The Voice of Astra 70th Anniversary Issue

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2 0 1 9 5 1-2 LIGHT ON THE PATH AHEAD 70 Years! What an achievement. What a challenge!

Astara owes its longevity to the people, through the decades, that have preserved it, studied it, loved it and kept it going -but most of all it has survived because of those who have shared its Light. People like you. Seekers of the truth, the good, the spiritual and the mysteries of life, have found a home at Astara. They have found a place to belong, to discover their self and their own personal unfoldment. Astara has been assisted by infamous teachers, philosophers, scientist, yogis, Masters and intellectuals through the years, and the number of influencers that have provided support and guidance along the way is an entire New Age history in itself. However, it’s the individual we celebrate this year, as the foundation builders of Astara. Robert and Earlyne Chaney spoke of Astara’s rapid grown and world recognition on their fifth anniversary. Astara had just expanded to Switzerland and Cape-town with headquarters firmly planted there. They marveled at its rapid spread across the seas and contributed it to, “God looking upon Astara, and finding it good”. Astara owes it’s longevity to the goodness of God and the Masters, Zoser, Rama, Kuthumi, who have guided it all along from that first day in October 17, 1951 to the present. We wonder what the Chaney’s would think of Astara now? We certainly feel their influence and acknowledge the everyday miracles they perform to let us know they are near. The original founder’s intent to guide people towards living life to the full extent intended by the Grand Architect of the Universe is as timeless as the unchangeable laws of the Cosmos. Shedding Light on the path ahead is the continued intent of the current team at Astara. This inspiration comes form the Book of Life Degree Lesson 1, where Earlyne challenges us to: “Set your dreams toward greater heights and let your souls reach out for yet more Light.” Astara is grateful to be here now, with You, those who have supported it through the years and help carry the torch into the future- for more luminous and bright Light exposure on the path ahead. We Give Thanks. We Give Thanks. We Give Thanks. The Astara Board of Directors



Meet the Team Behind Astara’s Future

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ASTARA FOUNDERS Robert and Earlyne Chaney


Then 1951 and Now 2021

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PA G E 3 8 ASTARA ARCHIVES And what of the future? Front Cover: Luxury Golden lotus background By vectortwins/adobe stock The Voice of ASTARA 10700 Jersey Blvd. #500 | Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 | 1.800.964.4941 |

The Voice of ASTARA is an exclusive publication of Astara. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021© Greg Toews: President Matt Gold: CFO Valarie Anderson: Publisher Valerie Alicajic: Art Director

A B O UT US John Gregory Toews, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Director-Trustee President & CEO, Head Reverend Greg was introduced to Astara in 2003. As a full-time healer, Greg has performed over 85,000 healing sessions and has instructed thousands of students over the past 25 years. Greg’s first teacher Emaho influenced the unfolding of his practice. He is a direct student of Satguru Choa Kok Sui, founder of Pranic Healing and of a Lakota Medicine Man. He has over 95,000 clinical hours of experience in Advanced Medical Aromatherapy, and is the owner of Plant Prana Essential Oils. Dr. Mathew Gold, DACM, Director-Trustee, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President Introduced to Astara in 2010, Dr. Gold has studied throughout the world, in over one dozen countries, including the Himalayan Mountains of India, and is deeply versed in the teachings and wisdom of Astara, Sanatana Dharma, Kundalini Kriya Yoga, Nath Yoga, Raja Yoga, Arhatic Yoga, Kadampa Buddhism, and Kriya Yoga. Dr. Gold holds a doctorate of acupuncture and Chinese medicine (DACM) and has over 8,000 hours of clinical experience. Tammi Lambert, Director-Trustee Tammi M. Lambert was introduced to Astara 10 years ago and is an enrolled member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation in New Mexico. She is currently the chief presiding judge for the Pueblo of Santa Ana in New Mexico. In 2018, she created a Healing to Wellness Court She is a licensed Spiritual Practitioner with the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living in Albuqerque, NM. She has a Juris Doctorate with a focus on Federal Indian Law and is a licensed attorney in New Mexico. Formerly the head of a state office, she was a policy advisor to the New Mexico governor on public safety issues and Indian Law. Valarie Anderson, Director-Trustee, Brand Manager/ Director of Publishing & Books Los Angeles Times, Conde Nast, DFV World-Wide and M Media Group, have all had Valarie at the helm leading publishing and Marketing. She is a student of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, pranic healing for over 18 years. She is an author and business owner and winner of The Gold Ink Award for publishing.

Lee Ann Corry, Director, Trustee Round Table Study Group Florida

Bill Isbell, Director, Trustee, Minister

To contact Astara email us at

MEET THE ASTARA REVERENDS The M inist ry of Ast a r a s u r v i v e s an d t h r i v e s b e ca use of our v ol unt e e r s. O ur out r e a c h mi ni st r y t ouc hes th ou s an ds of live s wit h perso n al c o m m u n i c ati o n s , l e tt e r s , c a l l s, e ma i l s a nd mor e . The i r se r vi c e t o huma ni t y i s th e bu ildin g b lock of t he Ast a ra F o u n d ati o n . T h e i r d e d i c ati on t o ma ki ng sur e “ A n A st a r i a n N e v e r Wa l ks A l one .” is tireles s ly p u rsu ed a nd ma de m an i f e s t i n th e s e r v i c e s t h e y pr ov i de . A st a r a Mi ni st r y 800.964.4941.

Peggy Tennent, Degree Master Reverend P e ggy @ a s t a r a . o r g 3 2 3 . 5 9 6 . 7004

Kristi Forrest, Outreach Ministry 323.596.7519 K ris t i@ as t

Je a n@ a s tar a . o r g

Dr. Matt Gold, Ministry on Meditations And Mindfulness

Samantha Durfey, Technical Ministry

Anthony Guidera, Book of Life Ministry

Jean Bousquet, Outreach Ministry

S a m a ntha @ a st a r a . o r g

Ma t t @ as t

A n t h on y@as t

Heidi Winn, Outreach Ministry Heidi@ as t

Tre’ Bradley, Outreach Ministry T re@as t

Kellie Brown, Administrative Ministry 323.596.7012 K ellie@as t

If you have inquiries or would like information about the Astara Outreach Ministry please contact us at

O H , W E H AV E S O M A NY D R E A MS - B E A UT I F U L DREAMS! ASTARA FOUNDERS, ROBERT AND EARLYNE CHANEY 1951 Robert and Earlyne Chaney met on July 4th, 1947 and were married three months late. Thus two spiritually dedicated lives became one as they combined their knowledge and talents in the service of the Light. During the next years they traveled extensively lecturing, holding meetings, teaching and serving. Slowly a dream began to take shape, fashioned perhaps from their memory of long ago when the Mystery Schools reigned supreme. This dream was to establish a New Age Mystery School, a center of all religions and philosophies, both ancient and modern. So it was that Astara blossomed forth on October 17th, 1951. Astara… A Place of Light… brought into reality from the dream they dreamed together.


Available in audio recording format if you wish to use it as a meditation aid. It is currently available on the Astara 1951 YouTube channel and on the Astara website. Special thanks to Steven Halpern for his musical collaboration on this project. ©2021 Astara, Inc.

NEVER BEFORE RELEASED ASTARA’S BOOK OF LIFE NINTH DEGREE NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME Who knew that the modernization of Astara by a new team of executives, would lead to the discovery of new and forgotten writings of Robert Chaney? The Ninth Degree Lessons, although not completed, had been edited and stamped and stashed away for the last twenty years. It was as if the Masters and Chaneys had waited for the ideal time and team to come along and take the teachings further via this new publication release. What better way to celebrate Astara in it’s 70th year? What a discovery! What a gift! What a challenge to bring these additional teachings into the Light and to the public! The utmost care has been taken to deliver these new writings in their original form. Painstaking efforts were made to hold true to the content that was found hiding in an old desk and stamped “edited” 2001 by Sita Chaney. Discover Inside: The Mysteries of Light & Breath, Thought-forms and the Magical Trio, Secrets to Cellular Regeneration, Mystical Integration for Everyday Living, Practicing the Life Bardo. THE NINTH DEGREE LESSON IS AVAILABLE IN THE ASTARA BOOK STORE IN PRINT AND DIGITAL EDITION. 9



Astara Los Angeles Center Astara Rancho Cucamonga Center

Sunday Session

Sunday Sessions Zoom

Astara New Leaf Bookstore

Astara Bookstore

Earlyne’s Prayer Petition Box

Prayer Petition Bowl

Degree Lessons About the Authors The writings of Earlyne and Robert Chaney have taught and inspired people around the world for decades. Earlyne Chaney, mystic, teacher, healer and internationally known writer contributed enormous volumes of channeled esoteric wisdom teaching derived from the ancient Mystery schools. Robert Chaney is one of the one of the world’s leading authorities on psychic phenomena. He is gifted with a special genius for teaching subtle truths of religion and mysticism, and is recognized as one of the outstanding mystics and philosophers of the west. As Co-founders of the contemporary Mystery School, Astara, their teachings have touched the lives of people in 80 countries. Together their teachings lead the soul into the realms of the esoteric, the mystical, to reveal piece by piece, the ultimate truths. Robert and Sita Chaney amended these lessons. Astara has been dedicated to elevating the consciousness and health of humankind since it was founded in 1951. Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons have helped enlighten hundreds-ofthousands of seekers worldwide. If you want the mystical wisdom of the ages at your fingertips, and to express hidden potentials of mind and Higher Self, you may be very near the answer to your desires. If you seek enlightenment, healing for body and soul, new inspiration and aspiration, you may find the realization of your personal goals and dreams. Degree Lessons Disclose Inner Teachings Astara’s Degree Lessons, the Book of Life, are hailed by many lifelong students of the arcane and mystical as this century’s outstanding achievement in spiritual instruction. They light the way for the seeker of spiritual evolution. They reveal the soul journey from before birth, through life, death and the afterlife.

Astara’s Book of Life

Earlyne C. Chaney

Access the complete learning review and evaluation course based on these lessons. The study course includes knowledge testing, videos and audios to assist you in developing deeper understanding. To take the course on these lessons please go to To become a member of Astara go to Copyright 2015

Astara’s Book of Life - 1st Degree

Astara’s Book of Life

Astara’s Book of Life First Degree

The Journey of Becoming Traveling the Sea of Forces

Earlyne C. Chaney

Astara’s Book of Life Digital


PRAYER FOR HEALING Supreme One of All Life, let there come into each of these who are seeking Light, A portion of Thy Substance, in order that they may make use of it in bringing strength and vitality to the physical self and peace to the emotional and mental selves. Let it be active within them. This we ask in Thy name-So may it be.

Master Zoser


Great Architect of the Universe, May I be a channel through which Thy Holy Ones approach the world. May I be a center of radiation for Thy power. Teach me to travel light, That I may better gain the heights. Break the bonds that bind. Teach me to give myself entirely to Thy service, To attune myself to Thy will. Teach me to lay down the small personal life For the greater Cosmic Life, And to love with the love of God. Master Kuthumi

ASTARA MEDITATION ON DIVINE LOVE “The Love of my heart pervades the world. There is not one being in all the world This love has passed over. It is suffusing every atom and every being of this world. The light flows from a heart grown great with love, and mighty and far-reaching beyond measure.”

WHAT IS ASTARA? Astara was created to help you fully realize the potential within you. Through study of the ancient mysteries, the wisdom of the world’s great religions and the revelations of great philosophers, you are guided down an inner path toward the great wisdom within. While embracing the teachings of All religions, Astara avoids the dogma of any. Astara is a “Temple of Light” that urges you to become your own priest or priestess through your own self-unfoldment. Through its teachings, Astara aspires to help you climb the spiritual stairway to find your place in the sun. Astara offers you the tools to release yourself from any limiting mental constrains and set free the God that resides within. You are urged to seek what is Truth for You. Astara is dedicated to helping you make your life what the Divine intended it to be; full of radiance, light, peace, serenity and continuing growth.



HEARTFELT THANKS FOR SUPPORTING ASTARA WITH YOUR GIFTS AND MEMBERSHIP Thank you for your support which help spread the teachings of Astara. Donors like you are vital to Astara and the achievement of our mission. As a tax exempt organization outlined in Section 501c3 Of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN Number), every donation counts and we couldn’t have made the same impact without your generous gift. Your contribution has enabled Astara to continue providing metaphysical and spiritual teachings for light seekers around the world.

ASTARA MEMBERSHIP FORM You are Invited to Become a Member of Something Special Becoming a member of Astara is a transformative opportunity that enriches your life

Graduation Certificate This document certifies that

Completed the

Degree of Astara’s Book of Life

Greg Toews, President, CEO


• Certificate of Membership to the Astara Organization (Lifetime) • Inclusion into a network of spiritual practitioners, students & light seekers. “An Astarian never walks alone.” Outreach Ministry inclusion • 24/7 Access to the Book of Life Degree Lessons, studies and discourses • Prayer and Healing Petition requests and blessings • Special member discounts to the Astara Store and Astara Books • 24/7 Priority access to Astara events, study groups and live-stream classes & meditations • Digital downloads to Astara Light & The Voice of Astara and new releases of re-published books by the founders • Being part of something bigger than yourself-Share Your Light with the World


Purchase A Membership in Astara: $44.95 Yes! I want to become a member

Congratulations ASTARA

E N L I G HT E N E D DOCTORS REV. TAMMI PRESENTS ASTARA’S SUNDAY SESSIONS Tammi M. Lambert is an enrolled member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation in New Mexico. Her clan is Ollero, the White Clan. Her commitment is to create a world that is powerfully conscious and transforming itself in every area of life, which includes government, courts, the private sector, and any area where there is a potential for making a positive difference. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of New Mexico in 1996. In 1999, she earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of New Mexico School of Law with a focus on Federal Indian Law. Tammi has been a licensed attorney in New Mexico for 21 years, has been the head of a state office, and was a policy advisor to the New Mexico governor on public safety issues and Indian Law. She provided leadership and facilitated community collaboration for policy and code development for several tribal governments in areas such as public safety, child welfare, domestic relations, economic development, natural resources, cultural resources, and health and welfare issues. Tammi has been on numerous boards, both civic and spiritual. She has recently been a faculty member of the National Judicial College located at the University of Reno. She is currently the chief presiding judge for the Pueblo of Santa Ana in New Mexico. In 2018, she created a Healing to Wellness Court, which is designed to address substance abuse issues before the Court from a holistic standpoint, blending western, cultural, and mindfulness practices to address sobriety. In October 2019, she received the New Mexico Community Champion Award from the Mothers Against Drunk Driving for this work. Tammi M. Lambert celebrates over five years as a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner with the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living in Albuquerque, NM. In 2021, she will receive her Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies from the Holmes Institute with a Certificate in Ministry.




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CELEBRATING THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF ASTARA 70 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: LIGHT ON THE PATH AHEAD Astara is grateful for our past but hyper- focused on the future. Our goals for the coming year and beyond are as follows: 1. Increase the healing ministry 2. Double our outreach ministry for seniors and new member enrollement 3. Archive, preserve and re-publish out- of-print books from the Astara Library. 4. Convert all books by the Chaneys to digital format for global sharing 5. Jump start the Astara Ambassador’s program 6. Present additional free classes, study groups, speaker’s series for all to enjoy Your gifts help fund the above agenda to move forward with a healthy Astara that is able to expand the awareness of its spiritual teachings thus increasing the Light on the Path ahead for future generations to come

We Give Thanks

ASTA R A ’ S VO IC E S F R O M T H E PA S T FOR THE LAST YEAR, ASTARA’S REVERENDS HAVE BEEN COLLECTING STORIES FROM LONG-TIME MEMBERS OF ASTARA. WE HAVE TRANSCRIBED THESE DELIGHTFUL TALES AND HAVE REPRINTED THEM HERE FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED AND SHARED YOUR EXPERIENCES WITH US. I COULD FEEL THE ENERGY by Julie Lewis Okay. I think the greatest experience that any Astarian or anybody could have experienced was walking up to the Upland location. And just as soon as you walked on the sidewalk, you can feel the energy. And it was just like you were just based in the white light as you walked in and you could smell the roses as if Mary was there with you. And that was our first thing. Every year, when we’d go to fire initiation, I would be drawn to the roses and the statue of Mary. And then when we’d go on and partake in the initiation, and one of my greatest memories was when I first did it and got my first piece of quartz and that whole prayer time, I was probably four or five. And I just remember feeling at such peace, and I wasn’t nervous, I wasn’t fidgeting, I wasn’t doing anything. I was just really happy to be there. And I was really happy to see what was going on. And the other thing that I absolutely miss is the library they had. I remember going into the library and seeing books on every type of religion, or a trace of God, and just the openness and the acceptance from everybody. And I think that’s probably what I missed the most was the acceptance at a star. Didn’t matter who or what you were, it was just all about loving each other as an individual.

L.C. You covered a lot in a few short minutes, very comprehensive, capable of bringing up a lot of “stuff”, great to refer to periodically. Atma namaste ! Just wanted to express my gratitude for tardy’s event. Words can’t describe. — Thank you Julianna

I wish you still had that location, that’s the only thing I would ever go back to California for. I wouldn’t go back to California for anything else. I know that might sound bad, but it was just beautiful. GMCKS/SAMSON ​by Dickson Ang With this digital magazine Astara has come a long way...but it is a way that harkens to An astarian’s origin. The panorama of time. I am touched by the last few pages because from your archives you featured a photo showing my friend GMCKS known to me as Samson, who is our teacher’s friend, Vicente Ranudo jr. ( whose father Vicente Ranudo sr. You can find him when you search in the theosophical archives in the early to mid 1920’s. he translated At the Feet of the Master into the bisayan dialect) But the life of our teacher and his father is a story bigger than life. you Astara for the memories! 20 Thank

MY VISIT WITH ROBERT ​By Arby Eff I never had the privilege of meeting Earlyne Chaney. But Robert Chaney was always the one that I wanted to meet. Had I never been able to do so, it would have been the greatest regret of my life. As a long-time Astarian who joined as a teenager in the magical summer of 1973, I would anxiously await the monthly publication “The Voice of Astara”--primarily for Robert’s personal column entitled “A Visit with Robert.” I was profoundly intrigued with the enigma that was Robert Chaney, and would often wonder aloud to my father during long drives to the cottage, what Robert’s answers to some of my questions might be. My own path on the Long Journey of Becoming (fraternally, academically, and metaphysically) was largely shaped by what my Astarian studies taught me. And so, it came to pass, that I was already many decades into the Great Adventure called Life by the time I had my own “Visit with Robert.” I had flown across the country to California especially for that purpose. Earlyne had already made her transition. And Robert was alread a very old man. And he was much shorter in stature than I had expected. “Most people don’t wait this long to meet me” he said, with a wry twinkle in his eye. “Well, I thought it was about time, given…” “You wanted to meet me before I died, didn’t you?” he said with a warm smile. Yes, he had caught me out! And I came to know Robert’s mischievous sense of humour; but he was always very careful not to offend. I spent the day with him, and many days the following summer, some talking with him in the little cottage in Indiana where he and Earlyne had met. I asked him the questions I had saved up over a lifetime, including the hard ones that I was hesitant to ask, but knew that I must. (But, as my questions would not be your questions, the answers are not important. What is important is that he answered with candour and sincerity.)

THE MASTERS AND THE CAT By Jane Davis ​ y 20-year-old cat, Sophie Rose, who was very dear to me, was M passing over to the other side and I was sitting up with her at night. And she was on a bed on the floor and I had put crystals and a picture of Zoser she always looked at by her and a picture that Astara had sent as a Christmas card with all the masters and Jesus in it. And they were all around her and she was passing into a coma kind of state. And I was sitting up through the night with her and I fell asleep. And I heard a noise and it woke me up. And I looked at her and the pictures and crystals had all moved and her foot was lying on the card that came for Christmas. The picture. And her back foot was between Jesus and Zoser. Her front foot was on another picture, which had been moved. And it was the picture that she always stared at. Her front foot was on that. And there was a crystal lotus and I couldn’t find it. And I bent over closer and it had been moved and was resting under her head, like a pillow. And she was gone. And it was

While he was by no means oblivious to his magnetic personality, he made it clear that he did not want to be considered as anyone’s “Guru”. He emphasized that “we are all students on the path” and he freely admitted that even Astara did not have all the answers, saying “there is much that we still don’t know” and that, while there will be growing pains, Astara will continue to grow and change over the years. When pressed by me with the admittedly unrealistic task of synthesizing his entire philosophy of life into a single sentence, he paused and then said, “You are what you think.” Robert conducted himself with a quite dignity during the time of his daughter Sita’s illness. And he was a great psychic-- always knowing in advance specifics about little gifts that I would bring him, such as a book that went with some Norse Runes that I had made. He readily admitted to his mistakes. I heard him joke that he had earned the right to be a bit “cranky” in his old age. (And apparently this is something that he would occasionally say.) But he magnanimously took that back in one of his last Voice articles. Though he did not wish to be put on a pedestal, to me Robert was a man set apart from other men. (Yes, he was a great Mystic and “synthesizer” of the esoteric.) But he was primarily set apart from other men by his Humanity. He was a man of humility, sincerity, and compassion, who had successfully avoided the dangerous traps of the ego that are so easy to fall into. And he was a man who lived and breathed the spirit of immortality. To hear him say “We will meet again” was to know it to be true. (A grateful Astarian.)

I am so grateful for your prayers and support at this time. I am so grateful to be an Astarian at this time of my life. I am indebted to you all at Astara.

just amazing to me. And I had been calling on them to help her pass over, and this, I feel, was the answer. “She’s with us now.” And knowing how crazy the world is and how busy the masters are, to know that they were aware of me and my little cat when she passed over just was so amazing to me. And that I had this demonstration that she was being cared for. And I just thought that was one of the most amazing things that had ever happened to me in my 30 years of being at Astara and I hope that is-

ASTA R A ’ S VO IC E S F R O M T H E PA S T HEALING ENERGY ​by Jo McDowell I just hope that my story can help in any other person’s understanding of what it means to be an Astarian and the experiences throughout our lifetime, of Astara and how powerful it can be. The story I wanted to share was in the 70s and I’m gathering it was shortly after Astara moved to Upland , the first chapel, and it was Easter Sunday. And the reason that the memory got triggered and everything was... Peggy was telling me about her story of when she first visited Astara and she sat on the left side, as you come in to the door, well, not in the same place you are now. And she had the light shining through the purple stained glass window. And it just shined on her. It just made me remember of that day, that Easter Sunday, when I went to a service and I took a friend with me. He went along with me and when we went in the congregation was pretty full. We were about the last people to come in. We sat on the right hand side next to the last aisle. And we were sitting there and it was such a beautiful day, a beautiful Easter day. Like an Indian summer day, the windows were open and it was just lovely. And the service was lovely, and Dr. Arlene and Dr. Robert were up at the front and she was giving her service and I was listening intently. And as I was sitting there, it felt like an electrical heat at the very top of my head, but it wasn’t anything uncomfortable. But it just kind of flowed down through my head and down just very slowly through my body. But it was a very, very intense heat, like an electrical heat, like I said. And in fact, at one point I wasn’t uncomfortable in any way. I actually thought, did the temperature rise outside? I actually looked out the window to see if the temperature... Well, I guess that’s how naive I was, but I was trying to understand why I was suddenly so hot. And Dr. Arleen had raised her hands and I skipped the place. She raised her hands and she said that healing energy was not flowing from her but through her to the congregation. And she held her hands up, straight up towards the congregation. But I wasn’t understanding what she was really meaning. And about that moment, that time I heard a lady sitting directly behind me, she leaned over to her partner who was there and said, and whispered to him, I could hear. She whispered, “I’m freezing to death.” And I thought, wow, how odd is that? I’m sitting here burning up and she’s freezing to death. How odd is that? And then about that time, Dr. Arleen said, “Those of you who can feel the healing energies that are flowing will feel intense heat or extreme cold.”

And suddenly it was understandable. Oh, that’s what it is. Oh, this is powerful stuff. And so I’m sitting there and about that time, Dr. Arleen again, she continues the service. And then she says, “For those of you who can feel this healing energy, please stand so that you can feel the full benefit of the healing.” And honestly, Christie, when I stood up, it was so powerful. I expected the whole congregation to stand up. I really did. I just expected everyone to stand up at that moment. And when I looked over, I stood up, the lady behind me stood up and about, I’ll say about seven to eight other people in the whole congregation stood up. And I was surprised at that. That more people didn’t stand. And I looked down at my friend and I whispered to him, “You can’t feel this?” And he shook his head, no. He says, no. In fact, he kind of looked kind of funny at me. He says, “No, don’t feel it.” And so I said, “Well, oh, howdy then.” And so I turned around and then just soaked it in like a sponge. And it was so awe inspiring actually to have this experience. And I’ll have to say that after the service was over and when we were leaving and Dr. Robert was at the door shaking everyone’s hand as we left, I was in a complete state of awe. Just pure awe as I left. And of course it was about all I could talk about on the way home. I was like, “That was amazing. Amazing healing energy.” It was just clarifying things for me or confirming the evidence of Astara. It confirmed what every experience I had already had was absolutely the truth. And I’ll never forget just this lovely experience. So, that’s what I wanted to share is that I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s ever experience that healing energy, because I know that even if I can’t feel it that intensely anymore, I know it’s just as real. More real than the air we breathe, as Dr. Arleen would say. More real than the air we breathe. And so, I’m always forever grateful for that experience. And I’m glad I can share it with you. And I hope you can clean that up a bit for me.

Thank you so much for this meditation! I have been doing it almost everyday since the video came out. It feels like getting daily hugs from Angels! — Christina

INSPIRED AT A YOUNG AGE ​By Alexander Nasif Lopez I think it was the summer of 1966 when I first visited the Estar Temple in Los Angeles, California. It was a quiet little church. Robert and Arlene Cheney, the founders of Astara, had an 11:00 AM service every Sunday.

I have b een my LIFE a member sin ce 1989 much m …started me and it c on my t ore !!! I hanged rue pat am eter so man h and s nally gr y other o a s who f “Call” a ound A teful Astara! L nd “fou s ike t a n r d a… I he happen ” it in a ard the e n really L d to pick up an ewspaper ad th OL !) I w d read. STRANG at I just as fortu when E nate to E… (No arlyne have be and Ro , also, w bert en a as b led by E lessed with th were in the ph round y e Fire In arlyne ( an ene itiation sical. I, rgy I w c e remo ill neve r forget ny !!! ) — Nam aste’ Ja n

How did I find it? I lived nearby, a few blocks. And one day I passed by and I read the sign up front that said, it said, “Church of All Religions.” And that attracted my attention. I like what Robert said and how he said it. He was so inspiring for an 18 year old guy from just fresh out of high school in North Dakota. I soon signed up for Astart Book of Life Lessons. I still have them. They’re stacked up right under my desk. And when I want some inspiration, I read some of them. The beauty of the teachings is that they seem to invite me to keep on learning about the old mystery schools. And I studied them. I read all the lessons several times throughout my life, and they inspire me to devote in that direction. I became student of the spirit, as it relates to human beings on the universe in general. I think this Astara lessons, I’ll call them the lessons, inspired me to go to college. They gave me the courage to confront life and to apply the various principles and the lessons to my daily living. But of course, I saw the principles and apply them according to my understanding, when I was 18, 19. And anyway, when I was 18, as I said I had graduated from high school, and I decided to leave the upper Midwest, and then hitchhiked to California. Took me about a week to reach Los Angeles. I started looking for a job, I soon got it, washing dishes. Took me, well, this is about the time I was renting a bungalow, a half a block from Los Angeles City College, where I enrolled. And about that time, I found that the Astara Church, a few blocks from where I lived, in Los Angeles, where our building was located at that time-Mariposa Avenue, near Third Street in Los Angeles. I always kept in mind the Astara teachings. I was not able or willing as a teenager, and giving the time of place, Los Angeles to always follow the teachings. But I often thought about it. I remember visualizing pure white light of the Christ as described in the lessons. And then I switched my insecurities as a teenager. I made me feel confident in most areas of my life. And the lessons were like a North Star to me, although I knew I was building on my Christian Protestant background. This was unusual. But that’s the way I saw it and see it. You have to build from where you are.

Back then is now I am sure I had daily divine interventions on my behalf. Sometimes I was aware of those interventions. Most of the times I was not aware of them, but they happened anyway. For example, at that time, way back in the era when I’m speaking about, I was on a vacation, traveling by automobile from Monterrey, Mexico, my hometown, through winding a narrow highway. I was going up a mountain driving north to Texas, when a big truck, big truck at the top of the highway, coming towards us of course, and coming at... speeding towards us. It started sidewinding and swinging dangerously on its way down. A friend of mine was driving my car. My father was with us. Our driver, Frank, must have been an excellent driver. And God, must of delivered us from a deadly crash because we were within inches of being hit by the out of control truck. But we made it through without a scratch. We had to stop right after the near accident in the middle of nowhere just to catch our breath. And we were delivered sound and safe. We got back to the states feeling very grateful. And that’s my story for now. I have many but time is limited. So thank you again, and God bless. 23

ASTA R A ’ S VO IC E S F R O M T H E PA S T WORLD TRAVELS WITH ASTARA by Bob ​ Well, in let’s see, ‘94 when I was in Peru up to Machu Picchu. Dr. Sanchez took us up to a place there for have a little meeting. And as we was asking permission to enter, I had my eyes closed. I seen like a ] there with a guard. And then as I closed my eyes again, the guard was gone. Well, then we moved up a little farther, we was just asking permission and to go in. And so then we moved up a little farther, and every time I closed my eyes there, I seen this cave with a tunnel. And so I couldn’t speak Spanish, Dr. Sanchez, that’s all he spoke. So I got the interpreter to ask him if there was a tunnel connected with that place. And he kind of laughed, he said, “Yeah, there was.” But he said, “That big granite slab is shifted and closed it off.” And I could see that, but apparently there was a tunnel there, I don’t know, I had different experiences. We were going up there (Sinai Peninsula Egypt) And the guy wanted me to ride the camel, and I wanted to walk up there. Well, he followed me along, tried to get me to ride that camel. Till we went about a mile, and we stopped for a rest, and I see I wasn’t going to make it. So I rode that camel up there. They said it was nine miles, so I must’ve rode it about seven. Because it only goes about a mile from the top, then you have to walk the rest. So we were up there. We left to get up there, see the sunrise. We left about two o’clock in the morning, I guess, to get up there to see the sunrise. And so I made it up to the top all right. Boy, it was cold up there, the wind was blowing. But it was nice the next morning. I walked all the way back down, and I was weak then. And along come a guide and a tourist police. And they got a hold of me, walked me down there. And they kept going, kept going, the trail was winding back and forth. I’d see the monastery down at the bottom, and it didn’t seem like I was getting any closer. And I said, “Are you guys just taking me around in a circle here?” And they laughed about it. And they said, “Oh, we got people does this that are 80 years old. That you can come back in 10 years.” I said, “I don’t think so.” the way I felt then. I got down to the bottom and I was done for, I laid down on a slab there, a concrete slab right in the sun. I heard Steve saying something, telling me I better move out of the sun. I said, “I’m not moving. I can’t move.” I went twice to Egypt, and I went to Greece. And on the Greece tour, we took a seven-day cruise out of Athens, and we went over to Istanbul, Turkey. And then we came back across the Aegean Sea to the Greek islands, and stopped at all the different Greek islands for a while. Santorini was my favorite. Well, the scenery I could see from down the bay was way up on a high cliff there.

And I didn’t go up with them there, I took a side trip on that. So they took me around the other end of the island. There was a town that had been covered up with a volcano some time before, and they was excavating that. So I took a side trip to go see that. (Pompeii). I did ride the cable car back down at night. They wouldn’t let you ride the donkeys back down from there. It was too wild doing that, and they couldn’t take a chance. When we went to France and Spain, we went down to... I have trouble thinking of names, where they do the healing in France. Lourdes. Well, I was in there. There wasn’t really anything wrong with me, but I went and took a bath there anyway. I felt so good, I went back the next morning and took another one in the healing waters. Yeah, the healing waters. You know, I remember Astara had brought back some of that healing water. And we had it for years, and years, and years, that healing water that you guys took a bath in. And Astara brought some of those healing waters home. Ruby was with us on that trip, because I remember I’d just come back from getting some of that water. I got back to the hotel, and she was just coming out. And she didn’t know just where it was, or she wanted somebody to walk down there with her to get some. So I turned around and went back with her to get that. We rode the bus from there to the Pyrenees mountains, and boy, that scenery was nice there. Over into Spain, and things seemed to be holding us up there. And Steve was getting excited, he thought we wasn’t going to get there in time. We had to change and take a small bus then, because the big bus we was on couldn’t get up [inaudible 00:10:36] up the mountain there. We went to... Oh, here I go again. I can’t remember where Mary appeared to the kids there. Fatima. And we went up there and had our ceremony and all, and come back down. We were all on the bus. And Dr. Robert, he was thirsty, he went to get a drink of water. He went into a little bar there to get some water. And a lady happened to be in there, recognized him. She was traveling with one of the visionaries that was there before. And so she recognized Dr. Robert, and got talking to her, and so he got us all back out there. So we got to meet one of the visionaries that had been there when Mary appeared to them. She doesn’t live there anymore, but she just happened to be there at that time. And so we got to talk with her. And then after we left there, that was the end of the trip back to Madrid. But I had signed up for a week extension, and we went down to Costa del Sol, the southern coast of Spain, and spent a week there. And then one day, they took us across the Straits of Gibraltar there to Tangiers. We got a tour of that. Well, it really wasn’t so special, it was just another place we got to go to. I didn’t really see much of anything I cared for there.

Except they pulled a good one on me there. We went into a place for have lunch, and they had this dancer around there. And I don’t know how they worked it, I think one of my friends set it up. She went around there, and they’d passed a plate of desserts round. I just went to reach for something, and she threw a veil or something over my head. And when she took it back off my head, they snapped a picture. And it looked like I’d been drinking or something from seeing that picture. I don’t know which one of them, I think Ed Nager was the one that set that up. Peru, I think was my favorite trip. Machu Picchu, I liked that pretty well. I didn’t go up there. I asked Dr. Robert if there was a reason to go up there. And he said, “The only reason I can see is so you can say you’ve been there.” And so I said, “Well... “ I didn’t feel I needed that. So, yeah, I remember in the video of Dr. Ruby having a time coming. It’s pretty rough trail, I guess, going up there. I’ve seen pictures of her trying to come down from there. They had one girl, they told me, that had slipped and just about fell over the side. And one of them who was with her grabbed her, and held her till they could get her back up on there. And boy, it’s a long way down. If she’d have fell there, that would’ve... But I’ve been there to Machu Picchu twice, and that’s I think my favorite trip there, was Peru.

I took a swing at him and he left me alone then. A little later we went out, I’d heard about these two young guys out there. And see them headed for us, I said, “No, stop right there. We’ll have none of that.” Thailand. We got there, there’s quite a few members over there. And they had a meeting for us that night. And down at the meeting, they wanted us to come outside. And they had a deal set up with fireworks, set them fireworks all off. And then after they was all done, it lit up, it said, “Greetings, Astarians.” The first day, a bunch of them went on a bus trip with us. And we went to a place where they had the elephants, and they put on a show out there for us. And then they brought the elephants up for us to feed, gave us sugarcane, and bananas, and stuff to feed the elephants. Then we flew up to, I think it was Chiang Mai, to see the silver factory, we went through there. And we went to the umbrella factory to make them little umbrellas and all. And they even make the paper there for them. I got to sit down on a stump there, and work a little how they make that paper.

I am blessed to be part of theosophy, Astara and Pranic Healing, We are One… Thank you for the wonderful session.

In ‘92, ‘94. Yeah, we went there (Lake Titicaca) that time. The second trip in 2002, we didn’t go there. Well, I didn’t have any experience or hear anything about that there. We had three boats went for our group. And then we had a ceremony out on the lake. And then we had menWe had an Indian with us there, I can’t think now what you call them. He did his ceremony for us then, out there on the water. Then we took them little boats over to a reed island. And coming back from there, we all got on a reed boat and rowed that back Yeah, you have to know people. In England where the Bard’s Stones are Stone Hedge. Normally you don’t get up to them stones, normally people don’t. They have it roped off all the way, but they let us go in there right around the stones and have our ceremony. We got different deals like that in different places. In Egypt, they had it roped off around the Sphinx where they was doing work there. And they opened it up, and let our group in. We had our ceremony down right between paws of the Sphinx. When we went to Greece in ’94, when we come back from Athens, we stopped in Rome. And we went through the catacombs and the Colosseum, and then we had an audience with the Pope. And then we went to the Sistine Chapel. And then I got an experience with the gypsies. We’d been in the store shop, and the guy warned us. He said, “Be careful of the gypsies out there.” And there were three of us together - they tried to go right in my pockets after stuff.

And it’s surprising how them girls painting pictures on things. Boy, they don’t even tell them how. They just go at it, and paint. And in no time they got it done. Coming back, our bus broke down from there. So they put us on motorboats down the river. I’m not sure our bus broke down, I think they just said that to give us another experience. And they took us down to the imperial palace there. That was quite a place to see. Oh, we got there for the changing of the guards. I got my picture taken with one of the guards there.

Then we went over there, where Dr. Robert was doing... I can’t think now, whatever we went there for. They had us all up on a stage there. One fella was giving a talk about Dr. Robert, and I’ll see if I can remember this. He said, “He has to be quite a speaker, when he can hold the attention of 2,300 young people like he did.” The first trip was in ‘92, to Egypt. I was 61 years old. I think the last trip was 2005, or something like that. To China and Tibet. I was ge tting a little older, but I could get around good then. We did a lot of walking. Especially, well, like when up there on Machu Picchu, you didn’t walk too fast. Because if you got walking too fast, it would slow you down, the heights up there. Camp Chesterfield. I’ve been there quite a few times, because I came from Michigan, and I used to go back there once. Well, Camp Chesterfield was only a couple miles out of the way going there. So any time I’d go there, I’d stop by and spend a night or two there just to rest up. But-I had a reading at Camp Chesterfield, one of the ladies there. That was the best reading I’ve ever had. I got to talk to my niece. I had a conversation with her on the other side through that lady. It was really something, this lady was the best I’ve ever seen for doing reading like that. But she’s gone now, also. Okey-doke, bye-bye.

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In Memoriam


Jeffrey Williams passed in May of this year. Jeff served at Astara as Secretary where his contagious smile was his signature welcome greeting. He was a dedicated Pranic Healer and touched many with his generosity, sweet and humble demeanor and warmth. He was an animal lover and felt at home in nature. Astara will always be grateful for Jeff’s contribution to the wellbeing of Astara and its teachings.

Ruby M Morrow, of Redlands, California passed away on Thursday, July 29, 2021. Ruby Served Astara for decades and was an ordained Minister and teacher. She taught Astara’s Book of Life and shared her personal experiences with Dr.’s Earlyne, Robert & Sita Chaney. Ruby knew Sita like her own child. Probably once or twice a year she assisted in Fire Initiation and laying of crystals on Astara’s grid around the world. She traveled extensively with the Astara spiritual tours and was well loved for her humor and beautiful sense of style. She ordained Rev. Peggy Tennent and her outstanding commitment to Astara will be cherished for years to come. 27

L I G HT O N T H E PA T H A H E A D “SET YOUR DREAMS TOWARDS GREATER HEIGHTS AND LET YOUR SOUL REACH OUT FOR YET MORE LIGHT-ASTARA LIGHTS THE WAY OF YOUR SEARCHING, BUT YOU MUST DO THE CLIMBING.” EARLYNE CHANEY FIRST DEGREE LESSON Dear Astarian, Fulfilling Earlyne Chaney’s direct message 70 years later to “Light the Way” for all seekers is our goal for Astara’s iconic 70th Anniversary this year, but we need your help. You can ensure the future of Astara moving forward. Your gifts can provide the tools Astara needs to brightly shine into the next generation of Light Lovers. • Your small contribution to Astara, helps fund an increased Ministry outreach where prayer petitions, live calls, healing energy and member contact will be expanded to serve our worldwide Astarians and future members. • Your generous donations will fund a 2021 initiative to archive, preserve and digitalize all Astara books and publications for security into the future and for easier sharing of the teachings across the globe, including the Voice of Astara publication. • Because of you, Astara can expand and continue their digital classes, free study groups, meditation nights and popular Sunday Sessions where like minded spiritual seekers can worship together. Building up the Astara database and increasing new memberships ensures growth and expansion for Astara to carry on.

“I assure you because of your notes, healing energy and calls, I feel absolutely loved and supported. Astara has meant so much to me in the last 50 years.”-An Astara Member The above is a real communication and just one of thousands where Astara is living up to the promise, An Astarian never walks alone. We feel the Chaney’s are helping us reach out to you, to ensure the longevity of Astara. The future of Astara is in your hands. Please give today by filling out and returning the form below or by making a donation online at With Love and Light, Greg Toews, President, Head Reverend The Executive Board of Astara, Inc.

Please tear off and return this reply form with your contribution in an envelope.


“I am surrounded by the pure white Light of the Christ, Nothing but good can come to me, Nothing but good Shall go from me. I give thanks.” Request to direct prayers and spiritual healings to: RECIPIENT’S NAME: RECIPIENT’S ADDRESS: PHONE: PLEASE DESCRIBE THE NEED FOR PRAYER:

On Behalf of (PETITIONER’S NAME If Different than above): (PETITIONER’S ADDRESS): PETITIONER’S EMAIL: Please complete the Petition. Meditate on the Light surrounding your request for a few moments. Allow the Light and the needs to become one. Repeat the invocation above and use the image on this Petition to visualize your need being met. Hold the Petition and visualize the healing becoming a reality, offer your prayer, then send it to: Astara@ 10700 Jersey Blvd. #500 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Meditate daily and visualize yourself in an aura of White Light. Repeat the Astara Affirmation above. All communication is held in the strictest of confidence.


“I invoke the Sacred Circle and visualize this issue being solved according To God’s will for all concerned. I give thanks, I give thanks.” Request to the Light of Astara for Cosmic help: RECIPIENT’S NAME: RECIPIENT’S ADDRESS: PHONE: PLEASE DIRECT YOUR PRAYERS AND SPIRITUAL ENERGIES FOR THE FOLLOWING REQUESTS:

On Behalf of (PETITIONER’S NAME If Different than above): (PETITIONER’S ADDRESS): PETITIONER’S EMAIL: Please complete the Petition. Concentrate on the Astara Star Emblem. Hold the Petition and visualize the healing becoming a reality, offer your prayer, then send it to: Astara@ 10700 Jersey Blvd. #500 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Meditate daily and visualize yourself in an aura of White Light. Repeat the Astara Affirmation above. All communication is held in the strictest of confidence.



By Robert G. Chaney





A D D IT I O N A L BOOKS Now Available in the

The Essenes & Their Ancient Mysteries



w w w. a s t a r a . o r g / s t o r e

With every purchase you are helping to s u p p o r t A s t a r a ’s n o n p r o f i t BY ROBERT G. CHANEY






















Elevating Spiritual Consciousness



May you freely receive from the Source of All Life generous quantities of the qualities which will contribute to your progress. May both material and spiritual improvement attend your efforts in the world of the seen and the unseen.


As I attune my inner nature to the deeper dimensions of the Infinite, may I find inner serenity to balance the outer world of confusion. May I find understanding to cope with the problems of everyday life. -Robert Chaney

A PRAYER OF POWER FIRST DEGREE LESSON 2 Astara is gaining worldwide momentum again and we are thrilled so many are gathering to spread the teachings, join in study groups and be Divine Light magnets to all. It is recommended in the Book of Life that before beginning your actual meditation that you prepare your mind with the following invocation which can be used for healing to to attune the mind for deeper concentration. This is especially recommended when several meditators gather together. “Great Architect of the Universe, may I be a channel through which Thy Holy Ones approach the world. May I be a center for the radiation of Thy power. Teach me to travel light, that I may better gain the heights. Break the bonds that bind. Teach me to give myself entirely to Thy service, to attune myself to Thy will. Teach me to lay down the small personal life for the greater Cosmic Life, and to love with the love of God.”

THE VOICE OF ASTARA The Voice of ASTARA is available digitally or via mail. The Voice is a quarterly publication that is designed to inspire a life “Dedicated to Living in the Light.” View the digital issue at newsletter to request a copy sent via mail, contact us at



THE ASTARA LIGHT NEWSLETTER Astara Light, is the monthly blessing & digital bulletin for Astarians all over the world. The blessing and meditation are delivered to your in-box along with lifestyle products to enhance your everyday “light” living. View the digital issue at newsletter to request a copy sent via mail, contact us at

SHOP FOR A CAUSE Shop in the Astara store for energized products that enhance your sacred living. Consciously curated items are ethically sourced and relate to living the teachings. All proceeds help support Astara’s ministry outreach, book publishing, healing and prayer petition distribution, and membership cultivation as well as enabling Astara to offer free classes and study sessions.

CONTACT US Astara’s Corporate Headquarters 10700 Jersey Blvd. Suite 500 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 800.964.4941 Email:



All free classes are recording and put on the Astara Light 1951 YouTube Channel. It is free to subscribe.

Participate in real time as Astara Reverends and Ministers conduct classes, study groups, meditations, healings and instructions via Zoom Meetings.

Videos of meditations, classes, study groups, book studies and special events are housed here for you to enjoy on your own schedule any time of day or night. The vidoes can be viewed at astara1951

Check for monthly schedules at



I M P O RTA NT M I L E STO N E S 1951 The First Astara Meeting Was Held 1955 Mariposa Property Expanded with Offices & Living Quarters for Chaney’s 1960 Book Department Instituted and Printing Equipment Installed, Phono Recordings/Books Distributed Globally 1965 The Voice of Astara publishes, 62 Countries Served by Astara Worldwide, Lessons translated in French, Spanish 1970 Astara in 82 Countries, Property at 269 S. Mariposa Purchased for Mailing and Art Department Expansion 1976 Astara Moves to Upland Campus with Temple, Residence Hall, Retreat & Healing Center, Dining Room, Publishing Center 1981 Astara Campus Mortgage Paid Off, Astara Gets a Computer, New Leaf Bookstore is Stocked with150 Lessons & Books, Astara Maintains 30+ Person Staff 1990 Astara Worldwide Tours Take Students to Spiritual Sites, over 20,000 members, Over 200,00 Astara Degree Lessons Shipped



5th Anniversary

20th Anniversary



10 Anniversary

25th Anniversary



15 Anniversary

30th Anniversary


th 35

T H E M O N T H LY CALENDAR ONGOING WWW.ASTARA.ORG/EVENTS Plant Prana Essential Oils Classes Recurring classes Hosted by Greg Toews at

CALENDAR O F E V E NT S MONTHLY MONDAYS 5 PM PST TBA 2X / MO. ASTARA’S BOOK OF LIFE CLUB A monthly Book of Life Study Club taken directly from the pages of the Degree Lessons. Follow along with an Astara Degree Master as he reads and discusses the teachings. Recurring Zoom login Join Zoom Meeting

WEDNESDAYS 4PM PST -5PM PST ASTARA’s RECURRING STUDY GROUP & HEALING MINISTRY Learn Techniques from the Book of Life Degree Lessons for Enhanced Living in the Light Presented By Greg Toews, Astara President

SUNDAYS AT 10AM ASTARA Sunday Sessions Sunday Worship and Community based on the teaching in Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons.


Recurring Zoom login Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom. us/j/88444782341

Recurring Zoom login Join Zoom Meeting


https://us02web.zoom. us/j/82344594145 Meeting ID: 823 4459 4145

ASTARA’S RECURRING MEDITATIONS &MINDFULNESS A weekly meditation and mindfulness space held by Reverend Dr. Matthew Gold. Based on practicing the meditations that are found in Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons and beyond. Recurring Zoom login Join Zoom Meeting



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ASTARA IS TURNING 70 YEARS OLD New Class (Oct. 16th) via Zoom 10 am PST. Open House 12-5 pm PST. October 17th On-site at ASTARA Special Presentations, Meet the Reverends, Share the Joy & Celebrate 70 Pick up your complimentary, blessed anniversary gift ALL ARE WELCOME Bonus giveaway to one lucky winner every hour, during the open house

NEW NINTH DEGREE LESSONS AVAILABLE & BLESSED Help us to continue to share the Light


AND WHAT OF THE FUTURE? WILL ASTARA’S LIGHT CONTINUE TO GROW? The appreciation of thousands is reflected in the Light. It shines forth in the hearts of the troubled…in the lives of the aspiring ones. It has brightened the path of Astara from the humblest of beginnings to its present place of prominence. To each person who has done for or thought of Astara during the years of accomplishment, let it be known that your part has been and will ever be held in deepest appreciation beyond any expression which mere words can convey. 1961 Astara Program.

Sita, Earlyne & Robert Chaney 1971

An organization without goals is like tree without water. Astara’s goals (the ones in the future) are a source of life giving energy that will sustain and strengthen Astara and assure its continued growth. Astara’s vision of the future knows no ending. - Robert & Earlyne Chaney 1981



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