Astara's Lama Yoga- First Step

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LAMA YOGA First Step

ASTARA’S LAMA YOGA (EXCERPT FROM ASTARA’S BOOK OF LIFE FIRST DEGREE LESSON 17) 1. Retire to a quiet room and be seated on a straight chair or stool. Sit with spine held erect, not rigid, but straight and relaxed. 2. Place feet near together. Knees relaxed; apart, if more comfortable that way. Place both hands in the lap, with the palms either up or down, whichever seems more comfortable. If you prefer the Lotus Posture, or Easy Pose, sit on the floor on a folded wool blanket covered with a cotton sheet. 3. Project a thought to some spiritual Teacher. Ask that he or she be with you or contact you mentally during your meditations. Then center your attention on the Third Eye and the quiet inflow-outflow of the breath. Up to this point, the process is simply quiet meditation. You may wish to proceed no further. If you wish to enter deeper meditation and Lama Yoga discipline, proceed with the following steps: 4. Exhale all stale oxygen from the lungs by opening the mouth and exhaling vigorously through the teeth with a hissing sound, dropping the head down upon the chest. 5. Inhale by closing the lips and swinging the head backward, inhaling through the nose. 6. As you exhale, open the mouth and breathe out forcefully again through the teeth while swinging the head forward to the chest again. 7. Continue swinging the head back and forth with an even rhythm as the swinging of a clock pendulum, not pausing with the head held forward or back. The swinging must be steady, and the breath must be vigorous ... specially the exhaling ... closing the mouth. 8. After completing the breaths, sit quietly and breathe normally. Focusing the attention again on the Third Eye. Feel the new power surging through your brain. Watch the inflow-outflow of the breath as long as possible. End the meditation by of saying the Astarian affirmation. 9. Always end the meditation by saying the affirmation.

Spine Straight Figure 1 Exhale vigorously through the teeth with a hissing sound, directing warm Prana to the Third Eye. Feet Together Knees Relaxed Spine Straight

Knees Relaxed

Feet Together Expel all the stale oxygen from the lungs by opening the mouth and exhaling vigorously through teeth with a hissing sound, dropping the head to the chest.

ASTARIAN AFFIRMATION I am whole ... I am filled with the light. I am perfect ... I am filled with the light. The light fills every cell of my body. Every cell is a dynamic center of intelligent essence and light force. The light surges into and through my blood, making it a fountain of life, bringing purity, vitality, youth and beauty into my being. I am in the Infinite Light, and the Infinite Light is in me. I am surrounded by the Pure White Light of the Christ. Only good shall come to me. Only good shall go from me. I give thanks! I give thanks! I give thanks!

Figure 2 Inhale through the nostrils Palms up or down Inhale by closing the lips and swinging the head backwards As you exhale again, open the mouth and breathe forcefully through the teeth with a hissing sound while swinging the head forward to the chest again. Pause after seven breaths; focus the attention on the Third Eye. Repeat another seven breaths, pause. Complete a total of forty-njne breaths. To keep track, extend a ďŹ nger at the end of each pause, for a total of seven ďŹ ngers.

Figure 3 Eyes Closed Sit quietly Watch the inflow-outflow of the breath Focus attention on the Third Eye Spine straight but relaxed End with the Astarian Affirmation After completing the forty-nine breaths, relax. Focus attention on the Third Eye and the inflow-outflow of the breath. While sitting, say the Astarian affirmation. Do not underestimate the power of this spiritual ritual. Practice this Step until you receive the next Confidential Document which will contain Step Two of Lama Yoga. This document will be included with Lessons Twelve and Thirteen. Daily practice will prepare your physical body for the Second Step of the yoga. It will begin a transformation of the total You.

The Easy Pose is to sit tailor fashion or cross legged. You may wish to sit in Padmasana (Lotus posture). In either case, you may wish to place your hands in Gyan Mudra; or palms up with the right hand resting in the left palm, thumbs touching. In either case, keep the spine erect. You may not always have the time to complete a total of 49 breaths. But following each seven breaths pause long enough to “watch what happens” in the Third Eye. And be aware of the temporary suspension of the breath and the flow of prana throughout the body, especially the brain. Keep your awareness focused one-pointedly on the up-rising Kundalini current as it charges the Third Eye with prana and akasa. Watch for spiritual visions or the inpouring Om sound, usually through the right ear.


LOTUS POSTURE : Lotus pose is a cross-legged seated posture considered by many as the ideal pose for meditation. Third Eye : The Third Eye consists of the optic thalamus, the third ventricle, the pineal gland the and postlobe of the pituitary. Symbolically located physically and etherically in the brow or ajna center. Infinite Light : The Godhead is the source of all light. The light diffuses the mind of humankind. Its presence within us makes us potential Christs, or Budddhas, or Marys, or gurus or any great Master Teacher. It is the light in the mind which culminates in spiritual illumination. Prana : A life essence in the breath, full of electromagnetic particles which your physical form must receive in order to radiate light and harmony. It can be molded to your desires, your will and your mental direction. Prana is what Astarians recognize to be healing power. Kundalini : The storehouse and powerhouse of all the creative energy in the physical form. Located at the base of the spine. While practicing Lama Yoga will certainly aid your physical, mental and emotional health, it is primarily structured to assist kundalini to gently and safely rise as you, over the course of time, evolve spiritually.

We ask that you maintain confidentiality about the formula for Lama Yoga because it is important that those who practice it also be actively engaged in spiritual study and it is only taught to Astarians through the Degree Lessons.

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