By Lawrence R. Farley.
The early epistles of St. Paul come down to us from antiquity like a flame kindled from within his great apostolic heart a flame of indignation that the people he loved were being led astray from the path of Christ. These are not words of disinterested philosophy nor of cold catechetical teaching. They are words of fire, and they come from one who was himself on fire with the love of God and His people. These early epistles have burned their way down through the centuries, and are given to us now as God s gift through His apostle to burn in our hearts as well.
About the Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series:
This commentary series was written for the average layperson. Working from a literal translation of the original Greek, the commentary examines the text section by section, explaining its meaning in everyday language. Written from an Orthodox and patristic perspective, it maintains a balance between the devotional and the exegetical, feeding both the heart and the mind.