Learning LibreOffice Calc

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PC Driver License Calc Working with templates, faster, easier and more fun

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BENEFITS CALC I ver. 0.9 Anders Hasle Nielsen


PC Driver License by lecturer Anders Hasle Nielsen

Introduction 123-benefits.com learning concept is properly the most effective intensive IT learning concept today. It is developed by one of the leading persons in Denmark for learning. Anders Hasle Nielsen has been lecturer in three different universities in Denmark as Copenhagen Business School (CBS), IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) and KVL. Together with the MBA division at HD and HA (Master degree) in Copenhagen Business School was he one of the architects behind the e-learning education system for students. Later did he use this knowledge to develop the v-learning and e-learning concept DOCEO, who won the price for most innovative in Scandinavian in 2002 between 179 other projects. In 2004 did he establish the company DOCEA, who had the responsible to educate the Danish employees in Denmark on behalf of the Danish government. In 2007 did he complete this task successfully. Anders Hasle Nielsen is born in Thailand but has lived, worked and educated in Denmark. Learning concept with clear benefits Early in 2011 did Anders complete a brand new learning concept based on his knowledge and experience from the last half decade. The concept main goal was to turn new skills into real benefits for employees and companies. A real win-win solution. It means new skills have to be clear benefits, as e.g. saving time, and at the same time increase the quality of work. Intensive learning a must Today are companies very busy and have not much time for teaching and keep improving the employee’s skills. Anders has take this challenge very seriously in this learning concept, so now it is possible in short

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intensive courses to solve even very complicated working tasks in few minutes. Even for people who not know a computer. Companies can with 123-benefits.com learning concept improving productivity with many hundred percents after an intensive course. Complete learning concept consisting of level tests, courses, books and e learning The concept starts with a level competence test, to make sure teacher knows the level, so we don’t waste any time. We can start at the right level from the first minute. The classes are customized and build up around the student’s levels and the companies needs. The same concept is working for books and the e learning. All together have we a very strong education system with a clear goal and benefits. After end course will the student again take the competence test to see the improvements. The books and e learning are designed so it helps the student after end course as well. Even after 3 to 6 month can the student take the competence test again and see how they keep improving both skills and routines in the job. It makes the company a lot more effective and productive, not just few days after end course but forever. PC Driver License The student will get a PC Driver License in three levels, CORE, SPECIALIST and MASTER. Core level means the student knows the basic, can work professional and work with templates where make the company more effective. A Specialist can even make small adjustments in the templates and the Master students can build everything from the beginning, so the company can work faster, more effective and more professional. We call it 123-benefits.com So Welcome to our BENEFITS: • PC Driver License certificate • Easy guide (book & e-learning) to working with TEMPLATES • Easier, faster and more fun to work with templates • Turn new skills into routines • Follow your progress month by month


Get full benefits Template General - Lesson 1 Files Columns, rows and cells New spreadsheet Text to template Paste and save Data structure Adjust rows and columns END OF GENERAL TYPOGRAPHY - Lesson 2 Understanding of typography Columns, cells & number format More advanced styling More felds and left-to-right Footer END OF TYPOGRAPHY CALCULATION - Lesson 3 Introduction to fomulars Introduction to vlookup Copy cell to new sheet vlookup between two sheets Use relative and absolute Sum fomular END OF CALCULATION OUTPUT - Lesson 4 Corporate Branding Combine text Combine text in Combine text and cells in a fomular Table style and conditional formatting Create nice custumized output Link to input & calculation Export output as .pdf END OF OUTPUT

1 3 7 7 9 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 19 21 23 25 27 28 29 29 31 33 35 37 39 40 41 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 56

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This book is build up i 4 lessons. Each lessons does In learning do we all remember/learn differently and therefore it is important you make your own notice present 3 hours intensive learning: during lessons. 1. Lesson: General understanding If your personal notes and the book is not enough have 2. Lesson: Typography I also supported each little task with a video. Also 3. Lesson: Calculation called e-learning. It helps you to remember meaning of 4. Lesson: Output notes, the book and the lessons. Everything in this book is build up around a TEMPLATE (view result on page 3-5) and this template will cover the It will say you have the following tools: main needs for templates for any company. It means after • The book 4 lessons are you able to use templates and after a little • CD with working files • http://123-benefits.com/elearning more practicing can you do it by your self. • http://123-benefits.com/test To support you after end lessons, have I design this book • to be a kind of “mentor” for you. As you can see have I Before you start lessons please go to http://123-benefits.com/test/ to get your level testet reserve the right page for private notes.


Important function to make the template works


I am your guide To make it easy for you have I designed the following 4 icons

Important for general understanding


Mainly shortkeys to work faster & easier


Click on this icon and you will see a video guide


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Page 1 Auto format to red when property is sold

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This template can customize an offer for a client in less than a miniute. This page and the next is the output to client



Client details

Calculate payment details in THB & USD, according to a specific property

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1 2 3 5


Only 5 details you need to enter to make above offer to client


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123-benefits.com GENERAL - Files LibreOffice Calc is a similary program to Microsofts Excel. According to userbility and functionality is it very semilary to Excel 2003.


The main advantage to work with Libre Office is the system is 100 % freeware. It means all updates and functions are avaible any time. At the same time is it 100 % convertible to Microsoft Office and it takes less than 2 days to learn. As standard has Libre Office a text program, calculation program, presentation program, drawing program and a database program. It means any company has all needed tools in this freeware program. This book will start from basic so doesn’t matter your level will this book guide you from start to end. Files To start with would I like to introduce you for the different files formats. Save In the menu [Save As] under the menu [File] do you find a long list of files. The most important files are: • The default file is .ods It is a open source format. It means anybody who want the source code to the program can just download it and change it. In your case does it not mean anything accept from it does not cost anything. Always use .ods when you work intern in the company but never share extern • I would strongly recommend to get used to work only with .ots. It is the template file. It means you can pre save style, footer and header in the file, so the staff dont have to do everything from the beginning every time. This book will only work with .ods

• .xls is Microsoft file format for Excel. I would not recommend to ever share this file format to any persons outside the company. The same about .ods, ots and .xlsx • .pdf is the only right format to share to potentiel clients, partners and anybody outside the company. The reason is nobody can change your work and it looks more professional.

.ots is used to keep a clear coporate branding in the company. Same header, footer on all files


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Share only your work in .pdf. Forget everything about other files formats



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123-benefits.com GENERAL: Columns, rows and cells

The active cell You can type here in the active cell This is column A

This is row 5

This is Cell D5

Calc is build up in colums and rows. Columns are following the alphabet and rows are following the numbers. It is extremely inportant to understand this system, so you know exact where we are talking about if I e.g. ask you to add the value 10 in cell D5. D5 means in the fith column D and in the fith row 5.

Try to open Your Calc and type different values into the sheet

To work with rows and columns can you line up numbers and text in a nice structure where are easy to read for any body.


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123-benefits.com GENERAL: New spreadsheet

Open a new spreadsheet. Click on [file], [new] and [spreadsheet]

You can also use the keyboard. Faster and easier [Ctrl] + [n]


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123-benefits.com GENERAL: Text to template House; nr.; Balcony; Garage; Thai kitchen; Price; nr; 1; yes; yes; yes; Sold; nr; 2; yes; yes; ; 2,595,000; nr; 3; yes; yes; ; 2,650,000 ; nr; 4; yes; yes; yes; Sold ; nr; 5; yes; yes; yes; 3,120,000 ; nr; 6; yes; yes; ; 2,800,000 ; nr; 7; yes; yes; ; Sold ; nr; 8; yes; yes; ; 3,120,000 ; Reservation fee:; Latest 10 days after sign contract – reservation fee; 20% Then building permission is issue; 20%; Then foundation is completed; 15%; Then all concrete pillar completed; 15%; Then windows frame, indoor walls is completed; 15%; Then house is completed 10%; Then ready for giving keys to owner 5%; Furnishing decoration:; 50 % by signing contract; 50%; Then kitchen and air-condition will start installation; 25%; By fnishing; 25%; Dollar exchange rate; 29.58; Extra costs; Option 1; No extra; Option 2; Roof Jacuzzi round, incl build in; 250,000; Option 3; Complete luxury furnished and decoration packets, according specifcation; 500,000; Option 4; Option 1 and 2; 750,000; Electric meter incl deposit; 6,000; Stamp duty tax transfer cost estimate 2,5 %. Payment to common juristic, security fund; 30,000; Extra balcon 4,5 sqm; 170,000;

Copy this text to your new spreadsheet

Mark text [Ctrl] + [a] on the keyboard Copy text [Ctrl] + [c] on the keyboard Paste text [Ctrl] + [v] on the keyboard

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123-benefits.com GENERAL: Paste and save

Click here to mark

When you paste the text from the book will above screen dump popup. The reason for this window is the text is one long text string. We need each numbers and tekst to go into is own cell.

After pasting the text to spreadsheet. Click [Ctrl] +[s] for save

Above guide help you to automatic to start a new cell everytime it find the semicolon. Always start to save the spreadsheet. Give a good file name as e.g. templateoffer-oriental-beach-garden.ots


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123-benefits.com GENERAL - Data structure Calc sheets can quickly be confusing and complicated, even for the user who make it.

Input You present all the “raw� data here and this sheet is the only sheet where you aloud typing.

A simple technich to make it more simple and make it easier for diffent employess to work on the same spreadsheets is it a good idea to split it up in three sections (EVERY TIME): 1. Indput 2. Calculation 3. Output

Calculation If you need to do any calculations should you do it only in this sheet. Remember again to have good simple descriptions. Output It is here you present the data for customers.

Rename here

Double click here


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You can change the sheet name by double click on them or right click and choose [Rename]




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123-benefits.com GENERAL: Adjust rows and columns

You can adjust with by track here You can mark a row by click here

Remember to save your changes. Just click [Ctrl] + [s]

Zoom in and out here

Mark row or column [Ctrl] + [+] to add extra row or col Double click between two columns and it will automatic adjust


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123-benefits.com END OF GENERAL • Adjust rows and columns wide

You have now finished the first lesson of this book. • Rename sheets To check you have done everything correctly should • Understand the importance of: you open the file in the folder [working files] called • Save in the right file format. Difference files 1_general-templateoffer-oriental-garden.ods for working and sharing • Good data structure with input, calculation You have learned the following: and output • Create new spreadsheet • Understand the difference between rows, columns and cells • You have learned shortkeys as • [Ctrl]+[a] - mark all text • [Ctrl]+[c] - copy text • [Ctrl]+[v] - paste text • [Ctrl]+[+] - insert new row or columns • [Ctrl]+[s] - save spreadsheet • [Ctrl]+[n] - for new spreadsheet

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In this lesson will we start working with typography.

Easy and fast to understand any spreadsheet in the company

Before we start would I like to give you some advices. • Use only colors, bold, borders and background colors under following circumstances: 1. For understanding 2. For userbility 3. For coporate branding

Calculation Also only for intern use. I would only use borders here and not necessary. You might use a color for calculations cells, so it is easy for other users to maintenance the template

Input I do reccomend you to keep this a simple as possible because it is only for intern use. Give e.g. only the input fields one color. You should also in the company decide a color, so all spreadsheets are similary.

Output This is the most important sheet. It has to follow strickly the companies polities. It might be use of header, footer and colors. In header might you have the logo and in footer contact informations and also a identification number. Again only use a color for better understanding.

Input cells

Input cells


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123-benefits.com TYPOGRAPHY: Columns, cells & number format Percentage button

Currency format Decrease decimal Change cell color

Add borders

Do the following: 1. Move houses to E11:J19 2. Adjust column size 3. Mark cells H2:H9 and click on [Currency format] and [decrease decimal] to cero decimals 4. Move Reservation fee table to B11:C18 5. Move Furnishing decoration table to B20:C24 6. Move Extra cost table to A26:C33 7. Change background color in all input fields as numbers and percentage 8. Add borders to all tables


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123-benefits.com TYPOGRAPHY: More advanced styling Format pensel You find the Format Cells here

Border menu

Type of border With of border Color of border

Do the following: 1. Mark Reservation fee table B11:C18 2. Go to the menu [Insert] and choose [Cells...] 3. Change width to 2 4. Change color to white 5. Do the same for B20:C24, A26:C36, E11:J19 6. Try to use same menu to change background color for input fields Use format pensel. Faster and easier than the above menu


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123-benefits.com TYPOGRAPHY: More fields and left-to-right Left-to-right

Do the following: 1. In cell B2 write “What house nr (1-8)” In cell B4 write “Extra options (1,2,3 or 4)”, In cell B6 write “Client inforamtion”, In cell B7 write “Name”, In cell B8 write “Email”, In cell B9 write “Mobile”. 2. Bold the text and change background color to blue 3. Add 5 input fields with solid black border and white background 4. Mark B2:B9 and use the icon [Left-to-right]


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123-benefits.com TYPOGRAPHY: Footer

Edit footer

Click to add filename

Click to add date

The program give you the option to add text in header and footer. It means when you print it or send it will you on all pages have the same text. This function is very important for 3 reasons: 1. Good for corporate branding always show same kind of information 2. Easy and fast way to remember to add the information to all pages or spreadsheets 3. In this case do we also add date and filename. In that case can you anytime quickly identify what document we are working on


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Do the following: 1. Go to the menu [Edit] and choose [Headers &footers...] 2. Add above inforations to footer 3. Click [Ok] 4. Remeber to save spreadsheet


123-benefits.com END OF TYPOGRAPHY You have now finished the second lesson of this book. To check you have done everything correctly should you open the file in the folder [working files] called 2_typography-templateoffer-oriental-garden.ods You have learned the following: • Better understanding for use of styles and colors • Button for percentage • Button for currencies • Button for borders • Button for backgrounds • Button for increase and decrease decimals • Button for bold • Button for left-to-right

• More advanded styling with format cells • Adding text and input fields • Using footer • Automatic insert of date • Automatic insert of file name • Manual text to footer

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123-benefits.com CALCULATION: Introduction to fomulars We will now start to make our first cal- Because it is [relative] will the fumular change autoculations based on Calc formular. matic to =B3+C3 The formulars makes spreadsheets We did copy one row down and it means the fomular special and it is here Calc has its clearly changed also by one row. If we e.g. copy by 4 rows down would it have change to =B4+C4 advantage compared with a calculator. The formulars we will learn are the following: • • • •

+, -, *, / sum vlookup absolut and relative reference

The column will also change if you instead copy to cell A1 to cell F1. The fomular would change to =H1+I1

So why is this smart? If you e.g. in column B has listed the amount for a product and in column C has listed how many of the product can you in column D When you start a new formular do you always start write the fomular =B2*C2. In the next row can you write =B3*C3. If you e.g. have 100 columns would with [=] it take long time to type all the fomulars. Instead in E.g. could a formular looks like this for cell A2: [relative] can you just copy the first fomular to all the other rows. =B2+C2 If B2 has the value 1 and C2 has the value 2 will A In some cases do we need to lock a cell and change it be 3 from [relative] to [absolute]. [Absolute] and [relative] reference is properly the most important thing to understand about spread- To calculate percentage do you need to devided with sheets. This understanding will turn Calc into a full the same number everytime. We can continue the automatic system. It can save you plenty of times and above example. In cell E2 would we like to know nobody else tool today can make your job more ef- what is the percentage for the product. fective. We need to use cell D9 as an [absolute] reference and As standard is the data sheets [reletive]. What does let D2 change as we copy down. To make a cell [abthis mean? Out ealier example with our sum function solut] place a dollar sign before D the column and 9 in cell A2 can we try to copy A2 to A3. What happend for the row. with the fomular?


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123-benefits.com CALCULATION: Introduction to vlookup The next fomular we want to learn is [vlookup]. The v stand for vertical and lookup just means if we have a value v go and look for the following value. This function makes it possible to choose between different products depends on value v. In this case do we have 8 houses. Instead of making the same fomular 8 times can we just make it once and make Calc do the changes automatic.

It means we have to enter the fomular in B8. To make the fomular go to B8 and 1. start with = 2. type vlookup( and click on B1) 3. After this type comma (,) 4. mark B4:C6 5. type comma 6. Enter 2 for the second column in the selected area from bullet 4

In this example do we have a little matrix with 6 numbers. We can choose value v in cell B2 and the result will viewed in cell B8.


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123-benefits.com CALCULATION: Copy cell to new sheet

Active cell

Sheet1:Input Sheet2: Calculation Do the following: 1. Double click on Sheet2 and rename to [Calculation] 2. Go to Cell B2 on sheet [Calculation] and start a new formular with = 3. Click with your mouse on sheet1 [Input] 4. Click on cell B2 and you can see Calc automatic insert the value =Input!B2 - click [enter]. You could also enter it but it is easier to click 5. From [Calculation] copy B2 to C2 (Relative)


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123-benefits.com CALCULATION: vlookup between two sheets

Do the following: 1. Go to cell D2 and start a new formular 2. Start type =vlookup( 3. Click on cell C2 and type comma (,) 4. Click on sheet1 [Input] 5. Mark F12:J19 and type comma (,) 6. Write 5 and [enter]


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123-benefits.com CALCULATION: Use relative and absolute

Do the following: 1. In cell E1 type THB and in cell F1 USD 2. Start a new fomular in E2 3. Absolut reference for D2 and relative reference for Input.C12 4. Copy E2 to E2:E8 5. Do the same with USD 6. Same procedure for options. Start in cell B10. Use vlookup and calculate both THB and USD


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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Insert header & picture CALCULATION: sum fomular Page Layout icon Change view

Do the following: 1. Go to the menu [View] 2. Click on the icon [Page Layout] to change page view Do the following: 3. Click on the field called [Click to add header] 1. Go to B14 andgrey write Total price 2. You will now use the =sum fomular. Instead of using + for each cell 3. Go to E14 and start a new fomular 4. write =sum( 5. mark cell E2:E12 6. end fomular with ) and click [enter] 7. Do the same for USD or just copy the fomular

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123-benefits.com END OF CALCULATION You have now finished the 3rd and most difficult lesson of this book but the last section is the most important. To check you have done everything correctly should you open the file in the folder [working files] called 3_calculation-templateoffer-oriental-garden.ods

• Learn to work with absolut and relative references

You have learned the following: • Learn to work with calculation sheet • Learn to work between two sheets • Learn to work with fomulars as • + • • / • * • sum • vlookup

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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Corporate Branding So fare is both [input] and [calculation] sheet only for use intern in the company. The output is not just the presentation sheet it is YOUR COMPANY FACE and IDENTITY. It is why I call it Corporate Branding. Everytime you send a file to a client or a potentiel client will the person evalute your company depends of the content and the design.

I will in this lesson show how we can use color in a simple structure to look professional. From our calculation sheet can we even make very details calculation, so the client get exact what he is asking for. We can customize information depends of the needs in less than a miniute when this lession is done.

Any company has a logo and also many companies has clear rules for dress and colors. It should also be identical when we talk about offer or any communication.


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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Combine text in a fomular Insert picture

Insert picture here Do the following: 1. Go to cell B34 and write “Proeprties for sale in Oriental Beach Garden Rayong” Do the following: 2. Go to cell D36 and link to [input] sheet 1. Click icon D36 [Picture] and choose header.jpg pic3. Copyonfrom to G44 ture house number are in 2 different cells and we 4. The 2. You canitright oncell. the Here picture [powant now click in one canand youchoose also just use sition and size...] to change width to 18 cm a fomular 3. If youtonot right and instead the mouse 5. Go celluse C37 andclick start a fomular to resize the picture. Remember to push [shift] at 6. Go to [input] sheet and click F12 (nr) and type the time. The picture &”same “& (we just add space)will when resize in the right scale 7. Click on the number G12 and when [enter]

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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Combine text in a fomular Adjust margins

Adjust margins

Do the following: 1. Go to cell B34 and write “Proeprties for sale in Oriental Beach Garden Rayong” Do the following: 2. Go to cell D36 and link to [input] sheet 1. Choose the menu and when [Page preview] 3. Copy from D36 [File] to G44 2. Click the number icon [magins] 4. The on house are in 2 different cells and we 3. You canitnow lines. want nowsee in the one margins cell. Hereand canstriple you also justPull use and track in them, so they almost go out to the a fomular edge to of cell the C37 page.and It looks 5. Go startbetter a fomular 6. Go to [input] sheet and click F12 (nr) and type &” “& (we just add space) 7. Click on the number G12 and when [enter]

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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Combine text and cells in a fomular

New Rule...

Do the following: 1. Sheet1 [input] has house nr in two different cells. You can add them automatic to one cell 2. Go to sheet [calculation] 3. Active cell B32 and start a fomular 4. Go to [input] and click on house cell E11 and type &� “& 5. click on the number cell F11 and accept with [enter] 6. Copy cell B32 to B32:B40 and make a link to [input] sheet so you can see all properties and prices


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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Table style and conditional formatting

Choose value

Do the following: 1. Change border to 2 and make it white 2. Change background color to dark green for numbers and header 3. Change background to light blue for table 4. Click on menu [format] and [Conditional formatting]. You can choose a style depends on value. In this case would we like bold red if the unit is sold 5. Select the icon to choose the value Sold from cell F34 6. Click on the button [New Style...] and call it “redcolor�. Change font to bold and color to red


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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Create nice custumized output

Do the following: 1. Add the header again from cell I1:P6 2. Add two pictures from folder [working files] 3. Add this fomular to cell I20: =”Option “&Input. A27&” “&Input.B27 4. Link text and numbers from input as above. Make sure you dont write anything in output sheet


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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Link to input & calculation

Align left button

Merge button

Do the following: 1. Link from input and output to get above data 2. Use merge button to merge text cells. E.g merge from I32:M32. After merging use [align left] button 3. Style the sheet as above 4. When finish remember to save


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123-benefits.com OUTPUT: Insert Exportheader output&aspicture .pdf Page Layout icon Change view


Do the following: 1. Go to the menu [View] 2. Click on the icon [Page Layout] to change page view Do the following: 3. Click on the[File] greyand fieldchoose called [Export [Click toasadd header] 1. Go to menu PDF...] 2. Select [Selection] 3. and click on Export 4. Give a good name as e.g. Anders-Hasle-Nielsenoffer-orientalbeachgarden-01-01-11.pdf

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123-benefits.com END OF OUTPUT You are now able to work with templates and if you keep practicing will you also could use this book as a guide for your own templates.

Go now to http://123-benefits.com/test and test your new level of skills in LibreOffice Calc

In this lesson have you learned the following: • Corporate branding. Use the design as a part of branding your company • Insert logo in top • Adjust margins • Conditional formatting • Combine two cells to one cell • Merge cells • Align text • Export as PDF

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