Oh Canada!

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DIDACTIC UNIT: NUMBER 3: ‘OH CANADA’! 1- JUSTIFICATION: This Didactic Unit is based on our inmersion in Canadian school and in canadian life during October 2011. It lets my pupils participate in a meaningful way in the immersion of another culture by taking a visual concept and representing it kinaesthetically which helps students integrate cognitive and body awareness to recognize simple words which are a very important part of the Candian culture.

2. TIMING: The unit will be carry out in the 1st term (just when return from Canada, November) and it will take 5 sessions of 1 hour each.

3. DIDACTIC OBJECTIVES: The concrete ones for our bilingual class: 1.Recognizeand write the date and the weather. 2.Practise the language by using Total Physical Response (C1, C7 and C8); 3.Listen and show understanding by numbering and colouring (C1, C2, C6, C7 and C8); 4.Identify and name different vocabulary related to the unit (C1, C3, C5, C7 and C8); 5.Recognize by using visual support, the pictures from Canada (C6, C7 and C8); 6.Participate in talking about Canadian pictures (C1, C5, C6, C7 and C8);7.Be conscious about this new country and its culture(C6, C7 and C8); 8.Difference between photos and pictures (C6, C7 and C8); 9.Use simple vocabulary to make themselves understood (C6, C7 andC8); 10.Value the importance of respecting art (C3, C6, C7 and C8); 11.Revise numbers and colours. (C1, C2, C7 and C8).

Those objectives unique to Arts and Crafts: 1. Identify and name materials 2. Understand and apply basic rules of care of the material 3. To explore the characteristics and properties of materials. 4. Use the correct space for drawing and colouring. 5. Use correctly different techniques and combine them properly (such as Drawing, gluing, cut‌and so on. 6. Analyze, appreciate, respect and evaluate (self-assesment and formative Assessment).

4. BLOCKS OF CONTENTS: A) BLOCK1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING (THE FORMER CONCEPTS): 1.Internalising and using the learnt routines (greetings and farewells‌); 2.Identification of words related to the topic; 3.Repetition of words after hearing them; 4.Using verbal and non-verbal responses to visual stimuli; 5.Listening to and understanding simple instructions; 6. 7.Understanding and saying the numbers and colours; 10.Making a CRAFT following instructions; 10.Memorising the word of the day (formative assessment) 11.Responding to oral instructions. B) BLOCK 2: READING AND WRITING (THE FORMER CONCEPTS): 1.Using visual and verbal context to recognise words; 2.Tracing on words learned; 3.Writing the numbers; 4. Matching flashcards with their respective words;5.Making a cut-out; 6.Recognizing the word of the day; 7.Assessing of one's own work; 8. Participation in the EDILIM activities (TICs-C4).


C.1)BLOCK 3 (PART I): REFLECTION ABOUT LANGUAGE (THE FORMER CONCEPTS): 1.Main language children use: Greeting and farewell routines; …………………………………….Following instructions; Repeating oral patterns. 2.Recycled language: “good”, “bad”; “Do you like...?” I like...” “This is…” 3.Class vocabulary: “cut out and match”, “colour”, “draw”, “mix up”… 4.Stress, rhythm and intonation: Accuracy in words and structures.

C.2) BLOCK 3 (PART II): MULTICULTURALITY OR SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS (THE FORMER ATTITUDINAL CONTENTS): 1.Understanding the importance of art; 2.Understanding the importance of keeping their turn to speak; 3.Using basic formulas of social relations; 4.Respect for art and our classmates productions; 5.Interest in participating in the classroom activities; 6.Learning about Canada; 7.Willingness toward their own learning; 8.Respect for other mates’ participation. 5. TYPE OF INTERACTION: the whole class; pair, individual and team work.

10. EVALUATION: Tools or Instruments of evaluation: 1. Assessment of each individual child: Guessing dictation, direct observation, and formative assessment 2.Self-assessment sheet: where each student assesses their own work (C7 and C8). 3. Teacher evaluation of the unit. Criteria used for assessing each individual child: 1.Acquire greeting and farewell routines; 2.Be able to learn songs with a specific aim; 3.Know how to name and identify new vocabulary and simple structures; 4.Know how to answer simple oral instructions; 5.Participate actively in the teaching learning process.

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