Amusementparks - Increase satisfaction and revenue

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Amusement Parks - Increase customer satisfaction and ROI with ID Bands It is well known that wristbands are used for branding, security, admission and identification. In amusement parks, waterparks and themeparks have they already implemented all 4 mentioned factors but B&B Exporting Ltd, would like to use wristbands even smarter. Wristbands as a marketing tool to increase client loyality, services and return on investment (ROI). As our two ealiser articles about Permission Marketing and Guerilla Marketing is it possible to integreate wristbands with very strong marketing tools and this article will explain opportunities with selected marketing weapons from Guerilla marketing. Marketing weapon 5 - Identity I do believe in 99% of all amusement parks around the world has a clear identity but I don’t think many of them try to strength the identity through wristbands. QR barcodes can be printed on any wristband and you can even design and customize your own with BB777 (Thermal Printer). QR barcodes are well used in magazines, stores, billboards and so on. When people scan the QR barcode with the mobile do you decide what website it should go to. I have seen many companies try to sell different hot offers and promotions directly from the QR barcodes, but I would not recommend it. I would instead focus on customer service and indirect on sell as described in Permission Marketing. A strong relationship gives loyal and profitable clients. Marketing cost will decrease per invested unit and give better ROI. Marketing weapon 6 – MIME design MIME is about to design symbol, pictures, logo in a manner, so anybody understand the message in few seconds. Like everybody knows a picture says more than 1.000 words. Today is the main logos not MIME. Take e.g. Nike. They have spent about 6 billion US dollar, so everybody knows it today. The main companies do not have this amount of money, so better to think in MIME. According to MIME and waterpark. Imagine a silicone wristband design like wave and water with printed identity message and a QR barcode. This can both be used as branding, admission and marketing in one single wristband. Marketing weapon 7 – Theme Identity and theme is very related. It is about summarize constantly what you mean and don’t keep changing. Stay in the same track and keep tell about what you are standing for, so people get familiarly with your identity and unique selling points (USP). Wristbands, website, brochure, flyers, business cards, logo and so on should follow the same theme any time. Marketing weapon 14 – Window display

Window display can also be a website. Today with tables, smartphones and notesbook everythere do you have a very cost effective marketing tool to get in touch with your clients. The wristband is the reminder and your direct permission to their time. So used this golden opportunity very wise and smart. Marketing weapon 16 – Word-of-mouth 30 days after someone have visit your place or invested in your product or service is the best time for word-of-mouth. Also called MMS (moment of maximum satisfaction). Instead of using the QR barcode to selling could you use it to help the clients get the right keywords. Open a site shows great pictures, happy people and your amusement park. Explain the benefits, so your client can easily and proudly show family members, friends what they just have experienced.

Marketing weapon 29 - Fusion marketing In 80-90s main business, companies search the markets for competitors (Porters Five Forces) instead of explore the market for marketing partners, also called fusion marketing. Porters Five Forces are still the main basic knowledge in any business school around the world, so even in 2012 do you still see this hostile approach to the market. Guerilla Marketing does see opportunities to search companies who complement existing services. As an amusement park would find it very valuable to have fusion marketing partners in ex Mc Donnald, toys stories and other places with many families and kids. Marketing weapon 31 – Success stories Success stories, business cases and story telling is a very strong marketing tool. In BtoB is it important to focus on measurable results and present it in a real story. For Amusement Parks could it also be videos uploaded on youtube. Videos of kids winning, family and friends having fun or from special event.In Disney world do you often see videos from Mickey Mouse happy birthday or special firework event in big celebration. Marketing weapon 34 – Follow up The world have changed dramatically with mobile devices as tables and smartphones. In one way it gives opportunities because you get closer to your clients but it also means the client expect more. When you send an email, do you get disappointed if you don’t get immediately response. So important to offer service and follow up 365 days a year almost 24/7. Any request should be answered immediately. Marketing weapon 52 – Referral program Referral program is related to word-of-mouth. Can also be well used together with Fusion Marketing. Get as many as possible to talk positive about you. Social media as twitter or Facebook is well used to do referral marketing. Facebook needs to be used very carefully because everybody can say whatever they like. Make sure you have a clear social strategy. Don’t go social just because it sounds great.

If you decide to go social wristbands are a great tool to remind people about you. Marketing weapon 56 – Gift certificates In Permission Marketing do we often talk about what we can offer and not what we can take. Gift certificates is a great tool and in Amusement Parks and does not cost mush to give few free tickets. Again use it together with QR wristbands. Create competitions for families so they learn the amusement park better. So they have better knowledge to “promote” your business. Marketing weapon 63 - Quality Many companies spend lot of time to tell what you add to the product – it´s what you get out of the product that matters. Focus on clients benefits and never spend time on how much time or cost you spend. The clients time is very valuable so don’t waste any time. Even you have an advantage with wristbands, clients permission, do you only have one “shot”. Marketing weapon 66 – Opportunity to upgrade In amusement parks do you often have accommodation, tickets, restaurants etc. The business have many great opportunities to offer win-win solutions for clients. Always think in win-win when you offer upgrade opportunities because you don’t really want to lose the “Permission”. Marketing weapon 97 – Brandname awareness As mentioned in the beginning wristbands are already well used for awareness in amusement parks. Just remember to add identity, “Permission” and MIME into the branding design. The return of investment will improve. Marketing weapon 100 – Satisfied customer To measure satisfied clients is it well used today to have rating and reviews sites. Again use the QR barcode to ask clients to get a review. They can be very useful to improve satisfaction and also works well in search optimization for sites. More reviews, more activities from existing clients give better ranking in search engines like Google. It means any QR barcode traffic from wristbands can be reused in many marketing weapons and also improve search engine marketing. The benefits in using wristbands more central in marketing for amusement parks are many and even more you combine the marketing tools even more return on investment do you get.

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