The Hidden Garden
Illustrated by Masha Lobastov
Chesterton, Indiana
Jane G. Meyer
The Hidden Garden: A Story of the Heart
Text copyright © 2011 by Jane G. Meyer
Illustrations copyright © 2012 by Masha Lobastov
2nd printing
An imprint of Ancient Faith Publishing
1050 Broadway, Suite 6
Chesterton IN 46304
Printed in Canada
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-944967-36-9
For +Deacon Howard Shannon, who inspired so many to open their hearts to Christ, and who loved everyone, everywhere, all the time, without exception. —Jane G. Meyer
To Fr. John Hardenbrook, for believing in me.
—Masha Lobastov
Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way. —Psalm 139:24
I know it’s hard to believe when you look at me, an old man, all wrinkled and full of creaks. But in my heart there is a hidden garden. It took me many years to discover it, which is why I’m telling you now— so you don’t have to wait until you’re old like me.
I found this garden after many years of living with a dry and shrunken heart. It was like a desert— and I wandered all alone there.
Strange weeds tangled up the twisted trees and choked what little fruit they bore. Curving paths, overgrown with mosses, tilted out of the parched ground. And I misplaced my watering can. So much around me was dead!
by Jane G. Meyer.
Sample pages only. Purchase the full book at https://store.ancientfaith.com/the-hidden-garden-a-story-of-the-heart-paperback/
Angry, lonely, and selfish, I wouldn’t even unlock the gate that led inside. A man stood outside the gate, knocking to come in. And I would peek over the tall stone wall and scowl at him.
Sample pages only. Purchase the full book at https://store.ancientfaith.com/the-hidden-garden-a-story-of-the-heart-paperback/