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Learning is... BENEFITS
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www.123-benefits.com 123thai.com@gmail.com
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com速 PC Driver License
PC Driver License
International PC Driver License in Word, Writer, Excel, Calc, PowerPoint and in Windows. From basic to master instructor
The Perfect Concept
We do believe we have the best intensive learning concept and very nice facilities. Creating great skills and experiences
Developed by Lecturer
Anders Hasle Nielsen has been lecturer in 3 unversities in Copenhagen, Denmark. Developed and tested over the last 10 years
References from A-Z
Long list of very satisfied companies and employees. More than 100.000 students has already benefit from Anders learning concept.
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
GET HELP HERE... We can help YOU if you are have anything in common here: • Seeking job and want to prove my PC skills • Have a job but get confused over many things on the PC • Have to much work and make me tired • Self learned but want to be more effective in job • You are leader and want to help your staff to BE better with PC and more effective • You are leader and want to give your staff a great experience We offer the following: • International PC Driver license to document your skills • Learn basic and get confirtable with the computer • Learn to work with templates and it will make your job a lot faster and more fun • Learn the most effective way to do things and save time • You are learning in a nice resort, with great facilities, nice accommodation, inclusive food and entertainment Read more in this brochure about Thailands properly most effective learning concept and is already tested by more than 100.000.
The help is not fare away...check here
International PC Driver License. A great opportunity and help for YOU Core
123- Benefits.com速
Learning is... BENEFITS
PC Driver License
BENEFITS It has never been easier and more fun to get effective on your job with 123-benefits.com The main part of private persons and staff in a company has either self learned or went on a standard course that is not directly related to companies needs. 123-benefits.com is 100 % based on companies needs and how we can support everybody to work faster and more effective. Today have hundereds of tousands students already taken advantage of the concept and we are now ready for Thailand with PC Driver Lisence. In Europe, America and in many other industrialized economies can you not get work without a PC Driver License. Why? Because it GURANTEE you can work fast and effective.
International PC Driver license
You have a valid and objective certifi- Companies knows better what they cate. Great for job possibilities can expect from their staff
Competence level test
A test showing exact strengness and weekness. Easy for you to see where you should improve to be a good PC user
Same rules for all
Learn general rules will give you an The company is less vulnerable over advantage in your job because the for new staff because all are working rules are designed to make your job after the same rules easier
Working with templates
A template save you plenty of times. The productivity will increase for each Anybody can work faster and you too. employees. As well will the quality and You will and can impress your boss if corporate branding you know how templates works
Education material are designed for any kind of company needs
You will have a clear advantage in cur- The staff will only learns new skills rent or future work they can use directly in their job because we understand needs based on tousand of companies needs
E-learning support system
After end course do you have a very powerful e-learning tool. A copy of the lessons and the book. It makes it easier for you to remember new stuff
The main goal is to turn new skills into new routines in the company. The elearning helps each person to implement new skills after end course
Great experience
You will stay in our beautiful and nice 3 start resort next to Had Mae Rumphueng Beach. Included room, food and entertainment
Give your staff both a great experience and learning at the same time. They will love it and they will pay back with higher effectivity
Can follow each persons skills and give tasks according to skills. Can also help each person more targeted with training
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
THE PERFECT CONCEPT PC Driver License is very used in the world and it also now very actually in Thailand. Thailand has many companies using Microsofts Office pack and almost everybody are using a computer in work but almost none knows how to use the PC effective. Our learning concept integrate 6 dimentions into one learning concept called 123-benefits.com: • • • • • •
International PC Driver License standard Modern learning methods where we combine e-learning with traditional class education Integrate our knowledge about staff needs in job (Common rules, templates to effective) Working with competence level tests to higher quality of teaching Working with test to keep improving skills into new routines Learning in a nice atmosphere with great facilities where we combine good experience with important knowledge
MOST WELL-ROUNDED EDUCATION CONCEPT We are properly the only education company in Thailand who has its own compentence system, books and education system with e-learning. This is VERY important element if you want to offer effective learning. Learning is not just above to learn as many new skills as possible. It is a goal to turn new skills into new routines in work. It means we are properly also the only company who can offer an effective output where students get all the necessary tools to BENEFIT 100 %. We can do this because everything is designed in one direction and have only one clear goal. OWN EDUCATION MATERIAL FROM A-Z Example of education material in LibreOffice Calc: • Own Education book – working with templates • Own E-learning book • Own Competence level test
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
DEVELOPED BY LECTURER by lecturer Anders Hasle Nielsen INTRODUCTION 123-benefts.com learning concept is properly the most effective intensive IT learning concept today. It is developed by one of the leading persons in Denmark for learning. Anders Hasle Nielsen has been lecturer in three different universities in Denmark as Copenhagen Business School (CBS), IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) and KVL. Together with the MBA division at HD and HA (Master degree) in Copenhagen Business School was he one of the architects behind the e-learning education system for students. Later did he use this knowledge to develop the v-learning and e-learning concept DOCEO, who won the price for most innovative in Scandinavian in 2002 between 179 other projects. In 2004 did he establish the company DOCEA, who had the responsible to educate the Danish employees in Denmark on behalf of the Danish government. In 2007 did he complete this task successfully. Anders Hasle Nielsen is born in Thailand but has lived, worked and educated in Denmark. LEARNING CONCEPT WITH CLEAR BENEFITS Early in 2011 did Anders complete a brand new learning concept based on his knowledge and experience from the last half decade. The concept main goal was to turn new skills into real benefts for employees and companies. A real win-win solution. It means new skills have to be clear benefts, as e.g. saving time, and at the same time increase the quality of work. INTENSIVE LEARNING A MUST Today are companies very busy and have not much time for teaching and keep improving the employee’s skills. Anders has take this challenge very seriously in this learning concept, so now it is possible in shortintensive courses to solve even very complicated working tasks in few minutes. Even for people who not know a computer. Companies can with 123-benefits.com learning concept improving productivity with many hundred percents after an intensive course. COMPLETE LEARNING CONCEPT CONSISTING OF LEVEL TESTS, COURSES, BOOKS AND E-LEARNING The concept starts with a level competence test, to make sure teacher knows the level, so we don’t waste any time. We can start at the right level from the frst minute. The classes are customized and build up around the student’s levels and the companies needs. The same concept is working for books and the e learning. All together have we a very strong education system with a clear goal and benefts. After end course will the student again take the competence test to see the improvements.
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
The books and e-learning are designed so it helps the student after end course as well. Even after 3 to 6 month can the student take the competence test again and see how they keep improving both skills and routines in the job. It makes the company a lot more effective and productive, not just few days after end course but forever. PC DRIVER LICENSE The student will get a PC Driver License in three levels, CORE, SPECIALIST and MASTER. Core level means the student knows the basic, can work professional and work with templates where make the company more effective. A Specialist can even make small adjustments in the templates and the Master students can build everything from the beginning, so the company can work faster, more effective and more professional. We call it 123-benefits.com So Welcome to our BENEFITS: • • • • •
PC Driver License certifcate Easy guide (book & e-learning) to working with TEMPLATES Easier, faster and more fun to work with templates Turn new skills into routines Follow your progress month by month
123- Benefits.com速
Learning is... BENEFITS
PC Driver License
PRIVATE Windows or PowerPoint
PC Driver License
Windows or PowerPoint
8 hours lessons, 3 competence 2,250 THB level test, 1 book, 1 login to elearning portal
Room, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks, conference room
Room, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks, conference room
500 THB 2,750 THB
Word, Excel, Writer, Calc
PC Driver License
8 hours lessons, 3 competence 2,250 THB level test, 1 book, 1 login to elearning portal
16 hours lessons, 3 competence level test, 1 book, 1 login to elearning portal
123Pack3 4,500 THB
500 THB 2,750 THB
Word, Excel, Writer, Calc
16 hours lessons, 3 competence level test, 1 book, 1 login to elearning portal
4,500 THB
Room, breakfast, lunch, dinner, 1,000 THB coffee breaks, conference room
Room, breakfast, lunch, dinner, 1,000 THB coffee breaks, conference room
5,500 THB
5,500 THB
+20 students can we customize lessons and teach in your company. Please call or e-mail for special offer: sale@123-benefits.com
Dicount voucher for both privates and companies
Number of voucher 1 10-24 25-99 100-199 200-
Price all incl. 2,750 2,475 2,075 1,925 1,800
Price excl. room and dinner 2,250 1,700 1,600 1,400 1,300
Discount -10% -25% -30% -35%
Comment: One voucher is 1 DAY course. You need 6 vourcher to take all courses. E.g a company with 10 employees want to learn Windows and Word needs to buy 30 voucher. Each student 2,075 or 1,600
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com速 PC Driver License
Master instructor
Master in above programs 123Pack7
4 days lesson. Learn to teach, guide and support in books and how to use the e-learning education system
4 days lesson. Learn to teach, guide and support in books and how to use the e-learning education system
Room, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks
Room, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks
Total Every 4th month 2 days update course
100,000 THB 2.000 THB
Total Every 4th month 2 days update course
100,000 THB 2.000 THB
Together with Master Instructor do can you offer courses in 123-benefits.com
Number of students Price inclusive books, competence system & e-learning 1-20 500 THB / student 21-200 350 THB / student 201- 250 THB / student Support Inclusive hotline Comment: You can use above as a Partner deal with 123-Benefits.com or as intern education in bigger companies. You will have access to all our professional education material and experience. It will e.g. say more than 63 Word students are more profitable to use our Partner program
Extra optional cots
Rent laptop 300 THB / day PC Driver License - self print Free of charge PC Driver License and visible in Internet 200 THB / course Converting PCs to OpenOffice 2,000 THB / pc
123- Benefits.com®
Learning is... BENEFITS
PC Driver License
WORD OR WRITER Our PC Driver License in Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer does include the following: • • • • • • •
2 days – 16 hours intensive class education 3 competence level tests 1 Book E-learning support system 1 PC Driver License 2 nights in 3 star resort Food and entertainment
Any level of PC user can participate here.
16:00- Friday 08:00-9:00 - Saturday 09:00-9:15 09:15-10:00 10:15-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-18:00
Arrival Breakfast Welcome Competence Level test General Lunch Typography
19:0008:00-9:00 - Sunday 9:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-17:00
Dinner and entertainment Breakfast Buffet Functions Working with funtions and templates. Lunch More advanced funtions Merge letters Repeting and introduction to elearning portal PC Driver License test Check-out
17:00-18:00 18:00-
Check-in Buffet
Learning basic Learning to handle typography in a professional way
Key compenteces after end course: • File sharing and file structure • Professional handling of design and typography • Learning great basic rules about Corporate Branding • Use a text program effective and fast with templates and write offers • Can merge letters
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
EXCEL OR CALC Our PC Driver License in Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc does include the following: • • • • • • •
2 days – 16 hours intensive class education 3 competence level tests 1 Book E-learning support system 1 PC Driver License 2 nights in 3 star resort Food and entertainment
Any level of PC user can participate here.
16:00- Friday 08:00-9:00 - Saturday 09:00-9:15 09:15-10:00 10:15-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-18:00
Arrival Breakfast Welcome Competence Level test General Lunch Typography
19:0008:00-9:00 - Sunday 9:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-17:00
Dinner and entertainment Breakfast Buffet Functions Working with funtions and templates. Lunch More advanced funtions Merge letters Repeting and introduction to elearning portal PC Driver License test Check-out
17:00-18:00 18:00-
Check-in Buffet
Learning basic Learning to handle typography in a professional way
Key compenteces after end course: • File sharing and file structure • Professional handling of design and typography • Understand to build spreadsheet in a high quality and easy to share in a company between employees • Use fomulars, templates and create offers
123- Benefits.com®
Learning is... BENEFITS
PC Driver License
POWERPOINT OR IMPRESSER Our PC Driver License in Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc does include the following: • • • • • • •
1 day – 8 hours intensive class education 3 competence level tests 1 Book E-learning support system 1 PC Driver License 1 night in 3 star resort Food and entertainment
Any level of PC user can participate here. Primary for sales persons and leaders.
Time 16:00- Friday 19:0008:00-9:00 - Saturday 09:00-9:15 09:15-10:00 10:15-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-18:00 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 18:00-
Comment Arrival Check-in Dinner & entertainment Breakfast Buffet Welcome Competence Level test General - Typography Learning basic Lunch Presentation technics Reputation and introduction to elearning portal PC Driver License test Check-out
Key compenteces after end course: • File sharing and file structure • Professional handling of design and typography • Learning great basic rules about Corporate Branding • Learning presentation technichs • Learning to work with templates
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
WINDOWS AND BASIC Our PC Driver License in Windows does include the following: • • • • • • •
1 day – 8 hours intensive class education 3 competence level tests 1 Book E-learning support system 1 PC Driver License 1 night in 3 star resort Food and entertainment
Windows are for beginner in using PC.
Time 16:00- Friday 19:0008:00-9:00 - Saturday 09:00-9:15 09:15-10:00 10:15-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-18:00 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 18:00-
Comment Arrival Check-in Dinner & entertainment Breakfast Buffet Welcome Competence Level test General - computer Learning basic Lunch General about files and structure Reputation and introduction to elearning portal PC Driver License test Check-out
Key compenteces after end course: • File sharing and file structure • How to use and get confirtable with a computer
123- Benefits.com®
Learning is... BENEFITS
• 2M Electronic A/S • 4K Beton • 4S
A • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aabenraa Motorfabrik Aktivitetshuset Midgård Albertslund Bibliotek AM Hvidevarer Amager Kulturpunkt Amtscentret for undervisning AP Farver A/S Apodan A/S ASA Assistance Attendo AXA Power A/S
• Baden-Jensen A/S • Banedanmark • Bauhaus
PC Driver License
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bostedet Gl. Ringstedvej 3 Bostedet Lindegaarden Bostedet Stubberupgård BP-U Bay Christensen Behandlingshjemmet S\’lager BGC Revision Bo & Servicehjemmet Følstrup Boligselskabet Lejerbo Bondo Kontormøbler Brandhouse Brdr Kier Bridema Bukkehave Bunzl Distribution Danmark Byfornyelse Danmark Bygge- & Boligsektorens Informationscenter Byggecentrum Bøttcher
• Carl Rasmussen • Cava Plastics
Learning is... BENEFITS
• • • • • • •
D • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Centralkommunens Transmissionsselskabet Chr. Hansen CKJ Steel Clipper Danmark Constructor Danmark Coop Corning Cablecon
D2 Real Estate Dahlberg Assuarnce Brokers Damcos Dan Kantine Service Danbor Dancenter Dansk center for jordbrugsuddannelse Dansk Teknisk Lærerforbund Danske Landboforerninger Danæg DEL Dell Den Katolske Kirke i Danmark
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
• • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Det Grønlandske Hus Disa DK Beton Dyrberg & Kern Døgninstitution Gydehøj
E.O Jonsson Ejendomsvirke El+kontakten Ole Hannecke EMI Music ERA Erenfred Pedersen
Falck Security FDM Fijitsu Siemens Computers Flexicon Flint Group Forsikringsakademiet
123- Benefits.com®
Learning is... BENEFITS
• Frederiksborg Amt • Funktionærenes og fællesråd • Færdselstyrelsen
• GJH Automatik • Glostrup Amtssygehus
H • • • • • • •
H Helbo Hansen Handicapcenter Øst HE Jørgensen Heinrich Callesen Hertz Holmegaard Bibliotek Hørkram Sorø
• Info Revision Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab
• • • • •
K • • • •
• • • • • •
J Hvidtved Larsen Jem og Fix JJ Maskineudlejning Juniorklubben Jupiter Cykler
Kello Knud Wexøe Kriminalforsorgen Københavns Kommune Modtage Enhed
Landbrugsrådet Linddana Lyhne & Company Lærernes Indkøbscentral LIC Lærerstandens Brandforsikring Løgstør Kommune
• M.R. Vikarservice
PC Driver License
• • • •
N • • • • • •
Malerselskabet SBM Max Weishaupt Medicon Møller & Devicon
Netdesign Neye-Fonden Norgesminde plejehjem North Sails NRG Scandinavia Næstved Bibliotek
• Orion Pharma
• • • • •
Parkering København PGU Rosenholm PH-El Philipson Wine Profil Service Gruppen
• Randers Centralsygehus • Rehabiliterings- og Forskningscentret for Toturofre RCT • RIAS • Rose Holm • Roskilde Amtssygehus Fjorden
• • • • • • • • • • •
SA Pedersen Trælasten SAC Syd Saint Tropez Sclerosecentret Haslev Skousen Husholdsmaskiner Smithers- Oasis Denmark Socialministeriet Specialinstitutionen Forchammervej STO Scandinavia Støttecentret Råhyggen Swedia Networks
Learning is... BENEFITS
• Taastrup Bibliotek
V • • • • •
V Løvener Vangsgaard VBT Vestsjælland sygehus VIP Real Estate
• Whirlpool Nordic • Windowmaster
• Xerox Partner
• Ølbakke • Ølstykke Kommune Døgnhjemmeplejen
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
Learning is... BENEFITS
123- Benefits.com® PC Driver License
Change from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice SAVE MONEY
Why should I change?
If you are not already a Super specialist in Microsoft Office should you consider LibreOffice
LibreOffice: • 95 % similary in basic • 85 % similary in advanced • 100 % free of charge • All updates included • Convertible with Microsoft Office and other similary programs
The ONLY reason for not to change If you DO NOT LIKE TO SAVE 3000-6500 THB per user Very simple calculation: • You have e.g. 50 employees • You replace Word with Writer • You save 150.000 THB because you dont have to pay for legal software from Microsoft • You pay totally 192.000 THB for a two days course with all inclusive • Your company gets all the BENEFITS from 123-benefits.com concept for only 42.000 THB or 840 THB per employee
Where do you get the following for only 840 THB • Software • 2 days effectivity learning course • Tools to implement in work • Experience to employees with free food, entertainment and nice accommodation • A 100 % valid cerfication system where you can see each skills and • each employee will get a very useful PC Driver License