently living in foster care as she waits for the perfect forever family. She loves belly rubs and cuddling. Hazel recently recovered from a
Total Ear Canal Ablation in one ear due to chronic ear infections, which left her deaf. She understands hand signals for sit and stay. Although she doesn’t need another surgery as of present, she requires daily medication and may need further medical care in the future. Hazel was surrendered to the Providence Animal Rescue League due to her owners being unable to afford treatment for a common pitbull skin condition. Hazel’s forever home needs to have no young children and no cats, but she enjoys being around other dogs although it is not mandatory.
For more information about adopting Cocoa or Hazel, please contact the Providence Animal Rescue Shelter located at 34 Elbow St. in Providence at (401)-421-1399.
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928 | 9
Arts & Entertainment
Hysterical Night of Comedy: Literally
Sophia Guerrier A&E Editor “Fun fact: I’m not a lesbian” was the abrupt, unanticipated opening to an equally abrupt and unanticipated night of laughs. On Thursday evening at the café, Anchor TV hosted a group of amateur comedians from around Rhode Island to entertain Rhode Island College students for the night. In a half empty café, the other half being Anchor TV participants, four out of five comedians listed took the stage. Andrew Balestieri jumped on stage to spark the night and was met with the most genuine of chuckles throughout his set. Although, he may have begun with essential-
ly shock humor, he eased his way into his set which made him arguably the best act of the night. Balestieri presented with immense enthusiasm and a well-enough pieced together storyline where there was a clear effort invested in his comedy. He would go on to discuss why women should date short guys and how weird the Ten Commandments are but during these semi-funny dialogues it was his delivery that stood out. Confidence can go a long way. On the other hand, Balestieri’s successor, proved confidence can still go a long way even if you’re not as funny. Wole Akinbi would start off by admitting that he graduated from RIC six years ago and jokingly asking the crowd “Are you the same eleven people who used to come to open mics and shit back when I was in school here?" After about three minutes of laughter, Akinbi’s set toppled downhill with his exten-
sive and worn out rant about Dwayne Johnson’s poor acting in films. It was evident the crowd was unamused after Akinbi’s reference to “Baywatch” and “Skyscraper”, films they confessed
Many people were dying to hear Walker’s debut with the help of one of Hip-Hop’s hottest contemporary producers. Since the debut of her album, Walker has been incredibly open about her
mental health and how she cares very little about performing, whether it be on stage or performing a certain type of image for audiences. During her Tiny Desk performance, Summer ex-
Summer’s over Op-ed
Alana Perez Copy Editor Alana is a Creative Writing & Africana Studies double major from Providence, RI (Class of 2019) This week, Summer Walker took to Instagram claiming she is quitting music. She opened her post with, “na fr though I’ve decided y’all don’t deserve me lol I knew from day one I was [too] real for this shit. y’all can have my music & ima head out.” This comes after the R&B’s singer’s debut album “Over It”; appropriately named. This was preceded by Walker’s illustrious mixtape “Last Day of Summer” which attracted a strong following along with multiple cosigns from artists such as Drake and her on-again-off-again boo, London On Da Track. This album is recognized for holding hits such as “Girls Need Love”, “Deep” and “CPR”. London On Da Track produced majority of “Over It”.
said, “Y’all ain’t feeling me though, it’s all good”. Steve Collins and Alex Iovino were the other two comedians to perform after Akinbi, who would also receive relatively mixed, confused reactions from the crowd. Collins was the elephant in the room as he performed with erratic body movements and periodical tap dance patterns when he told his jokes. Collins most iconic line was, “Opinions are like assholes, people think it’s so weird that I have two of them”. Despite a few jokes that met silence, Collins did have high moments where the audience was engaged to some of his antics about sexual encounters. All in all, local comedy in Rhode Island, at least what was represented at RIC, could use some work but it’s nice to see that there are aspiring showmen around. Comedy night may also be a reminder that comedy isn’t as easy as people may believe and RIC should hire acclaimed professional comedians.
Walker, I completely support her decision to say “fuck y’all, me first”. She makes an important point on how the industry, and especially fans, feel the authority to make demands of someone who is also just a person. Her transparency about her social anxiety still has not stopped the unrelenting backlash from some fans and the public. To me, she is radically setting boundaries for herself and other black female artists on the come up. Black women rarely ever have opportunities to make these sort of demands for themselves, both historically speaking and especially in pop culture. Although her stardom came quickly, Walker is still a rookie, making her even more vulnerable to the cruelties and abusive nature of the industry. It is refreshing to see her standing up for herself and being open and unapologetic about it. It has been time for artists to claim their freedom as artists, and more importantly as human beings with needs outside of the limelight. Furthermore,
I think Summer Walker also realizes that she can only create her best work if she is not constantly pressured to chug out her next album. Record labels have quickly forgotten the value in letting artists take their time, so that they can produce quality work. As Summer says in her post, artists should “take the same amount of time that you normally do to prepare/improve your physical but apply it to your spirit & become comfortable with the real you, whoever that may be as long as your not hurting anyone”. Through her lyrics, social media and physical appearance, Summer Walker has proven that she does not care what other people think of her. She embodies her sexual agency, independence and intellect as a young black woman in her music. Now she is demanding space and privacy for herself as a human; asserting that she is more than the public or the industry’s puppet. I hope that she has the support she needs so that she can take the hiatus she deserves.
Photo by Samantha Scetta
Graphic Courtesy of NPR Tiny Desk plicitly tells her audience, “Look, I'm really freaking excited to be here, but I have social anxiety like a motherfucker.” Regardless, people still commented on her flat facial expressions. On Twitter, some people commented on how she looked
to not seeing when Akinibi asked if they seen them or not. By the amount of fingers scrolling through their phones and a few pity laughs, even Akinbi knew the crowd wasn’t feeling it when he
“bored” and used her as a basis for why contemporary R&B black female singers are ruining the classic genre. There is a lesson in Summer Walker’s commitment to herself first before anything else, regardless of “getting a bag”. As a loving fan of
| Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928
The Patriots: undefeated nevermore
Daniel Costa Asst. Distribution Manager Fans of the New England Patriots awoke from their dreams of an undefeated regular season in horror, as they were defeated by the Baltimore Ravens 37-20 in week nine; ending their season-opening eight game winning streak. The facade of the Patriots being Super Bowl favorites was maintained until week nine, in which they faced a now triumphant Ravens in Baltimore. New England will have to prove their elite status in the coming weeks against a litany of tough opponents, if they want to be considered Super Bowl favorites. Of the 8 games the Patriots played whilst being undefeated, 7 of the teams they defeated had more losses than wins. Three of these teams hadn’t even won a game in the season yet, and two are some of
the worst teams in the league (sorry Dolphins and Jets fans). In essence, the Patriots faced more teams competing for the number one overall pick in the draft, than those looking to compete in the playoffs. The Baltimore Ravens are the only team the Patriots have faced thus far that had a winning record (52) coming into their matchup with New England. The Ravens are the least of New England’s problems. The upcoming weeks will pit New England against some serious competition; they will be taking on the Eagles (5-4), Cowboys (5-3), Texans (63), Chiefs (6-3), the winless Bengals, and the 6-2 Bills. Of course, there are problems with the team itself, problems which only surfaced when up against fierce competitors. Week nine against the Ravens highlighted one such problem in the Patriots’ team, notably in the rush defense. The Ravens were able to put up 210 yards on the rush game. Future a d versaries such as the Cowboys can provide headaches for the New England defense. With their running
Graphic Courtesy of USA Today backs such as the renowned Ezekiel Elliot, the Cowboys can expect to exploit the Patriots weaknesses in the rushing game. Even squads with poor performance so far in the season, have managed to wrestle with the New England defense. The Browns (2-6) were able to put up 131 yards with running back Nick Chubb against the Patriots in week eight. New England’s famed offensive lineup may also come up against stiff resis-
tance in the coming weeks. Teams such as the Buffalo Bills can punch above their weight when it comes to a strong defensive unit. Of all the teams New England has faced, they struggled offensively the most against the Bills. The Patriots put up sixteen points against the Bills, their lowest in their season thus far. According to ESPN, the Bills are third overall for least amount of yards allowed on the defense. Admittedly, the New En-
gland Patriots are almost guaranteed a trip to the playoffs. With men such as Tom Brady and coach Bill Belichick at the helm, the dynasty of Patriotic success is still unfolding before our eyes. However, this dynasty’s legitimacy was questioned when put up against a competent, well lead team such as the Ravens. The playoffs will only consist of these teams; thus, the Patriots must tread carefully in letting this 8-1 record go to their head.
Anchorwomen dive into dual meet season
Tayler Green Anchor Staff The Rhode Island College Women’s Swim Team competed in their first dual meet of the season Saturday, November 2nd, resulting in a 59-130 loss to the Eastern Connecticut State University Warriors. Despite the loss, the Anchorwomen had a strong showing in the thirteen events, with Freshman Hillevi Esquilin placing first in the 200 yard
Individual Medley (IM), the 100 yard freestyle, and the 200 yard breastroke, and Freshman Abby Dion placing first in the 50 yard freestyle, totalling 36 points from just those four events. Dion also placed second in the 200 yard butterfly and third in the 200 yard backstroke, setting personal records (PR) in both events and bringing in seven more points for the team. Freshman Reegan Camire, placed fourth in the 200 yard and 500 yard freestyle and fifth in the 200 yard IM, scoring five points for the team and a PR in her IM. Freshman Jasmine Cooper placed fifth in the 100 yard, 200 yard, and 500 yard freestyle, bringing in three last individual points for the team. The last of the Anchorwomen’s
points came from their second place positions in the 400 yard medley relay and the 400 yard freestyle relay, for a grand total of 59 points. In last weeks invitational at UMass Dartmouth, the Anchorwomen came in fifth out of seven teams, and the Warriors ranked at number four, setting up for a “good match up” at Saturday’s meet, as Coach Fontaine explained. “We’re getting there,” he added, “working hard for our next meet in a couple of weeks.” The Anchorwomen will get their feet wet again on Friday, November 22, against the Western New England University Golden Bears in their opponents’ pool. Photo by Tayler Green
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928 | 11
Men’s soccer looks to the future
Jake Elmslie Sports Editor In the span of a year, the Rhode Island College mens soccer team managed to go from the last place team in the Little East conference, to being one single goal away from the chance to compete in the conference championship. However, their season came to an end, Friday afternoon in a 1-0 loss against the Keene State University Owls in the Little East Conference semifinals. The Anchormen reached this point off of a 10-7-2 record, enough to finish third place in the conference. This marked an improvement over their 2018 record of 4-10-2. The Anchormen’s standing as the third seed, allowed them home field advantage for their first playoff game of the postseason; a Wednesday evening 2-0 vic-
tory over the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Friday’s game was characterized by a strong defensive effort on both ends with neither team scoring in the first half and the Anchormen only taking a single shot. The second half was much of the same on both sides, however, a momentary defensive lapse by the Anchormen led to the lone goal of the contest in the 56th minute. While the RIC team was able to keep pace with the Owls offense in the second half, with both teams taking six shots, the Anchormen were unable to capitalize on any of their scoring opportunities. Pictured above: Allen David Pierre (3). Pictured below: Sa-Leem Kamarah (10). “It’s been a great season for our team coming off of a down year, we have a lot of freshmen 14 to be precise and those guys adapting to the college game over time was huge, we had some great wins over the season, you never want to lose in the semifinal but we improved a lot, the future looks bright” explained 16th year head coach John Mello, when asked about his team’s season as a whole. The Anchormen will look to continue their success next season with each of their top five goal scorers set to return.
Photos by Thomas Crudale
Pictured above: Kevin Tay Munoz (20), Kossivi Dogbey (6), Roman Davis (23), Allen David Pierre (3), Axel Ortega (25).
Rhode Island College’s Independent Student Newspaper Since 1928