Andrea Hannah Cooper - CV & Portfolio

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personal information, design skills, curriculum vitae, portfolio & contact details

andrea hannah cooper graphic designer

personal information

Born in England - 07.02..1992

Moved to Copenhagen - 09.07.2005

Worked in Uganda Worked in South Africa Studying in Leeds, England - August/September 2013 - June/July 2007 - 2010 - 2014

I am a graphic designer interested in branding & identity, I am currently based in Leeds, United Kingdom but as I packaging, web and editorial design, particularly for not consider myself to be an international kid, I aim to work for profit and charity organisations. I am also hugely all over the world. interested in culture, language and travel and these themes appear throughout my work.

Having grown up in an international environment, I feed off not only different cultures but also working with and learning from others. I see collaboration as an essential part of the design process and I think every single person has different skills to contribute.

design skills

Branding & Identity

Print & Editorial

Web & Applications


To me, design is not only communication, but I also see it as another language to learn and use. It still fascinates me that design can be used to give someone or something an identity and for me the most rewarding

aspect of design is successfully managing to represent an identity across the necessary platforms. Throughout my university education, I have developed this interest in creating brands and identities and then applying





them across different print and digital products, such as editorial, web and mobile applications, packaging and advertising, and I have had the technical training to produce websites and to work with printers.


Idea generation

curriculum vitae Education

Volunteer Experiences

Software Skills

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Graphic Design

East African Playgrounds

Proficient in:

Leeds College of Art 2011 - 2014 (expected)

Volunteer & Fundraiser Jinja, Uganda December 2012 - September 2013

Foundation Diploma in Art and Design & UAL Drawing Diploma Leeds College of Art 2010 - 2011

International Baccalaureate Diploma Copenhagen International School 2008 - 2010

Pre IB - STX C Level Exams

Roots & Shoots Volunteer & Photographer Copenhagen, Denmark 2008 - 2010

Sophumelela Pre School Volunteer Teacher Khayelitsha Township, Cape Town, South Africa June - July 2007

Birkerød Gymnasium 2007 - 2008

Awards D&AD Student Awards Best of Year 2013 (Collaboration with Alex Goddard)

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Il ustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Dreamweaver

Languages Fluent in English Proficient in Danish, Experienced in French Can read basic Swedish and Norwegian.

Crows Nest January 2014 Self initiated fictional brief to rebrand a tourism accommodation service in Sipi Falls, Uganda as a practical response to theory explored in written dissertation

branding & identity editorial design Dissertation topic: Design for the tourism industry in Uganda : Is it possible to produce a brand identity for a tourist experience that is truly sympathetic towards both a tourist’s authentic experience and the Ugandan national identity?

website design promotion & advertising

Crows Nest January 2014 Self initiated fictional brief to rebrand a tourism accommodation service in Sipi Falls, Uganda as a practical response to theory explored in written dissertation

The concept of the practical dissertation element was to create a brand for a tourism location in Uganda, attempting to create an identity for Crows Nest which is sympathetic to both the Ugandan national identity and the tourist’s authentic cultural experience.

Crows Nest January 2014 Self initiated fictional brief to rebrand a tourism accommodation service in Sipi Falls, Uganda as a practical response to theory explored in written dissertation

The brand logo incorporates a combination of modern Western style typography and iconic Ugandan imagery. The symbolism of the crested crane, the Ugandan national bird, tied with the block san serif type creates a convergence between the sense of touristic discovery and traditional Ugandan values. The two merge seemlessly together to epitomise the relationship between Crows Nest and the

tourist. As the crane is said to symbolise the friendly, gentle and peace-loving characteristics of the Ugandan people, this is a perfect emblem to use for the warm and hospitable Crows Nest. The Ugandan flag colours (red, black and yellow) are employed throughout the brand aesthetics to constantly subconsciously bring in the Ugandan national identity.

Crows Nest January 2014 Self initiated fictional brief to rebrand a tourism accommodation service in Sipi Falls, Uganda as a practical response to theory explored in written dissertation

The promotional aspects draw the customer in, and as tourism accommodation services in Uganda are usually discovered by the tourist through word of mouth or from adverts in other tourism locations, this ties Crows Nest into being a part of an overall Ugandan experience.

The printed ephemera such as receipts allow the customer to further interact with the brand than simply visiting Crows Nest. These all make the brand more memorable and this is a very important aspect in tourism theory as people visit other countries and cultures for the memories they will leave with.

Crows Nest January 2014 Self initiated fictional brief to rebrand a tourism accommodation service in Sipi Falls, Uganda as a practical response to theory explored in written dissertation

A web presence is something which Crows Nest, like many other Ugandan tourism businesses, does not have. A website, particularly in this contemporary Western style, is not something that would be considered authentically Ugandan but when talking about sympathetic design, it is necessary to also consider the tourist and

how they would interact with the brand. The website is not aimed at the locals and therefore needs no real references to Ugandan production techniques, but instead has to persuade the tourist to consider Crows Nest.

Crows Nest January 2014 Self initiated fictional brief to rebrand a tourism accommodation service in Sipi Falls, Uganda as a practical response to theory explored in written dissertation

The rebrand proposal booklet ties the theory into practice by explaining and clarifying how the theory discussed in the written Context of Practice element can be applied to an actual tourism location in Uganda.

The book covers the topics of the theory, the brand identity and aesthetics, the applications of the brand and products that can be used to support the brand.

Sipi Coffee October - December 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a coffee production company in Sipi Falls, Mount Elgon, Uganda

The region of Sipi, Mount Elgon in Eastern Uganda produces some of the best coffee in the world, which is sold through middle men to large corporations for big profits. The brief was to create a brand of coffee from Sipi where the money made from selling it goes back into the community that produces it.

branding & identity packaging design website design

Sipi Coffee October - December 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a coffee production company in Sipi Falls, Mount Elgon, Uganda

The range of products included packaging for regular, bold and decaf varieties of the ground coffee, glass jars and refill packets of regular instant and decaf coffee and hessian sacks of roasted beans.

Sipi Coffee October - December 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a coffee production company in Sipi Falls, Mount Elgon, Uganda

The range of products included packaging for regular, bold and decaf varieties of the ground coffee, glass jars and refill packets of regular instant and decaf coffee and hessian sacks of roasted beans.

Sipi Coffee October - December 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a coffee production company in Sipi Falls, Mount Elgon, Uganda

The brand also included a website which would tell the story of the area and the coffee production process and also include a shop for customers to purchase the different coffee products in the range.

Alt. Travel December 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to create a brand of tourism guides aimed at younger people to show an alternative style of holiday

The first issue produced introduces young people to the idea of a cheaper African adventure while providing all the necessary information for a safe and successful trip.

branding & identity editorial design

Alt. Travel December 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to create a brand of tourism guides aimed at younger people to show an alternative style of holiday

Alt. Travel December 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to create a brand of tourism guides aimed at younger people to show an alternative style of holiday

artambition April - May 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a children’s charity which introduces the idea of art, competitions and exhibitions to young children.

branding & identity Artambition is a nationwide children’s art charity programme which would be run through different primary schools around the country. It is aimed at children aged 7 to 11 who have expressed an interest in art, and would teach them new skills through lessons and workshops, which they can then apply to art work which would stand the chance of being exhibited in the artambition gallery and online.

editorial design website design packaging design

artambition April - May 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a children’s charity which introduces the idea of art, competitions and exhibitions to young children.

The branding for the programme involves a colourful logo when being directed towards the children, and a single colour logo for all other uses. The branding also uses a custom typeface which has been designed to be child friendly. There are 4 sets of main designs which fulfill the needs of the programme; the children’s membership kit, school related materials, information for the parents and a website.

artambition April - May 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a children’s charity which introduces the idea of art, competitions and exhibitions to young children.

The first point of contact the children would have with the programme would be through the welcome/membership art kit their parents would buy when registering them with the group at the child’s primary school. The art kit contains both branded products, such as the t-shirts, and also products such as the art materials.

artambition April - May 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a children’s charity which introduces the idea of art, competitions and exhibitions to young children.

The website contains information on how the programme functions, contact details, a calendar of workshop events and the showcase galery of featured children’s artwork.

The designs for each part of the website are aimed at three different audiences (children, parents and teachers), while also taking into consideration the fact that it is conceptually a charity and would rely on sponsorship so the design also appeals to potential benefactors.

artambition April - May 2013 Self initiated fictional brief to brand a children’s charity which introduces the idea of art, competitions and exhibitions to young children.

The range of products also contained three different booklets which provided the necessary information to the children, parents and teachers.

D&AD Batiste Dry Shampoo February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for Batiste Dry Shampoo 2013 Collaboration with creative advertising student, Alex Goddard

The brief was to build the Batiste brand by creating four new graphic identities and fragrances. The designs should fit in with the current range but have stand out shelf appeal. This should then be demonstrated across a number of practical applications, such as packaging, website and advertising.

packaging design website design promotion & advertising collaboration

D&AD Batiste Dry Shampoo February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for Batiste Dry Shampoo 2013 Collaboration with creative advertising student, Alex Goddard

The products in this range target fashionable women who are short of time due to their situation - at work, on a night out, at a festival or on holiday. They are image conscious, hence the association with shoes and the tagline ‘Good shoes take you places.. so does good hair’.

lift & liven

enhance & invigorate

unwind & uplift

excite & energize





D&AD Batiste Dry Shampoo February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for Batiste Dry Shampoo 2013 Collaboration with creative advertising student, Alex Goddard

Shoes are also an essential part of a woman’s day-to-day outfit, which implies that these cans could also be an essential part of a womans day-to-day beauty kit.

D&AD Batiste Dry Shampoo February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for Batiste Dry Shampoo 2013 Collaboration with creative advertising student, Alex Goddard

The website is built to work within the range but to also fit seamlessly into the Batiste brand and current website.

D&AD Batiste Dry Shampoo February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for Batiste Dry Shampoo 2013 Collaboration with creative advertising student, Alex Goddard

This ambient advertising interferes with how each target market interacts with their environment. The tube doors closing would eminate the sound made by dry shampoo as it is sprayed and is in the perfect place to catch the eye of commuting working women.

D&AD Batiste Dry Shampoo February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for Batiste Dry Shampoo 2013 Collaboration with creative advertising student, Alex Goddard

The suitcase would be placed on carousels in airports amongst other baggage. The tent would be pitched in camping areas at festivals. The car would drive around cities known for their clubbing culture.

D&AD L’Artisan Parfumeur February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for L’Artisan Parfumeur 2013 Collaboration with Lisa Collier & Hannah Watt

The brief was to re-envisage the L’Artisan Parfumeur brand for the 21st Century by creating a design solution for a new unisex range of scents. The creative challenge was to showcase their latest range, a collection uniquely based around bottled emotions, by breaking the rules of conventional perfume packaging.

packaging design collaboration

D&AD L’Artisan Parfumeur February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for L’Artisan Parfumeur 2013 Collaboration with Lisa Collier & Hannah Watt

The perfume box works using the principles of a puzzle box. Alchemy itself was a closely held secret and the packaging attempts to convey the special, almost magical nature of the ‘emotions in a bottle’ contained inside. The audience interacts with the packaging, searching for the opening as there is no visible lid, the box itself is designed to be simple, mirroring the classy, elegance of the brand values.

D&AD L’Artisan Parfumeur February - March 2013 D&AD Student Awards brief for L’Artisan Parfumeur 2013 Collaboration with Lisa Collier & Hannah Watt

‘Alchemy, the medieval forerunner of modern day chemistry, is based on the supposed transformation of matter, and was developed from Hermetic principles of mythology, religion and spirituality into experimental processes and scientific techniques which are still recognisable today.’

ENVIROtype January 2013 Fictional brief (based on the 2009 ISTD brief ‘Environment Typography Environment’) to propose a travelling exhibition of environmental typography.

ENVIROtype is a fictional exhibition of how typography can be found in different environments while also exploring how typography can create and build up these environments. It features work from a range of different typographers, artists and designers, and emphasis is put on the buildings that house the exhibition as this changes as the exhibition moves around the country.

branding & identity website design promotion & advertising

ENVIROtype January 2013 Fictional brief (based on the 2009 ISTD brief ‘Environment Typography Environment’) to propose a travelling exhibition of environmental typography.

The supporting website for the exhibitions is a simple design with 3 pages, where the Homepage shows imagery realting to where the exhibition is currently being held, with clickable characters in the images which pop up with information about the anatomy of type.

ENVIROtype January 2013 Fictional brief (based on the 2009 ISTD brief ‘Environment Typography Environment’) to propose a travelling exhibition of environmental typography.

The iPhone app will be a supporting interactive product for the exhibition, allowing the user to take a photograph of their surroundings, choose a typeface, then the app will convert it into a typographic image which they can then share on social networking sites.

ENVIROtype January 2013 Fictional brief (based on the 2009 ISTD brief ‘Environment Typography Environment’) to propose a travelling exhibition of environmental typography.

Not only is ENVIROtype an exhibition of different artists, typographers and designer’s work, it is also the chance for the general public to learn more about typography and with every exhibition, the gift shop would stock books about type and other promotional products, such as posters.

ENVIROtype January 2013 Fictional brief (based on the 2009 ISTD brief ‘Environment Typography Environment’) to propose a travelling exhibition of environmental typography.

Each exhibition in each different city would have its own set of printed promotional material, all following within the same theme. These would include the exhibition booklet which contains information about some of the featured artists and would act as a souvenir for the visitors to the exhibitions to take away, a printed ticket

which allows admission to the gallery, and a set of fliers for each of the exhibitions. The printed products each use the same stock and all have subtle black foiling over the logo and imagery, although the typographic images of the buildings used would change depending on each location.

ENVIROtype January 2013 Fictional brief (based on the 2009 ISTD brief ‘Environment Typography Environment’) to propose a travelling exhibition of environmental typography.

contact details Website:

References: Fred Bates

Phone: + 44 (0) 7746 976 417 (English) +45 41 25 16 09 (Danish)

Programme Manager, BA Hons Graphic Design Leeds College of Art

Lorraine McKee

Email: Pinterest: LinkedIn:

Senior Lecturer, BA Hons Graphic Design Leeds College of Art

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