The Voice of ASTARA Vol.2

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2020 Hindsight: Transformation is good This year has presented challenges that the world has not seen for decades. We have all had to readjust and react to changes that have affected our personal lives as well as our communities and businesses. Reinvention has been the result and although ASTARA had master plans for its healthy future, the current climate has forced Astara to engage in new platforms sooner. We couldn’t be more thrilled with the outcome. These challenges have made Astara stronger, smarter and more committed than ever. This year’s accomplishments are in full swing and fully activated- things that were planned for a 2 year turnaround were completed in 10 months. With the help of the Masters and Light workers who look over ASTARA, and our supportive members, Astara now has: 1. New Astara Classes including Study Groups and 2 Day Classes 2. Ministerial Staff recruitment and training 3. Astara’s New In-House Global Book Publishing & Online Store Our new, small and highly talented staff have been laboriously working behind the scenes to stabilize Astara for the future to continue the legacy of Robert and Earlyne Chaney for years to come. We close this year grateful and determined and look forward to a promising 7th Decade of ASTARA in 2021. May you all be blessed with Love and Light and a Fantastic 2021



Meet the New Team behind Astara’s future

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STUDY OF SYMBOLS Mystery of The Sphinx

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RE-THINKING THE NORM Catching up with Astara President Greg Toews


TORKOM SARAYDARIAN Author of The Ageless Wisdom & Symphony of the Zodiac etc. Front Cover: Ninja Monkey Studio The Voice of ASTARA 10700 Jersey Blvd. #500 | Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 | 1.800.964.4941 |

The Voice of ASTARA is an exclusive publication of Astara. All rights reserved. Copyright 2020© Greg Toews: President Matt Gold: CFO Valarie Anderson: Publisher Valerie Alicajic: Art Director

A B O UT US LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE WHILE HONORING THE PAST The Ministry of Astara was founded on revealing and evolving ancient wisdoms to contemporary spiritual seekers and in that same tradition, Astara has currently undergone a major evolution itself. A new Executive Staff and Board was established at the beginning of this year with the one pointed goal of future-proofing the teachings and Astara’s Book of Life Degree Lessons in a contemporary, universal and expanded strategy. Meet the team of Executives committed to Astara’s future and rich heritage: John Gregory Toews, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Director-Trustee President & CEO, Head Reverend Greg was introduced to Astara in 2003. As a full-time healer, Greg has performed over 85,000 healing sessions and has instructed thousands of students over the past 25 years. Greg’s first teacher Emaho influenced the unfolding of his practice, as well as the years spent as a direct student of Satguru Choa Kok Sui, founder of Pranic Healing and of a Lakota Medicine Man. He has over 95,000 clinical hours of experience in Advanced Medical Aromatherapy, and is the owner of Plant Prana Essential Oils. His therapeutic approach which draws on the various healing and alchemical process that have been practiced through the ages has produced a systematic approach to healing and spiritual development through a complex technique of layering that targets different aspects of the body and psyche. His goal is to steer Astara towards growth- based longevity. Dr. Mathew Gold, DACM, Director-Trustee, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President Introduced to Astara in 2010, Dr. Gold immediately began studying Astara’s Book of Life. Dr. Gold has studied throughout the world, in over one dozen countries, including the Himalayan Mountains of India, and is deeply versed in the teachings and wisdom of Astara, Sanatana Dharma, Kundalini Kriya Yoga, Nath Yoga, Raja Yoga, Arhatic Yoga, Kadampa Buddhism, and Kriya Yoga. Dr. Gold holds a doctorate of acupuncture and Chinese medicine (DACM) and has over 8,000 hours of clinical experience. Philanthropy and service are pillars in Dr. Gold’s life. Tammi Lambert, Director-Trustee Tammi M. Lambert was introduced to Astara 10 years ago and is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner with the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living in Albuquerque, NM and an enrolled member of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For the past four years, Tammi has been sharing her love of the Divine across the country by leading inspirational talks (over 100 talks given), providing trainings, meditations, and broadcasting daily Spiritual Mind Treatments. She has been a Pranic Healer for over ten years. Tammi earned a Juris Doctorate in law, has been a licensed attorney for 20 years, served on numerous boards, both civic and spiritual and currently the presiding judge for a Native American tribe in New Mexico. Valarie Anderson, Brand Manager/ Director of Publishing & Books Los Angeles Times, Conde Nast, DFV World-Wide and M Media Group, have all had Valarie at the helm leading publishing and Marketing. With over 30 years extensive, international experience in brand marketing specializing in relaunching heritage brands, her unique perspective and creative ability has lead to major bottom line successes. As a spiritual student of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, pranic healing for over 18 years, she was introduced to Astara at that time. Peggy Tennent, Head Reverend With more than twenty-five working years of ministry with Astara, Peggy heads up daily ministry activities, responsibilities, and shares true experiences with each of the Chaney family and fellow Astarians. Peggy was ordained by the Chaney’s and has sat with many spiritual teachers the world over. A Retired Registered Respiratory Therapist with energy training from numerous different avenues of life to humbly support Astara’s Book Of Life teachings now. Kellie Brown, Systems Administrator To contact Astara email us at

FINDING YOUR PL ACE IN LIFE How long have you sought your place- that special role in life only you can play? How long have you had the persistent feeling there is so much more for you, more to experience, more to learn and more to share with others? If you feel as if you spent your life seeking, these words were written especially for you. If you are concerned with healing the body, the mind and the soul-healing for you and for others-Astara is for you. If you are driven to explore the potential of the inner Self, the cosmic mysteries, or the various paths to enlightenment, Astara is for you. If you long to explore the spiritual nature of humankind without the restrictions and dogma of most traditional churches, Astara is for you. As you consider these questions, you are on life’s most important threshold. Exploring Astara could be your first step toward the fulfillment of a special destiny, toward finding your unique place in life. Learn more: or contact: 5


Inspired by the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Reference material: Esoteric Astrology (Alice A Bailey), Initiation, Human and Solar (Alice A Bailey), Wisdom of the Zodiac (Torkom Saraydarian), Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul (Master Choa Kok Sui), Theosophy teachings on Esoteric Astrology (EK) According to Holy Master Djwal Khul (DK), symbols are outward or objective manifestations of subjective realities or inner truths. By studying symbols, one abstracts the essence behind the form and comes in closer contact with the mind of the Creator. The Sphinx is one such mysterious symbol. Located in Giza, Egypt, the Sphinx is estimated to be at least 10,000 years old. A monolith carved out of a large limestone block weighing several thousand tonnes, it is a mythical creature with the head of a man, body of a bull, wings of an eagle and feet of a lion. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians worshipped the Sphinx as “Ra-Horakhty� a powerful form of the Sun God. The popular myth about the Sphinx among the ancient Egyptians was that it guarded the entry to the sacred chambers of initiation in the pyramid and if an entrant failed to qualify or answer its riddle, they would be devoured. The ancient Egyptians knew a lot about astronomy and the celestial constellations. A plain glance at the horoscope section of any newspaper today will tell you that some of the animal symbols in the Sphinx can be connected with Zodiac signs.

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So what relevance does an ancient symbol like the Sphinx hold for present day humanity? Presented below are a few pointers for consideration: The Sphinx can be considered a synthesis of the following astrological signs or constellations: Aquarius for the Man, Leo for the Lion, Taurus for the Bull and Scorpio for the Eagle (higher/transmuted version of Scorpio). It is a symbolic Cross with Aquarius and Leo comprising one arm and Taurus and Scorpio comprising the perpendicular arm. It is no surprise that the last letter of the Sphin”X” is a cross in itself. These cardinal points represent the “Fixed Cross” in Heavens. The Fixed Cross is the cross of the man “fixated” on the goal of spiritual evolution. Such a soul having experienced duality in life (pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow) seeks fixation and has one pointed spiritual aspiration. The Zodiacal signs of the Fixed Cross pose the challenge and man has to rise up to it. The human gladiator has to emerge victorious to exit the arena of the Fixed Cross and get to higher ground. So what challenge does the Fixed Cross pose to a man on the spiritual path? The Fixed Cross stretches the disciple between “self-interest or individualized consciousness” represented by Leo and “others oriented nature or group consciousness” represented by Aquarius. The perpendicular arm across Taurus and Scorpio tests the disciple across “lofty thoughts” symbolized by the flying eagle (Scorpio) and “practical grounded reality” represented by the bull in Taurus. When the right balance between self and others orientation is achieved and the ability to have lofty ideas that can be manifested into practical reality is demonstrated, man’s “fixation on the spiritual goal” has been tested and the victorious gladiator is ready to move beyond the Fixed Cross to greater goals.

The SphinX or the Fixed Cross also symbolizes the soul crucified in a material body made up of the four elements. Aquarius for Air, Leo for Fire, Taurus for Earth and Scorpio for Water. The SphinX tests the ability of the human soul to synthesize the four apparently diverse elements into one harmonic or cohesive whole under the directive power of the soul. Each element has its peculiarities, strengths and drawbacks but a mature soul is able to balance them by moving from the periphery or circumference of the circle (where it experiences the vagaries of each element) to the center (point of balance), away from polarization to the point of synthesis. The SphinX through its test teaches man to be the master magician and wield power over the elements. In Initiation, Human and Solar, Chapter 3, Holy Master DK through Alice. A. Bailey (AAB) talks about the aphorism of the SphinX which is worded as “To Know, To Will, To Dare and To Be Silent”. According to AAB, all true occultists are distinguished by the characteristics of knowledge, dynamic will, courage, and silence. Based on the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS), further, the Man in Aquarius stands for “To Know”, the Lion in Leo stands for “To Dare”, the Bull in Taurus stands for “To Will” and the Eagle in Scorpio stands for “To Be Silent”. To elaborate further, one has to think in order to Know, apply one’s mind to plan ahead, chart a strategy, possibilities. Then comes the Will aspect that involves discipline, schedule and commitment to the plan. Implementation of the plan also involves the Dare aspect where one braves the problems that come along the way and musters the courage to carry on. Finally, To Be Silent involves assimilating the

experience, introspecting and developing wisdom. It points to the measured use of words, the right time to speak and stay silent, the right time to share and withhold information. It also emphasizes the need to reduce the “inner noise” to tune into the silent whisper of the Soul. The SphinX through its symbolism is revealing the technology to bear the Fixed Cross and develop the qualities of the soul. The principle of Silence which is the culminating phrase of the aphorism of the Sphinx is very characteristic of great spiritual teachers. Pythagoras used to impose a vow of silence on his disciples during their training period, Mahatma Gandhi is said to have practiced the vow of silence every Monday, similar also the case with Osho. The cross X is also symbolic of the sign of silence which is typically made by crossing ones’ index finger over the lips. The Cross X also represents the Roman numeral 10, the precise number of letters in the phrase “To Be Silent”. In Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul, Chapter 9, MCKS emphasizes the need to still the mind in order to cultivate inner stillness and experience the Soul. To paraphrase his teachings, the inner stillness or silence is found in the gap between the two spoken words, between the breaths (inhalation and exhalation), between two thoughts, between two successive chants of the mantra Om or Amen or any other sacred divine name. By meditating on the Gap and the Silence in the Gap, one is able to experience the SphinX within oneself, the Higher Soul nature.

The Indian story of the 4th avatar of Lord Vishnu, Nara-Simha (Man Lion) symbolizes the same universal truth of the SphinX. The demon King Hiranyakashipu had a boon that he could neither be killed by a man or beast, neither during the day or night, neither on earth or in the heavens, neither inside the house or out of it. This represents the famous riddle of the SphinX which can only be resolved in the gap or the midway point which is neither here nor there. Thus NaraSimha appears in the midway point (neither here nor there) or put esoterically in the Gap (Stillness) and devours the demonic nature. This is symbolic of the Higher Nature (NaraSimha) making its presence felt in the Gap to regulate and overcome the lower nature (Hiranyakashipu). It is also interesting to note that the Avatar uses its two hands (the symbolic 10 digits) to tear the belly of the demon to silence him. Connected with the SphinX is the development of the heart. The ability to tune into Silence is connected with Heart chakra. The Heart chakra is called “Anahata” in Sanskrit. Anahata means “that which is unstruck” meaning “that which can hear the unstruck sound of Silence”. The SphinX among other things is also a reminder to develop the heart by blessing, forgiving, being generous, joyful and serving in order to tune into the Silence. The practice of cultivating the SphinX within oneself is incomplete without the development of the heart.

We wouldn’t be far off then to conclude that the Sphinx is a symbol of the rising soul or inner sun wizened from the trails of the Fixed Cross thus relating it to the Egyptian worship of Ra, the Sun God. The SphinX guards the secret to surmount the Fixed Cross – through the application of our mind, developing discipline or constancy, braving circumstances and vagaries of life and cultivating wisdom by listening to the silent voice of the soul. All of this accompanied with the proper development of the heart and the principle of compassion. Till we are ready, the SphinX will devour us on the Fixed Cross and the soul will experience duality through the cycle of life and death over and over. Eventually through experience, it will develop fixation on the spiritual path to seek emergence out of the Fixed Cross and then the Riddle of the SphinX will no longer be a mystery.

Written by: Hariharan Raman



Bodhi seeds have a special significance to all seekers of divine wisdom as it is under the bodhi tree that Buddha became enlightened. Each seed brings a sense of peace and wisdom on the path to one’s own enlightenment. There is a teaching within each bead as they can be used for mantra counting, prayer and meditation. $12.00

Symbolizes spiritual awareness and as symbol of enlightenment. Wearing a Lotus Flower necklace is a reminder of the unfolding spiritual journey. The Amethyst is a symbol for awakening to the spiritual reality of life. $173.00



Uniquely tuned and hand etched with OM Mani Padme Hum symbol. Cushion and mallet included. Other notes available. $400.00

SILVER & GOLD Gifts for the Energy Lover Now Available in the

ASTA R A STO R E w w w. a s t a r a . o r g / s t o r e

All store proceeds help promote Astara

Silver Ankh Pendant is an ancient Egyptian symbol important to Astara, which symbolizes the many aspects of life, including physical life, eternal life, immortality, death, and reincarnation. The symbol is a teardropshaped hoop with a cross connected directly below it, to represent the sun making its path upward and over the horizon. It is used for good luck and is a major symbol in Astara. $168.00 Silver & Gold Caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around a winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of healing The two-snake caduceus design has ancient and consistent associations with trade, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy and wisdom. In Astara the two serpents represent the negative and positive flow of energy going up and down the spine and the wings represent enlightenment. $218.00

GOLD LOTUS NECKLACE Symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and rebirth. The lotus mystifies with its ability to emerge from the mud and revive its petals unscathed- an incredible daily cycle. The lotus is a major symbol of Astara and represents the unfolding of the initiate. $173.00

AMMOLITE A very powerful earth healing fossil made from shells of ammonites. They are often used for activating Kundalini and to alleviate exhaustion. They can increase stamina and can be used in meditation to connect with past lives. They are stones of luck, prosperity and well-being. Medium Left $318.00. Large Right $550.00

FULL MOON BOWL Under the light of the full moon, Nepali bowl-making artisans and priests chant together inviting auspicious blessings as these hand hammered bowls are created exclusively for Serenity Tibet. $1,560.00

PENDANTS Round Chinese Lotus Pendant. Oxidized background. 18K gold plate accent with Emerald. Emerald is related to Astara’s Third Degree. $48.00 Silver lotus pendant with Amethyst gem. Oxidized background. The Amethyst is related to Astara’s Fifth Degree. $202.00 Silver lotus pendant with Peridot gem. Oxidized background. $202.00 Flower of Life Pendant is excellent for healing and connecting to your higher self. The flower of life shape consists of 13 circles that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws that represent the whole universe. Its origins are Egyptian although the flower of life can be found in all major world religions. Giving the Flower of life to someone you love is like giving them the whole universe. Sterling silver. $115.00

DORJE AXE This unique unsharpened Tibetan ceremonialaxe, called Kartika is believed to banish spirit harm that brings illness, calamity, misfortune and bad people into your life. It is a Buddhist ritual implement that represents the piercing edge of wisdom that cuts attachments to worldly things. It removes the six basic transgressions, namely greed, pride, hatred, ignorance, wrong outlook and doubt. $108.00

ASTA R A M E D ITAT I O N O N D IV I N E L O V E Quiet the mind, collect your thoughts and direct them toward a chosen subject such as Love. Let the White Light fill your entire being and issue from you a ray of white Light proceeding from your heart. Imagine that it encircles the globe and embraces all things. For the poster on Divine Love:

MENTALLY AFFIRM The Love of my heart pervades the world. There is not one being in all the world this Love has passed over. It is suffusing every atom and every being of this world. The Light flows from a heart grown great with love, and mighty and far reaching beyond measure.

See the ray of divine love actively spreading over the entire Earth like a cloud of celestial Light, affecting first your loved ones, your friends, your city, your nation and then the globe. Ask nothing in return in your meditation but give for the joy of giving. -First Degree Lesson


R E -T H I N K I N G T H E N O R M CATCHING UP WITH ASTARA PRESIDENT Interview by Valarie Anderson Rethinking the norm has always been Greg Toews’ motto. As the new President of Astara, taking over and gearing into action in January 2020, little did Greg know how essential that motto would be. I caught up with Greg after Astara’s 69th Anniversary weekend at headquarters in Rancho Cucamonga; not an easy task as Greg is usually in motion. He is a teacher, a healer and an alchemical specialist in Advanced Medical Aromatherapy application and he is always on the road-even now, during the new normal. 14

He’s just intensified his schedule with the launch of a year’s worth of new Astara classes, increased ministerial training courses, weekly free study groups and, after quietly celebrating 69 years-has a year long 70 year Anniversary fundraiser and event to oversee too. Its a big job, and he’s up for it. His drive is as all-encompassing as his presence. When Greg walks into the room his 6’3” build can be intimidating, until he speaks. The gentility of his nature exudes through his words. His thoughtful habit of looking upward for the perfect phrase or exacting sentence engages his listener as if every word is coming from a divine source. He’s a big thinker and his big ideas are what Astara needs right now.

“I want our younger and newer members to grow up with Astarian spiritual truths, it will help them make clearer and better decisions and live a fuller life of human BEING. Too many young people are on autopilot,” Toews explains. He ought to know. Greg suffered tremendous physical ailments when he was a teen and its what lead him to live a life of spirituality and higher teachings as well as a life of service, the complete opposite path of autopilot. I asked him what type of super-power he would like to posses and he responded with “the gift of flight” where he could experience a sense of freedom” like when I was younger and riding a bike.” An Innocent answer for a super complex guy who’s hyper aware of his limited time to be relevant for Astara.

He’s President, Head Minister and Chairman of the Board and the weight of the responsibility catches up with him if he reflects too long on it. He gets choked up, but his good humored wit quickly corrects and his focus is again on planning, executing, driving and creating the ever-evolving business model to keep Astara vital and thriving for the next 70 years.

Although Greg has studied directly with a Sat Guru, Master Choa Kok Sui and a Lakota Medicine Man, Emaho; Astara has brought deeper levels of understanding to him that the other teachings didn’t. Astara presented the mechanics behind the symbology and showed Greg that mysticism has a science to it. He feels that’s super relevant now and that people are longing to awaken their own relevance and make the connection. In all walks of life, from the neophyte to the Master he feels there’s always something more to be discovered in Astara teachings, something deeper.

As Greg puts it, “With the modern chaos of every day living, Astara is a guiding light to keep people on the spiritual path. Helping people stay connected and steering them through uncertain times, is my WHY.” “Because Astara and the Book of Life Degree lessons have multiple jewels of wisdom and numerous experiential truths, it’s easy to overlook the pearls of wisdom right in front of you.” Greg continues, “My multiple experiences in teaching, business management, healing, esoteric studies, alchemy, psychology and trauma, enables me to assimilate the teachings and school into a normal everyday lifestyle, into practical living essentials.”

He muses he would have been a profiler if not a spiritual teacher and it makes sense, because he has that rare, gumshoe street smarts, combined with the gift of spiritual wisdom as well as the will and relentless drive to forge ahead on the path of Lightsweeping us all along with him.



HEARTFELT THANKS FOR SUPPORTING ASTARA WITH YOUR GIFTS AND MEMBERSHIP Thank you for your support which help spread the teachings of Astara. Donors like you are vital to Astara and the achievement of our mission. As a tax exempt organization outlined in Section 501c3 Of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN Number), every donation counts and we couldn’t have made the same impact without your generous gift. Your contribution has enabled Astara to continue providing metaphysical and spiritual teachings for light seekers around the world.

A S TA R A D O N AT I O N F O R M The Teachings of Astara and its Non-Profit Functions are greatly assisted by your generous support Title Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Other: First Name/s: Surname: Company: Address: State: Email:


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Thank you for your donation. Please mail to: Astara@ 10700 Jersey Blvd. #500 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible. Donations can be made by filling out this form and returning it to ASTARA



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2021 MARKS 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF ASTARA 70 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: LIGHT ON THE PATH AHEAD Applying the teachings through study and Astara classes. New Astara class schedule Ministry Mastermind, Instructions, Process, recruitment Calendar of Year Long Celebrations & Events New Logo Release First Honorary Degree Master Award For Service CALENDAR OF YEAR-LONG CELEBRATIONS, EVENTS AND FUNDRAISING January Surprise helps Launch the 70th Year of Astara March: Astara, A Curated Retrospective - 1951-present. Art Exhibit. Onsite Online Ongoing May 31st; Ministerial Initiation by Fire - Greg Toews August: 70 Day Countdown to $70k - Degrees & Donations by October 17th October 17th: Anniversary Celebration Light on the Path Ahead To underwrite or help sponsor the 70th Anniversary activities please contact

“VIRGIN BORNS” BY HARIHARAN RAMAN Inspired by the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Reference material: Esoteric Astrology (Alice A Bailey), Wisdom of the Zodiac (Torkom Saraydarian), Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed (Master Choa Kok Sui)

What does it mean to be a virgin born? We hear about immaculate conception or sons and daughters born of virginmothers/fathers in mythology and end up confused about its apparent contradiction with biological human birth. Then again, the world spiritual heritage is rife with stories of virgin-borns like Sita, Athena, Melchizedek, Krishna, Jesus, Ganesha and many more. Let’s take another lens to examine if there is more to the surface than meets the eye here. Etymologically, the word virgin originates from Virgo, the celestial constellation. Virgin literally means Pure. “Pure” is connected and related with “Purpose”.

A mother also nurtures the growing child and teaches it moral values. The conscious and sub conscious lessons learned in the formative years go a long way in shaping our life. The nurturing, Virtue bringing aspect is also connected with Virgo and Virginity. Like attracts Like and Unlike Poles Repel. Thus a mother (and also the father) with purity of soul and development of virtues would more likely be in a position attract an advanced soul. No wonder, advanced men and women of the race were considered virgin borns – connected to purity, purpose and virtues. And how does purification help make matter or the bodies virgin? Purification purges matter or bodies of its weaknesses, urges or longings. The soul through its lifetimes of experiences chooses the form or matter (for its next life) that in which it envelops itself. The matter chosen is of such nature that it allows the soul to work out its urges, desires, longings and liberate out of it. Because of the past experiences, matter has inertia or is tamasic, so it still has an inclination towards those habits or tendencies. By going through purification, the soul begins to exercise control over its bodies. Like an expert driver exercises control over a speeding car, the soul is able to regulate and navigate or direct its vehicles.

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel ISAIAH 7:14 Put it in a different way, anything that is true to its Purpose is Pure, is Virgin. To elaborate, if you have a pencil, its purpose is to serve as an instrument to write. So as long as the pencil is used to write, it is true to its purpose. If the same pencil is used primarily to scratch or poke, it is wasted and loses its purity. If a mobile phone which is to be used for communication is used largely as a paper weight, it is wasted. In such a case, it loses meaning, purity and virginity or is prostituted and degraded to a lower purpose. Virgo is considered the divine mother of the solar system. A virgin demonstrates purity and purpose. The purity here is connected with the purity of the soul and not so much the body as it relates to a sexual context. It symbolizes mothers and fathers with a virgin mind that is creative, constructive and produces uplifting thoughts; a tongue that is kind, harmless and truthful; a heart that is caring, nurturing, loving and generous; a body which is healthy, nourished, in harmony and regulated by the soul. In essence, a mature soul, not enslaved by thoughts, emotions or desires of the body. A body that is enslaved by the lower nature, a mind that is polluted with evil thoughts, violent emotions is prostituted to the lower nature. Reflecting on the role of a mother gives greater clarity to the purpose and hence the concept of virginity. A mother endures pain and gives birth to life from within her womb. She nurtures, protects the life within for a period of nine months before the baby is ready to come out. That which endures, nourishes, shields, protects and brings out the life within to maturity – is connected with Virgo and Virginity.

The purified matter of our bodies becomes fertile soil that has been rid of weeds of the past, for fresh seeds of a promising future to be planted. The purified bodies are also then symbolic of Virgo, the virgin mother nature which bears the nascent soul and slowly releases it to spiritual maturity. The Hindu festival of Ganesha Chaturthi celebrated around September when our Sun is in the constellation of Virgo also needs to be viewed in this context. The festival is a celebration of the virgin born son of Parvati (Ganesha was created by Parvati without Shiva’s aid) and his spiritual transformation from a boy to a man. Young Ganesha (without the elephant head) is the incarnated soul that is shielded, nurtured and prepared by the virgin mother or matter to be eventually set face to face to confront Shiva (symbolic of the Higher Soul). Parvati taking a bath is synonymous with purification allowing young Ganesha, the incarnated self to step out of the house or leave the body and face Shiva. This confrontation results in the spiritual initiation of Ganesha. Ganesha is now no more ordinary but has a powerful illumined brain, enhanced sensitivity and intuitive faculty (buddhi) symbolized by the elephant head with the ability to perceive the invisible and not so obvious Shiva nature. He becomes the eternal problem solver or obstacle remover because he has the ability and faculty to discern the root cause of an issue where an ordinary human falters. The story applies to all of us and somewhere scripts the transformation undergone by the human soul through its involution into matter initially enslaved by the lower nature, made virgin by purification and its eventual rise to glory.

Classic Books




Initiation into the Light

First Step

LAMA YOGA $10.00



New limited edition release from the Astara vaults. O r d e r a t w w w. a s t a r a . o r g / s t o r e WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 21



Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification; cleansing one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments. It creates a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body. $96.00

Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification; cleansing one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments. $82.00

VIOLET AMETHYST BEADS NECKLACE Strengthens the energy body and increases conductivity to the Divine. Activates the crown and offers protection from others negative emotions. Helps to break pattern of our negative thinking. Activates the upper energy centers associated with the Angel Yael, this angel is invoked for protection and for working with plants $55.00

WATERMELON TOURMALINE PENDANT Watermelon Tourmaline resonates with the heart chakra, and it will cleanse and get rid of any blockages that reside in your heart. It also acts as a balancing crystal that will remove your insecurities and amplify your strengths. It will balance your male and female energies as well. Large $275.00 | Ethically Sourced



Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone that activates spiritual awareness and opens intuition. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering affect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs and other addictions. It acts as a barrier against lower energies and unhealthy environments. It is related to Astara’s Fifth Degree Initiate. Shown here Medium $260.00 | Ethically Sourced

Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification; cleansing one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments. It creates a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body. Additionally, it acts as a barrier against lower energies, psychic attack, geopathic stress, and unhealthy environments. Rectangle $331.00



A stone of romantic love, good for communication of love when you are nervous, as well as for healing heartache. It is also a stone of self-love, promoting humility and self-tolerance. Kunzanite can strengthen the human energy field, clear the aura and clear negative energy from a room or environment. (From left to right) Medium $437.00 Large $500.00 Small $370.00 | Ethically Sourced

Brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. Activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. Encourages independence and self love and trust. Medium $120.00 | Small $60.00

TANZANITE BEAD NECKLACE Activates psychic abilities the crown chakra and the third eye, facilitating communication with the higher spiritual dimensions. Tanzanite is a stone of transformation that can help dissolve old patterns of disease and helps one move forward with optimism. $84.00 | Ethically Sourced

MULTI SPINEL BEADED NECKLACE Spinel gems are said to help set aside egos and become devoted to another person. It is believed to encourage great passion, devotion and longevity. Spinel is associated with the root Chakra, making it effective in increasing physical energy and stamina. $43.00 | 18 inches. Small beads.

TANZANITE Activates psychic abilities in the crown chakra and the third eye facilitating communication with the higher spiritual dimensions. Tanzanite is a stone of transformation that can help dissolve old patterns of disease and helps you move forward with optimism. (Left to Right) Round $200.00 Teardrop $307.00 Square $348.00 Ethically Sourced

VISIONS OF PLUM & A M E T HY S T Now Available in the

ASTA R A STO R E w w w. a s t a r a . o r g / s t o r e

All store proceeds help promote Astara



A power stone that’s prized as a healing stone. It is known as the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom and as a natural prism, it takes light and energy from the sun to manifest healing and protection. $120.00 |Ethically Sourced

According to history and the myths, pearls are symbolic of wisdom gained through experience. The gems are believed to offer protection, as well as attract good luck and wealth. $91.00



Associated with inner goodness, a symbol of fertility and sensuality. It is a stone for new beginnings. It enhances intuition and promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters. Available in Small $122.00 Medium $137.00 Long Large $196.00 | Ethically Sourced

Associated with inner goodness, a symbol of fertility and sensuality. It is a stone for new beginnings. It enhances intuition and promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters. Available in Small $122.00 Medium $137.00 Long Large $196.00 | Ethically Sourced

W I NT E R W H IT E S Now Available in the

ASTA R A STO R E w w w. a s t a r a . o r g / s t o r e

All store proceeds help promote Astara

LOTUS FLOWER SEED AFRICAN BRACELET Wearing lotus seeds, or any sacred seeds for that matter, promotes spirituality and prosperity. They are a reminder to maintain your peace and purity through all obstacles and distractions throughout your day and spiritual journey. $12.00



Crystal extractors are diamond shaped for maximum healing results. Placed on energy centers or the chakras of the corresponding organs they cleanse and aid in the healing process. Useful in releasing any energetic blockages and disturbances for restored balance and wellbeing. $30.00

Used for scanning the aura and chakras to locate, cleanse and heal. Crystal wands have the ability to focus and direct energy through their tip. Sizes vary $100.00-$1350.00



White onyx is a stone of inner strength, persistence, willpower, and concentration, keeping you focused, helping to self–realign perceptions, emotions, actions, thoughts, and carved into an elephant shape for strength and wisdom. It purifies your inner voice, to help you think positively. $60.00

According to history and the myths, pearls are symbolic of wisdom gained through experience. The gems are believed to offer protection, as well as attract good luck and wealth.



Wearing lotus seeds, or any sacred seeds for that matter, promotes spirituality and prosperity. They are a reminder to maintain your peace and purity through all obstacles and distractions throughout your day and spiritual journey. $12.00

The use of sage is for healing. The smoke is used to bless, cleanse and heal the person or object being smudged. Sage is used to wash off the outside world when one enters ceremony or other sacred space. $12.00

It is also said that these little gemstones are symbolic of the wearer’s loyalty, generosity, integrity, and purity. $65.00

Astara classes based on practical application of the teachings and techniques from the Book of Life Degree Lessons. 2 Day Classes presented by Greg Toews. REGISTRATION IS OPEN: $225.00 ASTARA MEMBERS DISCOUNT APPLIES Zoom participation only until further notice. Recordings of class available to all who register. Certification upon completion. Class based on The Book of Life Degree Lessons by Earlyne and Robert Chaney Recurring Classes are Free of Charge





MARCH 13TH-14TH 2021


“I am surrounded by the pure white Light of the Christ, Nothing but good can come to me, Nothing but good Shall go from me. I give thanks.” Request to direct prayers and spiritual healings to: RECIPIENT’S NAME: RECIPIENT’S ADDRESS: PHONE: PLEASE DESCRIBE THE NEED FOR PRAYER:

On Behalf of (PETITIONER’S NAME If Different than above): (PETITIONER’S ADDRESS): PETITIONER’S EMAIL: Please complete the Petition. Meditate on the Light surrounding your request for a few moments. Allow the Light and the needs to become one. Repeat the invocation above and use the image on this Petition to visualize your need being met. Hold the Petition and visualize the healing becoming a reality, offer your prayer, then send it to: Astara@ 10700 Jersey Blvd. #500 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Meditate daily and visualize yourself in an aura of White Light. Repeat the Astara Affirmation above. All communication is held in the strictest of confidence.


“I invoke the Sacred Circle and visualize this issue being solved according To God’s will for all concerned. I give thanks, I give thanks.” Request to the Light of Astara for Cosmic help: RECIPIENT’S NAME: RECIPIENT’S ADDRESS: PHONE: PLEASE DIRECT YOUR PRAYERS AND SPIRITUAL ENERGIES FOR THE FOLLOWING REQUESTS:

On Behalf of (PETITIONER’S NAME If Different than above): (PETITIONER’S ADDRESS): PETITIONER’S EMAIL: Please complete the Petition. Concentrate on the Astara Star Emblem. Hold the Petition and visualize the healing becoming a reality, offer your prayer, then send it to: Astara@ 10700 Jersey Blvd. #500 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Meditate daily and visualize yourself in an aura of White Light. Repeat the Astara Affirmation above. All communication is held in the strictest of confidence.


THE SUN-GOD AND THE ZODIACAL KINGDOM (Fifth Degree Lesson 20) To clarify the Christmas myth, around which the Christ’s birth revolves, we must delve into astronomy and the Solar Drama of the Mysteries. We must attempt to see its relation to the summer and winter solstices, and the fall and spring equinoxes. We must tell the story of the Sun God and His symbolic birth and death. His symbolic birth occurs every December 25th, three days after the winter solstice when the sun starts its journey back into the northern hemisphere. His symbolic death occurs every Eastertime at the vernal equinox when the sun crosses the equator. By September 22nd, the fall equinox, the sun has reached midway in its journey from the northern to the southern hemisphere, but the Earth itself is nearer the sun. About this time there begins to form around our planet a faint spiritual substance as a heavenly dew, which deepens as the weeks pass toward Christmas. THE “CHRISTMAS SPIRIT” Created The purpose of this all-pervading spiritual substance is: 1. To prepare the people of the northern hemisphere for the birth of the Sun God back into the hemisphere so that life may be sustained; 2. To prepare the people of Earth, as a human family, to receive the great outpouring of this spiritual Dew from the Sun God Himself; 3. To prepare each person individually to receive your share of this great outpouring into your own soul for the further development of the Christ or Divine spirit within yourself. Note carefully this threefold purpose of Christmas, and its relation to the myth of the Sun God. It should be understood that residents of northern and Southern Hemispheres alike share the benefit of this descending spiritual ether — the “Christmas Spirit.” This “birth of the sun” occurs when the zodiacal sign Virgo, the Celestial Virgin, stands upon the eastern horizon at midnight. Thus the Sun God is born of a Virgin, without any other intermediary, and thus He is “immaculately conceived.” The winter solstice in the northern hemisphere is December 22nd, shortest day of the year, or “day of darkness.” The sun “hangs in the balance” for three days following, then “triumphs over darkness,” or begins its northern journey, or birth, on December 25th. In ceremonials which were ancient hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, this was celebrated as the “sol invictus,” triumphant sun, or “sol novus,” new sun. The birth of the Christ was the entrance of the Triumphant Spiritual Light, or the New Dispensation, into the world of darkness (or spiritual ignorance). At the time of the winter solstice the Solar Deity, or Sun God, projects the very substance of His life into this planet and its people. It is this vital force that permeates the seeds of all plants and gives them LIFE, and causes people to express abundant love for each other. This is that mysterious substance in the acorn which causes it to evolve into a giant oak — that substance known as SPIRIT which could never be found by scientists, though they spend ages dissecting the acorn in search of it.

E N L I G HT E N E D DOCTORS GET TO THE HEART OF YOUR HEALTH MATTERS Healing Energies and Research Technologies, Inc. HEART offers monthly free healing clinics to the surrounding communities, addressing any physical and/or emotional concerns to all who come. These clinics are oriented to those who cannot afford treatments privately or through the existing health system wellness. HEART conducts workshops in training those who wish to become energy healing practitioners. These workshops are open to both licensed health professionals as well as the lay public. There is an established certification program that healers complete in order advertise their services. Professional CEs (Continuing Education) are provided to health professionals who attend, including nurses, licensed clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, licensed professional clinical counselors, and physical therapists. There is also a training program established for health professionals who wish to become instructors to teach energy healing workshops throughout the United States.


Mary D. Clark, Ph.D. is a Certified Pranic Healing Instructor, a Senior Certified Pranic Healer, and past coordinator of the Pranic Healing Certification Program for the central and western states. She has practiced and taught Pranic Healing for over 10 years, and mentored students from all walks of life. Mary is a licensed psychologist in Arizona, and is a licensed marriage family therapist and licensed educational psychologist in California. She maintains both a private practice and a healing practice in Encinitas, California. She has dedicated her life to connecting science to healing and her studies and research are gound-breaking in her field.


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What do you get when you cross a patriotic Russian River Valley award winning Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Cab maker with a Foundation who’s vision it is to make sure every Green Beret and his family is able to live a life of honor, dignity and purpose? You get MAGIC, and we certainly are believers.

When the odds are against us, and all signs say turn the other way. When you are down by a little, but need much more than a lot.

When Pat Merrell and Aaron Anderson met it was a “Divine Intervention”, as We Believe Wines Founder, Pat Merrell puts it. He had the label (the Statue of America holding up her wine glass) and the deep bodied “juice” but Merrell needed a raison d’être, and he found it in Aaron Anderson’s Green Beret Foundation. Faith Family and Freedom are the values We Believe expound and what better way to pair his wine with the warrior values of Anderson’s non-proft. For the Green Beret Foundation/We Believe pairing, support comes by way of financial donations; $1 of every bottle sold is donated to the Green Beret Foundation.

Love of country love of humanity is expressed perfectly with this combination and as the little reminder printed on the bottle tells us, life isn’t about who you are in good times, its about who you are during the tough times too; what path you’ll take, the easy one or the right one. Recognizing gaps in immediate support to and in the continuity of care for injured Green Berets, Aaron Anderson, himself a Special Forces Warrior wounded in battle, founded the Green Beret Foundation in 2009. For eleven years, the Foundation has grown significantly in terms of size, support from the community, and most importantly, in impact. The Green Beret Foundation has provided direct financial assistance to over 7,600 Green Berets, supported scores of families as they navigate the challenges of their new lives, and have invested 87 cents of every dollar raised back to the Green Beret community. While the GBF will continue to focus on the wounded, their families, and the families of our fallen, they are working to broaden their impact into addressing the needs of Green Berets as they transition back into civilian life. As the threat environment has grown globally since 9/11, the Green Berets continue to be called upon to meet the challenge. Currently, Green Berets are deployed in over 50 countries securing America’s strategic interests. The heavy deployment rotations come at a price: Green Berets continually sustain the highest casualty rate in the Special Operations community. Undaunted, they remain the most capable and effective fighting force that the world has ever seen. Gift some “Magic” this season and know that your support of American values like Faith Family and Freedom, are something you can celebrate tastefully and for a great cause. Cheers!



Proud supporter of The Green Beret Foundation. We believe wines has partnered with The Green Beret Foundation (gbf) on a national Level and will be giving back $5.00 On every case sold.

By Valarie Anderson Photographed by: WE BELIEVE


THE PURPOSE OF ASTARIAN ASANAS IS TO: Stimulate the lifeforce through the ckakras Raise the creative energies out of the reproductive centers, transforming them upwards to the third eye for spiritual illumination and prolonged youth


Lessens the tension in the heart action by allowing it a time of relaxation. It increases circulatory flow all over the body, bringing vitality, energy and release of inner power increasing mind power and concentration.


Combined with open throat breathing and connecting the tongue to the roof of the mouth.


The purpose of this mudra is to stimulate the two head chakras which in turn, can activate the spinal chakras. No more than 40 spins.

Performed by Carly Ackerman. You can follow Carly on instagram or go to to register for her classes. #CARLY_ELIZABETH


Lie Flat with arms at your sides, raise both legs straight up and lift head at the same time. Hold. This stimulates the solar plexus and throat chakra.


Try to do 7-21 times. This mudra stimulates the heart, throat, and root chakra.


Repeat this mudra 3 times and work up to 7. While the spine is raised up tense every muscle and hold your breath. Release and repeat.

T H E W I NT E R CALENDAR OF HAPPENINGS A N D E V E NT S ONGOING Plant Prana Essential Oils Classes Hosted by Greg Toews at Classes include: Intro to Essential Oils, Pain Management, The 7 Planetary Cycles, Improving relationships and healing with essential oils, Alchemical Process of the Zodiac, Prosperity and Manifestation and more. Check for Live classes nationwide or Zoom Meeting Schedules.

DECEMBER DECEMBER 1ST Giving Tuesday A global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

DECEMBER 10TH-18TH Hanukkah Hanukkah is a Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire.



CALENDAR O F E V E NT S DECEMBER 21ST Winter Solstice A solstice is an event occurring when the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. Astara Holiday Meditation Universal Hour of Peace The vision of the Universal Hour of Peace to unite all people of the Earth toward a common pursuit of peace of mind was motivating and inspiring.



Christmas Day Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.

Astara’s Science of Materialization


Astara 70th Anniversary Art Exhibit Onsite and Ongoing



eP ath Ahead





1 9 5 1-20 JANUARY 1ST New Year’s Day New Year’s Day, also simply called New Year, is observed on 1 January, the first day of the year on the modern Gregorian calendar as well as the Julian calendar. In pre-Christian Rome under the Julian calendar, the day was dedicated to Janus, god of gateways and beginnings, for whom January is also named.




FEBRUARY 13TH Astara’s Archangel Michael Class One day

FEBRUARY 14TH Astara’s Relationship Healing One day

MARCH MARCH 13TH- 14TH Astara’s Crystal Healing Class presented by Greg Toews Registration now open. 37


TORKOM SARAYDARIAN Author of The Ageless Wisdom & Symphony of the Zodiac etc.

“Since 1961 I have been aware of the work you (Astara) are doing for the sake of one humanity. The inspirations you received from higher sources illumined the paths of thousands of people all over the world and established a golden path toward subjective values and visions. May your garden be always blooming.” Excerpt from Astara’s 30th Anniversary program.

The future, higher evolution will belong to those who live in joy, who share joy, and who spread joy. - TORKOM SARAYDARIAN



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