7 minute read

On December, the 31st 2019, the COVID-19 appeared in China. Today, there are more than 376000 deaths because of the virus. Wuhan was placed under effective quarantine on January 23 as air and rail departures were suspended. Frustration and boredom due to social isolation could have serious consequences even after quarantine. This frustration could explain why the use of platforms such as Tinder has increased
by up to 25%during the quarantine.
As designers, we saw the opportunities in this pandemic context and thought about a way to solve sex frustration. First, it was essential for us to interview people and understand their behaviour around sexuality, flirting online and their sexual needs. Then, we wrote a scenario to gather all the answers and build the story of a persona:

“Mario is a spanish student who studies in Barcelona and lives alone in a flat. Because of the coronavirus, he’s stuck in his flat with the quarantine. After 3 months, he’s missing dating outside and having sex. 2 months ago, he installed Tinder and started talking with a girl who lives 10 minutes by foot from his flat. Today he’s sexually frustrated and wants to see her, but with the quarantine they can’t meet face to face. In the meantime, Tinder is working on an extension to fill the lack of sex with partners and face to face flirting.”
Based on the pain points of the scenario, we developed the main issue of our design project:
“In a quarantine context, how can Tinder fill the lack of sex within partners and face to face flirting?”.
For this project, the challenge was to create a solution to reconnect people who are in need of flirting and sexual relations within partners. So we looked to create a sextoy with more original shapes, while staying discreet and ergonomic. In the end, in order to differentiate ourselves from existing products, we decided to combine two sextoy in one. With an external vibrator and a cockring. Making this product an unisex sextoy.
Going through the model was in this case the important thing to appreciate the size, the handling and to identify the possible weak points.

High Fidelity Rendering
Thanks to Tinder new extension, users will have access to new functions such as sending vocal messages, a quick access to hot emojis, video calls… There is a shop interface to buy FIN(A), the connected sextoy, which will be delivered afterwards.
The sextoy can only be controlled by the partners from the application, if the owner allows it. The vibration intensity and frequency can be set, as well as the temperature of the sextoy. Indeed, it can heat itself in order to increase the pleasure. In this way, using the sextoy is not only a solo experience, but it can be shared with online partners as a face to face sexual relation. This is how Finder will fill the lack of sex within partners.
In order to inform Tinder users about the new extension, a pop up will appear on the app to make them know about Finder. They will be able to switch easily between the two functions thanks to a button, and
invite their match to join
the extension. The Finder account can only be created if the person has matched someone. In the chat interface, if the user wants to have fun with his partner, he can send a request which will appear for an hour. If the match doesn’t reply in the meantime, the request will disappear. The extension disables the screenshots, to assure content privacy. Only people above 18 years old can access the Finder.

Conclusion & Impact
Finder is talking about sex.
Yes it is. And it’s normal. Why theses littles laugh when we pronounce theses words? Why this shame talking about it? We are in 2020, masturbations, sexual relations, flirt, anal, clitoris, sextoys should be common words used in any conversation without exaggerated reactions. That’s what Finder is shouting. Masturbate, today or tomorrow or when you want. Flirt, there is nothing better than the excitation of seduction. But above all : respect. Relation include two person, and without respect it’s a broken relation in advance. Respect the other and also respect yourself.
Respect is the new sexy. Respect is the new strong.
Finder is not just a cool sextoy for quarantine, it’s a new way of social interaction.
Finder wants to transform our relationships with each other. Always more people, always more possibilities, always more likes and matches...to finally feel lonely. That’s the motto of our society: more and faster to finish with: less and bad. Today and for future, we want true relations, deep relations, more «I know, I appreciate, I feel you» and less «I fuck you». And beyond the more seductive aspect of this way Chat: dark mode interfaces of thinking, Finder is also a security. A means of countering the dangers of
Button Colors Swatches Icons #991bfd #57c2 STATIC > > > > HOVER STATIC HOVER STATIC HOVER STATIC HOVER #444440 gradient 60% #cccccc 1 1 2 32 3 Numbers virtual encounters and avoiding having to face a stranger with whom you exchanged two or three messages. 1 1 2 32 3 1 1 2 32 3 Finder adds a step between the match and the date, Notifications on the chat icon > or rather re-establishes a forgotten step. It is a new 2 > on a conversation, under the reception time name intimacy and virtual proximity that responds to the name name name name name name name desire for virtual in relationship without forgiving the human.
Finder is not just a cool sextoy for quarantine, it’s a new way of social interaction.
Our current social situation is a complete paradox : more and more global interactions, virtual interactions, images and text interactions… we know more but only from a screen, touch and smell have disappeared. And from one day to the next, this freedom of escape, this increase in our reality becomes an obligation : all confined by COVID19. The virtual experience then shows its shortcomings. We spot the unknown platforms of virtual work, education passes in 2D more or less quickly too, we even discover culture on the computer ... but where are the virtuals hangout with friends? Where are the encounters? Where are the surprises? Late arrivals? The keys of attentions? The hugs? Where is Sex? Actually anything that makes social interaction human... in fact in 2020 our virtual reality is such a mechanical thing to cry about.
Finder is not just a cool sextoy for quarantine, it’s a new way of social interaction.
That’s what Finder want : transform the virtuals social interaction into something more human. Because today, the question is not how to make our future more virtual, but how to make our virtual futur more human. 15
(follow up)
Finder is not just a cool sextoy for quarantine, it’s a new way of social interaction.
Our current social situation is a complete paradox: more and more global interactions, virtual interactions, images and text interactions… we know more but only from a screen, touch and smell have disappeared. And from one day to the next, this freedom of escape, this increase in our reality becomes an obligation: all confined by COVID19. The virtual experience then shows its shortcomings. We spot the unknown platforms of virtual work, education passes in 2D more or less quickly too, we even discover culture on the computer... but where are the virtuals hangout with friends? Where are the encounters? Where are the surprises? Late arrivals? The keys of attentions? The hugs? Where is Sex? Actually anything that makes social interaction human... In fact in 2020 our virtual reality is such a mechanical thing to cry about. Finder is not just a cool sextoy for quarantine, it’s a new way of social interaction.

That’s what Finder want : transform
the virtuals social interaction into
something more human. Because today, the question is not how to make our future more virtual, but how to make our virtual futur more human.