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Jenna Fliesen

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ART] The Messdeck

ART] The Messdeck

W O R D S • I D E A S : J E N N A F L I E S E N

facing it


i wonder, will my death cause discomfort for those who only kind of know me

will they think “why is she incapable of changing her circumstances?”

i think ‘they won’t even miss me’

how will my Lord forgive me for taking away his greatest gift? how do i tell them i'm not just writing poetry?

Located in New York City, but born and raised in Las Vegas, Jenna is a 20-year-old poet who has been writing for 5 years. Her poetry tends to take a focus on her experiences as a Tunisian American. Specifically she writes to make sense of the clash between mental health and culture. You can find more of her work at her very own poetry instagram @jennapoemz.

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